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News Sega's OutRun Gets Fan-Made Lego Kit, And It Could Become A Reality


We recently reported on a cool 'Lego Ideas' set based on the WipEout series, and today we're back in the land of bricks via another community-made pitch – this time for Sega's iconic OutRun.

Designer Jugles has put together a block-based tribute to Yu Suzuki's 1986 arcade racer, complete with a scenic vista and moving joystick.

"I wanted to try to recreate the iconic starting scene from OutRun Stage 1 as well as giving it my own twist," the creator says. "The building consists of 1735 bricks forming a diorama playing with perspective. The frame of the build is meant to resemble an arcade machine. The joystick is movable and linked with the car to make it possible to slightly shift the car from side to side."


As with all Lego Ideas pitches, this needs to reach a certain number of user votes before it will be considered for review, so make sure you pledge your support if you'd like to see it become a reality.

OutRun was one of Sega's most successful coin-ops of the '80s, and would spawn a series of sequels, including Turbo OutRun, OutRunners and OutRun 2.

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