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News Sierra's Ken Williams Is As Confused As You About Colossal Cave's Tiny Box


Ken and Roberta Williams' Colossal Cave was recently reimagined for a new generation, and Limited Run Games has duly stepped in to create a physical version of the game.

The issue here is that the end result is a little less "colossal" than people were expecting.

The game is now arriving in the hands of those who pre-ordered it, and many are slightly taken aback by the fact that it ships in such a tiny box – and not a huge one, as was tradition back in the days of '80s and '90s PC gaming.

Even Ken Williams himself is surprised at the diminutive size of the packaging:

I'm not sure why the box is so small. Limited Run Games made the decision, and I'm sure l signed off on the box, but I thought it would be Sierra-size. I didn't realize it was small until I saw one in person a week ago.

However, Williams adds that it has grown on him, and overall, the product represents amazing value, irrespective of its size.

My first reaction was negative, but then I decided it was kind of cool, and it looks fine on my bookshelf.
On the positive side, we loaded up the USB stick with all kinds of fun surprises, so it really is a heck of a bargain... My book is on there, plus I think we put several other books including Steven Emond's book about Sierra and Shawn Mills' book about Sierra.
And - there's a Steam key, which l'd encourage people to do. We just did a major upgrade to the game a week ago, and you'll want to have the latest/greatest.

Have you received your copy of Colossal Cave? Let us know your thoughts with a comment.

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