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News SNK "Very Aware" We All Want A New Capcom Vs. SNK Game, But "The Hurdle Is Quite High"


There's been a serious resurgence in the world of fighting games recently, specifically those related to Capcom and SNK, the two biggest companies operating in this space in the 1990s.

We've seen SNK characters appear in Street Fighter 6, and Street Fighter characters are lined up for the next Fatal Fury instalment, which has predictably lent even more weight to demands that the two companies work together on another Capcom vs. SNK outing.

Japanese magazine Famitsu spoke to SNK producers Yasuyuki Oda and Joshua Weatherford during the Tokyo Game Show and touched upon this very topic (thanks to Event Hubs for the translation).

Oda said:

There's nothing decided as of right now, so I can't say anything about that, but at the end of the day, the worldwide fighting game community keeps saying, "Please make a new Capcom vs. SNK", right... We're very aware of this, haha!
To be perfectly honest, the hurdle for doing something like that is quite high, but we're always in communication with the development teams at Capcom and we're on very good terms, so I don't think it's impossible.

Weatherford thinks that part of getting a new game made revolves around ensuring that people are aware of Capcom and SNK's history by taking part in more crossover events:

It might be a long path to get there, but we're steadily moving forward. For me personally, what I'd like to do next is bring Capcom vs. SNK back. Kind of like Super Smash Bros.
I know that Oda-san isn't a fan of this idea, but Ryu is in Fortnite, right? Let Terry shoot a gun too, and revive Capcom vs. SNK there! Fall Guys has Terry and Mai so, if they can bring Ryu and Chun-Li there we could bring Capcom vs. SNK back to life in a lot of different areas!

Oda responded to this suggestion with "And that's that," and a laugh, signalling that the conversion on the subject was at a close.

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