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News Yes, You Can Buy Virtual Boy Merch At The Nintendo Museum


As you've probably already seen, Nintendo's Japanese museum is close to opening, and the internet has been flooded with preview images showing off exhibits, displays and – yes – merchandise.

The museum's shop is packed with goodies covering pretty much every era of the company's history, including Wii, N64, Game & Watch and Virtual Boy.

The inclusion of the latter seems to have surprised some people, given that the Virtual Boy is one of Nintendo's most high-profile flops.

While it didn't sell particularly well, Nintendo has acknowledged the Virtual Boy previously; it appeared in Tomodachi Life, WarioWare and even as a bonus item in the 3DS StreetPass mode.

So it perhaps shouldn't come as a massive shock to see Nintendo promoting the Virtual Boy via shirts and other merch, but that doesn't make us want these items any less.

How much is a flight to Japan again?

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