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News New SNES "Edge-Enhancer" mod brings clean CVBS and S-Video output on console


Retro gaming consoles have seen a fair share of hardware modifications throughout the years, and with several advancements in technologies, previous methods of connecting those older video game consoles into a TV come at a huge loss of video quality with many players wanting to output a better quality image from their original consoles, or in some dire cases, connecting said consoles becomes entirely obsolete, as is the case with consoles from the 3rd generation (NES, SG-1000) and older, which used to connect with RF modulators to CRT TVs.

Those are just some of the reasons why many people have done an incredible amount of research into retro consoles and their hardware, to be available to create hardware modifications that would allow for a much cleaner and crisp image quality with modern televisions and equipment.

Such is the case of hardware modder Voultar, who has worked extensively on such a solution for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) titled "Edge-Enhancer", where he researched the 2CHIP SNES' Digital-Analog Converter (DAC) to create the best possible output on modern TVs. Gaming YouTube channel "My Life in Gaming" previously showcased six months ago an earlier prototype of the "Edge-Enhancer" to incredible results.

According to Voultar, the latest prototype is now ready, with the final production prototype now built, and a retail sale of the mod itself will most likely be coming soon to Voultar's Website, although with no set date yet

Additionally, Voultar also commented on the necessity of creating a brand new sharpening mod compared to currently existing ones, citing several reasons, but to sum them up, the high-pass filters that some mods utilize don't bring a good enough sharpening to the image, the colours get modified when compared to the original output and some visual noises and distortions also being affected by the high-pass filters.

Those interested in the Edge-Enhancer mod can follow Voultar's Youtube Channel, X account or his website directly for upcoming news on when the mod will be available for purchase.

:arrow: Voultar's Modding Website
:arrow: Voultar's YouTube Channel


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