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News Atari Fans Spent $1000 On 50th XP Collection Only To Find Two Of Its Games Are Broken


Back in 2023, Atari released a 50th-anniversary box set which cost $1000 and included 10 Atari VCS / 2600 carts: Adventure, Missile Command, Warlords, Super Breakout, Crystal Castles, Haunted House, Yars' Revenge, Centipede, Asteroids and Gravitar.

As you can imagine, with a pack with that kind of value, many people who picked it up decided to keep it sealed and place it on the shelf – but those who decided to open it up and actually play the games were in for a nasty surprise.

According to Scot 'Cear Dragon' Clark, the copy of Crystal Castles which ships with the collection is "totally bug-ridden and unplayable", while some copies of Haunted House have the PCB installed backwards – an issue which previously happened with some of Atari's other stand-alone XP releases.

"This is insane," adds Clark. "A collection costing over $1000 shipped with 1 to 2 broken games. Worse still, Atari's official statement via customer support is that fans can never have working carts, and to get their money back, have to ship back the two middle boxes for an incomplete collection."

He adds that Atari's response to this issue has been poor, to say the least. "No one seems to care. Atari's CEO is deaf on Twitter, customer support has taken almost a year just to tell us they will never ship working cartridges."

Another Twitter user adds: "The whole XP cartridge thing has been extremely frustrating. Waiting up to a year after payment for the finished product (it took OVER ONE YEAR for me to receive Adventure) and 2 defective games that will never be fixed… seems more like an amateurish Kickstarter campaign."

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