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Ideal OLED modchip installing without cutting SoC Frame and scratching CLK (D) point


Hello everyone.
Today I will show and tell you how I cured the Nintendo Switch OLED from greed without damaging the motherboard in any way (from the point of view of a perfectionist).
To begin with, I ordered the production of "Adapters" for flash memory on JLCPCB.

The textolite parameters were the following +pinout of emmc adapter bga153 nintendo switch oled:
Nand Adapter 5.pngNand Adapter 4.png
Delivery was quite fast, special thanks for that.

1.) When the "Nand Emmc Adapters" arrived, I disassembled the console, pulled out the board, and desoldered the emmc using bottom heating and a temperature of about 320 degrees Celsius. Then I reballed the memory and adapter. After that I put everything in the proper places, and soldered everything back.
Later I solder three wires to the adapter and laid them to the other side of the board (points CLK, CMD, DAT0).
I also solder and laid point called "Reset" to the other side of the board.

Nand Adapter.pngNand Adapter 2.png

2.) Then I carefully removed metal shield (cover) from CPU and soldered the flex to the resistors, placing everything nicely, isolate with thermal tape, and returned the protection.

Nand Adapter 6.png

3.) The final bit of work was to solder everything to the modchip. Personally, I used "INSTUNCT-NX V6S" because it can be reset and flashed directly using the "TYPE-C" console port, but you can use whichever you like, there's not much of a difference.

Nand Adapter 3-min.png

4.) While passing the wires, I used superglue to fixate them by binding them together (without gluing them to the board because it is a sacrilege).
So, after finishing soldering, I checked all resistors and points for short circuits, and everything was in perfect order.
BEFORE connecting the battery ALWAYS check for short circuits, otherwise, there is a risk of killing the processor or flash memory.

5.) I decided to turn on the console, and everything started up very quickly. I cleaned the board of flux residues and reassembled everything in the reverse order.


6.) Then I made backups and set the atmosphere exclusively for playing movies and music on my console ;)

P.S Thank you for reading till the end!
Special thanks to A13XTR and Abal1000x!

Below I am attaching gerber files for the emmc adapter.
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