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  1. admin

    Gaming Assassin's Creed meets Ghost of Tsushima in stunning gameplay demo from open world RPG

    Assassin's Creed and Ghost of Tsushima share a lot of similarities from the gorgeous open worlds, a choice of stealth or all-out action combat, RPG mechanics and much more. However, what if we could blend the worlds of Assassin's Creed and Ghost of Tsushima, that would surely make for an...
  2. admin

    Gaming We need more RPGs that aren’t Japanese or “Western” in culture and narrative

    I'm playing through Broken Roads right now. It's basically "if Fallout was set in Australia," or "if Mad Max was made into a game that actually respected Mad Max as a concept," and I'm loving it. I'll have a full review later on this week, but I wanted to use the game as an excuse to talk about...