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Wii U has no video signal, and no game pad synced - How I fixed it.

Recently I had a Wii U that I was selling (I'v got 4 of them,) and the buyer got back to me right away, and said I sold him a brick. I was like "No I didn't. It worked fine a couple months ago, before I put in storage for sale."
Long story short, I gave the buyer a different one, and took this back, thinking he had probably just broke it, or didn't know what he was doing.
I started it up, got the blue light, but it flashed once, and the DVD check went twice. Sure enough, no video signal from any output. And to top it off, the buyer had un-synced the gamepad.
After reading a lot of doom and gloom posts about fried hardware, or bad EMMC, (some of it around here) I came across a fix for memory errors, but not 'no video signal'. I thought I would try it, since I had nothing to lose.
I changed the battery in the console, because I had heard that might fix it, but it didn't, though the old battery WAS dead. Which makes me think that may have been what caused my problem in the first place, but back to the fix.

I followed this video:

And it fixed my Wii U in under 5 minutes.

Basically you need:
1. A"Rasberry Pie Pico", I happened to have one,
2. A FAT32 Formated SDCard with one file on it recovery_menu, found here: https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/recovery_menu/releases,
3. A file installed on your Pico: udpih.uf2, found here: https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/udpih/releases,
i. Plug your pico into your pc while holding the boot button.
ii. Place the file on the pico drive. It auto sets up.
iii. Unplug Pico.

Running the fix:
1. Unplug Wii U Power and all USB peripherals.
2. Plug SD card into Wii U.
3. Plug the power cord into the Wii U.
4. Press Power on Wii U.
5. AS SOON as the Wii U disc drive sound finishes, plug Pico into front USB slot. (Either one).

If your issue is software, and not hardware, you should now see a recovery screen.
If you don't get the screen, try the timing of plugging in the Pico a couple more times before you give up and say the Wii U is toast. I did, and I am glad, because my timing was off.

The recovery menu is controlled by "Power" = Enter "Eject" = Next Item.
Enter "Set cold boot Title"
Enter the correct Menu for your Wii U's region.
Once you see the "Success" Message, turn everything off, eject SD card and unplug Pico. Start your Wii U.

All better.

Hope this works for you. Sure did for me.
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