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News Saturn FPGA Core Just Hit Another Important "Accuracy Milestone"


Sergiy Dvodnenko's Saturn FPGA core has surprised a lot of people with its level of accuracy – after all, this was a venture that many assumed would never happen on the MiSTer FPGA platform.

However, Dvodnenko's hard work continues and the core has just passed another important milestone in terms of accuracy – it now achieves a 100% score on the Sega Custom Sound Processor test utility.

Also known as the Yamaha YMF292, the Saturn Custom Sound Processor is found in the Saturn as well as the Sega Model 2A-CRX, Model 2B-CRX, and Sega Model 3 arcade boards.

While audio is, of course, just one part of the puzzle, the fact that the FPGA core has scored 100% accuracy certainly bodes well for its future development.

It's already close to running every Saturn game.

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