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News SuperSega FPGA Console Shown Running Master System, Genesis And Saturn Games


The SuperSega FPGA console is an upcoming all-in-one retro gaming system that can play games from a wide range of classic Sega consoles, including the Master System, Genesis/Mega Drive, Saturn, and Dreamcast.

According to the latest reports, a prototype of the SuperSega has been shown running games from these various Sega systems. The footage demonstrates the console's ability to play titles like Saturn Bomberman, Shinobi, and Golden Axe II, as well as Master System and Genesis/Mega Drive games.

However, the development of the console is still ongoing, with the team noting that the Saturn and Dreamcast cores are not yet finalized. The Saturn core, in particular, is said to have some performance issues at the moment. The user interface of the SuperSega is also described as being quite rough-looking, with the team planning to refine it further.

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The SuperSega is expected to go into production in October 2024, with the final product targeted for release in December of that year. The console will feature built-in cartridge slots and a disc drive to accommodate the various Sega formats, and there are also plans to potentially add support for Compact Flash storage to enable faster loading of Saturn and Dreamcast games.

Overall, the SuperSega FPGA console seems to be an ambitious project that aims to provide a comprehensive Sega gaming experience in a single device. While there are still some kinks to be worked out, the early footage suggests that the team behind the console is making good progress, and retro gaming enthusiasts will likely be keeping a close eye on its development in the coming months.


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