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News More Taito Arcade Archives Games Are Now On Sale On PS4


Hamster Corp has announced yet another sale on its Taito Arcade Archives' library of classic reissues (thanks @ohfivepro!).

The 50% off sale applies to 10 titles from the legendary arcade publisher Taito and is active across the Nintendo Switch eShop and the PlayStation store in Japan, as well as the PlayStation store in the US & UK.

According to the store pages for the games, the sale will reportedly end on October 9th in the UK and October 10th in the US, and will see the prices of the chosen games reduced to just £2.89/$3.99 from their usual starting price of £5.29/$7.99. This means it's a pretty great opportunity to nab some of these titles for slightly cheaper if you've yet to get around to buying them.

Here is the full list of titles that are included:

As detailed above, all of these titles are available for PlayStation 4 in the US and the UK, except for Wild Western which was only released on the Nintendo Switch eShop in the UK.

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