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News Blaze Responds To Reports That Some Evercade VS-R Pre-Orders Failed To Arrive


Evercade maker Blaze has issued a statement following reports that some pre-orders of its new Evercade VS-R home console have failed to reach customers.

According to Blaze, stock has been "oversold" by some retailers, meaning that some of the people who pre-ordered the machine prior to launch didn't have a system allocated to them.

Blaze says that additional stock is currently on its way to affected retailers, and more units are in production. It added that in Spain, the release date has been pushed back to October 1st.

The full statement can be found below.

We have received a lot of correspondence regarding Evercade VS-R orders not being fulfilled by some retailers, despite them pre-ordering the product in advance.
We've spent the last few days investigating the situation and have found in some circumstances the stock has been oversold above agreed and available allocated levels and no extra stock was immediately available to satisfy requests from our retail partners.
This overwhelming initial demand for the Evercade VS-R has been beyond our projections, and we want to assure you that additional stock is on the way to retailers, with even more units in production. We hope this will help resolve the supply issues over the coming weeks and months.
For our customers in Spain, a new release date of October 1st is in place to allow our distributor to ship the consoles and fulfill all pre-orders across retailers for the Evercade VS-R.
We apologise if you have been affected by any of these issues. We will keep all retailers updated regarding future shipments so they may update you on your orders.

The Evercade VS-R is a revised version of the original VS home console and ships with a copy of Tomb Raider Collection 1.

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