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Persona 2: Eternal Punishment – Guide and Walkthrough





P E R S O N A 2 :

E t e r n a l P u n i s h m e n t


Written by Yushiro

Contact : yushiro@animedream.org

Version : 1.03

Last Updated : August 16, 2002



I. Introduction

II. Game Mechanics
A. City and Ward Map
B. Field Map
C. In-Game Menu
D. Battle System
E. Personae and the Velvet Room
F. Contact System

III. Tips and Tricks
A. Basics to keep in mind
B. Tips and Suggestions
C. Tricks and Quirks

IV. Walkthrough
a. Introduction to Walkthrough
A. Seven Sisters High
B. Mt. Mifune
C. Sanitarium
D. Sky Museum
F. Club Zodiac
G. Aoba Park (First Visit)
H. Sewers (Route A)
I. Laboratory (Route A)
J. Sumaru TV (Route B)
K. Smile Mall
L. Aoba Park (Second Visit)
M. Factory
N. Nichirinmaru
O. Undersea Ruins
P. Mt. Iwato
Q. Subway Tunnel
R. Ameno Torifune
S. Sumaru Castle
T. Monado Mandala
U. The End...

V. Optional Dungeons
A. Kasugayama High/Bomb Shelter
B. Seedy CD (First Visit)
C. Seedy CD (Second Visit)
D. Mu Continent (First Visit)
E. Mu Continent (Second Visit)

VI. Appendices
A. Store Lists
B. Weapon Development
C. Sumaru Genie Fortunes
D. Map-Making Prizes List
E. Special Contact List
F. CDs

VII. Conclusion
A. FAQ and Guide Referrals
B. Version History
C. Credits
D. Disclaimer


I. I n t r o d u c t i o n


This is a walkthrough and guide for the North American version of the
PlayStation game Persona 2 : Eternal Punishment released by Atlus. I intend for
this guide to be as comprehensive and useful as possible, except for certain
aspects which already have FAQs/guides for them (see Section VI.A. FAQ and
Guide Referrals). As already stated, this is a walkthrough - it's not an entire
stategy guide. I will try to go into as much detail as possible and
consequently, you will find spoilers. However, each section should be
independent enough that you may read one section with out it spoiling another,
future section. I will do my best to keep the walkthrough as spoiler-free of
story events as possible, although I will mention major developments vaguely
and make references to minor occurrences.

If this is your first game, I first highly suggest that you complete or attempt
to complete the game on your own first and use this guide only as a reference
tool or only if you are inexhaustibly stuck on a certain aspect of the game.
Also, I will try to explain the mechanics of the game as well as I possibly
can, but reading the game manual and getting some in-game experience are the
best ways of becoming acquainted with the mechanics.

Persona 2: Eternal Punishment is actually the third game in the Persona series
(which in of itself is part of the Megami Tensei series). It is a direct sequel
to Persona 2: Innocent Sin, which unfortunately was only released in Japan.
There are MANY references in Eternal Punishment (EP) to Innocent Sin (IS),
which most simply won't understand since they haven't played IS (and there are
a number of references to the first Persona, and a few familiar faces...).
Innocent Sin's plot is a major theme around which EP is based, but it isn't
necessary that one has played IS to enjoy EP - you simply will enjoy it more if
you have played IS. If you have not played IS, you may want to find out more
about it, or at least read the "Story" section of the instruction manual that
came with the game.

Anyway, enjoy the game and I hope this guide is useful.


II. G a m e M e c h a n i c s


A. C i t y and W a r d M a p

This is an explanation of the City and Ward maps. They are really simple and
you should be able to use them right away. And NO, you never leave Sumaru City,
so get used to it.

===City Map=====================

This is the easiest part of the mechanics. At the city map of Sumaru City
(your location) there is a small menu in the upper-left-hand corner of the
screen. In the menu, there is a list of the wards that are available for you to
access. Simply select the district you want to go to. The different wards are :
Rengedai, Hirasaka, Yumezaki, Aoba, Konan and Narumi. There is also a temporary
ward, Mt. Mifune, which is only available for a small portion of the game. The
map does change slightly during the course of the game but for the most part
everything remains the same as when you first enter a new ward. You can view
the text boxes of each ward (and their locations) by pushing the shoulder
buttons (L1, L2, R1, R2).

You may open the game menu at any time on the city map and you can save on the
map as well.

===Ward Map=====================

The ward map is a bit more complex. On it, you will see a section of Sumaru
City with roads, buildings, and various other features. Your party is the green
cone-type thing (though it's color can change if you gain certain status
effects). Simply use the directional pad to navigate the streets (you're on
"rails") and get close to something. If you go up to one of the blue cones on
the streets, you can talk to various people who are walking the streets. They
will mostly talk about what's going on in the story and about the latest rumor,
but sometimes they have insightful or funny comments as well as offering a few
rumors themselves. There are several road on each ward map that lead out of
town (though not every road that leads off the map necessarily leads out of
town) and you must see a small orange text message that says "EXIT" and push X
to exit the ward. Buildings work similarly, as you must see another message,
"IN," and push the X button to enter that buildings. You cannot enter all of
the buildings and some buildings may not be available at that point in time. In
such a case, one of your party members will pop up and pretty much say that you
can't go there. If you can enter a building, a little text box will pop up with
the name of the location you are near. You can view the text boxes of every
building on the ward map (and their locations) by pushing any of the shoulder
buttons (L1, L2, R1, R2).

The most important building in each ward is a mall area with anywhere from 5 to
8 shops. Each mall area will have: a Satomi Tadashi item store, a Velvet Room,
and a healer. You will also find item, weapon, and armor shops as well as
restaurants which sell (temporary) stat-increasing food. There are also a few
specialty shops like the Sumaru Genie and Kuzunoha detective office.

This, along with the city map, is your basic "world map" and how you move from
one dungeon or store map to another. Like the city map, you can open the game
menu and save at anytime.


B. F i e l d M a p

The field map is the basic engine that is used throughout most of the game for
everything from the story sequences to the dungeons to the stores. This is
pretty much the same engine used for Innocent Sin back in 1999, and even for
1999 the graphics are dated. But, this being a RPG and you being the hard-core
gamer that you are, you don't care about the graphics, now do you? The field
map is a 3/4 overhead view of a 3-D environment with 2-D character sprites.

As the game uses the same engine for everything, control differs depending on
what kind of mode it is in. In story mode, you have no control until the
programmed events are over. In town, stores, and other generally "safe" areas
you have control over movement, the menu, saving, and talking with other
characters and NPCs. The best way to tell if an area is a safe area is if your
characters (the others besides Maya) appear in the room. In dungeon mode, you
have control over movement, the menu, saving, and the auto-map. In dungeon
mode, there will also be random battles, leading to the battle engine.

While you are in control of field mode, you will move the main character, Maya
Amano. Normally, she will walk, but if you hold the circle button, she will
run. To investigate objects, simply direct Maya to the object and push the X
button. You can use the directional pad to move her or the analog joystick. If
you push the joystick only slightly, she will walk. Pressing it all the way
will cause her to run.

Included in movement control is also the ability to rotate the field map by
using the shoulder buttons. L1 and L2 rotate counter-clockwise and R1 and R2
rotate clockwise (which can be changed in the config menu). You can do this in
all modes except story mode.

While walking in dungeon mode, there will be status box in the upper-left hand
corner. The top long box tells your current location and the shorter one next
to it tells the floor. The longest one on the bottom tells any specific
information when you come close to a featured area (like elevators, staircases,
and a variety of others). In the upper-right hand corner, there is a compass
for remembering directions when you rotate the map.

If you press the triangle button in dungeon mode, you will open the auto-map
for that area. It is a simple floor plan of the current dungeon. Use the
directional pad to move the cursor around. Holding the circle button will cause
the cursor to move much faster. In dungeons with multiple floors or areas, use
the L1 and R1 buttons to view a different area (usually the next floor) than
the current one (that you have already mapped some of). Pressing the L2 and R2
buttons will bring up a different version of the map - smaller and the entire
map is fit to the screen so you can view it in it's entirety. Pressing the
square button will return the cursor to Maya's current position and pressing
triangle will close the auto-map.


C. I n - G a m e M e n u

By pressing the square button, you will open the main in-game menu. Each area
will be explained in detail by its separate sections.

===Main Menu====================

From the main menu, you can access the various other sub-menus listed below.
You will also see your current party members, their portraits, their HP (hit
points), and their SP (spirit points). In the upper-right hand corner, you will
also see your current funds in Japanese Yen and your time clock which records
the time you have spent playing the game. (Although I happen to have noticed
that the clock is a bit slow.)


From the spell menu, you are able to use the spells that the personae your
characters are currently equipped with. They will consume SP as if they had
been used in battle. However, most spells are not available for use outside of
battle. Only (most) HP healing spells, (some) status recovering spells, and the
Estoma spell can be used from the menu. If the spell name is grayed out, it
means it can never be used. If white, it cannot be used right now (because
there is no reason to use it). Only yellow colored spells can be used.

You can also view descriptions of spells from this menu as to what kind of
spell it is and what it does. This is the only way to view spell descriptions
outside of battle.


From the item menu, you are able to use items that are currently in your party
stock. Most items can be used from the menu, but there are some that cannot.
Similar to the spell menu, white items cannot currently be used and yellow
colored items can be used.

If you press the triangle button in the item menu, you will open the Event Item
menu (and vice versa). These are items that have some role in the story and
you cannot use them from the menu. You can, however, view a description of
each item.


The data menu is the most complex, as it show the statistics ("stats" from here
on) of the characters as well as the stats of the personae attached to them.
Pushing the shoulder buttons will change to a different character.

The top bar shows the overall status of the character selected. It is always
"Human + Persona," so I have no idea why they even included it...

The box below and to the left shows the portrait/HP/SP seen at the main menu.

The box to the left of the portrait shows the status of the persona currently
equipped. It has the name, tarot arcanum, SP usage, persona level, rank and
Level-up bonus. Below this is another box which shows the persona's element and
attributes. All of this is explained in further detail in section II.E.
"Persona and the Velvet Room." You can change the persona a character has
equipped by pushing the triangle button. You can only select from the personae
you are currently carrying (up to ten). Changing personae is also available in
battle and in the Velvet Room.

Below the persona status box are the character stats. The stats are an average
of the base human and base persona stats (and the game always rounds down, even
if it is .5). If the green bar is bright, then the stats have been raised above
the base human stats. If the bars are dull green, then they have been lowered.
Stats play a critical role in the game. What each stat modifies is listed

| Stat | Modifies |
| HP | If depleted, the character is dead |
| SP | Consumed for magic spells |
| STR | Human and persona physical attacks |
| VIT | Total HP, defense, and HP gain rate |
| TEC | Total SP, persona spells, spell defense and SP gain rate |
| AGI | Battle order and chances of dodging physical attack |
| LUC | Item drop rate, critical hit rate, mutation rate, casino games |
| At. | Human and persona physical attack strength |
| Df. | Defense against physical attacks |
| SAt. | Persona spell strength |
| SDf. | Defense against spells |

Below the stat box are a couple of character attributes like name, zodiac sign
and blood type. Sign and blood type seem to have no bearing on the game.

On the very bottom and left is the level data box. It shows the character's
current level, total EXP (experience points) gained, and EXP to next level up.

On the very bottom and right is the character equipment box. It shows the
current weapon, helm, armor, leggings, and accessory the character is wearing.
Equipment can be changed by pushing the square button and selecting the
equipment from your current stock.

Two sub-menus also exist in the data menu. Pushing up will show the characters'
base stats and a short description of him or her (which changes as the game
progresses). Pushing down will show the base stats, persona card, spells and
description of a persona.

===Card List====================

From the card list menu, you can view the party's stock of the various types of
cards that are in Persona 2. That's about it. All this is good for is seeing
what cards you have, how many you have, and looking at the really nice artwork.
The types of cards are described below, but most are described in better detail

Tarot : Cards used for summoning persona
Persona : Cards of the personae currently in party stock
Material : Cards required to unlock a specific persona for summoning
Spell : Cards used to add a single spell to a persona when summoning
Incense : Cards used to boost a persona's stats when summoning


From the analyze menu, you can view detailed data on demons, personae, and
fusion spells (more on those in Section D). It is quite useful for battling the
various enemies and deciding which persona to use. You will refer to these
quite often. <I really like these lists. I'm glad they included them.> The
menus are arranged according to tarot arcanum, ordering from highest levels to
lowest in each arcana.

The demon and persona analyze menus are similar to the data menu. In the demon
menu, you can also push the triangle button to bring up the contact menu where
you can see the demon contracts you currently have and break them if you want.
The fusion spell menu is different in that you can view the spell name, it's
requirements, and its effect. From here you can also set fusion spells to
"Auto," "Wait," or "N/A." If set to Auto, the spell will automatically be cast
in battle if the requirements are met. If Wait, the game will prompt you to
choose whether to cast a fusion once the requirements are met. If N/A, then the
fusion will never be cast in battle, even if requirements are met.


From the config menu, you can change several options. They are:

Battle Setting : Real or Simple
Sound : Stereo or Mono
Vibration : On or Off
Map Rotation : <Change how shoulder buttons rotate>
Cursor Memory : Misc. : On or Off
Battles : On or Off
Contact : On or Off
Wallpaper Setting : <Change wallpaper setting and text box wallpaper>

They are all self explanatory, but a few should be discussed further. The
battle setting changes whether the battles will have attack and movement
graphics. In simple, the battles aren't as spectacular, but they go by much
quicker. Wallpaper setting changes the look of the main menu background and the
background of text boxes in the game, giving you a small bit of customization.
There are only 10 to choose from, though. (Personally, I like 5. Dragon for the
background and 3. Purple Tone for the text boxes.)


Fairly self explanatory. Use this to load a save game at anytime.


Fairly self explanatory. Use this to save at almost anytime, whether in
dungeon, town, or anywhere else. There are very few instances in the game where
you cannot save. Three blocks are required on a memory card to save.


D. B a t t l e S y s t e m

The battle system is the core of Persona 2. Once battle is initiated via random
encounters, you enter the battle engine. The encounter rate of demons is fairly
high, but thankfully, the game has various methods of reducing and preventing
random encounters. The best way is the spell Estoma which will completely stop
all encounters of demons LOWER than the party level (this is based upon the
average party level). So, if the lowest party member is a 12, you will not
meet any demons level 12 and under for a certain number of steps. There are
several items that work in a similar fashion.

Once you enter battle, one of three things will happen. First, you will most
likely enter normal combat and the battle menu will come up (see below for
more). Second, a demon may start talking (see Section F). Last, "Persona-Talk"
may be initiated (see Section E). This section deals with the normal battle

First, an explanation of the battle menu.


This command begins battle based upon the commands entered in the strategy
menu. If Battle Mode is set to normal, battle rounds will be one continuous
sequence. If set to single, the battle menu will come up after every round. You
can push the circle button at anytime during battle to bring up the battle menu
(however, it will open after the person/demon currently acting finishes their
action - unless you manage to push it fast enough!).


The strategy menu is the most complex and has various sub-menus:

Order Persona
Fusion Spell Item
Battle Mode->-Normal P. Change
Confirm Single Status
Actions :
Attack is just the character's physical attack with their equipped weapon.
Selecting the persona option will open the spell menu. You can use the P.
Change option to change persona in battle with out any detrimental effects.
Item will open the menu of usable items. All items are in white, unlike in the
main menu. Status will show you the current status of a character and persona.
This is quite useful for checking the progress of a persona's ranking up. The
defend option will cause the character not to act for a turn and any physical
damage incurred will be reduced to approximately 1/3 of the base amount.

Order :
You can use this option at anytime to rearrange the order of the characters
actions. For the most part you are free to move them around as you choose, but
it is not without consequence. See below concerning the battle order. In this
menu, you can also use the "Reset" option to return to the original order and
the "All Attack" option to set all of the characters to attack.

Fusion Spell :
This handy little option will not only allow you to set fusion spells to Auto,
Wait, and N/A, but will also bring up the Fusion Analyze menu and you can
automatically rearrange character order and spell use simply by selecting the
fusion spell.

Battle mode has already been explained and confirm simply returns to the main
battle menu and saves the changes you made.


Begins the contact system. See Section F.


This opens a box on the bottom of the screen which contains analyze data. Only
known analyze data will be displayed. How each type of data is unlocked is
detailed below.

Name - Meet the demon in battle (the demon is then added to your list,
even if no other data is added (i.e. from retreating))
HP/Stats - Defeat the demon once in battle (Note: if HP exceeds 999, "???"
will be displayed instead of the actual HP)
Personality - Contact the demon once (type of response you get is irrelevant,
so long as you have contacted it)
Comment - Either form a contract with a demon or for demons who will not
use the contact system, attempt contact once
Items - The item must be either gotten from a contract or by item drop at
the end of battle (Rare item can ONLY be obtained from drop at
end of battle)


Opens the Config menu. It's almost the same as the main menu config menu, so
refer to Section C for details.


This command will attempt retreat. It is NOT always successful, so don't rely
on it. If you fail, the demons will be allowed one turn to attack and then the
battle menu will open.

This ends the explanation of the battle menu.

===Battle Round=================

The battle system allows you great freedom in arranging the order of
characters, but it is not without consequence. The battle round is run similar
to most RPGs - each person acts in an ordered list (for Persona, it is based on
AGI) and the demons will attack periodically in between the characters.
However, there are a few significant differences. First, you can't know who
will attack next, unless you order it in the menu, other than the little text
messages that appear over characters' names in the battle engine saying "Act"
(they are acting), "Next" (they are next), and "Wait" (they are part of a
fusion). And you cannot tell when enemies will get their turn - they will
simply interrupt your battle order. Second, there is no waiting period between
who goes next; it is one continuos flow.

When you move a character in the order menu, it is like you are telling them to
wait their turn for a while - even when you move a character forward, you move
another back. The person who you tell to wait will act as soon as they can,
after the person(s) you moved forward have acted. The person who you moved
forward will have to wait until their turn comes - as if their place in line
were a hand on a clock. The character you moved up must wait for their hand to
reach 12 before they will move (and there is no wait period - the person
closest to 12 will simply act next). If you forced a character forward, the
people who would go next continue on with the round until they reach 12 (the
point they would act), but they pause at 11:59 and wait for the person you
moved forward to surpass them. However, as those other characters are waiting,
the demons in the battle continue moving and ignore the paused characters - it
is quite possible that a demon may have been in line before the character you
moved up - thus, they would act first.

Example: Say you moved Maya from third to first. Here is a before and after of
the battle order (including demons):

+---------+---------+ As you can see, the demons who were before Maya in the
| BEFORE | AFTER | battle order automatically act before Maya and the
+---------+---------+ other characters you told to wait acted right after
| Ulala | Demon A | Maya. Also, even though you moved Maya up, the demons
| Demon A | Demon B | that would have acted after her don't follow her up the
| Katsuya | Maya | list - they maintain their spot until everyone else
| Demon B | Ulala | who was before them has acted. There are some more
| Maya | Katsuya | examples below showing various movements in the battle
| Demon C | Demon C | order. The character marked *NAME* is the one who was
+---------+---------+ manually moved in the order menu.

+-------------------+ +---------+---------+ +----------+---------+
+-------------------+ +---------+---------+ +----------+---------+
| Ulala | Ulala | |*Ulala* | Demon A | |*Ulala* | Demon A |
| Demon A | Demon A | | Demon A | Demon B | | Demon A |*Katsuya*|
|*Katsuya*| Demon B | | Katsuya | Maya | |*Katsuya* | Demon B |
| Demon B | Maya | | Demon B | Katsuya | | Demon B | Maya |
| Maya |*Katsuya*| |*Maya* | Ulala | | Maya |*Ulala* |
| Demon C | Demon C | | Demon C | Demon C | | Demon C | Demon C |
+---------+---------+ +---------+---------+ +----------+---------+

As stated, you have great freedom - just be aware of the possible

<Major credit and thanks to Alessar and johnsgs for their excellent
explanations of the battle round and help provided here.>

===Status Effects===============

Demons attack in almost the same fashion as your characters, except that they
don't do fusion spells. They can, and will, inflict status effects, just as you
can with certain spells.

Most of the status effects are self explanatory. Berserk is a rare effect than
only occurs when a persona and a demon have a hostile Persona-Talk. Both demon
and persona will become berserk and will only attack each other until one is
dead. With possession, the demon who casts it is removed from the battle, but
there is a chance that they make take over the body of one of your characters.
They will cast the same spells the demon had. Most of the status effects are
nullified after the battle ends, but Poisoned and Possessed carry over to the
field map.

In battle, ways to nullify status effects are: appropriate item, appropriate
spell, or by letting the character battle for several rounds (there is always
a chance that the effect could be nullified when the character's turn comes up
for most status effect - Poisoned, Possessed, and Berserk cannot be nullified
this way).

The various status effects are:

| Status | Abr.* | Battle Icon | Effect |
| Berserk | BSK | Blue Swirl | Only attacks |
| Charmed | CHM | Heart | Attacks party |
| Confused | CFSD | Question Mark | Random battle actions |
| Electrified | ELEC | Lightning Bolt | Cannot act |
| Frozen | FRZ | Ice Shard | Cannot act |
| Furious | FURI | Flaming Star | Only attacks, Atk. Up |
| Illusion | ILSN | Circle over Triangle | Hit rate lowered |
| Muted | MUT | Red X | Cannot use persona |
| Poisoned | POIS | Purple Sick Face | Lose HP after acting |
| Possessed | PSD | Green Evil Face | Demon now inhabits body |
| Sleep | SLP | Z z z z | Cannot act |
* - Abbreviation as shown over the name in the Name/HP/SP box on the bottom of
the battle screen

When a character's HP are depleted, they go unconscious. The can be revived by
items or Recarm spells. If all of your characters are unconscious, you will
game over and must load your last save.

===End of Battle================

There are several ways battle can end. First, you defeat all of the enemies.
Second, if a demon gives you cards. Third, if the enemies run away. Fourth,
after using a contract, the demon will leave the battle. Lastly, after you make
a contract with a demon, battle will end. Also, battle obviously ends if you
game over.

After battle, several things may happen. If you defeated any demons, you will
be given EXP and Yen based upon what each demon gives. If you ended the battle
by contacting, but did not defeat any enemies, nothing will happen. If you
ended the battle by contacting, but did defeat at least one enemy, you will
gain EXP and Yen from that demon. (So you can defeat a few enemies, but save
one to contact for cards or a contract.) There is also a chance that if you
defeated any demons that they will drop an item. The LUC stat affects the drop
rate and Police Gloves increase the drop rate as well. If you ended the battle
with a fusion spell, there is a chance that one of the personae used in the
fusion could gain a mutation (see Section E.). If you gain enough EXP, you will
also Level Up. Each character that levels up will gain 4 points added to their
stats. You can control which stats get which points, but only for Maya. The
rest are done automatically and somewhat evenly. (Technically, each character
gets 3 points for a level up and the persona equipped adds another via their
Level Up Bonus. You can control where the other character's points are
allocated to a small degree by equipping the appropriate bonus.)

When a character levels up, their HP and SP are fully restored (though status
effects like Poison and Possessed will not be cured).


E. P e r s o n a e and the V e l v e t R o o m

If the battle system is the core of Persona, then personae (NOT PERSONAS!!!
I've taken Latin, dammit!) are the core of the battle system. They are more
vital than levels, stats, or equipment. There are a TON to choose from and they
offer a huge amount of strategy. If you don't understand personae, then you
can't possibly understand or complete the game.

A persona is essentially a spirit through which each character is able to use
magic. They've been compared to GFs from Final Fantasy VIII, but personae go a
bit deeper than that. When you equip a persona on a character, the character
takes on the attributes of the persona, combines his or her stats with the
persona's, and gains the ablility to cast whatever spells the persona has

Personae (like demons) are divided into categories based on Tarot Arcanum. Each
character has different compatibility with the different arcana. This mainly
affects SP usage, which varies as compatibility changes, but it also affects
the chances of a mutation. SP usage is the same for all of the spells a persona
has and doesn't change with rank or level.

For a full list of character-arcana compatibilities, I refer you to
Archaeopteryx's excellent FAQ. Be warned, however, that it will spoil you as
to who joins your party through the game.

===Elements and Attributes======

Each persona has an element and one or more attributes. These can be seen in
the box below the rank information. The small box on the left is the elemental
affinity and the words to the right describe the persona's defensive strengths
and weaknesses. Element (I believe) affects the effectiveness of spells of the
like element (fire for fire, etc.). The possible elements are: Fire, Water,
Earth, Wind, and None.

Attributes are a bit more detailed. They affect how much damage is taken from
various kinds of attacks. There are six ways that a spell type is affected:
Strong, Weak, Void, Absorb, Reflect, Resist, Boost, and None. If None, then
damage is taken normally and there will be no description in the box (this is
the most common). Strong means that the character will take approximately 1/3
of the base damage (after factoring in Df. or SDf.). If a persona or demon has
Strong : All, then they are not only strong versus every kind of attack, but
they also Void Holy and Dark. Void, as it implies, will nullify damage from
that kind of attack. If Weak, then the character will take approximately 3
times as much damage as the base damage. If Absorb, then the character will do
the exact opposite of Normal and add the damage to the character's HP (up
to the Max HP). If Reflect, the damage that would have affected the character
is instead inflicted to the demon (however, the reflected damage will take into
account the demon's attributes like Strong, Weak, Void, etc.). Resist is like
Strong, but it only reduces damage by about 1/3 (and Resist : All does not
include Void : Holy/Dark). Finally, if Boost, healing spells will have a
greater effect on the person equipped with persona (Medirama will heal much
more on that character than on any other character). (Credit to Alessar for
what Boost does.)

The different kinds of attributes are:
Physical - (All) Physical, Shot, Strike, Throw, Sword, Attack
Magic - (All) Magic, Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Ice, Lightning,
Nuclear, Almighty, Holy, Dark

Remember that demons have attributes too. Exploiting their weaknesses are key.


When you get a new persona, it will be at rank one. Unless you used a spell
card (more on that later) it will only have one spell. By using a persona in
battle (by casting a spell) it will increase in rank and unlock more spells at
set levels. You can view the ranking up progress in the persona's data (either
in the data menu in the main menu or in the status option in battle). A persona
does becomes slightly more powerful as you rank it up (a few points may be
added to the stats, though, the higher the persona's level, the more points
that are added), but the main purpose to ranking up is unlocking spells. When a
persona becomes rank 8, it will have become as powerful as possible by normal
means and will have all spells available to it (however, you can make persona
more powerful by another means - see the section on mutations). If you wish,
you can return a rank 8 persona in the Velvet Room and get a reward, usually a
spell card or an item. (And you get absolutely nothing for a returning a
persona at any other rank than 8.)

There are ways to make a persona rank up faster. The best way is to have high
compatibility between the persona and character. This will lower the number of
arrows on the rank box significantly. You can also rank up two ranks by
getting a mutation. If you get this kind of mutation, the latter ranks will be
a small bit lower than they would normally be. Another way that ranking up is
modified is by ranking up multiple times in one battle. The amount the arrows
are reduced by varies depending upon the arcanum and the number of times you
rank in a single battle, but it is very prevalent if you rank 6 times in a
battle. Finally, if you summon and equip a persona that is ten levels below
the character's level, that persona will rank up at an INSANE rate of speed.
This is quite useful for summoning persona that you just want to return for an
item or card. I have had the best ranking sessions with adding a Kaja spell to
the persona and using the Maha ---- Kaja fusions (with Affectionate Prayer).

===Spells and Fusions===========

Personae generally can have anywhere from five to eight spells. As mentioned,
spells mostly unlocked by ranking up, but you can also gain spells from using
a spell card when summoning a persona (not available for modifications) and you
can also add a spell via mutations (see the mutation section for more on both
of these). Spells can be magic, physical, or have a "None" type and have the
same attributes as the persona attributes, called "Type." Most spells can only
be used in battle, but a few, like healing spells and Estoma, can be used
outside battle. All spells on a certain personae consume the same amount of SP
(which is based on compatibility, not rank or level; it is always constant on a

Persona 2 has special attacks called "Fusion Spells" which are formed by
combining spells in battle. They can be extremely powerful, so be sure to fully
understand how the work. First, fusions are made by combining either specific
spells (and sometimes specific personae) or specific types of spells. The first
fusion you should learn should be Stone Rise, an earth type spell. You can do
this fusion with the spells that the starter persona Maia, Callisto, and Helios
have. The fusion is made by combining a water spell, a fire spell, and an earth
spell, in that order. To do the fusion, arrange the characters and spells
thusly in the Order menu:

Maya : Maia : Aqua
Katsuya : Helios : Agi
Ulala : Callisto : Magna

When you arrange them like this and begin the battle, they will automatically
begin the fusion spell. You can tell that you are using a fusion when you see
the word "Wait" in blue over the character's stat box. Every time you meet the
requirements to learn a new fusion spell, it will automatically cast it. Stone
Rise will do "huge" damage to one enemy and is earth type. There are MANY, MANY
fusion spells, so experiment with different kinds of combinations.

Now, you obviously can't be expected to find every single fusion just by
fiddling around with the order (as there are hundreds, if not more, of possible
combinations). Thankfully, there is an accessory called "Solving Orb" which you
can find later in the game. By equipping these on your characters, you can see
if the persona you have equipped can perform any kind of fusion spell. It will
also tell you the specific combination needed to perform the spell (provided
that the character with the persona needed has a Solving Orb on; otherwise that
spell of the fusion will appear as "???". It will ONLY appear if you can
currently cast unknown spell. The fusion will only appear on the list with the
"???" if a spell currently equipped can be used, but the character doesn't have
a solving orb equipped).


When you end a battle with a fusion spell, killing one or multiple enemies with
a fusion as the kill shot, there is a chance that one of the persona used in
the fusion will mutate. Supposedly, there is a higher chance using a magic
fusion as opposed to a physical one, but the two best ways to increase the
chances of getting a mutation are by having highest compatibility between
character and persona and by equipping a "Mutation Gear" on the character with
the persona that is desired to mutate.

There are five possible outcomes of a mutation :

Rank Up 2 -
Self-explanatory. Cannot be obtained after rank seven.

Parameters Increase -
A few points are added to the persona's stats. Can make even low level persona
very useful throughout the game. This is the only way to make personae more
powerful stat-wise after they have reached rank 8.

Learn a spell -
Every persona has one (and only one) hidden spell that can only be obtained
through these means.

Unknown Ability -
Gains a special ability that activates when HP reaches a certain amount. For a
full list of Unknown Abilities and their effects, I refer you to
Archaeopteryx's FAQ.

Modification Ability -
Gains the ability to morph into a new persona. Not all persona gain this
ability and there are some rare persona that can only be gotten through these
means. For a full list of possible mods, I refer you (once again) to
Archaeopteryx's FAQ.


One of the more interesting aspects of the game is "Persona-Talk," where a
persona that is equipped upon entering battle will rise up and talk to a demon.
This occurs between persona and demons of like mythologies and is a really rare
occurrence. The persona and demon can either have a hostile or a friendly talk.
If hostile, they will both be inflicted with the Berserk status (after vowing
to kill each other). If friendly, you will usually be given the opportunity to
either make a contract or get tarot cards. However, a few demons will give you
an item if the persona is at rank eight.

Most of the P-Talks I have come across can be found in my Extra Dungeon Guide
at the end. Archaeopteryx's FAQ also has a good list of a number of P-Talks.

===Summoning Personae===========

To summon a new persona, you need to head over to the Velvet Room, talk to
Igor, and select the Summon option. This will bring up the list of personae
that are available to you. You can summon any persona that is five levels above
your highest level character and lower. Generally, when one persona becomes
available to you, the next persona (level-wise) will appear on the list in
grayed out letters (signifying that you can't summon it yet). There are a
couple of exceptions to this. First, certain persona require a card called a
"Material Card," a unique card acquired through various means, which is used up
during the summoning (thus, most Material cards are one-shot deals). Second,
the Fool arcana will not appear on the list until you have at least one Fool
card. Third, the minor arcana (Rod, Cup, Sword, Pentacle) will never appear in
the summon list; they can only be acquired via mutation. Lastly, certain
special persona which are gained by modification ability and are not of the
minor arcanum will appear on the list, no matter what your level (and will
remain there from that point forward). There are only five that are special
mods: Lugh, Pallas Athena, Mot, Michael, and Shokuin.

You can view a persona's stats and spells at any time by pushing the triangle
button in the summon menu (while on a persona). The number of tarot cards
required for summoning a persona is listed next to it in the summon menu.

Once you have selected the persona you wish to summon, push the X button to
bring up the card menu. Here, it will tell you how many tarot cards will be
used up, if a Material card will be used, and will also give you the option of
adding a spell or incense card. You can add a single spell to any summonable
persona by using a "Spell Card." These cards are quite common and scattered
throughout the game, but there are some rare (and powerful) spell cards. You
can all so add an "Incense Card" which will boost a single stat by ten points
(or the ALL card which boosts every stat by five points). The Time Castle plays
a significant role in spell cards, so be sure to visit it.

When you are done in the card menu, you will be shown a status menu of the
persona with the changes (if any) you made to it from cards. After you sure you
want to summon it, do so and Igor will perform a seance. It's quite a nice
little scene, but it does get a bit repetitive as you can't skip it. Each
persona has a summoning quote they will say after being summoned (usually
pertaining to their respective mythology). The persona will then be added to
the party stock, or if it is full (with up to ten) then it will be placed in
the Velvet Room stock (with up to 24). Use the swap option to switch persona
between the Velvet and Party stock (it must be in Party stock to use in

You cannot summon more than one of the same persona.

===Velvet Room==================

The Velvet Room is a "shop" that is available in every ward at each mall-type
area. You can't buy anything here, but you can do a wide variety of things
concerning persona. Each function is listed by who does them (only two people,

Igor -
1. Summoning - He is the one who will summon person for you by performing a
2. Viewing - You can also view persona in the summon menu. You can see their
stats, attributes, spells, and persona card.
3. Swapping - The Velvet Room can hold a stock of up to 24 persona in addition
to the ten you can carry. In the Swap/Return menu, you can move persona
between the stocks and even equip them on characters, if you want.
4. Returning - In the Swap/Return menu, there is an option to return personae
when you no longer need it or need the space. When returning a rank eight
persona, you will get a reward.
5. Mutating - When you have gained the modification ability for a persona, this
option will appear in the menu. He will draw out the new persona and you
will lose the old one.
6. Tips - In addition to the brief explanation upon first entering the Velvet,
he will offer little tidbits of advice during the first half of the game
(not as thorough as MY explanation though).

Demon Artist -
His only function is painting free tarot cards (see section F). He can take a
single (or more) free card and paint any kind of tarot card you want (except
Fool). He is the only way to get a few kinds of tarot - Priestess, Emperor,
Empress, Hierophant, Justice, and Sun.

Belladonna and Nameless just sit there, look pretty, and spout poetic
ramblings. They have some interesting things to say, but they don't do anything
except provide the lovely background music. You can find the complete list of
Belladonna's "songs" in the Extra Info section.


F. C o n t a c t S y s t e m

It turns out that demons aren't the vicious hell-spawn of children's nightmares
we always thought them to be. In Persona 2, you can negotiate with (most)
demons rather than fighting them. Talking with demons has many benefits, but
one can't rely on only contacting demons or only battling demons; you need to
do both and do them well.

In battle, there is a Contact option which will bring up the Contact Menu. From
the menu, you can select one to three characters to perform a contact method.
There are a TON of contacts, so you must experiment with them. Different
contacts will elicit different emotions from different demons, but one contact
method will always elicit the same emotion from the same type of demon and one
method does NOT mean that it will cause the same emotion from different types
of demons. The emotion shown in based upon the demon's personality attributes.

The first character you select will lead the contact and usually set the tone
for how the characters will talk with the demon. Depending on what characters
you add to the lead, the contact and emotions you elicit can vary greatly. You
can use deceased characters in a two person contact, but the dead member cannot
lead. The lead character will somehow lament the other's death.


Emotions are simply, but effectively, explained by a Slime who will be the
absolute first demon you meet in the first dungeon. Be sure to talk to him your
first time.

When a contact method is performed an emotion (or two) is shown by the demon.
Each emotion is shown as:

Yellow "!" - Interest
Green Aura - Joy
Red Aura - Anger
Blue Aura - Fear

Interest can be combined with the auras and will modify the results. After you
make a demon feel an emotion (or two) three times, an effect will happen. All
demons of the same kind (the "species" like Poltergeist or Guzfan) are affected
by the results of the emotion (if one leaves battle, they all leave battle or
if one is charmed, they all are). The effects for the various emotions are:

Interest -
The demon will give you a certain number of tarot cards (it is a set number for
each type of demon). They give you cards based on their tarot (hence Devil
demons give Devil cards). If you have 999 of the type of tarot they give, you
will get nothing. If you have a contract, they will give you a certain number
of Free cards in addition to the tarot cards. Battle will end altogether after
they give you cards.

Joy -
You will be allowed to get a contract. If you already have a contract, the
contract menu will come up (see the section on contracts below). After making
a contract, battle ends altogether. After using the contract menu, only the
demon(s) of that type will leave battle and any other demons left will battle
as normal (if there are any). If you are at too low of a level to make a
contract, the demon will either heal you, give some yen, or give an item then
demons of that species will leave and battle will continue, if there are any
other demons present.

Anger -
The demon(s) will become enraged and will be allowed one turn to attack you.
Battle will then continue as normal, but you will be unable to attempt a
contact with demons of that type for the duration of the battle. If you have a
contract, it will be broken and the demon will leave battle - battle will
continue as normal if there are any other demons present.

Fear -
The demon(s) will flee from battle. If there are any other types of demons
left, battle will continue as normal. If you have a contact, it will be broken
and the demon will leave battle.

Joy + Interest -
The demon will randomly restore your HP a small bit, give you a certain amount
of Yen, or give you an item. That type of demon will leave and the battle will
continue as normal.

Anger + Interest -
The demon(s) will be afflicted with the furious status and battle will

Fear + Interest -
The demon(s) will be afflicted with the charmed status and battle will


Upon making a demon joyful three times, you will have the option (you don't
have to if you don't want) of getting a contract with the demon. To make a
contract with a demon, you must be at their level or higher. You can only have
three contracts, and if you already have three, you will be prompted to break
an old one to get the new one. When a demon makes a contract with you, they
will have a special aura around them whenever you meet them in battle (it
looks like a white/green/blue lattice with a six pointed star underneath them).

To use a contract, make the demon joyful three more times and the contract
menu will come up. From the menu, you will have four options:

Ask for an item Ask for Yen
Ask for info (Spread a rumor)

If you ask for an item, they will give you their normal item. It is NOT
possible to get their rare item from a contract; they must drop it in battle.
If you ask for Yen, they will give you a certain amount of yen, different for
each demon.

If you ask for info, two things may happen. Usually, they will say that they
don't have any info and will either heal your HP for a small amount, give you
Yen, or give you an item. Occasionally, they will give you some info. You will
get a demon-rumor either about a specific demon and some kind of action they
can take, about the rumor-spells, or about the Legendary Weapons. When you get
a rumor about a specific demon and an action they can take, a new option will
appear in THAT demon's contract menu to take the action. However, sometimes it
is preceded by another rumor that doesn't do anything; most of the time, there
is red text which signifies you have a rumor, but sometimes it will only be
white. When you get certain demon-rumors, the new option "Spread a rumor" will
appear in ALL contract menus. From there you can spread a rumor that a certain
demon (and their persona counterpart) have an additional spell. You can also
manipulate the attributes of the spell (see my Rumor Guide for more on demon-
rumors). In a certain area, you can also get rumors about the Legendary
Weapons. These can also manipulate the nature of the weapons.

===Free Cards===================

If you have a contract with a demon and make them interested three times, they
will give you a set amount of tarot cards, like normal, and they will also give
a set amount of Free cards. Free cards are blank tarot cards that the Demon
Artist at the Velvet room can paint into any type of card (except for Fool).
Free cards are the only way to get Priestess, Emperor, Empress, Hierophant,
Justice and Sun cards. If you already have 999 of the tarot cards that a demon
would normally give you, they will NOT give you either type of cards, even if
your free cards are not at 999.

There is another special card you can get from demons, Fool cards.
Archaeopteryx's FAQ explains them well, except I should mention that you can
elicit the emotions in any order (thanks to jesse james for confirming that).


III. Tips and Tricks


The following section contains three things: Basics to keep in mind, Tips and
Suggestions, and Tricks and Quirks. The Basics section contains bits of
information that MUST be remembered at all times during the game and will
hopefully become second nature to you. The Tips section contains things that I
HIGHLY suggest you do or bear in mind as you play (but they aren't necessary).
The Tricks section contains methods of manipulating the various systems of the
game to work to your advantage. They are quite useful, so please be sure to
look them over. Several of the tricks I picked up from other people, so also be
sure to mind the credits.

===Basics to keep in mind=======

- You cannot rely on only battling or contacting demons; you MUST do both to
be successful in Persona 2. Be sure to fully understand the battle and
contact systems.

- You can save almost anywhere. Save often.

- Equipment is not as important as the persona equipped. Always keep at least
one persona for each character that you know works well.

- You can leave most of the dungeons and return to the city at almost any
point. Take advantage of that.

- There are ways to avoid fighting. Estoma is best.

- The circle button will stop the battle at any time. Use it!

- Check demon data for strengths and weaknesses to find how best to fight

- Do not go overboard on rearranging the order of characters. You have a lot
of freedom, but it has consequences. DO use it for fusions.

- Stock up on usable items for status effects and revival.

- Do NOT rely upon retreat; it is not 100% effective. Trafuri and Seeds of
Escape are, however.

- Try to remember which stores are in which ward early on. It can save some

- You will know that you have a new rumor when you see red text.

- Use the Auto Map in dungeons. It is very useful and you may be able to see
something you wouldn't normally be able to on the Field Map.

- You can use most healing spells outside of battle in the Spell menu.

- Most importantly, USE FUSION SPELLS! Experiment with them and try to end
every battle with a fusion.

===Tips and Suggestions=========

<Please note that these are only suggestions and you don't have to do them or
you may wish to do them differently.>

- Experiment with new persona all the time. It will add variety and enjoyment
as well as helping you find out about new and useful spells. Do NOT use the
same couple of personae the whole game!

- Talk to EVERYBODY after every dungeon! You will find out much more about the
story, the city, and you will come across some pretty nice little tidbits
(i.e. rumors). At the very least, talk to every rumormonger.

- This isn't a suggestion, I'm ORDERING you register a new card at the Time
Castle whenever you get it. The prices for duplicating are steep, but it is
better then never being able to find the same card again (or having an
unnecessarily hard time of it).

- Don't go overboard on tarot card collecting. They are important for getting
personae, but don't horde them.

- Just because you get tarot cards doesn't mean you can't get any EXP and Yen
from the same battle. Kill everyone except for one and use the last demon to
get cards.

- Set the cursor memory to on for contacts. This will save a lot of time and
frustration over reentering the same contacts.

- While the "real" battle setting will let you view the excellent spell
effects, setting it to "simple" will make battles go much faster. Just don't
leave it in simple all of the time (it switches back to real for boss fights
automatically anyway).

- Set the battle setting to "normal." It will make things much faster and
smoother. But remember to use the circle button to cancel and set up
fusions when you need to.
- Use the services like food, aromatherapy, and fortunes available to you in
the city. They are there for a reason.

- Visit the casino and play games. Not only will it give you a bit of respite
from the game (and some mindless diversion) but they have some really nice
prizes. At the very least, use the Turbo Controller trick. Don't get
addicted and lose all your yen, though!

- Try to observe and examine the appearance and attacks of your enemy to find
it's weakness. Chances are that it will use elemental spells opposite of
it's weakness.

- Use healer shops! It is much cheaper than using a bunch of HP and SP
restoring items. SP is a valuable commodity later in the game and restoring
it all for 3,000 yen is a godsend.

- When you are using a fusion that requires two spells of the same element,
be sure that the more powerful spell is the LAST one to be used - it does
make a difference in the damage dealt.

- Make sure that you always check compatibility between human and persona.

- When adding points to Maya, concentrate on TEC, VIT, and AGI with LUC still
receiving a good number of points. STR should still get some points, but it
is the least useful stat, in my humble opinion), so don't add too many to

- Another handy little tip is to use the R2 button when buying things at a
store. This is most useful when buying large quantities of items (like
magazines). Instead of sitting there for a while waiting for the number to
fill up to 99, you can just use the R2 button to fill up 10 at time. Makes
things go much quicker.

- Lastly, and most importantly, USE FUSION SPELLS! And try to end battle with
a fusion whenever possible.

===Tricks and Quirks============

- "Save-Reload Trick" - If you save and reload your game in a dungeon (or at
any point) the encounter rates of the different types of demons will change.
For example, you can meet the demon Slime (or battles with a Slime and other
demons) about 25% of the time in on game, using a reloaded game, you may
meet Slimes 10% of the time or 60% of the time. These are just random
numbers, but you get the idea. Quite a useful trick for meeting a certain
<Credit to: Unknown>

- "Estoma Trick" - Estoma is usually used to avoid random battles, but it can
also be used to get a certain battle quicker. If a demon is at a higher
level than you, they are not affected by Estoma, but every demon lower than
your level is. If you place your character's levels above the demons that
you don't want to meet and below the level of the demon you want to meet,
you will meet the demon much quicker. This doesn't affect the encounter rate
of the demon, but it will eliminate all other battles thus making it so you
only have to run around the area to meet the demon. This can be used in
conjunction with the Save-Reload trick.
<Credit to: Archaeopteryx>

- "Old Maid-Defend Trick" - When one of the "Joker" bosses cast the spell "Old
Maid," it will randomly cause one of your characters to cast the devastating
Old Maid spell on your party. You can nullify the Old Maid spell by
IMMEDIATELY going to the battle menu after it is cast. Have everyone defend
for one turn. This is will completely void the spell and you can continue to
battle as normal. The person who was going to use Old Maid will have their
command changed from Defend to Attack in the strategy menu after they have
<Credit to: Unknown>

- "Persona-In-Stock Trick" - The chances of getting the rare persona mods is
abysmally low and the chance of it mutating to another, undesired mod is
quite high. To ensure that you will get the rare mod, keep the other
possible outcomes of the mod in your stock. As Igor says, you cannot have
more than one of the same persona and a persona will not mutate into a
persona you already have. It may take a bit longer to get the modification
ability, but you won't have to worry about getting the wrong one. This is
also useful for preventing the minute chance that one of your persona will
mutate into a Level 2 Poltergeist rather than the one it would normally mod
into by simply keeping a Poltergeist in your stock before trying to get a
mod (and you can send it back and get it again if you want as it only costs
a few Devil cards). The persona must be in stock BEFORE you get the
modification ability as the type of mod is determined as you get it, not
when you go to the Velvet.
<Credit to: Silvis Caliga/Clair~de~Lune>

- "Turbo Controller-Casino Trick" - If you play the slots at Mu Continent for
a long time, you should almost always see a rise in the total number of
coins you have. It is increased even more by spreading the slots rumor. But,
rather than spending hours pushing the triangle button (the only button you
need to push) get your hands on a turbo controller and tape down the
triangle button. Go to sleep, work, school, whatever and when you come back
you will find yourself with a whole lot of coins to use as you please. You
can stock up on the useful items that the casino has or you can use it get
items from the casino and sell them at a store for a nice chunk of change
(read: a whole mess of money). Buying and selling Disguise Goods are the
most lucrative (even better using affinity readings).
***Slot machine 2 is the most lucrative.***
<Credit to: Unknown>

- Last enemy killed = item drop - As it says, the last demon killed in a
particular battle is the one who has the chance of dropping the item (if you
kill more than one in the last hit, it is the last one to disappear from the
screen). So, if you are trying to get a certain item from a certain demon,
make sure that demon is the last one killed in battle.

- EXP and killing characters - The EXP each type of demon gives you after you
kill them is a constant number, no matter how many party members you have.
You can increase the EXP that characters receive in battle by having one of
the party members die. The remaining ones will divide the EXP equally among
themselves. Now, you can't attack your own party members, but you can let
them get killed by enemies, use the Recarm Dora spell, or you can have that
character cast a spell that one of the opposing demons will reflect, thus
damaging and eventually killing him or herself. This can be used to quickly
level up one character (presumably Maya) so that you can have access to
higher level personae sooner.

- Strong: All - When a demon's or persona's attribute is Strong: All, they not
only take 1/3 damage from all elements, but they also void the Holy and Dark
elements. While this can be quite inconvenient against some demons, you can
also use it to your advantage by equipping a persona with Strong: All (like

- Last character to act = end battle quote - This is hardly important, but the
last character to act in battle (kill the last demon) is the one who will
say his or her end battle quote. Some characters have some...interesting
things to say. The is also true for the last character in a fusion spell
(if a fusion is used to end the battle).

There is also another trick, the "999 Fool cards" trick, but I have not be
successful with it. Supposedly, if you obtain 999 cards of each arcana,
including Free, before returning the Mt. Iwato map to Salam, he will give you
999 Fool cards (instead of the normal one Fool card). However, it must be
BEFORE you EVER obtain a single fool card - the arcana "Fool" should not appear
in your tarot list. Credit to dolie for the trick, if it works.


IV. Walkthrough


a. I n t r o d u c t i o n to W a l k t h r o u g h

Each chapter of the game is distinguished by the dungeon that is currently
being played. The dungeon is the main focus of each chapter, but the sections
will be preceded by a "City" section explaining anything new in Sumaru City or
anything that should be done in the city before proceeding with the dungeon.

After the city section, there will be a "Suggested Party" section where I
suggest what level the party should be at, what personae you should have, what
items you should get, and what fusions you should learn. Any comments I have
about the dungeon will be included here. (In other words, I'll try to keep my
personal opinions here and the following walkthrough sections as factual as
possible.) Please note that this section is meant to suggest the state your
party should be in at the end of the dungeon. I put it at the beginning to
give you a chance to stock up on items and personae as well as to give you an
idea what you should accomplish in the dungeon. At the end of the section, a
paragraph will briefly explain the demon encounters in the dungeon.

A few notes on the Suggested Party section:
The levels I suggest in the Suggested Party section are NOT the minimal needed
to survive, but a bit above. You should be able to do the dungeon a few levels
below what I say, but the level I put forth allows for ranking up personae and
spending some time in the dungeon collecting items and cards. However, I also
did not EVER go on a "level-up trip." Levels play a major role in the
experience you will have with Persona 2. If you don't gain many levels, you can
survive in the game, albeit more challenging. If you gain a lot of levels, you
can blow through the game and the bosses in no time, which is no fun. I think
I've managed a good balance between using strategy and levels to your
advantage, while not going to either extreme. The fusions I list in the
Suggested Party section are not all of the fusions in the game, but the major
and more useful ones you will come across in the game. I will only list a
fusion if it can be cast using the personae I list in the Suggested Party

The walkthrough section itself is fairly straight-forward. Each section will be
detailed and the final paragraph will concern the demons met in the dungeon.
For each dungeon, I highly suggest you take your time and explore. If you don't
want to though, the walkthrough will cover every item and point of interest in
the dungeon. Also, you are told a direct route to progress, and not told about
every side route (unless it has a point of interest). In the dungeon section,
there will be a list of demons and when new demons are added, there will be a
header indicating where they are added, but you will not be told where they are
no longer found in the dungeon. Finally, at the end of each dungeon, there will
be a section for puzzles, bosses, and choices, if there are any.


A. S e v e n S i s t e r s H i g h


There is no proper city section for the beginning of the game, as you are not
allowed to access the city map yet. You do, however, spend a bit of time in
Kismet and then go straight to Seventh in a non-dungeon state. You only have
partial access to the menu right now; you can only use Item, Config, Load, and

After seeing all of the intro stuff, you'll eventually be in control of Maya in
Mizuno's office. Just leave and you'll be in the offices of Kismet. To leave
here, you need to talk to everyone in the office (if you don't, Yuki won't let
you leave) and doing in so, you'll learn a bit about Joker and Wang Long. When
you can, take the elevator to the reception area. You will meet the vivacious
Ulala and she will join your party. Just head out the revolving doors and you
will automatically go to the Teacher's Lounge in Seventh. After meeting with
Ms. Smith, you can walk around the school and talk to the students, but you
don't have to if you don't want. Doing so will give you a bit of background and
some info to introduce you to the world, however. You can also pick up the two
items right now, in wastebaskets by the staircases. To continue on, you first
need to go to the Courtyard on the first floor. After the scene with Harding
and Anna, head to the Principal's Office on the third floor and the dungeon
will start. Katsuya will join your party and the rest of the menu will unlock.

Leave Mizuno's Office
Talk to everyone in Editor's Room
Take Elevator down to lobby
Go to Courtyard
Go to Principal's Office

===Suggested Party==============

Level 5
Persona : Maya - Maia
Ulala - Callisto
Katsuya - Helios

Fusions : Stone Rise (Water-Fire-Earth)
to learn Atomic Destruction (Fire-Water-Almighty)

Items : Item/Medicine (Slime)
to get Item/Ball of Returning (Nightmare)

Not much to do here. Just level up and get your personae to rank 6 at least
(you should reach 8). Be sure to gather and check analyze data. Use my
explanation of the various systems and coordinate it with in-game experience.


Seven Sisters High School, Rengedai Ward
4 Floors (1F, 2F, 3F, 4F)

Items - Item/Awaken G (x2) (2F)
1,200 Yen (3F)
Event/Clock Tower Key (Teacher's Lounge, 2F)

Demons - Level 1 Ghost (Devil)
Level 1 Slime (Tower)
Level 2 Pixie (Lovers)
Level 2 Poltergeist (Devil)
Level 3 Guzfan (Hanged Man)
Level 3 Nightmare (Moon)
Level 4 Ratatosk (Hermit)
Level 4 Zombie Schoolgirl (Zombie)


Once you exit the principal's office, Seventh will now be a dungeon and you can
no longer access the Principal's Office, the Courtyard, bike racks, and you
cannot leave. There will now also be random battles, but the first one will
meet will be a slime who will begin talking and explain a bit about the contact
system. If you listen to him, he will give you Tarot/3 Tower Cards, so you
might as well just here him out.

Seventh is just a "U" shape with short legs, so it is really easy to navigate
and you shouldn't have any problems (especially since you get to wander around
it before it becomes a dungeon).There isn't much to do here in the dungeon, you
only need to get to the clock tower on the fourth floor. But it is locked, so
you need to get the key. Mr. Sousa in the Teacher's Lounge has it. You can go
straight to him and get it or you can have the janitor tell you about it. Once
you have it, you can just go to the fourth floor and enter the clock tower.
Once you do, you will start the boss fight and not be able to access Seventh
ever again. The stairway to the fourth floor is directly in the middle of the
main hallway on the third floor.

However, I highly suggest you spend some time in here and get to know the
battle and contact systems. In fact, getting up to level 5 and getting to rank
6-8 on your personae wouldn't be a bad idea (read: do it). You can also get
some free items like Medicines, Antidotes, and Balls of Returning from
contracts. You may also want to get a few Tarot cards, but it isn't vital at
the moment.

Most of the demons in here are really easy. Just learn the fusion spell "Stone
Rise (Water-Fire-Earth)" and you're set. You can also learn "Atomic Destruction
(Fire-Water-Almighty)," an instant kill spell which works a fair amount of the
time. Use Stone Rise to dispatch every demon in one hit (especially Pixie, I
did ~200 once!) except for Ratatosk who is strong against Earth - use normal
spells for him. Watch out for Zombie Schoolgirls. These rare, but nasty, little
girls deal a good amount of damage that can kill a character in one hit. Use
Stone Rise immediately. They are weak against fire, but the only spell you
have is Agi - fusions work better right now.


This is hardly a puzzle, but it something you need to do beyond finding the
exit to the dungeon, so I'll include it here too.

Just get the Event/Clock Tower Key from Mr. Sousa in the Teacher's Lounge, 2F.


Level 7 Empusas - "Don't get friendly with me!"
HP : 56; Void : Holy/Dark
Spells : Aqua, Bufu, Dormina

Level 9 Apep (x2) - "Think before you act..."
HP : 74; Strong : Water; Weak : Fire
Spells : Aqua, Bite

Persona : Maya - Maia
Ulala - Callisto
Katsuya - Helios

This is the simplest boss battle (don't get used to it...). Just use Stone Rise
to take them out in one hit each. Take out the Empusas first as her spell Aqua
does the most damage. Do the two Apeps next (watch for Bite) and you're done.
If you really need to heal in this battle, Maia has the spell Dia, which should
completely heal one character. Three rounds and it should be over.

You don't need to have your personae at rank 8 for this battle, but from now
on, it is assumed that they are for every boss battle.

EXP : 100
Yen : 5,000


<In Kismet>
Yuki : But there's no return address on it...
Maya : Thanks, Yukki----!
<No effect>
Thanks. But, who could it be from?
<No effect>

<In Kismet>
Mizuno : Who would want to read about a green brat?
Maya : Huh...?
<Mizuno criticizes Maya for being spineless>
I thought it was important
<Mizuno accuses Maya of arguing>

<In Kismet>
Yuki : I'll complain for you!!
Maya : Thanks Yukki, but t's alright...
<Yuki complains about Mizuno>
Let's be positive! It's nothing.
<Yuki complains about Mizuno>

<In Seventh>
Ulala : Ma-ya... you okay...?
Ma-ya : YOU okay, Ulala...?
<Ulala says she is fine, one-uped in kindness by Maya>
Yeah, kinda...
<Ulala dejectedly says that's good>


B. M i f u n e T r a i l


After the boss fight, you'll be put on the ward map of Rengedai. Now that you
have access to the city, there is a lot to do (as there will be before each
dungeon). To continue on with the story, you need to go to Kuzunoha in Aoba,
but you can talk to everyone in the stores and on the ward map. When you are
ready to continue, go to Kuzunoha in Aoba and you will meet Todoroki and Tammy
who will set you up to spread rumors. They will also arrange for a meeting with
Baofu. You can now go get the rumors below or you can continue with the story,
it doesn't really matter. When you go to the 2X Slash, you meet Baofu who takes
you to Parabellum where he spreads a rumor that they sell weapons. He joins
your party (at level 8) and when you go back to the ward map, you can now
access the Velvet Room. Go to any mall area and you will see the Velvet Room as
a shop. If you go in, you will meet Igor, Nameless, Belladonna, and the Demon
Artist and you can now use the Velvet Room to summon personae. To continue on,
you need to go to the temporary ward Mt. Mifune. You can't go to the sanitarium
directly as there is an "accident," so take the mountain path (you need to try
to go the sanitarium first then the mountain path will open up). This is one of
the few "double-dungeons" where you will need to complete two dungeons in a
row. But you can leave either of them at any time and return to the city if you
need to.

Go to Kuzunoha Detective Agency in Aoba
Go to 2X Slash in Aoba
Try to get past the Shady Security Guard in Mt. Mifune
Go to Mifune Trail

Time Castle sells cards - Chunky, Sushi Gatten
Time Castle duplicates cards - Chunky, Sushi Gatten
Rosa Candida sells armor - Message Board, 2X Slash

===Suggested Party==============

Level 8
Persona : Maya - Maia
Ulala - Callisto/Pixie
Katsuya - Helios/Poltergeist
Baofu - Odysseus

Fusions : Tower Inferno (Wind-Earth-Fire)
to learn Hydro Boost (Earth-Wind-Water)
Wind Cutter (Fire-Water-Wind)
Muzzle Shoot (Mafui-Shot)

Items : Item/Seed of Escape (Puck)
to get Spell/Bufu Card (Apep)

What I suggest you do here is to map the entire forest and then return to the
city. In the battles it will take you to map the dungeon and leave, you will
earn a good amount of EXP and also a whole lot of money. Use this money to fill
up the shrine and to buy some armor in Rosa Candida and some items at Satomi
Tadashi. Now that you have Baofu's persona Odysseus, you can do a few more
elemental spells involving wind. The last fusion I suggest you learn requires
a specific spell, Mafui. Ulala's Callisto has this spell, but you only gain it
through mutation. You don't have to spend time trying to get it right now, but
if you get lucky and she learns it, also learn this fusion. When you leave
Seventh and when you return to the city from the trail, you should have a few
tarot cards and you should also have access to a few new persona in the Velvet.
While you can get some new ones if you want, the starter personae are the best
ones available to you at this point, so you should use them primarily. Get a
few low level ones if you feel comfortable enough with the battle system to
switch personae around. But, if you change personae, don't change all of them.
Leave a few that are ranked up and you know are strong, or you will find
yourself hard-pressed even in normal battles. Lastly, I put Poltergeist on
Katsuya because you still need to rank up Baofu's persona Odysseus, even though
Baofu is much more compatible with the devil arcanum than Katsuya is.

I suggest you try getting some Seeds of Escape from Puck. They come in very
handy if you find yourself overwhelmed in a battle as they work 100% of the
time (except for boss battles).

Be sure to fill the Old Shrine in the last section of the trail! The small
investment now will give a very good bonus later on (if you need to know what
it is, see the Sumaru Castle section).

The demons on the trail are a step up from Seventh, but you really shouldn't
have any problems. Your biggest threat is the Zombie Kamikaze who has an
instant kill spell and deals quite a lot of damage. Use Tower Inferno on them
immediately. Be very cautious if you meet a group of four (as they can take out
your whole party).


Mifune Trail, Mt. Mifune
1 Floor (7 Sections)

Items - Item/Antidote (x3) (Second Section)
Item/Lucky Bag (x2) (Third Section)
Item/Snuff Soul (x3) (Third Section)
Spell/Aqua Card (Third Section)
Incense/STR Card (Fourth Section)
Item/Obsidian (Sixth Section)
Item/Medicine (x3) (Seventh Section)

Demons - Level 3 Guzfan (Hanged Man)
Level 3 Nightmare (Moon)
Level 4 Harpie (Temperance)
Level 4 Zombie Schoolgirl (Zombie)
Level 5 Blob (Tower)
Level 6 Puck (Lovers)
Level 6 Phantom (Devil)
Level 7 Zombie Kamikaze (Zombie)
<Past the river>
Level 7 Empusas (Magician)
Level 8 Ogre (Chariot)
Level 9 Apep (Strength)


Mifune Trail is made up of seven separate sections divided by ascending and
descending paths, each of which is relatively small and straight forward. The
first section you enter is very simple, but you need to use the Auto Map to see
the hidden pathway in the trees. Open the map and if you have passed by the
trail, you will see two lines that move into the forest. There are a lot of
these in this forest, so be sure to check your map in each section.

After you head north through the first section, you come to the second which
is a big circle. The exit to the next area is in the northeastern corner of
the circle, but be sure to also pick up the Antidotes directly west of the

The third section is more complicated, but still easy to navigate. When you
first enter, check the north trees for a hidden path which leads to an Aqua
card. Make your way east as far as you can go and then south to another hidden
path which leads from the western half to the eastern half of this section. Go
north in the eastern half to find another hidden path which leads to the exit.
But before you leave, check to the west to find yet another hidden path which
leads to two chests.

After you get them, move on to the fourth section which is really straight
forward. Find the hidden path in the eastern forest which leads to a long
vertical section. Head north to the exit.

In the fifth section, head north until you hit the river. Follow it west until
you come to a bridge. Before you cross the bridge, head south from it to find a
slope which leads to a separate area of the last section where you can find a
STR card. Return to the fifth section and cross the bridge. Go north until you
reach the exit.

In the sixth section, go north through the trees and then to the eastern
branch. Check the map for a hidden path to the south which leads back to the
screen with the river and go south to find an Obsidian (which you will not be
using for some time). Head back and go north of the group of trees to the exit.

In the final section, you'll find several areas. Go northeast to a hidden path
which leads north. Go a little ways east and use the map to find another hidden
path which leads south. Here you will find a few Medicines, but there is also
another hidden path which leads east. The path here is winding, so use the Auto
Map to navigate it. It leads to an Old Shrine and Sign. The sign tells you that
the shrine is for Junnosuke Kuroda. BE SURE TO FILL THE SHRINE! It will take
10,000 yen to fill it, but believe me, it is worth every yen. It may be a lot
of money at this point, but just do it. When you have filled it, return along
the winding path and head directly north to another hidden path. Take this and
go north to the Rear Entrance to the Sanitarium.

No boss this time. Just head into the Sanitarium.


C. S a n i t a r i u m

===Suggested Party==============

Level 11
Persona : Maya - Maia/Tengu
Ulala - Callisto/Kimnara/Pixie
Katsuya - Helios/Genjo
Baofu - Odysseus/Ryume

Fusions : Ominous Waterfall (Water-Water)
to learn Sharp Boulder (Earth-Earth)
Fire Burst (Fire-Straight Slash)
Wind Slash (Wind-Straight Slash)
Light Smasher (Holy-Sword)

Items : Spell/Aques Card (Eryins)
to get Spell/Bersac Card (Cockatrice)

First of all, you now have access to some pretty good personae in the Velvet,
so you may want to pick up Tengu, Ryume, Genjo, and Kimnara. You'll need to get
some Free Cards from contracts, though, for the Hierophant and Star classes.
You don't need to get them, but this is the last dungeon that I'm going to use
the starter personae in, and you may want to get a head-start on ranking these
guys up. Also, Katsuya has better compatibility with Ryume, but there isn't a
better persona to give Baofu at this point. Baofu has high compatibility
anyway, so it should be okay like this (you can switch Ryume back to Katsuya
when you find a good one for Baofu). Concerning which spells to put on them,
the only thing I really really think you should do is put Magna or Maha Magna
on Genjo (as it will help you with doing fusions later on).

This dungeon is pretty straight forward. Just get the items, fight some demons,
and head to the Director's Office on 4F. Be sure to get an Aques card from the
Eryins demon and a Bersac card from Cockatrice so you can register them at the
Time Castle. The Aques spell is quite good for this stage of the game.

The demons in here are still easy, but they start to get more complicated.
First, you will see a wider variety of elemental attributes. You should begin
to try examining demons' appearances and attacks to discern their weakness.
You'll notice that the demons start to get some more spells aside from normal
attacks. They will cast status effects and a few will do the infamous and
terrible Hula of Misfortune. BEWARE THIS SPELL!!! It will halve your total
amount of yen. If at all possible, avoid fighting Robin Goodfellow and Nisroc.
Use the contact system to get a few cards.


Sanitarium, Mt. Mifune
4 Floors (1F, 2F, 3F, 4F)

Items - Item/Antidote (x3) (1F)
5000 Yen (2F)
Item/Mithril Silver (4F)
Item/AGI Incense (3F)

Demons - Level 7 Empusas (Magician)
Level 8 Ogre (Chariot)
Level 8 Agathion (Star)
Level 9 Apep (Strength)
Level 11 Cockatrice (World)
Level 9 Zombie Junkie (Zombie)
Level 10 Nisroc (Hanged Man)
Level 10 Erinys (Moon)
Level 11 Robin Goodfellow (Lovers)
Level 12 Mou Shobou (Temperance)


After the little scene and choice at the entrance, head into the Sanitarium.
Just south of the entrance is a Velvet Room and a Trish's Fountain. You will
commonly see these two in long dungeons or double-dungeons. Trish's is new to
you however. Inside, you will meet a greedy little fairy, Trish, who will heal
your party...for a nominal fee. She grossly overcharges and it is hardly ever
worth using her, so just stock up on items at Satomi Tadashi and save your

When you are done using the Velvet and Trish's, head south as far as you can
and then to the west you will see a chest with Antidotes. Get them and east all
the way and then north to the staircase to 2F.

On 2F, you can go up the stairs again, but there is nothing there, so don't
bother. Go all the way south and west to a chest by Room 206 with 5,000 yen.
In Room 206, you will find a nurse (and your party members) who talk about
Tatsuya Sudou. Leave and head west and then north to another staircase.

When you get to 3F, skip exploring here for now and go to 4F. On 4F, go all the
way south and then all the way west to a chest with a Mithril Silver (which,
like the Obsidian, you won't be using for a while). Head back to 3F.

From the staircase, go south as far as you can and then keep going east to get
to Room 303. Katsuya will stop you automatically and you will go in to
investigate Sudou's room. Here you will find some references to the "Oracle of
Maia" (see Extra Info), the serial killings, and a big eye with "Nyar" written
by it. After you are thoroughly creeped out, leave and go back west a ways to a
route north you passed earlier. You will come to a cross roads; head west to a
chest with and AGI Incense (an item that boosts the AGI stat of one character
by 2 points - very cool). Return to the hall by Room 303 and then keep going
east and then north to a staircase. Before you reach it, the screen will flash
black and white and you will feel and hear a heartbeat. This is used throughout
the game to signify when a boss is near.

On 4F, simply head south to the Director's Office. Once you enter, you will
begin the boss fight and will be taken out of the Sanitarium.


Level 13 Hellhound - "Ghaaa!"
Comment : Guard dog of hell.
HP : ~700; Strong : Fire; Weak : Water
Spells : Agilao, Fire Breath, Poisonous Scratch

Persona : Maia - Maia
Ulala - Callisto
Katsuya - Helios

Unfortunately, Baofu leaves you for this battle. It's a pain too, because
having him could have made this easier. Although the Hellhound is weak against
water, you can't use your water fusion (Hydro Boost) without using Pixie and
Poltergeist. Your starting personae are stronger and tougher, so just use Stone
Rise. Just use it 4-5 times and you should be set. The Hellhound will deal a
good amount of damage (Fire Breath especially), so use Maia's Media or Diarama
if you need to. Also, don't bother curing the Poison status he will inflict as
it does so little damage to you at this point.

EXP : 500
Yen : 4,500


<In the Entrance to the Sanitarium>
Baofu : Say that again, I'll put a hole in your face.
Maya : S, Stop it Katsuya.
<Baofu talks about the Tien Tao Lien>
S, Stop it Baofu...
<Baofu talks about the Tien Tao Lien>


D. S k y M u s e u m


After the boss fight you are placed on the City Map and you can no longer
access Mt. Mifune (nor will you for the rest of the game). You should have
leveled up in the last battle, but if you didn't, be sure to heal any status
effects and use a healer if you need to.

Only a few things have changed on the ward maps. In Rengedai, you should
register your cards at the Time Castle and talk to Chunky for a new rumor about
the Battle Master Magazine. Don't spread it yet.

In Aoba, go to the 2X Slash and check the orange computer for another rumor
about the Battle Master mag. The magazine rumor is one with three possible
outcomes, and you get to decide which one you want. Come back to Kuzunoha after
you get the third possible outcome in the new ward, Konan.

Konan has several points of interest. First, you can enter the Sky Museum,
which is the next dungeon, but you CANNOT get out once you enter. Next, you can
go the Konan PD (Police Department) where Katsu works. In here, you will find
Panta, a dog similar to the Lucky Cat who gobbles up your money. You don't have
to now, but putting 10,000 yen in him will give you a Hihi-Irokane (a material
you won't use for a while). You can keep putting money in him after that, but
no one has figured out what happens. Personally, I have donated 11 million to
him with no results. You can also go to the Lunar Palace, Maya's and Ulala's
home. There isn't much to do here right now, except to talk to Ulala who will
mention she is learning the Flamenco dance. Talking to her here is one of two
steps required to get the special contact "Flamenco de la Pasion" (Ulala +

In the Seaside Mall in Konan, there are three new shops. In Hiiragi Therapy,
you can meet up with a familiar face from Persona : Revelations, Mary. You can
also go to the Sumaru Genie and get some......interesting fortunes (they're
very funny, see the Sumaru Genie Fortunes Guide). Lastly, you can go to the
Jolly Roger and make a deal with your new Rumormonger, the Rumormonger Barkeep.
He has the final rumor about Battle Master. Now go spread the rumor at Kuzunoha
and you will be able to send in entries. Just buy some magazines from Satomi
Tadashi and go to Tammy in Kuzunoha who will send them in. Go to a dungeon for
a little while and then go to Kismet to see if you won. Chances are slim, but
the more magazines you send, the better your chances.

Go to Sky Museum

Battle Master gives away weapons - Chunky, Sushi Gatten
Battle Master gives away armor - Message Board, 2X Slash
Battle Master gives away accessories - Barkeep, Jolly Roger

Aques, Bersac, STR

===Suggested Party==============

Level 13
Persona : Maya - Tengu/Maia
Ulala - Kimnara/Pixie
Katsuya - Genjo
Baofu - Ryume

Fusions : Conflagrant Wrath (Fire-Blade of Fury)
to learn Typhonic Wrath (Wind-Blade of Fury)

Items : Item/Silver Manisha (Ixtab)
to get Item/Chewing Soul (Ocher Jelly)

After exploring the city, you are ready to go to the Sky Museum. Before you do,
go to Satomi Tadashi and get some items. You should get about 10 Balls of
Returning and about 15 of each status-effect-curing item. If you didn't get the
new armor at Rosa Candida for everyone, you should have enough money to do so
now. Weapon upgrades aren't necessary, but you can if you want (or have the
extra cash). Finally, go to the Velvet Room. You won't be able to change
personae in the next dungeon, so do everything you need to now. I highly
suggest that you now stop using the starter personae and get Tengu, Kimnara,
Ryume, and Genjo. You can keep the starters if you want, but there is no real
point and you can get some stat Incense if you return them at Rank 8. It's up
to you. Keep Maia though! She is still a decent persona and she has another
use later... Just don't return her.

Before heading in, spread the rumor about Battle Master. I highly suggest doing
the armor prizes. Weapons are almost useless later in the game and there is
another magazine to get accessories from. The armor they give away is
excellent, so you should start trying to get some right away.

The next dungeon is a bit different than the ones you've done so far. First,
you cannot leave at all. Second, you cannot save at ANY point in there, not
even before the boss fight. Third, there is a 30 minute time limit and if you
run out of time, you will game over. Don't worry about the time limit, you
should be able to do it. There are only a couple of timed dungeons in the game
and this is the only one that you really have to do.

Anyway, in the dungeon, the only thing you need to do battle-wise is make sure
that your personae are at rank 8. You may want to get some of the items I
suggested, but you don't need to. The new fusions don't do much damage, but
they can still be useful against demons who are weak against physical.

The demons here should not be a problem. Just watch out for Robin Goodfellow
and the Hula of Misfortune. Use water on Kimnara, use earth on Cockatrice, and
earth on Mou Shobo. Try to get some Silver Manishas off of Ixtab - they are an
excellent item that void one Holy or Dark spell cast on the party. You can get
some Chewing Souls from the Ocher Jelly (you can also buy them at Satomi
Tadashi, but they are expensive). You can also get a couple of demon rumors in
here by asking Robin Goodfellow and Kimnara for info, but they don't do
anything. They are simply Innocent Sin references to Jun (thanks to Sasoriza
for pointing that out).


Sky Museum, Konan Ward
5 Floors (1F, 2F, 3F, 4F, 5F)
Timed Event : 30 Minutes
Random Battles : Only on 4F and 5F

Items - Item/Medicine (x3) (2F)
Item/Ball of Returning (x2) (2F)
Item/Bead of Protection (3F)
Item/Damascus Steel (3F)
Item/Gala-Gala Drink (x2) (3F)
Item/Incense of Life (4F)
Item/Chewing Soul (x2) (4F)

Demons - Level 11 Robin Goodfellow (Lovers)
Level 11 Cockatrice (World)
Level 12 Mou Shobou (Temperance)
Level 12 Kimnara (Star)
Level 13 Ixtab (Death)
Level 13 Ocher Jelly (Tower)


After you enter the Sky Museum, there will be a short scene and then Sudou will
set the Museum on fire. If you explore the dungeon yourself, you will more than
likely come dangerously close to running out of time, but if you follow my
directions, you should have no problem finishing.

On 1F, there are no random battles, so just run quickly to conserve time. Head
west to a hall that leads north. Take it and then go west to the stairs up to
2F. (The elevators that are there don't work at all.)

On 2F, there are no random battles and the staircase back to 1F is blocked.
This will happen each time you change floors, so be sure you are finished on a
floor before moving on. Head east of the stairs into a showroom with display
cases. You should notice that one is different than the rest. It is just like a
treasure chest, so just grab the Medicine inside. Return west past the stairs
to another room with cases. Grab the Balls of Returning, go west into the next
room, and then take the southern passage. Go a little ways west and then south
as far as you can. You will come to a trio of Exhibit Rooms running to the
east. You will find a group of children in the first one (west-most); your goal
here is to find the four groups of children and if you don't find the group(s)
on the floor you are on, Jun won't let you go up the stairs. Anyway, once the
kids leave, go all the way east and then north to a hallway. Take it east to
another Exhibit Hall (where Jun was standing if you hadn't gotten the kids).
Go in and you will see a quick scene where Maya has a... moment. After you
leave there, just head southwest to the staircase up.

On 3F, there are still no random battles and 2F is now blocked by fire. Keep
going north past the two elevators until you come to two rooms opposite each
other. Go in the western one, Trish's Fountain. You shouldn't need to heal, but
if you talk to Baofu and Katsuya they will talk about ghost stories. I'm pretty
sure this is one step of unlocking the contact "100 Stories," but I'm not
positive - just talk to them anyway. Leave and go north til you get to a
staircase with Jun. Go west of him as far as you can and then go south as far
as you can. You will pass another case-chest, but don't get it - it is a trap
that will deal a small amount of damage. Once you reach the end of the hall, go
east to an Exhibit Hall where "police hero" Katsuya will "rescue" the kids.
Leave and then keep going east until you can go north. Go up as far as you can
to a chest with a Bead of Protection (an item that you can use once to act like
a spell; this one casts Raku Kaja (DEF x2). Return to the staircase Jun is at
(use Auto Map if you need to). Go south past the first elevator and hook around
it to a hall way that leads east. Keep going east until you get to a path that
leads south. If you take it south and then west when you reach the end, you
will find the next Exhibit Room and Ulala ever-so delicately rescues the
children. Head back north to the hallway (the one east of the elevator). Keep
going east and then north when you can. Do a spiral-type motion west and south
to another chest with a Damascus Steel. Return to the hallway and this time
take the southern route until you get to a case-chest with two Gala-Gala Drinks
(excellent item). Return to the staircase Jun was at and proceed to 4F.

As soon as you take a step on 4F, Sudou will come on over the intercom, rant
about the Other Side and the Grand Cross, and will make it so that there are
now random battles. You only have one more floor to go, so if you made it here
by 20 minutes remaining, you should be okay. Head south past the first elevator
and hook around it east and go into the showroom. Go to the northeast corner of
the room to find a couple of square cases. The back one is broken and has an
Incense of Life in it. Once you get it, go south and do an "S" curve into the
next showroom to the south. Get the Snuff Souls from the broken case. Head west
past the second elevator into yet another showroom. Take the path out of it to
the south. Go west the end of the hallway and then a little ways north to the
final Exhibit Room with kids. Baofu will get the kids this time. Head back to
the main hallway with the elevators and go south to the staircase Jun was at.
When you get into the southern section of the hallway (past the elevators) the
screen will do the screen flash that precedes the bosses.

5F is really small, but there are still random battles and you can no longer
get to 4F. To finish, just head north to the Rooftop. When you enter the door,
the timer will stop and there will be few dramatic scenes and then the boss
battle will begin.


All you have to do here is search the Exhibit Rooms to find all of the kids.
Jun won't let you pass to the next floor unless you find them, but the 30
minute time limit is a problem, as searching each floor is time-consuming.
Here are directions to each room with kids from the staircase you initially
enter the floor on.

1F : None
2F : 1 Group - 1. Go west until you can go down a southern hall
2. Go south to end of hall to trio of Exhibit Halls
3. Go east to west-most hall with the kids
3F : 2 Groups - 1. Go north until you reach the staircase with Jun
2. Go west as far as you can
3. Go south as far as you can
4. Go east to Exhibit Room with the kids
<next group> 1. Go north until you reach the second elevator
2. Go east on hallway east of the elevator
3. Go south as soon as you can and go all the way down
4. Go west to the Exhibit Room with the kids
4F : 1 Group - 1. Go south past the second elevator
2. Go west on hallway west of elevator
3. Go south in showroom to a hallway running east-west
4. Go west in hallway as far as you can
5. Go north a little ways to the Exhibit Room with the kids
5F : None


Level 20 Tatsuya Sudou - "You can't run from fate!!"
Comment : Foreign Minister Tatsuzou Sudou's son. Hears voices in his head.
HP : ~1,100; Absorb : Fire; Weak : Water
Spells : Agilao, Hypnotic Wave, Maha Agi, Old Maid, Pulinpa, Sonic Punch

Level 12 Shax (x2) - "Do you have the time to be so leisurely?
This is a battlefield..."
HP : ~400; Void : Water; Strong : Sword, Attack; Weak : Shot, Fire, Earth
Spells : Diarama, Bufu, Zio

Level 13 Minotaur (x2)- "Ghaaa!"
HP : ~400; Strong : Physical; Weak : Magic
Spells : Sonic Punch, Tackle

Notable Spells : Old Maid - Randomly selects one of the player's characters and
makes it so that upon the next turn of that character, they
will cast another spell called Old Maid which deals huge
damage to all other characters (no damage to the one who cast
it nor to enemies). It can be voided by making the character
it is inflicted upon defend (but there is no way to tell which
one is affected). If voided or used, the character who would
have or did cast it will have their command changed to attack.

Persona : Maia - Tengu
Ulala - Kimnara
Katsuya - Genjo
Baofu - Ryume
Tatsuya - Apollo

And now, the first epic battle of the game. At least, it would be if Tatsuya
didn't join you at a ridiculously high level (55). Tatsuya has 581 HP and 523
SP and is also equipped with the persona Apollo (which you cannot remove).
Without Tatsuya, this would be a very difficult battle, but with him, it is
relatively easy. Apollo initially starts with Agidyne, but you should rank up
about two or three times in the battle, unlocking Gigantic Fist.

You face Tatsuya Sudou, 2 Shaxes (Shaxi?), and 2 Minotaurs. First, take out the
Shaxes as they have a VERY annoying Diarama spell. They are weak against fire,
so use the fusion Tower Inferno (make sure that you use Apollo's Agidyne - it
will take them both out in one hit). Chances are that while you were using the
fusions, the Minotaurs and Sudou did some damage to you - be sure to heal (use
either Kimnara's Soothing Melody to heal about 50 each or use Diarama to fully
heal one person - Media heals pitifully little at this point, so it is no
longer useful). Next, do the Minotaurs. Use any magic fusion (you will probably
need to use 2 fusions for each one).

Now that you have taken care of those minor annoyances, Sudou is bit more of a
challenge. Hopefully, you took out the four other demons before he cast Old
Maid (if he did cast it, taking out the four demons is MUCH harder - just keep
an eye on your HP). When he casts the spell, BE SURE TO DEFEND!!! If you don't,
it is more than likely that all but one party member will be killed (especially
if Tatsuya casts it). By having each character defend, it will negate the
spell. The character who was going to cast it will have their command changed
to attack, so you may want to check your Strategy menu before everyone has
defended to see if the one who would have cast it already has negated it. There
is one small benefit to Old Maid - Sudou didn't deal any damage. You may want
to risk having one character use a spell or item to heal if you are really
hurting bad (but ONLY ONE!). If you get in a crunch, use the Gala-Gala drinks
you picked up (restore 200 HP to one person).

Anyway, when you get a chance to attack, use the water fusion Hydro Boost, have
Tatsuya use Gigantic Fist (NOT Agidyne - Sudou absorbs it), and the remaining
character heal (if you need it) or use his/her best attack (water is best).
This is how I set it up:

Maia : Tengu : Maha Garu (Fusion)
Katsuya : Genjo : Maha Magna (Fusion)
Baofu : Ryume : Aqua (Fusion : Hydro Boost)
Tatsuya : Apollo : Gigantic Fist
Ulala : Kimnara : Soothing Melody or any attack spell but fire!

Sudou has about 1,100 HP, so it should only take a few turns, but the battle
can take much longer the more Sudou casts Old Maid in-between your windows of
opportunity to attack. If worse comes to worse, and all of your characters but
Tatsuya die, you should be able to kill Sudou by only using Tatsuya and
Gigantic Fist (healing when needed).

EXP : 1,208
Yen : 10,480


<In Hiiragi Therapy>
Mary : Do you know Yuki Mayuzumi?
Maya : Yes
<Mary introduces herself>
<Mary sees through Maya's lie and introduces herself>

<In Sky Museum>
Jun : Have we met somewhere before?
Maya : Now that you mention it...
<Jun is surprised then remembers>
In front of the station?
<Jun is confused then remembers>

<In Exhibit Room, Sky Museum>
Ulala : Found them!
Maya : It'll be okay. Run to the roof!!
<The kids leave>
Grab your asses and run to the roof!!
<Katsuya is shocked and the kids leave>

<On Rooftop, Sky Museum>
Katsuya : What... Tatsuya...!?
Maya : Deja Vu Boy!?
<Katsuya is shocked that Tatsuya is Deja Vu Boy>
Jun, are you okay!?
<Ulala points out that Tatsu is Deja Vu Boy>


E. G O L D


After the boss battle and a few scenes, you will be put on the Konan Ward map.
Your party has spilt up, but Maya agreed to help Baofu and he told you to go to
Kismet and wait for him. Now, there is a WHOLE lot of stuff to do in the city
this time, but I'm going to run through what you are required to do and come
back to the optional points after that.

Only a few things have changed at this point; the Rumormonger Barkeep has a new
rumor, the store lists for Parabellum and Rosa Candida have changed (don't buy
anything yet), and Jun can now by found at Araya Shrine in Rengedai. First, go
to Kismet. There will be numerous scenes to sit through and you will meet
Ishigami "Wang Long" Chizuru, find out a bit about the police's dirty dealings,
and learn that the Joker is not just one person... It seems that just as you
can use rumors to your advantage, the "bad guys" can use them too - they use
the media to perpetuate a down-right evil rumor. When you are back in control
of Maya, take the elevator to the lobby and hook up with Baofu again. Then one
of you (depending on the choice you make) will suggest to go find Katsuya. So,
go to Konan PD and Katsuya will rejoin your party and you now are on a search-
and-rescue mission to find Ulala (who will not be joining your party for a
while) and Baofu suggests you go to the a bar in your new ward, Hirasaka. Go
there and select the "Talk" option in the Shiraishi Lady's store menu. She will
suggest you go to Parabellum (to find the man Ulala has a grudge against, who
Maya remembered in mysterious circumstances). You can also meet your new
Rumormonger, Toku, here. He has one rumor right now. Go to Parabellum and you
will see a short scene where Katsuya and Baofu trick the sniveling little punk,
Makimura to confess. Now, Maya thinks that Ulala would be in GOLD Fitness Club,
so go yet another new ward, Yumezaki. GOLD is the next dungeon, but you can
leave it at anytime unlike the last.

Now that you have done all of this, there is a whole mess of extra stuff to do.
I'll divide it up by ward.

Rengedai : Nothing to do here. The only thing new is Jun that is at Araya and
he'll be here for a while.

Aoba : First, Parabellum and Rosa Candida have updated their store lists. You
should get the best armor for all three characters, but don't bother getting
the weapons - they are far too expensive. There is one rumor on the message
board in the 2X Slash. Last, come back to Kuzunoha when you have finished the
other wards and gotten all of the rumors.

Konan : The Barkeep in the Jolly Roger has three rumors for you, including one
that gives the Sumaru Genie new fortune telling. See the Sumaru Genie Appendix
for more on the fortunes.

Hirasaka : First, Toku has four rumors for you, including one that will enable
man-searching at Shiraishi. It's a lot of quick cash, so you should do each one
(see Sasoriza's guide for an explanation and the locations of each person).
Also, I will quickly mention at the end of the city section where they can be
found. You can also access Sumaru Jail where you can meet Eikichi. You should
also talk to Katsuya in the Jail - it is the final step in unlocking the
"Flamenco de la Pasion" contact (which you cannot use at the moment, since
Ulala isn't in your party). You also now have access to the first optional
dungeon, Kasugayama (Kasu) High School. You can come here at anytime to meet
(almost) all of the demons in the game, get items, get cards, rank up personae,
gain levels, and play with the battle system (and there are a few other
perks...). See the Optional Dungeons section for more on it.

On a side note, you can also meet the amusing new healer, Dr. Tomi, in
Hirasaka. He is the "Master of Chiropractic who trained in the USA!!!" And he
has the...Ace in the Hole GOLD FINGER!

Yumezaki : Here, you can meet the next rumormonger, the spirited Chikalin, in
Peace Diner. She has three rumors. You can also go to Mu Continent, which is
empty at the moment. There is also another building you can access, the Seedy
CD. Right now, the only thing you can do is buy the really cool CDs to listen
to on the stereo at Lunar Palace (Konan). But if you'll notice, there is a
security guard in back who won't let you go upstairs, you can use the Auto Map,
and the screen goes white when you leave. All of these should be clues to the
fact that this is a dungeon. But, you can't use it at the moment, so just pick
up the CDs and listen to the great tunes at the apartment (well, these aren't
the best songs, but they get better, I swear!). (See the Appendix section to
learn a bit more about the CDs.)

On a side note, you can also meet the annoying new healer, Aki dude, in
Yumezaki. I never, ever, EVER go to him if I need to heal. That is how annoying
he is (and I'm a bit partial to Kaori's anyway).

Now that you have gotten all of the rumors, go to Kuzunoha. Before you go on a
rumor-frenzy, go to the glass door of the bookshelf behind the Chief and push
the X button. The door will slide over and you can examine the books to find
the Item/Sumaru Magazine. Go to the Item menu and click on it to get another
rumor about a Secret CD at the Seedy CD (you should have noticed the purple ???
in the Erste category). Now you can spread the rumors (and spend a whole lot of
yen). See the Suggested Party section for how I suggest you spread the variable
rumors. Be sure to send in more magazines to Tammy.

One of the rumors you spread will be about Mu Continent being a casino. You can
now go to the arcade and play slots, poker, black jack, and bingo. Most of it
is automated, but it is still fun and offers a quick break from the game
proper when you need it. Also, you can get some pretty nice prizes by cashing
in coins. This place will also have another use later on. (By the way, if you
need an explanation of how the games work, the game manual explains it all
in a disgusting amount of detail.)

When you are all set, head to GOLD.

Go to Kismet
Take the elevator down to lobby
Go to Konan PD
Go to Shiraishi and talk to Shiraishi Lady
Go to Parabellum
Go to GOLD

Rosa Candida

Sumaru Genie does Wang Long - Barkeep, Jolly Roger
Miracle Magazine gives away items - Toku, Izakaya Shiraishi
Miracle Magazine gives away Spell Cards - Chikalin, Peace Diner
Mu Continent is casino; Slots win often - Message Board, 2X Slash
Mu Continent is casino; Blackjack wins big - Chikalin, Peace Diner
Mu Continent is casino; Poker wins often - Toku, Izakaya Shiraishi
Shiraishi offers man-searching - Toku, Izakaya Shiraishi
Toa Armory sells weapons - Toku, Izakaya Shiraishi
Toa Armory sells armor - Barkeep, Jolly Roger
Tony sells items - Barkeep, Jolly Roger
Tony sells accessories - Chikalin, Peace Diner
Seedy CD has Secret CD - Sumaru Magazine, Kuzunoha

Ryochi Honda - Time Castle
Osamitsu Tanaka - Kismet
Takuya Murata - Kaori
Gonzo Satsuma - Mu Continent
Yuuta Ikenaka - Sumaru Genie

===Suggested Party==============

Level 17
Persona : Maya - Iris/Maia
Katsuya - Surya/Genjo/Ryume
Baofu - Hel/Ryume

Fusions : Blazing Hell (Fire-Fire)
to learn L'Oiseau Du Feu (Fire-Earth-Maha Agi)
Ryuhi Tensho (Wind-Wind)
Land Spark (Earth-Fire-Maha Magna)
Crag Fang (Earth-Fire-Maha Magnus)

Items : Item/Clean Salt (Pixie - Kasu HS)
to get Item/Silver Manisha (Ixtab - Kasu HS)
Item/Chewing Soul (Ocher Jelly - Kasu HS)
Item/Gala-Gala Drink (Nekomata, Minotaur)
Spell/Escape Card (Return Rank 8 Kimnara persona)

First, you need to change your personae before you go on fighting. Since Ulala
left you, you can only do a few fusions, none of which are all that useful to
you. Having newly summoned personae at rank 1 may make things a bit harder on
you in the next dungeon, but they are well worth it. You should (as always) get
them to rank 8, but you may want to go to Kasu High and gain a few ranks there
to make it easier on you in GOLD. You will find your first material card in
GOLD. Use it to get Iris right away and start ranking her up. Use Free cards to
make some Sun cards and get the very useful Surya (don't be put off by the fact
that he is at a low level). You should also get the excellent persona Hel for
Baofu. You can stick with Hel for a little while now, as she has all of the
basic elements making her ideal for doing fusions.

Speaking of fusions, there are a number of new ones to learn now that you have
some more "Maha" spells. A few of the new spells are attack-all spells, which
are very useful for taking out large groups of enemies in random battles.

In the city, be sure to collect the new rumors and spread as many as you can.
You should have a good amount of money from the last dungeon and you can make
a whole lot of money doing mansearches, so you should have enough to spread
all of the rumors, buy the CD's, stock up on items if you need to, buy new
armor (either from Rosa Candida or Toa, should you choose armor), and possibly
buy weapons (which still cost more than they are worth). You should also
consider buying some coins and playing the games at the casino. Coins are
expensive (100 yen for 1 coin), but the rewards of hitting 500 in slots are
well worth it. It isn't needed right now, but at some point, you should
consider using the "Turbo-Controller Trick" (see the Tricks section above).

Also in the city, you now have access to Kasugayama (Kasu) High School and the
Bomb Shelter in the basement. Having a dungeon you can always go to a meet all
of the demons gives you a large amount of freedom concerning your levels, tarot
card stocks, item stocks, and yen. Be sure to visit it often (in fact, you
should do so now to get a few items and gain a few ranks for your new
personae). From now on, I will only mention when a new section of the Bomb
Shelter unlocks, but you should frequent it throughout the game.

Lastly, now that you will no longer need the Kimnara persona, you can return
him to Igor for a prize (if he is at Rank 8, which he should be). You will get
an Escape (Trafuri) card. You should register it at the Time Castle, but the
card is really expensive - if you ever want the card again, it would be cheaper
and easier to just summon Kimnara again, rank him up, and return him.

For the variable rumors, I suggest you do:
Miracle Magazine - Items
Mu Continent - Slots
Toa Armory - Armor
Tony's Shop - Accessories

The demons in here are really easy. In fact, almost all are weak against one or
another element, so just use their weakness. The only one who might give you
problems is Faust. All the demons deal pretty good damage to you (use Diarama),
but Faust's spells Frei and Mephistopheles can hurt you bad. Be cautious and
heal HP and status effects if you need to. He is weak against holy, but you
don't have a good holy spell yet; use your best fusions (or use the contact
system to get cards).


GOLD, Yumezaki Ward
3 Floors (1F, 2F, 3F)

Items - Item/Clean Salt (Women's Lockers, 1F)
Material/Rainbow Gleam (Men's Lockers, 1F)
Tarot/Free Card (5) (Women's Lockers, 3F)
Event/Gym Key (Women's Locker Room, 3F)

Demons - Level 12 Kimnara (Star)
Level 13 Ixtab (Death)
Level 13 Ocher Jelly (Tower)
Level 14 Nekomata (Hermit)
Level 14 Angel (Judgment)
Level 15 Minotaur (Chariot)
Level 16 Tengu (Magician)
Level 16 Wraith (Devil)
Level 17 Kiyohime (Strength)
Level 17 Shax (Hanged Man)
Level 22 Faust (Magician)


This dungeon is really small and therefore really quick. All you need to do is
find the worker who has the key to the gym. Leave the lobby and head into the

On 1F, go north until you get to the Boxing Gym Ulala has locked herself in.
You will get the screen flash and heartbeat for bosses and Baofu will comment
on her "really bad vibes." Go west past the gym and skip the first route north.
Take the next one that leads to the Men's Lockers. Grab the item from the
broken locker in the east-most row of lockers. Leave the lockers and head west
a bit to the Women's Lockers. Get the Material Card for the very useful Iris
persona (whom you should now summon for Maya). After you get it, leave the
lockers and head straight south to the staircase leading to 2F (which is on the
west side of the hallway).

On 2F, go north and then curve east and north around the island of seats.
Continue north to the end of the hallway and go into the Equipment Room. When
Maya enters she will see a barbell flicker for a moment then disappear, but if
you talk to everyone, no one else saw it. (Don't worry about it too much - it
is merely an Innocent Sin reference and nothing comes of it.) The key isn't
here, but the worker says you need to go find someone... So, leave and head
south. This time, take the hallway that leads east away from the island of
seats. You'll come to a pathway south - take it and then go to the staircase
(to the east) up.

On 3F, you can take the path to the south and west to a Trish's Fountain, but
you shouldn't need to use her (unless you want to hear Makimura demonstrating
his scum skills). From the staircase, go north, then slightly west to the
Women's Locker room. Go behind the lockers (of course, Katsuya won't...it's the
ladies' room after all) and find...a panty thief! Just talk to him and he gives
you the key. You can just leave now if you want, but you can talk to Katsuya
and have the option of exposing the pervert to Katsuya who will promptly
"arrest" him (seemed like a little bit of excessive force, but he deserved it).
Anyway, when you get the key, just leave and head west into the Dance Studio.
Go all the way west and go to the Women's Locker's and grab the Free Cards from
the broken locker. Now you are all done here and you can just run back to the
gym on 1F and begin the boss fight.


Get the Event/Gym Key from the pervert in the Women's Locker Room, 3F. Simple
as that.


Level 20 Joker Ulala - "You piss me off!!"
Comment : Ulala who turned into a Joker user.
HP : ~950; Strong : Wind; Weak : Earth
Spells : Fata Morgana, Maha Garu, Maha Garula (critical), Old Maid

Notable Spells : Old Maid

Persona : Maia - Iris
Katsuya - Surya
Baofu - Hel (or anyone with a water spell (Ryume))

Now you fight Joker Ulala. By the way, I hope you figured all of this out on
your own - the game practically beat you over the head with the fact that Ulala
has some sort of resentment towards Maya.

Anyway, this battle should be easy enough for you by now. Notice that Ulala
uses wind spells, showing that she is most likely weak against earth (which
she is). Use the fusion Stone Rise thusly:

Baofu : Hel : Aques
Katsuya : Surya : Agilao
Maya : Iris : Maha Magnus

Although Stone Rise is an early spell, it still does much more damage than the
new earth fusions do (note that it says "huge" damage in the fusion menu while
the others say "large."). Make sure that earth spell Maya uses is Magnus and
not Magna (it will affect the damage done) and that the other two also use the
most powerful spells of their element. I put Aques on Hel, but you could also
use any water spell (Hel also has Acid Rain). It should only take 2-3 casts of
the spell to knock Ulala out, but if you use lesser grades of the elements, it
will take longer (which you don't really want to happen...).

If you take her out quickly you shouldn't have any problems, but if she casts
Maha Garula or Old Maid a lot, you can find yourself faring worse (especially
since Iris is weak against wind). Your best bet for healing is to switch to
Maia and use Diarama (which should fully heal one character). You can use
Ryume's Sama Kaja to boost Maya's spell defense, but this battle should be so
quick that you shouldn't need it.

By the way, after the battle, there is a choice. BE SURE to choose the "Shut
up!" option. It will give you a very good reward soon.

EXP : 3,000
Yen : 8,000


<In Kismet>
Baofu : So, what do we do now?
Maya : Let's meet up with Katsuya...
<Baofu grudgingly agrees that he is necessary>
Wh, what should we do...
<Baofu harps on Maya and says they need to find Katsuya>

<In Women's Locker Room, GOLD>
Katsuya : I knew there was a girl back there...
Maya : Hmmm... Oh, well.
<Katsuya says they should go find Ulala>
Wrong! It was a panty thief.
<Katsuya is shocked, goes to locker, and "arrests" the pervert>

<In Boxing Gym, GOLD>
Ulala : Is...Ma-..-ya..there...?
Ma-ya : U, Ulala?
<Maya cautiously approaches, then backs off. Joker Ulala
teasingly taunts Maya and Baofu says "Women are demons">
I'm right here Ulala!
<Maya approaches and Joker Ulala punches her then taunts her
with the fact that Ulala called Joker to kill Maya. Baofu
says "Women are demons" (slightly different dialogue than
first choice). IMPORTANT: Maya will start the boss battle at
1/2 HP if you choose this option.>

<In Boxing Gym, GOLD>
Makimura : Don't you think she's a cruel person!?
Maya : Mabey you're right...
<Baofu sees Makimura's motives and knocks him on his arse.
Katsuya lets Makimura go. IMPORTANT: If you choose this
option, you WILL NOT be able to mutate Maia into Maia
Custom. Ever. So don't pick this one!>
Shut up! You're wrong about her!
<Ulala says "Maya..." and then continues as in previous
option. VERY IMPORTANT: If you choose this option, you will
be able to mutate Maia into Maia Custom from now on.>


F. C l u b Z o d i a c


After the boss fight and once the Joker has been ripped from Ulala by Igor, she
will rejoin your party. First thing you need to do is a party over-hall (see
Suggested Party). Once you are all set, there a only a couple of new things to
do in the city this time. First, there is a new person on the Hirasaka ward map
- the Pathetic Loser. Talk to him and he will give you a rumor that the rumor-
demon Tek Tek appears in Kasu High. The first area of the Bomb Shelter is now
open as well. The last point of interest right now is that a Housewife on the
Rengedai ward map will say that slot machine number two in the casino is hot...
(hint, hint)

When you are ready, head over to Zodiac club. There is a small section at the
beginning that is not part of the dungeon. Here, you can get a rumor about
Zodiac from one of the dancing kids (see Walkthrough section for an

Go to Zodiac

Tek Tek appears in Kasu High - Pathetic Loser, Hirasaka Ward Map
Club Zodiac is like a maze - Girl, Club Zodiac

===Suggested Party==============

Level 21
Persona : Maya - Maia Custom
Ulala - Iris
Katsuya - Otohime (with Maha Garu)/Surya
Baofu - Hel/Ryume

Fusions : Tidal Wave (Water-Wind-Maha Aques)
to learn Cyclone Splash (Wind-Water-Maha Garu)
Maximum Tempest (Wind-Water-Maha Garula)
Death's Roulette (Holy-Dark)

Items : Item/Chewing Soul (Ocher Jelly - Kasu HS)
to get

First of all, now that Ulala has rejoined your party, you need to make some
major changes to your line up. First, give Iris to Ulala and put Maia on Maya
(just keep reading to find out why). Now, go to the Velvet and pick up the
Strength persona Otohime for Katsuya. I HIGHLY suggest you buy a Maha Garu card
from the Time Castle and put it on Otohime when you summon her (trust me). Be
sure you also upgrade Ulala's armor.

Now that you are all prepped, you should be going on your first optional trip
to a dungeon. As I said, it is optional, so you don't have to and you can just
go on to Zodiac if you wish. But, there are some pretty good rewards for making
this trip to Kasu High, and there is no reason not to. What you are going to do
is go to the third floor of Kasugayama where you can meet your first rare demon
(namely Tek Tek). You could just run around killing demons while you hope to
find him, or you can use the "Estoma Trick" (using Clean Salts, since you don't
have Estoma yet) or the "Save-Reload Trick" to meet him. But, instead of just
mindlessly killing demons and running around, there are a couple of things you
can accomplish while waiting to meet him. First, use the fusion Maximum Tempest
to finish every battle (in one round, no less) and you should start to get a
number of mutations (be sure the fusion includes Otohime to rank her up and
Maia to get her to mutate). The goal of try to get Maia to mutate is to get the
modification ability. As soon as you get it, go to the Velvet and Igor will
explain that a new persona is trying to emerge from Maia. A new option will
appear in Igor's menu where you can mutate the level 3 Maia into the level 31
Maia Custom, a VERY powerful and useful persona (especially at this point in
the game). Unfortunately, only Maia will obtain this kind of a mutation.

Hopefully, during this trip to Kasu High, you should rank up Otohime, get Maia
to mutate into Maia Custom, meet Tek Tek, probably gain a number of mutations
for Hel and Otohime (greatly increasing their value), and I would also suggest
getting a contract with Ocher Jelly and stocking up on Chewing Souls (and/or
other items and tarot cards). The demons you will fight don't give much EXP or
yen, but you should gain a level and a nice pile of cash. When you defeat Tek
Tek, go back to the ward map and give the Event/Tek Tek's Name Tag to him to
get a Soma, the best healing item in the game (heal all HP, SP and status
effects to ALL characters). Not bad for beating that little pip-squeak, huh?
I'd suggest holding on to it for a while (don't use it on a whim as these
things are very rare).

Some people have had a lot of difficulty mutating Maia in Maia Custom. Perhaps
I am just lucky, but I never have had any problems getting mutations. If your
personae compatible with their respective character and you have a good luck
stat, you should have no problems either. If you do have problems, try
equipping LUC increasing accessories, like the Good Luck Bunny, which you
start with. I found that I had a lot of mutations with the spell Maximum
Tempest, so try using it. Above all, don't get frustrated if you can't get the
modification - patience is a virtue and the rewards are well worth it. The only
problem with Maia Custom is that the SP usage is a bit high. But, you should
have at least 200 SP by now, so you'll be fine (if you really need to, use
those Chewing Souls I keep telling you to get).

Also, a quick reminder that you can now use the "Flamenco de la Pasion" contact
method with Katsuya and Ulala.

The demons in this dungeon aren't too bad. The deal a good amount of damage,
but it shouldn't be anything a Mediarama or Diarama can't handle.

You can get rumors about the Atomic Bufula spell in here by asking demons for
info. After you get your first demon-rumor, a new option will appear in the
contract menu - "Spread a Rumor." There are several effects to the spell.
First, that it exists. Second, that it is weak. Third, it is strong. And
finally, that it fuses with another spell (Summon Spirit, which you won't get
for a little while). Unless you are using the Jack Frost persona, the best
choice is obviously to make it weak so the Jack Frost demon doesn't whoop you
with it.


Club Zodiac, Yumezaki Ward
3 Floors (1F, 2F, 3F)

Items - Spell/Media Card (2F)
Gun/S&W Magma (2F)
Item/Anti-Magic Bead (2F)
Item/Lucky Bag (x2) (2F)
Spell/Frei Card (2F)
Item/Battle Master (3F)
Spell/Suku Kaja Card (3F)

Demons - Level 16 Tengu (Magician)
Level 16 Wraith (Devil)
Level 17 Kiyohime (Strength)
Level 17 Shax (Hanged Man)
Level 18 Jack Frost (Lovers)
Level 18 Fang Leng (Human)
Level 19 Fearal (Temperance)
Level 19 Zombie DJ (Zombie)
Level 20 Ryuman (Human)
Level 22 Faust (Magician)


Before you begin this dungeon, you should spread the rumor that you can collect
in the dance hall. If you don't, you will not be able to get any of the items
listed above; in fact, the only item you will collect will be an Iluzone card
from chest that will initiate a battle with a single Faust. The positive side
to not spreading the rumor is that the dungeon is very simple and straight
forward (so much so, that I won't even cover a step-by-step walkthrough for
it), but it is really not worth it to miss these items. It is also fairly
boring... That said, what follows is the walkthrough for the dungeon after the
rumor has ben spread. (By the way, once you go past the first floor of the
dungeon, you will no longer be able to spread the rumor.)

On 1F, go north then east to get to an area with branching paths. Take the
north west route all the way north to a staircase up to 2F. On 2F, go south
then east to a room with a chest. Return to 1F and go south back towards the
branching paths, but as soon as you reach a path going west, take it to a
staircase up to 2F.

On 2F, to south as far as possible to a chest. Return a little ways north to a
path east. Take it and past the first route south to the second route and take
it south. At the set of two staircases, go north of the eastern one to a chest.
Take the western stairs up to 3F.

On 3F, make a curve north then west then south to a chest. Return to the double
stairs on 2F and take the eastern one up to 3F this time. Now go north then
east until you get to a route going north. Take it to a chest. Return south
and go east then north all of the way to another staircase. You will pass the
Staff Room, which you can enter, but there isn't anything to here at the
moment, so continue to the stairs down to 2F.

On 2F, go south and then slightly west, and then south again to a branching
path. Take the southeast path to a chest. Return to where you came down the
stairs, but go west of them this time. Go past the staircase down to the first
floor to a chest. Return a little bit east to a path south and follow the path
to a staircase up. (If you don't clean the floors with Kiyohime (see the puzzle
section below), you will have to go further east and walk around the big square
to the right of the splotches.)

On 3F, just go north to the Secret Casino door and try to enter. A person on
the other side will ask you the password, which you obviously don't know. Now,
if you return to the Staff Room on 2F, Baofu will "persaude" the Tien Tao Lien
members in there to tell him the password. Return to the casino door and enter
the password. Even though I'm going to list the password in the Puzzle section,
you may still want to hike back to the Staff Room just to see how good Baofu
is at "persauding" people...and to see Katsuya get very angry with Baofu.
Anyway, once you enter the password and open the door, the boss fight will
begin (after a quick story scene).


Two puzzles this time.

During this dungeon, you will see big splotches of yellow on the floor. If you
step on them, the will take away a huge amount of HP. So don't step on them!
However, if you ask demons for info in the contract menu, one of them will tell
you that the demon Kiyohime is a neat freak. If you get a contract with
Kiyohime, a new option will appear in her contract menu to clean the floors.
By all means try to get this rumor - it will make this dungeon much easier to

Also, a password is required to enter the Secret Casino to complete the dungeon
and fight the boss. To get the password, you must first try to enter the Secret
Casino then go to the Staff Room on 2F, where Baofu will get the password.

The password is "panther".


Level 26 Joker Noriko - "I can't...Because I'm a Joker <heart>"
Comment : Noriko who turned into a Joker user.
HP : ~1,200; Strong : Water; Weak : Fire
Spells : Absolute Zero (critical), Maha Aques, Marin Karin, Old Maid,
Raku Kaja, Taru Kaja

Level 20 Ryuman (x2) - "Hey you! What are you doing here!?"
Comment : Member of the Tien Tao Lien.
HP : ~475; Void : Holy
Spells : Single Shot, Rapidfire

Notable Spells : Old Maid

Persona : Maia - Maia Custom OR Pariker (with Aques)/Maia
Ulala - Iris
Katsuya - Otohime
Baofu - Hel

This battle should be really quick and easy if you just follow my plan, despite
the small bit of infamy that has built up around this battle. Right away, cast
Maximum Tempest twice to take out the two Ryuman demons and deal a good bit of
damage to Noriko. It shouldn't be too hard to cast two fusions right out of the
gate - Noriko usually casts one of here Kaja spells on a Ryuman and the other
two will just hit you for a small bit of damage (just use Maia Custom's
excellent spell Mediarama to fully heal all of your characters). Be sure you
use the best spells you have (Otohime's Garu, Maia Custom's Maha Aques, and
Hel's Maha Garula).

Once those two are gone, this boss can be put to rest really quickly by using
the fusion Tower Inferno 2-3 times on Noriko (again, use the best spells -
Otohime's Garu, Iris' Maha Magnus, and Hel's Fire Storm while Maya heals with
Mediarama). It really should not be hard to cast these spells a few rounds.
Most of Noriko's spells do little to medium damage to you, and if they do too
much, just use the circle button to move Maya to the first slot and cast
Mediarama. Your biggest problems are if she casts Old Maid (defend, as usual)
or inflicts you with the Charmed or Frozen status effects. You can't heal these
and the only way to make them go away is by having the affected character act a
few times (usually anywhere from one to four times). Barring those, this should
be a cut and dry battle over in four to five rounds.

Now, if you don't have Maia Custom, Pariker makes a fairly good substitute,
along with Maia. You should put Aques on her to include her in the fusion
Maximum Tempest at the beginning. For Tower Inferno, you could replace her with
Otohime and have Katsuya heal with Diarama or Soothing Melody (mutation spell)
or you could switch to Maia at this point and use her Diarama. It doesn't make
much difference and you get the same results. You may deal less damage, so it
could take a bit longer (which will obviously make things harder), but it
should still be manageable.

EXP : 2,766
Yen : 7,800

In case you missed it (which I think many people will) there is a small portion
of the story which isn't entirely made clear to you. They kind of rush past it
quickly in the Velvet and you might not have picked it up, but Noriko is the
one responsible for the murders at Seven Sisters. After Anna, whom Noriko looks
up to greatly, was in a hit-and-run that ruined her track career, Noriko used
the Joker curse on him (and others). That's why Anna asks Katsuya if he will
arrest Noriko (and Katsuya goes soft on her, but only because he can't do
anything, as Baofu points out).


G. A o b a P a r k (First Visit)


There is very little new in the city this time. Most importantly, the second
area of the Bomb Shelter in Kasu High is now open and you should go there to
meet the rare persona-demon Shaka, who will give you his Material Card when you
defeat him. The Pathetic Loser has disappeared from the Hirasaka ward map, but
a new person, the Mellow old man, has appeared on the Aoba map. He gives you a
rumor about the next dungeon (Aoba Park). In the dungeon, there are flowers...
that can talk... They are a puzzle to get a rare item from one of the flowers
(see the puzzle section). Shiraishi Lady has a new mansearch with a sizeable
reward. Also, you should register your new cards at the Time Castle.

Finally, now might be a good time to fill up the Lucky Cat in Kuzunoha (with
100,000 yen). You can get some very useful rumors at you should have some extra
cash on you.

Just go to Aoba Park

Flowers in Aoba Park Talk - Mellow old man, Aoba Ward Map
Kaori does Aromatherapy - Nekomata - Kuzunoha
Etheria does Treatments - Nekomata - Kuzunoha
Trish sells ice cream - Nekomata - Kuzunoha

Frei, Media, Suku Kaja

Yuuichi Suzuki - Gatten Sushi

===Suggested Party==============

Level 24
Persona : Maya - Maia Custom
Ulala - Iris/Jack Frost
Katsuya - Otohime/Shaka
Baofu - Hel/Ryume

Fusions : None
to learn

Items : Item/Clean Salt (Archangel)
to get Spell/Magnus Card (Hel - Rare)

You should just keep your current personae. The next dungeon is really short
and these personae are actually going to remain very useful for a little bit.
You may want to pick up the Jack Frost persona; he's pretty good, but he's also
really cute!

You should also go to the second area of the Bomb Shelter and try to meet the
demon Shaka, who drops his Material card. He is an EXCELLENT persona (probably
the single most useful persona, even if it is only in the middle of the game).
If you have trouble meeting him, consider using the Estoma Trick (using Clean
Salts) and the Save-Reload trick. You will need to be at level 24 to summon
him, however.

You can also meet the rare demon Nata in Aoba Park, but he is very difficult at
your current level and you won't be able to use his Material card for some time
anyway. You will be returning to this dungeon later, so I would suggest you
wait until then to try and find him. In fact, since you are returning later,
you could just skip everything and head to the Rest Area (which I don't suggest
you do, of course).

The demons in here are fairly easy. Just exploit their weaknesses and you
will be find.


Aoba Park, Aoba Ward
1 Floor (3 Sections - South, Central and North)

Items - Accessory/White Bandanna (South Side)
Item/Miracle Soda (South Side)
Helm/Mechanical Helmet (Central Area)
Item/STR Incense (Central Area)
Item/VIT Incense (Central Area)
Item/TEC Incense (North Side)
Item/Muscle Drink (North Side)
Spell/Bersac Card (North Side)

Demons - Level 18 Jack Frost (Lovers)
Level 19 Fearal (Temperance)
Level 20 Pariker (Moon)
Level 21 Archangel (Judgment)
Level 22 Faust (Magician)
Level 22 Hel (Death)
Level 23 Gandharva (Star)
Level 38 Nata (Justice)


Your goal for this dungeon is just to reach the Rest Area where Sneak told you
to meet, but there are also a number of items to get. I will direct to all of
the items and you should pass the Rest Area while you are getting them. (DON'T
enter the Rest Area until you are ready to leave - it will automatically start
a scene then kick you out of Aoba Park until later). There is also a puzzle in
this dungeon in which you must talk to all of the flowers to answer a question.
Lastly, you can meet the level 38 persona-demon Nata here (he seems to show up
in the North side most often), whom I suggest you hold off on trying to fight,
as he is far above your level.

In the South Side, go east until you reach a flower. Go south of it to a chest.
Return to the area with the old man you passed, and go north, then northwest,
then north again of him. You'll be shot out going east. Go east until you can
go south and then you will see a small passage to a chest (check the Auto Map
if you can't find it). Return to the Gateway you just passed and go through it.

In the Central Area, do an "S" curve north and go southwest until you go past
the Purple Flower's garden. To the west of it, you will see a SP-depleting blue
grate. Cross over it to get to a chest. Go north around the hedgerow and then
southwest on the other side of it. Keep going until you run into a chest. Once
you get the item, go north past the Rest Area (don't go in) until you get to
yet another chest. After you have that, just go straight east as far as you can
until you reach another Gateway. Go through it.

In the North Side, go west as far as you can, then straight north to a chest.
Return southeast then go north and around the hedges to a small gap in the path
(use the Auto Map to see it). Go slightly north and move south to come around
east. Then go south on the other side of the hedgerow (between the hedge and
the wall). If you go south, you will find a chest. Return to the area around
the gap and go north of it a bit and then there will be a long, winding path
that leads west. Take it to the end to a chest. Now, you could explore up north
and to the far east to find a Trish's Fountain and the entrance to the Concert
Hall, but you have no use for either at the moment, so just return to the Rest
Area and enter it when you are ready.

No boss this time.


There are eight flowers spread throughout the park who will speak (after you
have spread the rumor). They each give you a piece of a puzzle to answer the
Dignified Purple Flower's question (which you only get one shot at, unless you
save and reload your game. If you don't get it right, he will poison you and
refuse to talk to you ever again). Here are the quotes for each one:

Blue : I'm a Blue Dragon, born in February. I'm compatible with Navy
Flower Blue Dragon, born in June. There are as many dragons as months.

Yellow : I'm a Gold Dragon, born in May. I'm compatible with Black
-Green Dragon born in September. Dragons depend on what month you
Flower were born.

Red : Dragons...are divided into...4 types. So, there are 2 other
Flower dragons like you... You're compatible...if they're of the
same nature. By the way...I'm a Red Dragon.

Yellow : Yeah, that's right! I'm a Yellow Flower born in January. I
Flower don't care if I'm incompatible with the Silver dragon, born
in October! But my sister, one month younger, has good
affinity with the Silver Dragon! Well, I have good affinity
with the Gold Dragon, so there!

Orange : I am a Moon Dragon, born in November. that is why I fell in
Flower love with a White Dragon, who was born in March...

Aqua- : I was born in July. Thus, I am a Light Dragon. I have bad
Blue affinity with the Red Dragon, who is one month younger.
Flower But, I have good affinity with my sister, 4 months younger.
Well, don't think about it too much.

Now, let's see the hard data they give us:

-One Dragon per month, thus 12 Dragons.
-Four Groups of Dragons with three each
-A Dragon of one group is compatible with the others in that group

A table of the Wang Long Dragons:
| Month | Dragon | Affinity | Bad Affinity |
| January | Yellow | Gold | Silver |
| February | Blue | Navy Blue | |
| March | White | Moon | |
| April | Scarlet* | | |
| May | Gold | Black | |
| June | Navy Blue | Blue | |
| July | Light | Moon, White | Red |
| August | Red | | Light |
| September| Black | Gold | |
| October | Silver | | Yellow |
| November | Moon | White, Light | |
| December | Purple | Silver | |
* - According to the Wang Long girl in the 2X Slash

Fill in the table and the groups are:

Group 1: Blue, Navy Blue, Scarlet
Group 2: Light, Moon, White
Group 3: Black, Gold, Yellow
Group 4: Silver, Red, Purple

Everything fills in easily except Scarlet and Red. But, since the group with
Purple MUST include Silver, and everything else has been filled in, the only
choice is between Red and Scarlet. But Scarlet isn't even an option when you
talk to the Dignified Purple flower. Thus, Purple has affinity with Silver and
Red. If you talk to the Dignified Purple Flower, you can choose Yellow Green,
Aqua-Blue, Yellow, Red, Blue, or Orange. So, pick RED! You will get the Akashic
Ring, another item that you won't be using for a while, but it is very

===Rare Battle==================

Level 38 Nata (Justice) - "Feel the wrath of my Paopei!"
Comment : Battle genius who fights with many Paopei.
HP : 800; Void : Mind/Nerve; Weak : Lightning
Spells : Taru Kaja, Sonic Punch, Tackle

First of all, should you have the fortune (misfortune?) to meet him by
accident, you should be prepared for the battle, or else don't fight him
(retreat) - it is very possible you will game over. If you were looking for
him, you're in for a close fight.

This battle is basically a slug-fest, similar to the Shaka battle (which you
should have fought by now), only with a couple of differences: no status
effects, you should be able to get off a few fusions, and he will hit you
really hard with physical attacks. So hard that he may kill a character in one
hit (especially if he casts Taru Kaja (Atk. Up) on himself). Be sure you have
the best armor.

Your best strategy is to just use everyone's best spell, but arrange it so that
it will do a fusion that does huge damage (Stone Rise, Hydro Boost, Wind
Cutter, or Tower Inferno). HOWEVER, do not try to arrange it so that you use a
fusion every time, or else he will get in many more attacks than you do - his
AGI is much higher than yours and he will go more often than you. You can keep
the number of turns he gets to a minimum by not rearranging your characters
too much. Anyway, as I said, it is just a slug-fest, so attack him with your
best spells, rearrange one or two characters to do fusions when you can and use
Mediarama (most likely every turn).

EXP : 481
Yen : 2,660
Item : Material/Paopei


H. S e w e r s (Route A)


There is a whole lot to do in the city this time, but most of it can't be done
until you do a few story scenes. Right after Aoba Park, the only thing
different is that the inventories at Parabellum and Rosa Candida have changed.
To continue on, go to Kuzunoha and "Master Ulala" will explain her plan for
meeting with the mysterious couple that Sneak told you about. You have two
choices in Kuzunoha - one minor and one VERY major. For the minor one, Ulala
will ask Maya what she thinks of her plan - if you answer "Hmmm...I'm not so
sure..." Ulala will get really angry and give Maya 3,000 yen to pay for the
rumor (no major effect if you answer "That would work."). (By the way, if you
talk to Tammy in Kuzunoha, she will look at the picture and say that the two
look familiar...)

Now, to continue on with the story, you need to spread the rumor about an
"individual at Parabellum" and you are given a choice between that person being
male or female. (The rumor will appear in the rumor menu at Kuzunoha after
Ulala has said her peace.) Whichever choice you make will determine you next
party member and your "route" for the game. The routes are actually very
similar for the greater part of the game, but there are a few major
differences. First and most obvious, the two routes have different fifth party
members. Second, the next dungeon you go to will be different - the Sewers and
Lab for choosing "man" and Sumaru TV for choosing "woman." Third, though the
story-line is basically the same, you see separate aspects of it from the two
routes. Fourth, who you fight during a major boss fight much later on will be
different in each route. These are the major variances, but there are a few
more later on that will be explained at the proper time.

Don't worry too much about making the decision - one isn't harder or better
than the other, just different. (And chances are that you may want to play them
both...) If you really don't know which to choose, save your game before
spreading the rumor and explore each route a bit. The man's route has a double
dungeon, one of which is timed, while the woman's route has a single, but very
long, dungeon. In my humble opinion, the storyline during the man's dungeons is
more dramatic, but the women's route is interesting in it's own right. The
man's route only has one boss battle, but the woman's has five, count them,
five bosses. It's up to you which you take.

Once you have chosen, go to Parabellum and you see a number of scenes. Then the
fifth party member will join you, you will have access to the new ward Narumi,
and be told which dungeon is your next destination.


This section deals with choosing the man's route. If you do, Nate Nanjo, from
the first Persona will join your party. He is at Level 22, equipped with his
starter persona Aizen Myouou, and also equipped with the new armor that is
available at Rosa Candida. Nate's route has two dungeons (as opposed to Ellen's
which has only one) - the Sewers and the Laboratory. Ellen will investigate
Wang Long Chizuru's connection to the New World Order and Nate will be
investigating Guido Kandori's connection to the NWO.

After you have acquired your new party member, there is a ton of stuff to do.
First, you now have access to the final ward, Narumi. There are a number of
points of interest on the ward map, but most of them cannot be accessed at the
moment. You can, however, go to the Hotel Pleadies (where you met Nate and
Ellen) and the shops in its lobby. To get to the shops, you need to go on the
SOUTH side of the hotel. There are two entrances - the one to Nate's suite and
the other to the shops. (A lot of people have had trouble finding the shops.)
There is the Ebony where you can get rumors and will be able to do map-making
quests, Padparcha where you will be able to forge custom weapons (with those
metals you have been obtaining in the game), Clair De Lune where you can get
food and weapons or armor, and finally, yet another Velvet Room. There is no
Satomi Tadashi in Narumi (so your sanity will stay intact...no brainwashing

The main thing to do is get all of the rumors and then prepare for the next two
dungeons (it is a "double-dungeon" and you cannot leave once you begin the
Sewers). There are also a couple of more mansearches to make a good 40,000 yen.
Be sure to get the rumor Salam who will contract you to make maps of the
dungeons for some EXCELLENT prizes (it is a pain, but well worth it - more on
maps when you get to the lab; for now, just get the blank map). Also be sure to
spread the rumor about Tsuchinoko before you head into the dungeons.

You can also spread a rumor about the Sumaru Genie doing Affinity Readings. See
enigmaopoeia's guide for more details, but here are a couple of useful
affinities (Y = Yes and N = No):

Count (Time Castle) : Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-N
Jewelry Designer (Padparcha) : N-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y
Cashier (Mu Continent) : Y-N-N-Y-Y-N

After you have gained your fifth party member, you can go to Kismet and talk to
Mizuno. If you do, she will ask Maya if she was at Parabellum. IT IS VERY
IMPORTANT THAT YOU ANSWER NO!!! This question has a key point to unlocking
something later, so just be sure to say NO.

If you go around the city and talk to everyone (as you should), you will notice
that Eikichi is missing from Sumaru Prison, Mary is missing form Hiiragi
Therapy, and Sugimoto is missing from the Bomb Shelter basement... Not very
important, but interesting to note.

When you are ready, head into the Sewers (you can try to go into the laboratory
(your real destination) but your party members will say that the security is
too tight to enter directly, so you need to get in via the Sewers).

Go to Kuzunoha
Spread the rumor concerning an individual at Parabellum
Go to Parabellum
Go to the Sewers

Rosa Candida

Tsuchinoko appears in Sewers - Adventurer, Narumi Ward Map
Clair De Lune sells weapons - Rumor Lovin' Bartender, Ebony
Clair De Lune sells armor - Toku, Izakaya Shiraishi
Padparcha develops weapons - Rumor Lovin' Bartender, Ebony
Salam collects maps - Rumor Lovin' Bartender, Ebony
Fantasy World gives away weapons - Chunky, Sushi Gatten
Fantasy World gives away accessories - Chikalin, Peace Burger
Fantasy World gives away Spell Cards - Barkeep, Jolly Roger
Sumaru Genie does affinities - Barkeep, Jolly Roger
Rosa Candida owner swept away... - Sumaru King, 2X Slash
Shiraishi lady realized her dream... - Toku, Izakaya Shiraishi
Parabellum hired a bouncer... - Humphrey, Parabellum
Trish changed her mind... - Nekomata, Kuzunoha

Yayoi Kimura - Padparcha
Humphrey - Parabellum


===Suggested Party==============

Level 25
Persona : Maya - Maia Custom
Ulala - Iris/Nemesis
Katsuya - Shaka/(Umayado No Ouji)
Baofu - Hel
Nate - Aizen Myouou

Fusions : None (at the moment - see next dungeon)
to learn

Items : None (except the items in the dungeon)
to get

Before starting the next dungeon, there is a lot to do. First, there are a
couple of personae you should get. First, if you haven't already, get Shaka and
put him on Katsuya (Nate has better compatibility, but Nate's starter persona
Aizen Myouou is at rank one - and Aizen is pretty good, so you may as well keep
him for now). Next, get the Empress persona Nemesis, an very strong persona.
Put her on Ulala, but I'd still use Iris primarily in this dungeon because you
won't have much chance to rank Nemesis up (as the next dungeon is timed). Just
be sure to bring Iris with you if you decide to only use Nemesis - she is
useful later. Other than those two, the rest you have been using should be

There is a new spell that is available to you and that you should take
advantage of immediately - Estoma. You can find now find it on the Hierophant
persona Umayado No Ouji (hope you have plenty of Free cards). Or, you could use
the persona I prefer to use for Estoma, Nemesis. Her mutation spell is Estoma
- if you have trouble getting her to mutate, you might as well just summon and
rank up Umayado No Ouji. The spell Estoma, when cast from the Spell menu in the
main menu, will ELIMINATE all random battles that only contain demons that are
below the level of your average party level. If say, the average is 22, you
will not have any random battles with demons 22 or below, but you will have
battles that have at least one demon level 23 and up. Very useful for the next
dungeon, which is timed, or if you are just sick of battles. DO NOT, however,
use it all of the time! You need to fight SOME battles.

In the city, there are a whole bunch of new rumors, so spread those. There are
a few noteworthy rumors mixed in there. One of them is about a man named Salam
in Ebony. You can spread a rumor that he collects maps of dungeons - by all
means, spread the rumor and get a blank map from him! He will give you A LOT
of cards if you turn in a complete map to him. Map making is a bit tedious and
frustrating, as you need to fill in every square on the Auto Map (you'll see
what I mean in the next dungeon) by coming within 2 squares of it and sometimes
you need to back track to get a square you missed (if you really get desperate
and frustrated, use the new Estoma spell), but it is well worth it. Next, be
sure to get the rumor about Tsuchinoko, a rare rumor demon that will appear in
the sewers. Third, you can get a rumor that Padparcha, the jewelry store, makes
custom weapons. They will have some _excellent_ armor and weapons, though they
are very pricey and require you to acquire various metals to make (like the
Obsidian and Akashic Ring you have already picked up). Finally, there are four
"random-effect" rumors that you can spread. These rumors don't have one
specific outcome as all other rumors so far have and they can be positive or
negative. For their various effects, see my Kuzunoha/Rumor Guide. To get the
good effects, save your game before you spread them and reload the save if you
get a bad effect. However, hold off on spreading the one about Trish - it's too
hard to use save-reload to get the good effect at the moment.

Now that you have spent tens of thousands of yen on Rumors, you are probably
getting low on funds. There are a couple of lucrative new mansearches to refill
your wallet (or purse, as it were). Now before you start the next dungeon, you
should probably get some new armor. I'd suggest you get your helms and boots
from Rosa Candida (or, if you have the cash, you may want to go to Toa or Clair
De Lune) and to Padparcha for your armor. They have the excellent Mithril
Armor that only costs 10,000 yen and two Mithril Silvers. To get Mithril
Silvers, use the Turbo-Controller trick on Slots #2 at the casino to get a lot
of coins then exchange them for the Silvers. If you are low on status-
recovering items, get some at Satomi Tadashi (and you should probably pick up
some magazines to send in). If you are low on Chewing Souls, get some more from
the Ocher Jellies in Kasu High. You may want to consider weapon upgrades, but
as usual, it isn't that vital. In fact, you get some pretty good weapons in the
next dungeon, so you might as well wait. If you really want to get some
weapons, make some in Padparcha (get the materials from the slots at Mu
Continent). Hopefully you won't run out of money here...

The next two dungeons are another "double dungeon" like Mt. Mifune and the
Sanitarium. Unfortunately, unlike those two, you cannot leave the Sewers or Lab
once you choose between A1 or B1 (see the walkthrough section for more on
that). But, if you are prepped, it shouldn't be anything you can't handle. In
the Sewers, you are give a choice between two routes - A or B. TAKE B!!! It has
much better items and it is generally easier to navigate. A1 and B1 are
identical in the items they give, but for sections 2 and 3, absolutely take B.

As for fighting the demons in the Sewers, they should be fairly easy. Most of
them are strong against water and weak against fire, so don't use water and DO
use fire. Using a fire fusion that will hit all the demons would be best, but
since you don't have one yet, you can just use Maximum Tempest or Crag Fang to
take them out (you should be able to kill them all using it once or at the most
twice). However, you may not even want to bother fighting demons in here to
conserve time (the high encounter rate is really frustrating in a timed dungeon
with a lot to explore). If your level is high enough, just use Estoma to bypass
the fights. There are a lot of new demons in here to fight (for gathering
Analyze data and items) but you can fight them in the Bomb Shelter also, so it
isn't that big of a deal to collect data and items here.

There are a couple of demon rumors to get in here, but they aren't necessary.
Two of them tell you that there are really good items in B2 and B3 and you can
also get rumors about the Rumor-Spell Wonderful Aques for Kanaloa (but you can
also get them in Area 3 of the Bomb Shelter).


Sewers, Narumi Ward
1 Floor (6 sections - 1A, 2A, 3A, 1B, 2B, 3B)
Timed Event : 10 Minutes (each section)

Items - Item/Devil's Capote
(A1)-Item/Disguise Goods
Item/Seed of Escape
(A3)-Sword/Plasma Sword
(B1)-Item/Devil's Capote
Item/Disguise Goods
Item/Seed of Escape
(B2)-Tarot/Free Tarot (20)
Finger Shot/Striker
Item/Medicine (20)
Item/LUC Incense
Item/Medical Powder
Item/Damascus Steel
(B3)-Spell/Recarm Card
Gun/Pipe Fox
Item/Mithril Silver
Sword/Plasma Sword

Demons - Level 18 Jack Frost (Lovers)
Level 20 Parkier (Moon)
Level 21 Archangel (Judgment)
Level 22 Faust (Magician)
Level 22 Hel (Death)
Level 23 Gandharva (Star)
Level 23 Kraken (World)
Level 24 Kanaloa (Tower)
<3rd section>
Level 24 Kabanda (Hanged Man)
Level 25 Lich (Devil)
Level 29 Tsuchinoko (Rumor)


When you first enter the sewers, there will be quick scene where Nate is
reunited with Mary and Chris. These two will play a small role in this dungeon
in that each will unlock doors leading to different areas of the sewers (Mary
unlocks the A route and Chris unlocks the B route). In this dungeon, there are
two routes (A and B) and three sections (1, 2, and 3) and you will have to
choose either A or B for each section (you can cross paths and take A1 then B2
and then A3, if you want). HOWEVER, I must reiterate that you should take the B
path every time. It doesn't make much difference for the first section, but I
think that B1 is easier to navigate. Regardless, I'm not even going to include
a walkthrough for the A routes since you shouldn't take them. If you want, you
can explore the A routes, but you will find them hard to navigate and very
barren item-wise.

Each section is timed to ten minutes. However, unlike the Sky Museum, if you
run out of time, you don't game over, but are washed back to the beginning of
the current section. But it isn't like you restart the section - you keep your
map (in the Auto Map) and the items you have gathered. You simply have to
backtrack to where you were before and keep going (which shouldn't be too hard
- just use the Auto Map if you get lost).

Once you choose a route, you cannot go back and you cannot save in the sewers
themselves (but you can in the first room and the Relay Points inside). Be sure
to save before choosing each section, just in case. Also, once you choose
between A1 and B1, you will not be able to leave the Sewers nor the lab until
you have completed both dungeons.

In B1, just head west until you can take a bridge south. Go across it and head
west until you run out of path. Cross the bridge to the north and head west
again until you reach a corner that turns you south. Go quite a ways south
until you are turned west. Take the path north you will come too and follow the
path until you come to another bridge to the north. Cross it and go east to the
corner which turns you south. DON'T take the bridge west and keep going south
until you are turned east again. If you go all the way east, you will find two
paths next to each other that go north. Take both of them until you get to item
box built into the wall. Once you grab it, go across the bridge south of the
eastern route that ran north. Once across, just go west until you are forced
south then take the path west you come to. Follow the path around several turns
until you come to a bridge east. DON'T take the bridge yet - first keep going
south then east to a chest. Return to the bridge then go south until you are
turned west, then take it to the first Relay Point. Inside, you can talk to
your characters, save, and choose the next route (again, take B - but be sure
to at least talk to Mary (via the walkie-talkie) for a very funny line).

B2 is a bit different than the rest of the sections in the Sewers. To get to
the exit, all you have to do is head north across the bridge and go all the way
east until you reach the door to the second Relay Point. However, you should
notice a bridge directly south of the door. If you take that it leads to a long
section of square islands running south. There are six islands and each has a
treasure chest on it. There are also two long lanes that run parallel to the
line of islands (on the west and east side). There is a treasure chest in the
wall on the east lane (bringing the total in here to seven chests). All you
have to do is find a way onto each island and grab the chest, whichever side it
may be one. Here are some stats on each island:

<Starting from the north and heading south>
<If a direction is west, it is from the west lane; if east, the east
lane; if north or south, it is from the island north or south of it.>
1: Accessible from the west, south and east; chest on the east wall.
2: Accessible from the north and south; chest on the north wall.
3: Accessible from the north, west, and south; chest on the north.
4: Accessible from the north, west, and east; chest on the east.
5: Accessible from the west, south, and east; chest on the south.
6: Accessible from the north and east; chest on the south wall.

B3 is also has a really simple layout, but in a different way from B2. Here
there are just two lanes that run parallel to each other with bridges across
them and pairs of chests by five of the bridges (plus two chests on the north-
most wall, for a total of 12 chests, however, many are traps and begin fights).
When you begin, just go north across the bridge then go east along the wall.
There are two chests on the wall - the west-most one has a Plasma Sword for
Nate (but the Damascus sword from Padparcha is better and if you'll notice, the
sword does magic damage to enemies, not physical), and the other is a trap that
will start a battle with a Kanaloa and two Kabandas (it's just like the random
encounters, so there's no reason not to get it). Once you have the chests, just
keep going east until you get to a bridge south. Cross it and go west until you
come to a bend that turns you south to another bridge that goes west - take it
and go south. Here you come to the another pair of chests - one on each side of
the bridge. The western one has a Recarm spell card and the other does HP
damage to your party (same deal as the fight chest - check it if you want to be
sure, it's only a small amount of damage). Anyway, go south of the eastern box
and turn east at the bend to come to another pair. The northern one will start
a fight with two Gandharvas, a Lich, and a Kanaloa, while the southern has a
gun for Katsuya (and Maya, but put it on Katsu). Go west of the southern box
and turn south at the bend to the next pair. The western box has an Awaken (a
very useful item that increases a persona's rank by one - just be sure not to
use it on rank 1-6 - it is a waste since it only takes a few casts to go up one
of those ranks) and the eastern box will start a fight with two Archangels and
a Kanaloa. Go south of the eastern box and go west at the bend to the next
pair. The southern box does SP damage and the northern has a Mithril Silver. Go
west of the northern box and turn south at the bend to the final pair. Both
boxes do HP damage. Just head south of the eastern box until it forces you east
then cross the bridge you come to south to the Parking Lot. There will be a few
interesting scenes and a pseudo-boss battle will start inside the Lab (don't
worry - it's pathetically easy).

However, before you leave B3, be sure to fight Tsuchinoko. He shouldn't be too
hard to find, but you can use the Estoma trick if he takes too long. And don't
worry about running out of time - the prize is well worth it.

As I stated earlier, I'm not going to include a walkthrough for the A route,
but there is one small point about A3 that should be noted. Unlike B3 where
there is only one door leading to the Parking Lot, there are five doors in A3
which lead to the Parking Lot, but only one of them is unlocked. The only door
that is unlocked is the one that is all the way in the northwest corner of the
map in a small section that juts out west and the door faces to the south.

===Rare Battle==================

Level 29 Tsuchinoko (Rumor) - "Myu myuu..."
Comment : Wild, mysterious snake. It has a bloated stomach.
HP : 232; Strong : Magic; Weak : Physical
Spells : Paralyzing Bite, Violent Rage, Bloodsuck, Retreat

First of all, this demon only appears in the third area (A3 or B3).

This should be a really easy fight, if you can get him to stick around. He will
often use Retreat for his first attack, so you need to hit him hard and hit him
quick. Since he has resistance to magic and weakness to physical attacks, don't
use magic and use your best physical attacks. The two you have the do the most
damage are Aizen Myouou's Sonic Punch and Nemesis's Triple Down. If you can
manage to get these two to attack right away, he should be killed by those two
attacks alone, but it may take a bit more. Really, this should be so easy - the
hardest part is finding him.

EXP : 840
Yen : 4,000
Item : Event/Dead Tsuchinoko

Turn in the Event Item to the Adventurer on the Narumi ward map (when you get
out of here) to get an Item Breeder - which will duplicate you one copy of ANY
usable item. Very useful, but very scarce - save it for now.


Level 28 Red Beret (x2) - "Hey you! What are you doing here?!"
HP : 261; Void : Holy
Comment : Private Building Police
Spells : Tranquilizer, Rapidfire

Persona : Maya - Maia Custom
Ulala - Nemesis or Iris
Katsuya - Shaka
Baofu - Hel
Nate - Aizen Myouou

Ugh. I can't believe they even consider this a boss fight. (It is - the boss
music is playing and if you set the battle mode to simple, this battle is in
normal mode now).

Anyway, just use Maximum Tempest or Crag Fang to end it.

EXP : 522
Yen : 3,920


<In Kuzunoha>
Ulala : So what do you think Ma-ya?
Ma-ya : That would work.
<Baofu asks what to do and Ulala says Maya knows what to do>
Hmmm... I'm not so sure...
<Ulala gets really angry and gives Maya 3,000 yen to pay>

<Outside Parabellum>
Katsuya : I'm worried...
Maya : Let's Think Positive <heart>
<Katsuya blushes>
Hmmm... I'm worried too <heart>
<Katsuya blushes>

<Outside Parabellum>
Katsuya : Do you get tired of who you are?
Maya : I guess sometimes...?
<Katsuya is pessimistic>
No, I like who I am...
<Katsuya praises Maya's strength>

<In Kismet>
Mizuno : You were in front of Parabellum, right?
Maya : No... what are you talking about?
<Mizuno rambles about flowers and men. <shudder> VERY IMPORTANT:
Be sure to pick this option! It is a key step to doing something
later on...>
You must be tired, Chief.
<Mizuno gets angry. VERY IMPORTANT: DO NOT choose this option!>


I. L a b (Route A)

===Suggested Party==============

Level 29
Persona : Maya - Maia Custom
Ulala - Nemesis/Iris
Katsuya - Shaka/(Umayado No Ouji)
Baofu - Hel/(Hotei)
Nate - Aizen Myouou

Fusions : Ice Blast (Ice-Ice)
to learn Lightning Blast (Lightning-Lightning)
Nuclear Blast (Nuclear-Nuclear)

Items : None
to get

Pretty straight-forward; just make your way through the dungeon and be sure to
get all of the items and the demon rumor about Rasputin. Also be sure to
complete the map for Salam (you will see a small text box pop up when it has
been completed). See the walkthrough section for more on map-making.


Science Laboratory, Narumi Ward
4 Floors (B1, 1F, 2F, 3F)

Items - Item/Anti-Magic Bead (B1)
Item/Orichalch (1F)
Item/Explosive Bead (1F)
Spell/Maha Agionn Card (2F)
Spell/Posumudi Card (2F)

Demons - Level 24 Kabanda (Hanged Man)
Level 24 Kanaloa (Tower)
Level 25 Lich (Devil)
Level 25 Garrison (Human)
Level 27 Taranis (Chariot)
Level 27 Kun Anun (Hermit)
Level 28 Kamasos (Temperance)
Level 28 Rasputin (Magician)
Level 28 Red Beret (Human)
Level 29 Principality (Judgment)


After the boss fight, Eikichi will temporarily join your party as a tag-along
(not a party member; he will appear in the Velvet Room and other rooms like
party members similar to Makimura before GOLD).

Move into the dungeon and open the Auto Map. You will see that there are now
small squares evenly spaced on the blackened areas of the map like a grid. This
means that the map-making quest is active. What you need to do is clear all of
those squares off the map by coming within two squares of each one. Once you
have completed the map, a small text box will come up saying that the map is
complete. Take the completed map to Salam in Ebony and he will give you a card
set. Map-making can be frustrating, but the rewards are well worth it. Check
the map often to be sure you got all of the squares and so you don't need to
backtrack long distances. For wider halls and areas, move in a zigzag pattern
to save time (try to practice moving in a pattern that allows you get the
maximum amount of squares without missing any). If you really want, you can use
Estoma to reduce the number of battles, but you shouldn't rely on it always.

Also, on floors two and three, there are trap panels. If you check the map, you
will see that they don't show up, even if you come within two squares - you
need to step on every panel for it to show on the map. For HP panels, this
shouldn't be a problem, but a having a lot of SP panels can be dangerous as
getting into battle with no SP will leave you at a severe disadvantage. You may
want to try to do only a couple at a time, do them right before a level up, or
use Estoma and run around to recharge SP (and you can use items, but they are

When you are doing maps, BE SURE to exit an elevator on EACH floor - the little
"E" box is part of the map and the only way to get it to show up is by exiting
an elevator on that floor (just entering it doesn't count).

Now that you are doing maps, you should fully explore the dungeon and no longer
need the step-by-step walkthrough of how to progress in the dungeon. However,
I will still include one, albeit a bit concise at times.

Also, when you leave the Security Room, take note of the elevator and fuse box
that are nearby. There is a puzzle in this dungeon to restore power to the
elevator and access a part of the second floor. See the Puzzle section for more
details on how to solve it.

There is also a Velvet Room and a Trish's Fountain on 1F near the entrance, but
you shouldn't need them.

On 1F, just go east past the elevator and move south to the staircase down.
Note the shutters further south and the inaccessable chest beyond them.

On B1, take the southern hallway west and keep going past the large room with
paths running north and south. You will come to long and larger hallway; go to
the western end of the hallway to get a chest. You should have noticed the door
you passed - enter it. There will be a quick scene where you find experiment
patients and Eikichi looks for Sugimoto. Sugimoto isn't there, but Eikichi
agrees to take the patients out of the lab and trusts Nate to find Sugimoto.
Eikichi will now leave the party. Anyway, after you are outside the Confinement
Area again, go a little ways east to a narrow hall going north. Take it as far
as you can north then west to find a doctor standing in the hall. Talk to him
and he will give you the Event/Lvl. 1 Pass. Return to the room west of the
staircase and go south to another staircase leading up.

On 1F, go straight north to a control panel and change to Administrative mode
A. The A doors will open and the B doors will lock. Now, return down to B1,
then go back to the first staircase and go back on 1F by the Velvet Room. Go
south to the shutters that were closed before and get the item west of the
pillar. Return back to the control panel on 1F. Take the hall north then go
west until you are shot out into a large room. Go south to a room with a
pillar; east of the pillar is a chest with a bead. Return north to the room and
head back into the hallway leading east, but don't go very far. There is
another hallway leading north. Take that to another room with a staircase
leading up.

On 2F, in the room with the HP panels, push the switch until it locks up the A
doors and opens up the B doors. Now, take the staircase on the southern wall
up to 3F. You will be in a room just like the HP panel room, except that the
panels are SP traps. Go to the western wall and you will find a hallway leading
to a small room with a staircase back down to 2F. Now, on 2F, go south down a
long hallway, turn east at the corner and go down quite a ways, turn north at
the corner, and you will come to a small room on the other side of a Level 2
shutter. There will be a doctor standing next to the door - talk to him to get
the Lvl. 2 Card. Now, just head through the door east of the doc and you will
be back in the HP panel room. Hit the panel again and go to the staircase on
the south side of the room. Take it up.

On 3F, there is a room with a lot of SP depleting panels (and there is also a
room west of here, but you need to hit the panel again to map it). From the SP
room, go east, then follow the hallway north until you come to a door leading
to the north. Unlock it with the key and head north to start a number of
dramatic scenes and the boss battle.

Once again, be sure to do the puzzle with the elevator and be sure to get the
text box that says you have completed the map of the laboratory.


As you have probably noticed, you cannot use the elevators since the power is
cut and the fuse box is locked so you can't fix it. What you need to do is get
the demon rumor about Rasputin having the key. Once you get this info, get a
contract with Rasputin and a new option will appear in his contract menu - "The
Fuse Box Key." He will give it to you and you can open the fuse box. Head to
the second floor to complete the map and get a couple of spell cards.

It seems the only demon who readily gives up the rumor is Kabanda, so try him


Level 35 Devil Sugimoto - "H...Hel...p...me..."
Comment : Kasugayama High School student.
HP : 2,800; Strong : Physical; Void : Dark; Weak : Fire/Holy
Spells : Blizzard Breath; Poison Scratch, Roar, Tackle

Level 28 Red Beret (x2) - "Hey you! What are you doing here?!
Comment : Private Building Police
HP : ~1,100; Void : Holy
Spells : Tranquilizer; Rapidfire

Persona : Maya - Maia Custom
Ulala - Nemesis and Iris
Katsuya - Shaka
Baofu - Hel
Nate - Aizen Myouou

This isn't too hard of a fight, but the bosses have a lot of HP, so the fight
is rather prolonged.

For the first half, you want to take out those annoying Red Berets. Have three
people use the fusion Tidal Wave, Nate use Suku Kaja, and have Katsuya use Vile
Thunderbolt. For Suku Kaja, first cast it on Maya, so you can bring Maia Custom
up to heal whenever you need to (Mediarama) then cast it on the other people
on in the fusion so you can rearrange those characters to do Tidal Wave often
(not quite two times more turns per round than the enemies, but only a bit less
than that).

It'll take a little while, but the two guards will fall. Now, switch Ulala to
Iris. Start using the fusion Hydro Boost (with Nate, Baofu, and Maya) and have
the other two use Lightning Blast. That is, if you have gotten Iris's mutation
spell Zionga - if not, just have the pair do their strongest attacks, or
another fusion. Using Tower Inferno would be nice, due to Sugimoto's weakness,
but the only fire and wind spells I had were on Hel. You may be able to do it,
depending on what spells you added to your personae. Regardless, it isn't too
hard if you just keep on him.

He isn't that much of a threat - his attacks are moderate and if you have
problems you can just rush Maya up to the front (thanks to Suku Kaja) and heal.
Do, however, watch out for Roar, which has a chance of causing fury to one or
more characters which can really mess with your fusion plans. If a character
does get furious, just do your best to do another fusion.

EXP : 7,022
Yen : 16,920


J. S u m a r u T V (Route B)


There is a whole lot to do in the city this time, but most of it can't be done
until you do a few story scenes. Right after Aoba Park, the only thing
different is that the inventories at Parabellum and Rosa Candida have changed.
To continue on, go to Kuzunoha and "Master Ulala" will explain her plan for
meeting with the mysterious couple that Sneak told you about. You have two
choices in Kuzunoha - one minor and one VERY major. For the minor one, Ulala
will ask Maya what she thinks of her plan - if you answer "Hmmm...I'm not so
sure..." Ulala will get really angry and give Maya 3,000 yen to pay for the
rumor (no major effect if you answer "That would work."). (By the way, if you
talk to Tammy in Kuzunoha, she will look at the picture and say that the two
look familiar...)

Now, to continue on with the story, you need to spread the rumor about an
"individual at Parabellum" and you are given a choice between that person being
male or female. (The rumor will appear in the rumor menu at Kuzunoha after
Ulala has said her peace.) Whichever choice you make will determine you next
party member and your "route" for the game. The routes are actually very
similar for the greater part of the game, but there are a few major
differences. First and most obvious, the two routes have different fifth party
members. Second, the next dungeon you go to will be different - the Sewers and
Lab for choosing "man" and Sumaru TV for choosing "woman." Third, though the
story-line is basically the same, you see separate aspects of it from the two
routes. Fourth, who you fight during a major boss fight much later on will be
different in each route. These are the major variances, but there are a few
more later on that will be explained at the proper time.

Don't worry too much about making the decision - one isn't harder or better
than the other, just different. (And chances are that you may want to play them
both once you beat this game...) If you really don't know which to choose, save
your game before spreading the rumor and explore each route a bit. The man's
route has a double dungeon, one of which is timed, while the woman's route has
a single, but very long, dungeon. In my humble opinion, the storyline during
the man's dungeons is more dramatic, but the women's route is interesting in
it's own right. The man's route only has one boss battle, but the woman's has
five, count them, five bosses. It's up to you which you take.

Once you have chosen, go to Parabellum and you see a number of scenes. Then the
fifth party member will join you, you will have access to the new ward Narumi,
and be told which dungeon is your next destination.


This section deals with choosing the woman's route. If you do, Ellen
Kirshihima, from the first Persona will join your party. She is at Level 22,
equipped with her starter persona Nike, and also equipped with the new armor
that is available at Rosa Candida. Ellent's route will take you to Sumaru TV
as the next dungeon (as opposed to Nate's which has two dungeons). (Ellen will
investigate Wang Long Chizuru's connection to the New World Order and Nate will
be investigating Guido Kandori's connection to the NWO.)

After you have acquired your new party member, there is a ton of stuff to do.
First, you now have access to the final ward, Narumi. There are a number of
points of interest on the ward map, but most of them cannot be accessed at the
moment. You can, however, go to the Hotel Pleadies (where you met Nate and
Ellen) and the shops in its lobby. To get to the shops, you need to go on the
SOUTH side of the hotel; there are two entrances - the one to Nate's suite and
the other to the shops. (A lot of people have had trouble finding the shops.)
There is the Ebony where you can get rumors and will be able to do map-making
quests, Padparcha where you will be able to forge custom weapons (with those
metals you have been obtaining in the game), Clair De Lune where you can get
food and weapons or armor, and finally, yet another Velvet Room. There is no
Satomi Tadashi in Narumi (so your sanity will stay intact...no brainwashing

The main thing to do is get all of the rumors and then prepare for the next
dungeon. There are also a couple of more mansearches to make a good 40,000 yen.
Be sure to get the rumor Salam who will contract you to make maps of the
dungeons for some EXCELLENT prizes (it is a pain, but well worth it - more on
maps when you get to the TV station; for now, just get the blank map). Also be
sure to spread the rumor about Reiko you can obtan from the security guard in
the lobby of Sumaru TV.

You can also spread a rumor about the Sumaru Genie doing Affinity Readings. See
enigmaopoeia's guide for more details, but here are a couple of useful
affinities (Y = Yes and N = No):

Count (Time Castle) : Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-N
Jewelry Designer (Padparcha) : N-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y
Cashier (Mu Continent) : Y-N-N-Y-Y-N

After you have gained your fifth party member, you can go to Kismet and talk to
Mizuno. If you do, she will ask Maya if she was at Parabellum. IT IS VERY
IMPORTANT THAT YOU ANSWER NO!!! This question is a key point to unlocking
something later on.

If you go around the city and talk to everyone (as you should), you will notice
that Eikichi is missing from Sumaru Prison, Mary is missing form Hiiragi
Therapy, and Sugimoto is missing from the Bomb Shelter basement... Not very
important, but interesting to note.

When you are ready, head into Sumaru TV.

Go to Kuzunoha
Spread the rumor concerning an individual at Parabellum
Go to Parabellum
Go to the Sumaru TV

Rosa Candida

Reiko appears in Sumaru TV - Security Guard, Sumaru TV
Clair De Lune sells weapons - Rumor Lovin' Bartender, Ebony
Clair De Lune sells armor - Toku, Izakaya Shiraishi
Padparcha develops weapons - Rumor Lovin' Bartender, Ebony
Salam collects maps - Rumor Lovin' Bartender, Ebony
Fantasy World gives away weapons - Chunky, Sushi Gatten
Fantasy World gives away accessories - Chikalin, Peace Burger
Fantasy World gives away Spell Cards - Barkeep, Jolly Roger
Sumaru Genie does affinities - Barkeep, Jolly Roger
Rosa Candida owner swept away... - Sumaru King, 2X Slash
Shiraishi lady realized her dream... - Toku, Izakaya Shiraishi
Parabellum hired a bouncer... - Humphrey, Parabellum
Trish changed her mind... - Nekomata, Kuzunoha

Yayoi Kimura - Padparcha
Humphrey - Parabellum


===Suggested Party==============

Level 30
Persona : Maya - Maia Custom
Ulala - Iris
Katsuya - Shaka/(Umayado No Ouji)
Baofu - Hel
Ellen - Nemesis

Fusions : Ice Blast (Ice-Ice)
to learn Lightning Blast (Lightning-Lightning)
Nuclear Blast (Nuclear-Nuclear)

Items : None
to get

Before starting the next dungeon, there is a lot to do. First, there are a
couple of personae you should get. First, if you haven't already, get Shaka and
put him on Katsuya. Next, get the Empress persona Nemesis, an very strong
persona. Give her to Ellen (you could give her to Ulala, but I found that since
Nemesis uses more SP than Iris and since Ellen had more SP than Ulala, it was
a better fit). Other than those two, the rest you have been using should be

There is a new spell that is available to you and that you should take
advantage of immediately - Estoma. You can find now find it on the Hierophant
persona Umayado No Ouji (hope you have plenty of Free cards). Or, you could use
the persona I prefer to use for Estoma, Nemesis. Her mutation spell is Estoma
- if you have trouble getting her to mutate, you might as well just summon and
rank up Umayado No Ouji. The spell Estoma, when cast from the Spell menu in the
main menu, will ELIMINATE all random battles that only contain demons that are
below the level of your average party level. If say, the average is 22, you
will not have any random battles with demons 22 or below, but you will have
battles that have at least one demon level 23 and up. Very useful if you are
just sick of battles. DO NOT, however, use it all of the time! You need to
fight some battles.

In the city, there are a whole bunch of new rumors, so spread those. There are
a few noteworthy rumors mixed in there. One of them is about a man named Salam
in Ebony. You can spread a rumor that he collects maps of dungeons - by all
means, spread the rumor and get a blank map from him! He will give you A LOT
of cards if you turn in a complete map to him. Map making is a bit tedious and
frustrating, as you need to fill in every square on the Auto Map (you'll see
what I mean in the next dungeon) by coming within 2 squares of it and sometimes
you need to back track to get a square you missed (if you really get desperate
and frustrated, use the new Estoma spell), but it is well worth it. Next, be
sure to get the rumor about Reiko, a rare rumor demon that will appear in
Sumaru TV. Third, you can get a rumor that Padparcha, the jewelry store, makes
custom weapons. They will have some EXCELLENT armor and weapons, though they
are very pricey and require you to acquire various metals to make (like the
Obsidian and Akashic Ring you have already picked up). Finally, there are four
"random-effect" rumors that you can spread. These rumors don't have one
specific outcome as all other rumors so far have and they can be positive or
negative. For their various effects, see my Kuzunoha/Rumor Guide. To get the
good effects, save your game before you spread them and reload the save if you
get a bad effect. However, hold off on spreading the one about Trish - it's too
hard to use save-reload to get the good effect at the moment.

Now that you have spent tens of thousands of yen on Rumors, you are probably
getting low on funds. There are a couple of lucrative new mansearches to refill
your wallet (or purse, as it were). Now before you start the next dungeon, you
should probably get some new armor. I'd suggest you get your helms and boots
from Rosa Candida (or, if you have the cash, you may want to go to Toa or Clair
De Lune) and to Padparcha for your armor. They have the excellent Mithril
Armor that only costs 10,000 yen and two Mithril Silvers. To get Mithril
Silvers, use the Turbo-Controller trick on Slots #2 at the casino to get a lot
of coins then exchange them for the Silvers. If you are low on status-
recovering items, get some at Satomi Tadashi (and you should probably pick up
some magazines to send in). If you are low on Chewing Souls, get some more from
the Ocher Jellies in Kasu High. You may want to consider weapon upgrades, but
as usual, it isn't that vital. In fact, you get some pretty good weapons in the
next dungeon, so you might as well wait. If you really want to get some
weapons, make some in Padparcha (get the materials from the slots at Mu
Continent). Hopefully you won't run out of money here...

Fighting demons in Sumaru TV is fairly easy, but you start off doing little
damage (my goodness! I can't kill demons in one hit anymore!?). By the end of
the dungeon, though, you should be whopping their behinds left and right.
Just use the fusion Tidal Wave primarily and Crag Fang on the demons that void
water. Since you still need to rank up Nemesis and Shaka, it might be best to
alternate those fusions so the both get a chance to rank up and get mutations
(you really want to get their mutation spells Estoma and Refresh Ring and
getting the two ranks up mutation is quite nice).

There are a couple of demon rumors to get in here, but they aren't necessary.
You can get a short rumor about the puzzle in here and rumors about Jack O
Lantern's rumor-spell Dynamic Agilao.


Sumaru TV, Aoba Ward
6 Floors (1F, 2F, 3F, 4F, 5F, 6F)

Items - Gun/Pipe Fox (1F - Inside trap only)
Spell/Patra Card (2F)
Item/Silver Manisha (2F)
Fist/Ogre Hand (4F)
Spell/Maha Garula (4F - Normal station only)
Rapier/Absorblade (5F)
Item/Chewing Soul (x3) (6F - Inside trap only)

Demons - Level 20 Parkier (Moon)
Level 21 Archangel (Judgment)
Level 22 Faust (Magician)
Level 22 Hel (Death)
<Inside the trap>
Level 23 Gandharva (Star)
Level 23 Kraken (World)
Level 24 Kanaloa (Tower)
Level 24 Kabanda (Hanged Man)
Level 25 Lich (Devil)
Level 24 Kabanda (Hanged Man)
Level 24 Kanaloa (Tower)
Level 25 Lich (Devil)
Level 27 Taranis (Chariot)
Level 27 Kun Anun (Hermit)
<Normal station>
Level 28 Rasputin (Magician)
Level 28 Kamasos (Temperance)
Level 29 Principality (Judgment)


Aside from the fact that this dungeon is _really_ easy to navigate, a step-by-
step walkthrough isn't needed due to the large layout of each floor. This will
just quickly direct you on how to progress and where the items are, but you
should fully explore each floor (since you should be doing the map making

When you first enter Sumaru TV, you'll meet up with Yuki, Fujii, and Brad who
agree to help out. You'll also catch a glimpse of a mysterious feline...
Anyway, when you are in control of Maya again, go talk to the security guards
in the back of the lobby. One will give you a rumor about the rumor-demon that
appears in this dungeon, Reiko Kashima. Oh, and ignore the "R is for Revenge"
stuff - it's just to freak you out, not a clue to some puzzle. Once you have
spread the rumor, head up the one of the elevators to the second floor. You
can leave the station and return to the city at this point, but you won't be
able to shortly (I'll warn you, of course). At the moment, you can only explore
2F and 1F.

Move into the dungeon and open the Auto Map. You will see that there are now
small squares evenly spaced on the blackened areas of the map like a grid. This
means that the map-making quest is active. What you need to do is clear all of
those squares off the map by coming within two squares of each one. Once you
have completed the map, a small text box will come up saying that the map is
complete. Take the completed map to Salam in Ebony and he will give you a card
set. Map-making can be frustrating, but the rewards are well worth it. Check
the map often to be sure you got all of the squares and so you don't need to
backtrack long distances. For wider halls and areas, move in a zigzag pattern
to save time (try to practice moving in a pattern that allows you get the
maximum amount of squares without missing any). If you really want, you can use
Estoma to reduce the number of battles, but you shouldn't rely on it always.

Also, when you are doing maps, BE SURE to exit an elevator on EACH floor - the
little "E" box is part of the map and the only way to get it to show up is by
exiting an elevator on that floor (just entering it doesn't count).

Now that you are doing maps, you should fully explore the dungeon and no longer
need the step-by-step walkthrough of how to progress in the dungeon. However,
I will still include one, albeit a bit quicker.

2F, like the rest of the floors, consits of winding hallways and a few open
spaces. It's basically a loop with a few side-tracks, so navigating is a simple
matter. First and foremost, grab the two chests. One is in the southwestern
corner of the floor and the other is in the middle-northern section (on the
north side of the elevator (which you cannot use right now)). Next, you can
head downstairs to 1F, a small circle, but you will find the chest down there
blocked by boxes. You'll be able to get it momentarilly. Lastly, you should
come across the Dressing Rooms in the middle of the map. In Room 1, you can
meet with the Muses (Lisa Silverman in particular) and their manager, Ginji.
Katsuya acts a bit...odd here. In Room 2, you can meet Junko Kurosu (Jun's
mother). Apparently Ulala really wants some autographs... When you head into
Room 3, the real fun begins. This is the last chance you will have to go to the
city for a while. When ready, enter to meet with the black kitty again.

After a quick scene, you will find yourself trapped in a "shadow world" that is
black and white. Ellen expounds on this trap, called a Kimon Tonkou formation,
and says that in order to escape, you need to pass through eight gates. Each
gate is marked by a talisman with a symbol representing a number. So, start on
the quest to leave - head to the first gate, presumably at Station 1.

A few things change in the trap. First, you can now access the entire station
(all six floors of it), so you may want to explore. First, we'll cover
exploring, then how to get out of here.

Back on 1F, you will find that the chest (and the gun for Katsuya inside) can
now be accessed. There are a few spots in the dungeon where boxes appear and
disappear between the shadow world and the normal world. The next spot is on
4F in the western hallway. You cannot get to a small portion of the map which
has a chest right now, but you will later. The last such area is on 6F in the
northeastern corner. You can get to this chest now and you must get it (and
map this bit) now before exiting the shadow world.

On the subject of items, there are a couple more chests. On 3F, in the long,
staggered hallway that runs east-west, there is a staircase on the eastern end
that leads up to a small section of 4F. There is an excellent weapon for Ulala
here. Next, you can find a chest on 5F which has a rapier for Ellen. It is on
the western wall, just west of the studio. Lastly, there are two chests on
6F. One (the one in the southwestern corner) is an SP trap, while the other
(in the northeastern corner) that has a few Chewing Souls.

There are only a few more points of interest here. There is a Velvet Room and
a Trish's Fountain on 3F, not that you should need them. Next, be sure to get
the "E" on the map for the elevator (which, to be honest, is rather
inconviently located - I used the stairs). Dressing Rooms 1 and 2 are now
locked, also. Last, be sure to meet the rumor-demon Reiko and get her item.

BE SURE to talk to your party members in the Trish's Fountain here - it is the
final step to unlocking the 100 Stories contact (though, you won't be able to
use the contact until you leave the TV station, for some odd reason).

Also, Ellen blocks you from entering Dressing Room 4 on 3F or from entering
any of the other studios. And you cannot leave the station.

Now, to exit this trap, first head to Studio 1 on 2F. You'll see the little
putty-tat again. After a quick scene, head to the next gate, supposedly at
Studio 2. When you try to enter, however, nothing happens. For some reason,
the numbers aren't what they are supposed to be. So, Ellen concedes that they
need outside help. Head to Dressing Room 4 on 3F to see Brad through the
mirror. He will locate where the talisman with the symbol for 2 is in the real
world. He says it is at Studio 5 (on 4F). So, head there next.

Now, if you are wondering why the numbers aren't right, see the Puzzle section
for the reasoning behind it. Otherwise, you can try to figure it out yourself
(it isn't hard, believe me) or you can just return to Dressing Room 4 each
time and have Brad locate the next talisman for you.

Continuing with the trap, just go to Studio 5, the second gate. Next, go to
Studio 3. However, before entering, be warned that you will fight the first
boss fight here. It isn't tough, but heal your party before entering, at least.
And having your persona at rank 8 by now wouldn't be a bad idea. Anyway, after
the fight, head to Studio 7 on 5F, the fourth gate. Again, you will fight a
boss here. After that, go to Studio 2 (no boss). Next, Studio 6 is the sixth
gate (on 5F). Yes, there is yet another boss fight here (number 3). After you
are done beating down on that sicko, go to Studio 4 on 3F for the seventh gate.
Inside, Ellen will mention her "promise" and will make excessive use of the
word "him". Lastly, head to final gate on 6F, Studio 8. Be forewarned, though,
that you will fight another boss fight and that you will be taken out of the
Kimon Tonkou trap. So be sure you have mapped the areas on 1F and 4F that you
won't be able to access afterwards.

Once you have trounced the fourth boss and are back in the "real" world,
you can get at the final chest on 4F and complete your map (be sure to get the
message that says the map is completed). When you are all set, head to Studio
1 for the fifth and final boss fight. This one is tougher than the rest, so
be ready. After this fight, you will be taken out of Sumaru TV to a series of


When you go into the Kimon Tonkou formation (the black and white world-trap
that you are in for most of the dungeon), Ellen says that in order to get out,
you need to pass through eight gates. Each gate is is one of the studios in
the station and each gate is designated by a Tonkou talisman that is hanging
next to the door to each station. Each talisman has a number on it that says
which gate it is.

According to Ellen, this is what each Ba Gua letter means:

||| :|| |:| ::| ||: :|: |:: :::
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

But, in actuality, this is what the mean in the Kimon Tonkou formation:

||| :|| |:| ::| ||: :|: |:: :::
1 5 3 7 2 6 4 8

In other words:

Gate 1 = Studio 1 Gate 5 = Studio 2
Gate 2 = Studio 5 Gate 6 = Studio 6
Gate 3 = Studio 3 Gate 7 = Studio 4
Gate 4 = Studio 7 Gate 8 = Studio 8

Why is this? As you can see above, each letter is simply mirrored to get the
actual gate number in the trap. ||| is still |||, but :|| becomes ||:.
So, to escape the trap, go to Studios 1, 5, 3, 7, 2, 6, 4, then 8 in that
order. (Or, you could have just run to Brad's dressing room each time and had
him tell you where to go next...)

===Rare Battle==================

Level 32 Reiko Kashima - "Ha ha ha..."
Comment : Woman who kills anyone that can't give the correct password."
HP : 256; Void : Holy/Dark/Mind/Nerve
Spells : Zandyne, Maha Mudo, Curse, Dark Baptism

Just use Hydro Boost and she will bow out.

EXP : 1,024
Yen : 5,000
Item : Event/Reiko's Umbrella

Bring her Umbrella to the Frightned Security Guard in the lobby of Sumaru TV
(the one who gave you the rumor) for an incense set.


FIRST BOSS FIGHT - Studio 3 (Inside Trap)

Level 30 Stalker - "We love each other."
Comment : A person who was stalking Ellen?
HP : ~1,,200; Void : Holy/Dark
Spells : Devil's Smile, Serenade of Madness

Persona : Maya - Maia Custom
Ulala - Iris
Katsuya - Shaka
Baofu - Hel
Ellen - Nemesis

I'm not going to list the persona use in the bosses each time, since they are
all the same each time. Just be sure they are at rank 8 and getting Shaka's
mutation Refresh ring would be to your advantage.

Feh. This is a rather easy boss except for the possible status effects. If
you managed to get Shaka's mutation spell, Refresh Ring, you have nothing to
worry about. Otherwise, you just need to wait it out until the affect person(s)
is healed. Try to do the pattern below, but if you can't just improvise your
way through it (try a different huge damage spell or try a two-persona
elemental fusion). Hydro Boost happened to do the most damage for me since Maya
and Baofu both had high TEC stats.

Katsuya : Attack/Refresh Ring
Ellen : Triple Down
Ulala : Maha Magnus (Fusion)
Baofu : Maha Garula (Fusion)
Maya : Maya Aques (Fusion : Hydro Boost)/Mediarama

You shouldn't even need to heal this time around, but as usual, use Mediarama
if you need it.

EXP : 1,500
Yen : 3,000


SECOND BOSS FIGHT - Studio 7 (Inside Trap)

Level 30 Stalker - "You got me the last time... Now it's my turn."
Comment : A person who was stalking Ellen?
HP : ~1,750; Void : Holy/Dark
Spells : Devil's Smile, Marvelous Dance, Serenade of Madness, Stagnant Air

Same deal as last time, but he has more spells that can also cause status
effects. Use Refresh Ring if you have it.

He has more HP, so this battle will go on a bit longer. Just heal as needed
and try your best to hit him with a huge damage fusion.

EXP : 1,500
Yen : 3,000


THIRD BOSS FIGHT - Studio 6 (Inside Trap)

Level 30 Stalker - "A guy's all humble, and you get cocky ...huh!?"
Comment : A person who was stalking Ellen?
HP : 1,900; Void : Holy/Dark
Spells : Curse, Devil's Smile, Marvelous Dance, Serenade of Madness,
Stagnant Air, Violent Rage

Again, he has more spells that cause status effects. He also has Curse which
will do a good amount of damage (heal afterwards).

Again, use the same pattern and heal as needed. He has a bit more HP and will
cause more damage and status effects, but it isn't much different from the
last fight.

EXP : 1,500
Yen : 3,000


FOURTH BOSS FIGHT - Studio 8 (Inside - Trap)

Level 35 Black Cat - "Meow... Meow..."
Comment : Black cat of the Wang Long fortune-teller.
HP : ~2,200; Reflect : Magic; Weak : Physical
Spells : Fire Breath, Lightning Strike, Paralyzing Scratch, Poisonous Scratch

Bah. Just use physical attacks. Have Ulala, Katsuya, and Baofu attack, Ellen
use Triple Down, and Maya use Medirama. You could also have Maya attack, but
chances are that the kitty will hit you with Fire Breath most of the time,
which will do enough damage to warrant healing. Still, this battle is rather

EXP : 0
Yen : 0


FIFTH BOSS FIGHT - Studio 1 (Normal Station)

Level 53 Chizuru Ishigami - "I shall rid you of your Kegare!"
Comment : User of Wang Long magic. Passed on the blood of Yin/Yang sorcery.
HP : 1; Reflect : Magic; Weak : Physical
Spells : Curse, Fata Morgana, Fiendish Card

Level 24 Shikigami (x4) - <Varies - see below>
Comment : Using demon of Yin/Yang sorcery. (sic.)
HP : 1,000; Reflect <element>; Weak : <opposite element>
Spells : Agidyne/Aquadyne/Garudyne/Magdyne, Maha Agionn/Aques/Garula/Magnus,
Scratch, Taru/Maka/Sama/Raku Kaja <Varies based on element>

Ok, this is an interesting battle... First of all, that Chizuru is a fake - use
any physical attack to take her out quick (just have the person who is first in
your battle order attack). Next, you need to deal with the elemental Shikis:

Element | Reflect/Weak | Spells | Battle Quote
Fire | Fire/Water | Agi- & Taru | AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!
Water | Water/Fire | Aqua- & Maka | AAAAAAAARRRRRGH!
Wind | Wind/Earth | Garu- & Sama | OOOOOOAAAAAAHHH!
Earth | Earth/Wind | Mag- & Raku | WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!

There are a few ways to tell the Shikigamis apart. First, by the type of spells
they cast. Second, by whether or not they reflect or are weak against certain
elements. But both of these methods can make it difficult to keep track of
them. Their backs also light up red, blue, green, or brown when they cast an
elemental spell (not the Kajas or Scratch), but that is also infrequent and
hard to track. The best way is to check their battle quote which varies between
them (see above). Before you set up your fusion to use, check their quote and
keep your eye on that one so you don't lose it, should it decide to move.

Once you have taken out the fake Chizuru, pick a Shikigami, check it's quote,
and prepare the appropriate huge damage fusion (Tower Inferno, Hydro Boost,
Wind Cutter, or Stone Rise). While three characters are doing that fusion, have
the remaining two cast a good spell that will damage them all (using an element
like Lightning or Ice is prefreable, since they won't reflect it). Shaka's
Vile Thunderbolt and Nemesis' Absolute Zero are ideal, since the other three
are the ones you will primarily use for the fusions. The first two Shikis you
take out will require a second casting of the fusion, but the third and fourth
should only need one, due to the damage you should do with your extra two

The Shikigamis won't do too much damage to you, but just use Medirama if you
get low on HP. This is a fairly easy fight if you keep your HP high. (No
friggin status effects...unless you don't kill Chizuru first, which you

EXP : 8,000
Yen : 0


<In Kuzunoha>
Ulala : So what do you think Ma-ya?
Ma-ya : That would work.
<Baofu asks what to do and Ulala says Maya knows what to do>
Hmmm... I'm not so sure...
<Ulala gets really angry and gives Maya 3,000 yen to pay>

<Outside Parabellum>
Katsuya : I'm worried...
Maya : Let's Think Positive <heart>
<Katsuya blushes>
Hmmm... I'm worried too <heart>
<Katsuya blushes>

<Outside Parabellum>
Katsuya : Do you get tired of who you are?
Maya : I guess sometimes...?
<Katsuya is pessimistic>
No, I like who I am...
<Katsuya praises Maya's strength>

<In Kismet>
Mizuno : You were in front of Parabellum, right?
Maya : No... what are you talking about?
<Mizuno rambles about flowers and men. <shudder> VERY IMPORTANT:
Be sure to pick this option! It is a key step to doing something
later on...>
You must be tired, Chief.
<Mizuno gets angry. VERY IMPORTANT: DO NOT choose this option!>


K. S m i l e M a l l


After a number of revealing scenes, you will be put in control of your party in
Baofu's Lair. There isn't much to do in the city this time around. First of
all, for Nate's route bring the Dead Tsuchinoko to the Adventurer on the Narumi
ward map for an Item Breeder and for Ellen's route, bring Reiko's Umbrella to
the Guard in Sumaru TV for an incense card set (one of each type). There are
some new mansearches to do and there are some new CDs at the Seedy CD. Also, be
sure to talk to Nate in Sumaru TV - it is one step in unlocking a contact with
Nate (this, obviously, only works in Nate's route). The second step is to talk
to Baofu in Shiraishi. After you have spoken with both of them, the new contact
will unlock ("Song of a Baseball Fanatic"; Baofu + Nate). Also, if you talk to
Nate and Baofu in Parabellum, it will unlock the contact "Cynical People."

The third area of the Bomb Shelter at Kasugayama High is now open.

Also, the people who were involved in the last scenarios can now be found in
the city - Eikichi and Lisa (Ginko) are at Araya Shrine, Chris is at Gatten
Sushi with Chunky, and Mary is back at Hiiragi Therapy.

Lastly, if you completed the map, you can now return it to Salam for a nice
little prize (see the prizes list appendix). One of the prizes is a single
powerful spell card that is randomly selected. You can use a form of the save-
reload trick you have used for the random-effect rumors and enemy encounters -
if you save your game before turning in the map, you can keep reloading until
you get a desired card. While it doesn't really matter what card you get, some
may be more useful than others at this point. Or, you may want to save it for
later. However, I suggest that you DO NOT register it - it will be FAR too
expensive and you will be getting each of the cards again later. Use if you
want, but I won't require it the boss strategies (though it can make things
a whole lot easier).

When you are ready, get a new map from Salam, stock up on items or armor if you
need them, get new personae, and head into the mall.

Go to Smile Mall

Shoichi Shimizu and Shizue Tanaka - Tony's Shop
Taichi Nagase - Dr. Tomi's Chiropractic
Keiko Yokoyama - Satomi Tadashi (Yumezaki)

Maha Agionn, Posumudi

===Suggested Party==============

Level 32
Persona : Maya - Yebisu/Maia Custom
Ulala - Sif/Nemesis/(Jack O Lantern)/(Jack Frost)
Katsuya - Nankyoku Roujin/(Kerepres)
Baofu - Baal/Hel
Nate - Shaka


Maya - Yebisu/Maia Custom
Ulala - Nankyoku Roujin/Nemesis/(Jack O Lantern)/(Jack Frost)
Katsuya - Shaka/(Kerepres)
Baofu - Baal/Hel
Ellen - Sif

Other - Kerepres (morph to Yebisu)
Jack O Lantern (or Nemesis) (morph to Nankyoku Roujin)
Jack Frost (morph to Fukurokuju)
Taranis (return for a Garula card)

Fusions : Mega Blaze (Fire-Earth-Maha Agionn)
to learn Salamander (Dynamic Agilao-Summon Spirit)
King Frost (Atomic Bufula-Summon Spirit)

Items : Accessory/Lucky Source (Return Rank 8 Fukurokuju)
to get Item/Seed of Escape (Picollus)

You now have access to several excellent personae, so it is time to change your
line up. First of all, there are three Minor Arcana personae you should get (as
listed above). Yebisu is the most important - he is by far one of the top
personae in the game (relative to level) and you NEED to get him. To get him,
get the Kerepres personae and put him on Katsuya. Then, end EVERY battle with a
fusion involving Kerepres to get mutations. I found that using Ice Blast along
with Nemesis worked pretty well, along with Maximum Tempest and Hydro Boost.
Nankyoku Roujin is also very good - get Jack O Lantern and put him on Ulala to
mutate (though, Nemesis can also mutate into Nankyoku...if you don't mind
finding a new persona to use for Estoma). Fukurokuju, on the other hand, isn't
as useful as the other two; he is several levels below you and would have been
more useful a few dungeons ago, but I didn't want to require Minor Arcana too
early in the game. Hopefully, you are now regularly getting mutations and
obtaining these guys shouldn't be that hard. Anyway, Fukurokuju isn't useful
for battle, but if you rank him up to 8 and return him, you can get the very
useful Lucky Source which, when equipped, will add an extra point to LUC when a
character levels up. Sources are a great advantage for powering up your
characters - be sure to pick it up. Finally, you probably can't summon him at
the beginning of the dungeon, but you should gain the levels in Smile Mall
needed to summon Baal for Baofu. Pick up Sif for Ulala and switch Shaka over to
Nate, if you are have him. Otherwise, with Ellen, keep Shaka on Katsuya, give
Sif to Ellen, and put Nankyoku on Ulala (to take advantage of Ellen's high SP).

For Sif, I added the spell (Maha) Garula to her (using either the Maha Garula
card found in Sumaru TV or a Garula card obtained from returning a rank 8
Taranis persona). The reason I suggest you do this is so you can do a very
powerful fusion later on. Specifically, when you return to Aoba Park and obtain
Nata's material card, I used a Hurricane Card on him so I could do the fusion
Giga Cyclone (Wind-Water-Maha Garudyne) with Sif, Baal, and Nata. If you will
look at the prize's list for returning maps to Salam, you will see that you get
one randomly selected "rare" card and also that you can save-reload to change
which card you get. I kept doing this to get the Hurricane card to make Nata
even more powerful and useful. (I wish I could have done this with Shaka...)
This will not be required in the boss strategies, but it can make both the
bosses and the dungeons easier.

If you have problems getting the Minor Arcana personae, you could just use Maia
Custom, Sif, Kerepres, Baal, Shaka, and Nemesis on the party (on Maya, Ulala,
Katsu, Baofu, Nate, and Ellen, respectively) and still do well, but the
personae I have listed are too good to pass up (and from here on, they will be
a critical part of the boss strategies). If you do not get them during this
dungeon, keep trying during the next two dungeons (at the very least, get

As to the fusions, once you have the spell Summon Spirit and spread the rumors
about hidden spells (and that they fusion with a "secret" spell) you will be
able to do the decent rumor spell fusions. There are several more, but I won't
require using the personae for them. Just know that all of the rumor spells can
fusion in this manner.

The demons in the mall are tougher, but you should be strong enough to handle
them. Also, the horrible, terrible, very EVIL spell Hula of Misfortune (lose
1/2 of your total yen) is back on the demon Picollus - avoid fighting him if at
all possible. Use the contact system to get some cards and Seeds of Escape from
him. You can also get the rumor spell about Demeter's Ultra Frelia here. Unless
you are going to use the Demeter personae, you should spread that it is weak so
that Demeter is even weaker.


Smile Mall, Hirasaka Ward
5 Floors (B1, 1F, 2F, 3F, 4F)

Items - Item/Gem (x2) (B1)
Item/Precious Egg (1F)
Accessory/Leader's Manual (1F)
Incense/TEC Card (2F)
Item/Bead of Power (4F)

Demons - Level 27 Taranis (Chariot)
Level 28 Rasputin (Magician)
Level 29 Kerepres (Strength)
Level 29 Principality (Judgment)
Level 30 Hun Hau (Death)
Level 30 Picollus (Star)
Level 31 Demeter (World)
Level 32 Zaeboth (Hanged Man)


This is a really easy dungeon to navigate, so the walkthrough for this section
will be truncated. It's full of wide open spaces, but it also has numerous
recesses in the walls which make it a bit of a pain to map. Just be patient.

On 1F, there is an item chest directly east of where you enter. After you have
mapped the floor, there is a set of staircases going both up and down directly
north of the dungeon entrance. First, go down to B1. Also, you should notice
that there is an elevator on the northern wall of the mall - be sure to travel
to each floor via the elevator to get the "E" to appear on the map. You can use
the elevator if you want, but it is easier to use the stairs and you cannot
access the third floor from the elevator.

On B1, there is an item directly north of the staircase. Get it, map the floor
and return up the staircases to 2F. You should notice that there is an area on
the western half that you cannot access yet. You will come back here in a

On 2F, there is an item just a few steps east of the staircases. Get it, map
the floor, and head up the stairs to 3F.

On 3F, there is a Trish's Fountain directly northeast of the staircases. Now
would be a good time to try to get the good effect for the random-effect rumor
"Trish changed her mind." Just save, go to Kuzunoha, spread the rumor, and come
here to check the results. Lather, rinse, repeat until you get the lower price
effect (still too expensive, though...). Anyway, map the floor, and you will
eventually find a staircase in the northeast corner of the map - take it down.
You will find yourself in a small area isolated from the main map. Map each
area, and get the item on 1F. Finally reach B1 and map that area - no items or
anything special down there (I don't know why they changed the motif for that
section only...) Anyway, once you have completed the maps for B1-3F, go up to

On 4F, just map the whole floor and find the item in the northeastern wing of
the floor. Once you get the message that says you have completed the map, you
can turn it into Salam now, or continue on the boss fight.

To start the boss fight, attempt to enter the Seminar Hall on the northwestern
portion of the map (directly west of the elevator). The party decides against
a frontal assault and Maya has a mysterious flashback about smoking in a ladies
room. So, head over to the Women's Restroom in the southeastern wing of the
floor. Once you go in, you will be locked into a sequence which leads to the
boss, so be sure you are prepared.

hAfter a few quick scenes and a choice in the bathroom, Katsuya and Baofu will
temporarily split from the party. Once the fire alarm is going off, head over
to the Seminar Hall and the boss fight will start. You will have to get there
with only three party members - depending on how confident you are of your
battle skills, you may or may not want to use Estoma to reach the room (rather
than fighting battles at a minor disadvantage).


Level 40 Joker Ginji - "Kegare... More Kegare!!"
Comment : Talented producer who was brainwashed by the N.W.O.
HP : 2,600; Absorb : Earth; Weak : Wind
Spells : Diarama, Fire Breath, Maha Magnus, Old Maid, Photon Cannon, Sama

Level 35 Shoggoth (x4) - "To the beyonds of the red cosmos!!"
Comment : Servant race of Cthulhu legends. Best work is with water.
HP : 540; Void : Physical; Weak : Sword/Holy
Spells : Poisma; Stagnant Air, Possession

Notable Spells : Old Maid

Persona : Maya - Maia Custom and Yebisu
Ulala - Sif
Katsuya - Nankyoku Roujin
Baofu - Hel
Nate - Shaka


Maya - Yebisu
Ulala - Nankyoku Roujin
Katsuya - Shaka
Baofu - Hel
Ellen - Sif

This battle is so pathetically easy...if you follow my strategy. Even though
you have new personae, some of the older ones like Hel and Maia Custom are more
useful (for their elemental spells).

First take out the Shoggoths. Use Mega Blaze to do most of the damage then have
Nate use Nirvana and the rest use their best attack to take them out. While you
are doing all of this, use Yebisu (on Maya) to cast Maka Kaja (SAt. x2 - VERY
useful) on Baofu or Ellen (since, depending on which route you toke, they are
the ones who go last in the Wind Cutter fusion, and the person to act last in
a fusion is the one who modifies the damage).

Once those guys are gone, switch Maya back to Maia Custom (and if needed, put
Yebisu on someone else to cast Maka Kaja). Cast Maka Kaja on Baofu and then, do
the fusion Wind Cutter on Ginji. It should an insane amount of damage - it once
did 1,200 for me. Cast it twice (or thrice at the most) and he will go down.
Even if he casts Sama Recarm on the Shoggoths, concentrate on Ginji.

Hopefully, it will be that easy for you, but he does have some rather nasty
attacks - you should be able to kill him before he has a chance to use these.
For Old Maid, defend as usual. Fire Breath and Maha Magnus shouldn't pose too
much trouble. If you need to heal, just use Pine Bamboo Plum (the amount healed
is random, but chances are it will heal 200+ HP). The Minor Arcana are very
useful in respect to the fact than anyone can use them at good compatibility -
if you need to use Pine Bamboo Plum, just move the persona to the next person
who will act, so you prevent the chance for Ginji to attack while you would
normally have to wait for Maya to act.

His most annoying attack, though, is Sama Recarm. He will resurrect one of the
Shoggoths you killed at full HP. While they aren't too tough, they can attack
your party and, at the worst, cast Possession. Sif has Kotoludi to void the
possession status, should you need it (or just use a Lucky Bag).

Regardless, this battle should be over so quick, Ginji won't have a chance to
make it hard on you. And you earn a LOT of EXP from this battle, making it well
worth it. On a final note, this is the last Joker battle, so no more Old Maid!

EXP : 13,632
Yen : 25,800


<In Women's Restroom, Smile Mall>
Ulala : All these people will get mixed up in it!
Maya : What should we do...?
<Katsuya suggests they start a fire and Ulala attempts to be
funny... Nate is serious in the bathroom. Ellen is serious.>
Let's start a fire!
<Ulala rants at Maya, but Katsuya agrees with Maya. Then Ulala
goes off on Katsuya. Nate says a very ironic line in the
restroom. Ellen calls Ulala air-headed. Bwahaha!>


L. A o b a P a r k (Second Visit)


After the boss fight, the party decides to leak their info about the N.W.O. to
the press and Katsuya gets a call from "Sneak" to meet at Aoba Park again.
Katsuya will temporarily leave your party for this dungeon, but don't worry
about it too much. (I mean, when you first came through here with only four
people and then you were at a lower level.) Not to spoil it too much, but he
will rejoin you for the boss battle with the personae you last had equipped on
him (presumably Nankyoku Roujin or Shaka).

There are a few new things in the city this time, but not much. First,
Parabellum, Rosa Candida, and Tony's Shop have updated their stock. There is a
single new mansearch at Shiraishi. Matsuoka is now at Parabellum (not that it
matters much).

You should also turn in your map for a number of cards. However, you cannot map
Aoba Park (Salam says it isn't interesting, but you have already mapped Aoba
Park your first visit, so it would be repetitive...though I wouldn't mind doing
it again for more cards...).

On a final note, there are a few new developments concerning the optional
dungeons. In the Seedy CD, you will now find Ixquic, the transmigrated warrior
maiden, just northwest of the entrance. She will give you a rumor about a "100
km/h Hag" which, when spread at Kuzunoha, will move the guard away from the
staircase in the back of the Seedy CD, allowing you to go up the second floor
and start the dungeon. The other development with the optional dungeons is that
a security guard is now in Mu Continent, next to the cashier's table. Later he
will give you a rumor (ala Ixquic), but for now, you can't do anything here.

Go to Aoba Park

Rosa Candida
Tony's Shop

Saori Kudou - Sumaru TV

Kotoludi, Patra, Me Patra

===Suggested Party==============

Level 33
Persona : Maya - Yebisu/Maia Custom
Ulala - Sif/Nemesis
Baofu - Baal/Hel
Nate - Shaka


Maya - Yebisu/Maia Custom
Ulala - Nankyoku Roujin
Baofu - Baal/Hel
Ellen - Sif

Fusions : None
to learn

Items : None
to get

You can now access the optional dungeon in the Seedy CD, but I'd suggest you
hold off on it for now and finish the second visit to Aoba Park first (since
you are short one party member who is rather useful in there).

In Aoba Park, there is really nothing to do except fight Nata (be sure to fight
him - use the Estoma and Save/Reload tricks if you need). You already should
have mapped the whole dungeon, obtained all of the items, and done the puzzle
with the Purple Flower. If you haven't, do so now (refer to Aoba Park (First
Visit)). You may want to take advantage of the Fortune demon Wanyuudo - fortune
demons are rather rare, however, you cannot use the cards yet since the next
Fortune demon is still several levels above you.

The demons in here are easy. Wanyuudo and Zaeboth will put up a fight and often
attack in groups, but a good attack-all fusion should take them out (like Tidal
Wave or Mega Blaze).


Aoba Park, Aoba Ward
1 Floor (3 Sections - South, Central and North)

Items - None (See Aoba Park (First Visit))

Demons - Level 29 Kerepres (Strength)
Level 30 Hun Hau (Death)
Level 31 Demeter (World)
Level 32 Zaeboth (Hanged Man)
Level 33 Wanyuudo (Fortune)
Level 38 Nata (Justice)


No walkthrough this time. Just follow your map to the Concert Hall all the way
north to watch some revealing and dramatic scenes to start the boss fight.


If you haven't already, answer the Dignified Purple Flower's question. (See
Aoba Park (First Visit) for the solution.)

===Rare Battle==================

Level 38 Nata (Justice) - "Feel the wrath of my Paopei!"
Comment : Battle genius who fights with many Paopei.
HP : 800; Void : Mind/Nerve; Weak : Lightning
Spells : Taru Kaja, Sonic Punch, Tackle

Even though the game is determined to make you fight Nata with only four
people, he is SO much easier this time around. First, have Maya use Yebisu to
cast Maka Kaja on Nate or Ulala (whoever will be going last in the fusion),
then have them use Lightning Blast - one to two casts and he should be dead. He
shouldn't even have a chance to threaten you (heck, he should only get one turn
and he usually casts Taru Kaja on himself his first turn).

In Ellen's route, however, you'll just need to cast the best spells you have
(since Katsuya took Shaka with him when he left and you don't have any other
lightning spell). Cast Maka Kaja on Ellen and have Sif cast Vile Thunderbolt -
it'll do most of the damage (it should do a little less than 400, so two rounds
at most).

EXP : 481
Yen : 2,660
Item : Material/Paopei


Level 42 Captain Shimazu - "Thank you for your troubles, Sergeant...(chuckle)"
Comment : Finest troop leader of New World Order in police department.
HP : 2,360; Void : Mind/Nerve
Spells : Flare Shot, Rapidfire, Tranquilizer, Triple Down

Level 38 SAT (x4) - "I have nothing to say..."
Comment : Anti-terrorist unit by the New World Order. (sic.)
HP : 912; Somewhat strong : Magic; Weak : Sword/Attack
Spells : Aimed Shot, Hypnotic Wave, Single Shot

Notable Spells : Aimed Shot - Chance of killing a single enemy.
Flare Shot - Damage and chance of causing Illusion
to a single enemy.

Persona : Maya - Yebisu
Ulala - Sif
Katsuya - Nankyoku Roujin
Baofu - Hel
Nate - Shaka


Maya - Yebisu
Ulala - Nankyoku Roujin
Katsuya - Shaka
Baofu - Hel
Ellen - Sif

This battle isn't too hard, but it can be a pain. The main reason is that the
SATs have an attack called Aimed Shot which can instantly kill a character. It
doesn't work often, but there are four of them constantly casting it, so
chances are one or more of your characters may die. You'll just have to
resurrect and heal them (Shaka has Recarm and use Pine Bamboo Plum to heal).
They can also put your characters to sleep with Hypnotic wave - just use
Shaka's mutation spell Refresh Ring or an Awaken G item.

First, you want to take out those SATs. Cast Maka Kaja (switch Yebisu around,
if needed) and then use Mega Blaze. Keep using it until you take them out - you
should be able to kill them before they can kill one of your characters or do
any serious damage to you. Have the character not in the fusion use their best
attacks on the SATs (like Nirvana and Maha Garula).

Next, take out Shimazu. He doesn't have an elemental weakness, but he doesn't
have any strengths either. I'd suggest using Tower Inferno (while under Maka
Kaja) to do a lot of damage to him. Any of the fusions that do "huge" damage
should work well.

EXP : 9,460
Yen : 30,000


M. F a c t o r y


After the boss fight, Baofu says the party should go to his Lair. However,
Baofu will temporarily leave the party for a dungeon and return for the boss
fight (ala Katsuya in the last dungeon). So, in the time that you have all five
party members, you may want to go do the optional Seedy CD dungeon. (Not that
it is so hard that you need all five party members, but it may be a bit easier
on you.) Once you enter his Lair, he will leave and you will be given your next
dungeon - the Factory in Konan. Before you leave the Lair, talk to Katsuya and
Nate who seem to be discussing something... When you try to leave the Lair,
there will be a quick scene with Tatsuzou Sudou, Guido and the mysterious

There are only a couple of things new in the city this time. Toa Armory has
changed it's stock. There is a new rumor you can get - Yaoyi Kimura in
Padparcha has it. However, to get the rumor, you must first have done her man-
searching job. It is another random-effect rumor, so save and reload until you
get the outcome where Kaori increases her aromatherapies.

When you are ready, head to the factory.

Go to Baofu's Lair
GO to the Factory

Kaori closed down... - Yaoyi Kimura, Padparcha

Toa Armory

===Suggested Party==============

Level 37
Persona : Maya - Yebisu/Maia Custom
Ulala - Sif (w/Garula)
Katsuya - Nata (w/Maha Garudyne)
Nate - Baal/Shaka


Maya - Yebisu/Maia Custom
Ulala - Nankyoku Roujin
Katsuya - Nata (w/Maha Garudyne)
Ellen - Sif (w/Maha Garula)

Fusions : Giga Cyclone (Wind-Water-Maha Garudyne)
to learn Ryusei Rekken (Wind-Sonic Punch)

Items : Spell/Bufula Card (Lilim)
to get Spell/Gryva Card (Darioku Tenmaou - Rare)
Spell/Magdyne Card (Satyrus - Rare)
Spell/Zanma Card (Agrippa - Rare)
Item/Chewing Soul (Satyrus)

After the boss fight and before Baofu's Lair, you should remove Baal from Baofu
(if you have it on him). Put Hel or something on him - just take Baal off (for
Nate, that is - if you have Ellen, don't worry about it).

Now you should summon Nata for Katsuya. If, as I suggested, you put Garula on
Sif, you should now put the Hurricane card on Nata to do the Giga Cyclone
fusion (again, it will not be required, but it is very useful). You should move
Baal to Nate and make Yebisu Maya's primary persona (though, in Ellen's route,
you'll need Maia in order to use the Giga Cyclone fusion).

In the dungeon, there isn't much to do, but you can get a number of spell cards
from demons. Unfortunately, most of them (all except Bufula) are rare items, so
you may or may not be able to get them. It isn't a big deal, but you may want
to go to the Bomb Shelter sometime to pick them up. You can also get Chewing
Souls here if you are running low. Tarot cards are also fairly plentiful here,
so stock up if you are low. Just be sure to rank up Nata and map the dungeon.

The demons in here are push-overs. Lay waste to their demonic hides!


Factory, Konan Ward
3 Floors (1F, B1, B2)

Items - Item/Antidote (x5) (B1)
Item/Crisis Powder (B1)
Item/Sumaru Magazine 2 (B2)
Spell/Zionga Card (Chest-battle, B2)

Demons - Level 33 Wanyuudo (Fortune)
Level 33 Lilim (Moon)
Level 34 Agrippa (Magician)
Level 34 Darioku Tenmaou (Devil)
Level 35 Python (Strength)
Level 35 Shoggoth (Tower)
Level 37 Tenchu Hekiun (Human)
Level 36 Satyrus (Lovers)
Level 36 Power (Judgment)


This dungeon is pretty simple. It is much easier to map than Smile Mall.
However, when mapping, you must ride on all of the conveyer belts and fall
through two traps that drop you down a floor to complete the map.

On 1F, just follow the paths to the stairs down (it is pretty linear and it all
leads to the staircase in the southwest corner). There is a Trish's Fountain,
but you shouldn't need it. You may also notice an area east of you that you
cannot access - you will get there soon enough.

On B1, just map the area and get the chests. Again, it is linear and leads to
an area with a narrow hallway going east and a staircase north of the hallway.
The two chest on the south wall don't have items, but the western one will
poison your party and the eastern one is empty. Don't go down the stairs yet
(you'll be there all too soon) and take the hallway east. Follow it until you
are shot out in a big maze of conveyer belts. It isn't really a maze, but it
can be confusing. First, take the eastern one then take two belts north. When
you are in another hallway, don't go west yet - there is a trap that drops you
down to B2. First go east to a staircase down to a different section of B2.
Follow the path until you get to an office. On the desk there is a notice with
a password written on it. That is used for changing the direction of the belts
so you can access the end of this dungeon. Return to B1 and go back to the
conveyer belt. This time, go west of it and drop down to B2.

On B2, simply map the whole area (again, linear). You will be dropped near a
chest to the north. In it, there is a battle with 2 Heinirs and they will drop
a Zionga card. Make your way southwest to the staircase up.

You will be at the staircase that was north of the hallway leading to the
conveyer belts. Take the hallway again and this time go on the western belt.
To the west is the room you can use to change the direction of the belts, but
first you need to go north and take a step west to fall down the second trap.
Hike back to the conveyer belts and finish mapping as many belts as you can by
riding them. When you are done, go east to the locked room and enter the
password. Inside, you must map this area. It isn't a normal room like Trish's
or the Velvet - it needs to be mapped like the dungeon. Hit the button on the
control panel to the north and the belts will switch directions. Head back to
the belts.

Now, you can just go north on the belts to reach a long belt running east which
will drop you off on the other side of the first trap. There is a staircase to
the north which leads to 1F. However, before you go, you need to map the other
belts that run into the long belt running east. To do so, you need to
deliberately fall down the trap, hike back to the belts, and ride the other
two. Once you have done that, simply go up to 1F, map the remaining areas until
you find Plant #2 to the southeast. When you are ready, enter the plant to see
some dramatic scenes and start the boss fight.


To access the path to Plant #2 and the boss fight, you need to change the
direction of the conveyer belts. But to do this, you need to get to the Control
room, which is locked. The pass code can be found in an Unfinished Notice
found on a desk in B2.

The pass code is "19750326".


Level 45 X-1 - "......"
Comment : Human-like weapon of the New World Order and Defense Agency.
HP : 3,000; Void : Mind/Nerve/Holy; Weak : Lightning
Spells : 81mm Cannon L16, M249MINNI, Muramasa Copy

Persona : Maya - Yebisu
Ulala - Sif
Katsuya - Nata
Baofu - Baal
Nate - Shaka


Maya - Yebisu
Ulala - Nankyoku Roujin
Katsuya - Nata
Baofu - Hel/Baal
Ellen - Sif

Notable Spells : Muramasa Copy - Seals of one character's ability to use
persona. Wears off after several rounds.

A fairly easy battle. Immediately have Maya (or switch Yebisu around so the
next person to act is casting the spell) cast Maka Kaja and have Sif and Shaka
start casting Lightning Blast on the machine. Then, have the remaining
characters do a huge damage fusion (Tower Inferno, etc.). Though they will only
do 1/3 to 1/4 of the amount of damage Lightning Blast will, it is the best they
can do.

The X-1's attacks can be rough. The 81mm Cannon will do a large amount of
damage to all characters. Just use Yebisu's Pine Bamboo Plum and Baal's
Mediarama to heal when you need it and you will be fine. Muramasa Copy can be a
pain as it seals off one character's ability to use persona for a few rounds,
but he shouldn't even have a chance to use it. If one of your characters gets
hit by it, just have them use items to heal (unless it is a critical character
like Maya, Ulala, or Nate - then switch the persona to a different character
and continue with the strategy).

Your characters are so well protected that you shouldn't even break a sweat

EXP : 6,000
Yen : 0


N. N i c h i r i n m a r u


In Sumaru, there are a number of new things to do. First, the fourth area of
the Bomb Shelter is now open. Second, you can talk to the guard in Mu Continent
who will now give the rumor about Mussie which will open Mu Continent as an
optional dungeon event. Parabellum's and Rosa Candida's shop lists have been
updated. Also, you can get a rumor from a Tourist on the Narumi ward map that a
"Cape" appears offshore (on the Nichirinmaru ship, the next dungeon; Red Cape
for Nate and Blue for Ellen).

A new contact has been unlocked, now that you know about Baofu's past. It is
the "Investigation of Terror" with Katsuya. It can also involve others like
Ulala and Ellen in variations of the contact.

If you go to Araya Shrine, and go behind the shrine (go up the steps and walk
around it) you can find a young boy back there named Knowledgeable Dai. If you
talk to him, he will mention that he is looking for a weaponsmith. Go to
Shiraishi, and in addition to the two new mansearches, a third will appear for
Takumi Asano. However, he doesn't just appear at Araya (where you will find
him) - you must go to the bodyguard in Shiraishi and ask for his hint. He will
give you the rumor that Asano appears at Araya. Spread it at Kuzunoha and
return to Araya to find Asano. If you identify him and talk to him, he will
give you the Event/Secret Document which will allow you to forge the Legendary
Weapons. Bring the book to Padparcha and talk to the owner. Padparcha's store
inventory will then be updated.

In Gatten Sushi, Chris says goodbye (the next time you are in the city, he will
be gone...)

You can give your map to Salam, get the prize, and get a new map for the

Go to the Yacht Harbor

Rosa Candida
Padparcha (after obtaining the Secret Document)

Secret CD2 - Sumaru Magazine 2, Factory
Mussie appears at Mu Continent - Security, Mu Continent
Red/Blue Cape appears offshore - Tourist, Narumi ward map
Takumi Asano appears at Araya Shrine - Bodyguard, Shiraishi

Satomi Iida - Satomi Tadashi (Konan)
Junji Kinoshita - Bomb Shelter entrance
Takumi Asano - Araya Shrine

Magdyne, Bufula, Zionga, Zanma, Gryva, Taru Kaja, Raku Kaja, Maka Kaja, Sama
Kaja, De Kaja, ALL Incense

===Suggested Party==============

Level 40
Persona : Maya - Genbu (w/Maha Agionn)/Maia Custom
Ulala - Parvati (w/Zionga or Ziodyne)/Sif
Katsuya - Nata
Baofu - Peri
Nate - Yebisu/Shaka


Maya - Genbu (w/Maha Agionn)/Maia Custom
Ulala - Parvati (w/Zionga or Ziodyne)/Sif
Katsuya - Nata/Il-Dana
Baofu - Peri
Ellen - Yebisu

Other - Vivian (Return at Rank 8 for a Torrent Card)

Fusions : Meltdown (Fire-Earth-Maha Agidyne)
to learn Last Quake (Earth-Fire-Maha Magdyne)
Low End Breaker (Zanma-Holy)

Items : Item/Clean Salt (Power)
to get Item/Devil's Capote (Leviathan)

This next dungeon is another double-dungeon and you won't be returning to the
city for some time, so do any prepping you need to.

Time to get some new personae. First, summon Genbu for Maya. I HIGHLY suggest
you put Maha Agionn on him, if not Maha Agidyne (from Salam's prizes). Doing
so will enable you to use a number of excellent fusions. Also, get Parvati for
Ulala. BE SURE to put a lightning spell on her - it will be invaluable for the
next dungeons. You should have registered Zionga at the Time Castle, but if you
are lucky in Mu Continent, you can get a Lightning Card from the Succubus
demon (rare item). Nata and Yebisu and two very useful personae, so stick with
them for a while. Lastly, you'll want to get the Minor Arcana persona Peri.
To get him, either mutate Baal on Nate/Baofu or Heiner on Ulala. Once you get
Peri, you'll see why you want him.

The demons should not be a problem. Use Meltdown to annihilate anything that
stands in your way. Be sure to fight the rumored Cape demon - use the Estoma
trick if you didn't fight him in all of your running around. The Fortune demon
Orthos gives up a lot of Tarot cards, so consider getting some. You can also
get the demon-rumors about Stuparideth's Dangerous Garula rumor spell and one
about Hide and Seek (a reference to Knowledgeable Dai behind Araya shrine).


Nichirinmaru, Sumaru Bay
5 Floors (2F, 1F, B1, B2, B3)

Items - Item/HP Incense (2F)
Item/Miracle Soda (1F)
Spell/Magdyne Card (B1)
Item/Chewing Soul (x3) (1F)
Item/Bead of Magic Power (B1)
Spell/Garudyne Card (Chest-battle, B1)
Item/Yamatano Drink (B2)
Material/Dul-Dauna's Oar (B3)
Spell/Me Patra Card (B3)
Item/Bead of Shockwave (B3)

Demons - Level 35 Python (Strength)
Level 35 Shoggoth (Tower)
Level 36 Satyrus (Lovers)
Level 36 Power (Judgment)
Level 37 Stuparideth (Temperance)
Level 37 Tenchu Hekiun (Human)
Level 38 Heinir (Star)
<"Metal" motif parts (all floors)>
Level 39 Rakshasa (Chariot)
Level 39 Leviathan (World)
Level 40 Orthos (Fortune)
Level 40 Tenchu Mochizuki (Human)


This dungeon is fairly easy to navigate, as it consists of mostly narrow
hallways, but expect to do a lot of walking and a whole lot of back-tracking.

On 1F, just map the floor, get the item (check the auto map if you have trouble
finding it), and head up to 2F via the elevator.

On 2F, once again, just map the floor and get the single chest. There is a
Velvet Room and a Trish's Fountain on the south wall if you need to use them.
When the floor is mapped, take the stairwell in the southwestern corner to map
a small portion of 1F (for mapping), then return to 2F and take the staircase
in the southwestern corner. Return to 1F, and take the staircase in the middle
of the map down to B1 where you will find a small area with an item. Return to
1F, take the staircase on the southern wall down to B1, then take the staircase
east of it (in a different wing) down.

On B2 just map the floor and get the items. There are two traps here - be sure
to take them. The one on the northern wall leads to a chest on B3 with a
material card for Il-Dana, an excellent persona. On B2, you can also find the
Conference Room, along with Gozen's shrine, you have seen so often in
cutscenes. Head to B3 when you are done.

On B3, map the floor, get the items, and go to the staircase in the south-
eastern corner that leads up to an area of B2. Follow the area through a couple
of staircases and you will end up in a large room with three doors to the
Heliport and a Tenchu guard blocking a staircase to the west. The doors lead to
the boss fight, but don't worry that you haven't completed the map yet - you're
going to come back out to the ship. Go in and wipe the floor with the bosses.

When you come out again, the guard will be gone from the staircase - take it.
You will be in a large section on 1F. Map the area, get the chest, and head
down to B1 via the staircase in the southwestern corner. Follow the hallway
down to B2. Here, there are two staircases - first take the western one to a
chest, then return and take the eastern one. This leads to another large room
with three doors. These lead to the Dock and the end of the dungeon. Be sure to
get the pop-up message that you completed the map before you enter.

===Rare Battle==================

<Nate's Route>
Level 46 Red Cape (Rumor) - "Red is Goood!"
Comment : Force between red or blue. If red, it cuts off your neck.
HP : 368; Absorb : Fire/Nuclear; Weak : Water/Ice
Spells : Taru Kaja, Inferno, Heat Wave, Level Trap

Cast Maka Kaja on Ulala, then use the fusion Hydro Boost. One hit and it is
dead. (Maka Kaja shouldn't even be necessary...)

EXP : 2,200
Yen : 9,000
Item : Event/Red Cape


<Ellen's Route>
Level 45 Blue Cape (Rumor) - "Is Blue Good?"
Comment : Force between red or blue. If blue, it drain's the body's blood.
HP : 360; Absorb : Water/Ice; Weak : Fire/Nuclear
Spells : Maka Kaja, Fear Torrent, Heat Wave, Level Trap

Cast Maka Kaja on Baofu, then use the fusion Tower Inferno. One hit and it is
dead. (Maka Kaja shouldn't even be necessary...)

EXP : 2,100
Yen : 10,000
Item : Event/Blue Cape


Level 45 X-1 (x3) - "......"
Comment : Amphibious weapon of the New World Order and Defense Agency.
HP : 3,000; Void : Mind/Nerve/Holy; Weak : Lightning
Spells : 81mm Cannon L16, M249MINNI, Muramasa Copy, Self Explosion

Persona : Maya - Genbu
Ulala - Parvati (w/Zionga or Ziodyne)
Katsuya - Nata
Baofu - Peri
Nate - Yebisu


Maya - Genbu
Ulala - Parvati (w/Zionga or Ziodyne)
Katsuya - Nata
Baofu - Peri
Ellen - Yebisu

Notable Spells : Muramasa Copy

This battle is similar to the boss fight at the Factory - there are just more
of the machines. Right away cast Maka Kaja on Baofu or Ulala and have them use
Lightning Blast. It should do 1,000+ damage a turn, so about three casts (four
at the most) and they should be out of commission. (As usual, be sure to use
the most powerful spell, Ziodyne, LAST.) Use the other characters as support
(any attack they can do does pitifully little damage). Have Maya and Nate/Ellen
cast Raku Kaja on all of the characters (Nate/Ellen in particular since Yebisu
is weak against physical). Tetrakarn is useful too, but it will get voided so
often that it is easier to just use Raku Kaja. Use Pine Bamboo Plum to heal
(switch Yebisu around for quick healing, especially since your other three
characters are practically twiddling their fingers compared to the massive
firepower Ulala and Baofu are putting out).

Hopefully it will be that cut and dry for you, but chances are they may be
complications. First of all, there is that damned Muramasa Copy to deal with.
If a crucial character gets their ability to use personae sealed, just switch
the persona to a different character and have the sealed character use items to
heal (Gala-Gala Drinks are quite good). Also, when one of the machines becomes
critical (it will lightly flash with electricity) it may cast Self Explosion.
It does a good amount of damage, so don't get caught with low HP when they are
critial and you may need to heal after one casts it.

EXP : 18,000
Yen : 0


<On the Heliport>
Tatsuya : Why did you come...?!!
Maya : Tatsuya...
<Tatsuya gets enraged and runs off>
What do you mean, why...?
<Tatsuya gets enraged and runs off>


O. U n d e r s e a R u i n s

===Suggested Party==============

Level 43
Persona : Maya - Genbu (w/Maha Agionn)/Maia Custom
Ulala - Parvati (w/Zionga or Ziodyne)/Sif
Katsuya - Nata/Il-Dana
Baofu - Peri
Nate - Yebisu/Shaka


Maya - Genbu (w/Maha Agionn)/Maia Custom
Ulala - Parvati (w/Zionga or Ziodyne)/Sif
Katsuya - Nata/Il-Dana
Baofu - Peri
Ellen - Yebisu

Fusions : None
to learn

Items : Item/Devil's Capote (Leviathan)
to get Spell/Zanma Card (Barbatos)
Item/Gem (Catoblepas)
Plus a whole lot of items in the dungeon

You can now summon the excellent persona Il-Dana, but I would hold off until
the next dungeon. Also, you should try to get a persona to mutate into Nodens,
another useful Minor Arcana persona, but again, hold off on summoning it until
you get out of here.

This is probably the most lucrative dungeon...if you know where to look. Be
sure to check the Walkthrough section for the location of each secret passage.
Also, do the puzzle to get into the Treasure Room.

The demons in here are, again, really easy. Just use the Meltdown fusions to
deal with most of them.


Undersea Ruins, (Pacific Ocean?)
4 Floors (1F, B1, B2, B3)

Items - Spell/Divine Light Card (1F)
Spell/Medirama Card (1F)
Item/Orichaloch (1F)
Item/Item Breeder (1F)
Spell/Maka Kaja Card (Chest-battle, B1)
Item/Gem Ring (B1)
Item/Precious Egg (x5) (B2)
Spell/Flame Card (B3)
Spell/Torrent Card (B3)
Spell/Hurricane Card (B3)
Spell/Earthquake Card (B3)
Spell/Ice Card (B3)
Spell/Lightning Card (B3)
Spell/Torment Card (B3)
Item/Hihi-irokane (B3)
Item/Meteorite S (B3)

Demons - Level 39 Rakshasa (Chariot)
Level 39 Leviathan (World)
Level 40 Orthos (Fortune)
Level 40 Tenchu Mochizuki (Human)
Level 41 Waitry (Magician)
Level 41 Barbatos (Hanged Man)
Level 42 Catoblepas (Hermit)
Level 42 Aeshma (Tower)
Level 43 Takshaka (Strength)
Level 45 Tenchu Myojou (Human)


What this dungeon gives in treasure, it makes up for in sheer annoyance.
Expect to do even more walking than the Nichirinmaru and _FAR_ more back-

You start off on B1. Just head south through the passage to the stairs down.
On B2, follow the passage east. You will pass a staircase - don't take it yet
(you'll be back here again...and again...and again...). Keep going and the
passage will widen for a short bit. In the wide section, on the north wall,
you should see a big pile of rocks and a darkened area of the wall. That is
actually a secret passage way to a chest (get it, obviously). There are
several of these secret passages in here, but they don't show up on the map
making them a pain to find. This walkthrough will do its best to point them
out. Anyway, if you keep following the tunnel, you will find it comes to a
staircase and turns north. If you go try to go north, you will get the familiar
heart-beat before bosses, but if you keep going, you will find traps that drop
you down to B3. B3 is basically a big cavern with a Velvet Room, a Trish's
Fountain, access to the staircase you passed in the hallway, and a northern
hallway that leads to the Treasure Room (see the Puzzle section for more on
that). Anyway, take the staircase on the southern wall up.

The staircase leads to a small room with another staircase going up. That
staircase takes you to a very long hallway running west. Take that and turn
north with it to yet another staircase. This leads to a small section of B1
with another staircase down.

This section of B2 is very linear - just follow the winding path to find two
chests and a staircase up. HOWEVER, there are a few traps in the path. The
first is in the second "room" you encounter after entering on the staircase.
It is directly in the center on the northern wall, so walk around it too the
south (it will drop you to B3 and you will have to walk all the way here
again). After that, follow the path for a while until you come to a staircase
on the western wall (don't take it). If you keep going north, you will find a
row of traps - fall down them. Don't worry, you will be dropped in a small room
that leads to the stairwell you just passed. If you will notice, there is a
large boulder in the room. Use the Auto-Map to coordinate B3 and B2 to find
which area you can cross. Keep following the path until you are led south and
put in a large room with a (empty) chest. Keep going south to another room with
another chest. HOWEVER, there is a trap (that will drop you near the Velvet)
directly west of it. Walk south around the trap and get the chest. Then
continue south to the stairwell. BUT, there is another trap directly north of
the stairs - walk either east or west around it. An easy way to locate the
traps in the second room is that the traps are in the same location as the
boulders in the last room.

You will be put in a passage on B1. Just follow it around until it diverges
west and east to two stairs. You could take the eastern one to a chest, but it
is empty, so don't bother. Take the western one. That will put you in a small
room with another staircase - take it.

In this rather large room, there are numerous HP and SP traps. Dodge them go
west to a small path that juts out west (not the larger one directly north of
it). If you examine the western wall, you should see another broken wall/secret
passage - get the item. When you get it, make your way north to a room with a
staircase and a passageway east. Go east to find a large room with a lot of
stones sticking out of the ground. Map this area fully! Doing so will help you
in a bit. Return to the staircase, but don't take it yet - there is another
secret passage in the western wall just south of it. Get the chest and return
to the staircase.

This takes you to a long path on 1F with big boulders alternating against the
wall - you'll need to zigzag your way through it. When you reach the end, you
will find a staircase to the south and an area you cannot access to the north
(blocked by a stone). Go back into the boulder hallway and go past the first
two boulders. You should find yet another secret passage on the northern wall
directly west of one of the boulders. Go in, but BE CAREFUL. What you need to
do is compare the map of the room with the boulders on B1 that I told you to
map with this room. On 1F, you can only walk on areas that have a boulder
underneath them (there are a few small gaps between the boulders you can walk
on). Follow the path west - north - east to a staircase. Take it to a small
room with another staircase which leads to the area on 1F that you couldn't
access (north of the staircase). Get EXCELLENT items in the chests and return
to the staircase on 1F. Take it to a very small room running south. The last
square is a trap (take it) which leads to the area on B2 beyond the traps that
were blocking your way.

Before you enter the Room of Seal and start the boss fight, though, go to the
staircase on the eastern wall (careful not to fall down the traps or you will
have to backtrack all this way again...). This leads to a seemingly empty room.
If you look on the west wall, you should see the final secret passageway. Take
it to a small room with a staircase which leads to a room on 1F with a couple
of chest. Make your way back to the Room of Seal and enter when you are ready.
(Be sure you are prepared - this next boss is a handful...)

HOWEVER, before you begin the boss fight, be sure to do the puzzle with the
Treasure Room and get the treasures within. (Navigating through the Treasure
Room is easy - just following the winding path through the HP and SP traps to
find the nine chests on the eastern wall.)


Aside from the numerous secret passageways described in the Walkthrough
section, there is another puzzle in this dungeon - the Treasure Room. If you
go near the tunnel in the northwest corner of B3, you will find a blocked off
tunnel leading east and the term "Treasure Room" will appear in description in
the upper-left hand corner of the screen. To get into the Treasure room, you
need to acquire two demon rumors from the demon Aeshma. First, she will give
you a rumor telling you about the Room's existence; this rumor has no effect.
Second, she will give you a rumor that the demon Leviathan can break down the
wall (similar to the rocks in the Bomb Shelter). After you obtain the second
rumor, a new option will appear in Leviathan's contract menu - "Break down a
wall." Select it and you will be able to access the Treasure Room and the

However, nothing is ever that simple (at least in this game). First, Aeshma is
a VERY rare encounter. And in the few times you do meet her and ask for info,
she will probably tell you that she doesn't have any information......
"dahling." You must persist - she is the only one who can give you the rumor.
I have found the if you get a contract with her and ask her for info as soon as
possible (i.e. the VERY first times you meet her) she will give the info right
away. However, you can also get rumors about the spell Great Magnus on
Barbatos. To prevent her from giving you those rumors in the precious few times
you meet her, try to get all four rumors about Great Magnus before asking her
for info. If you have problems meeting her, use the Save-Reload trick - trust
me, it works wonders. Also, this may be a bit superstitious of me, but I have
found that I often met Aeshma in the long hallway on the south side of B2,
running on the three squares between the two blocks that look like the have
eyes (there are two big red circles). This may or may not be accurate, but hey,
it worked for me.

Aeshma only appears on B2 and B3. Leviathan appears on 1F and B1. Leviathan is
a rather common encounter, so you shouldn't have any problems meeting him.

If you are having a lot of problems getting the rumor, you don't really need to
go in there. If you'll take a look at the item list in the Dungeon section, you
will see the items are well worth it, but not critical. Try to be patient and
don't get frustrated - do some other things while waiting for Aeshma like
getting Tarot Cards, items, or mabey even trying to get a Fool Card (the demons
in this dungeon are pretty easy to figure out - Barbatos and Takshaka in


<Nate's Route>
Level 55 Guido Kandori - "I grow weary of talking... Come on..."
Comment : The cause of the Sebec Scandal. Has some sort of a link to Nate.
HP : ~3,600; Strong : All
Spells : Rain of Arrows, Unperishable Black, Wheel of Time, Zandyne, Ziodyne

Level 45 X-2 (x4) - "......"
Comment : Self-Defense Army machine. Amphibious and useful.
HP : ~2,500; Void : Mind/Nerve/Holy; Weak : Lightning
Spells : JM61, Muramasa Copy, Sea Sparrow

Notable Spells : Unperishable Black - Takes off 1/2 of a character's total HP
Wheel of Time - Huge damage to all characters
Muramasa Copy
Sea Sparrow - Huge physical damage to all enemies

Persona : Maya - Genbu
Ulala - Parvati (w/Zionga or Ziodyne) and Sif
Katsuya - Nata
Baofu - Peri
Nate - Yebisu

Now, Nate must kill Guido once again. And Kandori isn't going down without a
fight. The basic strategy here is to quickly take out the 4 X-2s with Lightning
Blast then move on to whittling down on Guido with a "huge" damage fusion.

First have Yebisu cast Maka Kaja on Ulala and/or Baofu. Then have them cast
Lightning blast. Once again, it should 1,000+ and since the X-2s have less HP
than the X-1s, it should only take 3 casts. While all of this is going on,
Guido won't attack often - he speeds up when the X-2s are gone (or at least it
seems like it). Take advantage of this by casting assist spells on all
characters - Maka Kaja, Raku Kaja, and Tetraja. Tetraja is VERY important for
voiding Kandori's Unperishable Black spell - use Sif on Maya and when the X-2s
are gone, put her on Ulala for the rest of the battle. When it's just you and
Guido, use this setup;

Nate : Yebisu : Maka Kaja, Pine Bamboo Plum
Katsuya : Nata : Maha Garudyne or Killer Wind (Fusion)
Maya : Genbu : Maha Magdyne (Fusion)
Baofu : Peri : Maha Agidyne (Fusion : Tower Inferno)
Ulala : Sif : Tetraja, healing w/Yebisu and Gala-Gala Drinks,
restoring SP w/Chewing Souls.

Guido is Strong : All, so elements do not matter - just use any huge damage
fusion. I chose Tower Inferno because it can be done with Maha -dyne spells
and also involves my two characters with the highest TEC, Maya and Baofu. If
you did not put Maha Garudyne on Nata as I suggested, his spell Killer Wind is
a good substitute. It should do ~400 damage a turn - not much, but if you
consistently deal damage to him, he will fall.

Of primary import is protecting your characters. All of them should be well
defended against most of the X-2s' and Guido's attacks except for Nate since
Yebisu is weak against Physical - be sure to cast Raku Kaja on Nate while the
X-2s are alive. The spell Sea Sparrow used by the X-2s can be a MAJOR pain in
the ass - it will take off 1/2 - 2/3 of each character's total HP and if Raku
Kaja is not in effect on Nate, it may flat out kill him. Switch Yebisu to the
next person to act and heal with Pine Bamboo Plum. If a character should die,
use Parvati's Recarm and immediately heal with Bamboo Plum. Regardless, the
X-2s should go down quick. For Guido, BE SURE to always have Tetraja in effect
and if he uses Unperishable Black, cast it again. The rest of his attacks
should be minor annoyances, but nothing more. (Though it would be to your
advantage to cast Raku Kaja on everyone for Kandori's Rain of Arrows.)

Not a terribly difficult fight, if you handle it right. And you get a huge
amount of EXP - a nice reward. (In fact, two of my characters leveled up twice
after this battle!)

And yes, Gudio's persona is Nyarlathotep himself (or one of his forms, at

EXP : 40,000
Yen : 45,000


<Ellen's Route>

Level 53 Chizuru Ishigami - "I shall rid you of your Kegare!"
Comment : User of Wang Long magic. Passed on the blood of Yin/Yang sorcery.
HP : 3,200; Strong : Magic; Weak : Physical
Spells : Anger of the Earth, Card of Binding, Card of Protection, Curse,
Fiendish Card, Rain of Arrows

Level 53 Fake Chizuru Ishigami (x4) - "I shall rid you of your Kegare!"
Comment : User of Wang Long magic. Passed on the blood of Yin/Yang sorcery.
HP : 1; Reflect : All
Spells : (Attack), Card of Binding, Curse

Notable Spells : Card of Protection - Summons four Fake Chizuru Ishigamis. Once
you attack the real Chizuru, the fakes
will disappear.
Fiendish Card - Inflicts furious on one character.

Persona : Maya - Genbu
Ulala - Parvati
Katsuya - Nata
Baofu - Peri
Ellen - Yebisu

This battle is remarkably easy. It's a cakewalk compared to the last few bosses
and infinitely easier than fighting Guido in Nate's route.

Just have everyone attack except for Katsuya and Ellen. Have Katsuya cast Taru
Kaja on himself, then start using Brain Shake. He's your main attacker, but, as
you'll see, the rest don't slouch either. Have Ellen keep casting Pine Bamboo
Plum for healing.

Eventually, Chizuru will cast Fiendish card, which will cause furious to one
character, which increases their attack power. So even a physical wuss like
Maya will start doing 100+ (more with critcals). The only problem is if she
casts it on Ellen - then switch Yebisu to someone else for healing. Keep doing
this until she falls. Simple, no?

As for Chizuru's other attacks, Card of Protection is the only one you need to
worry about. When she casts it, four fake Chizurus will appear. To get rid of
them, all you have to do is physically attack the real Chizuru. So, cast some
minor all attack magic spell like Parvati's Maha Aques. Pay close attention
to the spirtes to see which of the Chizurus doesn't reflect it. Attack that
Chizuru and the rest will disappear. Another way to tell them apart is to
compare what spells they cast - the fakes mostly attack and cast Card of
Binding will the real Chizuru will use her array of spells. One last way - if
you try to use the retreat command, Chizuru wll taunt you (as all bosses do
when you try to retreat). The screen will center on the real Chizuru and she
spread her arms out and say "Accept your fate."

She will also cast the powerful spell Anger of the Earth - have Genbu cast Wall
of Earth to void it (and keep it up as long as you can before Maya eventually
falls under furious). Curse will do hardly any damage. Rain of Arrows will only
cause significant damage to Ellen (due to Yebisu's Weak: Physical). Just cast
Raku Kaja on Ellen at the beginning of the battle.

Half as much EXP as the Guido battle, but be glad it was so easy.

EXP : 18,000
Yen : 50,000


P. M t . I w a t o


Now that you are back on dry land, Tatsuya agrees to explain everything to the
party. First he has you go to Araya Shrine, where Maya "remebers" a traumatic
event from the "Other Side", then to Mt. Iwato, the next dungeon. Tatsuya is a
"tag-along" for this dungeon similar to Makimura and Eikichi and will appear in
shops in town. (He has some interesting things to say, but mostly he and the
party nag Maya to stop fooling around in the city and go to Iwato to find out
what Tatsu has to say...)

There a few new things in the city; I'll go by ward.

Rengedai : First of all, you should have a WHOLE lot of cards to register at
the Time Castle. Also, in case you didn't notice when you went to Araya with
Tatsu, the Innocent Sin kids, Eikichi, Lisa, and Jun, are missing from Araya.
The Old Woman there says a giant black swirl swallowed them... Last, sadly,
Chris has left Gatten Sushi.

Hirasaka : Area 5 of the Bomb Shelter is open. Other than that (and the fact
that Izakaya Shiraishi is PACKED with people) nothing new here.

Yumezaki : You can get the rumor about the 200km/h Fogey which will open up the
Seedy CD (Second Visit) dungeon from Ixquic. Also in the Seedy CD, they have
new CDs by Dritte.

Aoba : Nothing new.

Konan : The only thing to do here is to talk to Mary in Hiiragi therapy about

Narumi : First, you can give the Event/Red/Blue Cape to the Tourist for your
prize (Red - Sword/Soshu Masamune; Blue - ???). Next, the Clair De Lune has
finally updated their shop list. Last, you can turn in your map of the
Nichirinmaru to Salam and get a new map for Iwato.

Also, the magazine sweepstakes have updated their prizes.

Go to Araya Shrine
Go to Mt. Iwato

200km/h Fogey appears in the Seedy CD - Ixquic, Seedy CD

Clair De Lune

Agidyne, Flame, Aquadyne, Torrent, Garudyne, Hurricane, Earthquake, Ice,
Lightning, Torment, Diarama, Medirama, Divine Light

===Suggested Party==============

Level 46
Persona : Maya - Izanami/Nodens
Ulala - Genbu
Katsuya - Il-Dana/Nata
Baofu - Peri/Nodens
Nate - Yebisu/Shaka

Other - Parvati (Return for an HP Source/Morph to Nodens)

Fusions : Maha Taru Kaja (Taru Kaja-Affectionate Prayer)
to learn Maha Maka Kaja (Maka Kaja-Affectionate Prayer)
Maha Raku Kaja (Raku Kaja-Affectionate Prayer)
God's Hand (Almighty-High Pressure)

Items : Spell/Anti-Force Card (Lucifugus - rare)
to get

In the city, collect your mapping prize from Salam and get a new map, register
a WHOLE lot of cards, and get the rumor. I'd suggest you hold off on doing the
Seedy CD until after Iwato.

As for your personae, summon Il-Dana if you haven't already (I put a Torment
card on him - I love Il-Dana...) and mutate a persona into Nodens (the last
Minor Arcana I suggest you get). I had Parvati mutate into Nodens, but you
should also rank her up and return her for the excellent Hit Point Source.
You should also go to the fifth area of the Bomb Shelter and use the Estoma
Trick to meet Izanami (trust me, do it before you complete Iwato...you can't
use the trick afterward, due to the number of levels you will gain) and summon
her for either Ulala or Maya. With Izamami's spell Affectionate Prayer, you can
use the infinitely useful Maha "----" Kaja spells. Maha Maka Kaja is a godsend.

This dungeon, as stated below, is straight forward, but it is a PAIN to map.
Just be patient and be sure to hit all of the traps. In the Hidden Rooms, you
can find the four material cards for the "Ultimate Personae" for Maya, Ulala,
Katsuya and Baofu. But, you shouldn't be able to summon them yet - their levels
are all in the mid 60's. Soon, grasshopper...

The demons, on the other hand, start off a few levels above what you should be
at and attack in large groups of up 4-6. It wouldn't be such a bad idea to use
the contact and contract systems to whittle down the number of demons in battle
to about 4, if possible. Use Meltdown and keep an eye on your HP in battles
against numerous enemies. You can get demon-rumors about Succubus and Ankou
using their rumor-spells in here.


Mt. Iwato, Rengedai
4 Floors (B1, B2, B3, B4)

Items - Material/Ancient Sun (B1)
Material/Bronze Ring (B1)
Item/SP Incense (B1)
Material/Silver Bow (B2)
Material/Ortyx (B3)

Demons - Level 42 Catoblepas (Hermit)
Level 42 Aeshma (World)
Level 43 Takshaka (Strength)
Level 44 Ankou (Death)
Level 44 Virtue (Judgment)
Level 45 Vucab-Kakish (Temperance)
Level 46 Lucifugus (Devil)
Level 46 Hunab Ku (World)
Level 47 Succubus (Moon)
Level 49 Crowley (Magician)


This dungeon is so linear it isn't funny. Aside from the fact that you should
be mapping Iwato, this dungeon doesn't need a walkthrough. Just be sure to
check the Auto-Map to find the Hidden Rooms (3 on B1, 1 on B2, 1 on B3), to
find the hidden passageways, and also to get the small squares that are in the
wall (to get them, you need to get against the wall as close as possible to

No boss fight this time.


<In the Spring of Mirrors>
Tatsuya : Something bad may happen!
Maya : Tatsuya... I have a right to know.
<Tatsuya vaguely says "Come on" and leaves>
Tatsuya... Don't suffer by yourself...
<Tatsuya is silent then leaves>

<In the last Spring of Mirrors>
Tatsuya : You tricked me...
Maya : Dummy...! Look at you!
<Maya slaps Tatsuya around - very funny...>
It's okay now, forget it...
<Maya hugs Tatsuya - very touching...>


Q. S u b w a y T u n n e l

Nate or Ellen has left your party and Tatsuya now joins you. You're finally
going to take the N.W.O. head-on and infiltrate Torifune. But first, there are
number of new things in the city. Once again, I'll go by ward.

Rengedai : Nothing new except to register the cards you will get from Salam.

Hirasaka : There are some new mansearches and Toa Armory has updated their
store list. Also, be sure to go to Sumaru Jail and talk to Tatsuya - he will
say he used to play the guitar which will allow him to participate in the Dance
of Passion contact (in the form of Ulala + Katsuya + Tatsuya). There are also
a few new developments in the Bomb Shelter. Yasuo will now appear in the
entrance area (where the party is shown on screen) and give you the rumor that
Kudan appears somewhere in the Shelter. Also, the sixth area of the Shelter
can now be accessed. To open it, you simply need to enter the Subway dungeon.
If you come back out, you will find it open. Inside you can meet Kudan and the
persona-demon Odin.

Yumezaki : First and foremost, Mu Continent has updated their store list. They
now stock Hihi-irokane and Precious Eggs, along with various other additions.
But the main attraction is the half-dozen new material cards you can purchase,
including either the card for either Satan or Lucifer. If you picked Ellen's
route, then the card for Satan will appear and if you picked Nate, Lucifers
will appear. (Don't worry - it is possible to get both...just not this game...
see section "U. The End..." for more details, but be aware of possible
spoilers.) Also, you can find another hyper young girl, Fuyuko, in the corner
of Mu Continent. She will give you a rumor about the Haunted Taxi and Mu will
open up as a dungeon for the second time.

Aoba : There isn't anything new here gameplay-wise, but you can see a VERY
funny conversation between Baofu and Tatsuya in Parabellum. Be sure to check it

Konan : In the Jolly Roger, you can get the rumor that the Sumaru Genie has
upgraded the affinity readings (you can get more people). Once again, I refer
you to enigmaopoeia's guide. In the Satomi Tadashi, if you have identified
Satomi Iida via Shiraishi's mansearch, she will give you the last random-effect
rumor; this one is about Etheria. The "good" effect is that more courses are
added, but they are restricted to women only. Lastly, if you haven't already,
this is your last chance to read yet another very funny conversation. It's in
the Konan PD station - push the X button on the curtains on Panta's right.

Narumi : Exchange your map for cards and get a new one for Torifune.

Also a minor note about Tatsuya. Aside from the fact that he joins you at level
55, he has a quirk about him...he can't drink alcohol! Places like Parabellum
and Ebony won't serve him drinks.

Go to the Subway Tunnel

Toa Armory

Kudan appears in the Bomb Shelter - Yasuo, Bomb Shelter
Haunted Taxi appears in Mu Continent - Fukyko, Mu Continent
Sumaru Genie Affinity reading upgraded - Barkeep, Jolly Roger
Etheria is different... - Satomi Iida, Satomi Tadashi (Konan)

Setsu Nishitani - Araya Shrine
Kenichi Nakatani - Clair De Lune
Jun Saito - Bomb Shelter Entrance

Maha Aques, Maha Garula, Maha Magnus, Frelia, Megidola, Anti-Force

===Suggested Party==============

Level 49
Persona : Maya - Izanami/Yebisu
Ulala - Cerberus (w/Maha Aquadyne)
Katsuya - Il-Dana/Nata
Baofu - Seiryu (w/Bufudyne)/Peri
Tatsuya - Bishamonten (w/Sama Kaja)

Other - Sif (or any other persona with Tetraja)
Peri (keep for Refresh Ring)
Genbu (Return for Hiranya)
Indra (Return for 10 Somas)
Pariker (Return for Obsidian)
Phoenix (Return for Eternal Desire)

Fusions : Vain Splash (Water-Wind-Maha Aquadyne)
to learn Ice Crush (Ice-Almighty-Diamond Dust)
Maha Sama Kaja (Sama Kaja-Affectionate Prayer)
Conflagrant Wrath (Fire-Blade of Fury)
Typhonic Wrath (Wind-Blade of Fury)
Frigid Wrath (Ice-Heat Wave)

Items : Item/Crisis Powder (Seker)
to get

New persona time! Since Tatsuya joins you at level 55 (that is, if you are
playing the North American version - in the Japanese, you can transfer your
data from Innocent Sin...) you now have access to level 59 and below persona.
Sooooo, there is a lot you need to do. First, as shown above, you want to
summon Izanami, Cerberus, Seiryu, and Bishamonten (stick with Il-Dana and Nata
for Katsu). However, when you summon these guys, I highly suggest you put an
Ice card on Seiryu and a Torrent Card on Cerberus (as well as a Sama Kaja card
on Bishamonten, but that is a bit more optional). The material card for
Bishamonten is bought at the Casino. Doing all this will allow you to do a
large number of excellent fusions. Trust me, once you summon these guys and
rank them up, you can just sit and marvel at the beauty of this setup. AND, if
you keep Yebisu for his Rock Fall spell (since the new persona don't have an
earth spell...grrr...) you can do the excellent Meltdown fusion you have been
using (as well as Maha Maka/Raku Kaja). A very good setup, if I do say so
myself (and I do). Also, I put a Makarakarn spell on Izanami, but that isn't
that big of a deal. On top of all of that, Cerberus and Seiryu have very high
mutation rates (when equipped on Ulala and Baofu, respectively). I'm also going
to say you should shelve Apollo. As great as you think he must be, Bishamonten
is better.

Also, you should summon a number of personae for other reasons. First, keep Sif
or another persona with Tetraja in your inventory - that spell will be vital
later on... Also, as useful as Genbu is, you should send him back for his even
more useful return item - a Hiranya (it will restore 25% of both HP and SP and
it will not be used up!) Next, summon the Emperor persona Indra and return him
for 10 Somas! Very useful and cheap. Next, you should make some Hihi-irokane
Armor at Padparcha. For that, you need Obsidian which you can obtain from
returning a rank 8 Pariker. Finally, this isn't needed, but you can get the
item Eternal Desire from returning a Phoniex persona (it has the effect of
Recarm Dora - revive all dead characters and the user become unconscious, and
it is reusable like the Hiranya). Useful at the least.

Now that you are set with personae, you should prep your characters. You should
have access to a lot of items, weapons, and armor. First, after you complete
the optional dungeons, you will be able to make a Legendary Weapon at Padparcha
(or, you can make two if you use one of your Item Breeders on a Legenbright...
which you should). It doesn't matter which one you make, but I made a Handgun
because Katsu has the highest STR and At. stats (even higher than Tatsu). After
that, you should make some Hihi-irokane armor, easily the most useful for it's
high SDf. rating. Next, just buy the best armor you can get - Princess Crowns,
Goddess Legs, Training Helmets, Novel Armor, and the custom weapons at
Padparacha should do nicely. Hopefully you have also been entering the
sweepstakes contests. For the armor contest, you can win Achilles' Greaves and
Natures Cloaks. Be sure to enter the contests a number of times while you are
in the city this time. Accessories like Miracle Objects, Sources, and Gears
should be equipped. Lastly, stocking up on items would be good - status effect
healing, Chewing Souls, Gala-Gala Drinks, Balls of Returning and the like.

Optional dungeon time! You should now do both the Seedy CD (Second Visit) and
Mu Continent (Second Visit) events. They will both give you metals used for
making Legendary Weapons. Also, you can unlock the sixth area of the Bomb
Shelter. Inside you can meet Kudan and Odin - but hold off on Odin for the
moment (not because the battle is difficult, but because you won't be able to
summon him and the demons in Area 6 are at too high of a level to use the
Estoma Trick effectively). Meeting Kudan should be much easier than meeting
Odin, so fight him if you can and then bring his item to Yasuo on the roof for
a Mutation, Synchronize, and Adjustment Gear - VERY nice.

The demons in the Subway, as usual, are rather easy. Just use your brand new
Vain Splash fusion or your trustworthy Meltdown (wind and earth spells aren't
as effective in here as most demons have strengths in those areas). However,
there are a couple of rather annoying demons in here - Crowley, Lucifugus, and
Succubus. They all void or are strong against magic. So, use your best physical
attacks - the new "Wrath" fusions as well as normal attacks work well. Lastly,
you can get a couple of rumors in here. If you forged a Legendary Weapon, then
you can obtain rumors in here that modify their properties (make them stronger,
have elemental attributes, or other effects). You can obtain these rumors at
any point from now on. Also, you can obtain a demon-rumor that pertains to the
puzzle described below.


Subway Tunnel
1 Floor (7 Sections)

Items - Incense/AGI Card (First Section)
Item/Rainbow Piece (Second Section)
Spell/Estoma Card (Third Section)

Demons - Level 45 Vucab-Kakish (Temperance)
Level 45 Tenchu Myouju (Human)
Level 46 Lucifugus (Devil)
Level 46 Hunab Ku (World)
Level 47 Succubus (Moon)
Level 49 Crowley (Magician)
<Section 4>
Level 48 Pucel (Hanged Man)
Level 49 Yaksha (Star)
Level 50 Ares (Chariot)
Level 50 Seker (Tower)
Level 52 Tenchu Akatsuki (Human)


This is a really simple dungeon. It is just straight, long lines that you need
to run down. It is all on one floor, so it is hard to differentiate between
sections, but this walkthrough calls each section first, second, third, etc.
based on the order the maps are shown in the Auto-Map (by pushing the shoulder
buttons to select between maps). Also, you can leave this dungeon at any time.

In the first section, just run straight north to the slope. There is a chest
on the western wall, so don't miss it.

In the second section, run north a bit and you will find a switch. Hit it and
continue north until you come to a crossroads. Go east all the way to another
slope. You will pass a path that leads south - there is a chest down there, but
when you switched the bridge to get across, the other one fell. To get across
you need to complete the puzzle as outlined in the Puzzle section.

The third section is very small, but you can find an Estoma card in here. Grab
it and return to the last section. This time, run straight west to yet another

In the fourth section, run west until you come to a path leading north. Take it
all the way down to a lift to the next section.

In the fifth section, just go straight north past the first intersection to
the second. At the second, go west to a lift.

In the sixth section, just run west to a passage north. Take it to yet another

In the seventh and final section, go north until you come to a large open area.
Go west through a narrow passage to another, smaller open area. Go north to
find a tunnel that leads to the final lift.

No boss, just be sure you are done in the city and head into the Lift to begin
the Ameno Torifune dungeon. Once you enter the lift, you will not be able to
leave for some time.


As noted, there is an area of the tunnels that you cannot access due to the
switching bridge. However, you can have the demon Seker build a bridge across.
Similar to Aeshma and Leviathan, get a contract with Hunab Ku, ask him for
info, and he will tell you that Seker's spell Maha Magnus is strong enough to
build a bridge. Unlike the Aeshma-Leviathan affair, both demons are common
encounters, there is no "fake" rumor, and Hunab Ku should give it up the first
time you ask.

When you cross the bridge, you will find a chest with a Rainbow Piece (which
can also be bought at Padparcha....but for 900,000 yen...).


R. A m e n o T o r i f un e

===Suggested Party==============

Level 52
Persona : Maya - Izanami/Yebisu
Ulala - Cerberus (w/Maha Aquadyne)
Katsuya - Il-Dana/Nata
Baofu - Seiryu (w/Bufudyne)/Peri
Tatsuya - Bishamonten (w/Sama Kaja)

Other - Sif (or any other persona with Tetraja)
Peri (keep for Refresh Ring)

Fusions : None (or any past fusions you have not yet learned)
to learn

Items : Spell/Anti-Magic Card (Mucalinda)
to get Item/Incense of Life (Phoenix)
Spell/Divine Light Card (Phoenix - rare)

As with most double-dungeons, you will have access to a Velvet Room in here,
but I suggest you stick with the personae you are still using. And yes, hold
off on the "Ultimate" Personae too, even though you can probably summon them
now. The setup you are using is just so useful for this coming dungeon and the
boss fights - much better than the Greeks - that you should stay with it. Trust
me here.

You should also pick up a few items in here. First and foremost, you can easily
obtain the Anti-Magic (Makarakarn) Card from Mucalinda on B4, so stock up.
Also, grab some Incenses of Life from the demon Phoenix and, if possible, try
to get his rare item, the Divine Light (Sama Recarm) Card.

Battling demons in this dungeon should not be a problem for you. Just use Vain
Splash/Meltdown and physical attacks when needed.

Last, you can obtain a demon-rumor from the Mannan demon about Il-Dana. It
seems that Il-Dana is actually another persona in disguise. What this means is
that after you obtain the rumor, you will be able to get the mutation
"Modification Ability Learned" and you can go to the Velvet and mutate Il-Dana
into Lugh, a decent, but very high level persona.


Ameno Torifune, Under Sumaru City
7 Floors (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8)

Items - Item/Precious Egg (x2) (B1)
Item/Gem Ring (B2)
Spell/De Kaja (Chest-battle, B2)
Item/Seed of Escape (B3)
Item/AGI Incense (B5)
Item/TEC Incense (B5)
Material/Urdarbrunn (B6)
Material/Scarlet Wings (B6)

Demons - Level 37 Tenchu Hekuin (Human)
Level 40 Tenchu Mochizuki (Human)
Level 45 Tenchu Myojou (Human)
Level 50 Ares (Chariot)
Level 50 Seker (Tower)
Level 51 Cerberus (Fortune)
Level 52 Dominion (Judgment)
Level 52 Tenchu Akatsuki (Human)
Level 53 Fafnir (Strength)
Level 54 Phoenix (Temperance)
Level 54 Mucalinda (World)
Level 55 Mannan (Magician)
Level 56 Kinich Ahau (Hermit)
Level 58 Girimeraka (Chariot)


This dungeon is large and it can be a hassle to map, but it isn't too hard. As
usual, check your map often so you don't end up far away from a missed square.
There is an elevator in here, so don't forget to get the "E" on the map. Last,
there are some HP traps in here that will take off a huge amount of damage. You
don't need to step on each one to complete the map, but you still need to step
on some to proceed with the dungeon. Just keep an eye on your HP and be careful
of getting into battles with everyone critical.

You start on B1. The floor is large, but it is straight-forward. Just map it,
grab the chest on the north side and head to the lift east of the chest.

On B2 you will have to deal with the HP damage traps mentioned above. The
traps are turned "on" and "off" by panels embedded in the ground - if you step
on a certain area, the traps will show up, and if you step in other areas, the
traps will disappear. You can try to navigate the floor by locating the on and
off panels if you want, but it would be easier to just run through, get hit by
the traps, and heal afterwards. Map the floor (remember, you don't need to hit
all of the traps), grab the chests, and head to the next lift which is directly
north of last lift.

B3 consists of two parts, northern and southern. The northern half is really
simple - there are just two warps on opposite ends of the long walkway. Take
the eastern one. It will take you to the southern half. Here, go south to find
a chest and map the area before the barrier (don't go past). Then go back up
north a bit and go west to find another barrier (which should fall as you
approach it). Map the eastern side and enter the Room of Insult you will find.
Don't worry - nothing major happens in here (like a boss or whatnot). After a
quick scene, head out of the room to the south, map the southern part of this
half and enter the lift.

B4 is really small and consists of more barriers that can be activated and
deactivated by stepping on panels (like the last floor). It's not complicated
at all, so just be sure to map everything (though there is a small area on the
eastern wall that you cannot map) and head to the warp at the northern end.

The warp brings you down to B5 in the middle of a wide open space. Run north
until you find the wall. Head east along the wall to find a chest. From the
chest, go south along the eastern wall to find a warp recessed into the wall.
It brings you back up to B4, so take it, map the small area, and return to B5.
If you continue following the wall south, then west, then north, you can find
another chest in the southeastern corner of this floor. Directly north of that
last chest is the Room of Damnation. Finish mapping the large open space (it's
a pain, I know - use the Auto Map often) then enter. There will be a scene, a
choice, and then Tatsuya will temporarily leave. After Tatsuya leaves, you will
be able to use the Velvet Room and Trish's Fountain located in here. When you
are ready, head out of the room north. The northern part of this floor is just
a winding path (with a couple of extraneous paths), so map it and make your
way to the elevator.

Go down to B6. There are two paths to take on B6 which run parallel to each
other. You want to take the one on the west, but before you do, map the small
bit of area on the eastern path right up to the barrier wall (you should be
able to see the endcaps of where it will be when you hit the "on" panel). Just
be careful not to go too far north and hit the panel by accident. Take the
western path all the way north, map the small area that it will lead you two,
then head south down the eastern path. The barriers will light up behind you
once you enter, so be sure to finish mapping before entering. Follow it all the
way down and you will find the path diverges again to the south, with a warp
stuck in-between the two earlier, parallel paths. Be sure to map the remaining
portion of the eastern path (up to the barrier, so hopefully you did map the
area on the other side of the warp like I told you to at the beginning of this
floor - it will save you the hassle later). Then take the warp. It will put you
north of the areas you just mapped. Map this area. You will find another room,
called the Room of Guilt this time. This is where you will fight the first boss
fight, so be sure you are ready before entering. After the fight, Tatsuya will
rejoin you and there will be a quick scene with Katsuya and Tatsuya. This will
unlock two new contacts for those two - "Brother's Kindness" (Katsu + Tatsu)
and "Comparing Heights" (Tatsu + Katsu). When you can leave, just head north
to the lift. Also, there are two chests on B6 that contain material cards for
some excellent personae, but they are really easy to find (in fact, they almost
get right in your way).

B7 is very linear, but it also has a whole mess of the HP traps. There is a
path for each one to avoid getting hit, so look for it. On the northeastern
wall, there is a lift that leads down to B8. However, if you continue further
south, toward the elevator, you will find a Room of Teleporation to the west.
Inside you will find the Petite Deva machine which Tatsu will explain leads
back to the city. Take it, if you need to, but there isn't anything new in the
city to do. When you are ready, just head to B8 (via the lift or elevator - be
sure to fully map the floor).

B8 is just one big room with a bunch of pillars and the Control Room on the
western wall. Be sure to get the message that you have completed the map, and
head into the Control Room to start the second boss fight.


FIRST BOSS FIGHT - Room of Guilt

Level 57 Metal Lisa - "That's not fair... Breaking your promise..."
Comment : Metal Lisa created by Tatsuya's guilt.
HP : ~2,500; Absorb : Earth; Void : Physical; Weak : Wind
Spells : Lover of Darkness, Maha Magdyne, Taru Kaja, Throw a Kiss

Level 57 Metal Eikichi - "That promise... It wasn't a lie, was it...?"
Comment : Metal Eikichi created by Tatsuya's guilt.
HP : ~3,000; Absorb : Water; Void : Physical; Weak : Fire
Spells : Aquadyne, Bloody Divorce, Maha Mudo

Level 57 Metal Jun - "You promised we'd always be together..."
Comment : Metal Jun created by Tatsuya's guilt.
HP : ~2,200; Absorb : Wind; Void : Physical; Weak : Earth
Spells : De Kaja, Medirama, Terror of Fortune, Wingbeat

Notable Spells : Bloody Divorce - Huge dark damage.
Lover of Darkness - Huge dark and physical damage.
Terror of Fortune - Huge dark damage and causes a
variety of status effects.
Wingbeat - Large physical damage.

Persona : Maya - Izanami/Peri
Ulala - Sif/Cerberus
Katsuya - Il-Dana/Nata/Yebisu
Baofu - Seiryu
Tatsuya - Bishamoten (w/Sama Kaja)

Alright, this is one hell of a battle - probably the toughest yet. I've come up
with a pretty damn good strategy, but you need to follow it to the letter if
you are using the personae I am suggesting. The strategy is based on rounds, so
each round will be detailed one at a time. It also involves switching personae
around a lot (on Katsuya in particular), so be sure you are comfortable with
this. Still, this battle may take a bit of practice.

Also, since Persona's battle system is not this strict with rounds, each round
is only approximating the order - it can altered based on how your characters
order themselves. DO NOT do too much rearranging or the Metals will get in so
many attacks that you won't stand a chance.

The sections below mostly deal with offensive. For defensive, Maha Sama Kaja is
your best protection (see Round 1). If they start to do a lot of damage to you,
use a Soma (stop the battle or plan ahead). Don't be conservative - use one if
you see a lot of people below 1/2 HP. Not only will a Soma refill your HP and
SP, but it will cure status effects too. If you brought Peri, his Refresh Ring
spell can be used if there is a single person with a status effect, but for
more than one use a Soma (even if you have high HP and SP - don't be afraid to
waste these, you can get more later). No one should die, but if one does, use
Cerberus' Sama Recarm spell and do your best to get Sama and Maka Kaja back on
that person. (The biggest problem I had was with Katsuya equipped with Il-Dana.
Il-Dana is weak against Dark and not only does will he take a lot of damage,
but Eikichi's Maha Mudo is practically 100% instant kill on him. To prevent
this, switch around persona on Katsu as detailed below.) Last, Cerberus'
Diarahan is ideal if only one person (like Katsu) needs healing (you don't NEED
to throw away Somas...).

Round 1 :
Ulala : Tetraja (Sif)
Tatsuya : Sama Kaja (Fusion)
Maya : Affectionate Prayer (Fusion : Maha Sama Kaja)
Baofu : Senpu Jin
Katsuya : Maha Garudyne/Killer Wind (Nata) (on Lisa)

On the first round, you want to cast Tetraja and Maha Sama Kaja right off the
bat. This will greatly protect you against the majority of their attacks. Have
Bao and Katsu cast wind spells on Lisa (the first one you want to take out, due
to her status effect spells).

Round 1.5 :
Ulala : Tetraja (Sif)
Baofu : Maka Kaja (Fusion)
Maya : Affectionate Prayer (Fusion : Maha Maka Kaja)
Tatsuya : Heal (Soma)/Maha Agidyne (on Eikichi)
Katsuya : Heal (Soma)/Maha Garudyne/Killer Wind (Nata) (on Lisa)

This round is a bit more loose. The main thing you want to do is keep up
Tetraja and cast Maha Maka Kaja on everyone. If you can accomplish these things
right away, great - skip Tatsu and Katsu and go straight to round 2. However,
if your characters order themselves so you need to have Tatsu and Katsu act
(remember, don't change order too much...) then have them either heal with one
of the Somas (if you need it) or cast the spells described above. Do not let
anyone die once the Kaja spells are up - it will be a major pain if you need
to recast them.

Round 2 :
Ulala : Tetraja (Sif)
Katsuya : Maha Agidyne (Fusion)
Maya : Maha Aquadyne (Fusion)
Baofu : Senpu Jin (Fusion : Wind Cutter)
Tatsuya : Heal (Soma)/Maha Agidyne (on Eikichi)

This time, keep Tetraja up and have Tatsu heal/attack as needed. When you can,
have the characters use Wind Cutter on Lisa as detailed above. It should do
2,000+ damage, so she should die. (If she doesn't die, do another half-round
with Senpu Jin and healing.)

Round 3 :
Ulala : Tetraja (Sif)
Baofu : Senpu Jin (Fusion)
Katsuya : Rock Fall (Yebisu) (Fusion)
Tatsuya : Maha Agidyne (Fusion : Tower Inferno)
Maya : Heal (Soma, Affectionate Prayer, Dance of Protection)

Next, deal with Eikichi (he doesn't cause status effects like Jun can, but
Bloody Divorce is bloody annoying). Keep Tetraja up and have Maya heal if
needed. Then, cast the fusion Tower Inferno as described above. This may or may
not kill him, depending on how many times you have cast Senpu Jin and Maha
Agidyne on him. It should do 2,000+, but if you need, do another half-round
with either Maha Agidyne or Cerberus' Fire Breath and healing.

Round 4 :
Maya : Maha Aquadyne (Fusion)
Tatsuya : Maha Agidyne (Fusion)
Katsuya : Rock Fall (Yebisu) (Fusion : Stone Rise)
Baofu : Any attack but wind (Bufudyne)
Ulala : Healing (Diarahan/Soma)/Fire Breath (Cerberus)

Finally, take out Jun. Forget about Tetraja now and have Ulala use Fire Breath
or heal (and have Baofu use his best attack - NOT wind since Jun absorbs it).
Use the fusion Stone Rise on him as detailed above. This probably won't kill
him since you haven't done any damage to him yet (as stated, he absorbs wind
so Senpu Jin didn't hurt him like it did Eikichi). If he doesn't go down, just
repeat the round, healing as needed.

One final note - if Lisa cast Taru Kaja on Jun, you can cut down on the damage
he does to you with Wingbeat by casting De Kaja on him. Apollo has it, if you
brought him.

This is a tough battle, but be patient and persevere. And then enjoy the
feeling of immense relief and satisfaction (as well as the large portion of
EXP) that will follow.

(Heh, this boss strategy was longer than some of the walks...)

EXP : 41,000
Yen : 53,000



Level 60 Was Sugawara - "Hahahahaha!"
Comment : Wreck of Sugawara who wished for immortality.
HP : ~6,000; Absorb : Shot/Strike; Weak : Fire
Spells : Roar, Tentacle, Violent Rage

Persona : Maya - Izanami
Ulala - Yebisu
Katsuya - Il-Dana
Baofu - Seiryu
Tatsuya - Bishamonten

Compared to the last battle, this one is a breeze. However, this battle is
different than most in that Sugawara has a quirk - he regains 775 HP after
EVERY time he acts. This can be a pain, but you just need to make sure that you
do more than that in damage each round.

Like the last battle, cast Maha Sama Kaja and Maha Maka Kaja right away. Don't
even bother trying to attack him these first two rounds - you shouldn't be able
to do more than 775 damage. Just be patient and get those spells up,
healing/recovering status effects as needed (like last time, Somas and Refresh
Ring are your weapons of choice against berserk and electrified).

Once that is done, use Tower Inferno (with Ulala using Yebisu). It should do
~2,000 damage each turn. Keep casting it, having Maya heal with Affectionate
Prayer or Somas and have Katsuya use Freidyne or Divine Judgment.

Now watch and laugh as the twisted creature dies...

EXP : 58,000
Yen ; 40,000


<In the Room of Damnation>
Tatsuya : ...........
Maya : Th, Thank you for saving me...!
<Tatsuya is cold>
You're kind of cold...
<Tatsuya is cold>


S. S u m a r u C a s t l e


Sumaru City has risen into the sky and Kiyotada's castle has appeared where
Honmaru Park was formerly located. Now you head to Sumaru Castle to chase after
Tatsuzou... But first, there are some pretty major changes in the city.

First and foremost, the city is kind of in the air... You are no longer in
Sumaru City, but are on the Ameno Torifune. There is a new graphic on the City
Map, but it still operates as normal. Also, there is a new overworld theme -
MUCH better than the one that has been playing thus far (almost as good as
Innocent Sin's...almost). Also, in case you hadn't noticed, Narumi ward is
gone! Seeing as Narumi was formed only ten years ago and not part of the
original city, it apparently did not fit on the Torifune (much to the regret of
the countless people who perished with the destruction of Narumi ...<moment of

As for the rest of the city:

Rengedai : Obviously, the next dungeon, Sumaru Castle, has now appeared on the
ward map. You should register any cards you have at the Time Castle. Last, if
you talk to Katsuya in the Time Castle, he will ask you a question and you have
a choice (nothing major). There is also something to do at Araya later - see
the second paragraph after the ward listing.

Hirasaka : Most importantly, Salam can now be found at the Satomi Tadashi store
here. You can turn in your Torifune map (if you didn't already via the Petite
Deva machine), but he doesn't want a map for the Castle... You shouldn't mess
with gods, right? (Heh, that's what he thinks...) There are some new
mansearches at Shiraishi. Last, there is an interesting development at Toa
Armory - the Whistle Shopkeeper apparently has a...heart?

Yumezaki : Tony has updated his shop to the final list.

Aoba : The 2X Slash has a new rumor on the message board - apparently Clair De
Lune did not get destroyed with Narumi. If you spread the rumor, the restaurant
will appear in Aoba Dr. with Parabellum and the rest. In Parabellum, the Rumor
Lovin' Barkeep has moved in. She won't sell her drinks, but she will give you
any rumors you may have missed. There is also something to do in Kismet, but
see the first paragraph after the ward listings for more.

Konan : The Rumormonger Barkeep will give you a rumor that Padparcha, like the
Clair De Lune, is safe and is now in Konan ward.

There is also one other major thing to do in the city - reawakening the so-
called "Ancestral Personae." There have been a couple of actions that I have
told you to do during the course of the game that I said would be made known to
you later - well, now is the time. If you talked to Mizuno after you choose
between Nate or Ellen, then Mr. Kashihara (Jun's dad, who you also saw at
Seventh) will appear in Mizuno's office in Kismet. Talk to him and he will ask
you if you want to hear a story - pick YES, of course! He will relate the story
of Tatsunoshin Suou's rebellion against Kiyotada Sumaru in feudal Sumaru. After
the story is done, you will be given another choice - ask what the warrior's
name was. He will then say the name, but with red text (indicating a rumor).
After that, the screen will go black and he will leave (incidentally, if you
picked the wrong option while talking to him, he would leave immediately). Go
to Kuzunoha and spread the rumor. This will change the layout of the seventh
floor of Sumaru Castle to include the Chamber of Warrior, which we will touch
on in the dungeon section.

After you have obtained the Tatsunoshin rumor, go to Araya Shrine and talk to
Setsu (you must have identified her via mansearch for this to work). She will
say that she has remembered an old tale of love. Of course, say you will
listen. She will tell you about Mahime Amano, princess and lover of
Tatsunoshin. Once again, you will be give another choice at the end of the
story - ask what her name was you will get another rumor. Go to Kuzunoha and
spread it to change to layout of the third floor of Sumaru Castle to include
the Chamber of Princess (which, again, is explained in the dungeon).

On an interesting side note, the returning characters from Revelations: Persona
are out fighting the Tenchu army. In Parabellum and Padparcha, Nate is said to
be fighting and protecting the people. In Sumaru TV, Brad is standing over a
dead Tenchu soldier. In Hiiragi Therapy, Reiko says that Mary had to leave to
protect the city. Finally, in Kismet, Shunsuke says that Yuki also left to
fight. Good to know they are trying to trying to defend the city.

Go to Sumaru Castle


Tatsunoshin Suou - Kashihara, Kismet
Mahime Amano - Setsu Nishitani, Araya Shrine
Clair De Lune was safe - Sumaru King, 2X Slash
Padparcha was safe - Rumormonger Barkeep, Jolly Roger

Hiromi Matsushita - Parabellum
Junko Ikeda - Bikini Line

Anti-Magic Card

===Suggested Party==============

Level 57
Persona : Maya - Isis/Artemis/Izanami
Ulala - Suzaku/Astria/Cerberus
Katsuya - Hyperion
Baofu - Prometheus
Tatsuya - Odin/Apollo/Bishamonten (w/Sama Kaja)

Fusions : Dragon Cross (see below)
to learn Lightning Crush (Lightning-Almighty-Baptism by Thunder)
Pantheon (Holy-Almighty-Hieros Glupaine)
Storm Nightmare (Wind-Alimghty-Twinkle Nebula)
Maha Raku Kaja (Raku Kaja-Affectionate Prayer)

Items : Spell/Anti-Magic Card (Mucalinda)
to get Spell/Shockwave Card (Jahi)

Dragon Cross :
Baofu : Prometheus : Wiseman Snap
Ulala : Astria : Twinkle Nebula
Maya : Artemis : Crescent Mirror
Katsuya : Hyperion : Justice Shot
Tatsuya : Apollo : Nova Cyther

Alright, here's the deal. You can now summon the "Ultimate" personae for each
character (the Greek set material cards you obtained in Iwato). Most of the
personae are quite good, but as a group they aren't the best. Therefore, you
can use the ultimates, if you so choose, but there are some other excellent
personae which are also available to you, which I will suggest you use. If you
decide to just use the Greeks, you can just Dragon Cross every enemy into
oblivion for the rest of the game (the fusion for Dragon Cross, by the way, is
detailed above - and it is spell and persona specific).

Also, as you are well aware, you can add a spell to a persona when you summon
them. Hence, you may find yourself asking which spells you should add to the
Greeks. Here is my suggestion for getting the most out of them:

Artemis : Maha Aquadyne
Astria : Ziodyne
Hyperion : Maha Garudyne
Prometheus : Mediarahan

Unfortunately, you cannot add a spell to Apollo as he is already summoned when
Tatsuya joins you. With the setup above, you will be able to do a huge number
of fusions (including the elemental single-huge fusions, and the devastating
Storm Nightmare), not to mention the fusions that the personae can do innately
with the spells they already have (namely Dragon Cross, Nuclear Crush, and
Meltdown). I also added Mediarahan, the ultimate healing spell, to Baofu's
Prometheus (since I decided to also use Prometheus with the main persona setup
I suggest). Astria is a bit more flexible, since you can't really do anything
to her to make her that critical - I decided Ziodyne would work well to give
the Lightning Crush fusion.

I highly suggest adding these spells, but experiment around with them and add
the spells that suit your style of play. So, if you intend to use the Greeks,
you should be all set for the rest of the game.

However, I feel that the Greek set as a whole is rather lacking. On top of
that, there are some excellent personae you can now access. I suggest you keep
Hyperion and Prometheus for Katsuya and Baofu, but summon Isis, Suzaku, and
Odin for Maya, Ulala, and Tatsuya, respectively. For their spell cards, I added
Raku Kaja to Isis, Estoma to Suzaku, and Tetraja to Odin, but you can add
whichever spells you feel are best. The main asset to this setup is access to
the fusions Nuclear Crush, Last Quake, and Pantheon (Hyperion's Mahanma spell
is the extra holy spell, by the way), as well as Prometheus' Mediarahan, Maka
Kaja, and Baptism by Thunder (to use with Isis' Ziodyne). You should also keep
Izanami, Cerberus, and Bishamoten around for their Affectionate Prayer, Sama
Recarm, and Sama Kaja spells (respectively). The last setup I had you do (with
Seiryu, Izanami, etc.) was practically art, but this one is very solid battle-
wise. The only problem is Odin's and Isis' weakness for physical, but that is
easily remedied by a quick Maha Raku Kaja.

Lastly (persona-wise), you can obtain the Ancestral Personae inside of Sumaru
Castle. They are truly only useful for three things - the Tenchu-Satsu fusion
(see the second boss fight), returning Junnosuke to obtain the Accessory/Karma
Ring (see the Bomb Shelter, Area 8), and because Mahime has two very good
spells - Affectionate Prayer and Dance of Protection (which the infinitely more
useful Izanami persona already has...). Unfortunately, each of the Ancestral
Persona only have two spells...limiting their usefulness as battle personae
greatly. Oh well...quickly rank them up and keep them in your party inventory
before the boss fights.

As usual, buy the best armor and weapons you can (you should have one or two
Legendary Weapons by now too - use your Item Breeders on Legenbrights, one of
the rarest items in the game).

The setups above are so powerful that the demons in this dungeon are joke. Use
your trusty Dragon Cross or Nuclear Crush to kill anyone who stands in the way.
Though some of the attributes on some of the demons can be annoying, there
isn't anything you can't handle by now. Also, you can meet the persona-demon
Rangda here. The demon can be found on any floor, but it seems that the chances
of meeting it increase as you go further up (1F seems to have a lower chance
as opposed to 8F). The demons in this dungeon are at too high of a level to
use the Estoma Trick to eliminate all random battles, but using it and the
aromatherapy Hyssop can help increase your chances of meeting the demon (not
that it is worth it...).


Sumaru Castle, Rengedai Ward
8 Floors (1F, 2F, 3F, 4F, 5F, 6F, 7F, 8F)

Items - Item/Muscle Drink (1F)
Item/Beyondite (1F)
Item/Incense of Life (4F)
Item/Awaken (5F)
Item/Bead of Darkness (6F)
Spell/Sama Kaja (7F)
Incense/ALL Card (7F)

Demons - Level 54 Phoenix (Temperance)
Level 54 Mucalinda (World)
Level 55 Mannan (Magician)
Level 56 Kinich Ahau (Hermit)
Level 56 Jahi (Moon)
Level 57 Adramelech (Hanged Man)
Level 57 Throne (Judgment)
Level 58 Girimekara (Chariot)
Level 60 Kishin (Death)
Level 69 Rangda (Magician)
Level 59 Tezcatlipoca (Tower)
Level 59 Tzitzimitl (Devil)
Level 62 Uroboros (World)
Level 66 Ah Puch (Death)


This dungeon has a different format the other dungeons that you have explored
up to this point. Instead of a progression from one floor to the next, the
entrance room contains eight warps which lead to various parts of the castle.
You may take any of the warps at anytime, but each warp will only take you to
a small portion of the castle (usually one floor). To reach the end of the
dungeons, you must take the eighth warp - the one set apart in the back. But,
inside there is a door which is locked and requires a password. Scattered
throughout the dungeon are lithographs with pieces of the puzzle. Find the
lithographs, solve the puzzle, then proceed to the boss fight. Simple, eh?

Each warp will be detailed based upon a number assigned to them. Below is the
form of the warps in the main room (in case you didn't notice, it is Ursa
Major, the constellation commonly known as the Big Bear). Forgive this poor
excuse for a diagram...

(2)* * *(3) *
* * * *
* * * *
(1) (4) (6)
* *
* (5) *

Warp 1 :
The first warp leads to 1F. From the starting point, head north until you hit
the wall with two paths leading east and west (the hallway you past that lead
west goes to the Ursa Major Warp which will bring you back to the main room).
Go east until you come to a crossroads. Take the north path until you hit the
wall again. Take the western path to a warp. The warp brings you to another
section of 1F, northeast of your previous position. Go directly south of the
warp to find a chest. Grab it, then return north to the path you passed leading
west. Take it, wind around south then west until you hit the western wall. Go
south then round the corner and go east. You will eventually come to a path
south - take it. Keep going until you are forced into another hallway running
east-west. Go east first, and follow the path to a warp. Take it to find
yourself south of the starting position. Go east until you reach a crossroads
and go south into the room. In the southeast corner, there is a chest. Grab it
and return to take the warp back. Now, return north, then continue west, past
the pathway north, then round the corner south to another warp - take it. This
will put you in a small blocked off area with the Dubhe Lithograph (which you
should have seen, but could not access). Once you have the letter, you are done
here - return to the Ursa Major Warp and proceed to the next warp.

Warp 2 :
The second warp leads to 3F. The layout of 3F varies depending on whether or
not you spread the rumor about Mahime Amano. Assuming you did, head north from
the starting point and go east at the fork. Keep going and go north when you
can, then keep going until you reach a path east. Go all the way, then north,
then west at the bend to find the Merak Lithograph. Return to the fork
previously referred as the "fork" and go west. You will come to a path zigzags
northwest, and you will pass three paths leading north. The first you will come
to has the Ursa Major warp, the next has a chest, and the final one continues
on with the dungeon. From the final path north, just keep going north and go
east at the bend. You will pass a stairwell near the corner, but don't take it.
For some reason that is entirely beyond me, the placed an obligatory stairwell
here that leads up on floor where you will find...nothing. Well, there is a
trap at the end of the hall that leads back down to 3F, but there is no
conceivable reason for this thing to be here... <Twilight Zone music plays>
Anywho, go east past the stairwell and when you can, take the path north to
a room to the east that leads to the Chamber of Princess. Inside, there will be
a quick scene with the Mummy of Mahime Amano and afterwards, you will be able
to summon her in the Velvet.

Warp 3 :
The third warp leads to 4F. This floor has a really simple floor plan - it
consists of the main hallway (which you will find east of the starting point)
that runs north-south. From the hallway, there are six branches evenly spaced
on both sides (three on the west, three on the east). The middle-west path is
the starting point, the middle-east path is the Ursa Major Warp, the top-west
and bottom-west paths lead to chests, and the bottom-east path leads to the
Phelpa Lithograph. There is also an area to the north, but it is blocked off
(and there isn't anything there anyway, except the obligatory stairwell and
trap mentioned in the Warp 2 section).

Warp 4 :
The fourth warp leads to 5F. However, it only leads to the western half of 5F,
whereas the fifth warp leads to the eastern half. The floor is big, but there
isn't much to do here. From the starting point, head north until you reach a
east-west hallway. Go west to reach a chest, then return. Go east a little bit
to reach a hallway leading north. If you take it, you will run right into the
Kegare Chamber. There is no boss or event in here, but you can stare at Guido's
Kegare machines...ooo, purty! When you are done marveling at them, leave and
head towards the western wall where you will find a hall leading north. Take it
for quite a ways until it turns east. Keep walking and you will pass two short
hallways leading south. The second has a Lithograph tucked into the east wall.
If you keep going east in the long hall, you will reach the Ursa Major Warp.

Warp 5 :
The fifth warp leads to the eastern half of 5F. From the starting point, go
north to reach a large chamber that runs east-west. On the northern wall, west
of a hallway leading north, you will find the Alioth Lithograph. Go the hallway
east of the Lithograph and take it north. When you hit the hall going east-
west, go west, then north to find a chest. Return to the larger hallway with
the Lithograph and go towards the south to find a yet another hallway. Take it
to find a staircase up to 6F. 6F is really small - just follow the path to find
the large, long room running towards the north. Make your way north to find a
chest. Grab the item and return down the stairs to 5F. From the hallway with
the staircase, go north and keep going until you reach a path leading west -
take it to the Ursa Major Warp.

Warp 6 :
The sixth warp leads to the small hallway on the north side of 6F. It is
basically "T" shaped with the western branch being the staring point, the
eastern branch containing the Ursa Major Warp and the tiny southern branch
leading to a staircase down to a small blocked off section of 5F, where you
can find the Mergez Lithograph.

Warp 7 :
The seventh warp leads to 7F. The layout of 7F changes somewhat depending on
whether or not you spread the rumor about Tatsunoshin. If you didn't the floor
is rather small and empty, with the final lithograph on the north wall. If you
spread the rumor, it is larger and has a lattice of hallways stretching out of
the main hallway, with chests in the hallways. From the starting point (on the
floor that has the rumor spread, which is what I assume you did), the Ursa
Major Warp out of here is directly east. As stated, the floor just consists of
a large hallway running north-south with various tunnels attached to the
western and eastern walls. In the southwest corner of the tunnels and also in
the southeast corner, you will find two chests. In the northeast section, you
will find the Chamber of the Warrior. If you go inside, you will see a small
bit of dialogue with the Mummy of Tatsunoshin (and, if you filled the donation
box at Mt. Mifune (which was dedicated to Junnosuke), Suou's vassal, Junnosuke
Kuroda, will also join him). After the dialogue, there will be a small message
which says they may be summoned in the Velvet as personae. However, Junnosuke
is a Fool persona and requires four fool cards. If you have completed Salam's
maps up to this point, you will only have three - you must obtain another fool
card via contacting demons in order to summon Junnosuke for the next boss
battle, the only point in the game when the Ancestral Personae are useful.
Anyway, in the main north-south hallway, you will find the final Lithograph,
Alkaid, on the north wall. Get the letter, proceed to the Ursa Major Warp, then
enter the final warp.

Warp 8 :
The eighth and final warp leads to 1F. You are put in a small hallway directly
north of an Ursa Major warp. If you go straight north through the large room
with SP traps, you will find the door to the Chamber of Henbai on the north
wall. Also on the north wall, east of the door, is a small plaque. Using the
letters gathered from the Lithographs and the plaque next to the door, figure
out the password and enter the Chamber (after Katsuya goes through a little
speech about the significance of it all). The door leads to a large chamber on
2F. Basically, this room is one big trap, with a single pathway through them.
If you will look on the floor, most of the panels are just a single design.
However, there are several panels that have a large beige circle with another
design inside - if you connect these "dots" you will find path out. From the
first starting circle, head north to the next circle. Then head east to the
next, then south, then east, then north, then east to the Castle Tower Warp.
(Oh, and don't worry too much about falling - it will just put you in the
large room on 1F; not much of a hassle, but it gets annoying...) Taking the
warp leads to 8F. Wind your way through the hallway to reach the Chamber of
Utena on the northern wall. If you keep going east then south, you will find
an Ursa Major Warp. Once you enter the Chamber of Utena, it will begin the
boss fight sequence and you will be taken straight to the final dungeon. So
be sure you are done in Sumaru Castle and the city before proceeding.


To open the door that leads to the Chamber of Henbai, you must enter a password
which is determined from the lithographs found in the castle. The various
lithographs give the following information:

| Floor | Lithograph | Letter |
| 1F | Dubhe | P |
| 3F | Merak | E |
| 4F | Phelpa | R |
| 5F | Mizar | U |
| 5F | Alioth | E |
| 5F | Mergez | S |
| 7F | Alkaid | S |

The plaque next to the door, called the Form of Reverse Souryu Henbai, tells
you this:

"Thou shalt carry thy feet in the sequence of Dubhe, Merak, Phelpa, Mergez,
Alioth, Mizar, and Alkaid."

Thus, put them in order and you get: PERSEUS.

===Rare Battle==================

Level 69 Rangda (Magician) - "Uwaaaaa!"
Comment : Witch of Bali that represents evil. Holy beast Baron's eternal rival.
HP : 1,500; Reflect : Physical; Weak : Holy
Spells : Megidola, Mudoonn, Marin Karin, Scratch

Rangda is a wimp. If you want to end it quick, just use Hyperion's Mahanma for
an instant kill. Or, you can just use Hieros Glupaine and the best attacks the
other characters have.

This is SOOOO not worth the trouble of trying to find the demon to summon the
persona (which is incredibly worthless). If you have trouble meeting Rangda,
just don't bother and move on.

EXP : 1,567
Yen : 4,830
Item : Material/Dancing Mask


FIRST BOSS FIGHT - Chamber of Utena

Comment : Tatsuzou Sudou changed by Nyralathotep's power.
HP : 5,500; Absorb : Wind; Void : Dark; Weak : Ice
Spells : Bloodsuck, Dark Baptism, Fire Breath, Petrifying Glare,

Persona : Maya - Isis/Mahime Amano
Ulala - Suzaku
Katsuya - Hyperion
Baofu - Prometheus (w/Mediarahan)
Tatsuya - Odin (w/Tetraja)/Bishamonten (w/Sama Kaja)

This guy is a joke. First off, cast Maha Sama Kaja and Maha Maka Kaja and have
the other characters not participating in the fusions use their best attacks
(Ulala - Hieros Glupaine, Katsuya - Triple Down, Baofu - Wiseman Snap). When
both Kajas are up, go into a pattern like this:

Ulala : Suzaku : Hieros Glupaine
Baofu : Prometheus : Wiseman Snap/Mediarahan
Maya : Isis : Freidyne (Fusion)
Tatsuya : Odin : Grydyne (Fusion)
Katsuya : Hyperion : Heat Kaiser (Fusion : Nuclear Crush)

He should go down in four rounds or fewer with Hieros Glupaine doing 500+ and
Nuclear Crush doing 1,500+. Good riddance, Tatsuzou, you pig!

His attacks aren't even worth worrying about. At the very worst, use Mediarahan
if you run low on HP.

The next boss battle will follow immediately, but all of your characters should
level up after this battle so they start the next fight fresh.

EXP : 64,000
Yen : 48,000


SECOND BOSS FIGHT - Chamber of Utena

Level 75 Gozen - "You commit this outrage knowing I am Kiyotada Sumaru!?"
Comment : New World Order's object of worship.
HP : 8,000; Absorb : Attack; Void : Dark; Resist : Magic; Weak : Sword
Spells : De Kaja, Megaton Press, Megidolaonn, Perpetual Darkness,
Rotten Flesh, Trial of Darkness

Persona : Maya - Isis/Mahime Amano
Ulala - Suzaku
Katsuya - Hyperion/Junnosuke Kuroda
Baofu - Prometheus (w/Mediarahan)
Tatsuya - Odin/Bishamonten (w/Sama Kaja)/Tatsunoshin Suou

Notable Spells : Perpetual Darkness - All characters will not be able to
participate in fusion spells until
they have done one "normal" action
(cast a spell, defend, attack, etc.).

HA! The last battle was a joke and this one pales in comparison to the Metal
Trio. Let me show you how to kill a god... <grin>

First of all, if you managed to obtain the Ancestral Personae, you can do the
fusion Tenchu-Satsu to deal 8,000 damage to Gozen and end this right away.
Here's how you do it:

(Anyone) : Junnosuke Kuroda : Deadly Needle (Fusion)
Maya : Mahime Amano : Dance of Protection (Fusion)
Katsuya/Tatsuya : Tatsunoshin Suou : Mighty Swing (Fusion : Tenchu-Satsu)

As cool as that fusion is, if you didn't get an extra Fool card via contacting
demons, you won't be able to do it (as Kuroda requires three fool cards to
summon, while, if you have completed all of Salam's maps, you should only have
two). Not that it matters, this battle is so simple anyway. I'd say save your
Fool Cards.

As for fighting him normally, run this battle almost just like the last. First,
cast Maha Sama Kaja and Maha Maka Kaja while the others use their best attacks.
But, also do Maha Raku Kaja if you can. Then, go into the pattern described in
the last battle. Hieros Glupaine should still do 500, but Nuclear Crush will go
down to 1,000. Still, just keep on him and he will fall.

Ulala : Suzaku : Hieros Glupaine
Baofu : Prometheus : Wiseman Snap/Mediarahan
Maya : Isis : Freidyne (Fusion)
Tatsuya : Odin : Grydyne (Fusion)
Katsuya : Hyperion : Heat Kaiser (Fusion : Nuclear Crush)

His attacks are better than the Hunter's, but still not much to worry about.
De Kaja is probably the most trouble since you will lose your best offensive
and defensive adjustments on one character. Just cast Sama and Maka Kaja again,
if you can. His attacks won't deal too much damage, but keep an eye on your HP
and use Prometheus' Mediarahan if you need to. Casting Tetraja might help with
Trial of Darkness, but it isn't critical. Perpetual Darkness, while not harmful
HP-wise, is very annoying. It basically prevents all characters from using
fusions until they have acted once. If you are in the process of casting a
fusion, it will cancel it. Just have each person use their best attack and
continue with the pattern.

Regardless, this battle is really easy. As Ulala would so eloquently put it,

EXP : 0
Yen : 0


<In Time Castle>
Katsuya : What do you think?
Maya : Alike
<Katsu is happy and gets flustered, heh>
Not alike
<Katsu is very serious>


T. M o n a d o M a n d a l a

After those pathetic boss fights, you will be taken directly to the next
dungeon, Monado Mandala, where you will finally meet "him" - Nyarlathotep.
You start off in the dungeon, but before you freak out, YES, you will be able
to return to the city...just not quite yet. Therefore, you should skip the
City and Suggested Party sections and go directly to the Walkthrough, then
return to these sections when I indicate to.


As you saw in the CG movie, Sumaru City was sucked into the Collective
Unconsciousness (CU, for short). There is yet another City Map and overworld
theme (both of which aren't half as good as the previous ones). In case you
didn't notice in the CG, it seems the city is boxed in the CU by a cube made of
long and twisted lines - I believe that each side of the cube is supposed to
be one world (though, obviously, they must be MUCH bigger than what you are
given access to). The Chamber of Philemon appears to be in the center of the

You will be able to return to the city at anytime via the Rest Area. There is
a fair amount to do, so I'll go by ward.

Rengedai : First of all, Araya Shrine is now your access point to the Rest
Area in the dungeon. Next, you should have some cards to register (and you
will get some more in the dungeon). Also, be sure to talk with the Count and
the party in the Time Castle...then see section on Time Count quotes.

Hirasaka : First, you can get the final map from Salam in the Satomi Tadashi.
Be sure you complete it and return it to him - you get some excellent prizes.
Also, after you have completed the World of Reason and are able to return to
the city, Area 7 in the Bomb Shelter will be open. Area 8 will open after you
have completed all six worlds and fought the second boss fight (but not the
last two fights).

Yumezaki : The only thing new here is that the final set of CDs are on sale at
the Seedy CD.

Aoba : The Clair De Lune has updated their store list to the final items. Also,
you can go to Kismet to talk with Mizuno and be given a choice (no impact on
anything except Mizuno's self-esteem).

Konan : The Weapon Development list at Padparcha has been updated to include
some very good weapons and armor.

That's all folks.

Clair De Lune

Garula, Shockwave, any others not yet registered

===Suggested Party==============

Level 69 (Tatsuya at 72)
Persona : Maya - Gyokukou Joutei (w/Sama Recarm)/Skuld
Ulala - Amurtart (w/Maha Aquadyne)
Katsuya - Nannar (w/Estoma)/Hyperion
Baofu - Hastur (w/Maha Magdyne)/Prometheus
Tatsuya - Virocana (w/Megidolaonn)/Odin

Fusions : Maelstrom (Water-Almighty-Aquary Tide)
to learn Megalo-Fire (Fire-Almighty-Deadly Burn)
All 1 (Mudoonn-Hamaonn)

Items : Material/Moon of Ullr (Return Tsukuyomi persona)
to get Material/King in Yellow (See below - second paragraph)
Item/ALL Incense (Fenrir)
Item/Awaken (Talos)
Spell/Megido Card (Ah Puch)
Spell/Annihilation Card (Ah Puch - Rare)
Item/Akashic Ring (Shu - Rare)
Item/Golden Honey (Persona Talk between Hastur and Biyarki)
Item/Legenbright (Persona Talk between Odin and Valkyrie)

It is time to select the personae that you want to take into the final battles.
In my humble opinion, you should bring Gyokukou Joutei, Amurtart, Nannar,
Hastur, and Virocana. Gyokukou Joutei and Amurtart are just regular personae
that appear on the list in the Velvet. However, Gyokukou is at level 77, which
means that Tatsuya needs to be at 72 in order to summon her. It is a bit high,
but it shouldn't be a problem to reach that level in Monado, even without so-
called leveling-up trips. The other three, however, require material cards
which are obtained in various places. Nannar's card can be acquired by
returning a rank 8 Tsukuyomi persona. Virocana's card is dropped by the rare
persona-demon Virocana, who is found in Area 7 of the Bomb Shelter (as usual,
use the Estoma Trick).

Finally, Hastur's card is a bit odd. Simply put, you just need to go to the 2X
Slash and talk to the Wang Long girl (who tells your fortunes). When she asks
you for your month, type in "HASTURCOMEFORTH" instead (no spaces between the
words and case is irrelevant). She will act, umm, very strange and you will now
find the material card King in Yellow in Kismet (where you normally pick up the
magazine prizes...or letters saying you lost...). Where you are supposed to
find this information in the game is unknown. I assume that some demon would
give you a demon-rumor, or that it might be from Persona-Talk, but I haven't
been able to find it (and I have searched numerous other sources for the info).
Oh well...we know how to do it, and that is all that really matters.

These personae are an incredible group - with attributes like Reflect : Magic
and Void : Holy/Dark, you will be well prepared for the coming battles (which,
in all honesty, are not as difficult as previous battles). Also, they have
dozens of excellent spells including Hieros Glupaine (2!), Affectionate Prayer,
Maka and Sama Kaja, Deadly Burn, Chaos Element, Aquary Tide, and Maha Agi-,
Aqua-,Mag-,Garudyne among others. They can also do a number of powerful
fusions. To get the most out of them, when adding spell cards when summoning,
I HIGHLY suggest you add Maha Aquadyne to Amurtart and Maha Magdyne to Hastur.
Doing so will give you access to even more fusions including Maelstrom (a 99%
instant kill all enemies fusion, like Megalo-Fire, which the group can do
innately). The other three personae are pretty flexible and you can add which
ever spells you wish, but I of course, suggest the ones listed above (Sama
Recarm, Estoma, and Megidolaonn for Gyokukou, Nannar, and Virocana,
respectively - you don't really need to worry too much about increasing the
number of fusions, since you will have access to many useful fusions).

The demons in Monado are...very disappointing. They are incredibly, no,
ridiculously easy. In most RPGs, the random battles are like mini-boss fights,
but, sadly, the final battles in Persona 2 are a cakewalk. Granted, there are
a few guys like Ahzi Dahaka and Shu that put up some kind of a fight, but they
are still put down relatively quickly.

There are TONS of items to get in Monado and the Bomb Shelter, so be sure to
pick them up (be sure to view the section on the Bomb Shelter - Area 8 in

Lastly, before you head into the last boss battle, you should take the time to
prepare your characters. You want to be sure you have the best possible
equipment on everyone. First, forge the Legendary Weapons or make some of the
custom weapons. You won't be using weapons too much, but having the best never
hurts. Armor, however, is very important. For helms, try to get the Windreading
Helms from the sweepstakes for the guys and buy some Magical Hairpieces for the
girls. For armor, you really should try to get as many Nature's Cloaks from the
sweeps as possible (+9 bonus to all stats!), but the Hihi-Irokane armor from
Padparcha makes an excellent substitute. For leggings, get some Achilles'
Greaves (from the sweeps, as usual) for the guys and some Tengu's Clogs for
the girls (and any of the guys you can't get the Greaves for). For accessories,
get some good stat boosting ones. The All-Round Earring from the sweeps is best
(+15 to all stats), but chances are you didn't get one. The ones that give +15
to individual stats are your best bet (concentrate on TEC first, then AGI).

Once your characters are all decked out, you need to pick up some items. First
of all, you should really get some ALL Incenses from Fenrir and boost
everyone's stats as much as possible. The Incense is his normal item, so just
make a contract and collect them. You don't need to max out necessarily, but
boosting each character about 10 (five per character, so collect about 25) will
help you out greatly in the final battles. In fact, these things give you quite
an unfair advantage. There's also another item you need to take advantage of -
Somas. Summon Indra and return him to collect another 10 Somas (feel free to do
this as many times as you wish). Also, you can pick up various and sundry items
like Precious Eggs, Incenses of Life, and Gem Rings to use in place of Somas
(though I prefer always keep a large stock of these to use those during normal
random battles and conserve Somas for bosses).

Last, you can pick up two items via Persona-Talks. First, if you equip a rank 8
Odin persona (he must be a rank 8), a Valkyrie demon will give you a precious
Legenbright. (This only works if Odin as rank 8 - any other rank will give you
the standard contract/cards options. Also, this only works once.) Next, if you
equip Hastur and go find the Biyarkis in Area 4 of the Bomb Shelter, they will
start a rather...interesting...P-Talk. This will give you the Golden Honey, an
item that eliminates all random battles. Not bad, not bad at all.


Monado Mandala, The Collective Unconsciousness
6 Worlds (Reason, Instinct, Judgment, Knowledge, Emotion, Conviction)

Items - Item/Devil's Capote (Reason)
Spell/Taru Kaja (Reason)
Item/Bead of Speed (Reason)
Item/Antidote (x2) (Instinct)
Item/Soma (Instinct)
Spell/Diarama (Instinct)
Spell/Sacrifice (Knowledge)
Item/Silver Manisha (Knowledge)
Item/Precious Egg (x3) (Knowledge)
Item/Disguise Goods (Emotion)
Item/Gem Ring (Emotion)
Item/Bead of Devastation (Conviction)
Item/Awaken (Conviction)
Item/Legenbright (Conviction)

Demons - Level 57 Throne (Judgment)
Level 60 Valkyrie (Star)
Level 61 Saji (Magician)
Level 62 Kau (Temperance)
Level 62 Uroboros (World)
Level 63 Vasuki (Strength)
Level 64 Cherub (Judgment)
Level 64 Shub-Niggurath (Tower)
Level 65 Berserk (Chariot)
Level 66 Ah Puch (Death)
Level 68 Apaosha (Hermit)
Level 70 Fenrir (Fortune)
Level 74 Talos (Chariot)
Level 86 Shu (Devil)
Level 78 Gaia (Empress)
Level 78 Ahzi Dahaka (Strength)


After Sumaru Castle you are taken directly to Monado where you finally meet
Nyarlathotep himself. This dungeon is his final challenge to you - he has
kidnapped Eikichi, Lisa, and Jun from Araya (if you talk to Setsu, she said
there was a blackhole that swallowed them up). So, go save them!

World of Reason :

This dungeon is composed of six "worlds" or areas. They are bigger than the
average floor (larger than Torifune's floors), but they are fairly quick. After
Nyar's intimidation speech, head into the first world - Reason. You will be
mapping this dungeon later, so you might as well fully explore the dungeon,
rather than having to come back again. The worlds are just composed of lanes
that curve around, so you shouldn't need to see the squares on the map to know
that you have mapped it (and yes, once you get the map, everywhere you have
been already is counted on the map so you don't have to redo it).

From the Entrance, head north then go east at the corner. You will come to two
lanes running parallel to each other. First, go south down the first lane to a
door. It will take you to a small island with a door you cannot enter. Just map
it and return to the door. Then, take both paths up (mapping...) - they both
lead to path going west. Take it, go north at the corner, then down a long path
east. Get the little island stick out east, then head south until you come to
another island jutting out east with a chest. Grab it and keep heading south.
Go east at the corner, then north at the next corner. Head north all the way
(hitting the islands jutting out west) and go west at the turn. All the way
west is a door, but don't take it - it is a one way door all the way back to
that first island. East of the door is a path going north - take it and follow
it's turns east then north. Go east over the traps, then south, then follow the
path to another door. Open it and it will start a battle. (These set door
fights are spread throughout the dungeon - you cannot contact, but can retreat,
if you wish. However, the door will remain closed if you retreat.) Grab the
chest behind the door and return south. Instead of going over the traps again,
follow the path north around (mapping...). Go west of the traps and follow the
zigzag path south until you reach the Room of Reason (you will know it when you
see it - it is a big monolithic-like arch (like the Entrance)).

Inside, there will be a quick scene where you learn about Katsuya's dream...
Then, you will be confronted by Shadow Katsuya and there will eventually be
a choice for Maya. Depending upon which choices you make when confronting the
Shadows, the Innocent Sin kid's memories may or may not be returned. The point
is to not return them, but returning them will do nothing but change the
dialogue a bit and make the boss fights harder. It's up to you which choice
you will make, but if this is your first time through, you should try to take
the easier route first. See the Choices section for details.

When you are done, head back into the World of Reason. Keep going south and
turn west at the corner. Then, at yet another corner, go north. You will come
to a path with a door on the east - take it. It will lead to a small island
with another door-battle and a chest. Grab it and return. Keep going north all
of the way to find a chest. Return to the two paths you passed (map them),
but first, make your way south (on the other side of them) to find a large
blue stele. If you touch it, it will open a door to the Rest Area, which is
directly north of the stele. Head there now.

Rest Area :

The Rest Area is linked to each world by a single door (grouped around the
middle). To the north, you will find a Velvet Room and a Trish's Fountain.
To the south, you will find the Door to Araya (Shrine). This is your portal
back to the city. You can head back anytime to pick up items (get your map
from Salam now!), do sidequests, etc., etc. You should now look at the City
and Suggested Party sections.

Now that you are actively mapping Monado, the walkthrough will only quickly
direct you to where you need to go to proceed and to where the items are.

Head back through the door to Reason and go east of the door to a staircase
that leads to Instinct.

World of Instinct :

Head north and you will come to a crossroads. If you go east, there are a
bunch of lanes (and a door) to map - do so. If you go north, there is a door
to some lanes that lead to a chest - grab it. Finally, go west, then north,
then west, then south (at corners) to find three parallel lanes to the west.
The first has nothing, the last has a chest, and the middle has a door. Go
through the door, then head straight north a door with a chest behind it.
After that, go back to the path leading east that you passed. Follow it to yet
another door. Follow the path east to find three more lanes, running north this
time. The first leads to a warp door to a chest, the last to another door that
leads to a chest, and the middle leads to the Room of Instinct. Inside, Ulala
will be confronted by her inferiority complex and Shadow Ulala. Make your
choice and move on. Go north from the door, east at the turn, south at the
turn to find another cross roads. Going west leads to a warp door that leads to
the blue stele that unlocks the Rest Area door. Going east leads to the Rest
Area door. Going south leads to a warp door to the staircase out of here.

World of Judgment :

The World of Judgment actually wraps around the Rest Area. You will fight the
first boss fight here, so if you are going by the personae I suggested above,
you should now phase in Skuld and Amurtart to your party (keeping the rest of
the personae - see the first boss battle section).

From the staircase, head west, then go north. You will find three lanes running
north that all lead to the same place - a path going west. If you go west, you
will run into two lanes next to each other with two pairs of doors. Only the
southwestern and northeastern doors start battles - the other two don't.
Proceed past the doors south down a long lane that zigzags a bit at the end.
You will be turned east - follow it as far as you can. You will past a path
to the north that leads to the door to the Rest Area, but is locked at the
moment. If you go past it, then turn south, then west, you will find another
long lane that leads to the Room of Judgment where you fight the first boss
fight. (See the Boss section now.) When you have cleaned their clocks, keep
going west then turn north at the corner. At the end of the path north, there
is a door that warps to a small island with the staircase to the next area.
Just south of the door, however, is the blue stele - hit it and return to the
Rest Area, if you need to.

World of Knowledge :

The World of Knowledge is a pain to map due to the large number of islands
packed closely together and linked like a web. Oh well, what can you do? From
the staircase, there is basically a large web of islands running in a column
vertically. To the south, you will find a path that leads to a chest. Go north
to proceed with the dungeon. Once you get in the northwestern corner, proceed
directly west to find a chest. Make your way south of that chest, then move
west to another web section. In the northwestern-most corner, there is another
chest. Make you way back east again until you find the path running
directly south of the second to last chest. If you proceed all the way south,
you will come to the Room of Knowledge where Baofu must confront his former
life. Make your choice and move on (this is probably the most dramatic and
interesting scene, by the way). From the Room, head south, then go west at the
turn. If you go all the way west, you will be lead to a path that winds it's
way to the staircase to the next area. However, the first path north leads to
the blue stele and the small web section with the door to the Rest Area.

World of Emotion :

The World of Emotion is much smaller, but it is much more of a pain than the
previous worlds. It consists of a whole lotta warp doors which are confusing
if you don't know where each goes. So, just follow these directions. From the
staircase, go west to a cross roads. First go north to find a chest. The paths
to the west and south both lead to the same area, so take either (or both for
mapping). The next area is just another crossroads. Take the western leg to
proceed to next cross-shaped area. The eastern and southern legs both lead to
a small area to the west with warps to the two doors (back to the cross) on the
ends. Take the western leg of the cross to proceed. From there, go north until
you come to a three-legged crossroads. Go east first to find a chest, then
north to proceed. From there, go north through a door, then east at the mini-
three-legged-crossroads (the door the Rest Area is to the west). After the warp
door, head north to the Room of Emotion where Nyar himself challenges Maya.
See the choices section. And be careful - if you select the "correct" choice,
Nyar will pose another question to Maya which also has "correct" and "wrong"
outcomes. Make your choice(s) and proceed north. The staircase to the next
area is north, while a warp door to the blue stele juts out to the west (just
south of the stairs).

World of Conviction :

The final world is basically two large spirals - an inner and an outer spiral.
From the staircase, head to the warp door to the west. Through the door, head
a ways south, then turn west at the corner. Head a long ways west to a small
grouping of four islands in the southwestern corner of the map. The lane that
runs parallel of the path you just came down leads to the inner spiral, but it
is blocked by a shadowy door with a skull marking. So, head north of the four
island grouping to the outer spiral. There are two lanes going north - the
western leads to a warp door and a chest and the eastern proceeds with the
spiral. Make your way north to another four island group in the northwestern
corner of the map. Jutting out from the bottom-right square are two paths - the
southern with a chest and the eastern with a blue stele. This stele doesn't
unlock the Rest Area, but eliminates the shadowy barrier to the inner spiral.
However, before returning to the inner spiral, proceed down the path that
sticks out of the upper-right island in the grouping. It leads west, then south
to a door that is yet another set battle. This one starts a battle with a
unique demon - Ahzi Dahaka. See the puzzle section below for info on how to get
past him.

Return to where the shadowy door was located and proceed east down the path.
Go north from yet another four island grouping to find _another_ grouping.
Head west of that grouping (either down the northern path with the door or the
southern path with the traps) to another island grouping (last one, I
promise!). The spiral starts to have some diverging paths now - from the last
grouping, there is a path to a chest (the eastern path) and a path that leads
to the rest of the spiral. From this path, there are two lanes leading east -
the bottom one leads to the Rest Area stele, and the top leads to the inner
area of the spiral. Finally, there are two paths that lead north - one to the
Rest Area (the eastern one) and one that leads to the Room of Conviction, where
you will fight the final three boss fights.

You should get a message that you completed the map (if not, check your maps
to find the missing squares) and turn in your map for the final card set.

There some interesting encounters to be had in the World of Conviction. First,
you can meet the rare persona-demon Gaia. Second, you can meet Shu, a tough
and very rare demon that drops the precious Akashic Ring (Shu can also be
found the World of Emotion). Last, you can meet the demons Fenrir and Talos
whose normal items are ALL Incenses and Awakens (respectively) - very useful.
Also, once you have done the puzzle below, you can meet Ahzi Dahaka.

Entering the Room of Conviction will start the third boss fight. Once you have
defeated the bosses, you will have access to the portal in the back of the
room. It leads to the Chamber of Philemon and the final boss battles. Once you
enter the portal you will not be able to come back, so be sure you have saved
and are ready! Also, once you have fought the second boss battle, the eighth
and final area of the Bomb Shelter will unlock. (It will only open once you
have completed the Monado dungeon, which includes the second boss fight, but
not the third and fourth, which as previously mentioned, you cannot return


In the World of Conviction, there is a door in the northern area of the map
that has a door with a chest behind it. Attempting to open the door will
initiate a battle with the demon Ahzi Dahaka. If you attempt to damage it,
you will be unable to (nothing will affect it - Magic, Physical, or None).
The only way to defeat the demon (and get at the chest behind it) is to a
little something extra. If you ask any demon in Conviction for info, they will
tell you a little story about Ahzi and a persona called Fariedone (for more
details on the rumor, see my rumor guide). You are not required to obtain this
rumor in order for what follows below to work, but that is your clue as to what
to do. So, go to the Velvet and summon Fariedone (he is a level 70 Star
persona, so you should be able to get him easily). Once summoned, head back to
the door, equip Fariedone on a character, and open the door.

If you haven't encountered Persona-Talk by now, you will be treated to one. The
Talk will happen automatically - Fariedone will rise up and he and Dahaka will
throw threats back and forth. After they are done, both Dahaka and the person
equipped with Fariedone will be inflicted with the berserk status effect. Also,
you can now damage Dahaka. So, lay waste to him (he is tougher than most random
encounters, but still not a major ordeal).

Once you have defeated him, you will be able to get at the chest behind the
door. It contains the final, precious Legenbright. Finally, once you have
defeated Dahaka for the first time, he will begin to appear in random battles
(alone and with other demons) quite often. He gives pretty good EXP and Yen
and also drops ALL Incenses (which can be obtained more easily from Fenrir).

===Rare Battle==================

Level 78 Gaia (Empress) - "Hmph! Feel the earth's wrath!"
Comment : Greek goddess meaning "Earth". Conceived many children with Uranus.
HP : 3,000; Void : Earth/Holy/Dark
Spells : Tetrakarn, Anger of the Earth, Rain of Arrows

Use Maelstrom or Megalo-Fire and she's dead. Wheee.

EXP : 2,028
Yen : 5,460
Item : Material/Cradle of Creation


FIRST BOSS FIGHT - World of Judgment

Level 62/72 Shadow Katsuya - "You must be tired of fooling yourself. I will end
it for you."
Comment : Shadow of Katsuya's soul.
HP : ~4,000/~5,000; Void : Fire/Nuclear/Dark; Weak : Water/Ice
Spells : Heat Kaiser, Shadow Force, Triple Down, Vice Shot

Level 61/71 Shadow Ulala - "Isn't it tough to be alone?"
Comment : Shadow of Ulala's soul.
HP : ~4,000/~4,700; Reflect : Mind/Nerve; Void : Wind/Dark; Weak : Earth
Spells : Alluring Makazura, Dark Nebula, Maha Garudyne

Notable Spells : Shadow Force - Changes HP and SP randomly. Question marks will
appear in the HP/SP boxes and you will not be
able to access the Status menu.
Vice Shot - Instant Kill to one character

Persona : Maya - Skuld
Ulala - Amurtart
Katsuya - Hyperion
Baofu - Prometheus
Tatsuya - Odin

The Shadows' level and HP (as well as their base stats, like STR and VIT)
change based upon which choices you made. If you picked the correct choices or
one correct and one wrong choice, they will be the lower numbers. If you picked
both wrong choices and returned Eikichi's memory, then they will have the
higher numbers. The strategy for fighting them is the same, but it is simply
tougher if you end up with the high stats. If this is your first time through
the game, I'd suggest you pick the correct choices for the sake of making this
easier on you. Anyway...

By now, as I suggested in the walkthrough, you should have phased Amurtart and
Skuld into your party.

This fight is pretty simple - instead of doing massive damage fusions, as
usual, I suggest you do mostly single attacks, as you will do more damage (and
you won't need to depend on putting them in order or anything else).

First cast Maha Sama and Maha Maka Kaja using Izanami and Amurtart while
the rest do the normal attacks I list below. After the Kajas are up, use these

Maya : Skuld : Hieros Glupaine
Ulala : Amurtart : Divine Judgment
Katsuya : Hyperion : Triple Down
Baofu : Prometheus : Wiseman Snap/Mediarahan
Tatsuya : Odin : Baptism by Thunder

Though you may be tempted to do the fusion Pantheon, don't do it. You'll do
much more damage doing the indvidual spells. Try it out yourself, if you
don't believe me. You should concentrate on taking only one of them out first
and I suggest dispatching Katsuya first (mostly because of Vice Shot and Shadow
Force). Just keep attacking them and healing when needed. All in all, a very
easy fight (it all goes downhill after the Metal Trio fight...).

EXP : 80,000/98,000
Yen : 0


SECOND BOSS FIGHT - World of Conviction

Level 63/73 Shadow Baofu - "Beg for mercy! Mabey I'll let you go?
Comment : Shadow of Baofu's soul.
HP : ~4,000/~4,800; Strong : Physical; Void : Dark; Weak : Lightning
Spells : Baptism by Thunder, Bastard Snap, Level Trap, Shadow Force, Viper

Level 64/74 Shadow Maya - "Let's have some fun..."
Comment : Shadow of Maya's soul.
HP : ~4,000/~5,000; Reflect : Magic; Weak : Physical
Spells : Diamond Dust, Eclipse Mirror, Mediarama, Tetrakarn, Whirlwind Blast

Notable Spells : Level Trap - Damage to all characters based on level.
Character with highest level is killed.
Shadow Force
Eclipse Mirror - Huge Almighty and Dark damage.

Persona : Maya - Gyokukou Joutei (w/Sama Recarm)
Ulala - Amurtart (w/Maha Aquadyne)
Katsuya - Nannar/Hyperion
Baofu - Hastur (w/Maha Magdyne)
Tatsuya - Virocana (w/Megidolaonn)

As last time, the stats of the Shadows change based upon your choices. As last
time, I suggest you take the easier battle.

A bit more complicated than the last bosses, but still not that tough. As
usual, cast Maha Sama Kaja and Maha Maka Kaja and then go after Maya first.
She reflects magic, so you'll need to use your best physical attacks. Use
Whirlwind Blast, Attack, Triple Down, Attack, and Rain of Arrows (Maya, Ulala,
Katsuya with Hyperion, Baofu, and Tatsuya, respectively). She should go down
soon enough. If you get low on HP, just have someone (I'd suggest Ulala or
Baofu, since they are doing the least damage) switch to Nannar and use her
Mediarahan. If someone should die (doubtful) use Sama Recarm and recast the
single Kaja spells on him/her.

Next, take out Baofu. Use this setup:

Maya : Gyokukou Joutei : Hieros Glupaine
Tatsuya : Virocana : Hieros Glupaine
Baofu : Hastur : Aquary Tide (Fusion)
Katsuya : Nannar : Maha Garudyne (Fusion)
Ulala : Amurtart : Maha Aquadyne (Fusion : Vain Splash)

He should fall in no time.

None of their attacks do enough damage to worry about, so just use Mediarahan
when needed. The only things to really watch for are Tetrakarn and Level Trap.
Tetrakarn will just reflect back one of your attacks while you are trying to
take out Maya (no big deal) and Level Trap will do a bit of damage and kill
off Tatsuya (just use Sama Recarm and recast the Kajas).

After you have defeated these guys, you will be able to access the warp to
Philemon's Chamber and the final boss. Also, the door to Area 8 in the Bomb
Shelter will unlock.

EXP : 80,000/98,000
Yen : 0


THIRD BOSS FIGHT - World of Conviction

Before you proceed into the portal, be sure you check the end of the Suggested
Party section (above) for my suggestions on party status.

Level 77/80/82 Moon Howler - "Why did you come here? Heh...to spout gibberish?"
Comment : Crawling Chaos, one of Nyralathotep's embodiments.
HP : ~9,300/~9,600/~10,000; Void : Almighty/Dark; Weak : Holy
Spells : Guard Punish, Megidolaonn, Omega Cluster, Shadow Kill, Unperishable

Notable Spells : Guard Punish - Huge magic damage to all characters.
Shadow Kill - Huge Physical damage to all characters.
Unperishable Black

Persona : Maya - Gyokukou Joutei (w/Sama Recarm)
Ulala - Amurtart (w/Maha Aquadyne)
Katsuya - Nannar
Baofu - Hastur (w/Maha Magdyne)
Tatsuya - Virocana (w/Megidolaonn)

Alright - time for the final bosses. You will have to fight two boss battles in
a row, so be prepared. Like the Shadows, the stats for this boss change based
upon which choices you made. If you did NOT restore either Eikichi's or Lisa's
memory, then his stats will be the lowest numbers. If you restored one, then it
will be the middle numbers. If you restored both, it will be the higher number.
If you followed my suggestions, you should face the lower numbers (and if not,
the strategy is the same). You will face two forms of Nyarlathotep. The first
is a pushover and the second is pretty strong.

There are two sections to this strategy. First, you want to cast Maha Sama and
Maka Kaja ASAP. However, you don't want to move your characters around too much
and give Nyar a chance to hurt you. So, for the first section, use this setup
(adjusting for how your party arranges themselves in the battle order):

Ulala : Amurtart : Sama/Maka Kaja (Fusion)
Maya : Gyokukou Joutei : Affectionate Prayer (Fusion : Maha Sama/Maka Kaja)
Tatsuya : Virocana : Hieros Glupaine
Katsuya : Nannar : Maha Aquadyne (Fusion)
Baofu : Hastur : Aquary Tide (Fusion : Ominous Waterfall)

Once that is done, move into the second setup for the rest of the battle:

Maya : Gyokukou Joutei : Tetraja/Hieros Glupaine
Tatsuya : Virocana : Hieros Glupaine
Baofu : Hastur : Aquary Tide (Fusion)
Katsuya : Nannar : Maha Garudyne (Fusion)
Ulala : Amurtart : Maha Aquadyne (Fusion : Vain Splash)

Each Hieros Glupaine should do 600+ while Vain Splash does 2,000+ (for a grand
total of 3,200+ damage a round). He'll be dead real quick.

However, he does have some pretty nasty attacks. Shadow Kill is your biggest
problem, since you have a couple of Weak : Physical attributes. It shouldn't
do enough to kill the character, so you should heal right afterwards (use
Mediarahan or a Soma, as needed). Guard Punish and Megidolaonn should do little
damage, so nothing to worry about there. Omega Cluster and Unperishable Black
can be a pain, but if you keep Tetraja up, then you shouldn't have a problem.
Omega Cluster will just kill off the weakest character after a couple of
rounds, so there isn't much you can do about it once it's cast - just cast
Sama Recarm and recast the Kajas, if you can.

Still, this shouldn't be a problem for you. Once he is dead, you will move on
to the final fight.

EXP : 0
Yen : 0


FINAL BOSS FIGHT - World of Conviction

Level 99 - Nyarlathotep - "Are you afraid? No one can escape the shadows!"
(Critical) - "I won't accept it!!"
Comment : A mass of gods with 1000 names and faces at the center of space.
HP : ~18,000; Void : Dark; (Resist : All?)
Spells : Chaos Element, Crawling Chaos, Shadow Kill, Transient Ripple, Wheel of
Fortune, Wheel of Time

Notable Spells : Transient Ripple - Nullifies Kaja spells on all characters.
Wheel of Fortune - Seals all character's ability to P. Change.

Persona : Maya - Gyokukou Joutei (w/Sama Recarm)
Ulala - Amurtart (w/Maha Aquadyne)
Katsuya - Nannar
Baofu - Hastur (w/Maha Magdyne)
Tatsuya - Virocana (w/Megidolaonn)

Run this battle exactly like the last - cast the Maha ---- Kajas (even if you
cast them last time - you started a new battle and they were voided) and go
into the pattern of Tetraja/Hieros Glupaine/Vain Splash. The patterns are
repeated here for your convenience:

Ulala : Amurtart : Sama/Maka Kaja (Fusion)
Maya : Gyokukou Joutei : Affectionate Prayer (Fusion : Maha Sama/Maka Kaja)
Tatsuya : Virocana : Hieros Glupaine
Katsuya : Nannar : Maha Aquadyne (Fusion)
Baofu : Hastur : Aquary Tide (Fusion : Ominous Waterfall)

Maya : Gyokukou Joutei : Tetraja/Hieros Glupaine
Tatsuya : Virocana : Hieros Glupaine
Baofu : Hastur : Aquary Tide (Fusion)
Katsuya : Nannar : Maha Garudyne (Fusion)
Ulala : Amurtart : Maha Aquadyne (Fusion : Vain Splash)

The Hieros Glupaines should still each do 600+ damage (since it is based on the
persona's power, not on anything else like the character's stats or the boss'
stats), but Vain Splash will go down to 1,000+. Regardless, 2,200+ damage per
round is pretty good.

Nyar's attacks are fairly rough this time around. First of all, Chaos Element
Should be irrelevant due to Tetraja. Next, Shadow Kill is a real pain this
time. Depending on your stats, it may or may not kill the character - there
isn't much you can do, really. Having Raku Kaja is a plus, but even if you do
cast it, chances are it'll be voided by Transient Ripple (along with the Sama
and Maka Kajas - if that happens, just repeat the first pattern and go into the
second again). It's best to just tough it out and heal afterwards. If you used
ALL Incenses and got mutations for your personae, all characters should survive
it. Next, Wheel of Fortune is also irrelevant, since you shouldn't need to
change personae anyway. Wheel of Time will do a bit of damage, but not enough
to threaten you. Basically, don't neglect your HP. If you get hit, just use a
Soma or cast Mediarahan (it'll save you frustration later, should someone die).
And be sure to keep Tetraja up; Chaos Element can hurt pretty bad (anywhere
from 100-800 damage, randomly selected for each person), so you don't want to
get hit by it.

This battle is tougher than the last, but for the last boss of the game,
Nyarlathotep is pretty disappointing. Keep on him, heal often, and he will

EXP : 0
Yen : 0


<In the Room of Reason>
Tatsuya : ........
Maya : Stop it... Katsuya!!
<Katsuya acts weak... Acts ashamed of himself and of his love. This
is the INCORRECT choice. If you choose this, it will be one step to
returning Eikichi's memory.>
I believe in you...
<Katsuya acts strong. He alludes to love, but thanks Maya instead.
This is the CORRECT choice. If you choose this, Eikichi's memory
will not be restored.>

<In the Room of Instinct>
Shadow Ulala : You tell her instead.
Maya : It's not up to me to answer...
<Ulala acts strong (and philosophical). This is the CORRECT choice.
If you choose this Eikichi's memory will not be restored.>
Ulala already found herself!
<Ulala acts somewhat weak. This is the INCORRECT choice. If you
choose this, it will be the second step to unlocking Eikichi's
memory. If you selected the incorrect choice in the Room of Reason,
the memories will be restored and the boss data will change

<In the Room of Knowledge>
Baofu : You f##kin' bastard!!!!
Maya : Don't do it!
<Maya stands in Baofu's way and prevents him from killing Reverse
Odyseuss. The ghost of Miki appears and talks with Baofu. Baofu
admits to his true intentions. This is the CORRECT choice. If you
choose this, Lisa's memory will not be restored.>
<Baofu kills Reverse Odyseuss. He confesses his true motives to the
party. He also exacts revenge on Ulala for Parabellum... This is the
INCORRECT choice. If you choose this, it will be one step to
returning Lisa's memory.>

<In the Room of Emotion>
Nyarlathotep : After coming here, what are you angry at?
Maya : At you...!
<Nyar mocks Maya. This is the INCORRECT choice. If you choose this,
it will be the second step to unlocking Lisa's memory. If you
selected the incorrect choice in the Room of Knowledge, the memories
will be restored and the boss data will change accordingly.>
I'm just...very sad...
<Nyar taunts Maya about Tatsuya and asks a second question (below)
This is the CORRECT choice.>

<In the Room of Emotion, only if the correct choice was made above>
Nyarlathotep : He'll never be yours! Never!
Maya : Pull the trigger.
<The bullets hit Nyar, but Tatsuya feels them instead. This is the
INCORRECT choice. If you choose this, you will be defaulted back to
as if you had selected the wrong answer in the previous question.
Also, Tatsuya's HP will be reduced to 1.>
Don't pull the trigger.
<Nyar leaves. This is the CORRECT choice. If you choose this, Lisa's
memory will not be restored.>


U. T h e E n d . . .

So, you've beaten the final boss. First off, congratulations on beating Persona
2. However, you have not yet completed Persona 2. There are still a few things
you need to know...

First, you may wish to try going through Monado and choosing the "wrong"
answers to see how the dialogue changes. Some of it is interesting, but there
is still only one ending. I repeat, there is only one ending! Only some small
amount of the words said in the script change (nothing monumental). The major
change if you choose the wrong choices is that the bosses become tougher (if
you are looking for more of a challenge).

Next, on more of a side note, there are several high-level personae in the game
that you may want to play around with such as Gaia, Alice, Vishnu, Siva,
Brahma, the "Rare Mods" (Mot, Michael, Pallas Athena, Shokuin), Satan, and
Lucifer (see below for more info on these last two). There are also a couple of
items you can obtain that haven't been mentioned here. Also, there are many,
many, MANY fusions that haven't been mentioned here. For a complete listing
of which personae you can obtain and experiment with, items to obtain, and
fusions to play with, I refer you to Archaeopteryx's FAQ.

After watching the dramatic (and somewhat sad) ending, there will be a prompt
that asks you to add "End Game Data" to one of your save files. Pick a save and
add the data. A small picture will appear on the end of your save file - either
of Nate or Ellen. As you should have noticed, the game checks your memory cards
before loading the main menu when you start the game up. It is searching for
saves with this end game data to unlock new modes of gameplay. When you add
this small key to your save (don't worry - it won't override your save or
ruin your game; it just adds this key) a new mode will appear in the startup
menu - RESTART. This allows you to use one of your saves to start a new,
enhanced game. It is not a Continue+ where you keep your stats and items, but
certain things transfer over to the next game. Here is a list:

---Restart Transfer List--------
1. The End Game Data (the key and pic on your save)
2. All Analyze Data (Demon, Persona, and Fusion, but not any boss data)
3. All Tarot Cards (including Fool and Free)
4. The cards registered at the Time Castle
5. The Carma Ring (see the Bomb Shelter, Area 8 for more info)
6. The effects of restaurant items (food, aromatherapy, treatments)
7. If you obtained any of the 'rare mods' (Lugh, Pallas Athena, Mot, Michael,
Shokuin) they will remain in personae list in the Velvet Room each game.

These added perks should make your next game a bit easier and more interesting.

In case you didn't notice, you can get a pic of either Nate or Ellen as your
End Game Data. But what if you get both? If you play through the game again,
choose a different route after the fateful meeting with "Sneak", and beat the
game again, a new mode of gameplay will unlock in the main menu - the EXTRA
DUNGEON. This is a bonus dungeon completely independent of the game proper.
This is a form of a Continue+ game, in that all of your character's stats,
items, and a few other things transfer over into this dungeon. For more info,
see my Extra Dungeon guide.

There is one last point of note - Satan and Lucifer - the two highest level
personae in the game (perhaps the most powerful). To summon them, you must
purchase their material cards, Morning Star and Accuser's Diary, from Mu
Continent (after Mt. Iwato). However, during your first game, only one of the
cards will appear (depending on which route you took - Lucifer for Nate and
Satan for Ellen). But when you start your second game, and choose the other
route, both cards will appear in the casino list (you must choose different
routes both times or both cards won't appear). There is no other requirement
to having the cards appear than to choose different routes. What's the point of
having them both, other than being super-powerful? One word - Armageddon.
This fusion will instantly kill ALL enemies on screen...bosses included...even
the final boss! A useful little fusion, but the novelty does where off after
a little while...and it gets boring just smiting everything. To cast it, have
Lucifer and Satan cast Omega Cluster and Alpha Blaster, respectively, in that

So, congratulations again on beating the game, be sure to check out the extras
I mentioned above, and I urge you to play the game again!


V. Optional Dungeons


A. K a s u g a y a m a H i g h / B o m b S h e l t e r

Kasugayama (Kasu) High is an optional dungeon where you can meet almost every
demon in the game and also meet some rare demons only seen here. The main
attraction of Kasu High is the Bomb Shelter, detailed below.

This section will be run slightly different than the walkthrough. First of all,
you can come here at various times during the game, but this guide is based
upon going to each area as soon as it is available (and thus it will likely be
more difficult than if you came at a later point when you may have much higher
levels and better personae and items). A step by step walkthrough is not needed
for these sections, but for the Bomb Shelter areas, a direct route to the map
will be provided.

===Kasugayama High==============

5 Floors (B1, 1F, 2F, 3F, 4F)

Items : None

Demons : <B1, 1F, 2F, 4F>
Level 1 Ghost (Devil)
Level 1 Slime (Tower)
Level 2 Pixie (Lovers)
Level 2 Poltergeist (Devil)
Level 3 Guzfan (Hanged Man)
Level 3 Nightmare (Moon)
Level 4 Ratatosk (Hermit)
Level 4 Harpie (Temperance)
Level 5 Blob (Tower)
Level 6 Puck (Lovers)
Level 6 Phantom (Devil)
Level 7 Empusas (Magician)
Level 8 Ogre (Chariot)
Level 9 Apep (Strength)
Level 10 Nisroc (Hanged Man)
Level 10 Erinys (Moon)
Level 11 Robin Goodfellow (Lovers)
Level 11 Cockatrice (World)
Level 12 Mou Shobou (Temperance)
Level 12 Kimnara (Star)
Level 13 Ixtab (Death)
Level 13 Ocher Jelly (Tower)
Level 24 Tek-Tek (Rumor)

When you first enter Kasu High, a Pale Man will come up to you and tell you
that this school is infested with demons. Here in this school and the Bomb
Shelter below it, you can meet most of the demons from past dungeons.

Kasu High itself is fairly straight-forward. All three main floors are
basically "L" shapes on it's side. There are also two other areas, the Rooftop
and the Basement. On the rooftop, you can meet Yasuo. He has one main purpose
and for that he will appear in the Basement at a later point.

After you spread the rumor from the Pathetic Loser about Tek Tek, the demon
Tek Tek will appear on the third floor of Kasu High as a rare demon.

---Rare Demon-------------------

Level 24 Tek Tek (Rumor) - "Tek tek..."
Comment : Ghost that says "Tek Tek"?
HP : 192; Void : Holy/Dark/Mind/Nerve
Spells : Maha Garula, Devil's Smile, Poisonous Scratch

Recommended Party : Level 19
Maya - Maia Custom
Ulala - Iris
Katsuya - Otohime (with Garu)
Baofu - Hel

Tek Tek has no weakness, so just use any two fusions that do huge damage (Tower
Inferno, Hydro Boost, etc.) to kill him. Watch out for his spell Maha Garula
which can really hurt Ulala since Iris is weak against wind. Use Mediarama or
Diarama if you need to. This should be a really easy fight.

EXP : 576
Yen : 2,500
Item : Event/Tek Tek's Name Tag

Bring Tek Tek's Name Tag to the Pathetic Loser outside of Kasu High and he will
give you a Soma.

==Bomb Shelter Intro============

When you enter to basement of Kasu High, you will be in a room that joins the
high school and the bomb shelter. Here you will find the student in charge of
safety and Hiroki Sugimoto. Initially Sugimoto talks about how he will get
revenge on Eikichi (who you can meet in Sumaru Prison). After the Club Zodiac
dungeon, he lies that he didn't use the Joker curse and finally, after you
choose your route, he disappears from the Basement. The student in charge of
safety will always be there.

Upon entering the Bomb Shelter, you will find yourself in the Main Area where
you can directly access each area of the Bomb Shelter (as they unlock as you
progress through the game). This main area, while it has no random battles,
is still considered a part of the dungeon, and you can recharge SP here as you

You cannot get a map for the Main Area - it will always be a blank field of
green. So, here is the location of each area in relation to each other in the
Main Area:

8 7
N 3-| |-6
-+- 2-| |-5
| 1-| |-4

===Bomb Shelter Area 1==========

Opens : After GOLD

Demons : Level 11 Robin Goodfellow (Lovers)
Level 11 Cockatrice (World)
Level 12 Mou Shobou (Temperance)
Level 12 Kimnara (Star)
Level 13 Ixtab (Death)
Level 13 Ocher Jelly (Tower)
Level 14 Angel (Judgment)
Level 15 Minotaur (Chariot)
Level 16 Tengu (Magician)

Items : Event/Shelter Area 1 Map

Map : <From the entrance to the Main Area>
1. Go west past the poison panels and take the path west of the
2. As soon as you come to a path east, take all the way down.
3. The chest with the map should be just south of you.

Doors : 2 Doors - The one on the southwest of the map goes to the
Main Area and the door in the middle of the map, north side,
leads to Area 2.

Rumors : 1. Jack Frost's Atomic Bufula spell (four rumors)
2. Minotaur can break rock to make shortcut to Area 2.

Notes : Not much to do here. There is a Sachiko's Letter in here. Just be sure
to get the rumor about the Minotaur, get a contract with him, then
break the rock that was blocking your way to Area 2 in the Main Area.

===Bomb Shelter Area 2==========

Opens : After Club Zodiac

Demons : Level 14 Angel (Judgment)
Level 15 Minotaur (Chariot)
Level 16 Tengu (Magician)
Level 16 Wraith (Devil)
Level 17 Kiyohime (Strength)
Level 17 Shax (Hanged Man)
Level 18 Jack Frost (Lovers)
Level 19 Fearal (Temperance)
Level 22 Faust (Magician)
Level 29 Shaka (Hierophant)
Items : Event/Shelter Area 2 Map

Map : <From the entrance to the Main Area>
1. Follow the path west then north until you are forced to go west.
2. Keep going west until you hit the wall. If you look closely, you
should find a miner's tunnel. Take it west.
3. In the next tunnel, go south to get to another miner's tunnel
leading east. Take it.
4. Go all the way south until you are shot out east near a boulder and
a poison panel. Go north west of the panel until you see another
5. There is a miner's tunnel right before the poison panel (south of
it). Take it do a small room with the chest.
<From the door to Area 1>
1. Go west as far as you can then go south until you are shot out
west. Follow steps 4 and 5 above (following it from the point with
the boulder and poison panel).

Doors : Three doors - The one all the way to the east leads to the Main Area,
the one east of that door (and a big boulder) leads to the first area,
and the last one, northwest of the other two, leads to Area 3.

Rumors : 1. Any previous rumor-spells rumors
2. Minotaur can break rock to make shortcut to Area 2.
Notes : This time, there is a bit more to do. First there is a Sachiko's
letter and bulletin board on the west side of the area (use the Auto-
Map to locate them - if you pass the cursor near them, the text box
will change to indicate it is near one of them). You can still get the
rumors about Jack Frost and the Minotaur. Finally, you can meet the
rare demon Shaka.

---Rare Demon-------------------

Level 29 Shaka (Hierophant) - "You must apprehend!"
Comment : Religious founder, Siddartha Gautama
HP : 500; Strong : All
Spells : Vile Thunderbolt, Nirvana, Hypnotic Wave

Suggested Party : Level 23
Maya - Maia Custom
Ulala - Iris
Katsuya - Otohime (with Garu)
Baofu - Hel

This is going to be a tough battle. It is pretty much a slug-fest, so you need
to make sure you come out on top by constantly dealing damage and healing (most
likely every round). Unfortunately, he will often cast Vile Thunderbolt which
will not only hit all characters for a lot of damage, but also inflict the
electrified status effect on them (usually 1-2 characters each time). You
cannot recover from this effect except by letting the character act and it will
eventually disappear (1-4 rounds). For this reason, and the fact that one or
more characters may die, you will not be able to get off many fusion spells (if
any). Since he isn't weak against anything, you just need to consistently hit
him for damage and be sure to use Mediarama to heal every round. By all means
get a fusion off if you can (one of your huge damage ones - Tower Inferno,
Hydro Boost, etc.) - it will make this battle go by much quicker.

EXP : 280
Yen : 2,030
Item : Material/Yuiga Dokuson

When you defeat Shaka, he will drop his Material card, so you may summon him in
the Velvet Room. He is easily one of the best personae in the game (relative to
level) so summon him as soon as you can (you'll need to be at level 24).

===Bomb Shelter Area 3==========

Opens : After the Laboratory/Sumaru TV

Demons : Level 20 Pariker (Moon)
Level 21 Archangel (Judgment)
Level 22 Faust (Magician)
Level 22 Hel (Death)
Level 23 Gandharva (Star)
Level 23 Kraken (World)
Level 24 Kabanda (Hanged Man)
Level 24 Kanaloa (Tower)
Level 25 Lich (Devil)
Level 26 Jack O Lantern (Lovers)
Level 27 Tarnis (Chariot)
Level 27 Kun Anun (Hermit)
Level 28 Rasputin (Magician)
Level 28 Kamasos (Temperance)
Level 29 Principality (Judgment)

Items : Event/Shelter Area 3 Map

Map : <From the entrance to the Main Area>
1. Head north a ways until the path turns west. Take west all the way
to the dead end.
2. There is a miner's tunnel in the southern wall. Take it.
3. Head west, then south at the corner. You will be led to a room with
HP and poison traps. The map is in the southwestern corner.

Doors : Two doors - the eastern one leads to the main area and the western one
leads to Area 2.

Rumors : 1. Kanaloa's Wonderful Aques spell (Four Rumors)
2. Jack O Lantern's Dynamic Agilao spell (Four Rumors)
3. Any previous rumor-spell rumors

Notes : Nothing to do in here - just another letter.

===Bomb Shelter Area 4==========

Opens : After the Factory

Demons : Level 29 Kerepres (Strength)
Level 30 Hun Hau (Death)
Level 30 Picollus (Star)
Level 31 Demeter (World)
Level 32 Zaeboth (Hanged Man)
Level 33 Wanyuudo (Fortune)
Level 33 Lilim (Moon)
Level 34 Agrippa (Magician)
Level 34 Darioku Tenmaou (Devil)
Level 35 Python (Strength)
Level 35 Shoggoth (Tower)
Level 36 Satyrus (Lovers)
Level 42 Biyarky (Devil)

Items : Event/Shelter Area 4 Map

Map : <From the entrance to the Main Area>
1. Head east until you come to a path leading north. Take it to the
dead end.
2. There is a miner's tunnel in the east wall. Take it.
3. Just follow the winding path east until you are put in a room with
HP and poison traps. The map is in the southeastern corner.

Doors : Two doors - the western one leads to the main area and the eastern
door leads to Area 5.

Rumors : 1. Demeter's Ultra Frelia spell (four rumors)
2. Any previous rumor-spell rumors
3. Shoggoth can break rock blocking Area 5

Notes : Not much to do in here. There is another letter and you can meet the
demon Biyarky in here. You can cause a persona-talk by equipping the
level 62 Hastur persona. Doing this will give you the Golden Honey,
and item that elimantes all random battles. (Also, to make a Biyarky
joyful, use Ulala + Baofu.)

===Bomb Shelter Area 5==========

Opens : After the Undersea Ruins

Demons : Level 37 Stupairdeth (Temperance)
Level 38 Heinir (Star)
Level 39 Rakshasa (Chariot)
Level 39 Leviathan (World)
Level 40 Orthos (Fortune)
Level 41 Waitry (Magician)
Level 41 Barbatos (Hanged Man)
Level 42 Catoblepas (Hermit)
Level 42 Aeshma (Tower)
Level 43 Takshaka (Strength)
Level 51 Izanami (Priestess)

Items : Event/Shelter Area 5 Map

Map : <From the door to Area 4>
1. Head north until you come to a room with dozens of boulders. Curve
around them north.
2. You will find a path leading east. Take it until it turns you
3. Take the eastern path and go south past the HP and poison panels to
find the map against a boulder all the way south.

Doors : Three doors - the western one leads to the main area, the southern one
leads to Area 4, and the northern one leads to Area 6.

Rumors : 1. Barbatos' Great Magnus spell (Four rumors)
2. Stuparideth's Dangerous Garula spell (Four rumors)
3. Any previous rumor-spell rumors

Notes : You can meet the persona-demon Izanami here.

---Rare Demon-------------------

Level 51 Izanami (Priestess) - "Come here!"
Comment : Japan's legendary god of life. Gave birth to Japan and it's gods.
HP : 1,500; Void : Water/Holy/Dark
Spells : Marin Karin, Diamond Dust, Deadly Needle

Suggested Party : Level 46
Maya - Genbu
Ulala - Parvati
Katsuya - Il-Dana
Baofu - Peri
Ellen/Nate - Yebisu

This is a pretty simple fight (easier than Shaka...). She doesn't have a
weakness, so elements don't really matter. However, her elemental affinity is
water, so using a fire fusion may help a bit. Use Meltdown with Peri - Genbu -
Il-Dana. It may take a few casts, but she will eventually fall. She won't do
too much damage, but if she does, just switch Yebisu around and use Pine Bamboo
Plum to heal. She can cause the charmed, frozen, and poison status to you with
her spells - just use the appropriate item or Peri's useful Refresh Ring spell.

EXP : 887
Yen : 3,500
Item : Material/Path to Hades

When you defeat Izanami, she will drop her Material card, so you may summon her
in the Velvet Room. She is an excellent persona, but her main advantage is
Affectionate Prayer with which you can cast the infinitely useful Maha "----"
Kaja fusion spells.

===Bomb Shelter Area 6==========

Opens : Upon entering the Subway Dungeon

Demons : Level 44 Ankou (Death)
Level 44 Virtue (Judgment)
Level 45 Vucab-Kakish (Temperance)
Level 46 Lucifugus (Devil)
Level 46 Hunab Ku (World)
Level 47 Succubus (Moon)
Level 48 Pucel (Hanged Man)
Level 49 Crowley (Magician)
Level 49 Yaksha (Star)
Level 50 Ares (Chariot)
Level 50 Seker (Tower)
Level 63 Kudan (Rumor)
Level 65 Odin (Emperor)

Items : Event/Shelter Area 6 Map

Map : <From the door to the main area>
1. Go east around the HP traps until you find the first tunnel going
north. Take it to the end.
2. Go straight east a long ways until you reach the end of the tunnel.
3. It lets out in a room with HP traps and the box with the map is on
the southern wall.

Doors : Two doors - the western one leads to the main area, and the western
leads to Area 5.

Rumors : 1. Legendary Weapons (any that are currently equipped)
2. Any previous rumor-spell rumors

Notes : There is a Sachiko's Letter here that has a piece to the puzzle.
You can meet two rare demons here - Kudan and Odin. You should fight
Kudan before you attempt the Subway dungeon and you should fight
Odin after Torifune.

---Rare Demon-------------------

Level 63 Kudan (Rumor) - "More... more... tell MORE rumors! Give me more life!"
Comment : Monster that terrorized Japan. Said to die after predicting evil.
HP : 1,500; Strong : Magic; Weak : Physical
Spells : Diarama, High Pressure, Circular Reasoning, Prophecy

Suggested Party : Level 47
Maya - Izanami
Ulala - Cerberus
Katsuya - Nata
Baofu - Seiryu
Tatsuya - Bishamoten

Just cast Maha Taru Kaja and use your best physical attacks on him. (Attack,
Tackle, Brain Shake, Bite, and Heat Wave for Maya, Ulala, Katsuya, Baofu, and
Tatsuya, respectively). One to two hits (one if Katsuya goes) and he is dead.

Kudan is fairly wussy. HOWEVER, he does have one attack that you NEED to watch
out for - Prophecy. It will reset all persona equipped on your characters to
as if you had just summoned them (rank 1, lose stat and unknown ability
mutations). He will also die after using the spell. BE SURE to save before
coming in here to fight him.

EXP : 3,936
Yen : 13,200
Item : Event/Kudan's Head

Bring the Head you will win to the roof of Kasu High. Talk to Yasuo and he will
trade the head for a Mutation, a Synchronize, and an Adjustment Gear (one of

---Rare Demon-------------------

Level 65 Odin (Emperor) - "Deeeeeeeeeiii!"
Comment : Father of the Norse Gods. Swallowed by Fenrir at Ragnarock.
HP : 2,000; Void : Magic; Weak : Physical
Spells : Mudoon, Baptism by Thunder, Death Bound

Suggested Party : Level 53
Maya - Izanami
Ulala - Cerberus
Katsuya - Nata
Baofu - Seiryu
Tatsuya - Bishamoten

Just cast Maha Taru Kaja and use the best physical attacks for each character
(described in the Kudan battle). He's a bit tougher than Kudan, but he should
go down quickly enough. He will drop his material card so you can summon him in
the Velvet.

EXP : 1,408
Yen : 4,550
Item : Material/Runic Monument

===Bomb Shelter Area 7==========

Opens : After completing Sumaru Castle (boss included)

Demons : Level 51 Cerberus (Fortune)
Level 52 Dominion (Judgment)
Level 53 Fafnir (Strength)
Level 54 Phoenix (Temperance)
Level 54 Mucalinda (World)
Level 55 Mannan (Magician)
Level 56 Kinich Ahau (Hermit)
Level 56 Jahi (Moon)
Level 57 Adramelech (Hanged Man)
Level 57 Throne (Judgment)
Level 58 Girimekara (Chariot)
Level 59 Tzitzimitl (Devil)
Level 59 Tezcatlipoca (Tower)
Level 60 Kishin (Death)
Level 62 Uroboros (World)
Level 66 Ah Puch (Death)
Level 73 Virocana (Sun)

Items : Event/Shelter Area 7 Map

Map : <From the door to the main area>
1. Go all the way north to the end of the path. Find the miner's
tunnel in the eastern wall and enter it.
2. In the next path, go all the way south to the end. Find the next
miner's tunnel in the eastern wall. Enter it.
3. In the next path, there are two miner's tunnels in the eastern
wall - take the northern one.
4. In the next area, go all the way north and find the tunnel in the
eastern wall. Enter it.
5. In the next section, go south until you see a miner's tunnel in the
WESTERN wall. Don't take this one, but keep going south and you
will find another tunnel in the western wall. Take this one to a
small room with the map.

Doors : Two doors - the southern leads to the main area and the northern
leads to Area 8.

Rumors : 1. Legendary Weapons (any that are currently equipped)
2. Any previous rumor-spell rumors

Notes : This place is pretty big and it is a pain and a half to navigate.
There are two letters with information about the puzzle, so be sure to
read them. Also you can meet the rare persona-demon Virocana here.

---Rare Demon-------------------

Level 73 Virocana (Sun) - "Go train some more!"
Comment : God of heavens who is said to be the core.
HP : 2,800; Void : Fire/Holy/Dark
Spells : Deadly Burn, Divine Judgment, Magic Seal, Rain of Arrows

Suggested Party : Level
Maya - Isis
Ulala - Suzaku
Katsuya - Hyperion
Baofu - Prometheus (w/Mediarahan)
Tatsuya - Odin

Just keep casting Nuclear Crush, Wiseman Snap, and Wall of Flame. He will go
down in about 3 rounds. Not difficult at all.

EXP : 1,776
Yen : 5,110
Item : Material/1000 Lotus Petals

Virocana is one of the few great personae. Summon him for Tatsuya as soon as
you have the requisite levels.

===Bomb Shelter Area 8==========

Opens : Upon completing Monado Mandala (second boss fight included)

Demons : Level 60 Valkyrie (Star)
Level 61 Saji (Magician)
Level 62 Kau (Temperance)
Level 63 Vasuki (Strength)
Level 64 Shub-Niggurath (Tower)
Level 64 Cherub (Judgment)
Level 65 Berserk (Chariot)
Level 68 Apaosha (Hermit)
Level 70 Fenrir (Fortune)
Level 74 Talos (Chariot)
Level 80 Alice (Lovers)
Level 81 Dark Alice (Lovers)

Items : Event/Shelter Area 8 Map
Item/Tenshou Coin

Map : <From the door to the main area>
1. Go north, swerving around four square blocks of wall.
2. When you can, go east until you reach a path going north - take it.
3. When you reach a tunnel going west, take it and follow it's zigzag
path west/northwest.
4. In a slightly long path, go west, then follow it south and around
north (past a poison panel).
5. After going north a short ways, there is a path going west - follow
it around two square blocks of wall. There is another tunnel going
west that is slightly more northerly than the last - take it.
6. Make your way north around two square blocks of wall to a small
leg sticking out north with the map.

Doors : Two doors - the southern leads to the main area and the western
leads to Area 7.

Rumors : 1. Legendary Weapons (any that are currently equipped)
2. Any previous rumor-spell rumors

Notes : This area is even bigger than Area 7, but it is MUCH easier to walk
around in. The final letter with information about the puzzle is in
here. And, you can now use the letters to figure out the puzzle to
opening the door to Sachiko's Room. Also, on a side note, there is a
letter in here that is blank when you first read it, but after you
open Sachiko's Room, Sachiko will have a little message for you,
giving his permission for you take his treasure. Finally, you can meet
up with the rare demons Alice and Dark Alice in here. Unlike the
rare demons so far, you can meet these two as many times as you want
...provided you can find them, that is...

---Rare Demon-------------------

Level 80 Alice (Lovers)
Comment : Mysterious girl.
HP : 2,500; Strong : All
Spells : Megidolaonn, Omega Cluster, Another Dimension
Contact : Joy - Katsuya + Maya + Ulala; Interest - Ulala + Baofu

In Area 8, you can meet the Alice demon (a staple of the Megami Tensei games,
or so I'm told). She is a pretty tough fight, possessing a strong attack and
two instant kill spells. Just use your best attacks for which ever persona
you have at the time (you should be familiar enough with the game to devise
your own strategy based upon the persona you are using at the time).

But, you can do more with Alice than just fight her. She is also a persona. But
getting her material card requires a few extra steps. First, you must have
the Carma Ring, either from summoning and returning a rank 8 Junnosuke Kuroda
persona (which requires that you have completed the necessary steps for
obtaining the Ancestral Personae) or from an Innocent Sin data transfer (if
you are playing the Japanese version, that is). Once you have it, equip it on
Katsuya (since he leads the contact used) and meet Alice in battle. Now, use
the contact method listed above to elicit joy and get a contract (this means
that you will have to be at level 80, as is needed for getting a contract with
her). Now, meet Alice again (don't remove the Carma Ring!) and use the same
contact again. If you make her joyful once, she will say the Carma Ring you are
wearing is similar to her Karma Ring. She will be a happy little girl and give
you her card : Material/Champion. Now, scurry over to the Velvet and check out
this incredible persona. She's easily one of the best in the game.

Alice also drops (or you can obtain it via contract) the Spell/Annihilation
Card. Lastly, she gives a HUGE amount of EXP. But, that is more of a bonus than
something to actively strive for. The large amount it nice, but she is too rare
to make her a plausible way to quickly level up.

EXP : 30,000
Yen : 5,600
Item : Spell/Annihilation Card

---Rare Demon-------------------

Level 81 Dark Alice (Lovers) - "Nyaaaah!"
Comment : Mysterious punker girl.
HP : 3,000; Void : Almighty/Holy/Dark/Mind/Nerve
Spells : Nuclear Missile, Chaos Element, Another Dimension

Even rarer than Alice is Dark Alice. There isn't much you can do with her
except fight her. She's pretty damn tough, having the three best attack
spells in the game. Depending upon which personae you are using, you just need
to hit her with your best fusions and attacks. Just be aware of all of the
things she voids (Hieros Glupaine and Chaos Element would take her down in no
time if she didn't void them...).

The only thing Dark Alice is good for (that I know of) is that she is quite
a challenging little fight and that she drops the rare Item Breeder. Like
Alice, she doesn't drop it 100% of the time like the persona-demons, but if
you have high enough LUC and a Police Glove or two, she should drop them fairly
often (if you can meet her, that is...).

Yen :
Item : Item/Item Breeder

===Puzzle to Sachiko's Room=====

Sachiko's Room is locked by a door which requires a passcode. How do you get
the pass code? First, you must find the following boards and letters:

---Bulletin Boards--------------

<Main Area, North Wall>
Note 1 : Food will be distributed at the times below. To avoid
confusion, please send only one person from each family.
Mon. : 4:00 Tue: 1:00
Wed. : 1:00 Thu: 7:00
Fri. : 3:00 Sat: 7:00
<Main Area, East Wall>
Note 2 : We have created a chart for the cleaning of the bomb shelter.
Please divide into the decided group, and clean the area
Mon. : Group 2 Tue: Group 6
Wed. : Group 4 Thu: Group 1
Fri. : Group 3 Sat: Group 5
<Main Area, West Wall>
Note 3 : From this week, we will have each group help lead people
to this bomb shelter. Please follow the chart below.
Mon. : Group 6 Tue: Group 4
Wed. : Group 3 Thu: Group 2
Fri. : Group 5 Sat: Group 1
<Main Area, South Wall>
Note 4 : A doctor will be here for check ups. The time differs
everyday, so please be careful.
Mon. : 9:00 Tue: 10:00
Wed. : 12:00 Thu: 3:00
Fri. : 9:00 Sat: 8:00

---Sachiko's Letters------------

<Area 5>
August 20th.
Mommy is teaching me about Norse gods and astronomy. Today I learned two
things: the Crux, and Thor. Mommy told me that with these things and the post
at the entrance, you can get the lock's number.

<Area 6>
August 25th.
Mommy taught me some new things. Where the sun rises (Daddy should know) and
the goddess of love and beauty, Freya. If you combine these with the posts at
the entrance, it also makes the locks number. Daddy, myths are fun.

<Area 7>
August 30th.
I learned more stuff from Mommy. Where the sun sets, and Tyr. Tyr is called
Mars in Roman myths.

<Area 7>
September 2nd.
I learned a new god and more astronomy. The Aurora Borealis and Odin. Odin was
swallowed by Fenrir, you know.

So, how do you turn these notes into a passcode? First, much of the info in the
letters are either irrelevant or red herrings. The only relevant information
in the letters are the dates, astronomy terms, and mythological figures (Norse
mythology, to be specific). As you may or may not notice, each of the terms
that are considered astronomy could actually represent a direction. Obviously,
the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The Crux is also known as the
Southern Cross, due to the fact that it is shaped like a cross and appears in
the southern hemisphere over the Americas. As you should know, the Aurora
Borealis is also known as the Northern Lights. And as for the mythology, the
names of certain Norse gods were used for the days of the week, such as
Thor's Day or Woden's day.

Aug. 20 - Crux -> South - Thor -> Thursday
Aug. 25 - Sunrise -> East - Freya -> Friday
Aug. 30 - Sunset -> West - Tyr -> Tuesday
Sep. 02 - Aurora Borealis -> North - Odin (Woden) -> Wednesday

Thus, you use the direction to decide which board to use (south for the one on
the south wall, east for east, etc.) then pick the entry on the board that for
the day paired with the direction. Then, take the single digit number from the
entry as one digit of the passcode. If you keep the letters in chronological
order, you will arrive at the passcode.

| Date | Wall | Day ---> | Entry ---> | Number |
| Aug. 20 | South | Thursday | Thu: 3:00 | 3 |
| Aug. 25 | East | Friday | Fri: Group 3 | 3 |
| Aug. 30 | West | Tuesday | Tue: Group 4 | 4 |
| Sep. 02 | North | Wednesday | Wed: 1:00 | 1 |

Thus, the passcode is 3341. Inside of Sachiko's Room, you will find one of the
few Legenbrights in the game.


B. S e e d y C D (First Visit)

After Smile Mall, Ixquic, the transmigrated warrior maiden, will appear in the
Seedy CD. If you talk to her, you can obtain the rumor that the 100km/h Hag
appears in the Seedy CD. Go to Kuzunoha and spread the rumor. When you return
to the CD store, the security guard who was previously blocking the staircase
is gone and you may proceed up to 2F. Proceed forward a few steps and you will
be confronted by a Jack Frost who says that the demons of this dungeon spread
a demon-rumor that your party cannot use personae in the dungeon, HO! (Sorry,
couldn't resist, HO!)

So what does this mean? You cannot use your personae in or out of battle for
attacking, healing, or assisting. Which means you will have to rely on your
weapons, armor, and items in here. Not that it should be a big deal - the
enemies in here are several levels below where you should be at and should not
pose a challenge. Just get the best armor and weapons available. For weapons,
the custom weapons at Padparcha should do quite nicely. The Penta Spirit and
Pipe Fox are particularly useful for causing the electrified and illusion
statuses respectively. For healing, just buy (or obtain via contract) a few
Gala-Gala Drinks, not that you should need them. Your basic strategy for the
dungeon is simply to attack. You may also use beads, but chances are you don't
have very many. You can also use the contact system to avoid fights, but the
demons really aren't very hard.

You can leave anytime you wish (and yes, your will be able to use your persona
when you leave the dungeon area).

Suggested Level : 35

Seedy CD (First Visit), Yumezaki Ward
2 Floors (2F, 3F)
Items : Item/Medical Powder (2F)
Item/Gala-Gala Drink (3F)
Demons : Level 16 Wraith (Devil)
Level 19 Fearal (Temperance)
Level 19 Zombie DJ (Zombie)
Level 22 Faust (Magician)
Level 15 Minotaur (Chariot)
Level 17 Kiyohime (Strength)

There truly isn't much to do here. The map is winding and a hassle to navigate,
but you should find your way without problems. There are a few items to grab,
but the main purpose of this dungeon is reach the third floor where you can
meet the rumor demon 100km/h Hag. It will probably take a while to meet her,
but you can speed it up by using a form of the Estoma Trick. Clean Salts work
just like Estoma and you can find them easily in Kasugayama High.

===Rare Battle==================

Level 37 100km/h Hag - "I'm the fastest runner around!"
Comment : Rumored old woman running 100km/h. Who is she?
HP : 296; Void : Holy/Dark/Mind/Nerve
Spells : Fata Morgana, Retreat, Lightning Strike

She almost always goes first. She almost always uses retreat. You may expect
her to run away a few times before you get a chance to fight. It's a pain, but
when she finally uses an attack other than retreat, you need to hit her with
all you have. Your main attackers should be Katsuya and Baofu (possibly Nate if
you choose his route), so be sure to have them equipped with accessories that
give STR bonuses. Using food from the city can help a lot too, but chances are
that it will wear off before you even meet her. If you can manage it, the Combo
Plate at Shiraishi works wonders (+15 to STR).

Regardless, just keep attacking her and hope she won't run away. The Gun/Penta
Spirit is very useful if you can get the ELEC status on her, effectively
stopping her from attempting retreat. If you have any beads, you may want to
use them. She doesn't have much HP, so she should fall relatively quickly.

EXP : 1,370
Yen : 7,500
Item : Event/High-Speed Title

Bring the High-Speed Title to Ixquic on the first floor and she will give you
her Incense Set. It consists of one of each kind of stat incense: STR, VIT,
TEC, AGI, LUC, HP, SP, and ALL. Once you give her the Title and leave the
store, the guard will one again appear at the staircase and prevent you from
going up until next time...


C. S e e d y C D (Second Visit)

After you get back from the watery depths of despair known as the Undersea
Ruins, you can obtain the next rumor about the Seedy CD from Ixquic. This time,
there is a 200km/h Fogey running around. Spread it and head up. (Though you can
access the second trip to the Seedy CD after the Undersea Ruins, I suggest you
wait until after Mt. Iwato.)

Suggested Level : 46

Seedy CD (Second Visit), Yumezaki Ward
4 Floors (2F, 3F, 4F, 5F)
Items : Item/Bead of Impact (1F)
Item/Medicine (Chest battle; 4F)
Item/Gala-Gala Drink
Item/Yamatano Drink (Chest battle; 5F)
Item/Bead of Pressure (5F)
Demons : <4F>
Level 33 Lilim (Moon)
Level 34 Darioku Tenmaou (Devil)
Level 35 Shoggoth (Tower)
Level 39 Rakshasa (Chariot)
Level 39 Leviathan (World)
Level 43 Takshaka (Strength)

Once again, there isn't much to do here. There are a few chests to grab, but
nothing spectacular. Also, be sure to use the elevator (accessible on 4F) to
travel the floors to get chests in areas that are blocked of from the main
area. When you have all of the items, head up to 5F and try to meet the rare
demon, the 200km/h Fogey.

Also, the demons in here are relatively tougher than the last time. Some are
strong against or void physical attacks. You just need to tough it out or use
the contact system.

===Rare Battle==================

Level 50 200km/h Fogey - "I'm the fastest runner in the world!"
Comment : Rumored old man running 200km/h. Who is he?
HP : 400; Void : Holy/Dark/Mind/Nerve
Spells : Magdyne, Curse, Lightning Strike

Just attack him. This battle is ridiculously easy. On top of that, he won't run
away like the Hag.

EXP : 2,500
Yen : 7,000
Item : Event/Top-Speed Title

Bring the Top-Speed Title to Ixquic and she will give you a VERY precious
item - a Legenbright. And that's all folks; you're done at the Seedy CD. Once
you turn in the Legenbright and leave, you will not be able to go back upstairs
again. HOWEVER!, Ixquic isn't leaving! Whoo-hoo! ...ahem... Sooo, if you get
bored or something, you can always visit the transmigrated warrior maiden!


D. M u C o n t i n e n t (First Visit)

After the Factory dungeon, the security guard in Mu Continent will give you a
rumor that Mussie appears in the Casino. If you spread the rumor at Kuzunoha,
it will unlock the casino as an optional dungeon event. Talk to the, uhh,
enthusiastic worker in front of the door to get a basic rundown of how it
works. Basically, you have ten minutes to find the boss, kill it, and make it
out again. You can leave at anytime before the ten minutes is up (before you
defeat the boss) and re-enter with the timer reset to 10:00. You should take
advantage of that and at least one trip in there just to map it and explore.
Just be sure not to run out of time - you will LOSE the prizes due to you. (The
prizes are explained at the end.)

Suggested Level : 40
Persona : Maya - Genbu
Ulala - Sif
Katsuya - Nata
Baofu - Peri
Nate/Ellen - Yebisu

Mu Continent (First Visit), Yumezaki Ward
4 Floors (1F, 2F, 3F, 4F)
Timed Event : 10 minutes
Items : Item/Medicine (2F)
Item/Medicine (2F)
Item/Medicine (3F)
Item/Medicine (4F)
Item/ALL Incense (4F)
Demons : Level 24 Kabanda (Hanged Man)
Level 26 Jack O Lantern (Lovers)
Level 29 Principality (Judgment)
Level 30 Hun Hau (Death)
Level 30 Picollus (Star)
Level 36 Satyrus (Lovers)
Level 37 Stuparideth (Temperance)
Level 40 Orthos (Fortune)
Level 41 Waitry (Magician)
Level 42 Catoblepas (Hermit)
Level 47 Succubus (Moon)

The dungeon can be a bit confusing with it's dozens of staircases, but you have
the opportunity to map and become familiar with the dungeon. 4 of 5 of the
items are probably not even worth finding, but the ALL Incense on 4F is quite
nice. To get it, go up to the third floor, near Trish's Fountain. There are two
stairwells west of the fountain, one you just came up and another west of it.
Take the west-most one up. On 4F, run north to find the chest near the wall.

The demons in here are several levels above you, but you should be able to
handle them. Just keep an eye on your HP. If you don't even want to bother with
demons (for saving time, preventing tough battles, or just plain annoyance),
just use Estoma and the contact system. Estoma won't work for all demons, so
get some cards if you want. One notable demon is Succubus whose rare item is a
Lightning card. It would be very much to your advantage to obtain this, if you
can, and put it on Parvati for the next two story dungeons.

When you find the Trish's Fountain on 3F, you will find it to be empty. So, you
need to run east down the hall, then turn south with it. Trish will be standing
in front of a stairwell all the way south. If you talk to her, she will say
that some demon has taken over her fountain. So, despite the fact she swindles
you every time you go to her fountain, you need to go kill the monster
(grrrr...). The boss only appears in fountain after you have spoken with Trish.
If you are done in the dungeon, run in there to start the boss fight.


Level 41 Mussie - "Ghaaa!"
Comment : Mystery monster. Is it a survivor of an extinct species?...
HP : 328; Void : Mind/Nerve; Weak : Lightning
Spells : Blizzard Breath, Photon Cannon, Petrifying Glare

Cast Maka Kaja on whoever will go last and then use Lightning Blast. He should
fall in one hit. Maka Kaja may not even be needed, but cast it nonetheless.

Also, you cannot obtain Analyze Data for Mussie at this point, since it is
considered a boss and you cannot contact him.

EXP : 1,680
Yen : 8,000
Item : Event/Mussie's Fang

Once you have defeated Mussie, rush to the exit. When you leave, the casino
worker will...get very excited...and will give you your first reward. She will
tell you that you need to push the X button as fast as you can to rack up yen
in ten seconds. You should be able to get ~30,000 yen. After that, the dungeon
will be locked until next time...

Bring Mussie's Fang to the security guard you got the rumor from for your
second reward - an Agility Source.


E. M u C o n t i n e n t (Second Visit)

Upon completing the Mt. Iwato dungeon, a girl named Fuyuko will appear in Mu
Continent and give you a rumor that the Haunted Taxi appears in the casino.
Spreading the rumor will allow you to enter the dungeon for a second and final
time. Everything works exactly the same as last time - you have 10 minutes, you
can leave whenever you wish, and the goal is to fight the boss and get out
before you run out of time.

Level 46
Persona : Maya - Izanami
Ulala - Cerberus
Katsuya - Il-Dana
Baofu - Seiryu
Tatsuya - Bishamonten

Mu Continent (Second Visit), Yumezaki Ward
4 Floors (1F, 2F, 3F, 4F)
Timed Event : 10 minutes
Items : None (other than the ones listed last time)
Demons : Level 24 Kabanda (Hanged Man)
Level 26 Jack O Lantern (Lovers)
Level 29 Principality (Judgment)
Level 30 Hun Hau (Death)
Level 30 Picollus (Star)
Level 36 Satyrus (Lovers)
Level 37 Stuparideth (Temperance)
Level 40 Orthos (Fortune)
Level 41 Waitry (Magician)
Level 42 Catoblepas (Hermit)
Level 47 Succubus (Moon)

Unlike the second visit to the Seedy CD, hardly anything is changed. All you
need to do is run to the stairs on 3F that were previously blocked by Trish,
then follow the path on 4F to find the door to the boss fight. However, the
door is locked by a code. The girl at the desk on 1F says that the security
guard should have the code. Thus, if you will notice on your Automap on 4F (in
an area you should have already visited), there is a blue arrow indicating a
person. So, make your way to him and chat with him. He isn't the guard who set
the code, but he gives you a clue as to what it is. He says "before too" twice
in his little speech. You should easily see "be-"4 2 in that giving you half of
the code. However, the "be" is a bit more obscure. Try writing an uppercase
"B". Now, write a 1 and a 3 really close together - "13". Look like a B? Not
really, but it is how you are supposed to figure it out if you don't speak
1337 (if you don't know, don't ask...trust me). Anyway, once you have the
number, you can just open the door, fight the boss and rush out.

The demons in here are the same as last time, but you should now be on par with
their levels, making this visit much easier. Still, you may want to use Estoma,
just to conserve time (not that there all that much to do here...).


Level 53 Haunted Taxi - "This is the 'Wild Ride'. I will try my best, starting
with the little things."
Comment : Rumored Ghost taxi. Is there meaning to the Kansai accent...?
HP : 416; Void : Holy/Dark/Mind/Nerve; Weak : Lightning
Spells : Tackle, Radical Powerslide

Unlike last time, the persona I suggest do not have lightning spells to take
advantage of the weakness. However, it shouldn't even be needed. If you setup
the persona as I suggested, just use the fusion Ice Blast, and have the Suou
brothers each use Maha Agidyne. He should be down in no time.

Also, you cannot obtain Analyze Data for the Taxi at this point, since it is
considered a boss and you cannot contact him.

EXP : 2,704
Yen : 12,000
Item : Event/Taxi Driver's Hat

Once you have the event item, run down to the exit to claim your rewards. Like
last time, you have to mash the X button to get as much yen as you can. You
should be able to get ~45,000 yen this time. Once that is done (and the dungeon
is locked up for good), go over to Fuyuko and give her the event item for an
Akashic Ring.


VI. A p p e n d i c e s


A. S t o r e L i s t s

=== Index ===

- Satomi Tadashi
- Time Castle
- Mu Continent Casino
- Trish's Fountain
- Rengedai Ward (Lotus Plaza)
-Gatten Sushi
- Hirasaka Ward (Kameya Alley)
-Izakaya Shiraishi
-Toa Armory
- Yumezaki Ward (Central Ave.)
-Tony's Shop
-Peace Diner
- Aoba Ward (Aoba Dr.)
-2X Slash
-Rosa Candida
- Konan Ward (Seaside Mall)
-Jolly Roger
- Narumi Ward (Hotel)
-Clair De Lune

A couple of notes on the Time Castle:
-If card requires registration, the easiest place to get it will be listed; if
a dungeon treasure, the dungeon and floor is listed; if Map Making, it will
appear MAP/Dungeon; if Rank 8 Return, it will appear PERSONA/Name; if item, it
will appear NORMAL/Demon or RARE/Demon; if casino prizes, it will appear as
-Card spell name only listed if different than card name>

===Satomi Tadashi===============

Item Price (in Yen)

Item/Medicine 100
Item/Gala-Gala Drink 500
Item/Gem 2,000
Item/Snuff Soul 400
Item/Chewing Soul 1,500
Item/Ball of Returning 1,600
Item/Incense of Life 8,800
Item/Antidote 200
Item/Sedative 200
Item/Awaken G 350
Item/Lucky Bag 300
Item/Battle Master 500
Item/Miracle Magazine 500
Item/Fantasy World 500

===Time Castle==================

Card Name Price (in Yen) Found Spell

<Cards available without registration>
Spell/Agi Card 12,500
Spell/Maha Agi Card 25,000
Spell/Aqua Card 12,500
Spell/Maha Aqua Card 25,000
Spell/Garu Card 12,500
Spell/Maha Garu Card 25,000
Spell/Magna Card 12,500
Spell/Maha Magna Card 25,000
Spell/Bufu Card 18,750
Spell/Zio Card 18,750
Spell/Zan Card 17,770
Spell/Dia Card 12,500
Spell/Dormina Card 10,000
Spell/Poisma Card 10,000
Spell/Iluzone Card 15,000

<Cards that require registration>
Spell/Agilao Card 50,000 RARE/Gandharva
Spell/Agidyne Card 200,000 MAP/Nichirinmaru
Spell/Maha Agionn Card 112,500 MAP/Iwato
Spell/Flame Card 312,500 Undersea Ruins Maha Agidyne
Spell/Aques Card 50,000 NORMAL/Eryins
Spell/Aquadyne Card 200,000 MAP/Nichirinmaru
Spell/Maha Aques Card 112,500 MAP/Iwato
Spell/Torrent Card 312,500 Undersea Ruins Maha Aquadyne
Spell/Garula Card 50,000 PERSONA/Taranis
Spell/Garudyne Card 200,000 MAP/Nichirinmaru
Spell/Maha Garula Card 112,500 MAP/Iwato
Spell/Hurricane Card 312,500 Undersea Ruins Maha Garudyne
Spell/Magnus Card 50,000 RARE/Hel
Spell/Magdyne Card 200,000 MAP/Nichirinmaru
Spell/Maha Magnus Card 112,500 MAP/Iwato
Spell/Earthquake Card 312,500 Undersea Ruins Maha Magdyne
Spell/Bufula Card 100,000 PERSONA/Jack Frost
Spell/Ice Card 300,000 Undersea Ruins Bufudyne
Spell/Zionga Card 100,000 MAP/Factory
Spell/Lightning Card 300,000 Undersea Ruins Ziodyne
Spell/Frei Card 32,500 Club Zodiac
Spell/Frelia Card 153,000 MAP/Iwato
Spell/Torment Card 378,000 Undersea Ruins Freidyne
Spell/Zanma Card 78,000 NORMAL/Barbatos
Spell/Shockwave Card 253,000 NORMAL/Jahi Zandyne
Spell/Gry Card 26,000 RARE/Ixtab
Spell/Gryva Card 100,000 MAP/Iwato
Spell/Pressure Card 320,000 MAP/Monado Grydyne
Spell/Megido Card 180,000 NORMAL/Ah Puch
Spell/Megidola Card 453,000 PERSONA/Armati
Spell/Annihilation Card 999,990 RARE/Ah Puch Megidolaonn
Spell/Diarama Card 50,000 MAP/Nichirinmaru
Spell/Recovery Card 200,000 MAP/Monado Diarahan
Spell/Media Card 45,000 Club Zodiac
Spell/Mediarama Card 150,000 Undersea Ruins
Spell/Blessing Card 612,500 PERSONA/Urd Mediarahan
Spell/Posumudi Card 13,000 MAP/Smile Mall
Spell/Kotoludi Card 13,000 MAP/Smile Mall
Spell/Patra Card 14,500 MAP/Smile Mall
Spell/Me Patra Card 30,000 MAP/Smile Mall
Spell/Recarm Card 70,000 Casino
Spell/Divine Light Card 300,000 RARE/Phoniex Sama Recarm
Spell/Sacrifice Card 450,000 Monado Recarm Dora
Spell/Marin Karin Card 20,000 PERSONA/Succubus
Spell/Pulinpa Card 15,000 NORMAL/Lich
Spell/Mafui Card 30,000 PERSONA/Genjo
Spell/Bersac Card 25,000 NORMAL/Cockatrice
Spell/Taru Kaja Card 70,000 MAP/Factory
Spell/Raku Kaja Card 70,000 MAP/Factory
Spell/Maka Kaja Card 70,000 MAP/Factory
Spell/Sama Kaja Card 70,000 MAP/Factory
Spell/Suku Kaja Card 70,000 Club Zodiac
Spell/De Kaja Card 70,000 MAP/Factory
Spell/Tetraja Card 70,000 MAP/Factory
Spell/Anti-Force Card 95,000 RARE/Lucifugus Tetrakarn
Spell/Anti-Magic Card 95,000 NORMAL/Mucalinda Makarakarn
Spell/Estoma Card 112,500 Subway Tunnel
Spell/Escape Card 500,000 PERSONA/Kimnara Trafuri
Incense/STR Card 30,000 MAP/Factory
Incense/VIT Card 30,000 MAP/Factory
Incense/TEC Card 30,000 MAP/Factory
Incense/AGI Card 30,000 MAP/Factory
Incense/LUC Card 30,000 MAP/Factory
Incense/ALL Card 125,000 MAP/Factory

===Mu Continent=================

Item Price (in Coins)

<After spreading rumor about casino to Mt. Iwato>
Accessory/Miracle Object 12,000
Material/Styx 10,000
Accessory/Solving Orb 6,000
Item/Mithril Silver 6,000
Spell/Recarm Card 3,500
Incense/STR Card 2,500
Incense/VIT Card 2,500
Incense/TEC Card 2,500
Incense/AGI Card 2,500
Incense/LUC Card 2,500
Item/Muscle Drink 500
Item/Disguise Goods 300
Item/Chewing Soul 300
Item/Medical Powder 300

<After Mt. Iwato to the end>
Material/Morning Star 50,000 (Route A only)
Material/Accuser's Diary 50,000 (Route B only)
Material/Eye Patch 20,000
Material/Lotus Petal 18,000
Material/Necklace of Heads 15,000
Material/Chess Piece 15,000
Accessory/Miracle Object 12,000
Item/Hihi-Irokane 12,000
Material/Styx 10,000
Accessory/Solving Orb 6,000
Spell/Recarm Card 3,500
Incense/STR Card 2,500
Incense/VIT Card 2,500
Incense/TEC Card 2,500
Incense/AGI Card 2,500
Incense/LUC Card 2,500
Item/Gem Ring 1,500
Item/Precious Egg 800
Item/Yamatano Drink 700
Item/Muscle Drink 500
Item/Disguise Goods 300
Item/Chewing Soul 300
Item/Medical Powder 300

===Trish's Fountain=============

Food Price (in Yen) Temporary Effect

<After spreading rumor about "Trish's new service">
Italian Gelato 10,500 VIT + 7
Spaghetti Ice Cream 10,500 TEC + 3
Pepper Cream 10,500 AGI + 3
Squid Ink Sherbet 10,500 STR + 7
Ice Cream 10,500 TEC + 7
Super Vanilla 10,500 AGI + 7
Green Tea Ice Cream 10,500 STR + 3
Soft Serve 10,500 VIT + 3

<After spreading rumor about "Trish's change of heart"; price lower effect>
(All Ice Cream) 5,250

<After spreading rumor about "Trish's change of heart"; price raise effect>
(All Ice Cream) 21,000

---Rengedai Ward (Lotus Plaza)--

===Gatten Sushi=================

Food Price (in Yen) Temporary Effect

Tuna 300 TEC + 2
Squid 300 AGI + 6
Sweet Shrimp 400 VIT + 2
Eel 400 AGI + 1
Sea Urchin 500 TEC + 4
Salmon Roe 500 STR + 4
Fish Fin 400 TEC + 8
Fatty Tuna 400 VIT + 1


Aromatherapy Price (in Yen) Temporary Encounter Change

<After spreading rumor about "Kaori's new service">
Basil 1,300 Death lowered
Geranium 1,250 Strength raised
Coriander 1,400 Star raised
Rosewood 1,200 Temperance raised
Lemon Grass 1,250 Death raised
Clary Sage 1,100 Magician lowered
Rosemary 1,250 Devil raised
Cypress 1,400 Lovers raised
Sweet Orange 1,150 Chariot lowered
Lavender 1,440 Hanged Man lowered
Sandal Wood 1,150 Star lowered
Eucalyptus 1,300 Hanged Man raised
Carrot Seed 1,300 Tower raised
Peppermint 1,400 Hermit lowered
German Chamomile 1,100 Temperance lowered
Ylang Ylang 1,200 Magician raised
Juniper Berry 1,200 Chariot raised
Neroli 1,350 Hermit raised
Laurel 1,450 Moon lowered
Jasmine 1,350 Tower lowered
Clove 1,400 Devil lowered
Teatre 1,300 Strength lowered
Mallow 1,300 Lovers lowered
Cinnamon 1,300 Moon raised

<After spreading rumor about "Kaori was closed...";
positive effect>
Basil 1,300 Death lowered
Geranium 1,250 Strength raised
Coriander 1,400 Star raised
Rosewood 1,200 Temperance raised
Lemon Grass 1,250 Death raised
Rose 1,450 Fortune raised
Clary Sage 1,100 Magician lowered
Rosemary 1,250 Devil raised
Cypress 1,400 Lovers raised
Marjoram 1,250 Fortune lowered
Sweet Orange 1,150 Chariot lowered
Lavender 1,440 Hanged Man lowered
Sandal Wood 1,150 Star lowered
Pine 1,400 Judgment raised
Eucalyptus 1,300 Hanged Man raised
Carrot Seed 1,300 Tower raised
Peppermint 1,400 Hermit lowered
Bergamot 1,350 Judgment lowered
German Chamomile 1,100 Temperance lowered
Ylang Ylang 1,200 Magician raised
Juniper Berry 1,200 Chariot raised
Hyssop 1,250 World raised
Neroli 1,350 Hermit raised
Laurel 1,450 Moon lowered
Jasmine 1,350 Tower lowered
Elder Flower 1,300 World lowered
Clove 1,400 Devil lowered
Teatre 1,300 Strength lowered
Mallow 1,300 Lovers lowered
Cinnamon 1,300 Moon raised

---Hirasaka Ward (Kaymeya Alley)

===Izakaya Shiraishi============

Food Price (in Yen) Temporary Effect

Edamane 230 AGI + 5
Yakitori 400 VIT + 2
Sesame Chicken 500 TEC + 1
Oden 500 VIT + 5
Red Bean Dumpling 400 STR + 2
Banana Ramen 700 AGI + 7
Beer 500 STR + 3
Sake 500 VIT + 8

<After spreading rumor about "Shiraishi lady realized her dream";
add meal effect (added to end of list)>
Combo Plate 1,500 STR + 15

===Toa Armory===================

Item Price (in Yen)

<After spreading rumor about weapons to before Aoba Park (2nd Visit)>
Gun/Dark Side 37,500
Fist/Burning Knuckle 38,000
Finger Shot/Round Edge 39,300

<After Aoba Park (2nd Visit) to before Mt. Iwato>
Gun/Dark Side 37,500
Gun/Metal Snake 128,000
Fist/Burning Knuckle 38,000
Fist/Dash Knuckle 125,000
Finger Shot/Round Edge 39,300
Finger Shot/Cross Medal 120,000
Sword/Eighty Eight Lords 123,000
Rapier/Shamsheer 124,000
Accessory/Protector 4,500

<After Mt. Iwato the to end>
Gun/Metal Snake 128,000
Gun/Blue Panther 273,000
Fist/Dash Knuckle 125,000
Fist/Core Hand 270,000
Finger Shot/Cross Medal 120,000
Finger Shot/Spinning 263,000
Sword/Eighty Eight Lords 123,000
Sword/Kamudo no Tsurugi 268,000
Accessory/Protector 4,500


<After spreading rumor about armor to before Aoba Park (2nd Visit)>
Helmet/Full-Face 9,400
Armor/Drunkard Suit 18,750
Leggings/Quick Pumps 9,300

<After Aoba Park (2nd Visit) to before Mt. Iwato>
Helmet/Full-Face 9,400
Helmet/Gale Gear 34,000
Armor/Drunkard Suit 18,750
Armor/Yama Dress 65,000
Leggings/Quick Pumps 9,300
Leggings/Benkei's Greaves 35,000

<After Mt. Iwato the to end>
Helmet/Gale Gear 34,000
Helmet/Princess Crown 68,000
Armor/Yama Dress 65,000
Armor/Maximillian 136,000
Leggings/Benkei's Greaves 35,000
Leggings/Black Leg Guards 68,500

---Yumezaki Ward (Central Ave.)-

===Peace Diner==================

Food Price (in Yen) Temporary Effect

Peace Burger 230 VIT + 3
Chicken Sandwich 300 VIT + 4
Grilled Burger 300 VIT + 6
Double Peace Burger 350 TEC + 3
Big Peace Burger 380 AGI + 8
French Fries 270 AGI + 4
Peace Shake 150 STR + 5
Value Meal 700 STR + 1

===Tony's Shop==================

Item Price (in Yen)

<After Yumezaki is open to spreading rumor about Tony>
Accessory/Silver Earring 5,000

<After spreading rumor about "Tony sells accessories" to before Smile Mall>
Accessory/Magenta Choker 2,900
Accessory/Crimson Choker 9,600
Accessory/Saffron Earring 2,300
Accessory/Tangerine Earring 9,000
Accessory/Orchid Lariette 2,200
Accessory/Iris Lariette 9,800
Accessory/Sky Barrette 2,500
Accessory/Navy Blue Ornament 10,000
Accessory/Go Go Tasuki 2,250
Accessory/Panther Choker 9,800

<After Smile Mall to before Torifune>
Accessory/Crimson Choker 9,600
Accessory/Power Bracelet 38,400
Accessory/Tangerine Earring 9,000
Accessory/Stamina Ring 39,000
Accessory/Iris Lariette 9,800
Accessory/Skill Earring 37,000
Accessory/Navy Blue Ornament 10,000
Accessory/Speed Anklet 35,000
Accessory/Panther Choker 9,800
Accessory/Falcon Choker 36,500

<After Torifune to end>
Accessory/Power Bracelet 38,400
Accessory/Strength Bracelet 86,400
Accessory/Stamina Ring 39,000
Accessory/Amulet 84,000
Accessory/Skill Earring 37,000
Accessory/Technical Earring 85,000
Accessory/Speed Anklet 35,000
Accessory/High Speed Anklet 90,000
Accessory/Falcon Choker 36,500
Accessory/Dragon Choker 153,600


<After spreading rumor about "Tony sells items" to before Smile Mall>
Item/Bead of Fire 12,000
Item/Bead of Water 12,000
Item/Bead of Wind 12,000
Item/Bead of Earth 12,000
Item/Bead of Heat 2,000
Item/Bead of Impact 10,000
Item/Explosive Bead 10,000

<After Smile Mall to before Torifune>
Item/Bead of Fire 12,000
Item/Bead of Water 12,000
Item/Bead of Wind 12,000
Item/Bead of Earth 12,000
Item/Explosive Bead 10,000
Item/Bead of Shockwave 15,000
Item/Bead of Lightning 20,000
Item/Bead of Pressure 20,000
Item/Bead of Ice 20,000
Item/Bead of Heat 2,000
Item/Bead of Impact 10,000
Item/Bead of Power 3,000
Item/Bead of Protection 3,000
Item/Bead of Magic Power 3,000
Item/Bead of Magic Wall 3,000
Item/Bead of Speed 3,000
Item/Anti-Force Bead 8,000
Item/Anti-Magic Bead 8,000

<After Torifune to end>
Item/Bead of Fire 12,000
Item/Bead of Flame 20,000
Item/Bead of Water 12,000
Item/Bead of Torrent 20,000
Item/Bead of Wind 12,000
Item/Bead of Hurricane 20,000
Item/Bead of Earth 12,000
Item/Bead of Earthquake 20,000
Item/Bead of Heat 2,000
Item/Bead of Heat 2,000
Item/Bead of Impact 10,000
Item/Bead of Torment 23,000
Item/Explosive Bead 10,000
Item/Bead of Devastation 23,000
Item/Bead of Shockwave 15,000
Item/Bead of Lightning 20,000
Item/Bead of Pressure 20,000
Item/Bead of Ice 20,000
Item/Bead of Power 3,000
Item/Bead of Protection 3,000
Item/Bead of Magic Power 3,000
Item/Bead of Magic Wall 3,000
Item/Bead of Speed 3,000
Item/Anti-Force Bead 8,000
Item/Anti-Magic Bead 8,000

---Aoba Ward (Aoba Dr.)---------


Food Price (in Yen) Temporary Effect

Revolver 800 AGI + 2
Double Action 750 STR + 6
Magnum 660 TEC + 8
Bullet Core 820 STR + 2
Browning Powder 880 TEC + 4
Angel Trigger 700 AGI + 6
Tilt Barrel 500 VIT + 8
Derringer 900 VIT + 4

<After spreading random effect rumor about hiring a bouncer;
price raise/add drinks effect (Price of weapons x1.5)>
Revolver 1,200 AGI + 2
Double Action 1,125 STR + 6
Magnum 990 TEC + 8
Bullet Core 1,230 STR + 2
Browning Powder 1,320 TEC + 4
Angel Trigger 1,050 AGI + 6
Tilt Barrel 750 VIT + 8
Derringer 1,350 VIT + 4
Front Sight 1,500 LUC + 3
Rear Sight 1,800 LUC + 6

Item Price (in Yen)

<After spreading rumor about weapons to Sky Museum>
Gun/Colt Pony 750
Gun/New Nabu 900
Gun/Astral Falcon 2,700
Fist/Boxing Glove 950
Fist/Kakute 2,800
Finger Shot/Game Coin 880
Finger Shot/Future Coin 2,900

<After Sky Museum to before Aoba Park (First Visit)>
Gun/Astral Falcon 2,700
Gun/Beretta M93R 19,200
Fist/Kakute 2,800
Fist/Metal Glove 19,000
Finger Shot/Future Coin 2,900
Finger Shot/Heiji's Coin 18,800

<After Aoba Park (First Visit) to before Smile Mall>
Gun/Beretta M93R 19,200
Gun/Sauer P229 43,200
Fist/Metal Glove 19,000
Fist/Guardian Knuckle 43,500
Finger Shot/Heiji's Coin 18,800
Finger Shot/Justice Coin 42,200

<After Smile Mall to before the Factory>
Gun/Sauer P229 43,200
Gun/AMT Handlebar 76,800
Fist/Guardian Knuckle 43,500
Fist/Jamadhar 78,000
Finger Shot/Justice Coin 42,200
Finger Shot/Coin the Great 77,800
Sword/Karasu Tengu Maru 44,000
Sword/Kotetsu 77,600
Rapier/Epee Rapieree 40,000
Rapier/Mail Piercing 75,000

<After the Factory to before the Subway Tunnel>
Gun/AMT Handlebar 76,800
Gun/AutoMag Five 120,000
Fist/Jamadhar 78,000
Fist/Yaminade Glove 115,000
Finger Shot/Coin the Great 77,800
Finger Shot/Mandlar 117,000
Sword/Kotetsu 77,600
Sword/Zweihander 130,000
Rapier/Mail Piercing 75,000
Rapier/Raitel Pallasch 127,000

<After Torifune to end>
Gun/AutoMag Five 120,000
Gun/Buster Shot 172,800
Fist/Yaminade Glove 115,000
Fist/Beat Device 180,000
Finger Shot/Mandlar 117,000
Finger Shot/Hell Cash 175,000
Sword/Zweihander 130,000
Sword/Shichesei Sword 173,000
Rapier/Raitel Pallasch 127,000
Rapier/Filangi 174,000

===2X Slash=====================

Food Price (in Yen) Temporary Effect

Coffee 350 TEC + 5
Cafe Au Lait 400 STR + 6
Milk Tea 300 AGI + 2
Herb Tea 450 AGI + 2
Double Sandwich 700 STR + 8
Pizza 600 VIT + 1
Spaghetti 980 TEC + 1
Curry Rice 700 TEC + 7


Treatment Price (in Yen) Temporary Increased Amiability

<After spreading rumor about "Etheria's new service">
Gold Course 2,000 Childish
Silver Course 1,800 Young
Iron Course 1,500 Well-Mannered
Mercury Course 1,600 Wise

<After spreading rumor about "Etheria closed down...";
add new courses/restrict courses effect>
Gold Course 2,000 Childish
Silver Course 1,800 Young
Iron Course 1,500 Well-Mannered
Mercury Course 1,600 Wise
Tin Course 2,500 Old
Copper Course 2,600 Savage
Lead Course 2,700 Dignified
Sulphur Course 2,700 Hi-Ho
Salt Course 2,400 Slimy
Mercurius Course 3,000 Lunatic

===Rosa Candida=================

Item Price (in Yen)

<Beginning to spreading rumor about armor>
Armor/Casual Shirt 2,000
Armor/Silver Dress 5,000

<After spreading rumor about armor to before Sky Museum>
Helmet/Cowboy Hat 670
Armor/Hard Jacket 1,350
Leggings/Cowboy Boots 700

<After Sky Museum to before Aoba Park (First Visit)>
Helmet/Cowboy Helmet 670
Helmet/Chain Coif 4,800
Armor/Hard Jacket 1,350
Armor/Chain Mail 19,600
Leggings/Cowboy Boots 700
Leggings/Mesh Stockings 4,700

<After Aoba Park (First Visit) to before Smile Mall>
Helmet/Chain Coif 4,800
Helmet/Spangenhelm 10,800
Armor/Chain Mail 19,600
Armor/Brigandine 21,600
Leggings/Mesh Stockings 4,700
Leggings/Protect Boots 10,000

<After Smile Mall to before the Factory>
Helmet/Spangenhelm 10,800
Helmet/Star-White Helmet 19,200
Armor/Brigandine 21,600
Armor/Golden White Armor 38,400
Leggings/Protect Boots 10,000
Leggings/Parade Boots 20,000

<After the Factory to before the Subway Tunnel>
Helmet/Star-White Helmet 19,200
Helmet/Shinshuku Helmet 43,200
Armor/Golden White Armor 38,400
Armor/Sage's Cloak 60,000
Leggings/Parade Boots 20,000
Leggings/Fluted Leg 31,500

<After Torifune to end>
Helmet/Shinshuku Helmet 30,000
Helmet/Genji Helmet 43,200
Armor/Sage's Cloak 60,000
Armor/Genji Armor 86,400
Leggings/Fluted Leg 31,500
Leggings/Genji Leg Guards 42,800

---Konan Ward (Seaside Mall)----

===Jolly Roger==================

Food Price (in Yen) Temporary Effect

Decaf Coffee 380 VIT + 7
Tea 350 AGI + 1
Mixed Juice 280 STR + 2
Special Cocoa 320 STR + 7
Apple Pie 400 STR + 1
Chocolate Cookie 420 AGI + 3
Brown Rice Curry 700 TEC + 6
Pirate's Set 900 TEC + 2

---Narumi Ward (Hotel)----------


Food Price (in Yen) Temporary Effect

Whiskey 1,500 AGI + 4
Stinger 1,600 TEC + 6
Morning Glory Fizz 1,700 AGI + 8
Blue Lagoon 1,400 TEC + 2
Green Eyes 1,400 VIT + 6
Mocking Bird 1,700 STR + 8
Angel's Kiss 1,300 VIT + 2
Spritzer 1,800 STR + 4


Item Price (in Yen)

Accessory/Diamond Ring 100,000
Accessory/Emerald Ring 100,000
Accessory/Crystal Ring 100,000

<After spreading rumor about "Padparcha develops weapons";
added to end of list>
Item/Rainbow Piece 900,000
Item/Dream Droplet 900,000
Item/Moon Stone 900,000
Item/Sun Stone 900,000

===Clair De Lune================

Item Price (in Yen)

<After spreading rumor about "Clair De Lune sells weapons">
<After spreading rumor to before Nichirinmaru>
Gun/Black Unicorn 84,300
Fist/Delta Knuckle 83,800
Finger Shot/Magical Coin 88,000

<After Undersea Ruins to after Sumaru Castle>
Gun/Black Unicorn 84,300
Gun/Hell Gate 207,000
Fist/Delta Knuckle 83,800
Fist/Karula Claw 206,000
Finger Shot/Magical Coin 88,800
Finger Shot/Star Medal 205,000
Sword/Sword of Sage 208,000
Rapier/Luna Blade 209,000

<After Sumaru Castle to end>
Gun/Hell Gate 207,000
Gun/Grim Reaper 384,000
Fist/Karula Claw 206,000
Fist/Ixchel's Nail 390,000
Finger Shot/Star Medal 205,000
F. Shot/Billion Maka Coin 380,000
Sword/Sword of Sage 208,000
Sword/Totsuka no Tsurugi 382,000


<After spreading rumor about "Clair De Lune sells armor">
<After spreading rumor to before Nichirinmaru>
Helm/Mystique Helmet 21,000
Armor/Angel Robe 42,000
Leggings/Wizard's Sandals 22,000

<After Undersea Ruins to after Sumaru Castle>
Helm/Mystique Helmet 21,000
Helmet/Training Helmet 54,000
Armor/Angel Robe 42,000
Armor/Novel Armor 103,000
Leggings/Wizard's Sandals 22,000
Leggings/Goddess Leg 53,000

<After Sumaru Castle to end>
Helmet/Training Helmet 54,000
Helmet/Magical Hairpiece 96,000
Armor/Novel Armor 103,000
Armor/Gesetsusan 192,000
Leggings/Goddess Leg 53,000
Leggings/Tengu's Clogs 97,000


B. W e a p o n D e v e l o p m e n t

This is a list of the custom weapons and armor you can make at Padparcha (in
Narumi) after spreading the rumor the Rumor Lovin' Bartender gives you.
However, weapon development is different from normal weapon stores in that each
item requires certain metals to be forged (as well as yen). First, there will
be a list of all of the metals used at Padparcha and the best ways to get them.
After that list, the weapons will be listed as a normal shop list, with the
addition of the metals required.


Item Found

Rainbow Piece Bought in Padparcha for 900,000 yen
Dream Droplet Bought in Padparcha for 900,000 yen
Sun Stone Bought in Padparcha for 900,000 yen
Moon Stone Bought in Padparcha for 900,000 yen

Obsidian Return a Rank 8 Pariker persona
Mithril Silver Bought in Mu Continent for 6,000 coins (before Iwato)
Damascus Steel Bought in Mu Continent for 6,000 coins (before Iwato)
Orihalchon Return a Rank 8 Arthur persona
Beyondite Level 63 Strength demon Vasuki's Rare Item
Meteorite S Return a Rank 8 Kenren Taishou persona
Hihi-Irokane Bought in Mu Continent for 12,000 Coins (after Iwato)

Legenbright 1. Return the Top-Speed Title to Ixquic in Seedy CD
2. Found in World of Conviction, Monado, behind the
door guarded by Ahzi Dahaka
3. Found in Sachiko's Room, Area 8, Bomb Shelter
4. Return a Rank 8 Suzaku persona
5. Have a Rank 8 Odin persona "Persona-Talk" with a
Valkyrie demon (only works once)

Akashic Ring 1. Level 86 Devil demon Shu's Rare Item
2. Answering the Purple Flower's question at Aoba Park
3. Return the Haunted Taxi's item to the girl in Mu
4. Return a Rank 8 Nata persona
5. Return a Rank 8 Virocana persona


Item Price (in Yen) Metals Required

<After spreading the rumor to giving the Secret Document to owner>
Gun/Penta Spirit 14,250 1 Mithril Silver; 1 Obsidian
Finger Shot/Shining Coin 14,300 1 Mithril Silver; 1 Obsidian
Fist/Damascus Hand 16,500 2 Damascus Steel
Sword/Damascus Sword 15,000 2 Damascus Steel
Rapier/Sword Breaker 15,000 2 Damascus Steel
Armor/Mithril Armor 10,000 2 Mithril Silver

<After giving Secret Document to owner to before Sumaru Castle>
Gun/Super Nova 52,000 1 Hihi-irokane; 1 Sun Stone
Fist/Luna Hand 50,000 1 Orihalchon; 1 Moon Stone
Finger Shot/Orihalchon Coin 62,500 1 Orihalchon; 1 Gem Ring
Rapier/Star Freezer 53,500 1 Meteorite S; 1 Moon Stone
Sword/Kusanagino Tsuruji 50,000 1 Hihi-irokane; 1 Sun Stone
Armor/Hihi-irokane Armor 32,000 2 Hihi-irokane; 1 Obsidian
Gun/Legendary Handgun 100,000 1 Legenbright; 1 Akashic Ring
Fist/Legendary Glove 100,000 1 Legenbright; 1 Akashic Ring
Finger Shot/Legendary Coin 100,000 1 Legenbright; 1 Akashic Ring
Sword/Legendary Katana 100,000 1 Legenbright; 1 Akashic Ring
Rapier/Legendary Rapier 100,000 1 Legenbright; 1 Akashic Ring

<After completing Sumaru Castle to the end>
Gun/Super Nova 52,000 1 Hihi-irokane; 1 Sun Stone
Gun/Meteor Dragoon 75,000 1 Meteorite S; 1 Gun/Dragoon
Fist/Luna Hand 50,000 1 Orihalchon; 1 Moon Stone
Fist/Sol Hand 63,000 1 Beyondite; 1 Sun Stone
Finger Shot/Orihalchon Coin 62,500 1 Orihalchon; 1 Gem Ring
Finger Shot/Micro Chakram 63,500 1 Hihi-irokane; 1 Sun Stone
Sword/Kusanagino Tsuruji 50,000 1 Hihi-irokane; 1 Sun Stone
Sword/Musou Ken 52,500 1 Beyondite; 1 Orihalchon; 1 Dream Stone
Helmet/Helmet of Eternity 20,000 1 Sun Stone; 1 Dream Stone; 1 Rainbow S.
Armor/Hihi-irokane Armor 32,000 2 Hihi-irokane; 1 Obsidian
Armor/The Gorgeous 35,000 1 Rainbow Piece; 1 Armor/Best Dresser
Leggings/Thule Greaves 20,000 1 Meteorite S; 1 Moon Stone; 1 Dream S.
Gun/Legendary Handgun 100,000 1 Legenbright; 1 Akashic Ring
Fist/Legendary Glove 100,000 1 Legenbright; 1 Akashic Ring
Finger Shot/Legendary Coin 100,000 1 Legenbright; 1 Akashic Ring
Sword/Legendary Katana 100,000 1 Legenbright; 1 Akashic Ring
Rapier/Legendary Rapier 100,000 1 Legenbright; 1 Akashic Ring


C. S u m a r u G e n i e F o r t u n e s

At a point in the game, you will be able to spread a rumor that the Sumaru
Genie in Konan ward can do Wang Long fortune telling. If you do so, you can
receive one of six fortunes that aid you in battle (for 3,000 yen, of course).
The fortunes and effects are:

BLUE DRAGON : Demons' personalities change, altering the effects of
contact methods.
YELLOW DRAGON : Luck of party members is increased. (It does not show
an increase on the Data menu, but there is a
significant increase.)
RED DRAGON : Chances of getting rare end-battle quotes increases.
SILVER DRAGON : Demons no longer feel overwhelmed by an emotion at
3 invocations, but 4.
LIGHT DRAGON : EXP x2, Yen x1/2
BLACK DRAGON : EXP x1/2, Yen x2

You can also spread a rumor that the genie does affinity readings. To learn
more, see enigmaopoeia's guide.

D. M a p - M a k i n g P r i z e s L i s t

<For the randomly selected rare cards, the possible cards are: Flame, Torrent,
Hurricane, Earthquake, Lightning, Ice, Torrent, Shockwave, Pressure,
Annihilation, Recovery, Blessing, Divine Light, Sacrifice, Anti-Force, Anti-
<Saving and Reloading does change the outcome of the random rare card.>

===Laboratory/Sumaru TV Map===
Title : Salam Select Card Set

- 30 tarot cards to 9 arcana (Total of 270 cards)
- 50 Free cards

===Smile Mall Map=============
Title : Salam Select Card Set Part 2

- 50 tarot cards to 5 arcana (Total of 250 cards)
- 100 Free cards
- 2 each of : Posumudi, Kotoludi, Patra, Me Patra, and Recarm Cards
- 1 randomly selected rare card

===Factory Map================
Title : Salam Select Card Set Booster Pack

- 150 Free cards
- 10 each of : STR, VIT, TEC, AGI, LUC, and ALL Incense Cards
- 2 each of : Taru Kaja, Raku Kaja, Maka Kaja, Sama Kaja, Suku Kaja, De Kaja,
- 1 randomly selected rare card

===Nichirinmaru Map===========
Title : Salam Select Spell Card Set

- 80 tarot cards to 6 arcana (Total of 480 cards)
- 2 each of : Agidyne, Aquadyne, Garudyne, Magdyne, Bufula, Zionga, Zanma,
- 2 randomly selected rare cards

===Mt. Iwato Map==============
Title : Salam Select Spell Card Set Part 2

- 1 Fool Card
- 100 tarot cards to 6 arcana (Total of 600 cards)
- 2 each of : Maha Agionn, Maha Aques, Maha Garula, Maha Magnus,
Frelia, Gryva, Megidola, Mediarama
- 2 randomly selected rare cards

===Torifune Map===============
Title : Salam Select Card Set TAROT SPECIAL

- 2 Fool Cards
- 100 tarot cards to all arcana (Except for Fool and Free)
- 3 randomly selected rare cards

===Monado Mandala Map=========
Title : Salam Select Card Set FINAL

- 3 Fool Cards
- 100 tarot cards to 8 arcana (Total of 800 cards)
- 10 of each type of Incense card
- 1 of each "rare" card (see list at top of section)


E. S p e c i a l C o n t a c t L i s t

This is a list of the special contacts that are unlocked during the course of
the game via speical means. There are two ways these can be unlocked - by
talking to party members are certain points in the game at certain places to
obtain some special dialouge or by Auto-Unlocking after certain story events in
the game. These are the ONLY possible requirements for unlocking the contacts,
so if one isn't working for you, you probably didn't talk to the character at
the correct time. When you talk to them, they will make some off-hand comment
related to the contact - this is the message required to unlock the contact
and it will only appear once.

===Flamenco de la Pasion============

Primary Methods : Ulala + Katsuya
Ulala + Katsuya + Tatsuya

Type : Talk to party member
Steps : 1. Talk to Ulala in Lunar Palace (Konan) before the Sky Museum
2. Talk to Katsuya in Sumaru Jail (Hirasaka) before GOLD

<To add Tatsuya to the contact>
1. Talk to Tatsuya in Sumaru Jail before the Subway

===100 Stories======================

Primary Methods : Ellen + Ulala + Katsuya
Ellen + Ulala + Baofu

Type : Talk to party member
Steps : 1. Talk to Katsuya and Baofu in Trish's Fountain in the Sky Museum
2. Talk to Ellen and Ulala in Trish's Fountain after Sumaru TV

===Song of a Baseball Fanatic=======

Primary Methods : Baofu + Nate

Type : Talk to party member
Steps : 1. Talk to Baofu in Izakaya Shiraishi (Hirasaka) before Smile Mall
2. Talk to Nate in Sumaru TV (Aoba) before Smile Mall

===Cynical People===================

Primary Methods : Nate + Baofu

Type : Talk to party member
Steps : Talk to Baofu and Nate in Parabellum before Smile Mall

===Investigation of Terror==========

Primary Methods : Katsuya + Baofu
Baofu + Katsuya
Katsuya + Baofu + Ulala

Type : Auto-Unlock
When : After the Factory has been completed

===Alchohol, Men, Women, and Tears==

Primary Methods : Baofu + Ulala + Katsuya
Baofu + Katsuya + Ulala

Type : Auto-Unlock
When : After the Factory has been completed

===Brother's Kindess================

Primary Methods : Katsuya + Tatsuya

Type : Auto-Unlock
When : After the first boss fight in the Ameno Torifune

===Comparing Heights================

Primary Methods : Tatsuya + Katsuya

Type : Auto-Unlock
When : After the first boss fight in the Ameno Torifune


F. C D s

(Means "First" in German)
Available : After the Sky Museum, when Yumezaki Ward opens
CD 1 - 1,000 Yen
CD 2 - 1,200 Yen
CD 3 - 1,500 Yen
CD 4 - 1,800 Yen
Secret CD 1 - 10,000 Yen - Persona Rock

(Should be "Zweite" which means "Second" in German)
Available : After the Sewers/Science Laboratory or Sumaru TV
CD 5 - 3,000 Yen
CD 6 - 3,500 Yen
CD 7 - 3,800 Yen
CD 8 - 4,000 Yen
Secret CD 2 - 30,000 Yen - Persona Mambo

(Means "Third" in German)
Available : After the Undersea Ruins
CD 9 - 4,500 Yen
CD 10 - 5,000 Yen
CD 11 - 6,400 Yen
CD 12 - 8,000 Yen
CD 13 - 4,800 Yen

(Means "Fourth" in German)
Available : After Sumaru Castle
CD 14 - 8,500 Yen
CD 15 - 9,000 Yen
CD 16 - 9,500 Yen
CD 17 - 5,500 Yen
CD 18 - 6,300 Yen


VII. C o n c l u s i o n


A. F A Q a n d G u i d e R e f e r r a l s

I deliberately didn't include many things in this walkthrough as there are
several excellent FAQs out there that already cover the material. I didn't to
reiterate what they have already written and as much as I would love to make a
complete, definitive guide for this game, I don't want to detract from the work
they put in. Regardless, this document is essentially a walkthrough, not a full
blown strategy guide. All of the files are available at GameFAQs.

Demon/Analyze Data, Spell List, and Item List as well as a thorough explanation
of the persona systems - Archaeopteryx's Guides

Man-searcher List (as well as an excellent boss guide) - Sasoriza's Guide

Affinity Reading Guide - enigmaopoeia's Guide

Kuzunoha/Rumor Guide (Sweepstakes prizes) and Extra Dungeon Guide - my own


B. V e r s i o n H i s t o r y

---Version 1.02---------------------

No content updates, I just changed my online handle and my contact info.

---Version 1.02---------------------

Filled in missing information (boss numbers and the final Padparcha list) and
made a few cosmetic changes. Scripts and quotes removed. My email has changed
again to hyral@yetsirah.net, and I have a new website, Yetsirah.net.

---Version 1.01---------------------

Added my website and the Velvet Room to the list of places that may host this
guide. My email has also been changed to hyral@hyral.f2s.com.

---Version 1.0----------------------

Walkthrough completed (Route B). Lists and missing information completed.
Formatting and typo corrections. Added an appendix on the Special Contacts.

---Version 0.9----------------------

Walkthrough is completed to the end of the game. Optional dungeons are
completed. Lists are nearly complete. Once again, every section has been

---Version 0.6----------------------

Walkthrough completed up to Mt. Iwato (Route A). Every section has been updated
and overhauled.

---Version 0.3----------------------

First released version. Included in the walkthrough is from the beginning to
after Aoba Park (first visit). Explanation of game mechanics included. Partial
store lists, Sumaru Genie guide, and Kasu High guides are also included.


C. C r e d i t s

Many thanks to Atlus R&D 1 for developing Persona 2 : Eternal Punishment, as
well as the other Megami Tensei games. Thanks to Atlus USA for doing such an
excellent localization. (It doesn't make up for any of the mistakes of the past
(and present...) in the least, but I certainly can't fault them for the job
they did on Eternal Punishment.)

Credit to dolies' website, Tsumi X Batsu, for helping me find some of the
things I missed my first time around in the game, such as finding a couple of
rare personae (Nata, Lugh, Mot, Athena, Alice, the Ancestral Personae, Maia
Custom), figuring out how to beat Ahzi Dahaka, and last, exactly when Area 6 of
the Bomb Shelter opens.

Thanks to Archaeopteryx for the useful lists and thorough explanation of the
various aspects of personae. Credit to Archaeopteryx for the "Estoma Trick,"
finding a couple of rare personae (Hastur, Gaia, Michael, Shokuin), the effect
of the Red Dragon fortune, and how to get Fool cards from demons.

Credit to the Persona 2: Master's Guide published by Enterbrain for a few of
the stats on bosses (as well has being a generally useful little book with
regard to maps and enemy stats).
<ISBN: 4-7577-0181-0>

Credit to Silvis Caliga/Clair~de~Lune for the "Persona-in-Stock" trick.

Thanks to Alessar and johnsgs for helping with the explanation of the battle
round timings. Also, credit to Alessar for determining what the property
"Boost" does.

Credit to jesse james for confirming that the emotions for getting Fool cards
can be done in any order.

Thanks to Sasoriza for pointing out what the demon rumors in the Sky Museum

Thanks to Katman for pointing out that I should mention that the rumor about
Ahzi Dahaka is not needed to start the P-Talk and that I should explain what
the Golden Honey does.

Thanks to Everaldo for attempting to help me with the shop lists.

Thanks to the following people who helped me refine this guide by spotting
errors: Lone, Alessar, scott88008, B4 TND, Susan Shnayer

There are three people I need to give credit to, but I know who they are : The
person who thought of the Save-Reload trick for changing the distribution of
enemies in dungeons, the person who mentioned using a turbo controller on the
slots in the casino, and finally, the person who figured out the Old Maid-
Defend trick. If anyone knows who they are, please tell me. All came from
messages at GameFAQs' Persona 2 : Eternal Punishment board.


D. D i s c l a i m e r

Persona (tm) is a registered trademark and the property of Atlus USA and Atlus
of Japan. Copyright (c) 1996, 1999, 2000 Atlus. All rights reserved.
Any infringemint upon Atlus' rights is unintentional.

This document is under copyright protection and is the property of the author.
This document may not be reproduced (electronically, physically, or otherwise;
in whole or in part) or altered for public use without the author's explicit
permission. All rights reserved.

This document may only be hosted at:

- Yetsirah <www.yetsirah.net>
- GameFAQs <www.gamefaqs.com>
- The Velvet Room <www.velvet-room.net>

Contact : yushiro@animedream.org
[Please invoke Joy or Interest, not Anger or Fear!] [La-li-lu-le-lo!!]


Copyright (c) Yushiro 2001 - 2001.

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Avid gamer.


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Chad Waliser
Article read time
300 min read
Last update

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