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Site & Scene News

The latest scene and console emulation and hacking news alongside other gaming news, competitions, give-aways, video game and gaming hardware reviews and much more!
Just a few weeks after the launch of Skyward Sword HD's randomizer, Zelda fans can one again rejoice as a new way to play the popular Wii U remaster Wind Waker HD has been released. Much like Skyward Sword, Wind Waker has long had a popular randomizer for its original release, but this marks the first time players have been able to enjoy the enhanced graphics and tweaks of the remaster in a fully random way. For those unaware, randomizers take the familiar landscape of a game and shuffle obtainable items to create entirely unique playthroughs that can provide interesting and new challenges. Many of the available settings here will be familiar to users of the original Wind Waker randomizer, with the app itself being incredibly easy to...
Homebrew games for retro consoles have seen a rise over the years thanks to new tools and community-made development kits, which help a lot in the process of creating brand-new games for older consoles. This past month, romhacker and developer kandowontu, also known for his Starfox EX romhack for the original Starfox and several FastROM hacks for over 60 titles for the SNES, alongside a team of artists and other coders, have been working lately on a new homebrew game for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) titled "Famidash", a demake of the popular rhythm-action platformer indie game Geometry Dash developed originally by Robert Topala on 2013 (also be found on Steam). Famidash is currently being developed in what seems to be a...
uLaunch uLaunch is a custom, open-source Nintendo Switch HOME menu replacement/reimplementation! This isn't some kind of HOME menu extension, injection, patch, etc.: uLaunch is an entire reimplementation (of key components), 100% open-source! For more detailed information, check uLaunch's GitHub repository: https://github.com/XorTroll/uLaunch Releases: https://github.com/XorTroll/uLaunch/releases/latest Let uLaunch be the HOME menu Nintendo never bothered to make!