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Translation Dezaemon 3D Gets English Translation, Including Nintendo 64DD Functionality


Athena's shoot 'em up creation kit series Dezaemon started life on the Famicom, and allowed players to create their own shooters.

It would later expand to the SNES, Saturn and N64 – with the latter almost getting a 64DD expansion update that would have massively increased its scope, allowing for larger games, no limits on image creation and the ability to save multiple games to disk. It would also have supported mouse control.

Sadly, this functionality never saw the light of day, mainly because the 64DD was a commercial dud – but thankfully, because the data was included on the cartridge version of the game, it is playable – and thanks to the efforts of the community, it's now possible to do so in English.

"Zoinkity has provided us a full English translation of Dezaemon 3D, the shoot 'em up maker that also happened to be the first N64 game to support the 64DD (but the disk was unreleased) and also the N64 Mouse," says @LuigiBlood on social media.

"It joins the family of translations of Dezaemon series on Famicom and Super Famicom by Aeon Genesis. It also exists on PS1 (actually was released globally thanks to PS3) and Saturn (Dezaemon 2), which actually had a booming scene, if you like shoot 'em ups you should really look."

@LuigiBlood notes that "there might be save issues that you might deal with, Dezaemon 3D cartridge is actually using a very unique save format that's only used by this game, and emulators may not do it justice. If so, just emulate the game with a Dezaemon 64DD disk, it would solve the problem by itself."

You can download the patch here.

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