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News Doom for SNES full source code released by former Sculptured Software employees


The complete source code for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) version of Doom has been released on archive.org. Although some of the code was partially released a few years ago, this is the first time the full source code has been made publicly available.

The complete set of disks, discovered by Jeff Hughes, a former employee of Sculptured Software contain all the necessary files to recreate the development environment that may have been used back in 1995. This includes the previously withheld third-party sound driver and cutter tool which were held back from previous releases. The disks were originally created using Amiga's HDBackup (BRU) and the files are designed for use on an Amiga system or WinUAE Amiga emulator.

It will be interesting to see what the community may achieve with this source code, perhaps the game can be further optimized beyond what was originally possible back in 1995.

:arrow: Source (archive.org)

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