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Installing PKGs to PS4 on 6.72 in 30 min or less with Remote Package Installer

You will need to run Mira No HB on Al Azifs exploit page, regular Mira wont work.

-Install RPI PKG to PS4 https://mega.nz/#!2dN1XajB!Z5fXyFoKOXFI_ujgGoCZfFFy5nyn7OWo6vF6h_HmWhQ
-Install PS4 Remote PKG Sender this one (others may give you problems, they did me) https://www.psxhax.com/threads/ps4-remote-pkg-sender-gui-for-installing-packages-by-irefuse.6061/

Ok the best way is use ethernet wifi speeds will make you wait probably at least 3 hours unless you have blazing fast internet. You can plug in ethernet from PS4 to router or computer. I use computer so I will tell you how to do that.

Right click on your internet connection in the bottom right of your computer. Open Network and internet settings. Where it says ethernet, it should say unidentified network this is actually ok. Right click it go to properties, go to internet protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4). Click use the following ip address (yours will be the same as mine because of ethernet)

IP address
Default gateway

Go to your ps4 settings network, setup internet connection, choose Use a Lan cable > custom > manual > Enter The following

IP address
Subnet mask
Default Gateway
Primary DNS
Secondary DNS

Now open PK4 Remote PKG Sender on your PC,

Local IP should already be correct,
Port change to 8080
Choose files choose your pkg ( you can do more than one at a time but I recommend doing 1 at a time)

Now back on your PS4 make sure you dont have Remote Packer Installer open if you do close content, remember this for future it needs to be opened right before you send pkg or it might fail. So open remote package installer on your ps4 and on PS4 Remote PKG Sender hit send, it should tell you the game is downloading like if it was a psn game. You don't have to leave Remote Package Installer open you can hit ps button and change the screen, but of course dont close content on it until the pkg is installed. After each game you will need to close RPI and reopen it before sending pkg.

If your ethernet port on your computer is 1g, you should be able to install any game in 30 min or less. Red Dead 2 took me 32 min and that is an 80 gb. This is the only way to install or play games from external right now as well you cant install to external from usb right now, but for some reason this works. So that's another benefit also you dont have to copy a game to usb then copy it to PS4 so it will save time.

Any questions or help feel free to ask.
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