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Site & Scene News

The latest scene and console emulation and hacking news alongside other gaming news, competitions, give-aways, video game and gaming hardware reviews and much more!
uLaunch uLaunch is a custom, open-source Nintendo Switch HOME menu replacement/reimplementation! This isn't some kind of HOME menu extension, injection, patch, etc.: uLaunch is an entire reimplementation (of key components), 100% open-source! For more detailed information, check uLaunch's GitHub repository: https://github.com/XorTroll/uLaunch Releases: https://github.com/XorTroll/uLaunch/releases/latest Let uLaunch be the HOME menu Nintendo never bothered to make!
First launched last year, SimpleModDownloader is a Nintendo Switch homebrew, developed by GBAtemp member @PoloNX, that allows you to download mods from gamebanana directly to your Nintendo Switch. The developer has just released a major update to the app which has been rewritten from scratch and utilizes a new version of Borealis for the UI. Some of the new changes include: Here's the changelog, which is quite extensive, and I may have surely missed some things Rewritten app from scratch using Borealis. Transitioned to a new build tool: CMake. Added a new page to preview the mod. Implemented detection to check if a mod is compatible with SimpleModDownloader. Added a fix to prevent a crash that occurred when the mod contained special...
With Nintendo ceasing online communication for Nintendo 3DS, 2DS and Wii U systems next month, SpotPass data distribution will be halted. This will in turn affect games that use SpotPass features such as Mario Kart 7 and some Pokémon games. In order to enable such features to persist even after official support ends, the SpotPass Archival Project was launched. It allows owners of 3DS, 2DS and Wii U consoles to contribute their SpotPass data for archival purposes to assist network revival services in preserving SpotPass content. The project page notes that when collected, database dumps are anonymized before being sent to network revival services to allow SpotPass features to be replicated later. It further notes that "in the interest...