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News Poignant slice-of-life mystery visual novel SINce: Off the Starry Sky launches in the West later this month


The Western release date for the latest title in the Memories Off series, SINce Memories: Off the Starry Sky, if officially right around the corner as publisher PQube announced an October release date today.

SINce Memories: Off the Starry Sky follows kind-hearted Junya, who is lost in his own world after tragically losing his brother. His friends try to keep him grounded as Junya tries to focus on school and work. But instead, he loses himself trying to help others in need.

As Junya works on rebuilding the Hojo Manor, he will reveal secrets of the past, the truth behind his brother's death, and what's going on with the mysterious girl following him. He is mysteriously linked to the women around him. He can find peace for himself by deepening his relationship with each of them and solving their interwoven problems.

The five heroines represent five branching routes.

  1. Chihaya is the well-off child of a politician. She wants to renovate her grandfather's estate into a café. She struggles with independence but will get better with the help of her best friend, Hinata, and Junya.
  2. Hinata, Chihaya's BFF, is in line for the next attendant position with the Hojo family. She never leaves her friend's side, though she wants her to be more independent — even if that means Hinata has less presence in Chihaya's life. Hinata holds onto a secret so carefully that even Chihaya doesn't know.
  3. Chunyu is a Chinese exchange student, here to study traditional architecture. She has a familial link to the town and is seeking some old sake cups owned by her grandfather. She's never afraid to voice her opinion.
  4. Yuriko is a famous idol who is rumoured to be in a disagreement with her management. She's taking some time off but intends to perform in front of people again.
  5. Azusa is an acquaintance of Junya's passed brother, and she seems awfully sure that Junya is the reason for the death. She doesn't want him to dig into it so she follows him around to make sure secrets stay good and buried.

Developed by Mages. and published in the West by PQube, SINce Memories: Off the Starry Sky will be released for PC via Steam, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch on October 23. Physical editions will be available for PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch versions of the game.

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