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Paper Mario Sticker Star - Missing Tablet Pieces Fix


I've experienced a glitch playing Paper Mario Sticker Star on my 3DS:

After collecting a Tablet Piece Scrap in W2 and fighting Kamek afterwards, the tablet piece disappeared from my Scraps Inventory.

Others have reported the piece from the oasis disappearing from their Scraps inventory after leaving the Oasis.

This post is for you to Hex Edit them back into your save.

Make sure you don't have any Scraps in your inventory as this replaces the scraps on page 1
This was done with USA saves. I have not tested this on EUR or JAP saves. Hex values for items "should" be the same but don't take my word for it.

I'll be using HxD on Windows for this tutorial.

1. Export your save from your 3DS.
2. Copy it to your PC.
3. Open the desired save file with HxD (pm4_0.bin is file 1, pm4_1.bin is file 2 and pm4_2.bin is file 3)
4. Navigate to Offset(h) line 000006E0.

We'll be changing the values on Offsets 000006E0 to 00000700

Replace the highlighted portion (Blue) of the 3 Offset lines with the provided values:
Offset (h)000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F

5. Save your edited Save file.
6. Copy back to saves folder.
7. Import with 3DS Save Manager App.

For those wondering what the values mean:
1C 02 EE FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 = Scraps Inventory Page and state
1A 01 E4 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 = Tablet Piece from W2-1 (1A 01) with inventory placement E4 FF (Top-Left) of Scraps Inventory
19 01 B1 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 = Tablet Piece from W2-4 (19 01) with inventory placement B1 FF (Bottom-Left) of Scraps Inventory
18 01 E4 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 = Tablet Piece from W2-2 (18 01) with inventory placement 6A 00 (Top-Right) of Scraps Inventory

Other item examples (Placed in slot 1 of Scraps inventory):
Scrap NameLevel used in
720097FFFF3F00000000Unusable Rainbow Foil itemN/A
720097FFFF3F00000000Tree Stump Piece from W3-5W3-3
1101E4FF000000000000Green Warp PipeW1-5
1201E4FF000000000000Wooden BridgeW1-1
1301E4FF000000000000White GateW1-5
1401E4FF000000000000Comet PieceW1-?
1501E4FF000000000000Block SwitchW1-6
1601E4FF000000000000Block SwitchW1-6
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Chad Waliser
Article read time
3 min read
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