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News NISA announces the release date for RPG Maker WITH


You'll be able to make more JRPGs to share with your buddies right on your Nintendo Switch in just a few months. NISA has announced that RPG Maker WITH will release on October 11 for Switch, with a PS4 and PS5 version coming later in the year.

There's already an RPG Maker on Switch, of course – RPG Maker MV – but RPG Maker WITH promises more tools and greater accessibility than has ever been available before. This is coupled with a "user-friendly interface and intuitive controls," according to NISA, which "make it easy to choose between creating simple or complex assets and functions, so you can dive right in, regardless of skill level."

The single biggest feature, however, is the ability to work together with buddies to create a game together. That wasn't possible with MV, and might help certain people that start a game but never finish it (me, I'm talking about me) to actually get something over the line.

To support the announcement of the release date, NISA has also provided a new trailer to highlight this all-important "WITH" feature.

I'm very much looking forward to digging into this in October.

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