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Final Fantasy IX – Guide and Walkthrough


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Final Fantasy IX
for the Playstation

Last Updated 4/24/04
Version .95

Written & Compiled by "TestaALT"
Email address TestaALT@aol.com

This file is Copyright (c) 2015 Andrew "TestaALT" Testa. All rights reserved.


Table of Contents:

1. Author's Forward
1.1 - Version History
1.2 - Introduction
1.3 - Dedication

2. Basics
2.1 - Controls
2.2 - Statistics
2.3 - Ability System
2.4 - Trance
2.5 - Status Effects
2.6 - Elements
2.7 - Characters

3. Disc One Walkthrough
3.1 - Theater Ship
3.2 - Alexandria
3.3 - Evil Forest
3.4 - Ice Cavern
3.5 - Dali
3.6 - Lindblum
3.7 - Gizamaluke's Grotto
3.8 - Burmecia

4. Disc Two Walkthrough
4.1 - Summit Station
4.2 - Treno
4.3 - Gargan Roo
4.4 - Cleyra
4.5 - Red Rose
4.6 - Alexandria Castle
4.7 - Pinnacle Rocks
4.8 - Fossil Roo
4.9 - Conde Petie
4.10 - Black Mage Village
4.11 - Conde Petie
4.12 - Madain Sari
4.13 - Iifa Tree
4.14 - Madain Sari
4.15 - Iifa Tree

5. Disc Three Walkthrough
5.1 - Alexandria
5.2 - Treno
5.3 - Alexandria
5.4 - Lindblum
5.5 - Black Mage Village
5.6 - Oeilvert
5.7 - Desert Palace
5.8 - Esto Gaza
5.9 - Mount Gulug
5.10 - Lindblum
5.11 - Alexandria
5.12 - Daguerreo
5.13 - Ipsen's Castle
5.14 - Earth Shrine
5.15 - Terra
5.16 - Bran Bal
5.17 - Pandemonium

6. Disc Four Walkthrough
6.1 - Black Mage Village
6.2 - Memoria
6.3 - Crystal World

7. Side Quests (In contruction)
7.1 - Tetra Master (Card Game)
7.2 - Jump Rope
7.3 - Sword Fight
7.4 - Nine Lost Knights
7.5 - Friendly Monsters
7.6 - Coffee
7.7 - Stellazios
7.8 - Frog Catching
7.9 - Chocobos
7.10 - Quotes
7.11 - Ragtime Mouse
7.12 - Gambling Game (Neros)
7.13 - Hippaul's Racing Game
7.14 - Treno Equipment Shop Monsters
7.15 - Four Figures
7.16 - S Class
7.17 - Blackjack
7.18 - Excaliburs

8. Equipment
8.1 - Weapons
8.2 - Armor
8.3 - Helmets
8.4 - Armgear
8.5 - Add ons

9. Bestiary
9.1 - Bosses
9.2 - Optional Bosses
9.3 - Enemies
9.4 - Level Up Spots

10. Abilities
10.1 - Zidane
10.2 - Vivi
10.3 - Steiner
10.4 - Dagger
10.5 - Freya
10.6 - Quina
10.7 - Eiko
10.8 - Amarant

11. Shops

12. Items

13. Footer
13.1 - Credits
13.2 - Version History (Before Released Versions)
13.3 - Contact Information
13.4 - Legal Disclaimer

Quick Navigation

Five easy steps to jumping to the section you want.

1. Highlight the section name and letter (as seen above).
2. Press Control and C.
3. Press Control and F.
4. Press Control and V.
5. Press Enter.

You should now be at the beginning of the appropriate section.


1. Author's Forward


You should definitely read this!


1.1 - Version History


Version .95 -- 04/23/04 -- I did some Side Quests today.
Version .93 -- 04/22/04 -- First released version of guide.


1.2 - Introduction


Final Fantasy, being one of the best series in video game history, created their
last installment for the Playstation, Final Fantasy IX. The style of the game is
that of the earlier Final Fantasy's, which is nothing to fret about. FF9 is
chock full of the famous FMV, and boy is it beautiful this time around! It's not
the graphics that make this game epic, but the storyline. Watch out as events
masterfully unfold between the four great nations. After the story you will find
out that Chocobo's are back, and better then before. This time it's more about
how you play Chocobo Hot and Cold then how you wrangle Chocobo's and make'em
breed. You will find yourself playing H&C for around 20 hours (if you're not
using my Chocobo guide, of course) and that's just one side quest! Their are
many other complex side quests that will keep you playing. Overall, Final
Fantasy IX looks to have snagged the title as the final fantasy on the


1.3 - Dedication


This guide is dedicated to Jeff "CJayC" Veasey (or whoever posted it). Bless
s/he's heart for posting yet another guide for Final Fantasy IX, especially one
as borderline as this. Oh, and to ATadeo, Elranzer, Gbness. GheddonLN,
LMaggnuz, Nemesis, Psycho Penguin, SeanKelson, TwistidSoul, Super Nova,
BabyRyoga, DJellybean/Dallas, Haunter120, JL Lee, Treon, and HJerng and for
making better guides then me.


2. Basics


Basics of Final Fantasy IX.


2.1 - Controls


Battle Screen
| D Pad | Cursor Movement. |
| Left Stick | Cursor Movement. |
| O Button | Cancel. |
| X Button | Confirm. |
| Triangle Button | Cycle to a different ready character. |
| Square Button | Hold down to clear all windows. |
| L1 Button | View previous page / Select single or mutliple |
| | targets / Escape from battle. (When held down with R1 |
| | button.) |
| L2 Button | Display/cancel Target Window. |
| R1 Button | View next page / Select single or mutliple targets / |
| | Escape from battle. (When held down with L1 button.) |
| R2 Button | None. |
| Select Button | Display Help / Cancel Help. |
| Start Button | Pause. |

Menu Screen
| D Pad | Cursor Movement / Select single or multiple party |
| | members when using abilities. |
| Left Stick | Cursor Movement. |
| O Button | Cancel. |
| X Button | Confirm. |
| Triangle Button | None. |
| Square Button | Switch between Ability and Equipment menus. |
| L1 Button | Change characters / View next page / Select single or |
| | multiple party members when using abilities. |
| L2 Button | None. |
| R1 Button | Change characters / View previous page / Select single |
| | or multiple party members when using abilities. |
| R2 Button | None. |
| Select Button | Display Help/Cancel Help. |
| Start Button | Confirm button selection. |

Field Screen
| D Pad | Character Movement. |
| Left Stick | Character Movement. |
| O Button | Hold down to walk (or run, if set in Config Menu) when |
| | pressed with directional button / Cancel. |
| X Button | Examine / Talk / Confirm. |
| Triangle Button | Open Main Menu. |
| Square Button | Examine / Talk / Confirm/Challenge a card player. |
| L1 Button | None. |
| L2 Button | None. |
| R1 Button | None. |
| R2 Button | None. |
| Select Button | Display HERE Icon / View ATE. |
| Start Button | Pause. |

World Map Screen
| D Pad | Character movement / Change direction and altitude of |
| | airship. |
| Left Stick | Character movement / Change direction and altitude of |
| | airship. |
| Right Stick | Move vehicle forward / backward. |
| O Button | Exit vehicle. |
| X Button | Enter vehicle / Ride vehicle / Move vehicle forward. |
| Triangle Button | Open Main Menu / Move inside the vehicle. |
| Square Button | Call moogle / Move vehicle backwards. |
| L1 Button | Rotate map clockwise. |
| L2 Button | Lock/unlock camera rotation. |
| R1 Button | Rotate map counterclockwise. |
| R2 Button | Switch perspective. |
| Select Button | Toggle navigation map. |
| Start Button | Pause. |


2.2 - Statistics


When characters level up, the value of their stats increase. These values will
also change when you equip different items.

HP: Health Points determines how much damage a character can take
before they are KO'ed.

MP: Magic Points determines how much magic a character can use.

Speed: Speed determines how fast the character's ATB Gauge fills up
(The higher the value, the faster the character can act.)

Strength: Strength determines the severity of a physical attack,

Magic: Magic determines the amount of damage caused by magic and summon

Spirit: Spirit affects the character's attack and defense. High values
enhance your ability to Steal, Counter, and deal critical
damage. Also, the character's Spirit determines how long status
effects remain and how quickly the Trance Gauge fills.

Attack: Attack determines the amount of damage the character deals using
physical attacks.

Defense: Defense reduces the amount of damage the character receives from
physical attacks.

Evade: Evade determines the character's ability to dodge physical

Magic Defense: Magic Defense reduces the amount of damage the character
receives from magic attacks.

Magic Evasion: Magic Evasion determines the character's ability to dodge magic


2.3 - Ability System


Using your abilities wisely is the ket to victory.

To use an ability
Equipping certain items bring out the characters' dormant abilities, which they
can then use. Until the character learns the ability, he or she can only use it
while the item is equipped. You can select items according to what ability you
want your character to learn, or equip them only when you need to use a certain

--ABILITY------------ --ABILITY------------
| Gladius | | Gladius |
|_____________________| |_____________________|
| | | |
| Annoy ---40/50--- | | Annoy ---* * *--- |
| Flee ---10/20--- | | Flee ---* * *--- |
| | | |
--------------------- ---------------------
When an item is equipped... When an ability is learned...
An ability is embedded in the The character can use the
equipped item can be used. learned ability even when the
If the item is unequipped, the item has been unequipped.
ability can no longer be used.

It Depends on the Character: #1
If the same item is equipped on a different character, each
character will extract different abilities from that item. Characters
can only extract abilities that match their dormant abilities.

Learning Abilities
To learn abilities, you must earn the necessary AP (Ability Points) for each
ability. Every time a battle is won with the appropiate item equipped, AP are
added to each ability being learned. You can check the acquired AP in the
Ability Menu (see below), or by pressing the X button in the status menu.

1. Equip Item: When you equip an item, you can see the amount of AP required to
learn the new abilities.

2. Acquire AP through Battles: The acquired AP are awarded to all the abilities
being learned.

3. Acquired the Required AP: When the gauge for an ability turns red and the
* * * mark appears, you have learned that ability.

How to read the Ability Menu
AP: Represents the amount of AP acquired (left), and the amount of AP necessary
to learn the ability (right). The AP acquired remain even if you unequip the
item, allowing you to go back and finish learning the ability later.

Item: The icon for the item from which you are extracting the ability. When the
ability is learned, the icon is no longer displayed.

It Depends on the Character: #2
The amount of AP necessary to learn an ability is different for each character.
Even with the same ability, some characters can learn faster then others.

Action Abilities
Abilities that provide a character with additional commands are called "Action
Abilities." With some exceptions, Action Abilities require MP to use. The ab-
ilities available are different for each character. Some abilities change during
Trance. Action Abilities can be reorganized by a red diamond-shaped slot with
the letter "A". Listed below are some Action Abilities.

Zidane (Skill)
Zidane uses special bandit techniques, many of which can be used to aid other
party members. His Action Abilities require less MP compared to those of other

Flee: Higher probability of escaping from battle quickly.

Vivi (Black Magic)
Vivi uses the magic of the black mages. Black magic cause physical harm or
invokes status effects.

Fire: Causes fire damage.

Steiner (Sword Skill)
Steiner uses the special sword techniques of expert knights. Many of these
abilities lower the enemy's attack and defense power.

Minus Strike: Reduces the enemy's HP by the difference between your max HP and
current HP.

Support Abilities
Abilities that only function during battles are called "Support Abilities."
Support Abilities are equipped by distributing the magic stones that the
character earns. The stronger the ability, the more magic stones required to
equip it. Support Abilities can be recognized by a green diamond-shaped slot
with the letter "S". Whether learning or fully learned, a Support Ability cannot
be used unless a magic stone is equipped in its slot. Try to customize your
Support Abilities by analyzing the situation at hand.

Main Functions of Support Abilities
Prevent Status Effects: Support abilities render certain status effects
ineffective. There are abilities that prevent Poison and Sleep, for example.

Increase Damage: Increase Damage whne attacking certain creature types.

About Magic Stones
Like MP, the maximum number of magic stones increases as the characters level
up. Equipping Support Abilities decreases the number of available stones while
unequipping them increases the number.

Examples of Combing Support Abilities
Protect + Counter + Eye 4 Eye = Increased number of attacks.

Counter allows you to attack the enemy when physically attacked. With Protect
you receive attacks in place of an ally, which then triggers Counter. Eye 4 Eye
increases the chances that you will Counter the attack.

Auto-Potion + Chemist + Auto-Regen = Battle in Safety

With Auto-Potion, you automatically use a Potion when you are damaged. Chemist
doubles the effectiveness of medicine. Combined, they reduce the possibility of
HP reaching 0. Auto-Regen gives you 1/16 of your HP back every turn even when
you are using Auto-Potion.

How you use Abilities is up to you
If you only need to use abilities temporarily, you only need to equip items that
correspond to those abilities. However, to use abilities freely, without having
to worry about equipping items, you must learn them. The ability management
system is one of Final Fantasy IX's most enjoyable features. Based on the
description below, try finding a method that matches your playing style.

Situation Method (Quick): Only equip items with skills appropiate to the
situation. You don't have to fight many battles, because you don't need to worry
about AP. The downside is that you must carry a large stock of items in order to
use the desired abilities when you need to.

Hint: Change equipment to match your enemy's strengths and weaknesses.

Basic Method (Standard): Learn useful abilities such as Life, Loudmouth, and
Alert, and use other abilities by switching items. You will need to consider
carefully which abilities to learn, but this is the most basic way to move

Hint: Carefully study which abilities you need to learn.

Diligent Method (Thorough): Learn all abilities from every item you obtain. You
must fight more battles in order to gain the required AP. However, once you
master your abilities, you should be able to proceed towards the end without too
much trouble.

Hint: Fight many battles, and be patient.

Advice on using Abilities

Advice 1: Use Scan
Use Scan to examin the enemy's weaknesses. Your attack will be more effective if
you use abilities that target its weak points. If you have not mastered any
appropiate abilities, you can equip items that extract those abilities.

Advice 2: Consider the Combination of Items You Equip
For example, if an Add-on and a weapon that can extract the same ability are
equipped at the ame time, the amount of AP distributed to that ability is
doubled, so it takes less time to learn that particular ability. On the other
hand, if there is no need to learn that ability, equip an item that extracts a
different ability, and increase the number of abilities you can use.

Advice 3: Use Shops and Synthesis Shops
You can obtain powerful items by combining stocked items in synthesis shops or
buying items in shops. Check all items thoroughly before selling or synthesizing
items, since they may still have abilities that have not been learned. Also,
consider the current acquired AP of abilities being learned before equipping new


2.4 - Trance


When a characters' Trance Gauge reaches full after an enemy attack, that
character will go into Trance. In addition to increased attack power, the
character will have special attack commands during Trance (see below). You may
want to fill up the Trance Gauge as much as possible before fighting strong
enemies to ensure a Trance during that battle.

Zidane's Trance Vivi's Trance
--------------- -------------

| Attack | | Attack | | Attack | | Attack |
| Steal | --> | Steal | | Blk Mag | --> | Dbl Blk |
| Skill | --> | Dyne | | Focus | --> | Focus |
| Item | | Item | | Item | | Item |
+---------+ +---------+ +---------+ +---------+

The Skill command changes to Dyne. The Blk Mag command changes to Dbl Blk.
Zidane can use special attacks Vivi can use magic twice in a row during
Trance. during Trance.

How does the Trance Gauge decrease to 0?

Trance Power decreases every time the character in Trance takes an action.
Trance ends when the gauge reaches 0. The Trance Gauge will also drop to 0 if:

1. The character is inflicted with the Zombie status, or
2. The battle ends while the character is in Trance.


2.5 - Status Effects


Status effects occur when a character's status is changed by a spell, item, or
attack. Certain status effects are beneficial, while others are harmful. When
you use items that cancel (or invoke) status effects, you can view your party
members' status effects in the Status Window. Some status effects will expire
after a short while, others will be cancelled at the end of a battle, and some
will continue to affect the character even after battle. Learn which status
effects damage your characters, and treat them accordingly with spells or items.

Beware of these status effects
1. Status effects that disable the entire party: If all allies are afflicted
with KO, Stop, Petrify, or Venom, the game ends.

2. Status effects that stop growth: If a character is affected by KO, Petrify,
Virus, or Zombie, he or she stops receiving EXP and AP, halting growth.

Name: Name of Status Effect.
Effect: What effect it does.
Cancel: Cancellation method.

Harmful Status Effects

Name: Confuse
Effect: Target cannot be controlled and randomly attacks enemies and allies.
Cancel: Esuna, physical attack.

Name: Berserk
Effect: Target's attack power increases, but they cannot be controlled and
attack enemies continuosly.
Cancel: Gysahl Greens,

Name: Stop
Effect: Target stops and cannot be controlled.
Cancel: Dispel, Remedy,

Name: Poison
Effect: Target's HP gradually decreases.
Cancel: Antidote, Esuna, Panacea, Remedy, effect expires.

Name: Sleep
Effect: Target falls asleep and cannot be controlled.
Cancel: Esuna, physical attack, effect expires.

Name: Slow
Effect: Target's ATB Gauge fills more slowly.
Cancel: Dispel, effect expires.

Name: Heat
Effect: Target is KO'd if an action is taken.
Cancel: Esuna, effect expires.

Name: Freeze
Effect: Target freezes and cannot be controlled. Target is KO'd if attacked
Cancel: Esuna, effect expires.

Name: Mini
Effect: Target shrinks. Attack and defense powers decrease dramatically.
Cancel: Mini, Esuna, Remedy.

Name: Death Sentence
Effect: Target is KO'd when counter reaches 0.
Cancel: None (end the battle before counter reaches 0).

Name: Gradual Petrify
Effect: Target becomes petrified when counter reaches 0.
Cancel: Stona, Esuna (end battle before counter reaches 0.

Name: Petrify
Effect: Target turns to stone and cannot be controlled.
Cancel: Stona, Remedy, Soft.

Name: Venom
Effect: Target cannot be controlled due to stron poison, HP and MP gradually
Cancel: Remedy.

Name: Virus
Effect: Target stops receiving EXP and AP.
Cancel: Vaccine.

Name: Silence
Effect: Target cannot use magic.
Cancel: Esuna, Echo Screen, Remedy.

Name: Darkness
Effect: Target is blinded; accuracy of physical attacks decreases.
Cancel: Esuna, Eye Drops, Remedy.

Name: Trouble
Effect: All of the target's allies receive 1/2 of the damage the target
receives from an enemy attack.
Cancel: Annoyntment.

Name: Zombie
Effect: Reverse effect of recovery items and spells.
Cancel: Magic Tag.

Name: KO
Effect: Target cannot participate in battle until recovered.
Cancel: Life, Auto-Life, Phoenix Down, Phoenix Pinion.

Beneficial Status Effects

Name: Auto-Life
Effect: Target recovers from KO.
Cancel: Dispel, target recovers from KO.

Name: Regen
Effect: Target's HP gradually recovers.
Cancel: Dispel, effect expires.

Name: Haste
Effect: Speeds up the ATB Gauge.
Cancel: Dispel, effect expires.

Name: Float
Effect: Target floats in the air. Avoid Earth attacks.
Cancel: Dispel, effect expires.

Name: Shell
Effect: Reduces target's damage from magic attacks by half.
Cancel: Dispel, effect expires.

Name: Protect
Effect: Reduces target's damage from physical attacks by half.
Cancel: Dispel, effect expires.

Name: Vanish
Effect: Target avoids physical attacks.
Cancel: Dispel, target hit with magic, effect expires.

Name: Reflect
Effect: Reflect magic. (Some magic cannot be reflected.)
Cancel: Dispel, effect expires.


2.6 - Elements


Element | Weakness
Fire | Ice
Ice | Fire
Thunder | Water
Water | Thunder
Wind | Earth
Earth | Wind
Shadow | Holy
Holy | Shadow


2.7 - Characters



3. Disc One Walkthrough


This is the meat of this document; the walkthrough. So, like, start walking...


3.1 - Theater Ship


Masked Man (Boss)

After the FMV, you will have control of a boy with a tail. Walk past the
candles and to the upper right corner of the screen to pick up a Potion. Walk
to the upper left (opposite side) to receive 47 Gil. Then light the candle in
the middle of the room. Someone will yell "Who's there!?" and you get to
select a name for yourself. Choose any name you want, but in this guide I
will refer to him as "Zidane", his default name. Three people will come in the
candle room and chat with Zidane for a little bit. Then a person in a mask will
jump out of the other side of the room and attack you.

Boss Name: Masked Man
HP: 160
Steal: Mage Masher, Wrist, Potion
Party: Zidane (1), Cinna (1), Marcus (1), Blank (1)
Difficulty: Very Easy

This is one of the easiest boss fights in the game. The Masked Man only
attacks for around 20 damage to one character. Sometimes he trips up when he
is attacking and doesn't hit anyone for any damage at all! He tries to bounce
around when hitting, and doesn't go after any one character. This is good,
because no one (including the main character) should get even close to dying.
Your part has a pretty basic role in this battle. Since he does such little
damage, have everyone steal until you get all three items. There is no threat in
this battle, besides Cinna getting knocked out, but we can live with that. After
you get the items, start attacking him. You might notice that Zidane, Blank, and
Marcus do around 40 damage each, so he should be history in just a couple hits.


After the fight, everyone will look very tired. The Masked Man, whose name is
Baku, will call a meeting in the next room. Everyone will automatically run
inside and Baku will tell you the plan. It is your job, along with Blank, to
kidnap the most babe-ilicious beauty in all of Alexandria, Princess Garnet!


3.2 - Alexandria


King Leo (Boss)
Steiner (Boss)
Pluto Knights (50 HP)
Leo's Henchmen (50 HP)

After another beautiful FMV, we will see a pointy-hat kid walking along the
street with a ticket. A little girl will bump into him, and his ticket will
fall on the ground. She will pick it up, and give it back to you. Then you have
control of pointy-hat kid. It is advisable to go south to the statue area and
pick up the three cards and the Potion there. Just go around the perimeter,
hugging the houses, and looking to see if you get a "!" icon (field icon). If
so, then press X and you will pick up a item. You can find three cards on the
perimeter, and a Potion on the left side of the statue.

Now go back to the previous screen, and go up and down the street on both
sides, looking for the field icon along the way. You should get bumped into
by a rat kid, but that's no big deal. There are two Potions on the left side,
and on the right side you will find a house with a open door. Go inside to
see a woman sewing something. Look by the bed (bottom floor) in the upper left
corner to get 9 Gil. Look on the opposite side, by the desk and chair, to
receive a Potion. Then go up the ladder and look in the drawer to get another
card. After that, slide down the ladder and go back to the street. Then run
north to the next area.

You'll see nobles from Treno getting escorted to the play. After that, look
on the bottom right and left sides of the screen to receive a card and 33 Gil.
Then run into the bar, its entrance should be in the middle of the screen. You
should find a Potion by the table to the bottom right, a card in the opposite
side, and 33 Gil by the stairs. Then go back outside and west to the next
screen. Go inside and inspect the Item Shop (to the right) to find some gil.
Then run north and to the town square.

You can do a lot of nothing in the town square at the current time. If you go
in to the Weapon/Synthesis Shop to your right, you will find out that they are
closed. (They're going to the play.) If you go to the left, you can find some
girls jump roping. If you feel up for the challenge, you can jump rope tediously
for a while. Go to the side quests section to find out what you will get for
doing "X amount of jumps." Boring, eh?

Now onto items in this area... If you go north you will see two Alexandrian
soldiers guarding the castle doors. If you look near the wagon to the right,
just a little below the two guards, you will find a Phoenix Pinion. If you talk
to Hippaul on the opposite side, he will tell you that he hid his "three
precious cards" somewhere in Alexandria. Don't worry, we will get to that...

There is one more place you might want to see, and that's the inn to the left
of the ticket booth. You won't find any items in here, but you will get to
see a small shade of the characters personality. Then go over to the middle of
the square and peek inside the ticket booth. You will find out some bad news. It
seems that your ticket for "I Want to Be Your Crow" is a fake ticket. The
ticketmaster will give you three cards in an attempt to compensate your fake

After this, go down the alley in the bottom left of the screen. Halfway down
you will trip, and the signmaker will blame you for missing a nail. No matter,
he jumps up two seconds later and finishes the job. Then he decides
to walk up the alley and leave his ladder. Then the rat kid that you
ran into earlier will have a little chat with you. Tell him that you had a
fake ticket, and he will say that if you agree to being his slave, he will
get you into the show. (Not "I Want to Be Your Crow", mind you.)

Tell him no, and he will run off. From here, run down the alley and to the
next screen, which seems to be a residence of houses. Walk down to the bell
tower (or steeple) about halfway down, and go inside. Go around the outer wall
of the steeple to find a Tent and Potion. Then go up the ladder and to the top
of the steeple. Pull the rope and three cards will drop from the bell. This is
Hippaul's secret stash.

After this run back to the alley and to the townsquare, then back to the
alley again. You will see the rat kid again. Tell him "Alright" this time and
he will ask you to keep watch on one side. Tell him it's all clear and he
will take the ladder and go south. Before you go with him, you might want to
talk to the four armed man going down the alley. This is Alleyway Jack, he
will teach you all the basics about Tetra Master. (The card game.)

Follow the rat kid back into the steeple and he will tell you to go up first.
(You slave, you!) Attempt to and a moogle will drop on you. Kupo will then
chat a little with you, telling you how to save your game and such. After
that, the rat kid will go up with the ladder and yell at you some more. Then
Stiltzkin will come in and talk with Kupo. You will find out that he wants to
travel. After this, talk to Kupo about "Mognet" and he will tell you how the
mail system works. Agree to delivering mail for Kupo, then save your game
and climb the ladder.

On the rooftop, the pointy-hat kid will have to cross a couple wood planks.
Since he is scared of heights he will go very slowly. Follow the rat kid to the
next set of planks, which will almost be the pointy-hat kid's last step! After
that, the rat kid starts running faster to get to the play. You have an infinite
amount of time to get there though, so you can look for Gil around here. For
some strange reason, it seems that the people of Alexandria love to leave their
money on the rooftops. Get the Gil stash on this rooftop, it should be on the
southwestern part of the roof. Then go up and the rat kid will ask for your
name. His default name is Vivi, but you can choose whatever you want. (Choose
Puck for a laugh, but don't email me because you didn't like the name!)

After this, look in every single nook and cranny on the rooftop to find more
Gil. There should be two more stashes, and you can see them easily because they
are in bags. After this, make your way to the northeastern rooftop. You will
find out why Puck needed the ladder, even though he could have just as easily
used one of the planks in the previous rooftops. Oh well. They will both run
inside and the play will then start up.

"I Want To Be Your Canary" is indeed a love story, and somewhat predictable.
Watch as events unfold in the story. Then there will be another easy boss

Boss Name: King Leo
HP: 200
Steal: N/A
Party: Zidane (1), Cinna (1), Marcus (1), Blank (1)
Difficulty: Very Easy

And you thought the first boss fight was easy! This fight is even easier! Steal
is replaced with SFX, which is stage magic that doesn't do any damage. Don't use
it unless you really want to see it. You don't need to take out King Leo's two
henchmen; they are insignificant in this battle. Just hack away on King Leo's
200 health, it should go down quiet fast. Don't worry if Cinna dies, that's the
only character that they can hit for more then 10 damage. This fight should only
last around 5 hits. King Leo and his two men often just use magic, so you might
find yourself unscratched at the end of this duel.


After the fight, King Leo will run off and Blank and Zidane will get into an
argument. This will tell you a little about how this world really is. Then they
will have a sword fight. Look at the Side Quests section for more details on
this sword fight. Keep trying until you get around 90 out of 100, the crowd will
give you more money that way. If you don't get what you want the first time, say
"Yes" when the crowd asks for an encore performance. After you are happy with
what you got, the screen will change.

You come back with Zidane and Blank in Alexandrian armor, and two guards
"sleeping" on the floor. (As so to speak.) They will have some funny
conversation, and you will find out how you two plan to capture Princess Garnet.
Then you will both walk into a middle corridor. Before you go up the stairs,
equip the Mage Masher. Then, go up the stairs and you will see a hooded girl.
Zidane will converse, and then you have the option of letting her pass or
examining her; Either one will do. In the end, we will find out that she is
Princess Garnet!

Then the comic relief will finally arrive, Zorn and Thorn! Walk to the Queen's
lookout, they will! Oh great, now I am talking like Thorn... At any rate, Zorn
and Thorn will report that Princess Garnet has run off, only after the Captain
of the Knights of Pluto gets "One upped" by Beatrix. Then Queen Brahne will
summon the Captain of the Knights of Pluto, whose default name is Steiner. She
will ask for you to find Princess Garnet.

Steiner will ask for the Knights of Pluto to assemble but it's to no avail., the
only two that are in the castle are in their... err... Anyway, it ends up in
Steiner yelling at the two Knights. (You already hate his personality, right?)
Then you will have control of Steiner. Go back up the stairs, right at the fork,
and back into the Queen's lookout. Talk to the Queen, and she will give you a
Silk Shirt. However, this is only if you got a good rating in the sword fight.
Then backtrack down to where the two Pluto Knights "assembled," and save you're
game in the room to the east.

After this, we have another small quest to do. If you find all nine Knights of
Pluto, Garnet will give you an Elixir. (Very useful item later in the game.)
Look in the Side Quests section for more detail on this. Elixir's are VERY
useful at the end of the game, and it is highly advisable that you do this.
After you find them it is time to find the Princess.

Go north from the corridor with the stairs and it will bring us to a very square
room with the Queen's (ugly) painting in the middle. Go over to it, down the
stairs, and south to reach the outside of this castle. Walk down the next screen
and we will see a small water fountain. Go west from here and Steiner will
comment on the play almost being over. In the next screen, follow the path west
to the tower. Then go down the dungeon-like hall and all the way up the spiral

Steiner will talk to himself some more (he loves doing that) and we see the
Princess being chased by a thief. Then we have another beautiful and funny FMV.
After this, the Princess will fall on you and go through a door. Follow her and
she will bump into Ruby. They will talk a little bit, and you will have control
of Zidane again. Talk to Ruby and she will start lecturing you about something.
Garnet then goes by Ruby and down the stairs. Follow her.

You might remember this next room. This is the room where you fought the Masked
Man (Baku). Watch as events unfold; Princess Garnet WANTS you to capture her.
Then Cinna will come in, and Steiner will finally find out which room Garnet is
in. Cinna will then show you an escape hatch that leads down to engine room. The
three will jump in, and then Steiner and one of his "Knights" will come in. The
Knight, who is really Blank in disguise, will get "stuck" in the escape hatch.
Haha. Steiner will find another way to get down there, I can promise you that!

Then we go back to Zidane, Garnet, and that ugly guy with a hammer. What was his
name again? Oh, Cinna! Zidane and Garnet will have an idle conversation, which
ends in Zidane truthfully telling her that he is falling for her. Now it is time
to get some items before we proceed to the next room. Go a little forward from
where you are to the engine with a wheel. You will get a "?" icon. (Or rather
known as a choices icon.) Press X and you will have two choices to either move
the wheel to the right, or to the left. Move it to the right, and Cinna will
yell at you and tell you to turn it back. You will automatically do so. Then,
move it to the left, and yet again Cinna will yell at you, and you will turn it
back. Two treasure chests will drop this time, however. The first is in plain
view south next to the engine on the bottom floor. You should be able to see it.
Walk around and down the stairs, then collect the Phoenix Down over there.
Afterwards, go back over to the stairs and go right of them to be behind the
engine. You should find a field icon. Collect the Phoenix Pinion, and finally
proceed to the next room.

You will find Steiner in the next room and his "Knight" on the other side of the
room. Steiner will think it is one of his Pluto Knights, but it really is Blank!
Then, with Hammer Man and Blank, you will fight Steiner, Captain of the Pluto
Knights. (Oh great... the epic play rubbed off on me!)

Boss Name: Steiner I
HP: 175
Steal: Leather Hat, Silk Shirt
Party: Zidane (1), Cinna (1), Blank (1)
Difficulty: Easy

Another (very) easy boss! He is almost as easy as Baku. His attacks do around
the twenties in damage. He might focus on one character, but for the most part
he attacks everyone evenly. Have all three of them steal from Steiner until you
get the Silk Shirt and Leather Hat. They can be used a little further in the
game, and sold after that. Once you have both of the items, hack away on
Steiner. If Zidane's life gets low (20 HP left), have Cinna throw a potion his
way to heal him. Blank and Cinna are not permanent characters, so we don't care
as much about them. They both can die for all we care! After you have taken 175
damage off of him, he will use Armor Break (you actually get to use this useless
sword art later in the game) and breaks Blank's armor. Oglop's will fly out and
on to the ground.


In another comical scene, everyone hates Oglops! The exception to everyone is
Zidane and Garnet, who manage to narrowly escape. Then the screen goes back to
the play and we see that King Leo is going to kill Marcus. Meanwhile, we go back
to Zidane and Garnet. They say that this is a dead end, but Cinna points them to
a lift. Afterwards, Steiner runs in and takes another one. Then we see that they
both ended up in the play! They improvise and we see a hilarious scene. The
Queen is still at her lookout, and it seems she cannot connect the dots that
Garnet is on stage!

Then we go back to Vivi and Puck. Two Knights of Pluto, or should I say Dumb and
Dumber (?), finally see that Vivi and Puck snuck in and go running after them.
It all ends in them going on stage, and Vivi using his black magic. He
accidentally hits Garnet's hood instead of the Knights, and Garnet throws her
hood off. I just hope that the Queen can recognize her now! Afterwards, Steiner
will finally get over her fake death (he thought it was real?) and more yelling
will occur. Lastly, Steiner will not comply with Garnet's wishes to stop
following her. Or should I say stalking her? Another battle is coming your way.

Boss Name: Steiner II
HP: 160
Steal: N/A
Party: Zidane (1), Vivi (1), Garnet (1), Marcus (1)
Difficulty: Easy

This is another very easy boss fight. This time Steiner has a little less HP,
but he has two of his Knights with him. Take the Knights out first. They have
around 50 HP, so they should be one hit kills for Zidane, since he should be
doing around 80 damage now. (With the Mage Masher, of course.) Marcus, on the
other hand, might need Garnet to give the other Knight a "love tap" to finish
him off. After that, have Vivi cast fire on Steiner. This will severely weaken
him, as Vivi does around 100 damage. Then have Zidane, or Marcus, or whoever you
can first finish off Steiner.


After the fight, you might here your Playstation make weird noises, as it always
does when a FMV comes up. Boy is this one good, like all the others! Now we go
to battling against Steiner for a third time. I know this is getting boring as
hell, these fights are so easy. Just... watch.

Boss Name: Steiner III
Steal: N/A
Party: Zidane (1), Vivi (1), Garnet (1), Marcus (1)
Difficulty: N/A

You might be wondering "Why doesn't Steiner have any HP?" Simple answer: In this
boss fight, all you have to do is survive three turns of the bomb growing. After
that the fight will end. Everyone will tell Steiner that there is a bomb right
behind him, but Steiner just thinks it's a trick. He's very right, that is
something that Zidane would do. (You'll see later in the game...) Just have
everyone do physical attacks on Steiner. You can't steal because SFX is still
there (Why!?) and there is no point in doing fancy magic or anything. After it
grows three times, this "fight" is over.


Finally, after it grows three times, and is bigger then Brahne, Steiner will
notice it and the battle will be over. It will explode, and from the Queen's
view it looks like the bomb completely obliberated the ship. It looks bad for
you at that moment... you could be playing the role at the obese Brahne.
However, the ship comes out of the smoke, fastly falling. It's going to crash!


3.3 - Evil Forest


Goblin (35 HP)
Fang (70 HP)
Dendobrium (175 HP)
Plant Spiders (50 HP)
Baku (Boss)
Prison Cage (Boss)
Plant Brain (Boss)

You see that Zidane fell off the ship, but he seems to be all right. Next we go
inside the wrecked ship and it seems that everyone (at least all the main
characters) are okay, but Vivi and Garnet our missing. While they are getting
the wounded out, have Zidane go over and talk to Cinna for information. After he
finds out that Garnet and Vivi are missing, the moogle tells you about ATEs.
Press select to see Garnet and Vivi running from some monster. The monster will
make a shadow over Garnet's head. Oo... spooky.

You cannot go inside the ship currently, one of the 'enero's tells you to look
outside for Garnet. So, save at the moogle then enter the forest by going
through the log on the bottom left hand corner of the screen. You will be in a
swamp-like place. It is advisable that at this screen you get to at least level
3. The simple reason for this is because the next boss will be hard, and you
develop a lot in those 3 levels, even though it doesn't take a while to get the
experience. Also, you need to know how random battles work, and how the battle
systems works. Those first bosses were suppose to teach you, but you can sharpen
your skills more by leveling up.

When you are ready, go around the swamp screen and you will see Steiner trying
to take on the plant alone. Then we have another boss battle...

Boss Name: Prison Cage
HP: 500
Steal: N/A
Party: Zidane (3), Steiner (1)
Difficulty: Semi-Medium

Prison Cage can be a rather annoying boss if you let him be. He absorbs HP from
Garnet to heal himself. If he absorbs all of her HP then it's Game Over. So you
have to keep Garnet alive throughout the entire fight. He also uses Right and
Left Stem, but that damage is minimal on Zidane and Steiner. Now, you might
notice that Zidane has Tranced. This is very good because he can use Free Energy
on the Prison Cage for massive damage. So Zidane's role in this battle is to use
Free Energy until he loses Trance. At that time, he will assume the role of
hitting the Prison Cage and giving Garnet Potions when she has one third (1/3)
life left. Steiner's role in this battle is to attack and throw potions to
Garnet when needed. Once Zidane gets out of Trance, all Steiner needs to do is
hack away. Use Potions and Phoenix Downs as needed, but Right and Left Stem are
so pathetic you most likely won't even have to.


The Prison Cage will then swing up and out so he doesn't get killed. Steiner
starts mourning over Garnet again. Vivi says that he just froze, and got scared.
Then, after the Prison Cage stashes Garnet, he comes back for more. This time,
however, he has Vivi in his cage.

Boss Name: Prison Cage II
HP: 500
Steal: Broadsword, Leather Wrist
Party: Zidane (3), Steiner (1)
Difficulty: Semi-Medium

Now he has Vivi in his cage! You might think this fight will be harder, because
Zidane is not in Trance, but it isn't. Vivi uses Fire on the Prison Cage for
around 75 damage per hit every turn. This more then makes up for not being in
Trance. Have both Steiner and Zidane hack away with attacks. You also must
remember, though, that the Prison Cage can kill Vivi and give you a Game Over!
You have to keep him alive, just like Garnet. Throw potions with Zidane when
needed. The reason not to have Steiner do it is because Steiner does more damage
then Zidane.


After the second fight, the Prison Cage will die and Vivi will be free. Before
he dies, though, he leaves a going away present. He sprays everyone with venom!
Now that they are sick, Zidane figures he has to bring them back to the ship to
cure them.

Blank takes care of Vivi's venom. Then they converse about how Zidane saved him.
Vivi is then free of the venom and healthy. After this, Zenero imprisons Steiner
in a room and gives him poison to drink. Oh... that's just how Steiner saw it
as. What really happened was Zenero gave him a Remedy. However... the first part
might be true. Anyway, Steiner decides to drink the Remedy, still thinking that
it is poison.

Then the screen goes back to Zidane. He will be talking to Baku about Garnet. He
says that he wants to find her but Baku protests, saying that we need to wait
for everyone to be healed before looking for her. They argue some more, and then
you have control of Zidane. Open the chest on the bridge to the right to receive
the Bronze Gloves. Then go down the stairs and talk to Blank. He'll tell you
that Vivi is doing better, and that Vivi wants to talk to you. Go into the room
to the right.

Vivi and Zidane will talk a little. Zidane will try to the play the "father
role," and promises Vivi that he will find Garnet. This makes Vivi better,
because it was partially his fault the Prison Cage got away the first time. I am
sure between Vivi's Fire power, Zidane's Free Energies, and Steiner's hits, the
plant would of died of shock. Blah... I'm deviating off topic...

Get the chest in the northern part of the room, then walk outside the room.
Zidane will think that he should of never made that promise to Vivi, as finding
Garnet in this forest is seriously like trying to find a needle in a hay stack.
He'll then ogle on her beauty some more, and decides that since he needs to
stick to his promise, and maybe get a hero kiss, he might as well go out and
find her.

Talk to Blank about this, and he will advise you to talk to Baku before leaving.
Go west to a new room. You will see Benero and Zenero guarding Steiner's prison,
or room. They won't allow you talk to Steiner at this current time, so go down
the stairs. Then go east and to the next room. Baku will be there, and they will
talk a little while. Then he will tell Zidane that he is going to really do "a
number on him." He will then tell you to go to the cargo room. (I'm just saying
what he said politely.) This is the room you were just in. Once there, you will
engage Baku in a boss battle.

Boss Name: Baku
HP: 200
Steal: Iron Sword, Hi-Potion
Party: Zidane (3)
Difficulty: Easy

Baku is almost as easy as Steiner, and that's saying a lot! His attacks do
around 25 damage on Zidane. This is next to nothing. On top of that, he trips up
sometimes and doesn't do any damage on Zidane! You want to start off by stealing
until you get both the Iron Sword and Hi-Potion. The Iron Sword is better then
the Broadsword Steiner has equipped and the Hi-Potion can be sold or used when
you get to higher levels. Overall, both items are more then worth a little
punishment with Baku. After you get both items, hack away with Zidane. He only
has 200 HP, so it won't take very long.


Baku will then let Zidane leave, so go south of this room and you will meet
Blank. Converse (talk) with Blank and he will tell you that the storage room is
unlocked to go pick up Steiner. He will also tell you that Baku was laughing
when he was talking to Blank. Go back to the room that the 'enero's were
guarding and you will be able to go inside. Talk to Steiner, and he will agree
(sort of) to go with you. He then tells you that "Master" Vivi should come along
too, his Black Magic might prove rather helpful.

Go back into the storage room once more and pick up the ether, then go back to
Vivi's bedroom and converse with him. He will also join the party. Now we have a
threesome... all we need is Garnet and we... err... Anyway, Steiner asks Vivi
about something to do with a magic sword. Now go back to the cargo room (where
you fought Baku) and go south this time to another room. You will find Blank,
and you two will talk a little. He will give you a note from Baku about
abilities, then we have a tutorial on them. After that, it's time to leave for
Evil Forest.

Once you are outside, talk to Cinna if you need any supplies (You shouldn't) and
talk to the moogle to save. Then, go back to where the Prison Cage was. This
time, go past it and follow the path until you get to a spring. This will
completely restore your HP and MP if you drink it. Very useful, because you
won't have to use tents here. You will also meet up with Monty. Save again, and
then go to the following screen.

You will almost exclusively fight Dendodrium here. This is a flower type
creature. It can use Pollen and such on you, but it is pretty easy to defeat.
You can steal tents from it, and I advise you do so. Tents can sell for a lot,
and they can be used later in the game. Try to level up maybe to at least 3 for
everyone. Have Steiner and Vivi use spell, because you can walk back to the
spring and completely restore your HP and MP anytime you want. Obviously have
Zidane steal tents. This is a fantastic spot to level up at.

When you are ready, go to the following screen and you will see a small FMV
about the deadly looking plants that lurk here. Follow the screens until you
reach the boss. There is a spawn point right before you reach the boss' screen,
so you will always get attacked by a Dendodrium. It doesn't matter much, but you
do want to be in your very best shape before you fight the upcoming boss. It
doesn't matter if he uses Pollen on you, just make sure Zidane doesn't have
darkness or his physical attacks will be useless. Once ready, go to the next
area. You will see that the Plant Brain is there, and s/he is guarding Princess
Garnet. Garnet is badly poisoned, so she won't be able to move. Looks like the
only way is to defeat the brain of the most feared forest in the entire mist

Boss Name: Plant Brain
HP: 900
Steal: Iron Helm, Eye Drops
Party: Zidane (4), Steiner (3), Vivi (3), Blank (3)
Difficulty: Semi-Medium

The Plant Brain is a pretty easy boss battle if you use your skills correctly.
All his HP makes him seem like he will be very hard, but he isn't because of
that. He is because he is the first enemy you will fight that does "party"
damage. His Thunder will attack everyone. His physical attacks aren't too
shabby, either. However, Plant Brain has a weakness to fire. Vivi can cast Fire
and Steiner can do his Fire Sword for massive damage. You will get around 400
damage with Steiner, and 120 damage with Vivi. So why even give it a Semi-
medium? The reason for this is because you will want to steal the Iron Helm from
him, so you might have to survive a lot of attacks. Blank will come in after a
lot of his HP is gone and help out. From here, Plant Brain is almost dead. Have
both Zidane and Blank steal if you haven't gotten the Iron Helm already. If you
have, or when you do, give Steiner and Vivi the green light to finish the Plant
Brain off. A big note here is that Plant Brain will often put darkness on you.
This blinds you when you attack. I would like to say that this is only when you
attack him PHYSICALLY, not MAGICALLY. Magic is not affected by darkness. So,
have Steiner and Vivi weaken the Plant Brain for Blank to come. Then Blank and
Zidane steal until they get the Iron Helm, while Steiner and Vivi defend (press
left) or heal. After that, have Vivi or Steiner finish him off. Pretty easy,


After the fight, Steiner will pick up Garnet and give her Blank's medicine. Then
all of the Plant Spiders in the forest will arrive. The party will obviously
run. Then you have control, the first two Plant Spiders you will have to defeat.
They are pretty easy, just use your magic and attacks respectively. They give
out pretty good XP, too. You might want to fight a couple more before you leave.

After the battles, Blank and Zidane will get a couple words in with each other.
Then all of the Plant Spider's start to get to them. We then see another
beautiful FMV where Blank gets behind, throws a map to Zidane, and becomes
stone. Their is a real wonder to how he got behind, and how Steiner, who has to
be one of the slowest characters in the game, not to mention him holding Garnet,
is ahead of him. Movie magic... they say.

There will be a lot of dialogue in the next couple of minutes. Most of it being
funny. Sir Rusta-- err... Steiner will start to argue with Zidane. Then Garnet
will wake up and thank everyone. Finally, everyone gets sleep besides the
Captain of the Pluto Knights, who stands guard the whole knigh-- night!

World Map

You are now on the classic Final Fantasy world map. This time you have to call a
moogle via square to save and rest. You want to go to the Ice Cavern next. It is
to the south. Once there, go right, facing the Ice Cavern, until you reach a
gate. This will be South Gate. Inside you can find a lady that will sell you
potions. It is highly advisable that you get Zidane's level to 7 before you go
into the Ice Cavern. Just Zidane, though, not everyone else. Killing all the
enemies around here can easily do this. Use and buy potions as needed. Then go
back to the Ice Cavern.


3.4 - Ice Cavern


Fang (70 HP)
Flan (75 HP)
Cave Imp (75 HP)
Wyerd (125 HP)
Black Waltz #1 (Boss)
Sealion (Boss)

When you first enter, everyone will start chatting about the cave. Vivi will
talk about it and then say that his grandpa told him everything about it.
Steiner will say that they will have to thank him when they get out of this
cave, but that is a touchy subject as Vivi says that he is dead. Leave it to
Steiner to say that. Anyway, Garnet will run inside and look at a crystal,
saying that it is absolutely beautiful. Meanwhile, Rusty-- err... Steiner will
yell at her not too. Then we have control of Zidane.

In the first room, Go up around the crystal and above the treasure chest, then
press X on the field icon and jump down to the chest. Collect the tent then go
further into the cavern. The enemies here are pretty easy, besides the Wyerds.
The Wyerds are tough, but you only get them when you run into the winds in this
area. Try to go around or quickly go through the winds, as a couple of these
battles might very well be your last. Use magic, as the upcoming boss fight will
only be Zidane.

Once you are in the next room, go east and run up to the ice wall. You will see
a "?" icon. Press X and Vivi will burn it with his magic (at no cost to his MP).
Get the ether in the chest, then go down and around and get a potion in the
other chest. Then go north more and to the next room. Dodge the wind as you go
by, the Wyerds can kill.

In this area, go east and open the treasure chest in plain view, then examine
the icicle after you get it. Vivi will use his fire and the icicle will move to
the other chest. Get the Mage Masher in it, then go left and to the upper middle
of the room. Look at the ice wall there and have Vivi burn it. Take the Elixir
in it, then go to the upper right of the room to proceed to the next area.

This room looks even wyeirder! Go northeastern and check the ice wall. After
Vivi does his thing, go down the path and pick up the Leather Wrist there, then
go all the way back to where you were. I advise healing before you go down,
because there are a couple winds in the path going down and up. After this, get
the other treasure chest in the room for a Phoenix Down. Then, go up and we will
find a fork in the road.

Go left and you will find a moogle frozen in ice. Have Vivi burn it, and the
moogle will be very mad that you burned him, but at the same time relieved
because he is free of his cold entrapment. You can save here, and look at the
ATE for all the basics on everything this game has to offer. After this, go back
to the fork and head right this time. On this path everyone will fall asleep.
Zidane will be the first to wake up. Heal up with potions and then head up the
path for another boss fight.

Boss Name: Black Waltz #1 & Sealion
HP: 250 (Black Waltz #1), 500 (Sealion)
Steal: Silk Shirt, (Black Waltz #1), Ether, Mythril Dagger (Sealion)
Party: Zidane (7)
Difficulty: Semi-Medium

At first, this seems like a hell of a battle, because you are only controlling
Zidane, but it really isn't. Zidane will trance in this battle; his gauge goes
bonkers when he gets hit by an attack. When he does, this battle will be easy.
But first, let me explain the enemy. Black Waltz #1 heals the Sealion with his
Blizzard spell when you try to attack it. He also fires Blizzard at you for
around 75 damage. The Sealion uses Tsunami, which does around 75 damage also.
This may seem like too much, but it really isn't. When the battle starts, just
have Zidane steal from the Sealion. The Ether and Mythril Dagger are very
valuable to your party. Heal when you get low on health. When he trances, it is
finally time to kill. If you haven't gotten the Mythril Dagger yet, then reset.
Have Zidane use Free Energy on the SEALION. It will do around 350 damage. Now
you might be asking "What? It will get healed with Blizzard!" Simple answer is
that the Black Waltz will only be able to heal 150 HP back. This means that you
make 200 HP in the process. And how much HP does the Sealion have? Just 500 HP.
Three Free Energies and he is toast (or frozen). Black Waltz is really easy to
defeat with him out of the picture. Just use regular attacks. Now, if you hadn't
done that little trick and ended up killing Black Walts first, Sealion will go
bonkers and do crazy attacks on you. So, the only real easy way to make this
battle cake is to take out Sealion first.


Zorn and Thorn, our favorite comic relief, will tell you, in one order or the
other, that you have defeated Black Waltz #1 but more are on the way. So, this
was the plan Queen Brahne had. After this, Zidane gets back to the party and
they wake up. Steiner accuses Zidane of doing... stuff to the princess. I'll
just leave it at that. Hate this Steiner, we do. Zidane will hide the fight with
the Black Waltz, for some strange reason.

Now it is time to get out of this Popsicle. Go back to where you fought Black
Waltz #1 and Sealion, then go all the way up and out. The party will get to
talking again, and Zidane will teach Garnet how to talk like a regular. Then
Zidane decides that we need a new name for Princess Garnet so no one is
suspicious. The default name for her is Dagger, because of Zidane's big blade.
(That didn't come out right.) At any rate, you will see a town in the distance.
The party decides to go there.

World Map

We have a couple things we can do before we go to the city. The first one is to
find Mu, a friendly monster. He will ask you for one ore, which you should most
likely have. Give it to him, and he will give you 10 AP. That is 10 AP towards
your Bandit ability, which is a nice support ability that will make stealing
items a lot easier. The Mu can be found in the center of the forest that is
right next to Dali, not the one next to the Ice Cavern. It might take a while to
get him.

In the mean time it is highly advisable that you get around 14,000 Gil. Why? You
need to buy 99 wrists. So take this opportunity to level up until you get that
amount of money. I know it might seem outrageous but if you want to make this
game a lot easier then do it. We can synthesis Cotton Robes for 1,000 Gil, and
you have to synthesis both Wrists and Steepled Hats. If you look at the numbers,
it costs 130 Gil per Wrist and 260 Gil per Steepled Hat. That means that, in
total, it costs 1,390 Gil to make a Cotton Robe. You can sell these for 2,000
Gil! That means you make 610 Gil in the process. If you do this 99 times, that's
just over 60,000 Gil. This money will make your life a lot easier at Treno. By
the by, you can synthesis these at Lindblum, and get Steepled Hats, but not
wrists, there.

It's only optional, though, but it will make everything a lot easier in the end.
Another thing that you should do now is go talk to the man in observatory. He is
right next to Dali and his house is on the bottom of the hill. Look at the small
figure of an air ship and he will tell you that he will give it to you if you
give him three rare coffee types. I will update you on where these are as we
progress in the game. (And you can find it in the side quests section.)

Now that you have all the optional stuff done, enter Dali!


3.5 - Dali


Ghost (120 HP)
Vice (130 HP)
Black Waltz #2 (Boss)
Black Waltz #3 (Boss)

Dagger 320
Mage Masher 500
Broadsword 330
Iron Sword 660
Rod 260
Mage Staff 320
Wrist 130
Leather Wrist 200
Bronze Gloves 480
Leather Hat 150
Feather Hat 200
Rubber Helm 250
Bronze Helm 330
Leather Shirt 270
Silk Shirt 400
Bronze Armor 650

Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Tent 800

When you enter the small town of Dali, you will notice that it is quite
peaceful. At any rate, it has been a long day for our party (didn't they all
pass out a little while ago?) and they decide to go to the inn to sleep. When
they get inside, they will see that the innkeeper is asleep. Zidane will wake
him up, and he will stare at Vivi. No big deal. He will point to the rooms.
Everyone will go inside, and Zidane and Steiner will have another argument. By
the time they even look to see how Vivi is doing, he is asleep. They finally
decide to do the same.

When Zidane wakes up, he hears a pretty voice singing a melody. Go around the
room and open the chests, then look at the handful of ATEs. One is Dagger trying
to talk regular and the other is the kids being scared of Vivi. Go outside and
go on over to Vivi. He will be right next to the windmill. After they talk,
you'll get another ATE of Dagger trying to talk normally. Run on over to the
shop, which is opposite the inn at the entrance, and Zidane will give her a
couple tips to talking normally.

Now, check the shop. Buy all the new equipment that you want. Also, if you
decided to synthesis Cotton Robes, buy as many Wrists as you can (99). Then,
walk back to the inn and to the bedroom. Talk to Dagger for a bit. Then the
screen will change to Steiner. He want's to get information on where he can find
a ship that will take him to Alexandria. He will do all the chores for the lady,
just to him to find out that all he needs to do is talk to Mr. Morrid, who owns
a air ship.

You then come back to Dagger and Zidane. They are starting to get worried
because Vivi has not come back. Go outside to the main entrance and you will
here a Chocobo. Go over to where Vivi was. You will hear crying. Zidane will
check the hole and Vivi will tell him that he was grabbed down there. Zidane
will then reassure Vivi and tell him that they will a way down there. Go inside
the windmill now. Go behind it in the room and you should find Aries. A field
icon should pop up if you run around behind it. Then, check the south of the
room to find a manhole. Zidane will open it, and you will go down underground
via the ladder.

Climb down the ladder and go over to the elevator. It may not look like one, it
is just a platform that will go down. Go down, and get the 155 Gil around there.
Then follow the tunnel to the next screen. You will see two men talking about
how they found Vivi. Then they will carry Vivi away. Zidane will make some
racket, but it seems that they didn't care. Dagger will pull him back. She will
then tell him that they shouldn't cause trouble yet. She then recognizes the
markings on the barrels. Go inside the little booth, where to men where, and
take the treasure.

In the next room, go on top of the crates to get the treasures. Then go onto the
next room. Save at the moogle if you wish, then look at the wheel. A potion will
fall from it. Collect it then climb the crates all the way up to the other
treasure. Collect the ether then hop back down. Go further and you will hear a
muffled cry by some boxes. You will find out that Vivi is in one of them! How...

At the northern part in this room, there is a double door. When you open it,
mist will come in and you will fight some ghosts. No big deal. Don't use magic,
and focus on one at a time. Go inside the room where the mist came from to find
three chests. Collect them and go back to the room below. Then follow the
corridor down.

You will see a ton of mages in this next room. They look almost identical to
Vivi, only they are much bigger. At first, we think that they are merely dolls.
Poor Vivi. Someone will come up from behind the threesome. Zidane will run into
one of the machines and the three of them will get boxed up. Then we hit it back
to Steiner. He is talking to Morrid, which is the coffee guy. He despises
Steiner for some reason that we should all know... Any enemy of my enemy is my
friend. =)

Mr. Morrid will go back to his house. You now have control of Steiner. Run back
inside and you will see the two arguing, almost like when Steiner argues with
Zidane. After some arguing, Mr. Morrid will tell Steiner that there is a ship
getting loaded now. Then go back to Dali. Steiner will be running towards the
loaders. They will freak out, thinking Steiner is some weirdo with his rusty
armor, and run away from him. Steiner will then see a barrel. You now have two
choices of what to do. You can observe the barrel or poke in it with your sword.
Either option is funny if you hate Steiner. After this Black Waltz #2 will
arrive, ready to take Dagger.

Boss Name: Black Waltz #2
HP: 1,000
Steal: Leather Plate, Steepled Hat
Party: Zidane (7), Vivi (7), Dagger (7), Steiner (7)
Difficulty: Semi-Medium

The second Black Waltz is a lot more powerful then the first, but not as smart.
He doesn't summon anything and make life miserable for you. All he does is
attack. But boy does he attack! He does three spells, them obviously being Fire,
Thunder, and Blizzard. After you take enough of his HP away they will turn into
the 'ra forms, Fira, Thundara, and Blizzara. He also uses Osmoses to drain MP
from someone at this time. The good thing about this fight is that, unlike the
previous battle, you have a full party with you. He has some good stuff to
steal, so have Zidane steal until he has at least the Leather Plate. Then he can
start hacking away. Steiner should use Fire Sword until the Black Waltz says
uncle, or until he runs out of MP. At which case, he should just hack away with
Zidane. Dagger will take the role of a healer, since she is suppose to be a
healer, and has Cure. Use Cure as needed. Lastly, Vivi needs to attack and heal.
But DO NOT use magic on him. Why? If he does, the Black Waltz will counterattack
with the same magic on the entire party. This is very bad and not worth it. So,
Vivi is a healer and attacker. With Zidane and Steiner hacking away, and Dagger
Curing, this battle should be pretty easy.


After this battle, you have the option of resting in the inn or boarding the
cargo ship. I highly advise that heal and save before you board. Once you decide
to board, Zidane will offer to go ask the men if they can take a ride. Steiner
will say that he should go, and Zidane already knows that the plane 'ain't going
to Lindblum. Steiner will make a lame excuse for going. Then they will talk a
little more, and Zidane says that the ship should be heading towards Alexandria
but to trust him. The ship then boots up so they decide to board the ship. Vivi
goes first. Then Dagger hesitantly goes second. Zidane goes third and
"accidentally" grabs Dagger's butt and says "Ooo... soft."

We then see a nice FMV of the ship leaving. Then we go back to the one-perverted
mice. He explains that he didn't do it on purpose. Then we see that Vivi is
getting sick and they decide to go inside. Then Dagger says "I trust you,
Zidane" and Zidane says to himself "I get the feeling she doesn't trust me." I
wonder why...

Then they see that the ship is being run by mindless black mages. Vivi tries to
converse with them but it's to no avail. Vivi starts to cry, and then Zidane
gets on one knee like he is proposing to Dagger and tells Vivi that it is all
right. After that, we find out that Zidane's plan is to take control of the ship
and ride it to Lindblum. You will then take control. Walk down the hall to the
ladder and go on up.

We will see Steiner mourning over taking off without Dagger. Walk a little
closer and Zidane will give him a reality check. It seems that the scary man
made the loaders fly in a hurry. Then Steiner says that Zidane will be hanged
for his actions, and guards the hatch leading down to the engine room. Walk over
to the piloting room to the east. Then Steiner will talk a little about his
"duty as a knight."

Zidane finally jerks the ship and at the same time jerks Steiner imagination
back to reality. Then we see the FMV of another Black Waltz. I promise this is
the last one! More yelling will occur back in the piloting room. Steiner will
try to grab Zidane but he is as swift as a monkey! Then all the black mages come
to the piloting room, they all look blankly pissed off. Then they all go to the
bow (front) of the ship. Then we see the Black Waltz swoop down and slightly
electrocute Vivi. Then all the black mages come, protecting Vivi for some
astounding reason. Then a gorgeous FMV will come in, and we will see the Black
Waltz destroy all the Black Mages but Vivi. This is almost as sad as that
play... Speaking of play, it's time to wrestle the final Black Waltz! Before you

Boss Name: Black Waltz #3
HP: 1,150
Steal: Linen Cuirass, Silver Gloves, Steepled Hat
Party: Zidane (7), Vivi (7), Steiner (7)
Difficulty: Easy

There's only three, so there won't be another one of these things. The last one
is always the most powerful. Doesn't matter much, as Vivi will trance. Now he
has double black magic, he will throw out two spells in one turn! Oh right, back
to the boss. This Black Waltz uses Fira, Blizzara, and Thundara at while, unlike
the other two. He also does physical attacks sometimes. Overall though, they do
around 100-150 damage each. Back to the fighters. You will see that the Black
Waltz has some pretty good stuff to steal. Have Zidane stick to stealing and
healing (as needed). Steiner should use Fire Sword, not Blizzard Sword, as the
first does more damage to him. Vivi should stick with Fire all the way. Steiner
will do around 280 damage and Vivi should do around 115 damage. Add up those
numbers to the total, and you will see that he should be toast in no time. I got
both the Linen Cuirass and Silver Gloves, but that was just a combination of
luck and my bandit skill, the latter being less useful.


We then see Black Waltz #3 basically surrender and fly off the ship. Then Zidane
says to himself that Dagger is going to South Gate, so she is going for
Lindblum! After this, Zidane comforts Vivi and we get back to our famous comic
relief, Zorn and Thorn! They talk some nonsense and then jump off when they see
the Black Waltz going right for them. Not fret, though, they will survive!

Meanwhile the Black Waltz will be malfunctioning and takes control of Zorn and
Thorns ship. Then we see Zidane talk to Dagger about South Gate, and how it
might close on them. Then Sir Rustalot will run in and tell them the obvious,
that the Black Waltz is heading straight for them! Steiner punches the speed up
and we see another beautiful FMV where things happen opposite to what Zidane had
predicted. Vivi fends the Black Waltz off as he is about to destroy him. The
gate closes and they are both through. As the Black Waltz is about to destroy
them, he sets fire to his own ship and blows up! We then see the ship fly to
Lindblum. They chat for a little while about everything that has happened, and
then we see a beautiful FMV of Lindblum.


3.6 - Lindblum


Mu (80 HP)
Trick Sparrow (200 HP)
Fang (200 HP)
Zaghnol (Semi-Boss)

Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Tent 800

Dagger 320
Mage Masher 500
Mythril Dagger 950
Iron Sword 660
Javelin 880
Rod 260
Fork 1100
Leather Wrist 200
Glass Armlet 250
Bronze Gloves 480
Silver Gloves 720
Steepled Hat 260
Headgear 330
Iron Helm 450
Leather Plate 530
Linen Cuirass 800

Butterfly Sword 300 Dagger, Mage Masher
The Ogre 700 Mage Masher, Mage Masher
Cotton Robe 1000 Wrist, Steepled Hat
Desert Boots 300 Leather Hat, Leather Shirt
Yellow Scarf 400 Feather Hat, Steepled Hat
Glass Buckle 500 Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist

When you enter, the castle looks so big! Not, that's only what they say. The
only thing "big" about this place is the town. Anyway, after some more idle chat
two guards walk over to the party. Dagger says that she is Princess Garnet, but
the guards don't believe her. Shows how much they know! Anyway, Dagger shows
them proof that she is the princess by showing them a artifact that looks
identical to the "falcon claw." The guards call a minister to come, while Zidane
and Steiner argue about which one looks scruffier. The minister comes, and
Dagger address's him as "Uncle" for some reason that I do not know. Then he
tells them that the Regent is waiting for them.

In the next screen, follow the minister to the lift. Then you will go to the
upper level as they talk about Lindblum a little. Then they will finally meet
the regent. He is an oglop! He will go down to meet Dagger, but Steiner will
punch him right back to the throne! We then find out that someone took Hilda,
Regent Cid's wife, and their ship, then turned the Regent into a oglop! That
sounds suspicious. This entire meeting will end in the Regent telling everyone
to get some rest. The Minister then offers food.

Zidane, who doesn't like the finer things in life, goes over to a bar. It seems
he has been there before, as Bobo and him converse in idle conversation. Then
Zidane starts hitting on a waiter. The rat-faced women will tell him that he is
ruining everyone's appetite and they will start arguing. It seems that they are
past friends, but Zidane can't remember because he has been out (or saw) to many
girls. He finally remembers that it is Freya (Or any other name you could think
of) and Zidane starts talking vaguely with her about things. I really like this
Freya... Now if she would only focus her anger on Freya that would be splendid!
We find out that there is a festival hunt being held here tomorrow. Then he gets
some shut-eye.

We then kick it back to the Regent and Dagger. They talk about how Queen Brahne
has been acting strange, and how she decided to go aboard the Lindblum Theater
ship. We then find out that Regent Cid asked Baku and his band to capture the
Princess! It seems that it is the Regent's job to protect the Princess. He then
talks about how Baku and him go "way back" and how the play was a "perfect

Then Dagger tells the Regent about what they saw in Dali. The Regent, being
somewhat cocky, says that their air fleet could obliterate anything that Brahne
could think up. Then we move to the construction site for the Regent's ships. We
then find out the real truth of how he came to be an oglop, and how he lost the
ship. Pretty Zidane-like, eh? They will talk more. It will end with the Regent
saying, "I just wonder why the ship crashed. Baku has good men under him."

The screen pulls up with one of those good men, Zidane. Zidane and Vivi will
talk for a bit. Just look at all the blue letters. This game really thinks you
are completely ignorant and gives you all the important directions in blue.
Zidane ends the conversation with "Go get a girl" which is all he seems to be
thinking about...

We then get one of those all-important ATEs that we cannot ignore. This one is
pretty informative, though. You can find a lot of things you didn't know about.
Look at all of them, and you will be glad you did so. At least look at the
Synthesis one, it is very important. Then select "nothing" and we will go back
to Zidane.

Walk over to the next room and talk to the moogle about mognet. You will get
some nice mail from Ruby. Then it is time to save. Go downstairs and check the
lower right corner of the screen to find 167 Gil on the floor. Then walk
outside. You will see another ATE which you might find quite funny. Then we go
back to Zidane.

Go north and to the next screen. Then go northeast and under the bridge to a
nice fountain circle. You will find an equipment shop here, a item shop, and a
synthesis shop. Go to the equipment shop first, it should be on the eastern part
of the screen, and have a sword over its entrance. Buy all the new and better
equipment the shop has to offer. Buy another Mage Masher, then go northeast and
to the synthesis shop. Make an Ogre; this weapon will help you severely when you
fight the upcoming bosses. You do not need to buy equipment for Dagger and
Steiner if you are low on cash, but I do advise that you get a cotton robe for
Dagger because it has the Shell and Chemist abilities in it.

If you got 99 wrists like I optionally suggested if you have more then 1,260 Gil
now (if you don't go south outside Lindblum) then go to the equipment shop and
buy a Steepled Hat. Then run over to the northwestern part of the area and you
will find a synthesis shop. Make one Cotton Robe, then run back over to the
equipment shop and sell it for 2,000 Gil. Then, buy another Steepled Hat and
repeat the process, picking up more Steepled Hats when you get more money. This
is a sure fire way to getting around 60,000 Gil! Leave 3 cotton robes left in
your inventory for people to equip. Now, you might be wondering what to do with
all this money? You'll see when disc two rolls around. You can do this trick
again at the beginning of disc two! Buy 99 Steepled Hats from the equipment

After you are done shopping, try to look all around the districts thoroughly.
The air cab in the district you are in is opposite to the inn that you slept in.
When you enter to fly the cab, you will have an ATE of Vivi getting a Kupo Nut
for free. You will also find out more about a "festival with animals." Now you
can go exploring districts if you like. Explore the Theater District last. When
you arrive at the Theater District, go to the bottom of the screen and to the
next area. You should get a ATE of Steiner talking to a man that looks familiar
to Mr. Morrid. They will talk about steam powered engines.

After the ATE, run to the west part of the screen and down the stairs in the
northern part. Then run passed the door with the clock (it is the Tantalus
Hideout) and go down the stairs to Zidane's left. You will see that four woman
are pushed up against some barrels and are waiting for someone to come. Talk to
them to find out more. When you talk to one of them, Zidane will introduce
himself as "the greatest bandit in the world." Nobody cares, and finally Lowell
comes out. The girls yell things like "I love you" and "I want to be a slave for
you." Then he runs back inside and an extra large moogle (it has to be a
costume) walks out.

Everyone is a hater towards the moogle, and he goes right through the "four
person crowd." Just as Zidane is about to identify him, the costume-guy yells
"No I'm not!" and runs off. Zidane then says it's tough being popular... how
should he know? Anyway, go back up the two flights of stairs and go to the house
that is opposite of the air cab station. Go down the stairs and talk to the blue
haired man. He is Lowell and will give you his autograph. Then Lowell and
Michael will argue with each other. Now, look in the chest to receive an ore.
Then, look on the ground by the red chair to get a moogle suit.

Now go back down the stairs and inside Tantalus's hideout this time. If you
forgot, it is the big door with the clock over it. Zidane will go inside rather
leisurely and start talking to himself about what to do. Then we get an ATE of
Dagger being trapped in the guestroom. It really is for her safety, though, as
the hunt will get bloody. Then we go back to Zidane. Bunce and Lucella, some of
Baku's nephews and nieces, will come in the room and start talking to Zidane.
They talk about a few things, namely going to ask Dagger out. Before you go
back, however, you need to open all the chests in this room. There are four
chests on the ground, and a Mini-Burmecia in the bed up the ladder.

Now it is time to go see how Dagger is doing. Go back to the air cab and over to
Lindblum Castle. You will see an ATE about Tantalus making it out of the forest,
and talk about getting Blank's petrification status off without curing the whole
forest. Before we continue, I would like to point out that when you get a ATE
that is optional by pressing select, often times they are just for comic relief.
When you get a ATE automatically, one that you have to see, it is apart of the
story. And no, I'm trying my hardest not to give away anything here!

Anyway, once you get to Lindblum Castle's air cab go south and you will be in
the castle. Then go up the stairs and follow the red carpet to the room with the
fountain and lift. From here, go up the stairs to Zidane's left and take the
first left into the guestroom. Walk inside and you will see Steiner. He will
tell you that the Princess is missing, and of course he blames it on you. Then
he runs off and leaves you alone in the guestroom.

Open the chest by the two blue single beds to get a Glass Armlet. Then, go up to
the moogle and collect the ether in the chest near there. Then give Mogki the
letter from Kumop. After reading it, select mognet again and you will get
another letter. Then, save your game and head back to the statue/lift room. You
will hear someone singing (the only time you hear a characters voice in this
game!). Dagger is singing, and this is the same song she sung in Dali. Try to go
on the lift but the guard will prevent you.

Now it is time for Zidane's skills to kick in. Run back up the stairs that are
going to Dagger's room, but this time go down the stairs to the right. Then take
a right and try to talk to the guard. He is asleep, and Zidane will wake him up.
Then he will make up a story about someone being in the guestroom. Finally,
Zidane will beat him up and take his armor.

Now it is time to get on the lift. Once you are in it, Zidane will automatically
go to the upper level. Then, take a left before the big archway and go up the
stairs. Go around the engine and up circular stairs. You will now be at the top
of the castle. Go up the steps to the south and you will see another beautiful
FMV. Then the two will talk a little and Zidane runs over to the telescope. Look
at the Ceebell River, Chocobo Forest, South Gate, Qu's Marsh, and the two Aerbs
Mountains. Then Dagger will take a look.

Dagger and Zidane then talk about everything that has happened so far. Dagger
then realizes all the ruckus she caused. Then she says that she has not been
getting good sleep and Zidane, being himself, will ask her if she "needs
company." We then find out that Dagger does not know what her song is, she just
sings it when she feels lonely. Then we go back to Steiner, who has seemed too
given up on Dagger and is looking in an armorshop. Steiner seems to still be in
denial about Brahne being bad. We then see most of the major characters
struggling to find out things.

Going back to Zidane, he seemed to have mixed up all the woman he has hit on in
this game. Then Zidane says that if he wins the hunt tomorrow, they will go out
on a date. Dagger hesitantly agrees and Zidane runs off. We then see all the
vicious beasts that will be in the festival. Don't worry, however, if you are at
level 8 or higher, and have The Ogre, most of the monsters won't even be able to
touch you.

Then the screen changes back to the guestroom, where we find out that Vivi,
Freya, and Zidane will all be competing in the festival hunt! Vivi is because
Zidane "persuaded" him to. Then we find out that they all will start off at
different districts. We find out that if Zidane wins he will get Gil, if Vivi
wins he will get a card and if Freya wins she will get a add on. Zidane will get
5,000 Gil, Freya will get a Coral Ring, and Vivi will get some rare card (Hey, I
would never let him win!). Obviously the Coral Ring is the best item, Gil is the
middle, and the card is the worst. You will, however, be able to control the
outcome of who wins!

Save at the moogle, just in case you don't get what you wanted. Go to the air
cab, and it will automatically take you the Theater District. Then we see Dagger
and Steiner watching the competition. Zidane then gets out of the air cab, and
the time starts ticking. Go outside and you will see that a Mu is attacking a
man. Kill it then continue. You are going to want to kill every animal in this
district, so look in every nook and cranny. It's only optional, though.

Why is it optional, you might ask? Because when there is less then 4 minutes
left on the clock, a Zaghnol will attack Baku's niece and nephew in the Business
District. The beast will be in the Fountain circle, where the Synthesis,
Equipment shop, and Item shop are. Remember, though, that you have 8 minutes to
kill before you can fight it. So, if you want, you can go on a killing spree in
the other districts. Just remember to go to the Zaghnol when they're around 4
minutes left. He is worth a towering 200 points, so even if you haven't killed
any monsters, you will still win.

Now you might be asking "So how do I get <insert name here> to win?" Well, when
you start to fight the Zaghnol Freya will jump in and attack with you. You will
then have control of both her and Zidane. The Zaghnol has around 1,500 HP. Use
this number to your advantage. Have both Freya and Zidane attack. When he gets
low on HP, if you want Freya to win have Zidane steal while Freya attacks. If
you want Zidane to win have Freya defend and Zidane attack. If you want Vivi to
win then have Freya kill Zidane, and have Freya defend while the Zaghnol attacks

Again, I HIGHLY ADVISE that you have Freya win, unless you are really low on Gil
or are obsessed with the card game (I hope not). Get there with around 5 minutes
left so you have a little extra time to get to the Zaghnol. I highly advise that
you have Zidane steal even if you want him to win, the Zaghnol has both a
Mythril Glove and a Needle Fork. Both of these items are very good to have
equipped at this point in the game, and can sell for something. Remember to
STEAL both items, even if you take some abuse and have to use up some potions,
it will be well worth it.

You will then get rewarded with the appropriate item to whoever won, and a Hunt
Master title. Afterwards, however, something very unexpected happens. A
Burmecian soldier will come and ask for reinforcements, it seems that a group of
Black Mages is terrorizing Burmecia! The Regent and Minister will talk a bit
about the situation, and they finally decide that there are no troops to bring
over, they are all scattered about the region looking over Brahne! Freya, Vivi,
and Zidane decide to go as reinforcements. Dagger is told that she cannot go.

They all decide to have a feast before they go, for some strange reason. Another
weird part is why the Regent doesn't give them a ship. It would take them ten
seconds to get to Burmecia in an air ship! Anyway, in the feast Dagger uses
Zidane's sleeping weed to knock everyone out besides her and Steiner. Steiner
feels... how can I say, left out that he wasn't poisoned? Anyway, they both
leave for somewhere that we do not know.

The rest of the party wakes up, and you are told to go to Gizamaluke's Grotto.
Then the three of you, Zidane, Vivi, and Freya will team up. Equip them with all
the new items you bought and stole. Then, if you have anything else you want to
do in Lindblum, like get some more equipment or play the card game, do it now.
Also buy one more set of equipment that Vivi wears. This will be a Silk Shirt
(or Cotton Robe), Steepled Hat, and Glass Armlet. When you are ready to go, take
the castle lift to the base level. Be wary that you will not be able to come
back for a while once you leave. So, get everything you want to done before you

When you reach the base level, take the west trolley to Dragon's Gate. Read
Stiltzkin's letter and save your game at the moogle. Buy items (medical) at the
other man in this room if you ever need to. Then walk through the northern
archway to the world map.

World Map

You can do a total of two things at this present time. You can go to Chocobo's
forest and dig up some Chocograph's if you like. It's completely optional, and I
don't expect you to do it, but you can get some good items from the
Chocograph's. See the Side Quest section for more detail on how to play Chocobo
Hot and Cold.

Qu's Marsh

After you have optionally done that, run north from Dragon's Gate and you will
see a flat forest. This is Qu's Marsh! Go inside, and you should remember this
place from the ATE of Mogster. Follow the planks to the next area and you will
see Mogster there. Talk to him if you are having any trouble figuring out stuff
still. Then, go in the opening in the grass right behind him. Go up and through
the grass and you will be at a small pond with a weird looking... thing
wandering around the pond trying to get frogs. Catch a frog and talk to s/he.

You will come to naming s/he. The default name is "Quina." Quina will ask for
the frog Zidane has. Zidane will give it to s/he and then Quale will come out
and yell at Quina for taking the frog. Then we will go inside Quale's house.
They will talk a little about their being more to life (or food) then frogs.
Agree to take Quina with you. On the way out Vivi will say that Quale looks
exactly like his grandpa. He then runs in and talks to Quale about this. Quale
says that he vaguely knows him, but does not want to talk about him (Or at least
that it was I pieced together).

Anyway, now you have four party members! Equip Quina the extra set that you
bought for him while in Lindblum. Give him the Needle Fork you stole, also.
Then, I highly suggest that you catch all the frogs in the pond, leaving only
one male and one female. This will give them time to reproduce, so when you
finally go back to Lindblum you will be able to go frog catching again. When you
are ready, leave Qu's Marsh.

World Map

Now that you are on the world map, it is time to level up! You should have all
the optional stuff done by now (if you decided to do it). I recommend that all
party members be at level 10 before we go inside the Grotto. This means that
when you fight the boss you should all be at level 11. At any rate, level
everyone up on the world map. By potions if needed in Dragon Gates shop. Have
Freya equip an Iron Helm and have the Level Up ability on.

While you are leveling up, their is a creature called the hedgehog pie. I want
you to lower its health and then have Quina eat it. This will give you pretty
powerful blue magic, Pumpkin Head. This attack will do Quina's maximum number of
HP minus the HP s/he has currently. So if you have 100/450 HP it will do 350
damage in that turn. It's very useful for some of the bosses coming up! When you
are at level 10, and have Pumpkin Head, you will find Gizamaluke's Grotto if you
follow the roots on the ground that start at Qu's Marsh.


3.7 - Gizamaluke's Grotto


Hornet (300 HP)
Skeleton (400 HP)
Lamia (1000 HP)
Black Mage Type A (400 HP)
Gizamaluke (Boss)

Upon entering, Freya will see two dead Burmecian soldiers. Then she will think
that the king is in danger, and everyone will run inside. If you go north, you
will find yourself at a wall that won't even budge. Go east and talk to a
soldier. He will give you a bell and tell you to go to Burmecia. Run over to the
door and ring the bell. The door will open and the bell will shatter. Go inside.

At this time I would like to talk about the enemies. The Skeletons and Hornets
are pretty easy to defeat. The skeletons usually come in ones, so they are
really easy to defeat. They do around 80 damage. The Hornets come in threes, so
they are harder. There is one enemy that I would like to discuss. That is the
Lamia. This... pink worm is deadly. It does around 100 damage with slash, can
cure itself 180 HP, and can confuse a character into attacking an ally. These
are pretty hard to defeat, but if you are awake during the battle, and use
magic, they shouldn't be very hard. You only get to kill a handful of Black Mage
Type A's here, as they are not random spawns. They aren't very tough because
they only do around 100 damage per spell and are slow.

You will see two Black Mages obliterate a soldier, then Zorn and Thorn will
arrive and tell the 'Mages to attack you. They are fairly easy to defeat. Use
magic, because you can just use a tent later in this place. Zorn and Thorn will
then run off. Follow the path, and kill the two Black Mages in the center of the
room. You will get a bell for defeating them. Run up the stairs to the north and
use the bell on the middle door. Yet again the door will open and the bell will

You will see a moogle in trouble. It seems that two imposters in clown costumes
have put a huge bell over the moogles husband! Who would have ever done that!?
Anyway, the moogle ends up asking for Vivi's Kupo Nut. Give it to her, and she
will tell her husband that she has a Kupo Nut waiting for him. He suddenly gets
a major boost in strength and pushes the bell over. Then the two run to the next

Get the bell where the moogle was trapped, and then go to the southeastern part
of the circular room and you will see steps going down somewhere. Go down and
check the outer path to find a Magus Hat and Mythril Gloves. Equip the Magus Hat
on Vivi and the Mythril Gloves on Freya. Then go all the way back around to the
big bell, and open the door to your right with another bell.

You will be inside to where the two moogles went. DO NOT GO UP THE VINES UNLESS
YOU WANT TO DIE. There are Blue Dragon's and Garuda's out there, the first being
impossible to defeat at your current level and the other being a hard boss.
Anyway, talk to the wife and say that you like Kupo Nuts. She says she likes
you. Then talk to the husband, Mogmi, about Mognet. Save your game, and use a
tent. Then as you are walking back to the big bell room, the wife will turn a
statue and give you another bell. She will say that she is "Kupo for Kupo Nuts"
and will ask you to give her any if/when you get some. All right.

Walk back around the bell and open the door on the left with the bell. Make sure
everyone is in tiptop shape before the battle, this is going to be a tough one.
You will walk inside and see another wounded Burmecian soldier. He will tell us
that someone has made Gizamaluke go mad. Then the fish will jump into the water
and attack you.

Boss Name: Gizamaluke
HP: 3,200
Steal: Ice Staff, Magus Hat, Elixir
Party: Zidane (11), Vivi (11), Freya (11), Quina (11)
Difficulty: Hard

This is the hardest boss fight on disc one! Gizamaluke has three deadly attacks.
Crash, which does around 100 damage to one character. Water, which will hit
Freya and Zidane in the area of 100 damage. It will hit Vivi and Quina for
around 200 damage! When he gets low on HP he will use water on the whole party
for the same damage! Like I said, he's tough. He also has Silent Voice, which
will make a character unable to use magic! Okay, now onto the fight. I really
hope that you did what I said and got The Ogre, or this is going to be a lot
tougher. If you did, which you should have done, have Zidane use Soul Blade on
the beast and he will be blind him. Now when he uses crash he will miss a
majority of the time! Now that we got one attack out of the way, let's get the
others. Have Vivi use Slow on Gizamaluke. If it doesn't stick the first time, do
it a couple times and it will. Now he attacks a lot slower! Okay, now onto
Freya. Freya should use Lancer on Gizamaluke until she runs out of MP, or until
he silences her. At which case, you will want to her to jump. Lastly, we have a
small role for Quina. If you stole the Needle Fork, then it has a chance to do a
lot of damage (around 600). Physically attack with Quina, and when Quina's HP
gets low have s/he use Pumpkin Head for a couple hundred damage! Vivi should use
Thunder on Gizamaluke until he silences him. This should happen after he first
time he does it. Then his role will be to heal everyone with potions. Back to
Zidane, after he casts Soul Blade on Gizamaluke he can either steal the Ice
Staff (which you will get a little further), an Elixir (which are valuable), or
he can attack him. Now we have to talk about the damage YOU will do to
Gizamaluke. He will be blinded and slow, so he will go a lot slower in his
attacks and he will use crash (stupidly) occasionally and miss. You will do
around 275 damage with Freya's Lancer every turn and the same amount of damage
with her Jump every other turn. Zidane will do around 400, but he might not even
get a chance if he is stealing. Quina is pretty random; her needle fork will do
anywhere from 120 to 600 damage. Vivi will only do 120 damage on Gizamaluke with
Thunder before he gets silenced, but we will need him to heal anyway. Overall,
this is one tough boss fight!


After the battle Freya will wonder how Gizamaluke came to become crazy. She will
then worry about Burmecia's king and the screen will fade.

South Gate

It seems that Dagger and Steiner decided to go to South Gate. This is good news,
because they didn't get killed at Gizamaluke's Grotto. The two guards will stop
Steiner, and inspect his bag. Steiner gets worried, but they buy that the bag is
full of gysahl pickles (at first, they think it is poison) and Steiner is
allowed inside.

Once you are inside, Steiner will say that they need to lure the people away
from that alley so Dagger can get out of the bag. Walk over to the woman in a
green dress. Console her just for fun. She will still end up walking away. Now
it is time for the man. Before you talk to him, go west to a gate that a man is
working on. Talk to him and you will find out that all he does is polish the
hinges on the gate. Select "Kill!" for another comical scene, but Steiner won't
actually kill anyone. (Besides Zidane.) Go over and talk to the man now. He
happens to be the Engineer Chef, and Steiner will tell him that the man at the
gate isn't doing anything to fix it. The chef will run over to him.

Now that the coast is clear, go over to the alley. A guard will tell you to hold
up, but all he wants to do is give you a Gate Pass. Run back over to the alley
and Steiner will guard the alley as Dagger dresses. You can choose to "Look at
the other side" and Steiner will almost peek at Dagger. If you think that this
is the last perverted thing in this game then you are gravely mistaken. This is
only the beginning. =)

Dagger will talk to Steiner about going to Treno. Then we are at the Summit
Station. Get the chest for a potion, then save at the moogle. Do a favor for
him, also, and agree to deliver a letter. Afterwards, stock up on supplies if
you need any. Equip items that you might have bought at Lindblum. If you bought
a cotton robe, then equip Dagger with the Chemist ability. Then run up the
stairs and talk to the conductor. You will board and the two of you will talk a
little bit. Then you will be off.

World Map

After Freya talks to the wounded Burmecian soldier, you will be on the world
map. Now, if you have been playing Chocobo Hot and Cold avidly you might have
gotten the Healing Shore Chocograph. If you think you did, then go to the far
west of here, past the sandstorm, and to the Chocobo tracks. Call Choco and see
if you have it. If you do, look at the Side Quests section to find out where to
look for it (it is around here).

Afterwards, if you like Chocobo Hot and Cold or by happen to chance have the
Small Beach Chocograph, backtrack all the way back to Chocobo Forest (go through
the Grotto) and find that treasure! You can get an Oak Staff from it, a valuable
treasure for Vivi at this time. Please note that this is only optional, and if
you want to be a little ahead in the game and like Chocobo Hot and Cold, then I
highly suggest you do this. Then, whenever I say have Vivi do <insert spell
here>, have him cast Bio for more damage!

Okay, now, back to the guide. If you press select until you cycle to the big
map, and then look a little above where you are, you will see Burmecia north.
Walk north from the Grotto to it. It should start to rain about halfway through.
Don't worry. Enter the town of Burmecia.


3.8 - Burmecia


Magic Vice (300 HP)
Mimic (350 HP)
Basilisk (350 HP)
Black Mage Type A (400 HP)
Ironite (900 HP)
Beatrix (Boss)

Needle Fork 3100
Glass Armlet 250
Mythril Gloves 980
Steepled Hat 260
Headgear 330
Magus Hat 400
Linen Cuirass 800
Barbut 600
Bronze Vest 670
Linen Cuirass 800
Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Tent 800

Freya will talk a little bit about herself, then everyone will run inside
Burmecia. From here, walk about halfway up this area and you should see a fallen
cart. Check behind and get the Cancer Stellazio. Then, run up to the next
screen. Walk north more and Zorn and Thorn will come out on two balconies. After
a little bit of dialogue, they will sick two Black Mages on you. These are only
the Type A's you fought earlier, so they should be easy to defeat. Zorn and
Thorn will run inside and talk a little about the "General." Then you have
control of Zidane again.

Okay, let us talk about the enemies around here. Magic Vices normally steal from
you, but you usually get the item back as a spoil. They usually run away right
after they steal, though, so try to kill them as fast as possible. Black Mage
Type A's shouldn't be something new for you. They cast any of the three normal
spells, and usually go down in one hit by Zidane. Mimics call Magic Vices, so
they are no big deal. Basilisks also go down in one hit. The only tough enemy
here is the Ironite. He holds court here just as the Lamia did of the last area.
He can go down in a couple attacks, but I want you to keep facing them until you
can get Quina to eat one. You will learn Angel's Snack, which is very valuable
blue magic.

Anyway, back at the house. Go left to a door inside. Pick up the potion by the
statue and the soft opposite of it. You can't do much of anything else in this
room, as when you go up the stairs you will find out that the floor fell. So go
all the way back outside and take the right door this time. It should all the
way around and up the stairs. Tedious, I know. Once inside, go passed the stairs
and over to the wooden drawer. Open the chest next to it to receive another
soft. Now go up the stairs and to the door to the right. Do not open the going
down the platform, unless you want to fight a Mimic.

Once you go through the door, you will find yourself in an outer area. If you go
up to the door that looks similar to the doors in Gizamaluke's Grotto, you will
find out that you can't open (Big surprise). Now, walk to the west and you will
go to another room. Walk SLOWLY across the plank and grab the treasure for the
Germinas Boots. If you are using an analog stick, use the D pad for this. The D
pad will go slow enough. Once you collect the treasure, run back over the plank
and it will fall. You will jump over to the other side, and the plank will make
a passage for a room.

You remember that room to the right, right? Well, if you don't, go all the way
back over and around and down to the balconies (where Zorn and Thorn chatted
with you), then go to the door to the right. You will find out that you have a
plank to cross that you didn't have before. Go over and to the next room. Do not
open the chest over there unless you want to fight a Mimic. Now that you are in
the next room, follow the room to the balcony. Choose to go outside the balcony
and you will jump over to the other side.

Now, talk to the Burmecian soldier by the bed. He will tell you to look under
the bed for a bell. Looks like Burmecia made the Grotto, or how else would there
be bells here, too? Anyway, go around the bed and over to the side that you
can't see in view. Choose to look under the bed and you will find the Protection
Bell. Get the ether to the left of here. Now, it is time to backtrack all the
way back to the outer room with the door that "wouldn't budge." I know you might
hate this backtracking... but don't kill me, I'm just the messenger.

Once you finally get all the way back, ring the bell and you should know what
happens next! Go inside and the party will walk up the stairs. They will talk a
little and decide to go further. Then you will see Dan, another Burmecian
soldier, run down the stairs. You should be used to everyone blaming Vivi by
now. Dan will run off, more scared then a rat that got caught in a mousetrap.

The gang will talk a little more, and decide again that they want to go further.
Run all the way up the stairs. Then, go through the open doorway in the middle.
You will see two Burmecian's struggling to leave. Zidane will enter and tell
them that it will be safe in Lindblum. Then, right before a statue type
structure collapses, Zidane will pull the husband out of the way. If only he was
doing all this heroic crap in front of Dagger...

Anyway, they will thank him and another Burmecian will run over. He will gladly
help the two of them get out of here. Then we will automatically go back to the
last screen. Go up the stairs to the east (the stairs that are still intact) and
instead of taking the first door, go over the middle and take the other. Collect
the Tent and Phoenix Down, then take the path to the middle and go through the
door. You might have noticed a chest on the other side of that area. Do not open
it because it has another Mimic in it.

Now you will be outside again. In this area there will be two doors and a path
in the middle. Go inside the left door and Freya will take the Mythril Spear.
Equip this spear, it is a little stronger then the Javelin that you have
equipped, but it has Reis' Wind (It should be Reis' Wind) that will cast Regen
on the whole party. In short, it's good!

Go back outside and take the door to the right now. You will see a moogle.
Before you buy stuff goes to the end of the room and opens the chest to receive
a Lightning Staff. Then Stiltzkin will come in. Buy the Ether, Hi-Potion, and
Soft from him for 333 Gil. Then talk to Alta. Give him the letter, and he will
give you a Kupo Nut. Buy new equipment from Alta if you have the money, then
save your game. Then equip your new items. Finally, go back outside.

Keep fighting enemies until you fight an Ironite. These dragons are just like
the Lamia's of the Grotto, they have 900 HP and have an attack that will do 150
damage to the whole party! They are tough. You want to get its HP down to 1/8,
and then have Quina eat it. You will learn Angel's Snack! This is very valuable
blue magic that will cast Remedy on the whole party! Angel's Snack is the only
blue magic in this area worth getting. Also level everyone to at least 12. Now
that you have Angel's Snack and have everyone at level 12, go back inside to
Alta, the moogle, and use a tent. Then save your game and go north to the middle

Freya will fall to her knees, it seems that the Royal Palace is in ruins! You
have three choices, to talk to her, leave her alone, or wonder if Dagger came
here. You can choose the Dagger option just for fun, and afterwards do the leave
her alone option. This will advance everything. Freya will then leap up all the
way to the palace, and tell everyone that she thinks someone is inside the
palace. Zidane will follow her up, but Vivi and Quina will have to find another
way in. Of course, Quina wants to see if there is any food inside the palace
before s/he goes up, anyway.

Zidane and Freya will then go inside and hide behind statues. They will see
Queen Brahne and Beatrix. This will trigger a flashback of her lover talking
about how Beatrix is the best swordsman in the land. Then you will see why Sir
Fratley wanted to go out into the world and leave Freya. Then, a person in white
will come over. We will find out that he is a "Mysterious Man." Then Brahne and
him will converse. We will find out that he is Kuja and that the king has gone
to Cleyra, a town in a tree that is protected by a sandstorm. You might have
seen this if you went over to find the Chocobo tracks. Anyway, Kuja will promise
the hag that he will show is power.

Then we will go back to Zidane and Freya, who doesn't know who the cross dresser
is. They will talk a little bit about Cleyra, then a Burmecian soldier will run
up to Beatrix. He doesn't know who she is, and when she tells him he is shocked.
Then Zidane and Freya jump down and distract Beatrix long enough for the soldier
to escape to Cleyra. Then Vivi and Quina will show up and Beatrix will say that
she has never been so humiliated in her life. Well, I would have to agree with
her. She's going to fight a kid with a tail, a rat, a probably defunct black
mage, and a fat thing with its tongue sticking out. I would hope she would be

Boss Name: Beatrix
HP: 3,000
Steal: Mythril Sword, Chain Plate, Phoenix Down
Party: Zidane (12), Vivi (12), Freya (12), Quina (12)
Difficulty: Medium

We finally get to fight the best swordsman in the land! Yay! Beatrix is a lot
easier then this, however. She's actually pretty easy. She uses four attacks in
this fight. Shock, which will do around 750 damage to one character. This attack
will kill any character in your party unless you are at a high level. Thunder
Slash, which is magic and does about damage. Her regular attack, which does the
same as Thunder Slash. And last, but definitely not least, Stock Break. She will
only use this at the end of the fight, and everyone's HP will go to 1. It's sort
of ironic, though, how everyone's HP will go to 1 but in actuality Quina can use
Limit Glove for 9999 damage. Weird. Anyway, this battle is pretty tough if you
let it be. Sometimes Beatrix abuses Shock and overuses it. I had to use around
four phoenix downs in this fight because she would keep using it! Since she
doesn't really have anything good to steal, I don't advise it. You should have
Zidane attack all the way. He should take off around 400 HP every hit. Vivi's
job is to cast Slow on Beatrix. This will make her attack a lot less often, and
it usually sticks on the first try. Then have him cast Thundara until the cows
come home. It should do around 500 damage every time! Freya should be using
Lancer until she runs out of MP, and then Jump. This should do around 300
damage. She also should take the role as a healer if Beatrix tries to abuse
Shock. Lastly, Quina should be a full time healer. S/he should be throwing
Phoenix Downs, Potions, Hi-Potions, whatever. Throw in some attacks and Pumpkin
Head if Quina's HP gets low. This fight really shouldn't last that long unless
Beatrix keeps taking out Zidane and Vivi and you have to throw Phoenix Downs a
lot. You do not have to take off all of Beatrix's HP, all you have to do is last
around 7-10 turns. She will use Stock Break after that, and bring everyone's HP
to 1.


After the fight, Beatrix will talk some more about her being strong and you
being weak. Then Brahne tells her to come, like a pet. After that, Kuja walks
over to the party and says that "this boy could be a problem." We think that he
is talking about Zidane, but we don't know. I love foreshadowing! Then we will
see a FMV of the party on the ground and Kuja looking at them. Then he will
leave on his white dragon and disc one will end.


4. Disc Two Walkthrough


Worst. Disc. EVER!

Five words: Cleyra and Fossil Roo.



4.1 - Summit Station


Black Waltz #3 II (Boss)

Air Racket 400
Mythril Rod 560
Glass Armlet 250
Silver Gloves 720
Mythril Gloves 980
Steepled Hat 260
Headgear 330
Magus Hat 400
Rubber Helm 250
Iron Helm 450
Barbut 600
Bronze Vest 670
Linen Cuirass 800
Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Tent 800

We will start off disc two by two guards (the ones at South Gate) talking about
the war. Then we will go back to Dagger and Steiner. They will talk a little bit
and we will be at Summit Station. They will talk a little bit about being back
in Alexandria, then you will have control of Dagger. Go east and inside the rest
area. Steiner will decide to "gather information" and you will have control of
Dagger again. First, talk to the moogle and give Nanza the letter from Grimo.
Then, save you're game and talk to the attendant at the western part of the
room. He will be behind a desk.

He will tell you that a car will arrive shortly. Then we will hear a "familiar
voice." Before you go out to see who it is, buy new equipment from the store
next to the moogle. I advise that you get a Mythril Rod for Dagger. Equip it,
then walk outside. We will see Marcus and Cinna talking about how they missed
their ride, then Cinna will decide to eat another Bundt Cake. The two of them
will go inside. Walk back in the rest area yourself.

You will find Steiner yelling at Marcus and Cinna. They will make some funny
comments about Steiner, and then it is your turn to preserve the peace. Talk to
Cinna and Marcus. They start to talk about the Evil Forest but Steiner will cut
them off. Dagger will then have a little talk with Steiner about cutting his
vocal cords or at least his tongue (I wish). Then the car for Alexandria
arrives, and Cinna wants to see Marcus off. Run outside and go inside the car.

Dagger and Marcus will then get to converse about why he is going to Treno. It
seems that he needs an item that will cure Blank, but not the whole Evil Forest,
and there is one of those in Treno! See, I told you that the ATEs that you have
to see have to do with storyline. They will then talk a little more and Marcus
will say he doesn't want to talk to her. Try to talk to him again and Dagger
will offer to help save Blank. Then the car will stop and a demon will be
outside! That could only mean one thing!

Black Waltz #3 is back from the dead! It seems that he survived his crash and
has malfunctioned! Then they will fight.

Boss Name: Black Waltz #3 II
HP: 1,250
Steal: Flame Staff, Lightning Staff, Steepled Hat
Party: Dagger (7), Steiner (7), Marcus (7)
Difficulty: Easy

Hey hey... don't blame me. I didn't know that this demon was going to survive
the explosion and magically end up here! Anyway, this fight is really easy. The
Black Waltz is persistent, but this time you cannot lose. Trust me, I tried. The
first time I fought him I had Marcus kill Steiner and then had Dagger beat up on
Marcus. Then, when Dagger is left, the Black Waltz will crack his back every
turn for 250 damage on him. Basically, you cannot lose. I then booted up the
last save and tried this fight over. This time I actually fought. Steiner and
Marcus should physically attack. Since Vivi's not in the party, Steiner can't do
Fire Sword. Marcus is a lot worse of a stealer then Zidane, so don't have him
steal. You can get those items at Treno, anyway. Have Dagger heal with Cure and
this fight should be easy. The Black Waltz has the same attacks as the time
before, but he also has Freeze. This will stop a character. Pathetically, most
of the time he uses Fire on the character afterwards and unfreezes them. His
attacks do little damage, and with Dagger healing, you shouldn't have a problem.


After the battle Marcus will talk about Burmecia being wiped out. They will talk
a little more and then they will go back in the train. They will talk, and
Marcus will be stuck with Dagger's decision to go with them. You will now be at
another station again. Go north to the next area. You will now be at a fork.

If you bought 99 Steepled Hats like I optionally told you to do in Lindblum,
then go left at the fork. This will take you to Dali. Talk to the Gate Guard
twice and he will open the gate. Then you will be on the World Map. Since this
is optional, I'll just continue. Walk over to Dali. You will notice that you
will behind the Ice Cavern. Things may look weird but Dali is over there. Once
you get there, go inside the shop to the left. Buy 99 wrists, you should have
the money because you already got 60,000 Gil from the last time you did this.
Then, go back to the fork at the Summit.

Okay, just skip the above paragraph if you decided not to get 99 Steepled Hats.
At the fork, go right. Jump over the broken part of the bridge, and go south
down the steps and open the chest. You will get 1,610 Gil. Now, follow the path
to the gate. Try to go through but the guard will stop you. You will show your
Gate Pass, and he will lower the gate for you. Now you will be on the world map.

World Map

Now that you are back on the world map again, you can do a couple things. You
can go to Treno, Quan's Dwelling, or give an ore to a friendly ghost. Save
Quan's Dwelling for a little later, and we can leave Treno on hold for a bit.
What you want to do now is walk around Treno (it's north of the gate) until you
encounter the friendly ghost. Give him an ore, and he will give you 10 AP. Now
you can go to Treno. =)


4.2 - Treno



Dagger 320
Mage Masher 500
Mythril Dagger 950
Mythril Sword 1300
Mythril Spear 1100
Air Racket 400
Mythril Rod 560
Flame Staff 1100
Ice Staff 980
Lightning Staff 1200
Fork 1100
Needle Fork 3100
Leather Wrist 200
Glass Armlet 250
Bone Wrist 330
Mythril Gloves 980
Bandana 500
Barbut 600
Silk Shirt 400
Leather Plate 530
Bronze Vest 670
Chain Plate 810
Linen Cuirass 800
Chain Mail 1200

Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Tent 800

Butterfly Sword 300 Dagger, Mage Masher
The Ogre 700 Mage Masher, Mage Masher
Cotton Robe 1000 Wrist, Steepled Hat
Desert Boots 300 Leather Hat, Leather Shirt
Yellow Scarf 400 Feather Hat, Steepled Hat
Glass Buckle 500 Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist
Germinas Boots 900 Desert Boots, Fork
Cachusha 1000 Magus Hat, Rubber Helm
Coral Ring 1200 Lightning Staff, Rod
Gold Choker 1300 Linen Cuirass, Soft

When you enter Dark City Treno, Steiner and Marcus will start arguing with each
other about stealing the Supersoft. Dagger runs off while they are yelling at
each other. Then Steiner talks to himself, and Marcus sneaks away from him. Then
you have control of Steiner. Watch the Treno Tradition ATE now. It will show
Alleyway Jack trying to steal from Dagger. Right before he is about to the field
icon will pop up. Press X and he will only steal 500 Gil, instead of 1,000 Gil.
Losing the Gil will be more then worth it in the end.

Now you have control of Steiner. You might see a fountain in this area. Go up to
it and the choices icon will appear. Have Steiner throw 10 Gil into the fountain
13 times, for a total of 130 Gil. The Gemini Stellazio will then appear. Now go
to the left where Dagger snuck off. You will be on the same bridge where Dagger
was. About halfway through, you will see stairs going down. Take them and you
will be at another area. Go inside the house at the northwest, it will be a
small mansion. When you start to walk around inside you will bump into the guy
that stole the money from Dagger. Talk to him, and he will trip over his words.
He will then give you a Power Belt, which he just got with the money at the
Synthesis shop.

After this, have Steiner run around the area to get acquainted with it. You will
see a series of ATEs. One being called "Unexpected Visitor." You will see Dagger
go inside the auction house, and Kuja looking at her from a floor above. After
you have an overdose of ATEs, go back to the entrance. Go right, where Marcus
went, this time. Walk around halfway down the path, then go down the stairs. Buy
items at the shop if you want, but otherwise look behind the shop for the Taurus
Stellazio. It should be on the ground northeast of the shop.

Now that you have four Stellazio's, it's time to exchange them! Go back to the
entrance, then go left. Go about halfway down the path and go down the stairs
north. Then follow the path north until you reach the next area. Go inside the
house, and you will be inside a very weird room with cages. Give her four
Stellazio's for 3,000 Gil, a Phoenix Pinion, and, most importantly, a Blood
Sword! Equip this sword on Steiner immediately!

Now go back to the entrance again, and go to the left. Follow the road to the
next screen. Don't mind the homeless, and go down the stairs and follow the
moogle. Save at him, then go inside the shop to the east. Be sure to get all the
best equipment. Go to the auction house, which is in the area following the
equipment shop. You will meet Dagger there. Talk to her, and you will have
control of Dagger and Steiner again.


This little part is optional to if you did the cotton robe trick throughout the
beginning of the game. You can still read it to find out what item(s) you can

Now, you can do the cotton robe trick again! Go back to where you talked to the
thief that gave you the power belt. Follow the floor to a Synthesis shop. Make
as many cotton robes as you can, then run back to the equipment shop. Sell them,
then rinse and repeat until your stock of 99 wrists and Steepled Hats has
expired. Now you should have at least 130,000 Gil. You are really racking it in!

Go back to the Auction House and buy:

Four Fairy Earrings (6,000 Gil each)
Three Magician Robes (7,000 Gil each)
Two Madain's Rings (7,500 Gil each)

This will give you Level Up, Auto-Potion, and Chemist. The prices are not exact,
you can pay a little more or a little less. These items are "acclaimed," so you
should be able to bid on them most of the time you enter the auction house. If
you don't get what you want, then re-enter the auction house until you do. It
should cost around 60,000 Gil to get all the auction items. Do this only if you
did the cotton robe trick, or have a lot of money.

Level Up - 1.5 times normal experience in battle. (Fairy Earrings)
(Everyone can equip this as a add on.)
Auto-Potion - Automatically heals you when hit. (Magician Robes)
(Dagger, Vivi, and Quina can equip these and use the Auto-
Potion ability. You can get the other 3 characters with GOLD
CHOKERS, these give them Auto-Potion as well!)
Chemist - Doubles potency of Medical Items. (Madain's Rings)
(Only Steiner and Freya can use this skill with Madain's
Ring. You can give Dagger a cotton robe to give her this
skill also.)

What this stuff will do is make leveling up a lot easier, and make big boss
battles a little easier. I am writing the guide WITHOUT doing it. So, if you
did, then you won't need to have a character "throw a potion to someone" in a
big boss fight because it will automatically do so.


Okay, back to Dagger and Steiner. Go back to the area where the item shop is.
Instead of going down the ladder, go to the inn on the opposite side. Rest at
the inn if you need too. Then, walk down the stairs and meet up with Marcus. Say
that you are ready and you will go to the dock. Walk down the stairs and ladder.
Oh, and ignore Steiner. Talk to Baku once you reach the docks, and everyone
seems to hate Steiner.

You will come back to Kuja at the Auction House. He will be talking to the
Auctioneer about leaving for Cleyra, and tell him to get something "ready." Then
they will talk about Dagger. You might not understand his dialogue; but you are
not meant to. You finally get the summary. "I, too, will welcome you with open

Now we will come back to Dagger on the boat. Steiner will have some deep
thoughts about everything that has happened thus far. Then Dagger will do the
same. They will start to look for the Supersoft in the Synthesis shop when
someone comes downstairs! They hide, but Dagger jumps out only to meet one of
her teachers. He will say that he will give them the Supersoft tomorrow. His
house is the tower at the end of the pier. He will leave the door open. Then the
gang will run off.

Back at the inn, Baku seems to summarize things up for everyone. He then
proceeds to use every other name besides Tot he can think of. Then he asks for
you to get some rest. When you awake, go outside the inn and back to the
entrance. Then take the left path. You might remember this place as it was where
Dagger got mugged. Go all the way down the path and follow the open gate inside
the tower. Run up the stairs and meet Doctor Tot.

Everyone will then meet up and talk for a little bit. Marcus will get straight
to business and take the Supersoft. If you continue to talk with Tot you will
learn about this world being called Gaia. We will then have a small flashback of
Dagger talking to Tot. Try to read the dialogue and not mash through it, it is
pretty important for what is going to happen. Then young Princess Garnet will
talk to Tot. He will teach Garnet some basic things about the world.

Doctor Tot and Dagger get deep in thought, and Dagger tells Tot about what her
mother, Queen Brahne, has done. Tot will then open a hatch and say that he has
some transportation that will bring you to Alexandria. Before you go down the
ladder, make sure you have done everything you have wanted to do in Treno; you
will not be back for a little while. When you are ready, go down the ladder.


4.3 - Gargan Roo


Dragonfly (350 HP)
Crawler (600 HP)
Ralvurahva (Boss)

Everyone will go down the ladder and Doctor Tot will tell them about this place.
Then you will be asked (By Steiner) to find a trigger. Before we continue, I
would like to discuss the enemies of this area. Crawlers are worm-like creatures
that only hit for around 100 damage. They are easy one hit kills for Steiner.
They come in both singles and doubles. Dragonflies should be no problem at all
for you, they are really easy to defeat.

This is a great area for you to level up in. Crawlers give you 160 experience
per, which will launch you up levels. You might want to kill Marcus and have
Dagger and Steiner get the experience since Marcus isn't a permanent character.
We will actually be leaving Marcus after this boss fight, and you would be able
to manage with him at a lower level. So have Steiner take him out in a battle.
Actually, you can have him himself! Isn't that funny? Steiner and Dagger will
get more experience that way. You should be skyrocketing up levels now! Only do
this until you reach level 14. It shouldn't take long, you will be getting
anywhere between 250-500 experience per battle. Cure Marcus with Dagger's Life
and Cure, then save at the moogle.

Now that you are at the appropriate level, it is time to get out of here! At the
fork where Doctor Tot is, take the left hall. Then, loot the treasure chest to
the east to get a chain plate. Then go west and take the phoenix down in the
chest by the lever. Choose to pull the lever, then go back to Doctor Tot. Take
the right hall this time. Now, go north and follow the path. Tot will come over
and tell you to pull the switch down. Do so and a Gargant will come over with a
trolley. He will tell you that you must stop the Gargant now. Go down and if you
speak to Tot he will ask "Where is that lever."

Now it is time to find the lever. Go down from Doctor Tot and you will see a
switch. Before you switch it, be sure to get all your equipment ready for a boss
fight. If you did the cotton robe trick, then unequip the add on's to give to
the other party (Zidane, Vivi, Freya, and Quina). Get your abilities set, then
pull the lever. The Gargant will stop and start eating something. Now everyone
will board and say their good-byes. Then Tot will pull a lever, and we will be

But wait! The Gargant will stop! Dagger will see the problem and everyone will
jump off. It's time to fight a killer snake!

Boss Name: Ralvurahva
HP: 2500
Steal: Mythril Fork, Bone Wrist
Party: Dagger (14), Steiner (14), Marcus (10)
Difficulty: Medium

This battle can be pretty tough if Ralvurahva makes it be. He usually is a
pansy, though. He has a handful of attacks. The most deadly of these is Mini, it
will turn a character into that status. This is far by the worst status in the
game, it makes a character completely useless. They will do A LOT less damage.
He only does this sometimes, though. He has an attack called String, which will
put a character with the Slow ability. This isn't anywhere near as bad as Mini,
but he uses String a lot. He also has an attack called Devil's Kiss, which will
rarely inflict poison on you. And then he has what he attacks with the most;
Blizzara. You will be happy when he casts this, it only does around 100 damage!
You will want Steiner to attack, and he will heal himself with the Blood Sword.
Marcus should stick to attacking, stealing is way too rare with him. Dagger
should heal Marcus and herself if need be. Ralvurahva is guarded verse silence
so don't even try it! You should be doing around 500 damage with Steiner and 300
damage with Marcus. Dagger should only do around 50, but it will be her job to
heal. Overall this battle gets a medium, it can be painful if he abuses Slow and


You won't really defeat Ralvurahva, he will just escape. This means you get no
experience or anything. I told you he was a pansy! The Gargant then finally
arrives in Alexandria. The party chooses to continue. They will start to talk in
the middle of one room. Then a gate opens up on one side and Steiner blames it
on Marcus (obviously). The other side goes up, and they miss their chance to

But who could be behind it but of course Zorn and Thorn! They will come out, and
Steiner obviously thinks they are not his enemy. The three of them are under
arrest! Then Zorn and Thorn state what they were told to do, "Capture Princess

World Map

The party will decide to go to Cleyra. Freya says that Cleyra lies to the west
in the desert, of course in blue. Do they think that a four-year-old is playing
this game, or what? We will now be back on the World Map. Go west and between
the two mountains. Then you will see a huge sandstorm. That's where you want to
go, Cleyra!


4.4 - Cleyra


Carrion Worm (250 HP)
Dragonfly (350 HP)
Sand Golem (1000 HP)
Sand Scorpion (500 HP)
Zuu (1200 HP)
Alexandrian Soldier (500 HP)
Black Mage Type B (500 HP)
Antlion (Boss)
Beatrix (Boss)

Partisan 1600
Air Racket 400
Mythril Rod 560
Flame Staff 1100
Ice Staff 980
Needle Fork 3100
Bone Wrist 330
Mythril Armlet 500
Mythril Gloves 980
Thunder Gloves 1200
Magus Hat 400
Bandana 500
Mage's Hat 600
Mythril Helm 1000
Chain Plate 810
Mythril Vest 1180
Chain Mail 1200
Mythril Armor 1830

Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

They put this place in just to spite the hell out of everyone. This is
definitely one of the worst areas in the game. It ties with Fossil Roo. Anyway,
this guide may not be the _best_ out there, because this area gives me a
terrible headache...

After some short dialogue, we will see the beautiful Cleyra tree. Equip
everything that you bought in Treno and set your abilities appropriately. The
only piece of equipment that you might have trouble with is Vivi's staffs. You
should keep your Blizzard Staff equipped, at least until you master Thundara.
Now it is time. Run straight ahead to the next area and you will finally be at
the outer area of the trunk. If you try to open the door with your hands, you
will find out that it is tightly shut. Go up the stairs to the right and pull
the lever. Then go inside.

Now it's time to do the Gbness "Let's talk about the monsters paragraph." First
off, you will fight Carrion Worms and Dragonflies throughout the trunk. They
aren't really hard, and usually go down in one hit. Sand Golems, which you might
find in the middle of the trunk, have a TON of HP and take a long time to kill.
I highly suggest that you just run away from them, they are a nuisance. Zuu's,
lastly, can be found at the end of the trunk. They are actually found everytime
in one of the last areas (I'll tell you about it later). They don't do much
damage, but they do sometimes eat one of your party members. You won't be able
to fight with that party member for the rest of the fight, but s/he will be fine
afterwards. They have very good Blue Magic, White Wind. This will cure all party
members 200 damage. It is extremely useful in the first parts of the game, and I
want you to keep fighting Zuu's until you get it.

Now back to the show. Get the Phoenix Down in the chest to the right, then go
north to the next area. Get the barely visible treasure chest to the south for
Magician Shoes. Search the northern part of the area to find an Ice Staff. Then
continue east to the following area. Go up the path given, and do not climb the
vines at this time. Get the treasure chest in the next room for an ether. Put
you hand in the hole at the southern part of the room to change the sand's flow.

Now go back to the previous area and you will see that you can't go back down
because of the sand. Climb the vines up to the hole. It should be right next to
the sand flow. In this next area you will find Sand Golems in all your random
battles. Hold R1 and L1 until you flee, or have Zidane use his Flee move. Get
the chest to the left for a Needle Fork. Then proceed through the trunk to the
next area.

You will be in a room with a "sandfall" and a moogle. Go to the fork and go left
towards him. Talk to Monev about Mognet and give him the letter from Alta. Then,
save you're game and run back to the fork. Take the tent in the chest to the
right, Then go up the northern path. Follow the path until you reach another
fork. There will be a sign pointing one way towards Cleyra, and a dead end with
a chest the other way. Open the chest for a Flame Staff, then take the other
path left and up the stairs.

Cross the bridge and go to the next screen. This next area is pretty big. You
will have a lot of items you can get here. Go right and open the chest that's in
plain view for a Remedy. Now go up and go behind the center tree. If you look at
it closely, you can see an edge of a chest. Open it for a Desert Boots add on.
Go northwest of that and up the slope inside a dead end trunk. If you go in deep
enough you will find a Mythril Vest. Now, go back down and go north to the next

Get the Mythril Gloves in the next chest, then follow the path you are on north.
In the next area, you will see a lever and a rope. Pull the lever and to the
left you will see a couple pieces of wood go over where sand was flowing,
stopping it. Now go all the way back to the big area where you found the Remedy,
Desert Boots, and Mythril Vest. Go down to the southern part of the area, then
take the leftward path north. Get the chest ahead of you for a potion. Then walk
up the jagged path to the right. You will find yourself at the screen where you
pulled the lever, but in the upper part of it. Walk over and open the chest for
an Elixir. Then backtrack south. Take the path to the left this time.

You will find yourself in a whirlpool room. You will most definitely get sucked
into one of these. You will have to mash X as fast as you possible can to jump
out. The sad part is that it is completely random which way you jump out, so you
could be here for a little while trying to jump out the right way! What's even
worse is that the exit to the next room is blockaded by a whirlpool, so you
could find yourself here for a couple minutes trying to go out the correct way.
To make matters worse, there are also two treasure chests in this room that you
will want to get. One has 800 Gil and the other has a Hi-Potion. When you try to
go to the chests and the exit, go slowly past the middle of the whirlpools. You
will probably get sucked in the first couple of times. When you get sucked down
the whole way you will fight two Sand Scorpions. These little buggers aren't
that tough. Try to see how far up Zidane has to be before he jumps out. Mash X
faster when he is in the position where he will jump out correctly. By luck, or
by frustration, you will get to next area to the left.

Follow the path to the next area. You will see a ladder and a chest. Take the
chest, and now it is time to get Quina's White Wind! Remember the Zuu's I was
telling you about? They have around 1200 HP, and if you eat them when they have
taken more then 1050 damage, you will get White Wind! Keep trying until you get
it. Then, take this opportunity to advance your character's level to at least
15. Zuu's swallow party members, but besides that they are plausible enemies to
get experience from. If you get tired of them, then go back to the previous
area, which is a random spawn. When you are ready, go up the ladder and follow
the stairs up to the Cleyra settlement.

Freya will talk to one of the Oracles, and she will go see the king. The other
Oracle will ask you if you want a tour of the town. The first time I played
through this game I had the pleasure of taking this extraneous tour that was
completely boring. I would highly advise that you say no, or you are in for a...
yawn. Vivi decides to take the tour and Quina wants food, obviously. Just go up
the stairs and take the right at the fork. Now it's ATE time!

After the non-important Quina ATE, if you go up another flight of stairs you
will see a familiar Burmecian soldier, Dan. He will be next to his wife. Dan's
selling some pretty darn good equipment that will help you immensely. After
buying all the equipment you need, walk around Cleyra and check out the sites.
Most importantly, check out all the ATEs. Just go back and forth between areas
to see the ATEs. It seems that every hates Vivi, and that Quina is about to eat
a 'shroom.

After you look at both of the ATEs, go back to the entrance to the Cleyra
settlement. Once you reach where the two Oracles were, go right and you will see
Quina. Walk up to her and converse, and s/he'll think that the whirlpool is ice
cream and jump in! Zidane will go inside with s/he and we will fall back down a
couple areas. Quina says something about exercise that should be
incomprehensible to him, and then we will have control of the two of them.

Open the two treasure chest in the area where you fell. There will be one in
plain view, which will have a silk robe, and another oppositely south of it,
which will have another pair of Magician Shoes. Now run left to the branch and
jump down. Then go all the ways back up the Cleyra. I know, I know, easier said
then done. Flee is your best friend. At least we don't have to bend over
backwards to get treasure this time.

Once you are back at the Settlement, go up the stairs and take the fork left
again. Then go up the stairs and inside the inn behind Dan. Rest here, then go
upstairs and talk to the moogle about mognet. You will get a letter from Ruby,
but that's just fun stuff. Save your game, then go back outside the inn. Then go
up the stairs to the right of the inn. You will have another ATE of Vivi. It
seems that the Burmecian's like to use a word that starts with the same letter
of their race name. If you look at Vivi while they are saying this, he doesn't
look affected at all. Then the Oracle will come, all laid back, and preserve the

After the ATE, take the northern bridge up to the Cathedral area. This is a big
purple building. Go inside and talk to the two Oracle guards. One of them will
give you a message from Freya. It basically says to go wait in the inn. You know
how to get there. But you might be asking "So why did we just rest?" The simple
answer is that when you are about to go in the inn, Dan will run up and tell
everyone that a kid is getting mauled by an Antlion.

Of course, the Oracle just basically shrugs him off and walks away. Follow Dan
down to the entrance of the Settlement. If you talk to him, he will just state
the obvious. Go to the left, this is the whirlpool that Quina jumped into. This
time, however, it won't be vacant. You will see the huge Antlion trying to
attack the rat kid. He looks familiar... Bah, anyway, the team will meet up and
we will find out that this is "Prince Puck." I love alliteration.
Oh, another boss fight awaits.

Boss Name: Antlion
HP: 4000
Steal: Gold Helm, Mythril Vest
Party: Zidane (15), Vivi (15), Freya (15), Quina (15)
Difficulty: Semi-Medium

This boss fight isn't very tough. The Antlion has three attacks. The first one,
which we should all be familiar with, is called Fira. This will do around 200
damage on one person. It's not to bad, it can be healed. Then we have Counter
Horn, which is Antlion's counterattack. He will use this often, but it normally
misses. In my fight it missed 5 times. It's not a reliable counterattack. When
it does hit, though, it does around 200 damage. The last attack that Antlion
uses is one that you should be doesn't abuse. He rarely uses Sandstorm. This is
an attack that hits everyone's HP to the critical stage. This is the yellow
stage in HP, it will bring everyone's HP down to around 50-70. This attack is
similar to Beatrix's Shock Break, but you can fight back this time. When Antlion
uses this, you should quickly counter with Quina's White Wind. This will restore
200 HP to everyone in the party and give you time to heal more. He shouldn't
abuse Sandstorm, I only saw it once in the whole fight. I say "Whole Fight" as
if the fight was long. This was a very short fight. Zidane should be physically
attacking and not stealing. You can get most of those items a little later in
the game. Vivi, who will be your god of the fight, should abuse the usage of
Blizzara. Since Antlion uses Fira, we know that he's weak to Blizzara! This
should do a huge 1000 damage to Antlion. Now you know why this fight doesn't
last very long. Freya should use Lancer like theirs no tomorrow. This should do
around 300 damage. Also, when Antlion uses Sandstorm, have Freya use Reis' Wind.
This will restore everyone's HP 1/16 every turn. It is extremely good when
Antlion uses Sandstorm, as it almost completely counters it. Lastly, Quina
should be the healer of the fight. Quina's job should be throwing both Potions
and Hi-Potions as needed. If Quina has any free turns to attack, please do so.
The Needle Fork is a gamble, sometimes it will do 200 damage and sometimes 600
damage. Obviously, when Antlion uses Sandstorm have Quina use White Wind. If,
however, you have kept track of how much damage you have inflicted on Antlion
throughout the fight, and see how much HP Quina has and s/he's maximum, you can
finish Antlion off with Pumpkin Head. Remember that Pumpkin Head does your
maximum HP minus the HP you have currently, always. When you get down to
critical stage, this might be the end of the fight!


After the fight, Freya and Puck will have a little conversation. You can really
see the difference between the way Puck and Freya talks. Puck doesn't want to
see his father, and runs off. Before he goes, he says hi to Vivi. If you
remember, Puck was the rat kid in the beginning of disc one. He was the kid that
gave Vivi a "ticket" for the show. Then the screen will change to Freya at the
Cathedral. She will talk to Burmecia's King a little about Puck, then they will
have an ancient ceremony. The dancing sort of looks Irish, with them overusing
their legs. The music is pretty good, however. After the ceremony, though,
something really bad happens. All the strings snap on the harp. This can't be a
good sign. Afterwards, the sandstorm protecting Cleyra disappears.


Steiner and Marcus are trapped in a small cage dangling from the ceiling. They
talk a little about Brahne backstabbing Steiner, and then we go to Dagger.
Dagger contemplates on what Brahne has done so far. She then decides her plan of
action to talk to the Queen. Then two Jesters run inside and tell Dagger that
the Queen has summoned her. They argue for a little, and then the Princess says
a line that is completely out of context. The lines so... Zidane. Then Zorn and
Thorn force Dagger to come.

The Queen, as fat as ever, converses with Dagger. They will talk about the
destruction of Burmecia. Brahne will then make up some crap that doesn't even
sound good. Dagger asks if that really is the truth, and of course Brahne says
yes. You then have two options, of believing her or not. It doesn't matter which
one you choose. They will both end in Kuja walking in. Kuja must have really
liked Shakespeare, but he talks about a fairy tale, not a play. Kuja then uses a
spell to make Dagger fall asleep. Oh, and imprudent means not wise. Zorn and
Thorn extract the eidolons out of Dagger, and then we go back to Cleyra.


Zidane and Freya will talk a little bit about the Sandstorm, and then you have a
couple options to choose from. It doesn't matter if you agree with her or not,
both of them will decide to go down the trunk. Then you have control of Freya.
Take the northern bridge up to the Cathedral area. Go inside and to the next
room. Look behind the harp for a random eidolon drop. I got different ones every
time I played through this game. The first time, I got a great Emerald. Second
time, I got a craptacular ore. The third time, I got a Phoenix Pinion. It's
pretty random.

Afterwards, walk down to the entrance and meet up with the gang. Then you will
have control of Zidane at the exit of the trunk. Go down the ladder and follow
the walkway to the dreaded whirlpool room. The whirlpools stopped! This is... a
miracle. Walk about halfway through this room and two Alexandrian soldiers will
attack. They should be really easy at your level, one or two hits should be all
you need to take one down. Sometimes they run away, cowards.

At any rate, advance to the next room. Walk down to the fork and two more
Alexandrian soldiers will jump you. Well, it probably should be considered the
other way around. Retire them, then continue down to the next area. Run down and
more Alexandrian soldiers will attack you. This is almost getting tedious. Take
care of them, then continue down to the next area. In this area, the party will
finally figure out that the Alexandrian's were just a decoy. Then Puck will run
down, and tell them that the town is being terrorized. Everyone will follow Puck
up to the town, and Beatrix will say that they fell for it.

Meanwhile, the town is overrun by Black Mages! They will heartlessly kill the
Oracles. Then we will go back to Zidane at the entrance. Two Cleyran's will ask
for his help, and then a couple Black Mage Type B's will attack you. The battle
should be cake, they aren't hard. Try to run up the stairs afterwards and a
couple Alexandrian soldiers will be chasing some Cleyran's behind you. Zidane
will take them on. They should be super easy also, even in three's. Then two
more Type B's will fly down and attack you. More easy fights. Then Zidane will
run up to the town.

Two Oracles will ask you where to go. Tell them to head right. Then, run up to
the inn and a widow with two kids will ask you where to go. From here, all you
will have to do is give directions and fight Black Mages/Alexandrian Soldiers. I
will give you where to go. If this isn't right, then please email me. Starting
at the Oracles, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, and Up. Some of these will go
automatically. When you are at the Cathedral, Black Mages will come out of the
sky and surround you. Then a Stranger will jump off the Cathedral will a Dragon
Spear, just like Freya. He will kill all the Black Mages, and everyone will run

It seems that the Stranger is Sir Fratley, Freya's lover! The plot thickens!
They will talk, and Sir Fratley seems to have lost his memory in an accident.
Puck tells everyone this, then runs off after Fratley. This is bad news for
Freya. Fratley runs off, leaving Freya all alone. Then they will decide to
defend Cleyra. Before they can, though, Beatrix takes a Jewel and runs outside
the Cathedral! Everyone will automatically follow her to the next room.

Now you have control of Zidane in an outer room. Do not go outside yet. Talk to
everyone you saved in this room to receive a lot of good gifts. Then talk to the
moogle and get the letter. After that, you can use a tent and save the game. I
know it may sound weird, but Beatrix will still be outside! Go outside, and
Beatrix will again decide to attack you.

Boss Name: Beatrix II
HP: 5,000
Steal: Ice Brand, Thunder Gloves
Party: Zidane (16), Vivi (16), Freya (16), Quina (16)
Difficulty: Medium

Beatrix is back. The same outcome will occur, just as last time. It all ends
with a Stock Break, which brings everyone's HP down to 1. Anyway, you don't have
to take all 5,000 HP off, just wait until she uses Stock Break on you. Beatrix
has a couple attacks, but it's all the same stuff from last time. Shock on a
character will do around 800 damage. She might choose to abuse this, and in the
battle I fought she used it 3 times. That means three deaths. Shock is far by
her worst attack. She uses Thunder Slash again, for around 450 damage. This
attack isn't that bad, at least compared to Shock. Of course, she also has her
regular physical attacks. You will be praying for these, as they do around 200-
300 damage. Oh, and it seems that the developers decided to give Beatrix Cure in
this battle. It will cure her 750 damage, but she doesn't use it much. Now, onto
are characters. Zidane should be attacking, as usual. Beatrix doesn't have
anything really good to steal, you can get most of it now or a little later in
the game. Vivi should be casting Thundara, or any other 'ra spell he has. The
order of how much damage they will do on Beatrix is: Thundara, Blizzara, and
Fira. So if you have one or two, or all three, just spam Thundara. Freya should
be using Lancer like she always does. This should continue to do around 500
damage. When she runs out of MP, have her Jump and heal. Quina is going to be
the healer if this fight. S/he should be throwing Phoenix Downs and Potions
right and left. Have Quina use White Wind if things get ugly on all the
characters. Rather then that, just wait until Beatrix uses Stock Break.


After the fight, Beatrix leaves with the Jewel in a bubble with a Black Mage.
Then all the Black Mages will make bubbles, and fly off. Zidane, Freya, and Vivi
will all jump in bubbles to follow Beatrix. Quina will run off.


4.5 - Red Rose



The Red Rose is Queen Brahne's flagship. Queen Brahne will summon Odin from the
Dark Matter. Then we will have a sweet FMV of Odin destroying Cleyra. Queen
Brahne will be very pleased.

Zidane, Vivi, and Freya will arrive at the Red Rose in the bubbles. Freya is
mortified by the destruction of Cleyra. Zidane runs over to find Beatrix. Zidane
says that someone is coming, and the three hide. Beatrix comes out, and a half-
naked Alexandrian soldier praises Beatrix to death. Beatrix contemplates on the
destruction of Cleyra, then a couple Black Mages teleport away. Beatrix will
talk a little more, then report to the Queen. You will now have control of

Walk up the stairs, then follow where Beatrix went. In the next area, we will
see Beatrix and the Queen talk. Brahne, greedy as ever, will snatch the jewel
and demand that Beatrix gets the last of them. Beatrix asks how Garnet is doing,
but all Brahne can say is that Garnet is going to get beheaded for stealing her
jewel. Zidane will hear this and start to yell out. Freya will calm him down,
and then Vivi will run off. You will then be at the next screen. Try to run over
and down the stairs and you will see a moogle run up and back down the screen.
Follow him back to where you heard Brahne and give him a letter. Then save, and
finally go back over and down the stairs. Talk to Vivi, and everyone will jump
in a telepod.


4.6 - Alexandria Castle


Alexandria Soldier (500 HP)
Black Mage Type C (600 HP)
Bandersnatch (900 HP)
Zorn (Boss)
Thorn (Boss)
Beatrix III (Boss)
Tantarian (Optional)

Now it's time to get back to Steiner and Marcus, who are still stuck in the
birdcage. Marcus will give Steiner an idea to escape, and then we will have a
small game to play. Push left and right to sway the cage back and forth. After
you get some momentum, start to go left and right in the middle of going one
way. Obviously, when the cage is going either way push the analog stick to get
more speed. When you get completely off the screen, you will crash into a wall.

Steiner will yell that he is coming for the Princess, and then we have control
of Steiner and Marcus. This is one of the best places in the entire game to
level up Steiner. Why? Because if you stand somewhere, Alexandrian Soldiers will
continue to run up to you and attack you, making it easy to fight. Alexandrian
Soldiers are really easy to defeat. Steiner can take them out in one hit with
his Blood Sword. He will also get HP when he hits them, making it so that you
cannot lose. Have Marcus kill himself, since we won't have him for much longer.
Have Steiner stand in one position and the Alexandrian Soldiers run up and

Alexandrian Soldiers also give GREAT experience! No doubt that Steiner is a lot
of levels behind, so use this chance to fly up levels! I advise that you go to
at least level 20. This will get Steiner around 3-4 levels passed everyone else,
but it will be worth it. Getting 700 experience per fight is amazing! Try to
equip something with counter to make the levels go up even faster.

When you are ready, go up the ladder in the left part of the screen. Then go
through the door to Steiner's right. Steiner and Marcus will run up the stairs,
and Marcus will say that he is going to leave to Evil Forest. Then Zidane, Vivi,
and Freya will go down in bubbles. They will talk about Dagger's execution, and
we will finally have a strong party! A thirty-minute timer will start up and we
will see everyone run down a hall. Marcus will talk to Zidane for a little bit,
and then he will close the gate on some Alexandrian Soldiers and leave.

First off, don't worry about the time limit unless you want to fight the
optional boss. Thirty minutes is WAY more then you will need to find Dagger.
Anyway, go down and outside of the castle. Then circle around to the grand
entry. Make sure that you run right past all the Alexandrian Soldiers, they are
time wasters. Once you are inside the grand entry room, there will be a guard on
both sides of the stairs. You will also see a huge picture of Brahne. If you
want to fight the optional boss, whom you SHOULD NOT, then go to the left before
the stairs. You will be in a room with a lot of scholars. Go down to the last
bookcase and you will get a field icon. Press X, and get ready to fight an
optional boss!

Boss Name: Tantarian (Disc 2)
HP: 20000
Steal: Silver Fork, Demon's Mail, Elixir, Ether
Party: Zidane (16), Vivi (16), Freya (16), Steiner (20)
Difficulty: Very Hard

Please read this whole strategy before fighting! You can fight the Tantarian at
Disc Two and Three. This strategy will cover disc two. Before we start, I would
like to say that fighting him in disc two is a MAJOR MISTAKE UNLESS YOU HAVE THE
PROPER EQUIPMENT. You should at least have Bio with Vivi, and everyone has to
have Auto-Potion. If you don't have Bio, then substitute one of the 'ra's for
it. Why do you need Auto-Potion? When Tantarian attacks, he usually does Paper
Storm. This is a horrible attack that will do around 500 damage to everyone in
the party! So if you wanted to heal you would have to blow all your turns. So,
Auto-Potion is a must for this fight. He also has Edge. This is a good attack
because it will only hit one character for 800 damage. If Steiner gets hit with
this then use Minus Strike on him for great damage. Okay, now before we continue
Tantarian has two forms: Book Form and Cute Form. In Book Form he wreaks havoc
on the party with all of his attacks. He also wastes turns looking for his cute
form. He will keep going to pages until he finds it. You have to inflict a lot
of HP off of him before he finds cute form. You will do little damage to him in
this form, so just keep attacking him. When he changes to cute form, DO NOT
PHYSICALLY ATTACK HIM! He will close his book and go back to Book Form again!
However, you can attack him with magic. Have Vivi use his best spell and Steiner
use Magic Sword. Freya should use Lancer and Zidane should steal and heal the
party. This is at Cute Form, however. At Book Form, have everyone hack away with
Magic and Physical attacks to get him to book form. Zidane should attack and
steal. Vivi should use his best magic. Steiner should use Magic Sword/Attack.
Lastly, Freya should heal and attack. Don't worry if you run low on magic, just
use ethers. This battle should take a very long time, so try to get here as fast
as possible for your time limit. I hope that you have a lot of Hi-Potions,
Potions, and Phoenix Downs, or you will fall. Chemist on Freya is also needed so
she can be a better healer.


Okay, after the optional fight, go back to the main entry room with the ugly
Brahne picture. Go up the stairs and to the right, and then go down the room and
to the next corridor. You might remember this place at the beginning of the
game. Go up the stairs. This is where you first meet Dagger. Go north at the
fork and to the double doors. Follow the red carpet north to the next set of

This is where Brahne and Dagger talked before. It seems like a dead end but it
isn't. Go up the steps to the fireplace. Go to the left of it and you will see a
purple light. Choose to move it and the fireplace will open a secret passageway!
Go down the stairs. In the next area, you will see a moving path and two
treasure chests to the left, and stairs straight ahead. We are almost to Zorn
and Thorn so if you have more then 5 minutes left, try to get the treasure.

Jump onto the moving path, and it will bring you to the stairway side. From
here, jump back on the other side of the path and it will bring you to the
chests. Open them for an Ice Brand and Tent. If you have Auto-Potion on Steiner,
then have him equip the Ice Brand. After that, take the moving path back to the
stairway side and run down the spiral stairs. It should take around a minute to
get down to the end, so don't fret.

Once you reach the end, you will be at a circular platform. To the north will be
a double door and to the south will be another area. Take the doors to the
north. You will see Zorn and Thorn jumping about. They will run down to you and
attack you.

Boss Name: Zorn
HP: 5000
Steal: Stardust Rod, Partisan
Party: Zidane (17), Vivi (17), Freya (17), Steiner (20)
Difficulty: Very Easy

Boss Name: Thorn
HP: 3000
Steal: Mythril Armor
Party: Zidane (17), Vivi (17), Freya (17), Steiner (20)
Difficulty: Very Easy

At first, all the HP both of them have might discourage you. Don't, this battle
is pretty easy. You must be glad you finally get to fight your comic relief.
Anyway, neither Zorn nor Thorn attacks regularly. They have to give power to
each other. In the next turn, they will unleash this power upon you. It can be
pretty devastating if you let it be. However, if you have someone attack one of
them, and the other three attack the other, their power is neutralized! This
means no attacks on you! You will only need to kill one of them before they give
up. So, focus your power on Thorn, because he has less HP. Then have one other
character hit Zorn so he doesn't use any attacks. Have Zidane, Vivi, and Steiner
attack Thorn and Freya attack Zorn. This will make it so neither of them can use
their powers. Okay, let's start out with Freya. Freya will attack Zorn
physically to neutralize his power. That's it. Don't have her jump or use
Lancer. Her job is to neutralize his power. Got it? Good. Okay, now onto Thorn.
Have Zidane attack, Vivi use Thundara, and Steiner use Thundara Sword. This
fight won't last long. Zidane will do around 600 damage, Vivi will do 700
damage, and Steiner will do 1700 damage! This is a pathetically easy fight! Zorn
and Thorn will jump to the back row, and this fight will be over.


After the fight, Zorn and Thorn will say that it is "to late" and they will run
off. Go north to where Dagger is. Then the timer will stop. Steiner will start
mourning like hell over Dagger. Freya will say that her heart is still beating,
and that she will live. We then have a small ATE of Marcus in Evil Forest
running to Blank. After that, you will have control of Zidane. He will be
carrying Dagger. Save at the moogle and look at mognet one screen back. Then,
return all the way up the stairs Queen Brahne's chamber. This is the room where
the secret passageway was. Run all the way back up the stairs, hop on the moving
platforms, and go back into the chamber. Zidane will put Dagger on a couch, and
Zorn and Thorn will come in. They're no problem. Then General Beatrix comes in.
She could be a problem.

Boss Name: Beatrix III
HP: 6000
Steal: Ice Brand, Survival Vest
Party: Zidane (17), Vivi (17), Freya (17), Steiner (20)
Difficulty: Semi-Medium

Beatrix again. Sigh. This is getting boring. She has the same old moves as last
time. Shock is not the all end attack anymore, however. It should only do around
500 damage. That's more then curable. Thunder Slash is almost pathetic now, it
does a mere 250 damage. They replaced Stock Break with Climhazzard, it's the
same move but it looks cooler. You might notice that Beatrix is a lot easier in
this fight. Her attacks do a lot less and she doesn't abuse Shock. Zidane should
stick to attacking because she has nothing worth stealing. The Ice Brand isn't
all that exciting and the Survival Vest is old. He should do around 500 damage
per hit. Vivi should use Thundara exclusively, it will do the most out of the
three 'ra's. This will do around 700 damage. Steiner, who will be your valiant
knight, should use Thundara Sword. This will do around 1,500 damage. Freya is
the healer as always. You should have Auto-Potion by now on all characters,
however. If Freya isn't healing, she should do her usual Lancer move. This will
do around 500 damage. As you can see, the party has grown a lot stronger, but
Beatrix hasn't. This makes this fight pretty boring. She might use Cure; but it
is a useless move. She will only cure herself 800 damage, while the party will
be taking around 3,000 damage off of her per group turn. If the game had not
ended it with Climhazzard, you would have been able to defeat her.


Yet again after a Beatrix battle everyone is beat. Zidane then sprouts up and
tells Beatrix about what Brahne has done to Garnet. Beatrix finally excepts the
truth, and Beatrix will do a spell on Dagger to wake her up. Brahne will then
show up and Beatrix will defy her. Beatrix will get ready to fight, and Freya
will fight alongside her. Zidane, Vivi, Dagger, and Steiner will go down the
secret passage while Zorn and Thorn sick their dog on Freya and Beatrix.

You finally get to fight with Beatrix! This battle is pretty easy. Don't use
Beatrix's magic unless you want to. The Bandersnatch will go down in one hit.
Back to Zidane, hop on the moving platform quickly and get to the other side.
Then run down the stairs fast, as you see that you just dodged a Bandersnatch.
In the next area, a path will go up and three Black Mage Type C's will come out.
Then you will be in a battle against them.

These Black Mages are the cream of the crop. (The best of the best.) Still, they
aren't worthy opponents. They only have 600 HP, so Zidane and Steiner can each
take one out. After the fight, run down the stairs some more. The Bandersnatch
that you just ditched has finally thought of the idea to jump down. He will
attack you, and this time you will have to fight two. No problem, Steiner will
be able to one hit kill one, and with Vivi's magic and Zidane's attack, the
other will be dead shortly afterwards.

Go down to the next area and the game will take over from here. Steiner will
have an epiphany and decides to go help Beatrix and Freya. I guess the
developers thought it would be a no-no to have Vivi and Steiner in the same
party. Anyway, Zidane will agree to get Dagger to Doctor Tot and Steiner will
run off. Then another Bandersnatch will drop in. This time you only have to kill
one, but you don't have your destroyer Steiner with you. You don't need to use
magic prudently (wisely) so have Vivi use any 'ra he has. The party will run on
and we will switch back to Freya and Beatrix.

Bandersnatchs surround them, and you are in a fight. Now is a good time to use
Beatrix's magic. Try any area magic and this fight we be over before it even
starts. You get mucho experience. Then, as two more Bandersnatchs are about to
devour Beatrix and Freya, Steiner comes up. Then we have another battle versus
two of them. This time it will be cake with Steiner. Have Freya finish of either
of the other two's Bandersnatch. Now you will be back to Zidane

Have Zidane go down to the circular platform. This was the area before you found
Dagger. Instead of going up to the Dagger room, go down. Then run down to the
trap platform room. Fall for it, like the game wants you too. Afterwards, Zorn
and Thorn will run out and boast about their trick. Then, though, Marcus and
Blank will arrive and give them some serious pwnage. Then Zidane and the crew
will jump on the Gargant.

Boss Name: Ralvuimago
HP: 3500
Steal: Oak Staff, Adaman Vest
Difficulty: Very Easy
Party: Zidane (17), Vivi (17), Dagger (14)

This battle is ridiculously easy. Ralvuimago is not the other snake you
encountered, he is a little stronger and has better attacks. When you attack him
physically, he will become compact. This will give him huge defense. Your
attacks will be like you have the mini status effect. If you attack him
physically while he is compact, he will use a move called Power of the Land. It
does a lot of damage to everyone, including himself. However, it is earth type
damage, so it will heal him. Don't attack him while he is compact! Ralvuimago
has a move called Ultra Sound Wave. These will mini a character, and render them
useless. You cannot cure this status effect yet, so it's time to fret. He has
Thundara, which will do around 150 damage to each party member. Lastly,
Ralvuimago has Stab, his physical attack. This will only do around 200 damage to
one character, so it's no big deal. Okay, so why give this guy a Very Easy, you
might be asking? Well, I just stumbled over something to abuse in this fight.
Ralvuimago has to use a turn to become compact, and he can't attack unless you
hit him while he is compact. So what is there to abuse? Well, what I did was
have Zidane attack physically. He would become compact and waste a turn. Then I
had everyone defend, and he uncompacted. After that, I had Zidane hit him
physically again and he became compacted again. You see where I am going here?
He can't touch you if he has to waste a move to compact and uncompact, so this
battle can even be done slowly with Zidane attacking like that. However, most of
you don't want to do that because it would be a yawnathon. So, have Vivi cast
Slow and Dagger cast Blind on the snake. This makes him go a lot slower and his
physical attacks will miss often. Now, have Vivi spam Thundara until the cows
come home. This will do around 750 damage each time. Dagger can be the healer
with Cura. Lastly, Zidane can steal the stuff he has and heal. If Ralvuimago
uses Ultra Power Wave on Vivi, then use the above tactic with Zidane. It might
take a little while, but you will have no chance of losing.


After the fight, you might notice that the snake dies. However, it seems to come
back from the dead and starts chasing you on the Gargant! You fly right passed
Treno! You finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, but that isn't a good
thing. Then we go back to Brahne. Zorn and Thorn will say that the Queen's
guests have arrived and a soldier will inquire for them. Brahne will do some
incomprehensible move and the soldier will come back. It seems Zorn and Thorn
are looking for a job. Then two Bounty Hunters come in and talk to the Queen.
Watch closely as events unfold. Take more notice of the silent red head, though.
Then it seems that Brahne is going on a trip.


4.7 - Pinnacle Rocks


Seeker Bat (600 HP)
Sand Scorpion (500 HP)
Zaghnol (1200 HP)

It seems that the Gargant crashed at Pinnacle Rocks. The threesome will get to
talking for a little bit, then a floating old man will appear. Dagger will
recognize him once he says his name. He is Ramuh, Thunder God. They talk a
little bit about the destruction of Cleyra, and then he will tell you that if
you find five manifests, and put them in the right order, he will be your

Before we go any further, let's talk about the enemies. Seeker Bats are no
problem at all, they do small damage. They might absorb HP, but it will only be
a little. You might of fought Sand Scorpions at Cleyra Trunk, and they are the
exact same as before. They should be even easier to defeat. And, of course, we
know that in almost every area of the game we have one _big_ enemy. This is the
Zaghnol. Like the Lamia, Ironite, Sand Golem, and Zuu before him, he is the only
real challenge of the area. He is a stronger version then the one at the
festival. He has more HP, but the same strength. You should have fairly good
equipment on, at least better then you had in the festival, so they shouldn't be
much of a problem. They come in singles, so you can have Zidane attack and Vivi
cast Thundara for a one-two punch.

Anyway, back to the five-part story. This can be considered optional, but it is
extremely easy to get the five and put them in the right order. You will also
get Ramuh pretty early, so you can get the ability points done with him and go
onto a better eidolon. So, I really hope that you join me in doing this story.
Go to the left a little ways from where Dagger is standing and Ramuh will pop
up. Get "Beginning" from him.

Go up to the area you were just in. This was where the Gargant crashed. Go near
the ledge and you will get "Hero". Go back down to the previous area. From here,
go save and tent at the moogle. Your HP and MP won't be restored from the last
battle, and being fresh out of MP here is a bad thing. Go down the slope and
take the Mythril Vest in the barely visible chest to the south. Then, from the
chest go north and stay on the right. You will see Ramuh if you go up far
enough. Take "Human" and continue left.

You will see two chests in this next area. One will be north of you and the
other will be a little ways away. Go to the north one. Before you have a chance
to grab it, Ramuh will pop up. Talk to him to get "Cooperation" then take the
chest for another Ogre. Then, go around the slope next to the chest to another
area. Run up a little and get "Silence" from Ramuh. Now you have all five parts
of the story.

Go back down the last area and this time go up the slope. Go north and take the
bridge right and then follow the path. If you decide to jump down to get the
chest, you will find a Mythril Armlet, but have to go all the way around and
back up. You decide. Anyway, follow the path through and you will see Ramuh. He
will tell you that you found all five parts of the story, but now you have to
put them in order. Please try to do this before I tell you the order.

The order is Beginning, Cooperation, Silence, and Hero/Human. You can choose
either Hero or Human; it's your decision to which one you think is better. It
doesn't matter if you choose the first or the latter. It ends up with you
getting the Peridot, an add-on for the Ramuh eidolon. Then Zidane will stumble
upon why you could of chose either Hero or Human. Read the side quest section
for more detail.

Now you can either decide to jump off now or later. Choose to jump off now. We
then see two of the best FMV's in the entire game. Queen Brahne is destroying
Lindblum with cannons, and she brings in Black Mages to take care of the ground
troops. They then proceed to burning up the entire city. Then Brahne summons the
Atomos eidolon. It opens it's mouth larger then Quina ever could and sucks up a
lot of the city. This horrifies dagger.


Dagger 320
Mage Masher 500
Mythril Dagger 950
Ice Brand 3780
Partisan 1600
Multina Racket 750
Stardust Rod 760
Flame Staff 1100
Ice Staff 980
Lightning Staff 1200
Leather Wrist 200
Glass Armlet 250
Bone Wrist 330
Mythril Armlet 500
Mythril Gloves 980
Thunder Gloves 1200
Headgear 330
Magus Hat 400
Bandana 500
Mage's Hat 600
Mythril Helm 1000
Silk Shirt 400
Leather Plate 530
Bronze Vest 670
Chain Plate 810
Linen Cuirass 800
Chain Mail 1200
Mythril Armor 1830

Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Butterfly Sword 300 Dagger, Mage Masher
The Ogre 700 Mage Masher, Mage Masher
Cotton Robe 1000 Wrist, Steepled Hat
Desert Boots 300 Leather Hat, Leather Shirt
Yellow Scarf 400 Feather Hat, Steepled Hat
Glass Buckle 500 Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist
Germinas Boots 900 Desert Boots, Fork
Cachusha 1000 Magus Hat, Rubber Helm
Coral Ring 1200 Lightning Staff, Rod
Gold Choker 1300 Linen Cuirass, Soft
Magician Shoes 1500 Germinas Boots, Bone Wrist
Barette 1800 Needle Fork, Barbut
Power Belt 2000 Glass Buckle, Chain Mail

When they reach Lindblum, Zidane says it is best that Vivi hides. Then we have
control of Zidane in the Business District. You will see that it is still
intact, but badly damaged. Go north and you will meet up with three townspeople
torturing a Black Mage. Continue north and in the next screen go northeast. You
will remember this as the fountain circle with all the shops. You will see the
Minister talking to an officer. Then everyone will converse and the Minister
will take you to see the Regent.

The ogle looks as sad as ever. They will talk a little bit, and then two
soldiers will bring Vivi in the room. It's all a misunderstanding, but of course
they cover it up with the first thing they can think of. Then they talk about
Kuja being the Magic Dealer (almost as bad as supplying Brahne with drugs) and
of course Zidane knows all about the Outer Continent. Then everyone decides that
if we beat on Kuja we can beat on Brahne. That doesn't sound right.

Anyway, The three decide that they all want to go find Kuja. Then, Zidane asks
for an airship. Well, it seems that is to no availability, either. Cid will then
talk about the two conditions of their surrender. The Airship and the Falcon's
Claw. The weird part is that all of these eidolons have been scattered about the
four great nations... why? This is a question that will definitely be answered
if we go to the Outer Continent.

The only way that you can get to the Outer Continent is either to swim or find
this excavation site in the marsh north of Lindblum. I'd like the latter a
little myself. I think we can all guess what the Marsh is called? Anyway, Cid
will hand you some cold hard cash and we will go on a shopping spree. Buy the
new equipment that the game has to offer. The Equipment Shop and Synthesis Shop
will still be there, but the Item Shop will be in ruins. Talk to the woman that
is on top of it to buy items. Oh, and don't forget to check the Synthesis shop.
It has new stuff, including Zidane's Exploda, a new dagger. When you are ready,
talk to the man by the fountain.

You will then see a pretty long ATE. It seems that Brahne wants to go to
somewhere... but where? Anyway, Zidane and Dagger will sneak inside the castle
and do down the lift. They will talk about going to the outer continent, and
then the lift will reach the base floor. Vivi will meet up with them. Then, Cid
will give them a rag. Err... a rag of the entire world. It might prove useful.
Now, there will be another ATE and then we will be at Dragon's Gate again. Save
at the moogle, and buy supplies at the guy if you want. He has all the Equipment
and Items that the places in the Business District did, he just can't synthesis
worth beans.

World Map

Ah, finally back on the world map. Just suck in all that nice, fresh mist. Oh,
back to our story. You can do the same stuff as you could last time here. You
can go to Chocobo Forest and wrangle up some Chocographs or go to Qu's Marsh.
Uh... just in case you didn't know, Qu's Marsh is that flat forest straight
ahead of you. I advise that you at least go get Choco now. He will be useful for
transportation in the forgotten continent. Anyway, when you are ready, enter the
flat forest north of Lindblum's Dragon Gate.

Qu's Marsh

You should be a regular here. Go north from the planks then go through the grass
a little north of Mogster. You will be at a pond. Quina will be here! Talk to
Quina and s/he will decide to come with. You all know you missed Quina. Anyway,
go back down the brush to Mogster. Then, go right all the way. You should go to
another area. Go down the path right all the way until you reach the last brush
opening. You should notice it because it is darker. Quina will say that s/he
smells frogs and run off. Zidane will follow him, and you will stumble upon what
you were looking for! Quina go in. You do too.


4.8 - Fossil Roo


Seeker Bat (600 HP)
Abomination (900 HP)
Feather Circle (600 HP)
Griffin (1500 HP)
Armodullahan (Semi-Boss)
Lani (Boss)

Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Ice Brand 3780
Partisan 1600
Multina Racket 750
Stardust Rod 760
Mythril Armlet 500
Mythril Gloves 980
Thunder Gloves 1200
Bandana 500
Mage's Hat 600
Mythril Helm 1000
Chain Plate 810
Mythril Vest 1180
Adaman Vest 1600
Mythril Armor 1830
Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Walk down the stairs and into the guts of Fossil Roo. You will now be in a
cavern-type room. Go down and turn the corner and the ground will start shaking!
Then, a cage will go over an opening to the stairs and a weird machine will come
out of the side. It's time to run! You will have to successfully outrun the
machine through three areas. In each of these areas there will be throwing
knifes that will sway back and forth. These won't do any damage to you, but will
stop you from advancing.

Fighting the machine, Armodullahan (Wow, long name!) really isn't that hard. He
has three attacks: Spear, Level 5 death, and Thundara. Spear will do a little
damage. Level 5 death will kill any and all party members instantly if their
current level is divisible by 5. Thundara is just a regular secondhand enemy
attack. No big deal. You will only have to do around 600 damage before he falls
apart. He will, however, put himself back together and go after you in the next

The first time I went through I specifically stopped and attacked it through all
three areas. He was a piece of cake. Anyway, there will be a crumbling in the
ground and the machine will fall in it while Zidane safely jumps over it. Then
everyone will go inside the next room and fall on each other. Then the bounty
hunter that met up with Brahne will arrive. They will converse for a bit about
Brahne being bad, and then we have another boss fight.

Boss Name: Lani
HP: 6000
Steal: Coral Sword, Gladius, Ether
Party: Zidane (18), Vivi (18), Dagger (18), Quina (18)
Difficulty: Medium

Lani really isn't that hard of a boss. The simple reason why I give her a medium
is because of her arsenal of attacks. She has every single one of the 'ra
spells, which will do around 300 damage to one character. She sometimes wastes a
turn to scan someone to find his or her weakness, and then uses the appropriate
spell. That's a big waste of two turns, in my opinion. You also might find her
use Aera if the character's weakness is Wind. No big deal there either. Her big
attack in this fight is Water. Water is pretty devastating. It does 300 damage
to every character. That's really bad. However, she doesn't abuse this power.
You might see her use it once or twice in the fight, but that's it. Oh, and she
has physical attacks, but they are just like a spell. I want you to watch out
for Dagger and Vivi. They have low health, so 300 damage here and 300 damage
there and they are goners. If you are the recommended level, then you should
have around 550 HP with Dagger and 650 HP with Vivi. These two characters are
key to this battle, so keep them in tip top shape, capiche? Anyway, onto
character duties. Zidane should be physically attacking Lani, he should be doing
around 1000 damage each hit. Vivi's job is to cast any of the 'ra spells or Bio.
All the 'ra spells will do the same damage, Lani is a pretty steady character in
the weaknesses department. Dagger should cast Blind on Lani the first turn; this
will make her physical attacks laughable. Afterwards, she should cure people
with spells and medical items as needed. Abuse Cure, it is still a good
restoration ability. Quina's role in this fight is to be on standby when Lani
does Water. When she does, Quina should Counter with White Wind. This will make
her Water attack pretty useless. Quina should stick to attacking and healing as
needed. When I attacked with Quina I only did around 50 damage. I didn't know
what gived, but throughout the entire fight Quina would only do 50 damage. So
Quina can also heal. With Zidane and Vivi attacking, while Dagger and Quina are
healing, there is almost no way you can lose. Lani gets a medium because even
though she has some great attacks, your party is so medically strong that it
wouldn't make a difference. She isn't like Beatrix; She doesn't have any 800
damage attack that will completely kill you.


After the fight Lani "will let you go" and run off. That sounds like a victory
to me. Anyway, go down the stairs that she was occupying. In the next screen,
you will hear a Gargant, and then you will see it go by. Zidane will get the
bright idea to use it as transportation. This is possibly the worst place in the
game next to the Cleyra Trunk. You will find out why.

Run up the steps to Zidane's right and follow the path to yellow flowers. Take a
flower, then go over east a little and the field icon will pop up. Press X and
the Gargant will come. This time, however, he will eat the flower, and Zidane
will hop on its back. It will then continue going on its small route and Zidane
will jump off it. From here, go north up the steps to next area. Then go down
the stairs and talk to the treasure hunter.

The Treasure Hunter will tell you all the basics of this hell. He tells you that
the only way to get further inside the site is to hitch a ride on the Gargant's
back. Then he will tell you that if you just go onto a Gargant, it will lead you
to a dead end. So, you have to control which way the Gargant goes by pulling
water switches. These water switches are curiously a little while away from
where you hop down, so you will have to fight a lot of battles. If this doesn't
give you a good idea of this... place then you will see as we get further

Now let's talk about the enemies. I always knew you wanted to. Anyway, let's
start off with Seeker Bat's. These little sucker suck, literally suck, your HP
at will. They aren't really that hard, though. Good one-hit kills with Zidane.
Abomination's look weird, but aren't that hard to defeat. Eat them to learn,
which is a great skill to use later in the game. Be sure to keep trying to eat
them until you get Night. Feather Circles join the above two in being very easy
to defeat, but annoying because of how often you have to fight them. Lastly,
Griffins join the Lamia and Sand Golem as the "destroyers" of the area. Griffins
have the most HP and can do the most damage. That still doesn't mean they are
hard to beat.

Okay, now go down the steps from the treasure hunter to the moogles. You will
see a familiar face, Stiltzkin. Talk to him and buy the Ether, Remedy, and
Phoenix Pinion he has for 555 Gil. Then, talk to the other moogle. You can buy
medical items from him at Mogshop. Talk to him about Mognet and he will tell you
about his letters. Then save your game.

Now it is time to level up. I want everyone at level 20 before we continue. It
shouldn't be very hard; the enemies here give a lot of experience. Remember that
when you fight Abominations that they have Night, so try to prudently attack
them. They have around 900 HP, so one hit by Zidane should bring their health
down to an eatable level. The other enemies are not hard. Just remember to
switch between equipment after battle as you gain AP. (Don't use equipment that
already has a mastered skill.)

For Dagger, this should be pretty tough. She can learn a lot of stuff right now.
Try to learn Ramuh first so Dagger can have a powerful attack. Zidane will be
pretty cut and dry. Equip the Power Belt and Counter ability if you run out of
add-on's to teach him. Vivi should finish up the 'ra's, if he already hasn't
already. If he has, then move onto Bio in the Oak Staff. It's nice to be well
balanced in the 'ra department, because you can do a certain spell for a lot of
enemies because they are weak to that spell. Quina is nothing to worry about in
abilities at the moment, you can give s/he anything you can think of.

All right, back to the game. From the two moogles, go right to the next area.
This area is pretty straightforward; there will be flowers and a dead end path.
Get a flower, and then walk a couple steps to the end of the path. You will see
the field icon. As always, the Gargant will eat the flower while you hop on its
back. It will bring you to a different area. In this area, go north to the next
screen. Take the Fairy Earrings in the chest, and then go back to the previous
area. Pick one of the flowers, and the Gargant will take you back to the
previous area.

From here, go left and you will be back in the moogle area. Go north up the two
flights of stairs and to the next area. Pick the flower and call the Gargant. It
will take you over and up. In this screen, go right. You will find one of the
switches. Flip it, and in the upper right corner you will see that you changed
the path of the Gargant. Now go back to the previous screen. Then, pick a flower
at the end of the path and call the Gargant in the middle of the path.

Zidane will jump off in, yet again, a new area. Go left up the stairs then north
to the next screen. Take the ether in the chest, then return to where the
Gargant dropped you off. After that, go down the stairs and take the lower path
north. Follow the scurvy path to another screen. You will see that this screen
is where the moogle and treasure hunter are, but instead of being down there you
will be at the switch. Pull it, and then go back to the Gargant. Pick the flower
and call it again.

You will be back in the area where the first switch was. Go left and flip it
again. Then, go back to the previous screen and call the Gargant again. Go left
and you will be back to the treasure hunter and moogles. Go down to where the
moogles are. If you are low on potions, or anything else, buy them from Mogshop.
Then, go right down the small path to another screen. We will find another
Gargant area. Pick the flower and call it to go further in. You will now be at a
second treasure hunter. You can buy equipment and medical items from him if you
need to.

After you are finished with items, go up the stairs to the right of him. Follow
the small path to find the fourth switch. Flip it, then go right to another
screen. Pick the flower and call the Gargant again. In this area, follow the
small path right to _another_ screen. You will see a treasure hunter digging for
something, but we will be on the upper level with a chest. Collect the Lamia's
Tiara in it, and equip it on Dagger. Then, go back to the previous screen. Pick
a flower and go over to the northwestern part of the area. Get on the wooden
platform and call the Gargant.

You will be back at the fourth switch area. Go left, and flip the switch. Then
go back right and call the Gargant again. He will take you to another
_different_ area. Now, go south and follow the path to the next screen. You will
see vines all over the walls. Grab onto them, then head right. Water out of a
lion's head will squirt at you, and you will fall into the water. Wait for the
field icon to appear, then Zidane will backflip out.

Go right and you will be at a small fork. You can go up the fork or follow the
path. Go up the slope, and then grab onto the vines again. Go around and fall
onto the path above you. Go south and right to the another area. This will be
where a treasure hunter was digging. Talk to him and he will tell you that if
you give him a potion, he will let you dig in this area. Agree, and he will hand
you his pick.

Now, you can hit the walls with your pick to find items. It will take a lot of
hacking before Zidane finds something, though. Expect to hit the wall at least
10 times before you buy an item. Anyway, when you are ready to proceed further,
go to the upper level and around the walls on the platform. You will see a lot
of rocks together; it almost looks as if an avalanche happened. Keep digging on
that wall. You will hear "Ku..." then "Kupo..." then Kuppo the moogle will break
out of the rocks after around 10 hits. You can do a lot of things with this
moogle. Save your game, use a tent, buy some medical items, and finally agree to
deliver a letter for him.

Now, return back to the room with vines on the walls. When you try to leave the
area, the treasure hunter will ask if you are quitting. Say yes and Zidane will
give him his pick back. Then go left back to the vine room. Now, grab onto the
vines and go as high as you can up. Then, go left past the lion head's and drop
down onto the top level. Flip the switch, and you will see that it will finally
say exit on it! Go back on the vines, and stay in front of a lion's head for a
couple seconds. Water will then squirt you to the ground.

After this, press X when the field icon pops up and Zidane will jump out. Now,
go right. Instead of taking the slope up, follow the path down to the next
screen. Pick a flower and run over to the end of the path. Call the Gargant, and
he will take you to the exit! But you aren't out of the woods yet. Follow the
path right and up. You will the light at the end of the tunnel! You are finally
out of this god-forsaken hell! Zidane will comment on no mist being outside, and
we will finally be on the world map!

World Map

Finally we are back on the world map! Adjust your camera so that it is facing
north. Press select once to see the world map. Now, go north and you will see a
small village in between some vines higher then you. Go through the small
mountain pass below the village. Stay on the right side, and go alongside the
wall. Now, go up and over to the village. If you got a Chocobo, then before you
go up and over to head northeast to Qu's Marsh. Go around in and you should find
Chocobo tracks. Call Choco at the tracks with a Gysahl Green. Choco is a
_really_ good source of transportation because you don't have to fight enemies.
Ride over to the village that we saw earlier.


4.9 - Conde Petie



Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Poison Knuckles 5000
Multina Racket 750
Stardust Rod 760
Flame Staff 1100
Ice Staff 980
Lightning Staff 1200
Oak Staff 2400
Mythril Fork 4700
Mythril Armlet 500
Lamia's Tiara 800
Ritual Hat 1000
Adaman Vest 1600
Magician Cloak 1850

As you enter, Quina will run in hungrier then Atomos. Zidane will say that all
Quina thinks about is food. Dagger basically calls Zidane a hypocrite, and says
that all he thinks about is girls. Then everyone will run inside. Zidane will
have to say "Rally-Ho" to get inside the village. The dwarves are very one
minded. I'm sure if Zidane said "Rally-Hoes" that it would have been fine...

Anyway, it's time to view some ATEs. The first ATE will be Vivi talking to some
locals. Go northwest from the entrance and pick up the 2700 Gil. Then, if you go
north from here, and pass the dwarf lady, you will see a field icon. If you
press X Zidane will start to check out the dwarf lady and she will see him.
Uh... anyway, check out the city. You will see all the basic stuff, inns, shops,
and moogles. Just look around the town while you view the ATEs. If you talk to
the people, they will say some pretty funny things.

The last ATE that you will see is titled "Dagger and William." After you are
finished with that, go back to the entrance. From here, go up north to the
babilicious (not) dwarf lady. Turn left into another room right before her. Now,
go north to and up the stairs. Then, go south to the southwest corner of the big
room. You should see Vivi to the west. Converse with him and you will hear the
other two dwarves, rather incomprehensibly, talk about trading goods. Vivi will
run off and you will be faced with yet another ATE.

Don't worry, this is one of the last ones. I promise. Eh... maybe not. In this
ATE you will see some dwarves say hello (Rally-Ho) to a peculiar fellow that you
cannot see in the screen. Well, whoever it is, he seems to have a pointy-hat.
Now, go to the southeast corner of this room and down to the next area. Zidane
will see a Black Mage! We just got our first lead, gumshoe! Vivi will run after
him, and Zidane will start to follow him but see Dagger. Of course, he has to
have a couple words with her before he continues to run after the mage.

It seems that the Black Mage has escaped. Ah well, no big deal. That's why you
got me, y'know? Well, you don't really need me. If you actually read the
dialogue, or just looked at the blue words like I did, you should know that
there seems to be a village southish from here. Don't leave yet, though. You
still got to catch up on supplies! Go back to where Zidane (sort of) confronted
the Black Mage. You can buy items here. But who wants items! Go to the next
area, in the northeast corner of the screen, and you will see a weapon shop.
Extol the lord! Buy as much equipment as you want. Afterwards, go back to the
previous screen and talk to the moogle. Agree to deliver a letter. Finally, head
back on over to the entrance and blow this Popsicle Stand.

World Map

Back to the World Map. If you look southeast of here, you will see a big forest.
This is where you have to go. Don't fret, it's only about 10-12 enemies away.
Maybe some Ragtime Mouse and Friendly Ladybug (SEE SIDE QUESTS), too. Meh, I
just need to put a foot in my mouth. You will have to go east until you reach
the ocean shores. Next, turn southwest (look at the map for guidance) and put
your best foot forward into the forest. Plow on through to the end of it. You'll
then see a big green blob smack dab in the middle of the forest at the end. Yep,
this is suppose to be a forest entrance, folks. Enter here.


4.10 - Black Mage Village


Zemzelett (1500 HP)
Myconoid (~1000 HP)

Potion 50
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Remedy 300
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Mage Masher 500
Mythril Dagger 950
Gladius 2300
Stardust Rod 760
Mage Staff 320
Flame Staff 1100
Ice Staff 980
Lightning Staff 1200
Oak Staff 2400
Mythril Fork 4700
Leather Wrist 200
Glass Armlet 250
Bone Wrist 330
Mythril Armlet 500
Magic Armlet 1000
Leather Hat 150
Feather Hat 200
Steepled Hat 260
Headgear 330
Magus Hat 400
Bandana 500
Mage's Hat 600
Lamia's Tiara 800
Ritual Hat 1000
Silk Shirt 400
Leather Plate 530
Bronze Vest 670
Chain Plate 810
Mythril Vest 1180
Adaman Vest 1600
Magician Cloak 1850
Survival Vest 2900

Butterfly Sword 300 Dagger, Mage Masher
The Ogre 700 Mage Masher, Mage Masher
Exploda 1000 Mage Masher, Mythril Dagger
Rune Tooth 2000 Mythril Dagger, Mythril Dagger
Cotton Robe 1000 Wrist, Steepled Hat
Silk Robe 2000 Silk Shirt, Bandana
Desert Boots 300 Leather Hat, Leather Shirt
Yellow Scarf 400 Feather Hat, Steepled Hat
Glass Buckle 500 Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist
Germinas Boots 900 Desert Boots, Fork
Cachusha 1000 Magus Hat, Rubber Helm
Coral Ring 1200 Lightning Staff, Rod
Gold Choker 1300 Linen Cuirass, Soft
Magician Shoes 1500 Germinas Boots, Bone Wrist
Barette 1800 Needle Fork, Barbut
Power Belt 2000 Glass Buckle, Chain Mail
Mandain's Ring 3000 Bone Wrist, Stardust Rod
Fairy Earrings 3200 Magic Armlet, Soft
Extension 3500 Lamia's Tiara, Multina Racket
Reflect Ring 7000 Anklet, Mandain's Ring

If we weren't out of Fossil Roo yet, we have another bad place. You will see a
fork in the road. You can go left or right (obviously). In the next couple of
screens, all you will be doing is going left, or right. See, after you go one
way, you will be at the same fork again. Follow my directions correctly, and you
should be at Black Mage Village. What makes this place another Fossil Roo, you
might ask? Well, you get A LOT of encounters here. Every five steps you take you
will be in another random battle. This might be good, for good leveling up, but
it just gets tiring after a while.

Let's go over to the two bad boys of this area. We got are Zemzelett and
Myconoid. Both are primarily Heterotrophs (I had to throw some Bio in here). Bad
news first. Zemzelett are psycho maniacs that love to counter with psychokinesis
for around 150 damage. It also will do some semi-good wind damage for 150
damage. Another bad thing is they have around 1500 health, so they will take a
couple hacks to kill. I highly advise that you use Vivi's Bio, Dagger's Ramuh,
Quina's defends, and Zidane's attacks to plow on through them. You don't have to
worry, an inn is literally around the corner and you will fight no bosses here.
So, go a little bonkers on the magic if you want to. Myconoid aren't a real
threat, I have yet to face one that lasted Vivi's Bio.

Back to the fork in the road. You will have to go through a series of "right
left" directions to get passed here. There's no magic that can get you through
any quicker. The sequence is Right, Right, Right, Left, and Right. If you want
to get technical, you would be going "northeast" and "northwest" but right-left
directions seem funner. On the second to last direction, you will see a Black
Mage on the other side of the fork. Just follow him your last right and you will
be out of this maze. The Black Mage will do... magic and make a village appear.
Vivi and Zidane will follow him inside.

The Black Mages loitering at the entrance won't see you at first. Then, they
will finally and run away. Vivi will follow them, and Dagger will decide to,
also. Quina will run for food, as s/he always does. Then we will be left with
good old Zidane. Then an ATE will pop up. You will see a list of a ton of them.
Look at them while I show you some of the better items to get here. Go to the
left, and inside the house. This seems to be a little shop. In fact, it is the
equipment store. Zidane will startle the Black Mage, but you will still be able
to buy items. The items here are really good, and I highly suggest that you get
anything new. Then, go back outside.

Now, go a little right of the house, still on the porch, and you will pick up an
Elixir. Then, go back around and up to a fork. Go left, and left again to
another area. You will see two houses. Go inside the one farthest away from you.
Dagger will be inside here. Zidane will talk to her, and she will run off. This
house is Black Cat's Synthesis Shop! You can synthesis a Rune Tooth here,
Zidane's best weapon yet. You will also see a wide variety of accessories.
Synthesis any of them if you like.

Afterwards, go up the ladder in this room. This will take you to a "second
floor" of a couple shops. Go north and follow the small plank to a treasure
chest. Take the 843 Gil, and then go back to the Synthesis Shop. Take the 2000
Gil behind the middle ladder, then go outside. If you go left a little, we will
see Vivi go right passed Zidane to another place. Now go to the right house in
this area. This is an item shop.

Why would I steer you here? Well, for one you have to see all of the ATEs. In
addition, you can buy HI-POTIONS HERE! We finally get to heal the party for more
then 150 HP! Buy as many as you want, then exit via the door to the right. Go
inside the next house to the right and you will be in a nice, cordial inn. Go
through the open doorway to the right and Zidane will talk to Vivi for a little
bit. Then the rest of the party will come and everyone will talk about what they
have done thus far. Then you will be asked to either rest or not rest. Choose
rest, and Quina will decide to go look for food.

Vivi will walk outside the inn, and Dagger will continue to be worried about
him. Zidane will... err... comfort her, I guess. Then, Zidane will tell Dagger a
fairytale. Well, not exactly. It's about a man who goes on a quest to find his
birthplace. Zidane cuts things short and the man returns. He didn't find what he
longed for. He came home to his father. His father then proceeded to give him
the worst beating of his life. Afterwards, the father oddly smiles at the son.
Then the man knew that no matter where he was originally born, this was his

Well, if the visuals didn't let you see eye to eye with who the "man" is, then
you must really be out of it. Zidane is the man, and Baku is the father. What we
learned was that Zidane must of always wondered about where he came from. Then,
we change back to Vivi. He will be talking with wise #288 about death. Number
288 will stumble upon what we think Vivi is looking for. Vivi finally sees that
his "home" is with Zidane, Dagger, and especially Quina. Because without Quina,
no one would be able to remind them to eat!

The last part might not be true, but who cares. The next morning, we will find
out that someone spotted a silver dragon at a place called Sanctuary just passed
Conde Petie. I wonder who that could be. Then we will find out that there seems
to be a mist source there. We will definitely check this out! Vivi will run
over, then Quina will sadly come back. After that, Dagger decides that we must
go to the Sanctuary.

Before we go, equip all the weapons and armor that you bought. Remember to
change your abilities accordingly. Then, leave via the entrance. Sadly, we won't
be able to go through the forest; we will go back out to the World Map.

World Map

You know where to go! Or at least, I hope you do. Go back over to Conde Petie,
where everyone said they saw a silver dragon! This will bring us closer to the


4.11 - Conde Petie


Troll (1400 HP)
Gnoll (1400 HP)
Hilgigars (Boss)

Now that we are back in Conde Petie, we will have some more good old dialogue.
This will basically tell you that the only way to get to the Sanctuary is
through the village exit on the other side. This, however, is being heavily
guarded by dwarves. Run inside the village. It seems we don't have to Rally-Ho
again. Go north and take the first left door. Walk north up the stairs in this
area. Now we will back at the big area, where we saw Vivi. Go to the
northeastern corner of the room to see a dwarf blocking a doorway. He will tell
you that you need to have a ceremony to enter. This will need to be held by "His

Now, go back over to the northwestern corner of the room and back to the
previous area. You will see a man who looks holy walking up and down this
corridor. This has to be the holy guy! Have Zidane talk to him, and we will find
out that this ceremony is marriage. Dagger will, on cue, walk into the room.
Zidane will ask her to marry her, and she will agree. Zidane will be shocked,
and the wedding will start. Throughout the whole thing Zidane will talk to
himself about his relationship with Dagger. Afterwards, they will be man and
wife. Well, not exactly, it's just to get around these 2-foot dwarves. Zidane
will try to kiss Dagger, but she will sidestep out of the way. He will jump for
her, and fall with a pretty big bang.

Afterwards, it seems you will have to announce your marriage to twins before you
pass. When you get the option, CHOOSE TO HAVE VIVI AND QUINA GET MARRIED. This
is hilarious, Quina is so happy when the whole thing ends. Before they get the
chance to kiss, someone yells "Thief!" Now, if you by accident chose the first
option, to announce to the twins, you won't see this hilarious scene. I can get
you to the next part in the game, however. Go to the southeastern corner of this
room and advance to the next area. Then, go to the northeastern corner of the
room to get to another area. Then talk to the twins.

Well, that's only if you chose the first option. If you didn't, after the second
marriage Zidane and Dagger will automatically go to the twins. They will talk to
the twins for a bit, and then "Thief!" will be yelled again. We will see a
little girl and a moogle run passed you. The twins will run after them. In the
next screen, the twins will explain that they cannot go any further and return
back to their posts. Then the other newlyweds, Vivi and Quina, will arrive.
Everyone will decide to press on further.

Now it is time to make a switch. Before you go any further, take everything that
you don't have a duplicate of off Quina. S/he'll be leaving us for a bit. After
this, go north and east. You will see the thief on a branch and her moogle in
the sky. They will talk to one another, of course the moogle (Mog) saying
"Kupopopo" mostly. Then Mog will run away, leaving the accomplice behind. She
will tell the gang that she doesn't taste good. Zidane retells Quina this. Then,
Quina says that the moogle looks like it might be tasty and hops a hill with
another bang. The girl then falls from the branch and Zidane catches her.

Then we have some dialogue, and we get to name her. Now that we have to name
her, you must know she will be the replacement for Quina! Her default name is
Eiko, so that's what I'll call her. They will speak some more about stealing and
Quina running after Mog. Afterwards, Dagger decides to take Eiko back home and
Zidane says yes. Of course, he also says "Anything for my lovely wife." Then we
have control of Zidane again, short a "thing" and up a 6-year-old.

Now you have to "raise" a whole other character! Equip her with what you want.
Be mindful of the abilities, though. In fact, that is how you should equip her
by! Try to give her equipment with the best abilities on it. The Golem's Flute
is fine, as it has Cura. Lamia's Tiara should be equipped for float. Magic
Armlet for Silence. Magician's Robe/Mythril Vest for Auto-Potion. She should
keep the Sapphire equipped until she learns Fenrir. Then equip her with Level Up
and all the other necessaries.

Now it's time to "talk about the enemies!" Well, none of the enemies here are
anywhere near hard. Just hack away with attacks. Try to preserve magic for the
upcoming boss fight. No need to list all the enemy tactics this time around.

Okay, now that you have a feel for the land, let's get to business. This area is
VERY confusing so read my directions carefully. Go right to another area. Then
climb the roots in the middle of this area/pathway. After climbing, go left and
you will be in a high level in the past area. Take the Red Stone in the statue.
It should be in the middle of this level. Get the chest for a tent. Then, climb
back down the roots and go back to where you found Eiko (lower level of previous
area). This may get confusing, so I'll make some area maps now.

C - Chest
S - Statue with Stone
R - Roots
** - Blocked until you get two stones

+ Area 1 + + Area 2 + + Area 3 +
|C ____________| S | |
|¯¯|R|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯____________|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |
|¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯\ / C S |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ | / |
| ______/ \____________|____________ / | | |
| | | | | | | ** |
| |______________________| |R| |________________/ |
| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯| |

Okay, back to the walkthrough. Now that you are back in area 1, go left and up
to the roots. Climb them, then collect the remedy in the chest. Afterwards, go
right and get the Blue Stone. Now, go back down the roots and run all the way
over to area 3. The blocked way should now be open. Go up!

If you go north a little more you will find Stiltzkin and a moggle. Buy the
items from Stiltzkin. You should know what an Ether is and how valuable it is.
Magic Tags can be bought later in the game; they cure zombie status affects.
Now, talk to the regular moogle whose name is Suzana. Give her a letter, then
save your game. If you used magic then use a tent. We will soon be in another
scuffle with a boss. Now, go to the right and go down. Then climb the ladder and
follow the path until it turns into tree roots. You can walk on this to the next
area, too. We will now see a FMV of the Iifa Tree. Notice how it is spelled with
an "I" and NOT a "L". I didn't catch onto that for a while, either. Anyway, go
right to the next screen and the ground will start shaking. Another boss fight!

Boss Name: Hilgigars
HP: 8000
Steal: Mythril Fork, Phoenix Down
Party: Zidane (23), Dagger (23), Vivi (23), Eiko (23)
Difficulty: Easy

This is a very easy fight if you are at the recommended levels. Hilgigars' is
very easy because your party is a lot more advanced then him; Zidane will take
on someone with 8000 HP ALONE just a little later in this game. Hilgigars' is
lucky enough to have four attacks. First off, he has Knock Down. This is
basically a physical attack; Hilgigars hits one person for around 400 damage.
Dagger or Eiko can easily heal this will Cura, and you should have Auto-Potion
equipped. So, this can be completely countered with healing. Second off, he has
Hishop. This is an attack where he jumps up in the air and falls on someone. It
might sound painful, but it only does around 400 damage, also. Again, it can be
easily countered with Dagger/Eiko or Auto-Potion. Third off, he has Earthquake.
This is the most powerful attack he has. It will do around 300 damage to all
party members. Luckily, everyone should have Auto-Potion equipped, so it will
effectively be countered on its own. Heal whoever gets hit by a single attack on
the following turn. Finally, he has Curaga. This may not seem like an attack,
but Hilgigars' does have a tendency of abusing Curage. It heals 2250 damage,
which is really good. It's 1/4 of his HP. He wastes a turn to use this, so you
should inflict just as much or more damage with his wasted turn. Okay, let's go
to character duties. Zidane should not be a thief here, so don't have him steal.
Neither are worth it, you can buy both at your local store. So, he should be
attacking. He should be doing around 1200 damage each hit. This is pretty good.
Next, we have young Vivi. His role is to cast Bio repeatedly. This should do
around 1400 damage each time. Hilgigars' has pretty low HP for your level. If
you weren't anywhere near the recommended level, then I would suggest you have
Vivi cast Slow first. Dagger should heal as necessary (see above) and use Ramuh.
Again, if you are at a lot lower level you can have her cast Silence. This will
make this battle really easy, as it takes away Earthquake from Hilgigars. Please
note that you cannot blind him, he has a guard to that. Eiko should be right
next to Dagger in this battle. I mean this in more ways then one. Eiko should
heal with Dagger, and use Fenrir. Also have her Silence if you want to. This
battle is very easy; Even if you are at an extremely low level you can win. It's
just so... easy.


After the pushover is defeated Eiko will say that Hilgigars shows up from time
to time; She just runs away. She tells us that what we thought was called the
Sanctuary is really called the Iifa Tree. Then the party forms up and we have
control of Zidane again. Now, you don't have to collect the Yellow Stone and the
Green Stone. You can just leave this area right now. However, you will be
missing out on a somewhat useful item that is called a Moonstone.

So, you want it, eh? Good. Get the Yellow Stone out of the Statue a little north
of you. Then, go right to another screen. In this screen, you will be met with a
fork. You can take the high one north to continue further with the game, or stay
here and get the Moonstone. If you want the latter, take the southern tree. Get
the Ether in the chest, and the Green Stone in the Statue. Now, backtrack all
the way back to the two moogles. If you need directions: Right from this screen,
right to the next, right and down the ladder. Now, take the right path at the
moogles. You will find yourself at another statue. Only this one will allow you
to put stones inside it. Put the four stones in and a moonstone will appear.
Then, go all the way back to the fork. Take the upper tree this time.

World Map

Adjust your screen so that your camera is facing Zidane's back. You will see
ruins in front of you. This is where Eiko lives. It's called Madain Sari. Before
you enter their are a couple of things you can do here. First, you will probably
want to go to the forest next to Madain Sari. You will find a Yeti there that
will want two ore. Give them to him, and he will give you 20 AP! This is great,
because are new character really needs it. Remember to be equipped properly with
abilities you want before you do this. You also might encounter the Ragtime
Mouse. See the Side Quest section for details on that. Afterwards, go in the
ruins (Eiko's home) right next to the forest.


4.12 - Madain Sari



Dagger 320
Mage Masher 500
Mythril Dagger 950
Gladius 2300
Poison Knuckles 5000
Multina Racket 750
Golem's Flute 2700
Pinwheel 200
Magic Armlet 1000
Lamia's Tiara 800
Ritual Hat 1000
Adaman Vest 1600
Survival Vest 2900
Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Magic Tag 150
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

When you enter, Zidane will comment on Eiko's "home" being a ruin. Then we find
out that it is Madain Sari, Village of the Summoners. After this, tons of
moogles will come out a welcome Eiko home. Eiko starts to get worried about Mog,
but Mog finally shows up. He escaped the wrath of Quina... that's something that
Mog will be storytelling for years. Everyone follows Eiko into another area.
Then Eiko orders all the moogles to do stuff. However, she let's Mog stay in her
dress. Eiko should just be lucky Quina isn't around, or s/he would be rambling
through her shirt. Then Eiko will sit Zidane down and ask him 101 questions.

After this, which is paraphrased so we don't die of boredom, Dagger looks
annoyed and jealous at the same time. Zidane confronts her about this, and Eiko
asks if Dagger and Zidane are more then friends. Zidane replies with "We're a
team." I can picture it now... Zidane (Father), Dagger (Mother), Vivi (Son), and
Quina (Chef). Afterwards, Mocha runs over and says that everything is clean.
Then Eiko runs off, telling the team that she will want everyone to eat at
dinner later.

After this, we have an ATE of Vivi contemplating life in general. I wish Zidane
would tell Vivi that no one knows the answer to these questions, but alas, we
have to have unanswered questions in the game. You now have control of Zidane
again. Go over to the fountain in this screen. Walk over to the back of it until
a field icon pops up. You will get Libra, another Stellazio! Check right behind
Dagger too not only sees Zidane check her out, but receive a tent.

Anyway, go southwest to the next screen. Zidane will talk to Vivi for a couple
seconds, and then we have another ATE. It is of Dagger thinking to herself, and
it's pretty informative. After this, try to go right of here into the house. A
moogle will block you from entering, and then we will have an ATE of Eiko's
Feelings about Zidane. Then Eiko will force all the moogles to help her make the
meal. Then, we see Eiko talk about what delicious food she is going to make.

You will now get the option of choosing which moogle to do what. There is no
choice here that will net you anything good, so just do whatever you want here.
I usual pick the biggest moogle to fish, and go down after that. It doesn't
matter what you do. After this, choose start cooking and everything will fly
over to their assigned jobs. Eiko will talk about her Grandpa for a couple
lines, and then we will be back to Zidane.

Now, go back to the fountain area in Zidane's previous screen. Then, take the
path to northern area. Talk to Moco the moogle, and he will not allow you
entrance into the following area. Then we will meet up with are Chef, Quina.
S/he will jump off some rocks with a splat and tell Zidane about the sand not
being good. Then s/he will compliment the water for being clean and jump down
into the river.

Backtrack to where Vivi was. Talk to the moogle and he will say that dinner is
almost ready, and then he will give you a tour of the Eidolon Wall. Follow him
to the fountain area, then view the ATE. She will then ask herself how much
water to fetch. Zidane, Vivi, Dagger, Eiko, and the six moogles will be eating
today. That is ten people. However, she doesn't know that Quina will be stopping
by shortly. So decide to cook for 11 people. Then she will ask you if she should
put the oglop that she found into the stew. Choose yes if you want to see a
funny scene, no if you don't. It doesn't matter; you won't get a reward either
way. After, Eiko will start to sing to the stew like a witch. Then the fishing
moogle will say that he's got a big fish on the line. You will then be faced
with another two options. Choose to go help the moogle catch the fish, and Quina
will jump out of the water!

Back to Zidane, go north from the fountain area to the pathway to the Eidolon
Wall. Run up to the two moogles and one will run off. Morrison will explain what
happened, then Zidane will decide to go get Dagger. Run back to the fountain
area, and take the southeast path this time. Run down the path, and talk to
Dagger. She will agree to see the Eidolon Wall. Now backtrack to the wall and
the moogle will give you a tour.

The moogle will tell you a little about the Eidolon Wall. Then Dagger will
remember some of the Eidolons. Zidane will comfort her, but it's to no
availability. You can talk to the moogle again to learn more about the Eidolon
Wall, but otherwise get out of this area via the south entrance. View the ATE on
Eiko's Kitchen. Eiko will identify Quina as Kuja, but Quina will clear things up
in s/he's own way. Now, ask Quina for advice and he will look at the meal. The
water is good; it's for 11 people. Quina then gives you a lesson in life, to
always cook more then you need. You never know when Quina might pop up,
especially with Zidane around, right?

Quina will inform Eiko that the heat is only good enough for 9 people. Of
course, Quina knows a lot about heat as s/he has been cooking frogs all s/he's
life. Quina will explain that there is not enough heat. I think Quina knows that
if we only have to cook for 9 people, s/he's getting the axe first. It then pops
into Quina's mind to ask Vivi, a Black Mage who has done Fire and Fira
throughout the whole game, to heat up the stew accordingly. Then we go back to

Head back over to Eiko's Kitchen. A moogle will yell Kupo twenty times and let
Zidane in. Zidane will then say that the food looks good! Eiko will respond with
saying that Quina and Vivi helped her. Zidane is baffled by how Quina did not
eat all the food in the process of making it. This is a step further for Quina!
Then Zidane will start to eat, and we will see everyone feasting on the food.
Eiko will talk a little about her being the last summoner. She will then proceed
to plagiarize Lord Avon's 'Upon a Shooting Star" but Dagger will know and tell
everyone. Then Zidane will wonder how Eiko, who has probably been isolated
between Conde Petie and Madain Sari for her whole life, would know about a play
in the Mist Continent. If you decided to put Oglop in, Vivi will announce to
everyone that it is in the stew. Then we will be done eating.

Afterwards, Eiko and Zidane will talk for just a little bit. Eiko comments on
how rude Zidane is then barks an order to bring a pot into the Kitchen. Before
you do this, however, you will want to do a couple things first. Get both chests
behind the table in this room. Now you can go into Eiko's stove room and talk to
Quina. S/he will tell the moogle to keep catching fish and has made a great
discovery; Fish here are different from the ones in the mist continent! Then,
get the pot off the table and go back into Eiko's stove room.

Zidane and Eiko will talk about the Iifa Tree a little. Zidane will want Eiko to
break the seal on the Iifa Tree, but Eiko will refuse. Talk to her twice again
and she won't budge. Now, go back to the room where everyone ate. Try to leave
the room, and a moogle will come in. Choose to sleep. In the middle of the
night, Zidane walks outside to see Vivi thinking. They talk for a little bit,
and Eiko overhears their conversation from the Kitchen. Zidane says some heroic
stuff, and Eiko agrees with herself that Zidane is the right man for her. Then
Zidane and Vivi do another perverted thing in this game. They "go" under the
stars together. Eiko runs over to see what they are doing...

The next morning, everyone besides Eiko and the moogles gathers around the
entrance. Dagger and Zidane talk a little about Eiko being "lonely," then Eiko
and her moogle friends come out. Eiko says that she will break the seal for you.
Dagger asks why Zidane is being so nice to everyone, and we should know why.
Then everyone leaves to the world map. Now, go directly back a couple steps to
Madain Sari. If you talk to the moogle out front, you can buy equipment and
items from him. Stock up accordingly with equipment. For items, buy around 25
Softs and 35 Phoenix Downs. You will need these to kill enemies at the Iifa
Tree. Then, go back to the world map.

World Map

On the World Map, go south back to Conde Petie Mountain Path. Enter.

Conde Petie Mountain Path

Back at the Mountain Path, get the Moonstone if you haven't already. Afterwards,
go back to the exit to the World Map that leads to Madain Sari. Go down the tree
two screens and you will be at where you fought the boss of this area last time.
Take the northern path to the World Map (that leads to the Iifa Tree).

World Map

Despite what you think you can actually do something on this world map! Walk up
to the Iifa tree west. Before you enter, fight a Nymph. He will want 3 ore this
time, but he gives a whopping 30 AP for it. This should be heaven on earth for
everyone in the party, especially Eiko! Just remember to equip per what
abilities you want! Afterwards, enter the Iifa Tree!


4.13 - Iifa Tree


Stroper (2000 HP)
Zombie (1000 HP)
Dracozombie (2500 HP)
Soulcage (Boss)

Once you enter, Zidane will try to head further into the Mist Tree. An invisible
wall will shock him! This must be the seal that Eiko was talking about. Now you
have three options, you can poke again, body slam it, or ask Eiko. I choose Body
Slam just for fun. It doesn't do any damage to you. Anyway, it will end with
Zidane asking Eiko. She will say some voodoo magic and the seal will be broken.
What she said was actually just to impress Zidane, however.

Now, let's talk about these enemies! They may be deceiving because of the
plethora of HP they have, but they are all PUSHOVERS! You want to know why?
Well, Zombies can be taken out in one hit if you inflict a Phoenix Down on them.
Now you know why I told you to buy 35! These enemies are really easy if you
merely use a Phoenix Down on them. It's the exact same thing for the
Dracozombie, throw a Phoenix Down and in the next turn, no matter who attacks
him, he will die. Stropers are the exact same, but you don't have to give them a
love tap in the following turn. If you throw a Soft at them, they will become to
soft to live and die automatically. Overall, all the enemies here are a piece of

Follow the branches to the insides of the Iifa Tree. This should be very
straightforward, as you cannot go anywhere but on the branches. You will have a
pretty low random battle rate here, so don't fret if it seems like a long ways
to the insides. Just follow the branches! You will exclusively fight Zombies and
Strophers here. Throw Softs and Phoenix Downs at will! You simply cannot lose in
these paths!

Once you are physically inside the Iifa Tree, you should see a moogle to the
left of you. Save here. Then go down the tree roots. In the following screen,
the team will talk a little. Then you will have the option of poking, jumping
on, or asking Eiko about the thing in the middle. This is Eiko's first time in
the tree, so she wouldn't know. Poking it is worthless. So have Zidane jump on
it. It will go down like an elevator. Then everyone will decide to go down to
another part of the Iifa Tree.

In the next screen, you will be on a path going down to the inner roots. There
are some paths leading off where you can get equipment. You can collect an
Ether, Hi-Potion, Remedy, and a Lamia's Flute if you go down being mindful of
the paths leading off, and the holes. After you get these items, go down the
spiral roots and you will be closer to the Iifa Tree's core.

Following the last root path, Zidane will comment on how bright it is at the
bottom of the Iifa Tree. Everyone will agree to try to get to the bottom. Eiko
will then tell Zidane that she found something. When everyone gets on, the
elevator will respond and bring them closer to the bottom. The screen will
change to everyone on the green leaf. They will for a little bit, and Mog will
tell them that there is a whole lot of life down at the bottom. Afterwards, you
will fight some Zombies. Terminate them easily with Phoenix Downs.

Now, the team will get to talk more about the mist. Then everyone will notice
Vivi on the other side of the leaf, very quiet. Go over and talk to him. Vivi
will tell you what he thinks about the Iifa Tree, and then we face a
Dracozombie. Throw a Phoenix Down and give him a love tap, as usual. After the
battle, everyone will nod when Zidane states that they will find out what is at
the bottom.

Eiko will run around like the little girl she is. Vivi goes to watch over her.
Zidane and Dagger talk a bit about life being at the bottom. Then, you have
control of Zidane again. Run down the stairs to the right as Eiko and Vivi did.
At the bottom if you look a little north of the stairs you will see part of a
chest barely visible. Get the Elixir in it. Now, walk over to Eiko and Vivi.
Talk to Eiko and agree to look at the light with her.

Zidane then realizes what he is putting Dagger through. All the lame things that
Eiko is doing must be really getting to Dagger. Now, go left of Dagger and you
will see a brown... thing. Press X on the field icon and Zidane will talk a
little bit to himself. Then, Eiko will shout for Zidane and he will run over.
She will say that Mog senses that something is coming from above! Zidane yells
for Dagger but she trips. Now you have control of Zidane again. Before you go up
to get her, go north of Eiko and around the trunk. Go behind it and you will see
the field icon. Get the Brigandine and equip it immediately. It has ability up
for Zidane! Finally!

Now, run back up the stairs and try to aid Dagger. Dagger will get up, and
everyone will run to where something from above just fell. The team will talk to
the tree-looking boss for a little bit. We will find out that the mist is merely
put to the other continents here; it's not made here. Then the tree proceeds to
talking about Kuja using the mist to make Black Mages, and calls Vivi a puppet.
You know this won't be well with Zidane around! Then we fight the tree. Don't
worry, he can't really predict when he dies.

Boss Name: Soulcage
HP: 10000 // 1
Steal: Brigandine, Oak Staff
Party: Zidane (26), Vivi (26), Dagger (25), Eiko (25)
Difficulty: Very Easy

This is the easiest boss fight in disc two by far. Soulcage has some pretty mean
attacks, but he won't even get to use them! Why? Well, Soulcage is undead! This
means that if you throw a Phoenix Down or cast Life on him, all he will need is
one hit to die! This makes this fight EXTREMELY easy! Merely have someone throw
a Phoenix Down, and the next character physically attack Soulcage. Even if you
do 2 damage, Soulcage will fall! There is no need to steal any of his items; you
can get them at the next shop. So, finish him off without any mercy!


After the fight, everyone will leave the Iifa Tree in a hurry. Then we will see
a FMV of the mist disappearing everywhere, including the former mist continent!
After this, Vivi will feel happy and sad at the same time. On the one hand Kuja
cannot make any Black Mages for war. On the other, no one can create any more
Black Mages! Eiko will try to cheer him up. Then a moogle will run over to the
team and tell Eiko some startling news. It seems that some stole Eiko's
"precious" back at Madain Sari! Everyone agrees to going back.

World Map

Go back to Conde Petie Mountain Path to the north.

Conde Petie Mountain Path

Down the path you go. At the fork in this screen, go east. Then take the upper
tree root. You should know this; we are going back to Madain Sari!

World Map

Go to Madain Sari due northeast.


4.14 - Madain Sari


Scarlet Hair (Boss)

Upon entering Eiko will shout for her moogles. They will come in a single file
line and Eiko talks to them for just a little bit. Then they run somewhere. You
will now have control of Zidane again. Follow them to Eiko's Kitchen. All the
moogles will be around what looks like a pantry. You can talk to them to find
out various bits of information. This information includes a "woman [hag] with a
big axe." I think you know who that is! Go inside the storage shed.

You will find Eiko who tells you that her precious was stolen. She is about to
cry, but because Zidane is here, she holds back tears. Then she runs off the
Eidolon Wall to pray. We then hear a scream, and it seems Lani is back. This
time, however, she has taken Eiko hostage! Get the visible chest for a Survivial
Vest. Check south of that and take the Phoenix Down on the shelf. Then go over
to the Eidolon Wall. You know where that is, it's where you took the tour!

Once you get over there, all the moogles are going bonkers. You can talk to them
to hear them say some nasty things about you. Otherwise, talk to the moogle next
to the doorway inside the Eidolon Wall and have him heal you. Now it's time to
take a look inside! You will see Lani holding Eiko by a horn in her back.
Afterwards, two moogles will give you an Elixir and Exploda. Not bad. Anyway,
ask about Mog this time. Zidane will talk to him, but he is just to damn scared
to help. Before you continue, EQUIP A POWER BELT AND THE COUNTER ABILITY!

Now choose "Go save her" and Zidane will march on in. We will find out that Lani
has put Eiko to sleep with sleeping weed. Isn't that familiar? I am praising
Lani right now; I couldn't stand one more word out of her annoying mouth. She
demands the pendant, and just as Zidane is about to do something heroic she asks
Vivi to give her the pendant. Zidane gives him the pendant, and he hands it over
to Lani. Just as Lani is about to leave someone with scarlet hair jumps out of
the sky and knocks Eiko out of Lani's hands. Lani will yell at Scarlet Hair, and
Dagger will recognize him as the man with all the wanted posters in Treno!
Scarlet Hair says that he wants to make things fair, and Lani leaves without the
Jewel after he threatens to beat the hagginess out of her. Then, Scarlet Hair
challenges Zidane to a duel. He accepts, trying to impress Dagger with
everything he has.

Boss Name: Scarlet Hair
HP: 9000
Steal: Poison Knuckles, Ether
Party: Zidane (26)
Difficulty: Easy

Despite what some people say, Scarlet Hair is an absolute PUSHOVER if you fight
him correctly. See, Scarlet Hair is extremely fast and will move all over the
place. When he moves, your attacks on him will be severely weakened. However, he
can't attack you when he moves, either. So it's actually more beneficial for you
because while he jumping around you can throw a Hi-Potion on yourself. When he
says, "Here I go!" he will go in and attack you. This is your cue to attack him
now. Take 2-3 hacks at him, then he will move around again. Do not attack him
while he is moving because one, the damage will be weakened, and two, he will
counterattack. I highly advise that you have Auto-Potion and Counter equipped,
it will make this fight a lot easier. See, Scarlet Hair only moves and attacks,
he does not do any throw, Flairs, heals, or anything. All he does is move and
attack. You know that you can find a strategy when we have a one-minded opponent
such as him. The big secret strategy is counterattack! This will counter nearly
every time he attacks you, giving you twice as many attacks. Auto-Potion with
Hi-Potions will make this battle pathetically easy, even if he hits you for a
couple hundred damage you will just cure it back. Now, the first time I fought
him I had the bright idea to use "The Ogre." Why? Well, with Soul Blade and The
Ogre's Darkness status effect, I thought I could blind him and it would be even
easier. This, however, will not work as he is guarded to darkness. So don't even
try it. So, what's your plan of attack now that I have rambled on about him?
Simple. When he moves around, heal/defend/wait. He wastes turns while he moves
around, but since he is so fast his next turn will come momentarily. When he
says, "Here I go!" he will go in and attack you. He should attack you 2-3 times
before he moves around again. This is your attacking period, also. Just remember
that, since both of you have counter, you should get some nasty counterattacks.
Auto-Potion with Hi-Potion will make this fight insanely easy.


After the fight, it seems as though the tables have turned. You are now that
unstoppable Beatrix that leaves her enemies to rot! Well, not exactly. Zidane
asks for what he stole, and he obediently gives it back. Scarlet Hair continues
to ask Zidane to kill him, but it's to no availability. Finally, Scarlet Hair
jumps twice out of the Eidolon Wall. Zidane yawns, trying to impress Dagger

Eiko will run off, and Vivi will follow him. Then Zidane and Dagger form up. Run
back over to Eiko's Dining Room, right next to her Kitchen. Rest at the moogle
then walk over to Eiko's "Storage Shed" where the Jewel in the treasure chest
was. After some silence, Eiko will ask you if it is okay for her to go with the
team. She says this because her grandpa said she couldn't leave until she was
sixteen. It doesn't matter which option you choose, I resetted and chose both
just for fun. After, Zidane will tell Vivi how he feels about this. Vivi will
tell Eiko her own advise, and she decides to join. I don't know... maybe that
Vivi likes her?

Anyway, you will get the Memory Earrings after this. Then Mog will come in and
Eiko will yell at Mog some more. They will talk a little bit, and then they will
talk about the ribbons they gave each other. They will both wear them when they
are both sophisticated ladies. I... didn't know Mog was a girl. I'm sure you
feel exactly what Zidane thinks about Mog. Isn't that a... boys name?

Anyway, it doesn't matter much. Zidane will start to wonder where Dagger went.
Walk outside the Kitchen, and just as you are going up the stairs you will see a
field icon. Press X, and we will start to hear Dagger sing. This is the only
voice in the entire game that we hear. Zidane will see Dagger below, then he
will go down to the docks.

Zidane will start hitting on Dagger, but then he will get serious. They will
talk a little bit about what has happened. Dagger will say that everyone has
done so many things for them; Zidane, Vivi, Eiko, Quina, Steiner, Freya, and
even Beatrix, whom we thought was our enemy. Zidane will comfort her, and then
Dagger will accidentally say a line from Ispen's play. Zidane will then say a
story about Ispen. If you noticed, we are going to go to Ispen's Castle a little
later in the game, so listen closely. Afterwards, the boat starts to drift off.
Dagger sees the Eidolon Wall again, but it triggers a flashback this time
because they are out on the water. She remembers an eye, and a village on fire.
Then Dagger passes out.

Next, we are back at Eiko's Dining Room. Eiko, Dagger, Mog, and Zidane are
there. Dagger will realize that she must have been born here. She infers this
with some evidence. It is of the only memory of her childhood she knows. It is
the first FMV in the game. It is true. Dagger talks a little more about the
boat, then we are at the Eidolon Wall. Dagger will say that she doesn't know how
she became a princess, but Doctor Tot might have the answer. She continues to
talk about her mother, who became someone else, and her biological mother, who
died in her first memory. Then we see a part of the actual Eidolon Wall. Eiko
makes Dagger feel welcome and tells her that she is finally home. Dagger becomes
relieved. Then, Eiko decides that she really isn't alone anymore. She can hit on
Zidane and talk to Dagger; I wouldn't call that alone! Then the two go to pray.

We are now back at the entrance. Vivi does not know that Eiko is coming with the
team, but he finds out. Then Eiko calls for all the moogles and they all come.
Morrison tells Eiko some wise words. After, Mog goes back into Eiko's shirt. The
moogles then fly away, looking scared. Scarlet Hair comes back. Scarlet Hair
says that Zidane's actions yesterday were incomprehensible to him. Zidane
replies that if he really doesn't understand, he should come with the team.

Of course everyone protests. Zidane says the Star Wars words that are in almost
every game: "You look pretty strong, we could use you in a fight." We then get
to name him. Name him whatever you like, but I will refer to him as "Amarant",
his default name. We now have are last party member, we won't pick up any more
new ones throughout the entire game. You now get to choose your party members. I
highly advise that you choose Zidane, Vivi, Eiko, and Amarant. Whatever you do
don't pick Dagger, she will be a lose cannon later in the game.

World Map

Go back to Madain Sari if you need supplies. Get Amarant the Poison Knuckles and
remember to stock up again on Softs and Phoenix Downs, we are returning to the
Iifa Tree! After you are done getting supplies, go back to Conde Petie Mountain

Conde Petie Mountain Pass

You should know where to go; we are going back to the Iifa Tree! Right through
two screens. Then up the path to another world map.

World Map

See that big tree over there? I thought you did. Walk over to it and enter! But
before we do, everyone in the party must be over the level 25. Why, you might
ask? Well, if your party members are at 25 then the Zombies that do Roulette
will kill any party member that's level is divisible by 5. This includes 25, of
course! If your party members are below 25, then I suggest you at least level up
a little on the World Map or at the Iifa Tree if you have a strong supply of
Softs and Phoenix Downs.


4.15 - Iifa Tree



Upon entering Zidane will comment on the Iifa Tree still having a little mist.
He says that Kuja must not be here yet. Since Amarant wasn't with us at the
time, he doesn't know what they are talking about. Eiko tells him they beat the
brains out of the mist breather. Amarant is amazed by this feat; they must be
very powerful. Then we see Kuja on his silver dragon overhead. Kuja will say
that he is going to watch events unfold from the trunk of the great Iifa Tree. I
think you know where you have to go...

Now you will be able to pick your party members again. I highly advise that you
pick Zidane, Amarant, Vivi, and Eiko. This is in the order of importance, if you
want Dagger in the group, replace her with Eiko. I must warn you, though, that
throughout disc three Dagger will have some sort of disability that will enable
her to trip up sometimes, and not attack. So just keep Eiko, all right?

Now that you have control of Zidane, it's time to confront Kuja. First, you have
to go through most of the tree root paths that you did last time when you were
going in. Just follow the paths, you should know how to kill the enemies. If you
don't then let me sum it up for you. Zombies, Dracozombies, and Mistodons get a
Phoenix Down and "Love Tap" to make them eat it. Strophers, of course, just need
one Soft to be history. These are the only enemies that you will face here; they
are no problem at all. If you are down a couple levels then just walk aimlessly
around the first screen and attack these monsters. They will go down in 2 hits
maximum and give good experience and ability points.

Back to the show. Follow the tree roots as you did last time. You might notice
that the random fight rate is up. I guess this is Squaresoft's way of trying to
make it harder. Sadly, these enemies will go down quick if we fight them every 5
steps or 25 steps.

After you go through 4-5 areas, the team will be running down a root. Zidane
will say that the only way to get to Kuja is to climb up an area. Amarant will
walk right over Dagger, Eiko, and Vivi to Zidane. He will ask himself "How did
this wimp beat me?" Then he will give Zidane a pretty good quote. After this,
they will argue a little more. I would just like to comment how Amarant is
treating Eiko. This should probably be how Zidane would be treating her if
Dagger weren't here. He has to impress her. Anyway, Amarant will take Vivi and
Eiko in each arm and jump up. Zidane will have Dagger hop onto his back and they
will go up. I think Amarant and Zidane planed it to be this way...

Back to Kuja, he proceeds to giving us another quote. It was quote day at Square
when they made the Dialogue, I guess. He says that he will "warm up on them
until the elephant-lady comes." I wonder what that means? We will then go back
to Zidane. You can choose again party members. You already know my suggestions,
Dagger stays out. Then everyone will say a quote to why they hate Kuja, and they
will jump over closer to him.

The team will have a small revelation with Kuja. They will talk about Black
Mages, and then about Brahne. Finally, Brahne will come in the boats. We will
have a small FMV of all the boats. Then we will go to Brahne's deck. She will
order all the Black Mages to focus their power into a single spell. The we go
back to Kuja. He will tell them that they are just the opening number. Then he
will sick two Mistodons on you. They are very easy to defeat. Throw a Phoenix,
and then hit them with any attack. They will fall in one hit!

After the fight, Kuja will be gone and the five party members will be on the
ground. Amarant will talk a little about real strategy, but no one is smart
enough to listen to him. Kuja will be on his dragon and comment on Brahne's
stupidity. Then he will descend to give her a clear target. Back to the party,
Dagger will say that she has to save her mother. Then Dagger will ask where an
Eidolon is. Eiko will point to one and Andrea will run over to it. But...
couldn't she just call Ramuh? He could do some serious "pwnage" on Kuja if his
Thunder Bolt hits. Some things just never change...

Before the group has a chance to follow Dagger, we will face another Mistodon.
Dispose of it anyway you like. Wreak havoc with Zidane/Amarant or throw a
Phoenix Down at it. Afterwards, everyone besides Amarant will decide to go after
Dagger. Before you do, look behind the tree to the north and save at the moogle.
Then go down the tree roots. As you go down, Mistodon will constantly be coming
up from behind you and attacking you. These are no problem. Just go down this
oddly large root until you come to the next area.

In the next screen, Dagger will ask the Eidolon to help her and you will receive
the Aquamarine. She will find out that it holds Leviathan. It is futile to try
to save her Mom with this Eidolon. She will tell this to Eiko. Then we will go
back to Brahne's ships. In the second one, it looks like one of the Black Mages
has Tranced. In Brahne's ship, she will call the great eidolon Bahamut. We will
see a wonderful ATE of Bahamut going over to Kuja. Bahamut will do a killer
fireball attack on Kuja, but he will stealthy get away with a little blood on
his forehead.

Amarant will comment on the awesome power of summoning and wonder if Zidane is
after Eiko and Dagger's power. Dagger will cheer; she thinks the battle has won
before it even started. Eiko will shake her head; Mog senses something awful
about to happen. We go back to Kuja who talks a little about everything that has
happened thus far. He will speak a little about Brahne going to hell. Then, he
will say that in his final act he will defeat his nemesis. I do not know whom
the heck that is.

Another FMV will arrive. This one is very good. Kuja seems to have summoned an
eye, but this eye looks familiar. Yes, this is the eye that was in the ruins in
Dagger's memory! The eye will corrupt everyone in its radius. The Black Mages
will fall but the humans are unharmed besides a screeching noise. Bahamut then
flies over to Brahne's ship. He flares up a fireball and fires at Brahne's ship!
Then he proceeds to destroying all of Brahne's ships! What?

Then we will see some dialogue. Vivi is speaking. He will tell us that he should
be happy that Brahne died. However, when we found Brahne almost dead next to her
escape pod, and Dagger crying, he didn't know what to feel. It made him feel...
happy and sad and terrified and angry and hatred all at the same time. Brahne
will barely be able to talk to Dagger. She will talk about her greed, and how
she is now free of it. Then she will say that Dagger will be a better Queen
and... stops. Vivi will continue to sadly summarize the event. They got on the
Queen's escape pod and, with Queen Brahne, went home to Alexandria.

Now, if we didn't have enough sadness already, we go to Queen Brahne's
tombstone. Dagger will be crowned Queen with Steiner and Beatrix at her side.
But that's a little later in disc three. Currently, Toot-- err... Top-- err...
Ted-- err... TOT! Yes, Doctor Tot will give Dagger some roses that the
townspeople offered for Brahne's grave. Dagger will put them on the grave and
everyone will salute Brahne. Then Dagger will say that she will become a great
Queen, and walk away. Afterwards, we will see a FMV of the gorgeous Alexandria.
I'm sure that Zidane would say "Even more Gorgeous, we see Dagger." She will
look at Alexandria with sadness. Then the screen will fade and disc two will
end. We shall end with lines of Kuja summing up what has happened thus far:

"The weak lose their freedom to the strong.
Such is the way of the strong.
And it is the providence of nature that only
the strong survive.


5. Disc Three Walkthrough


I learned of power that would daunt even him...
over ten years ago."


5.1 - Alexandria



Potion 50
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Remedy 300
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Mythril Dagger 950
Gladius 2300
Ice Brand 3780
Partisan 1600
Ice Lance 2430
Cat's Claws 4000
Poison Knuckles 5000
Stardust Rod 760
Healing Rod 1770
Lamia's Flute 3800
Flame Staff 1100
Ice Staff 980
Lightning Staff 1200
Oak Staff 240
Pinwheel 2000
Glass Armlet 250
Bone Wrist 330
Mythril Armlet 500
Magic Armlet 1000
Mythril Gloves 980
Thunder Gloves 1200
Lamia's Tiara 800
Ritual Hat 100
Twist Headband 1200
Barbut 600
Mythril Helm 1000
Gold Helm 1800
Magician Cloak 1850
Survival Vest 2900
Brigandine 4399
Mythril Armor 1830
Plate Mail 2320

The Ogre 700 Mage Masher, Mage Masher
Exploda 1000 Mage Masher, Mythril Dagger
Rune Tooth 2000 Mythril Dagger, Mythril Dagger
Angel Bless 9000 Mythril Dagger, Gladius
Cotton Robe 1000 Wrist, Steepled Hat
Silk Robe 2000 Silk Shirt, Bandana
Magician Robe 3000 Mage Staff, Magician Cloak
Glass Buckle 500 Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist
Germinas Boots 900 Desert Boots, Fork
Cachusha 1000 Magus Hat, Rubber Helm
Coral Ring 1200 Lightning Staff, Rod
Gold Choker 1300 Linen Cuirass, Soft
Magician Shoes 1500 Germinas Boots, Bone Wrist
Barette 1800 Needle Fork, Barbut
Fairy Earrings 3200 Magic Armlet, Soft
Extension 3500 Lamia's Tiara, Multina Racket
Reflect Ring 7000 Anklet, Mandain's Ring
Anklet 4000 Gold Choker, Peridot
Feather Boots 4000 Magician Shoes, Phoenix Pinion
Black Belt 4000 Twist Headband, Survival Vest
Pearl Rouge 5000 Moonstone, Elixer

Disc Three begins with the Dagger, Doctor Tot, Beatrix, and Steiner riding to
Alexandria Castle. Beatrix will comment that Dagger won't be a "Princess" for
much longer. Dagger will hesitate, but Doctor Tot will reinforce to her that
everyone will be on her side when she is crowned. Then they will walk inside the
castle and the screen with fade to black.

Then we will go to Alexandria Bar. Everyone in Tantalus will be there, besides
Baku and of course the 'enero's. Zidane looks like he just got dumped by the
hottest chick on the planet. Maybe he did? Ruby will try to cheer him up, but of
course it's to no avail. I think he had a hangover or something. Anyway,
everyone besides Zidane decides to leave to watch one of Ruby's plays. As they
are leaving, Blank bumps into Vivi. They get to talking for a little bit. It
seems Steiner, Beatrix, and Freya got overran after we left. Blank and Marcus
had to carry them out on their backs, he said.

Afterwards, Blank and Marcus know that if they are late for Ruby's show she will
be mad. So they leave, and we have control of Vivi. Just like old times, eh?
Back in Alexandria with only Vivi. You can do a lot of things this time around,
though. Start by going left at the bar entrance. Then follow the road to the
townsquare. This is where the equipment shop and ticket booth are. Go to the
southwest corner. Then, go down the alley. Ignore Blank and Marcus for now.

In the next screen, go to the steeple. You will see Stiltzkin and Kupo here. Buy
the Elixir, Hi-Potion, and Phoenix Pinion from Stilzkin. Then, give the letter
to Kupo and save your game. Afterwards, go up the ladder and pull the rope. Two
cards will come down that are called Shiva and Ramuh. These are very good cards.
If you don't get good arrows on them, then reset and pull the rope again. You
will need these cards in Treno, so keep trying until you get some good arrows.
You get different arrows every time, so don't worry about that. I actually had
to reset quite a few times before I got what I wanted. Remember holding all of
these buttons at the same time will give you a "soft" reset: R1, R2, L1, L2,
Start, and Select. What's good and what's bad? See the Tetra Master (Card Game)
mini-section in the Side Quest section for details.

Now that you have the cards, walk around Alexandria talking to people. You will
see their thoughts on Dagger being crowned Queen at such a young age. This will
also give you a chance to view all the ATEs Alexandria has to offer at this
time. You should be familiar with Alexandria already; we spent a small amount of
time here in the beginning of the game. When you are ready, go to the
townsquare. Go through the northeastern door. You might notice this as the
weapon/synthesis shop that you couldn't get anything at in the beginning of the
game. Well, you can now!

This is an excellent shop to buy/synthesis stuff. Noteworthy, you can get
Zidane's Angel Bless at the Synthesis shop. Please please please, GET THIS! It
has the wonderful skill called Thievery. It is also is the best dagger that
Zidane can get in the game at this point. You will also want to buy add-ons that
you don't have and equipment. Soon the eight characters will all be in the same
team so we don't have to worry about getting 8 of every add-on (because the game
used to switch back and forth between groups). The Synthesis shop is especially
great; it has a ton of add-on's that are useful. Look at my ability section to
find out which add on gives which ability. Then, go over to the equipment shop
and buy all the new and interesting stuff you can. You can play the Nero Game if
you talk to one of the 'enero's. Refer to the Side Quests section for more

When you are done shopping, the other mini-game that you can do here is
Hippaul's Racing Game. You will have the race him until you want to stop, or
until he gets to level 100. See the Side Quest section for more details. It is
to the left of the bar entrance. Anyway, that is all of the stuff you can do
currently. Let us now move onward in the story.

Go back to the Alley where Blank and Marcus were. You should remember this as
the Alley before the steeple, and the area to the southwest in the townsquare.
Try to walk inside the Mini-Theater and Blank will stop you. Agree to watching
the play and walk downstairs. Ruby will yell at you a little, thinking you are
Blank. Then Cinna walks in and identifies you as Vivi. I don't know where Vivi
got his anger from, but all of a sudden he calls Cinna "uncle." It's suppose to
be a joke because he looks old, but could it mean more then that? Zidane is
Cinna's "brother", you know...

Ruby will talk to Vivi a little more, and she will be excited that someone
besides Tantalus will want to see her play. Vivi sits down at a seat; Blank and
Marcus go inside finally. Blank will think that Vivi, as a distraction will
cause Ruby not to see them surreptitiously sneak in. This is wrong, however.
Poor Blank...

We will then go back to Dagger in the castle. She will have a lot of things on
her mind. Dagger will ask Steiner to find Zidane so she could talk to him, but
Steiner of course makes up a reason for her not to see him. Doctor Tot will walk
in with Beatrix. Then he gives you the Topal, Opal, and Amethyst stones. He
starts to tell you about Brahne using the power of the stones for evil, but he
quickly deviates from the subject. Steiner and Doctor Tot will leave and Beatrix
will stay. Dagger will plea to see Zidane again. Mayhaps she thought it would
work, because Beatrix is a little less strict then Steiner. But it doesn't, and
the screen fades.

In the next screen we see Eiko talk about Zidane a little. She thinks that if
she gives Zidane a love letter that she will win his heart. Then Doctor Tot will
come out of Dagger's room. He will talk a little about Dagger and walk down the
stairs. Eiko will see him and basically ask him to write her a love letter. This
is only after she completely insults him, however. Doctor Tot sees Eiko's horn
and wonders for a little bit. Then we see Doctor Tot wonder some more. It seems
he was the person that found Dagger ship wrecked! He talks about how Dagger
looked exactly like Princess Garnet, but with one exception. She had a horn! The
plot thickens!

The Princess will be all dressed up. She has a nice dress on; I guess she
finally gets out of that hideous dress that she had on since the beginning of
the game! Anyway, Dagger will be concerned that Beatrix and Steiner won't act
the same for her if they know she is not Brahne's real mother. She speaks her
mind, but Beatrix reassures her that she already knows, and that she will act
the same.

Now we go back to Eiko and Doctor Tot again. She will grab the letter and leave.
However, she will say that she is from Madain Sari before she leaves. This
strikes interest in Tot. Now you have control of Eiko. Before you go, you can
save your game in the previous room. Then, go back out to the corridor and go
north to the big square room. Eiko will talk about giving her letter to Zidane,
then Baku will bump into her and she will get hooked onto the stair rail this
time. Aren't we... just going around in circles? Eiko will drop the letter and
ask Baku to give it to Zidane. He agrees, and leaves.

Baku will be at the docks and Steiner will come around. He is zealously checking
around the castle for anything that moves. He talks to Baku for a little bit.
The two get into an argument and Baku drops the letter! Then he boat comes and
he hops on, happy to be rid of Steiner. Afterwards, Beatrix's music will start
playing and she comes out to the docks. Apparently, she heard Steiner's yelling
and came out to preserve the peace. She sees the letter and thinks that Steiner
dropped it for her to pick up. Interesting...

We go back to Zidane who got over his hangover. He starts talking about Dagger a
little. He takes the lines from "I Want To Be Your Canary" and shouts about how
he can't begin the day with her voice, her smile, her-- um... ahem. Ruby walks
in and you can blatantly tell it's her because of her corny-western-type
talking. Blank, Marcus, and Vivi's favorite Uncle will enter afterwards. They
will try to get Zidane to at least talk to Dagger, but it's to no avail. As
Zidane tries to leave, Baku bumps into him. Zidane pleas to enter Tantalus
again, but Baku sidesteps with "our number one rule." Vivi walks in, and asks
Zidane if they can go see Dagger. Tantalus leaves, and Zidane forms up with

Now that you have control of Zidane again, equip all the new stuff you got him.
I don't care if you want to learn sacrifice or lucky seven, those skills suck.
So, do yourself a favor and equip him with the Angel's Bless. I also highly
suggest that you equip him with every new thing you got at the Alexandria shops.
My recommendation is to give him a Black Belt; He can learn HP +20% with this.
It is a very important skill to know. Then go outside the bar and an ATE will
pop up.

It seems that Baku doesn't even care he lost the letter. Oh well, its only Eiko.
Anyway, go left from the bar entrance. Follow the road to the townsquare. Go
around the ticket booth and north to the castle gates. They are finally open! In
the next screen, Amarant and Freya stare at each other. Then both get into duel
position and are about to tear their heads off. The guards try to stop them, but
they're just guards. Finally, Zidane comes along and preserves the peace amongst
the two of them. Zidane and Freya will talk about Kuja and Dagger becoming a
Queen. Then Vivi, with the wide-eye innocence of a child, will tell Zidane that
Dagger should want to see him. Amarant will tell Zidane that he wants to fight
with him soon. I can't wait to beat him again, myself.

Now the four of them will form up with Zidane. You might notice that Freya is
around 10 levels behind you. She wasn't really great from the beginning, and we
won't use her in this game, so don't sweat it. Equip Amarant accordingly, then
take the boat to the castle. An Alexandrian Soldier will row you there; you have
to love the slave status they have now.

Anyway, go around the small fount and north to the big castle. Just as you are
walking in you will see Steiner throw Eiko out in a hilarious scene. Eiko will
then "cry on Zidane's shoulder" and say all the horribly true things that
Steiner said to her. Then Amarant says "He's right" and it seems Steiner and
Amarant, opposites as they may be, have formed somewhat of a "relationship."
Freya will try to calm down Eiko and Steiner will shout some more at everyone.
Then Vivi will command Steiner to show them to the Princess/Queen, and Steiner
will agree.

Garnet til Alexandros will walk out in her beautiful blue gown. She looks so
much like Brahn- Oh, what the **** am I saying!? She looks nothing like
Brahne... Dagger will speak for a little bit, and everyone will talk about how
beautiful she looks. Zidane won't be able to talk to her for some strange
reason, and Dagger will leave. Before she gets the chance, however, Eiko runs
over to trade stones. They both trade two, and Vivi is astounded by the fact
that Zidane didn't talk to Dagger. He will continue to say that he had a whole
fake speech lined up, but it would have just been a lie.

Eiko will be at the docks, and I think she finally got it through her thick
skull that Zidane isn't interested in her in the least. She mourns a little
more, and as she is about to leave hides because she thinks Zidane is coming.
Then Blank and Marcus come. It seems that Blank got the love letter too! This
letter is being abused by everyone... first Eiko, then Beatrix, and now Blank!
This is just... getting to look better and better as time goes on. Blank will
talk a little, then Marcus says someone's coming and they decide to hide. Blank
drops the letter, however. Then Steiner trots over; you could hear him in his
tin armor from a mile away. He is "tightening security" again. He sees the
letter on the ground. He picks it up, and thinks it is for himself. Then Beatrix
comes over from behind him. They are about to kiss when Baku comes along! Now
everyone hates him for ruining potentially one of the best non-FMVs in the game!
He totally ruined it...

We go back to the bar. Freya, Vivi, and Amarant talk a little about where Zidane
could be. As Vivi is going to leave to look for him, Eiko bumps into him. She
isn't in a very good mood, and it seems she is going upstairs to cry. Then
Doctor Tot comes in and asks for Eiko. Eiko leaps down, and the two get to
talking a little. Doctor Tot wants to know more about Eiko; Eiko wants to go to
Doctor Tot's house, located in Treno. Then Zidane walks in and with his "I'm
coming with you" Star Wars line, he says that he wants to go to Treno for a card
tournament. Then everyone decides to go to Treno, besides Dagger and Steiner of

Gargan Roo

Just be lucky they go to the Gargant station for you. Doctor Tot talks a little
about the mist, and then the Gargant comes. Then everyone goes onto the
Gargant's trolley. How could THEY ALL FIT in this little trolley? Did they throw
Zidane and Amarant on the sides, after throwing Eiko off completely? No one will
ever know. Anyway, it's ATE time. Zorn and Thorn sneak inside the town! The two
will hide, and Marcus with Blank will run into the area. They will talk about
helping Zidane will security, but I think Steiner has that taken care of, to be
quite honest. They don't see Zorn and Thorn and leave. Then Zorn and Thorn


5.2 - Treno



Potion 50
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Remedy 300
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Dagger 320
Mage Masher 500
Mythril Dagger 950
Gladius 2300
Ice Brand 3780
Coral Sword 4000
Partisan 1600
Ice Lance 2430
Cat's Claws 5000
Poison Knuckles 5000
Multina Racket 750
Stardust Rod 760
Healing Rod 1770
Lamia's Flute 3800
Oak Staff 240
Magic Armlet 1000
Mythril Gloves 980
Thunder Gloves 1200
Lamia's Tiara 800
Ritual Hat 100
Twist Headband 1200
Mythril Helm 1000
Gold Helm 1800
Magician Cloak 1850
Survival Vest 2900
Brigandine 4399
Linen Cuirass 800
Mythril Armor 1830
Plate Mail 2320

The Ogre 700 Mage Masher, Mage Masher
Exploda 1000 Mage Masher, Mythril Dagger
Rune Tooth 2000 Mythril Dagger, Mythril Dagger
Angel Bless 9000 Mythril Dagger, Gladius
Cotton Robe 1000 Wrist, Steepled Hat
Silk Robe 2000 Silk Shirt, Bandana
Magician Robe 3000 Mage Staff, Magician Cloak
Desert Boots 300 Leather Hat, Leather Shirt
Yellow Scarf 400 Feather Hat, Steepled Hat
Glass Buckle 500 Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist
Germinas Boots 900 Desert Boots, Fork
Cachusha 1000 Magus Hat, Rubber Helm
Coral Ring 1200 Lightning Staff, Rod
Gold Choker 1300 Linen Cuirass, Soft
Magician Shoes 1500 Germinas Boots, Bone Wrist
Barette 1800 Needle Fork, Barbut
Power Belt 2000 Glass Buckle, Chain Mail
Mandain's Ring 3000 Bone Wrist, Stardust Rod
Fairy Earrings 3200 Magic Armlet, Soft
Extension 3500 Lamia's Tiara, Multina Racket
Reflect Ring 7000 Anklet, Mandain's Ring
Anklet 4000 Gold Choker, Peridot
Feather Boots 4000 Magician Shoes, Phoenix Pinion
Black Belt 4000 Twist Headband, Survival Vest
Pearl Rouge 5000 Moonstone, Elixer

Everyone will go out of Gargan Roo's ladder, and be in Tot's observatory. Eiko
decides to go sightseeing. Eiko asks Vivi to go with her, and he agrees. Then
Freya will take this time to relax. Amarant just leaves. Tot tells Zidane that
if he needs any practice with cards, he would be happy to help. Then we view an
ATE. Eiko insults Zidane, Dagger, and Vivi. It doesn't matter though; she does
that regularly. Eiko says that Zidane acts to "cool" in front of her to like
her. Eiko runs off, and Vivi meets someone that I think he knows.

Back to Zidane, Tot will tell you that you need to register for the card
tournament. Treno's a big place, however, and you won't want to do that yet. I
highly advise that you walk around the city and play some card games. You need
the skill. Anyway, the next ATE you see will be Vivi talking to this guy named
Marco. Apparently, Marco's Master brought Vivi to Alexandria in the first place.
Marco will leave, and you will have the option of going to your "home" or
staying in Treno. Select go home, and Vivi will go to his house, which is
located near Treno, might I add.

So now that you are back to the game, do what I said and get used to Treno's
card champions. They will be in the tournament. Get Shiva and Ramuh out to
pulverize them. Remember to view all the ATEs, they are fairly interesting. In
the next one Amarant will bump into an infamous person. The man will remember
who Amarant is, and run of scared. Eiko will come over and insult Amarant some
more. The four-armed man will think Amarant has a soft spot for kids.

Yeah, I know, "Back to Zidane." Have him go to the entrance of Treno and take
the right stairs. You should play the two kids on this path, they will be in the
tournament and you can get good cards from them. After you are finished, go down
the ladder to the right and buy items from the dealer. You can buy Hi-Potions
here, so if you are running low, get some. After this, run north up the path to
another screen. Go down the stairs and over to the moogle. Save you're game and
go into the equipment shop to the right. Buy all the equipment that you want.
Then, equip Auto-Potion with Hi-Potions and put +20% HP on so you have around
1800 HP. Also you have to equip Body Temp so he doesn't freeze you. Now, choose
to fight the beast. You get 15000 Gil if you win!

Boss Name: Catoblepas (Treno Equipment Shop Monster -- Disc Three)
HP: 4000
Steal: N/A
Party: Zidane (28)
Difficulty: Semi-Hard
Reward: 15,000 Gil

You will be fighting Catoblepas as a regular enemy soon in the game, so I think
that you should be able to defeat him. The tough part is he has Devil's Kiss,
which will freeze you every time. You have to equip the ability called Body Temp
before the battle starts. If you don't, more then likely his first attack will
be Devil's Kiss. Catoblepas doesn't have more then that, though. He has
Thundara, which is a semi-deadly attack. It does around 500 damage to you. This
is why I told you to equip Auto-Potion; you can quickly heal this in a matter of
seconds. Catoblepas also has Earthquake. This is an earth-based attack that does
around 300 damage each time. If you don't have Auto-Potion, buy a Feather Boot
add on. This absorbs earth damage. Catoblepas uses Earthquake around 50% of the
time so he will you! Absorb = Heal. Auto-Potion and Feather Boots make this
fight pathetically easy. Catoblepas didn't stand a chance against me, besides
Devil's Kiss. Just hack away with attacks on him, you should be doing around
1,000 damage each time. This makes the battle pathetically easy as Catoblepas
only has 4,000 HP. It's a very easy 15,000 Gil, if you ask me.


After the fight you will get your fantastic reward! Now it's time to view more
ATEs. While you are viewing them, walk over to Stella's house and give her all
the Stellazios that you have. She will give you good items and Gil for them,
which is great. After this, walk down from Stella's house twice and you will be
at the card tournament area. View the ATE of the four-armed man trying to
capture Eiko. He wants the bounty on Amarant's head, which Lani probably put on
him. The four-armed man will get desperate, and ask Eiko out to dinner. Then
Quina, out of nowhere, will come in and ask about the delicious food. I think he
swam back to Alexandria! He keeps asking for food, and the four-armed man runs
off! Haha! Eiko will pick up the Chimera Armlet from the four-armed man. It
seems he dropped it.

In one of the other ATEs, Freya and Amarant will talk. We will learn about
Amarant's relationship to Zidane. It seems that Zidane tricked Amarant when he
stole something at the auction house. Amarant was a guard there, and Zidane
accused him of stealing what he stole. The other guards stupidly agreed with
Zidane and Amarant ran off with a "wanted" title. You will have control of Freya
in the conversation. Choose not to push him further. Now, this next part will
net you around 30,000 Gil and another coffee type, so if you want it, listen up.
Go to the Auction House and talk to Freya. She will ask you for a tour, and
allow her to team up with you. She will only be here if you chose not to push
him, however. Now, go to the main entrance of Treno and leave. We will be on the
world map.

Quan's Dwelling

Now you need to go pick up Vivi. Remember we told him to leave town for his
home? Go to the left of Treno and passed the trees to find a small cavern. This
is Quan's Dwelling. You will see Vivi here. Talk to him, and have him join up
also. Now you will have three people. This should be enough for the harder
enemies that lurk around here. Go out of Quan's Dwelling, then go back to Treno
but don't go inside the city. Instead, go we west of here to South Gate. Follow
the path to the other side to go to the Dali gate. Then go back to the world map
on the Dali side. Go over to Dali.


This is the small windmill town where the Black Mages were being built. You
should remember this place from disc one. Anyway, go the mayor's house. This is
the house on the left before the windmill. Go inside and you will see that the
Mayor is not home. However, his son is. His son is very ill and asleep, so walk
in this room with the D Pad. Pick up all the items in this room. (Just walk
around until the field icon pops up.) You should find a Mini-Brahne and the
Mayor's Key in a desk. Now, go back outside and go into the windmill room. Go
down the manhole and back into the underground where they were making the Black
Mages. Go down the elevator and advance into the next room. Use the Mayor Key to
get into the Chocobo's pen. You will find 30,000 Gil and Burman Coffee here!
Head back to Treno.


Now that you are back at Treno, let's buy all the items we need before we
continue. You should find a Synthesis Shop in the area before Stella's House. It
doesn't have as good of items to synthesis as Alexandria, but if you need
anything get them here! After, go over to the equipment shop and get equipment
if you need it. Now, before we continue with the card tournament, it's time to
go to the Auction House again. Go inside and, if you didn't do the cotton robe
trick, it's time to use all the money you have at this point to make your
characters better. Here is the guide:

Auction House list:

Four Fairy Earrings (6,000 Gil each)
Two Magician Robes (7,000 Gil each)
Two Madain's Rings (7,500 Gil each)

This will give you Level Up, Auto-Potion, and Chemist. The prices are not exact;
you can pay a little more or a little less. These items are "acclaimed," so you
should be able to bid on them most of the time you enter the auction house. If
you don't get what you want, then re-enter the auction house until you do. It
should cost around 60,000 Gil to get all the auction items. You should have way
more then that at this point in time with the 45,000 Gil you just got. Here is
what you will get:

Level Up - 1.5 times normal experience in battle. (Fairy Earrings)
(Everyone can equip this as a add on.)
Auto-Potion - Automatically heals you when hit. (Magician Robes)
(Dagger, Vivi, and Quina can equip these and use the Auto-
Potion ability. You can get the other 5 characters with GOLD
CHOKERS, these give them Auto-Potion as well!)
Chemist - Doubles potency of Medical Items. (Madain's Rings)
(Only Steiner and Freya can use this skill with Madain's
Ring. You can give Dagger a cotton robe to give her this
skill also.)

These things will help a lot. See if you already have the abilities. You might
have Auto-Potion. If you have any, then substitute them out. Keep the magician
robes in here, though, as they make your defense a little higher then that of
the enemies you will be fighting soon. So, they will do around 20% less damage
then usual. Now that you are done buying stuff, it's time to participate in the
card tournament.

Card Tournament

Now it's time to continue with the walkthrough. Go to the card stadium area.
This is south of the Synthesis Shop house. Talk to the guy behind the counter,
and you will find out that the champion is a cute sailor girl. Zidane will
really want to meet her. He will sign up, and to begin the first game just go
inside the stadium. The first game isn't that hard. Remember to choose Shiva and
Ramuh, as they are both wonderful. You should have three other good Gnolls and
Zuus on you. I had fairly decent cards and I got a perfect against him. Just
play smart; Read the Tetra Master section for more detail. Basically, you should
have a lot better cards then him in the first round. You should almost win by

After the first round you will come out and be faced with more ATEs. Look at
them, but otherwise go right of the card stadium. Save at the moogle, then go
back and play against your next opponent. You will play either a Namingway Card
person or a Noble. Playing the Namingway Card person will be tough; He is just
like you. He has around the same cards, and two Namingways that kill anything.
The only thing is that sometimes his Namingway cards don't have good arrows. So,
if you kept resetting and got good Shiva and Ramuh cards, then he shouldn't be a
problem. Two of his five cards are Namingways. If you face the noble, he is just
like attic man. He isn't very tough, and with Ramuh and Shiva, you shouldn't
have much of a problem.

Now, it's time for the third and final round. Before you reenter the stadium,
look at one of the ATEs of Quina. She will hallucinate and jump into the water.
Now, go back to the moogle again and save your game. This is just to be
cautious; this next card battle won't be as hard as the other two. After you
save, view the last ATE "Premonition." We will learn that the crystals were
split 500 years ago. These are all the summoner crystals that Doctor Tot gave
you. He will wonder what happened 500 years ago to make all the crystals be
scattered across the land. Then Eiko will run to see Mog, it seems she (Mog)
senses something bad!

Now go back to the Card Stadium. Go inside and the sailor will show up. It seems
Regent Cid and the Sailor are friends or something. Now we know why she only
uses Oglop Cards! The Regent must be... dealing them to her or something. Erin
signs up, and the two people belittle the Oglop. They don't know it is the
Regent! Erin says that it is her champion pet. The Regent protests and then the
two go inside to face Zidane. The final game is the easiest of the three; Erin
only uses Oglop cards. These cards are not very good; they are pretty average in
strength and such. You should have no problem at all beating her. Remember to
take Shiva, Ramuh, and three other good cards with you. For this battle work
more on strength then arrows; that's what will win it for you in the end. She
might try to overwhelm you with arrows, but in the end all it will take is one
card in a Oglop card with all it's arrows to combo your way to a win! If you
don't win, retry. Why? Because you get an acclaimed Rebirth Ring for winning!
This is a very valuable add on!

After the card duel, Zidane will be announced as champion. Then the three will
talk a little. Zidane tries to hit on Erin a little, but the Oglop- Regent Cid-
gives him a manner uppercut. I think Erin and Regent are... err... Anyway, the
conversation will get to testing the Regent's new airship, which is called The
Hilda Garde 2. Eiko will then run over and say that something terrible it going
to happen in Alexandria!


5.3 - Alexandria


Mistodon (1500 HP)
Tantarian (Optional Boss -- Disc Three)

Kuja is seen by the statue. He starts to rap- err... make up poetry. Kuja then
says that he is Bahamut's former master. For people who don't know what "former"
means; it means before. So Kuja was a summoner? Bahamut comes out of the sky and
starts wreaking havoc on the small city. Dagger watches in tears. Then we hear
the "alarm" music that this game has when something terrible happens. We see all
the townspeople running for safety. Then we will be at Dagger's lookout.

Beatrix will come in and inform the Queen that the soldiers are ready for her
orders. They line up and Dagger comes out. You will now have to give soldiers
orders. You might be going "What?" right about now; You haven't seen these
soldiers in your life before. If you give them the correct orders, Beatrix will
give you a special add- on. The following are the correct orders: Blutzen and
Kohel should gather information, Weimar and Haagen should protect the
townspeople, Breireicht and Laudo should contact Lindblum to request
reinforcements, and Dojebon and Mullenkedheim should begin preparations to fire
the cannons. Beatrix will say that you were splendid and give you Angel
Earrings, a very special add-on. Beatrix and Steiner will go the protect the
townspeople themselves. Dagger will desperately ask for her mother's help by
looking at the portrait of her. Then lights will flicker on Dagger and she will

You know when this game gets good when the music changes to something less
alarming. Some Mistodons will be terrorizing the city of Alexandria and Beatrix
will say that she will give her all. Now you have control of Steiner and
Beatrix! First off, I want you to unequip the Blood Sword that Steiner is
wielding currently. Against the undead it will heal the Mistodons and hurt you.
I suggest that you equip him with the Coral Sword, a sword that you should have
bought in Alexandria or Treno.

Now, before we heroically fight, let's do one other thing. I know it might sound
sad, but let's strip all of Beatrix's equipment off of her. You can't
unequip/equip something else for the Save the Queen, but you can unequip
everything else she has on. This is some good stuff. You can sell everything but
the Gold Helm. You will want Steiner to wear that, unless he is still learning
Level Up from the Iron Helm. Now, you will fight a series of Mistodons. These
creatures are not that tough, in fact, I would say they are easy. Steiner could
tear through all of them on his own, and I suspect you do that. Steiner is
undoubtedly down a lot of levels from everyone else (Zidane, Amarant...) so have
Beatrix kill herself, and Steiner gets all of the experience. It might sound
cruel, but you will still get the same joy in watching them talk after the
fights. You need the experience, too.

Mistodons are not that tough with just Steiner. You should have Auto-Potion
equipped on him, so they should be a breeze. The only thing that they do that's
annoying is cast Mist on you. This will put your whole party to sleep. You
should equip the Insomiac ability to counter it. However, if you don't have it,
or forgot to equip it, in the next move the Mistodon will more then likely
attack you physically; Awaking you. You will fight a lot of these Mistodons.
Watch as Beatrix and Steiner give their all for Alexandria; For Dagger; And,
mostly importantly, for each other. In the last battle Steiner will trance.
Zidane Tranced for Dagger, Vivi Tranced for Black Mages, and now, Steiner
Tranced for Beatrix. That could only mean one thing... The L word- No no, not
that show on HBO! Um... anyway, you will get a towering 2500 experience with
just Steiner for leveling up on each Mistodon. This should bring him closer to
the other party member's levels.

Now we are back to Dagger, after that very inspiration scene. Dagger will wake
up to music. Music! Only one sick person would do that... I think you know whom
I am referring to. If you don't, then play through this game again and actually
read the dialogue. Anyway, Dagger will hint that the music is coming from
upstairs. Parts of the castle are blocked off. It's the same forcefield that was
blocking the Iifa Tree; or Square was too lazy to make another color of one. Go
up either stairway and south to the famous castle corridor. Go up the stairs to
Dagger's right. Then, go north through the double doors and into another room.
This is before the Queen's Room, but if you try to go to it something will shock
you and unable you to go. So, take the left stairs and go through the door. As
you go up the stairs to the top, swords will clash allowing you not to go back.

Once you reach the top, a tower will rise from the ground. I think you know
where to go. Go up the stairs and through the doorway. Go up more stairs and
even more stairs until you reach the top. From the top, go over to the middle
area and the game will take over. Dagger will comment that she can still hear
music. She will argue with herself because she doesn't want to have to depend on
her Mother or Boyfrie- err... Zidane anymore. Then we go to Cid's ship. The ship
will be rocking back and forth; they may never make it past Evil Forest. Cid
will say that an Oglop made it; so I guess it's really good for being by him. It
should have one of those "Made in China" stickers on the bottom.

Vivi will complain that he's feeling sick to Zidane, and Amarant will smartly
answer that he should stay in the middle of the ship. As Vivi is going up to the
deck he sees Eiko. Something is sparkling on her, just like Dagger. Then we here
a loud crack and everyone falls besides Zidane and Eiko. Eiko goes to the bow of
the ship, and it looks as if she is ready to commit suicide. Zidane yells for
her and Eiko mumbles some words then free falls. We see a marvelous FMV of Eiko
falling to Dagger. She somehow levitates and puts her feet on the ground
smoothly. They will talk about how they heard one another. Then Eiko will say
that a holy summoner is calling for them. They will hold hands and pray from
their heart. A light will glow and move rapidly between them. They will say some
mystifying words, and the light will grow bigger. Finally it becomes pure light,
and we see a FMV.

Wings are over Alexandria Castle. They are brilliant, white wings. Bahamut
glances over at them, and throws one of his fireballs at it. The wings
carelessly disintegrate the fireball, then send a whirl of light to Bahamut. He
tries to fly away, but gets hit to many times by the light and explodes. Then we
go back to Kuja. He will talk about the Wings. It is Alexander, The legendary
Eidolon. Was this what Brahne was after...?

Kuja will call his eye to come. It seems like it is about to take Alexander,
just like it did Bahamut. Then we see the insides of the eye. It turns out that
the eye is a ship! A man with a black cape will be talking about Kuja. He will
say that Kuja has defied him. The mystery man will say that he has given Kuja
freedom on Gaia, but he broke a rule. Then he says that the same is for Zidane.
He will thrust his hand in the air and red light will surround it. Then we will
see a baffled Kuja wonder why Alexander isn't becoming enslaved. Then he will
talk about Garland, and wonder why he would go to Gaia. Kuja will be shocked for
the first time.

Meanwhile, Regent Cid and the others come inside the castle. A Pluto Knight will
run passed them and wonder where the Queen went. Then we have control of Zidane.
Now, if you didn't fight Tantarian in disc two you can fight him now in disc
three. The battle will be much easier, so don't worry about that. You can find
Tantarian in the left library. Check the bookcase at the bottom of the room. You
will see a yellow book on the top of the last one. A field icon will pop up.
Press X and you will fight Tantarian.

Boss Name: Tantarian (Disc 3)
HP: 20000
Steal: Elixir, Silver Fork
Party: Zidane (28), Vivi (28), Freya (18), Amarant (27)
Difficulty: Semi-Medium

Please read this whole strategy before fighting! You can fight the Tantarian at
Disc Two and Three. This strategy will cover disc three. Fighting Tantarian in
disc three is where you are supposed to fight him. I will cover all the aspects
of him and this fight, but let us take a look at preparation first.

Preparation: * All characters must be at recommended levels.
------------ * Zidane must have stolen normally throughout the entire game.
This doesn't mean you went bonkers when stealing; it just means
you stole items occasionally. This is for Thievery.
* Everyone must have Auto-Potion equipped, and you must have a
strong supply of Hi-Potions.
* Amarant must be in the process of learning Chakra. If he isn't,
then equip the Cat's Claw.
* Vivi must have an Oak Staff to cast Bio. (Substitution: 'ra's)
* Everyone must have the best equipment they can get this far in
the game. This is so they survive attacks.
* Freya should know, or have her learn, the chemist ability.

Overview: Tantarian has two forms: Book Form and Cute Form. In Book Form,
--------- which is the form that you will start the battle with, Tantarian
will almost be unmatched in all attacks. You will only do around 50
damage to him per attack. It is almost like being Mini'd.
Tantarian will use two attacks in this form: Edge and Paper Storm.
You will be happy when he does Edge on you; it will do around 600
damage to one character. When he does Paper Storm, however, it will
do 400 damage to the whole party! This is why it is imperative that
everyone knows Auto-Potion and you have 40-50 Hi-Potions in stock.
This will effectively counter both attacks. Now, besides this, Tan-
tarian will look for his cute form. He will waste turns sometimes
and try to find Cute Form in his book. He won't find it until you
have inflicted enough damage on him. When he turns to Cute Form, DO
NOT PHYSICALLY ATTACK HIM! He will close his book and you will be
back to Book Form. All you can do is use magic here. Tantarian will
use Poison in this stage only. After you have inflicted enough
damage on him again, he will return to Book Form. This is a pattern
which you must go through a couple times before he is defeated.

Attacks: Book Form
-------- ---------
* Edge is a physical attack that he does normally in Book Form. It
will do around 600 damage to one character. This can easily be
countered with Auto-Potion or Freya healing.
* Paper Storm is a magic attack that he does in Book Form. It will
do around 400 damage to every character. Auto-Potion can comple-
letely counter this attack. However, you will have to run out of
Hi-Potions some day...
* This is not an attack, but he normally looks for Cute Form in
his book. This doesn't do any damage to you, and actually gives
you a turn to attack more often. Overall, you want to see this.

Cute Form
* Poison is the only attack that he will use in Cute Form. It will
inflict damage and the Poison Status on a character. You will
need a character to throw an Antidote to counter this.

Character Duties:
Zidane: Zidane is going to be the "star" of your fight. He is the all star
in your team. With his Thievery Skill, he will be able to inflict
around 750 damage on Tantarian EVEN WHEN HE IS IN BOOK FORM! This
is absolutely amazing and a real lifesaver. The damage that is done
with Thievery is calculated with this formula: Number of items
stolen in game * Half of your current speed. This means that if you
stole 50 times in the game and had 20 speed, you would do 500
damage. The reason for this is because 50 * 20/2 = 500. Your
Thievery skill will vary with your current statistics. This is why
it is ABSOLUTELY VITAL that you stole normally in the game. Fifty
times might seem like a lot, but it really isn't. You have gone
through three discs, and you probably stole a lot in disc one.
Your current speed should be around 24, so you will be inflicting a
lot of damage on Tantarian. This is almost a bug in the game,
because you should only be able to inflict around 50 damage on
Tantarian every turn. With this, you will be able to do around 750
damage every turn! When you run low on MP, have Amarant use the
Chakra skill on you (See: Amarant's Duty). This is basically all
Zidane is going to do in this fight.

Amarant: Amarant should have the Chakra ability equipped. This will be used
to heal Zidane's MP during this battle. Amarant's duty is to do
this, and to heal the party. This is his main role. He also can phy-
sically attack if he has an open turn. However, you might want to
just put him on standby with triangle.

Vivi: Vivi is to also heal. This is only in Book Form, however. In Cute
Form, he is to use Bio until the cows come home. This will to a ton
of damage on Tantarian. It makes the fight go by a lot quicker once
Tantarian goes into Cute Form. Besides this, if Vivi has an open
slot in Book Form, you can have him defend, or waste MP by using
Magic on him.

Freya: Freya is also a full time healer in this battle. However, when an
open turn in Book Form arrives, you can have her use Jump or Lancer.
In Cute Form, she is to abuse Lancer until her MP runs out. Then
Amarant is to use Chakra to heal her MP right back up.


After the optional battle, go back to the square room with the picture of Queen
Brahne. Go the same way you controlled Dagger to the mysterious tower. The quick
directions are: South, Up stairs, North through double doors, Up stairs and
through door to left, and up the stairs to the top. You might notice that
swords, which clashed earlier, have disintegrated, allowing you to go up. Once
you reach the top, everyone will run over to the tower. Zidane will say that
this tower will go any minute, and that they should all leave. They all think of
excuses to leave Zidane to go up the tower besides Vivi, who is somewhat forced
to leave.

Now you have control of Zidane again. Run up the stairs to the top of the tower
just as you controlled Dagger to do before. About halfway up the ground will
start to shake. Then we will have a FMV. Dagger will be shocked, and Eiko will
try to run over to her. Some forcefield will allow her not too. The ground will
break and Dagger will be falling on part of the tower to the ground. Then,
Zidane will come out of no where and jump onto her platform. They will both use
a part of a rope (which was originally used for decoration) to safety jump off.
It gives you a sense of completeness when you go back to what has happened in
the past... doesn't it?

Zidane and Dagger will talk a little. Then Eiko does not mince her words and
says, "they made a big mess." The ground will start to shake and Zidane will
tell them to go. We will see another FMV of the Invincible shooting a deadly
blow at Alexander, or more importantly Alexandria. It will destroy everything
and make a catastrophe. Then we will see Garland. He will say some very
important words. You'd best listen to them carefully, and reread them if you
don't get them. Garland will then walk off, talking about he too must accept
fate, and face "his counterpart."


5.4 - Lindblum



Coral Sword 4000
Partisan 1600
Ice Lance 2430
Poison Knuckles 5000
Magic Racket 1350
Healing Rod 1770
Lamia's Flute 3800
Cypress Pile 3200
Mythril Fork 4700
Pinwheel 200
Chimera Armlet 1200
Thunder Gloves 1200
Twist Headband 1200
Mantra Band 1500
Dark Hat 1800
Gold Helm 1800
Magician Cloak 1850
Survival Vest 2900
Brigandine 4399
Mythril Armor 1830
Plate Mail 2320
Potion 50
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Magic Tag 100
Remedy 300
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

The Ogre 700 Mage Masher, Mage Masher
Exploda 1000 Mage Masher, Mythril Dagger
Rune Tooth 2000 Mythril Dagger, Mythril Dagger
Angel Bless 9000 Mythril Dagger, Gladius
Cotton Robe 1000 Wrist, Steepled Hat
Silk Robe 2000 Silk Shirt, Bandana
Magician Robe 3000 Mage Staff, Magician Cloak
Desert Boots 300 Leather Hat, Leather Shirt
Yellow Scarf 400 Feather Hat, Steepled Hat
Glass Buckle 500 Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist
Germinas Boots 900 Desert Boots, Fork
Cachusha 1000 Magus Hat, Rubber Helm
Coral Ring 1200 Lightning Staff, Rod
Gold Choker 1300 Linen Cuirass, Soft
Magician Shoes 1500 Germinas Boots, Bone Wrist
Barette 1800 Needle Fork, Barbut
Power Belt 2000 Glass Buckle, Chain Mail
Mandain's Ring 3000 Bone Wrist, Stardust Rod
Fairy Earrings 3200 Magic Armlet, Soft
Extension 3500 Lamia's Tiara, Multina Racket
Reflect Ring 7000 Anklet, Mandain's Ring
Anklet 4000 Gold Choker, Peridot
Feather Boots 4000 Magician Shoes, Phoenix Pinion
Black Belt 4000 Twist Headband, Survival Vest
Pearl Rouge 5000 Moonstone, Elixer

We will here an interesting melody that sounds familiar. We will know that we
are in Lindblum when we see part of the Business District. Cid and Artania will
talk about how strong their people are. Baku will do his now trademark sneeze
and with Blank, they will walk over to Cid. After some conversation, Baku will
tell Blank to check on Zidane. Cid adds to tell Zidane to go to his room. Then
we will go to the guestroom.

Zidane will wake up and wonder himself to death. Then we have control of him.
Take the Egoist's Armlet in the chest to the right by the bed, and the Elixir
next to the moogle up the stairs. Save at the moogle here. Also talk to him
about Mognet and he will give you a letter. Now, when you try to walk out of the
guestroom you will see Blank walk in. Ask him about Dagger, and Blank will say
that she might be in the telescope room. Zidane will run off in a hurry after

In the next area, look at the ATE to find Quina on the shores. Guards will think
that "it" is dead. An Elite Guard will come and act like he's in charge. All he
can muster, though, is "He's Dead." Then, he will shout some orders and the two
Guards will run very fast. It isn't because they are obedient, though. It's
because Quina has awakened! The Elite Guard will run off, and Quina will wonder
where this area is. If you remember, Quina actually has never been to Lindblum.
Then s/he will talk about food... him/her's favorite subject.

You are now back to controlling Zidane. Go left and down the stairs. You will be
at the Fountain/Lift area. The guard guarding (that's what they do) the lift
seems to not care much about Zidane getting on. Go to the upper level, where the
telescope room is, obviously. Then, take a left right before the Grand Entry Way
to the Regent's room. Why is it that when you go up towers you always go left?
When you reach the top, take the steps to the right and go up to the telescope
where Dagger is.

Zidane will talk to Dagger with his usual outgoing self. Dagger can't say
anything, and Zidane thinks that he is doing something wrong. He talks a little
more, and then tries to cheer her up by saying that they should go check out the
town. Wouldn't this... make her feel worse? She just lost an entire kingdom!
Could Zidane possibly think that it would cheer her up? Zidane finally realizes
that a lot has happened, and leaves. Dagger thinks that Zidane is sweet, so I
don't think Zidane did to badly there.

Watch the "My Bad" ATE. Blank forgot to tell Zidane to go to the Regent's room.
Blank then leans against a rail and waits for you. Back to Zidane, go back down
to Blank. It's right next to the lift, if you didn't recognize it before. Once
you get down there, Blank will say hello to Zidane again. They will get to
talking and Blank will tell you that Cid wants to talk to you. He should be in
the Royal Chamber. Then he walks to the lift, all Baku-like.

Again, you have control of Zidane. Walk north under the grand doorway. In the
next area, take the first floor room. You will see everyone here. They will tell
you to go to the upstairs room. I just wanted you to be reassured that everyone
was safe; I could of just led you on that everyone else was dead. Talk to the
Elite Guard, then open the doors to the royal chamber. You will see Cid and the
Minister here. They will call you a "hero" and tell you to go to the conference
room. Then the Minister will lead you to it and the Oglop will slide down...
He's having too much fun with this equipment.

Everyone will now be in the conference room but Dagger. Eiko will quickly run
off to go get her. Then Cid will begin the meeting. However, we don't get to see
it just yet. An ATE will pop up. We will see Dagger think about all the people
that are now killed. She blames herself for everything. Back to the conference
room, Steiner will talk about the travesty that happened in Alexandria. He
continues to talk about how his beloved (he doesn't use that word) Beatrix is
missing. Freya will go get into the conversation by saying that Kuja has
destroyed all four great nations. Zidane, almost as naive as Dagger, will say
that they need to kill Kuja. Amarant tells him the truth; Kuja is FAR more
powerful then us.

Cid will say that he saw Kuja evacuate on the Hilda Garde 1. It always comes
back to Cid... doesn't it? If he didn't cheat on his wife, Kuja would be dead
right now! Cid will quickly say that there were Black Mages aboard the ship as
well. He will say that they were sane, talking ones! (He knows this because they
weren't shouting "KILL!" every five seconds). This brings Vivi and Zidane into
turmoil. Another unavoidable ATE pops up and we will see Kuja, who has safety
landed. He will walk down with two Black Mage guards. Then we will see Zorn and
Thorn, who are even thorns to Kuja now. Kuja will yell at them, then yell at the
Black Mages. It seems Kuja has "preparations" to be had.

It was mandatory ATE day at Square, I guess. Zidane will sum up a conversation
that Cid must have told them. It is the truth about him being turned into an
Oglop. They will talk about Hilda a little, and then about airships. Finally,
the Minister will say that Doctor Tot is coming to help Cid. Doctor Tot will
enter, and ask if everyone is doing okay. As he is about to talk, a six-year-old
runs in and says something. Wait, that's Eiko! She will say that Dagger has lost
her voice! This will bring uproar to the entire room. Then Cid decides to
postpone the meeting, and everyone goes to see if Dagger is okay.

You have control of Zidane again. Walk south to the lift and go to the Middle
Level. Then go back to the guestroom. It's right of the stairs and the first
left. Zidane, Steiner, and Doctor Tot will run in. Eiko will show them Dagger.
Zidane will say some things, and Doctor Tot will confirm that she has indeed
lost her voice. She has gone through too much to fast, and in return has lost
her voice. Doctor Tot will say that this is only temporary. However, it may be a
LONG time before she gets her voice back. Isn't this somewhat like "I Want To Be
Your Canary"!? Zidane will talk naive a little more; it seems he thinks he can
go beat the crap out of Kuja. Eiko will have to look over both Dagger and
Steiner; Steiner should lose his ****ing voice too! He lost his nation, his
loved one, and now all his life was composed of. But no, Steiner just goes on a

Back at Cid's Room, Doctor Tot explains that if they mix a certain potion Cid
might become a human again. This means he might be able to, unless he's to busy
sleeping with Erin, make another airship! Zidane will take up the task of
finding the three potions. He thinks that Cinna has the unusual potion. Why?
Because Cinna's unusual! His clothes stink, his hair is moldy, his gloves are
slimy, his pockets have crumbs in them-- Okay, okay, I think you got it. Then we
are faced with another ATE. This one is on Cinna. Apparently he's obsessed with
his hammer. What this gives us is that he is in the Theater District.

Go there! Take the lift to the Middle Level, and go to the air cab. Ride it to
the Theater District, Where Tantalus' Hideout resides. Go out of the air cab
station like normal and you will see some ra- err... Burmecians. These are the
people that Zidane saved! They will talk a little, and then we will have an ATE
of Freya. You know even before the screen flicks on because it is Freya's music.
She will see two Burmecian soldiers. They will talk a little, but mainly on the
factor that they are building a new Burmecia with all the remaining Burmecians!
They ask Freya to come, but she declines saying that she needs to complete her
objective. I wonder what that is...

Back to Zidane, it seems the two of them finished up a conversation about
something. The couple shows them their children, and boy did they... err... do
they have a lot of kids! They will chat for a little bit, then the kids will go
back to playing. If you ask the couple about any of the potions, they don't know
anything about them. Now this is where the walkthrough kicks in. On this screen,
go to the southeast part and to the underground room. This is where that one
artist is. Before talking to him, take the Lapis Lazuli from the chest. Ask him
about the potions. He will say that he has never heard of them BUT if you find
it in his studio, just take it like you did the Lapis Lazuli. Look on the ground
in the western part of the room south of the stairs to find the Strange Potion!

That's one down, three to go. Now it's time to head over to Tantalus. You know
where that is. Just go out of the underground art place and take the stairs to
the northwest down to Tantalus' hideout. Zidane will walk in, acting like he
owns the place, and will say hello you everyone. Benero, who seems to have taken
a small role as Quina, will say that it is a good sign he can walk. They will
talk a little longer and Zidane will ask Cinna if he has the Unusual Potion.
Cinna will run in and give it to him. They ask what he is going to use it for,
and they are shocked with his answer as he runs off.

Now, go back to the Air Cab Station and take the Air Cab to the Business
District. From here, walk outside the station and go north through the
reconstruction of the village. In the next area, you should see the Gysahl
Pickles stand. To the left of it you will see two people working on something.
If you go up the slope and a little south of them, you will find Sagittarius.
Now, go northeast to the shopping circle with the fountain. Go inside the
equipment shop and buy equipment/items. They moved the shop here after the Item
Shopkeeper's Shop blew up. Also check out the Synthesis Shop. This is a
redemption shop; if you didn't get anything in Alexandria or Treno, get it here!

Back to the last potion. Walk back outside to the fountain. Talk to Alice, who
is the woman in white next to Dragoos' equipment shop. She has the Beautiful
Potion! Now you have all three! Before we go back to the castle, let me tell you
a little secret about this. Each potion has to do with the person. The Artist is
strange because he works on his paintings all day, so it was easy enough to
figure out that the Strange Potion was with him. Alice, who is Beautify, would
obviously have the Beautiful Potion. And, of course, Cinna is such an unusual
fellow that he would have to have the Unusual Potion! (And he's Vivi's
Uncle...). Does it make sense now? Before you go back to the castle, pick up the
chest in Card Freak Gon's house. This is one area south of the fountain circle
shopping area.

Back to the Castle we go. Back to the Cid's Throne Room as well. When Zidane
arrives, he will already have the potion ready. He will give it to Doctor Tot,
and Tot will shove it down Cid's throat (Well, not really). Cid will now turn
into a frog! If we weren't going to get an airship in 10 years, we certainly
aren't going to get one in 50 years now! Cid will command everyone to go back to
the Conference Room.

Everyone will be shocked that Cid turned into a frog. Cid will say that they can
use a seaship instead of an airship. Then Cid wonders where to go. Vivi makes
things more visible when he continues to talk about the black mages being on
Kuja's side. So, we will sail our ship to Black Mage Village. Zidane will
protest to Dagger going with them, but Eiko will act like a sister and say that
she will look out for her. Then we will have an ATE of Quina being lost. S/he
will hear the Gysahl Pickle guy saying that the pickles are delicious. Then s/he
will start to eat all of the pickles.

Before we go, if you need any items or haven't bought any new equipment, do it
now. Then, take the lift to the Base Level. Go over to the right trolley and
take it to Serpent's Gate. This is different from Dragon's Gate. You will arrive
at the small trolley station. Go south to the docks. Then, run up to the ship
and climb aboard. Inside, Zidane will find Blank, Quina, and Cid. After some
conversation, you will have control of the Blue Narciss. Just make sure that
Quina doesn't eat Cid!

World Map

Before you go to the World Map you will be asked to select characters. I advise
that you choose Zidane, Amarant, Steiner, and Eiko. This is a very well balanced
team. You can substitute in Vivi if you like, but Amarant/Steiner do more damage
then him, and Eiko is useful for healing. Whatever you do, do not choose Dagger.
Why? She is depressed, so sometimes she doesn't pull through with her turns.
This is why I have been emphasizing that you choose Eiko over Dagger throughout
most of the game. Anyway, you will now have control of the Blue Narciss. I
advise that you do a couple Mini-Games like Chocobo Forest for a while before
you go to Black Mage Village. See the Side Quests section for more detail. Also,
go to Esto Gaza, it is a small city in the northern part of the map. You will
find it tucked in a mountain and on an icy island. Inside you will find good
weapons; equip them when you have all the abilities in your current weapons.
Now, set sail to Black Mage Village. If you do not know where it is tap select
and you should find out exactly where it is by looking at your map. Then get off
the ship and enter Black Mage Village through the forest.


5.5 - Black Mage Village



Zidane and Vivi run into a deserted village. Vivi decides to go take a look
around, and you have control of Zidane. Follow Vivi north to the next screen.
Then go passed the two houses and down the stairs to the cemetery. Number 288
will be there. He states the obvious; everyone left with Kuja. Kuja apparently
can make their lifespan longer. Vivi runs off to the Chocobo Shack to get more
information because Number 288 doesn't want to betray his friends.

Follow him to the Chocobo Shack. Backtrack to the entrance, then take the
northeastern path. Vivi will knock on the door, and a Black Mage will say, "It's
born." The chocobo has finally hatched, and the two Black Mages are overjoyed
with happiness. Zidane and Vivi will leave the shack and find Number 288
outside. They will talk a little about stopping then Number 288 will reveal that
Kuja's palace is on the eastern side of this continent, in the sand. Then we
will see Eiko and Dagger talk a little, and everyone will form up. Don't worry,
though, you don't get stuck with both Eiko and Dagger. I guess they came along
but were not in your party. Anyway, leave Black Mage Village and go back to the
Blue Narciss, which should be at the beach right next to Black Mage Village.

World Map

Now, go over to the eastern side of the continent. You will see a long isle with
all shores. Disembark, and you should see four sand holes dead north. This is
the tough part. One of them leads to Kuja's palace, the other three lead to a
fight with an Antlion. First, choose the most northern of the four. If you don't
know which one is more north, just look at the map. Then, if you fought an
Antlion, choose the one that doesn't have sand puffing out of it every few
seconds. You should be able to see this if you look at everyone closely. I had
to fight the Antlion once before I got in and caught onto what to look for. You
probably fought the Antlion once or twice before you got in. He is very tough;
he has this attack called Sandstorm that will bring everyone's HP to critical
stage. This completely sucks. Have Eiko heal while the other three have at him.
Heal darkness if it gets onto you. He also has counterhorn, which does around
600 damage. It's deadly, so don't attack unless you have more then 600 HP. It's
a fairly tough fight, and the experience sucks. When you find the right hole,
you will find that the screen will fade instead of fighting an Antlion.

Desert Palace

You will see Zidane and Cid both inside a small cell. After some conversation,
Kuja will come on an intercom and start to talk to you. You will then get to
choose from "I don't have a choice!" and "Never!" Choose whichever you like, it
will end in not having a choice. If you choose never, Kuja will open the lava
pit a little more. No big deal, eh? Anyway, after you have no choice you will
walk out of the cell.

After Cid and Zidane converse a little, you will have control of Zidane. If you
go around the perimeter of the area all you will find is your other party
members locked inside cells. So, go down the bridge-like path in the middle. You
will meet up with a circle platform and two Black Mages. Kuja will tell you to
get in the middle of them, and you will agree. Then they will teleport you to a
fancy room. Walk east about halfway down and you will have a little chat with

Zidane will be his crabby self, especially in front of Kuja, but he will finally
snap out of it. Kuja wants you to go to a place called Oeilvert and retrieve a
Gulug Stone there. He says that the place has an anti-magic barrier, so he can't
go inside. Basically, he says he's a coward that relies on magic. Then he asks
you to choose three other party members to help you on this trip. Since you
cannot use magic in the place, you will have to rely on physical attacks. This
is why I had you choose Zidane, Amarant, Steiner, and Eiko before. However, Eiko
will be more then useless inside Oeilvert. Dagger, Vivi, and Eiko will all be
completely useless characters inside Oeilvert, unless someone has the Chemist
ability and you have a lot of Hi-Potions. Freya should be at an extremely low
level now. (Around 18.) Her level is so low that you almost have to pick Quina.
S/he can still use Blue Magic inside Oeilvert, coincidentally enough.

He will summon them, and they will be transported to where Zidane and Kuja are.
Then Zidane will walk on the teleport platform and they will teleport off. You
would think that right now, with Zidane's other party members, they would be
able to destroy Kuja. It's weird how he completely forgets about "kicking Kuja's
butt." No matter, you will arrive at a stone-like place. Equip Quina
accordingly, then go up the stairs and over to the west. You might fight 1-2
monsters along the way but you shouldn't have any trouble.

After Zidane amazingly sees the Hilda Garde I, go down the stairs and over to
the Black Mage by the bridge going to Hilda. Walk up the bridge/ramp and the
Hilda Garde I will fly off. Hilda looks pretty sweet; it's a cool blue color. It
will fly out of the current continent. Then, Zidane will try to talk some sense
into the black mages, but of course it's to no avail. Zorn and Thorn will come
out and the everyone will chat for a little while. I like Zidane's analogy of
Zorn and Thorn being puppets as well (^_^). Anyway, it will fly over to the
Forgotten Continent and land. Then you will be on the world map.

World Map

Before you go to Oeilvert you should do a couple things. First off, you can
press X at Hilda Garde I to converse with Zorn and Thorn. They will sell you
medical supplies, and you will need them! Buy Softs and Hi-Potions in abundance.
Second off, you need to get Quina some good Blue Magic. Enemies called
Adamantoise can be eaten for the Earth Shake spell. Also, learn 1,000 needles
from Cactuars. It is great Blue Magic that does 1000 damage every time you use
it. I highly advise that you get both of these spells before you enter Oeilvert.
You can use Blue Magic in there so don't worry. When you are ready, walk down to
the southern area of this continent. It will be down a ways. The enemies are
pretty tough so use tents as needed. They give Gil that will more then
compensate your tents. The experience is also very good. If you have trouble
finding Oeilvert just press select once or twice to get a blown up version of
the world map. It's in the southern side of the Forgotten Continent, just like I
said. Have everyone equip the Jelly ability. You should have equipment that has
this ability. Now, follow the canyons down to Oeilvert. When you get there, save
your game, use a tent, and enter.


5.6 - Oeilvert


NOTE: Blue magic cannot be used in Oeilvert!

Garuda (3500 HP)
Ogre (3750 HP)
Epitagh (3750 HP)
Zidane (Epitagh Clone)
Vivi (Epitagh Clone)
Steiner (Epitagh Clone)
Dagger (Epitagh Clone)
Freya (Epitagh Clone)
Quina (Epitagh Clone)
Eiko (Epitagh Clone)
Amarant (Epitagh Clone)
Ark (Boss)

Diamond Sword 4700
Trident 3580
Mythril Claws 6500
Magic Racket 1350
Healing Rod 1770
Fairy Flute 4500
Cypress Pile 3200
Silver Fork 7400
Pinwheel 200
Chimera Armlet 1200
Egoist's Armlet 2000
Thunder Gloves 1200
Diamond Gloves 2000
Mantra Band 1500
Dark Hat 1800
Green Beret 2180
Gold Helm 1800
Cross Helm 2200
Brigandine 4300
Judo Uniform 5000
Plate Mail 2320
Gold Armor 2950
Potion 50
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Magic Tag 100
Remedy 300
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Oeilvert is a pretty strange place. You might notice the music when you arrive;
it's pretty good. You will see a moogle to the right by the entrance. Talk to
him about Mognet to get a letter. Buy all the new equipment he has to offer,
it's really good. Equip it, then save your game. Use a tent if you are low on
HP. Now it's time to go into the depths of Oeilvert.

Before we do so, let's talk about the enemies. Ogres are no sweat, but can be a
problem if you don't attack. They should go down with your physical powerhouse
group. Garuda's aren't really a problem. You might have fought them at the
Grotto way back when. They were in the dangerous area if you tried to climb the
blue vines. They aren't really a problem. Firaga is their most deadly attack, so
heal as necessary. You might notice that the Epitaph has a whole lot of clones!
The Epitaph is actually easy to defeat, since it is stone-type. Just throw a
Soft at it and it will become to soft to live. This is a great place to level up
at since Epitaph's are really easy. Also, I have found this way to get good
experience in a magazine walkthrough:

"Make sure all four party members have the Jelly ability on before you begin, as
the Epitaph's only attack is Petrify. (Have Zidane attempt to steal; you'll
often steal a Phoenix Down that makes this method much easier.) You can take
advantage of the Epitaph's Mirror spell, which creates a clone of one of your
characters, by letting it clone up to three of your party members. Now if the
Epitaph clones a character currently in your party, that character will die.
Don't worry about the dead character, though, just concentrate on attacking the
clone - not the Epitaph itself - until you've killed it. Next, if Zidane is
still alive, use steal again. If he was killed by the clone, however, use the
next weakest attack you have to hit the Epitaph and make it cast Mirror again.
After the third clone has been killed, revive any dead characters, then kill the
Epitaph once and for all. Each clone you kill contributes up to a total of 7,434
EXP per person. This method also helps build up the strength of Zidane's
Thievery skill with every successful steal. We recommend spending quite some
time here to build up levels easily." (Page 86 of Expert Gamer, Kenneth Miller
and Henry LaPierre)

Back to the walkthrough. Follow the path north to the next screen. Walk up the
stairs to the circular platform and run up to the big gate. It is blocking the
entrance to where we want to go. Sadly, we don't know anything about what is
inside. Zidane starts to curse the gate out, and it opens magically. Hey, I
thought no one could use magic here! Walk inside the open gate. This is the
center room. We will find a ton of treasure in these next areas. Go over by the
stairs to get a Remedy. Then, go up the stairs and you will see a chest to the
right. Take the Rising Sun in it, then go back down the stairs and go to the
area in the southeast corner of the room.

You will find yourself in a circular room. If you go to the northern part you
will see Stiltzkin and a moogle. Talk to Stiltzkin and buy the Elixir, Emerald,
and Hi-Potion for 888 Gil. It's very cheap. Then talk to the regular moogle
about Mognet and hand him the letter. Save your game then go back to the center
room. It will be the doorway southwest in the moogle area. Now that you are in
the center area, go left again into yet another area. This is not the area to
the left when you go up the stairs. Once inside, get the two chests in this room
to find a Diamond Sword and Shield Armor. Equip both of these items on Steiner.
Then take the southwest stairs down to another area.

This area will have four lights in it. If you try to examine them they will not
respond. Get the Power Vest in the chest to the right on the bottom floor. Equip
this on Zidane, you will get a nice power boost. Now walk up the stairs and get
the chest by the stairs. You will find Feather Boots. It's always nice to have
these for earth type bosses. Now, go back down the stairs and take the northern
door you used to get in here. You will be back in the area with the circular
yellow light in the middle. Go around and take the yellow door. The other door
north a little more will be locked.

You will find yourself in a pretty big room. Go right and follow the path to the
next area. In here, inspect the silver ball in the middle platform. Nothing will
happen. Now, follow the path south until you are back in the four light room.
Take the yellow door on the bottom floor and you will be back in the room with
the yellow light in the middle of the room. Go right back to the entrance. This
little expedition was to give you a clear understanding of where most things
are, and to collect items. Now the real fun begins.

At the entrance (inside the gate) go up the stairs. Then go left into a
different screen. You will see a blue sphere in the middle of the room. Walk up
to it and press X when the field icon pops up. Zidane will touch it and it will
turn red. Now, collect the chest for an Elixir, and then go back to the previous
room. Walk down the stairs and take the left area. As you are walking by the
circular yellow light a planet will project over it. This planet is Gaia. Words
will pop up and Zidane will say that the words are speaking to him. Then we have
control of Zidane again.

Now, go down the stairs in the southwestern part of the room. This will bring
you back to the four yellow light room. If you try to examine one of them, they
will finally respond. However, you have to touch them in a certain order to
proceed with the walkthrough. Go up the stairs and touch the upper left one. A
ship will appear and Zidane will mumble some words. Touch the upper right one to
see a different image and different dialogue. Now go back down the stairs and
touch the lower right one. Same swing, same thing. Touch the last yellow light
in to the lower left. This will conclude the annoying lights. You should have
gone in this order: Upper Left, Upper Right, Lower Right, Lower Left. This is a
"clockwise" order.

If you were paying attention to the pictures and dialogue, you will find out
that the ship is the Invincible. Now, go back to the upper area in the four
light room. Go to the right and you will see steps. Walk into the next area.
Follow this familiar path until you reach the circular platform with the grey
ball. It will be glowing. Have Zidane touch it, and you will see some images.
You will see an image of Terra, and Zidane will talk about its decline. Now
follow the path you are on north to the next screen. Then follow the path until
you go back to the area with the yellow light pit. Now go right and back to the

Okay, now that you are back at the entrance, take the southeastern path. This is
the moogle area, along with having lightened up triangle on the ground. Run over
and down to the triangle, then get on top of it. Zidane will say something about
light. Now, go back up the stairs to the left and go north a little to find a
chest. Get the Gaia Gear, and then go back to the entrance. Then take the lower
right doorway back to the yellow pit room with Gaia projecting. Go around Gaia's
projection and up. You will see a yellow door to the right and blue door dead
north. Take the blue door, which was locked, and now open!

Zidane will walk inside and we will see a bunch of mask faces. It's spooky at
best. A mask will turn orange and speak in an incomprehensible language. Then it
will start to speak in their minds. Just watch as events unfold. Take good
notice and reread the dialogue if you have to; it's important stuff. Now
backtrack to the entrance (after the gates). Then take the left path back to the
two moogles. You will see that Stiltzkin has left. Save and tent at the moogle,
then go to the northeastern part of the room. You will have to go all the way
around the circular lower area. About halfway there you will see two planets
become one. Then go through the northeastern doorway.

You will see a blue platform and a deep shaft. Before you continue, make sure
everyone has the Clear Headed and Auto-Potion abilities equipped. Auto-Potion is
for the obvious reason that it will help you survive this next boss fight. Clear
Headed is because the next boss has a devastating attack that will make everyone
confused. Also have Zidane equipped with Bandit and Mug. This next boss has
great items. This will block it, and make the fight a hell of a lot easier. Now,
get on the platform and you will see a FMV of Zidane going down. Once you reach
the bottom, go north a little and press X at the field icon. Something will open
and it seems to be the Gulug Stone. Before he can get it and run a boss jumps

Boss Name: Ark
HP: 20000
Steal: Power Vest, Holy Lance
Party: Zidane (34), Steiner (34), Amarant (34), Quina (30)
Difficulty: Medium

Preparation: * All characters must be at least at level 30. (I was at 34.)
------------ * All characters must have the Clear Headed ability equipped.
This will make this fight a lot easier.
* All characters must have the Auto-Potion ability equipped.
* Zidane should have the Bandit and Mug abilities equipped.
* You should have a healthy supply of Hi-Potions and Pinwheels
at hand in this fight.

Overview: People say Ark is the best, but he isn't. Sure, he is pretty tough
--------- if you are asleep, but if you aren't, this battle should be easy.
Ark has around 20000 HP, and when you physically attack him you will
do a lot less damage then you would do to a regular enemy. This
might be because he is in the back row, or because he has high def-
ense. I do not know. What I do know is that he is somewhat a push-
over. Since you can't use magic, all magician characters are use-
less. Well, let me tell Square this: We don't need no stinkin'
magic! We will do fine with just physical attacks. The Ark doesn't
have anything up his sleeves besides four attacks, and one will
be completely useless. If you prepared right, this will be a fun
and easy fight.

Attacks: * Photon is his most powerful attack in this fight. It will bring
-------- any characters HP to 1. This is a crucial attack. Even if you have
someone with 2500 HP or 500 HP it will always bring it down to 1.
The good thing is he doesn't tend to abuse this often. You might
find it 1-2 times in the whole battle. Auto-Potion and a healer
should almost make a opposite effect. Of course, this only hits
one character.

* Whirlwind is another deadly attack if you don't have everyone with
Auto-Potion and Hi-Potion. It will do around 350 damage to every-
one in the party. This can be devastating or easy. If you have
what I said, then it will be healed up before he can even attack
again. If not, you might find yourself kicking the TV.

* Boomerang might wreak havoc on a party member if you don't heal.
It will do in the vicinity of 450 damage to one character. This
can be bad if he does it on a weak character, or a character with-
out Auto-Potion. It also can be bad if he uses it after he uses
Photon. Overall, though, you will want to get hit by this attack
as a Hi-Potion will recover all the lost damage.

* Propeller Wind is probably one of the most annoying attacks in the
whole game. It inflicts the Confusion status upon all party
members. This is very bad. You will see your powerhouse characters
hitting and killing each other. It's sad to watch your party kill
each other. With all the power your team has, one hit should KO
one of your party members. This is why you have to have Clear
Headed equipped. It will put a Guard up against this and render
this attack useless. If everyone has Clear Headed, you will want
to see this attack. It doesn't do any damage, all it does is try
to inflict the confusion status. If you don't have Clear Headed,
this can be a potentially game destroying attack. Like I said, it
will make everyone attack each other. The only way to counter it
is if someone doesn't get hit with it and heals everyone. This
will take it's toll with all the turns wasted, though.

Character Duties:
Zidane: As you might have noticed, Ark has some of the best items to steal in
the entire game. Well, just one item. (Holy Lance.) This is a powerful
lance for Freya that has +62 attack. That's not the only thing, how-
ever, it also has Dragon Crest. Dragon Crest is a very powerful abili-
ty for Freya that will make your life a lot easier. The only thing is
you have a "next to none" chance of stealing it. Make sure you have
Bandit and Mug on, so you have a better chance of getting it. You will
also hit for some damage with Mug. It really is a hard item to get,
but worth it. If you don't want to steal, then have Zidane stick to
physically attacking. You will do less damage to the Ark then a
regular enemy. If your Thievery skill does more damage then have him
do that. Zidane is a pure attacker/stealer.

Amarant: Amarant is the "star" and all-star of this battle. Even though his
physical attacks might not do much damage, his throws sure will! Throw
the Rising Sun you collected before the fight. You will be amazed by
how much damage it will do. Then, stick to throwing Pinwheels or any
powerful weapon that you might have more then two of. The better the
power on the weapon, the more damage it will do when thrown. I would,
however, just stick to Pinwheels as they are somewhat inexpensive and
are what Amarant should really be throwing. If you run out of throwing
items, then Amarant should be a pure attacker. If you have an extra
turn with him and don't want to attack, use the Chakra flair. It will
restore some of a party members HP and MP. An all-star, he is.

Steiner: Steiner's brutal physical attacks are what is going to make this fight
go by fast. Even though the Ark has some major defense, Steiner still
pulls through in the clutch and does some major damage. You will find
out that all of his Sword Arts suck, so do not bother to use them.
Stick to attacking all the way. However, if he uses Photon on you, you
might want to use the Darkside ability. This will restore all the HP
you hit the Ark with. Darkside will make the Ark hitting Steiner a
complete and utter joke.

Quina: This is the last person you _should_ have in this battle. Quina is
basically the healer of the battle. S/he is responsible for the
healing of every character. Hi-Potions are a must, even though s/he
doesn't have Chemist. I also advise that you give at least Quina Clear
Headed, so s/he can heal everyone. If you find a open slot for Quina
to attack, you will find out that you cannot use Blue Magic. (Even
though you can use Flairs.) I would advise you would just pass Quina's
turn and wait until someone gets some damage inflicted on them. If you
do not want to wait, then just physically attack Ark.

Freya: This is the last person you _should_ have in this battle. Freya is
basically the healer of the battle. She is responsible for the healing
of every character. Hi-Potions are a must, and she really should
have Chemist. I also advise that you give at least Freya Clear Headed,
so she can heal everyone. If you find a open slot for Freya to
attack, you will find out that you cannot use Dragon Skills. (Even
though you can use Flairs.) I would advise you would just pass Freya's
turn and wait until someone gets some damage inflicted on them. If you
do not want to wait, then just physically attack Ark. Do not, I
repeat: Do not Jump in this battle. You will have to waste a turn with
no healing. That bad.

Vivi: All magician characters in this battle are very useless. They cannot
use their powerful magic to destroy the Ark. It is highly unadvisable
to bring them into battle. However, if you decide to, then they should
stick to healing all the other party members. If you really wanted to
bring a magician character then make sure they have the Chemist abil-
ity so they do double the potency of magic.

Dagger: All magician characters in this battle are very useless. They cannot
use their powerful magic to destroy the Ark. It is highly unadvisable
to bring them into battle. However, if you decide to, then they should
stick to healing all the other party members. If you really wanted to
bring a magician character then make sure they have the Chemist abil-
ity so they do double the potency of magic. I recommend Dagger because
she can learn/has the Chemist ability. However, she might screw up and
not heal. So she isn't the best bet.

Eiko: All magician characters in this battle are very useless. They cannot
use their powerful magic to destroy the Ark. It is highly unadvisable
to bring them into battle. However, if you decide to, then they should
stick to healing all the other party members. If you really wanted to
bring a magician character then make sure they have the Chemist abil-
ity so they do double the potency of magic.


After the long boss battle you will be back in the same small room. Go up to the
mantle and take the Gulug Stone. Then we will go back to the Desert Palace and
see how everyone else is doing.


5.7 - Desert Palace


Ogre (3750 HP)
Grimlock (3200 HP)
Torama (3300 HP)
Drakan (3300 HP)
Valia Pira (Boss)

Diamond Sword 4700
Trident 3580
Mythril Claws 6500
Magic Racket 1350
Healing Rod 1770
Fairy Flute 4500
Cypress Pile 3200
Silver Fork 7400
Rising Sun 500
Chimera Armlet 1200
Egoist's Armlet 2000
Thunder Gloves 1200
Diamond Gloves 2000
Mantra Band 1500
Dark Hat 1800
Green Beret 2180
Cross Helm 2200
Brigandine 4300
Judo Uniform 5000
Gold Armor 2950
Potion 50
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Magic Tag 100
Remedy 300
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Kuja will talk on the intercom again to everyone. He will tell you that as the
hourglass' sand fades, the lava pit in the bottom will open. Then he will say
that Zidane only has ten minutes to get back here and stop the hourglass to save
the team. Eiko, of course, acts like a child with Mog. Cid hears this, and
decides to help. As he is walking down, he will see some black mages. They will
talk about deactivating the trap by turning on all the traps. This is terribly
advice, and you should ignore it completely. Now, you have control of Cid.
Controlling Cid is a bit... froggish. Go down the bridge and hang a right; the
room that the black mages just walked out of.

This is probably the toughest mini-game in the whole game. It's annoying as
hell, also. You have to make it across a room without getting caught by the
hedgehog in the cage. He will glance back at you every couple of seconds. All he
looks for is movement, however. Cid will be so still that the hedgehog won't
know someone is in the room. He turns his head a lot. While his back is facing
you press O four-five times quickly. Then he should look back at you. Keep doing
this until you make it to the end. What's the hard part? His glances back are
sometimes irregular at best. Sometimes he might look back quickly, and sometimes
slowly. It all depends on how well you did last time. If he almost saw movement,
then he will go back quickly. If he didn't, then you can get four-five O's in.
It all depends on how well you can do it. I suggest that you go slowly, and try
not to be a speed demon. You only have six minutes, however. Just don't do what
I did the first time; I tapped slower then hell and ended up losing. You have to
tape FAST and ACCURATELY. You also only have 6 minutes to complete this. If you
run out of time you can try again without fighting the Ark, however. If he sees
you then Cid will run away like a coward.

Now, the time isn't over yet. You have to get up to the hourglass! This is
hard, considering Cid's current state. So, what do you do? Do you see the scale
over there? If you put the correct weights on it, Cid will be able to get up on
the Hourglass shelf and thus save your team's lives. Cid will already have this
idea when you start. You then have three choices. You can look at the scale,
look at the weight, or put weights on. If you have less then two minutes left,
then skip straight to putting weights on. If you don't, then you can look at the
weights first to see if they are the same way every time. The three heaviest are
Iron, Clay, and Stone. So, if you put these on the scale they will go up higher.
After you look at them, when you go to the choices they will turns from A, B, C,
and D to the actual types. Choose B, C, and D if you didn't have enough time, or
Iron, Clay, and Stone if you looked at them. The first time I went through this
I was off by a couple seconds. Cid was putting the last weight on. It sucked.

Cid will save your friends and they will all reunite. Then we will have control
of the four misfits that you decided not to bring to Oeilvert. Eiko, weirdly,
will be the leader of the party. I would think that Vivi would hold that slot,
but who knows. Anyway, it's time to equip everyone with all the items you have
bought. Also equip Dagger with the Aquamarine so she can learn the Leviathan
summon. This will be very useful in the upcoming boss fight. After this, go back
right. I know, I know, back to the hedgehog. When you get there, it seems he has
been replaced with a moogle. It's so nice of Kuja to lay a moogle down for us.
You can buy items and deliver a letter from the moogle. Also, save your game.
Then go back left to the previous room.

Now let us talk about the enemies of this area. Ogre's are pretty powerful, but
will go down in a couple magic hits. Grimlock's are all crappy magic and no
play. All they cast is Sleep, Slow, and Silence. Give a character a "love tap"
to get rid of Sleep. This should be easy with all these Magician characters.
They also have Red (Physical) and Blue (Magic) forms. Hit the opposite of the
form. Torama's are pretty tough. They cast Bio and Poison. I hate'em because
they come in two's. Hack away with magic and physical attacks. Just have
everyone throw magic back at them. Lastly, we have Drakans. Drakan's use all
types of powerful magic that will severely weaken you. They have Freeze and
Mustard Bomb in their arsenal of attacks. They both stop a character from
fighting, one being critical. Remember to heal as necessary against all of these
guys. You can't Flee, either.

All right, back to the guide. Now that you are back to the dungeons, go left.
Follow the hall and go up the stairs. In this room you will see two angel
statues. Light the candles by the left angel, then inspect the glowing red light
by the right angel. Choose to take the Bloodstone and you will get a Promist
Ring. Now, continue north. In the next area, you will see three statues ahead of
you. Two will look like men, while the middle is a beautiful angel. Examine the
one on the right, the one on the left, then the angel statue. Now try to leave
the room by going left and magical stairs will appear. Now, go over to the
magical stairs and follow them to another room. This happens to be one of the
first room's balconies. Light the candle here, and then go back down the magical

Go left at the three statues. You will be in a nicely furnished room. Whoever
thought Kuja would make such a nice place! He only babbles about plays on and on
and on. Anyway, go up the stairs and you will notice gold candles. They look
more like oversized wineglasses. Light the three on the side you are on. You
will notice that two doors have _magically_ opened. Walk through the door on
your side that opened. In the next room you will be on a balcony. Just go over
and in the door on the other side. You will find yourself on the opposite side
of the room that you light the three candles in. There are three more candles on
this side of the room. Light all three, and one of the statues that were
blocking the middle will open. Now you can go to the middle!

Afterward, blow out the upper right and lower right candles. These are both on
the right side of the room. (Where you are at currently.) Leave the middle one
lit. You will see that both doors are now reopened and some statues were taken
out. Now go up to the reopened door and back to the balcony. Then go back to the
other side. From here, go to the center area of the room that was blocked. Light
the two candles in the center room. You cannot light the candle below yet. After
you light both of them, all the statues will be gone. Light the two remaining
candles on the right side to make eight. Then, go back to the middle and down
the steps. Then light the last candle that you couldn't light before. Now a tray
in the middle of room, under the statue, will be lit with a purple color. Walk
up to it and inspect the light for an Anklet. Now you will see that the
rightmost door is now open. Go through it.

In this hallway you will see one lit candle and a Blood Stone container. It's
not lit up yet, though. Go past it and hug the right wall until you see a field
icon. Light the candle then inspect the Blood Stone for Shield Armor. Now follow
the hallway circular until you reach its end. Then go up the stairs just a
little south of the dead end. In this area, light the candle by the stairs. Then
follow the balcony to Kuja's private library. You can find Shakespeare, err...
You can continue the game here. I didn't have any random encounters in this room
at this time, so don't sweat the random battle stuff. Go to the left by the
statue and light the candle. You will see that a ladder has appeared. Ignore it,
and go to the southeast corner of the room. You will see stairs. Go up them and
light the candle at the end. A bookcase will open up to reveal another doorway.
Go through it.

In the next room you will find a Blood Stone on the balcony in plain view.
Collect the bracer that it has to offer. You will receive a N-Kai Armlet. This
is a very important item in this game. It gives Vivi the Water spell which does
a surprisingly amount of damage. And against the upcoming weakness versus Water
boss, it will be vital to victory. Now go back to the library and down to the
bottom floor. Go up the ladder to floor two of the bookshelf. Light the candle
at the other side of the shelf. Again, the bookshelf in this platform will rise
and reveal a doorway. Go through another one.

You will be at a balcony with stairs going up. Go up the stairs. As you go up,
you should pass by two candles. Light both of them. Then go back down to the
library and go down the ladder to the bottom floor. You should see a candle by
the right statue. Light it, and it will have the same effect on the bookcase.
You know what to do. Once you are inside the secret doorway, light the candle in
the small balcony. When you go back to the library room, you will here a moogle.
Go to the left passed the fake stained glass to find Mogsam the moogle. Talk to
him about Mognet and give him his letter. Then tent and save the game. Now
continue left passed the moogle.

You will be on a platform with two candles, a statue, and a doorway. Light both
of the candles and get the Black Hood after you inspect the Blood Stone. It's
the purple light in the middle of this platform. You might notice that the same
thing is on the other side. Go through the doorway and follow the balcony to
*gasps* the other side! Light all three candles on this side and inspect the
Blood Stone in the southern part of this platform. You will get a Venetia

Before you run over to the other side, it's time to let this walkthrough kick
in. While you are on the left side, unlight the left candle. It will be the
middle of the three, but left of the statue. Now, go back to the other side and
unlight the left candle there. A magical stairway will appear. Before you fight,
get everyone healed and prepared. Save back right at the moogle if you must.
Then go up the magical stairs. You will be a grand hallway, but it's very
straightforward (North) to the candle. Try to light it and a defense system will
attack you.

Boss Name: Valia Pira
HP: 12000
Steal: N/A
Party: Eiko (33), Vivi (33), Freya (30), Quina (33)
Difficulty: Semi-Medium

Preparation: * All characters must be at least at level 30. (I was higher.)
------------ * Every character must have Auto-Potion with Hi-Potions.
* If any of your characters are all ability'd out, meaning they
don't have anything to learn, throw a Coral Ring on them.
* Dagger must have Aquamarine equipped. (For Leviathan.)
* Vivi must have the N-Kai Armlet equipped. (For Water.)
* Eiko should have a Phoenix Pinion equipped. (For Phoenix.)
* Dagger/Eiko should have Reflect.
* If you, by accident, have Amarant in your party, get a healthy
supply of Rising Suns and Pinwheels.

Overview: This is one easy battle if you were smart and disabled all the Blood
--------- Stones like I did in this walkthrough. All his enhancements will be
gone, meaning he will be a lot easier. Instead of having high stats
he will have normal, easy stats. This makes the battle a lot easier,
as instead of hitting him for 1000 damage you will hit him for 2500
damage. In the beginning of the battle he will undoubtedly cast
reflect on himself. This means that if you use Magic (not Skills or
Eidolons) on him he will reflect them back to you. How do you stop
this? Cast reflect on one of the party members. My Vivi had Auto-
Reflect, so I didn't need to waste a turn to cast it. Now, when you
want to attack him with magic, target the person that has reflect
on. You think I might be crazy but I am not. It will reflect off of
that person and hit Valia Pira. It will not reflect back! This is
a small loophole in this fight. Now that you have a way to use
magic, this battle should be pretty simple.

Attacks: * Firaga is a element type damage that does around the same amount
-------- of damage as the other two. It will hit you for around 750 damage,
so it's not a big deal. He abuses these attacks because it is all
he really has to fight with. If you have a Coral Ring or something
else that absorbs this type of damage, he will heal you. This is
absolutely great if you ever get low on HP. Also, Valia Pira is to
stupid to use magic on himself when fighting, so if he hits a re-
flected character it will go back to him. Some of these attacks he
is Guarded against, however.

* Blizzaga is a element type damage that does around the same amount
of damage as the other two. It will hit you for around 750 damage,
so it's not a big deal. He abuses these attacks because it is all
he really has to fight with. If you have a Coral Ring or something
else that absorbs this type of damage, he will heal you. This is
absolutely great if you ever get low on HP. Also, Valia Pira is to
stupid to use magic on himself when fighting, so if he hits a re-
flected character it will go back to him. Some of these attacks he
is Guarded against, however.

* Thundaga is a element type damage that does around the same amount
of damage as the other two. It will hit you for around 750 damage,
so it's not a big deal. He abuses these attacks because it is all
he really has to fight with. If you have a Coral Ring or something
else that absorbs this type of damage, he will heal you. This is
absolutely great if you ever get low on HP. Also, Valia Pira is to
stupid to use magic on himself when fighting, so if he hits a re-
flected character it will go back to him. Some of these attacks he
is Guarded against, however.

* Reflect is magic that will do no damage to you at first. He will
cast it on himself. Now, if you use magic on him it will bounce
back to you. This can be very bad if you let it be. Have someone
cast Reflect on one of your party members, then have them bounce
magic off of that party member to attack him.

Character Duties:

Eiko: Eiko's main duty is what she does best; Healing. You should have Cure/
Cura/Life currently, so use them prudently. (Wisely.) Her Cure spells
heal A LOT of damage. Cure does around 600 while Cura does around
1200. Try to use Cure on the small stuff and Cura if Valia Pira's at-
tacks build up. If you lose some party members but Eiko is still
standing, have her cast Phoenix. This will do Fire bases damage on
Valia Pira but more importantly it will revive any fallen characters.
Lastly, have Eiko use Reflect at the beginning of the battle on one
character. If she has any free moves try to cast reflect on every
person in your party. Then any attack that he throws at you will be
thrown back!

Vivi: Vivi has one of the most important roles in this party. He is the main
attacker. After someone has Reflect up, have him cast Water on him.
It will bounce off of them and hit Valia Pira. Water does major dam-
age; Even more then the 'ra's. You will find out that Vivi can take
a serious chunk of his HP away in one blow. Just remember not to
use Magic on Valia Pira directly if he has Reflect up. If he runs out
of MP don't hesitate to use a Ether. (You shouldn't.)

Freya: Freya is really the wildcard of this battle; She has no real thing
that she will stick to. She should be using Lancer until she runs out
of MP. This should be after 6-7 turns of Lancer; he should be dead
by then. Remember that Lancer is a skill, not magic, so you don't have
to do the Reflect trick. When she runs out of MP, have her Jump like
crazy. She is a good backup healer, also. Have her throw Hi-Potions
with her Chemist ability for 900 damage healed!

Dagger: Dagger's role in this fight is simple. Her main focus in the beginning
is to actually cast Reflect on everyone in the party. Then, have her
be summoning Leviathan. This will do major damage to Valia Pira! She
should recast it until her MP runs out. Leviathan rarely misses so
don't worry about that. Dagger is also a parttime healer when the
party gets on E. Oh, and before we continue, let us address her con-
centration failure. Sometimes, she will not attack because of the
tragedies that have happened in her life. (Obviously.) So she really
is not a dependable character at this point. If she doesn't attack it
is really no big deal.

Zidane: You cannot have Zidane in this fight, even if you wanted him to. He
has to go to Oeilvert.

Amarant: Amarant's role in this battle is similar to what it will be in any
other boss fight you might have him in. This role is to throw Rising
Suns and Pinwheels until the cows come home. You will be amazed by the
damage that he will do with these. Even if you didn't get the Blood
Stones it will do a lot of damage. If you are out of them, then have
him attack physically.

Steiner: You should of had Steiner go with you to Oeilvert! If you didn't, then
I'll tell you his role. It's very simple. Attack. He does major damage
every hit. If he gets low on HP have him use Darkside to restore his
HP. All the damage he does to the enemy will absorb into his health
and thus make him very healthy.

Quina: You didn't really leave Quina... did you? If you did, then s/he will
have to heal during this fight. You won't have 1,000 needles so s/he
s/he won't have any real attack in this fight. All s/he will do is
heal everyone. Attack with Quina if you have a free turn.


After you terminate the defense system, you will be back to Eiko. Light the last
candle and we will finally be over with this light the candle game! Hooray! No
more candle lighting! This was almost as bad as Gargan Roo for Christ sakes!
After lighting the candle, go down the steps to the shining floor. You will now
teleport somewhere and we will go back to Zidane. Now, follow the bridge to the
paths then follow the paths to the teleport pad. It is the blue circle thing at
the end of the path. Press X on top of it. Now, before we continue, I would just
like to say that I am so happy that we don't have to fight with magic users
anymore! It's like I've just gotten out of a small box that I have been in for
all my life. I hope you feel the same way.

In this next room, Kuja will tell you to inside the following room alone. If you
talk to any of your party, they will tell you that it is a trap but you have to
go. Walk up the stairs and through the doorway. Zidane will meet Kuja. Zidane
will be his usual badass self. Kuja will show him four dead people on the
ground, these are the remaining four party members. They are all "resting"
eternally. They are just Epitagh clones, however. Kuja will then demand the
stone. Back to the remaining three party members, everyone will be worried as
hell. Well, just Steiner, really. Quina will be trying to eat a statue and
Amarant is trying to look cool again. Then a telepod shines blue...

See, I told you they were just clones! Or are THOSE the clones!? Nah, I'm just
messing with you. Everyone will run inside to Zidane's aid except Eiko, who will
get cornered by Zorn and Thorn. Back inside, we will see Zidane have one of his
tantrums. At the climax, Kuja asks for a stone and Vivi yells not to give it to
him. All the party members will run in and Kuja will say that the ones inside
the cage are just Epitagh clones. I told you. Zidane and others seem to have the
upper hand, but we hear Zorn and Thorn capture Eiko. They squish Cid along the
way. Then Kuja escapes with his precious. (Gulug Stone.)

Now you can pick four party members. Choose Zidane, Amarant, Steiner, and Vivi
if you want a powerful party. It really is advisable because the other three
aren't nearly as good and Eiko is missing. Now, before we leave the room GET THE
NAMINGWAY CARD!!! This is a forgettable item, and you won't be coming back to
Kuja's place so you won't be able to get it from this point on. It is by the
books on the table in the southern part of this room. Then, go south to the
previous area. Go south again to the telepod area. Take the south (Or left)
telepod back to where Hilda Garde I was stationed.

Follow the path to the bridge. You will notice that the Hilda Garde I is not
here. Go north and you will reach another screen. Zidane will say that Kuja got
away on the airship. Then, pull the lever on this little brown platform and a
ladder will swing down. Go down it, and then go to the northwestern part of this
erosion area. You will be able to the next erosion area. Then, follow the area
north to another screen. Then we will see the Hilda Garde I flying to the Lost
Continent. The Blue Narciss will have amazingly caught up to it! Then we will go
to the ship and see some dialogue. Then we will be able to choose party members
again. Choose Zidane, Amarant, Steiner, and Vivi. Finally, we will be back on
the world map!

World Map

Before we enter Esto Gaza I would like you to look around this little continent
a little bit. Also, I would like you to fight around here until you find a
friendly Feather Circle. He will want a Moonstone. Give it to him for major AP.
Then, I would like all of the characters you have to at least 35 before we enter
Esto Gaza. Call this cautious, but I would like them in the vicinity of that
level. When I entered Esto Gaza, I had Zidane at 37, Amarant at 36, Steiner at
37, and Vivi at 35. When you are ready, enter the doom like building on the
western part of this Continent.


5.8 - Esto Gaza


Garuda (3500 HP)

Gladius 2300
Zorlin Shape 6000
Diamond Sword 4700
Flame Saber 5190
Heavy Lance 4700
Scissor Fangs 8000
Magic Racket 1350
Asura's Rod 3180
Hamelin 5700
Cypress Pile 3200
Octagon Rod 4500
Silver Fork 7400
Rising Sun 500
Egoist's Armlet 2000
N-Kai Armlet 3000
Jade Armlet 3400
Diamond Gloves 2000
Venetia Shield 2800
Black Hood 2550
Red Cap 3000
Cross Helm 2200
Judo Uniform 5000
Power Vest 7200
Gold Armor 2950
Shield Armor 4300
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Magic Tag 100
Vaccine 100
Remedy 300
Annoyntment 150
Tent 800

Sadly, the only enemy you can fight here are those annoying birds called
Garudas. They shouldn't be hard to beat at your current level. They sometimes
cast Firaga, but that's no big deal with Hi-Potions/Auto-Potion. Which you
should have right now. If you don't, you best leave and look in my ability
section to find out how to get it; you will definitely want it here. Also,
Garudas have stop which _can_ be annoying sometimes. You cannot work around
this, besides Reflect of course.

Anyway, at the entrance go inside the building to the northwest. Once inside,
Zidane will talk to the Bishop. He will tell you about Kuja and his army of
black mages going to Mount Gulug. He says that one of them was carrying a little
girl. Go into the area to the right. You will be in a shop. If you bought items
from here before Black Mage Village they will be better this time around.
Getting all this new equipment is a must. You should have the money to buy it
with. If you don't, you'd best be going outside and fighting more monsters.
Also, make sure to buy an Octagon Rod for Vivi; you won't be able to buy one in
disc four yet it is crucial to getting level 3 magic.

You can find a Wind Edge if you go around the shop and to the other side of the
counter in this room. You should be on the right side where books are. Search to
the right to find it. Now, before we leave here, you might want to rest. The
Bishop, stubborn as he may be, offers this service for you. The small price of
100 Gil is in question, however. Now, go left a little and up the stairs. Head
forward until you hit a moogle. Save your game and ask him about Mognet. Then go
right and we will be at Mount Gulug.


5.9 - Mount Gulug


Blue/Red Wraith (4500 HP)
Red Vepal (4500 HP)
Grenade (4600 HP)
Worm Hydra (4800 HP)
Red Dragon (Semi-Boss)
Meltigemini (Boss)

Potion 50
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Magic Tag 100
Remedy 300
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Mount Gulug makes Fossil Roo look like a walk in the park. It is a huge
labyrinth with high level enemies. In short, it is another "hell." Anyway, let's
talk about these enemies! They all are very tough with tons of HP. Wraiths are
can be a problem if they cast Mustard Bomb. This attack hits a lot, and the next
turn the person that they inflicted it on will be dead. This attack completely
sucks, and might make you want to have Dagger in the party. Vepals do the exact
same thing sometimes, but otherwise use their crappy magic. They cast one
specific attack on you over and over, but it doesn't do much damage. Grenades
are very strong enemies. They have an attack called Flame, which inflicts a lot
of damage on a character. My Zidane had 900 damage tacked off of him with this
attack alone. They also cast Firaga for around 600 damage and Cannon for
anywhere between 500-2000 damage. However, they tend to abuse Flame a lot, so
you might not ever see Firaga. Lastly we have the Worm Hydra. They are very
tough enemies that inflict a lot of status effects on you. I had Mini and other
stuff inflicted on me when I fought them. They are tough!

From the get go, decide to go west at the fork. You will be in a two-story house
complete with its own ladder. On floor one, go down to the southeastern corner
of the room and pick up the Gil. It should be around 10,000 Gil, I am forgetful.
Afterwards, go up the ladder and get the Ether near the rubble. Then go back
down the ladder and east, back to the fork. Now, take the other house, which is
to the east. Go east out of that room, and then press X at the field icon near
the well. Zidane will jump onto a rope. Slide down the rope and go east at the
fork. You will find yourself in a room with a moogle. Save the game, ask about
Mognet, and tent if you are low on HP. Go directly opposite of the moogle, to
the southeastern corner of the room, and pick up the Wind Edge.

Now take the doorway to the east. Follow this path until you reach the end.
Collect the Gaia Gear, and then go back to the well's rope and the fork. Before
you do so, equip everyone with Gold Chokers so Wind damage is reduced by 50%.
Halfway back you are forced to fight a battle with two Red Dragons. These
Dragons are very tough if you didn't heal up beforehand, or don't know how to
fight them. First off, they have a weakness to Ice. Abuse this by having Vivi
cast Blizzaga on them for around 5000 damage. Amarant can finish the one that
Vivi got with a Rising Sun, or he can attack with Zidane. They both have around
7000 HP, which is not too shabby. Steiner should just attack. They cast some bad
moves like Twister and Wind. They do a lot of damage, especially Twister. Keep
on your A game at all times; Remember, there is a moogle that you will see to
tent momentarily. Also, if you got an Octagon Rod for Vivi, you cannot lose this
battle. Vivi will absorb all the wind damage the Red Dragons can muster.

After the fight, remember to equip your regular add-ons back on. Then walk back
to the moogle and save the game. Also, Tent as needed. Return to the fork with
the well and the rope. Next, take the left path. Follow it until you reach a
small house. Look around for a treasure chest, it should be close to the
entrance. You will receive a Demon's Mail when you find it. Don't equip this on
Steiner because it will bring down your magic statistic. All we fight in this
place are magic enemies, so there is no need to make your magic defense lower.
Then go back outside the house.

A little north of it you should see a door. Enter and you should see a moogle on
a second floor. Climb the stairs and save at the moogle. You can also buy
medical items if you are running low on them. At this time you should be, those
damn enemies should be sucking up all your Hi-Potions like Atomos and Lindblum.
After you are done buying items, go up the stairs next to the moogle. After
this, walk over to another house. You will see a treasure chest down the room.
When you go halfway down, you will fight more Red Dragons. This fight isn't one
bit harder then the previous battle. How many Red Dragons you fight in this
battle varies. I fought one so it was fairly easy. Use the same strategy as the
last one above.

After the fight, go down the room and get the Elixir in the chest. Then go all
the way back to the well and rope. You might want to save at the moogle, also.
Once you reach the well, you might notice a lever next to it. Pull it DOWN three
times. Not up, mind you. On the third time a rope will go down to the bottom of
this hell. Jump on it, and slide down Zidane-style. Once you reach the bottom,
circle around the room once and another Red Dragon will fight you. This is
probably the toughest of the three fights simply because two Red Dragons attack
you instead of one. You might have fought two before, but there is no way out of
it now. You know how to kill these little buggers easily, though.

After the battle, go through the open wall that the Red Dragon made. The game
will take over from there. It seems Kuja signed Zorn and Thorn from the Free
Agent List for one purpose: To extract the eidolons from Eiko. The party will
see this, and Dagger will try to rescue her but Zidane stops her. We all know of
what they are doing unless you were asleep in disc two. We find out that Eiko
has to be 16 for this extraction thing to work without a hitch. If they
continue, we might lose a crying little six-year-old!

Kuja will explain the situation to Zorn and Thorn. Garland is making a "plan"
that will make his soul not his. I think that means he will die. Anyway, he
needs a powerful eidolon to destroy Garland; His own power fails in comparison.
He will demand that Zorn and Thorn shut up (repeatedly) and continue the
extraction process. Before they have a chance Mog will jump out and get in their
way. He will talk to Eiko, and she will wake up! Then we see Mog communicating
to Eiko. He says goodbye. Then we see Zidane racing down to get Eiko. Eiko will
fight Zorn and Thorn. Mog will tell her to summon Madeen. She will, and it will
tear through Zorn and Thorn. Then we find out that Mog is an eidolon! We get a
Ribbon, a prized add on that can allow Eiko to summon Madeen! Kuja will come
back and tell everyone his plan. Then he will leave and Vivi will run after him.
It seems that Zorn and Thorn are really one, big evil monster that we have to

Boss Name: Meltigemini
HP: 25000
Steal: Golden Hairpin, Demon's Mail, Vaccine
Party: Zidane (40), Amarant (40), Steiner (40), Eiko (33)
Difficulty: Semi-Hard

Preparation: * All characters must be at least at level 37 with exception to
------------ Eiko, who should be at level 33. (I was at 40 because of the
mistakes I made in the previous areas. I had to fight a lot
of monsters.)
* Every character must have Auto-Potion with Hi-Potions. This
should go without saying.
* Amarant should have a healthy supply of Rising Suns on hand.
I want you to have at least 10.
* Eiko should have a Phoenix Pinion equipped. (For Phoenix.)
(Because if things get bad you can revive fallen characters.)
* Zidane should have Bandit and Mug equipped.
* Have a healthy supply of Antidotes if you are not at the
recommended level.
* Have a strong supply of Remedies even if you are 10 levels
past the recommended level. This is because of Venom Powder.

Overview: This fight can actually be pretty tough! Zorn and Thorn's single
--------- form is something not to be taken lightly. They do a lot of damage
and look hideous doing it. When you begin, you will notice that Vivi
has been replaced with Eiko. This is not good, since Vivi's attacks
are a lot better then Eiko's. However, Eiko will keep your party
in tip top shape with Cura so it's not a very bad tradeoff. In the
beginning of the fight, Meltigemini tends to cast Venom on everyone.
This is awful because it will take away around 200 damage every
single turn. These turns include when you attack, he attacks, and
Auto-Potion turns. So, you could find some of your characters dead
just because of Auto-Potion! This is why you have to have a good
supply of Antidotes. Eiko can cure this poison with them. If you
have the recommended party then this fight will go by a lot easier
because they should have tons of HP. Meltigemini was a medium boss
for me, mainly because I was at a healthy level 40. I don't expect
you to be here; It took me a lot of fights to scout the past couple
of areas. This fight should go by fairly quickly if you have ten
Rising Suns. However, if he abuses Venom Power you might find your-
self restarting the game.

Attacks: * Venom Powder is the toughest attack in his arsenal. It will do
-------- around 500 damage to one character and inflict the Venom status
upon that character. This might not seem bad, the 500 damage, that
is, but it is more about the Venom status. See, Venom is a very
strong poison that will not only take down your HP and MP abusive-
ly but will also disallow the character to attack. This means that
you cannot control the character for the rest of the battle. This
completely sucks. He tends not to abuse this, but I saw it twice
in the battle. It is very, very, VERY bad to have Venom. It never
misses, either. Overall, this is Meltigemini's worst and most
powerful attack.

* Viral Smoke takes the second spot in Meltigemini's bag of tricks.
The reason why it takes the second spot is because it is a party
attack. It will hit the whole party for around 500 damage each.
This really is not that bad if you have Auto-Potion with Hi-
Potions but I know that most of you still probably don't. If you
do not, it can be bad because 500 damage is A LOT of damage for
Eiko to take. Also, it gives you a virus. This virus will allow
you not to get the 11 AP at the end of the fight. This is really
no big deal because you can get the AP some other less crucial
time. Lastly, he does this attack a lot.

* Bio takes the third spot and it is actually a pretty good spell.
It will do around 500 damage to one character and give them the
Poison status. This will tick away around 200 damage per turn.
By turn, I mean every time you take a turn and the enemy takes a
turn. This includes Auto-Potion time. So every time the party does
Auto-Potion from Viral Smoke it will take away 800 damage. That
is just awful so have someone throw a Antidote to heal this very
bad status effect. If you don't have any, then just have Eiko use
her turns to heal you.

* Wing is probably the worst attack in Multigemini's arsenal. It
doesn't inflict any status effects or anything, which is a major
plus. It also doesn't hit the party! You might be jumping up and
down now. I would also. It does around 600 damage to Dagger, Eiko,
or Quina and 500 damage to Zidane, Amarant, Freya, or Steiner.
This is the attack that you will want to see during battle. Even
if it hits Eiko, it is a lot worse then the other three attack he
has. It can easily be healed by Cura or Auto-Potion. The sad part
is that in my fight I only saw this attack twice.

Character Duties:

Zidane: Zidane's not an all-star in this fight, just a stealing advocate. If
you care to take a look at the items that Multigemini has, you will
see that they are very good items. Demon's Mail is an advanced armor
piece for Steiner/Freya. The Golden Hairpin is an advanced head armor
piece for everyone except Steiner and Freya. The Golden Hairpin is
extremely valuable because it has Auto-Regen. You will use Auto-Regen
throughout the entire game so it is very good to learn it when you
don't have that many abilities to learn. Whereas if you learn it
before you fight the last battle, you will have 10-20 other abilities
that you will need. Auto-Regen will keep you in a lot of battles, and
is probably the best combo in the game when combined with Auto-Potion.
I'm babbling way too much about Auto-Regen. Anyway, Zidane shouldn't
have that hard of a time stealing all of the items Multigemini has to
offer unless you don't have Bandit equipped. You very well should by
now! You could of learned it at the beginning of the game and in the
last equipment shop. It had a piece of equipment that had the Bandit
ability. At any rate, after you are done stealing all the items stick
to physically attacking the beast.

Amarant: Amarant, yet again, is your all-star. He is turning into a full-time
but not full-blown hero. Have him throw Rising Suns at Multigemini. It
will do around 2500 damage each turn! This is pretty spectacular con-
sidering his regular attacks do around 1000 damage. This is why I told
you to get 10 Rising Suns; 10 will kill Multigemini's health. If you
do not have any Rising Suns, use the Wind Edge you got. Afterwards,
stick to physically attacking.

Steiner: Steiner's role, as you all may know by now, is to attack. His attacks
will do a lot of damage, around 2000 to be exact. As you can see, if
you are anywhere near the projected level this fight really is not
that hard. Since Steiner does not have Vivi in the party, he cannot
use his highly acclaimed magic sword abilities. If Steiner gets low
on HP have him use Darkside. As we all know, his health should be up
and running again after he uses it.

Eiko: Eiko, who you actually have to have in the party, is actually pretty
good. You won't be able to use Madeen in this fight because you have
not had a chance to equip it. This doesn't mean Phoenix or Fenrir
won't do some damage. They will both do around 1000 damage. I highly
advise that you have Phoenix. It is good to have this eidolon because
it heals everyone in your party. Anyway, onto Eiko's fullblown duty.
This duty is simple; Heal. Cura and Cure are always your best friends.
Use Hi-Potions if you want to use your magic prudently. Eiko can also
cast Reflect and Shell and whatnot on the party if you want to. Last,
it is Eiko's job to throw a Antidote and Remedy at the people who
have Venom/Poison. These are two very powerful attacks, so don't take
Eiko's job lightly. You would probably want to have Eiko hold by
pressing triangle until someone gets inflicted with these status eff-
ects. Also, if you by-happen to chance have Mini keep trying to
inflict it on Mutligemini until it sticks. This will make him
laughable. However, I do not expect that you have it. You will not
have had time to equip it beforehand. This is Eiko's role.

Vivi: Vivi cannot be in this fight. He ran after Kuja.

Dagger: Dagger's role is exactly the same as Eiko's. The only thing is that
she loses concentration, so you might find yourself not getting healed
and dying. This is why I strongly disprove of having Dagger at this
time in the game. She is not reliable in the least. Also, Dagger can
can Reflect to bounce back some of Multigemini's attacks. Multigemini
has a weakness to Mini. This is extraordinary, considering that most
bosses (especially good ones) have Guards towards all of the status
effects. It is Dagger's job to put Mini on him.

Freya: Freya... why did you choose her!? If you did, then have her use Lancer
or any better skill until she runs out of MP. Then she can proceed to
Jumping and healing. I advise that you have her be a healer, also,
because your damage output won't be that great with Freya. She has to
have Chemist by now so throw Hi-Potions right and left. Also, use
Reis' Wind if things start to get sticky. This will cast Regen on the
whole party.

Quina: Quina is actually a pretty solid choice. S/he can use Earthquake,
White Wind, 1,000 needles, and Mighty Guard. Earthquake is a pretty
good attack against Multigemini, as it is strong Blue Magic. White
Wind is good if you find yourself in a bad situation. It will recover
the party's health by a lot. 1,000 needles is by far one of s/he's
best attacks, as it will always do 1000 damage. This attack is com-
pletely reliable, never misses, and doesn't cost much Blue Magic.
Mighty Guard will lower his defenses, but it costs a lot of MP for
what it is worth. Also, if you find Quina low on HP use Pumpkin Head
for some quick, reliable damage. You didn't forget about it, did you?
It does Quina's full HP minus Quina's current HP. Only use it if you
are low on HP.


You just beat Zorn and Thorn again! Vivi will come back and tell you the bad
news. It seems that Kuja was lying about extending the black mage's lifespan. He
almost acts disappointed when he says it. You would think that him and all the
black mage's knew about this, but I guess they never really thought about it.
Afterwards, a lady calls for someone. Zidane, Dagger, and Eiko run in. The lady
is in a stunning gown. They talk for a little while, and it seems she knows
Dagger. Then Cid runs in and we find out that it is Hilda! Everyone makes up,
and then we go back to Lindblum.


5.10 - Lindblum



Hilda and Cid will be alone in the Throne room. Hilda knows a lot about what
Kuja plans to do, it seems he spilled his guts out to her because he had no one
to talk to. Well, between the shy black mages and Zorn and Thorn talking like
nincompoops, I would think the only reliable person he actually could talk to is
Hilda. It just doesn't make any sense, though. Why would he leave her there? At
any rate, Hilda still is a hater to Cid for being a skirt-chasing frog. Cid will
beg Hilda to turn him back, and it seems she doesn't think he is telling the
truth. After a mutually beneficial agreement, Hilda decides to turn him back.
She kisses him, and we see Cid's former former self. He actually looks... good.
Then he says "Gwok" and "Ribbit." He's so hilarious. However, I did like him
better as a frog and oglop.

Zidane finishes his... fantasy about Dagger. A Soldier wakes him up, and he
proves my suspicion by talking about the dream a little more. Now, walk over to
the moogle in the northwestern part of the room. Talk about Mognet and save the
game. Then go over to the lift. You should know where it is. You have only been
here around twenty times. If you don't, you need to get your memory checked. Go
to the top floor, and go through the bottom floor hallway to be in the
conference room. In the room, Zidane will be shocked to see Regent Cid. It seems
Zidane still doesn't have any manners and Cid still has the brain of a frog.

Regent Cid says that he needs to continue the construction of another Hilda
Garde, and leaves. Hilda takes over. She says that Kuja is not from this planet.
This planet is Gaia, while Kuja calls his birthplace Terra. This comes as a
shock to everyone. I guess Kuja needed a psychologist and Hilda was the best he
got. We have an ATE of Tantalus and Steiner. Steiner says that Dagger is missing
and Baku tells his men to go looking for her. I think Steiner finally sees the
light at the end of the tunnel! It's only been around 20 years since they
captured the princess. (With Regent Cid's orders, might I add.)

Back to the conference room, Hilda says that the only way to get to Terra is
through Shimmering Islands somehow. Kuja said that you need to break a seal to
make it so you can get to Terra from the Shimmering Islands, however. Hilda
talks about a castle in the Forgotten Continent where you might be able to break
the seal. The group decides to call the castle Ispen's Castle, after the famous
explorer. Then we go to Cid. All the workers find out that Cid is a human again!
Cid says that they will use the parts of the Blue Narciss for the hull, and that
he has a blueprint in his head. With him human again, this airship should be
done in no time!

Hilda will finish talking about Ispen's Castle. There might be something there
to break the seal so we can go to Terra. Everyone decides to go but they are
stopped by having no means of transportation to get there. Amarant says that
even if they got there Kuja is still more powerful then the party. And with
that, Steiner runs in and tells everyone the bad news. The princess is still
missing, even after the experts looked for her! Zidane says that he knows where
she is, and runs out to look for her without saying anything.


5.11 - Alexandria



Mythril Dagger 950
Gladius 2300
Ice Brand 3780
Partisan 1600
Ice Lance 2430
Cat's Claws 4000
Poison Knuckles 5000
Stardust Rod 760
Healing Rod 1770
Lamia's Flute 3800
Flame Staff 1100
Ice Staff 980
Lightning Staff 1200
Oak Staff 240
Pinwheel 2000
Glass Armlet 250
Bone Wrist 330
Mythril Armlet 500
Magic Armlet 1000
Mythril Gloves 980
Thunder Gloves 1200
Lamia's Tiara 800
Ritual Hat 100
Twist Headband 1200
Barbut 600
Mythril Helm 1000
Gold Helm 1800
Magician Cloak 1850
Survival Vest 2900
Brigandine 4399
Mythril Armor 1830
Plate Mail 2320

The Ogre 700 Mage Masher, Mage Masher
Exploda 1000 Mage Masher, Mythril Dagger
Rune Tooth 2000 Mythril Dagger, Mythril Dagger
Angel Bless 9000 Mythril Dagger, Gladius
Cotton Robe 1000 Wrist, Steepled Hat
Silk Robe 2000 Silk Shirt, Bandana
Magician Robe 3000 Mage Staff, Magician Cloak
Desert Boots 300 Leather Hat, Leather Shirt
Yellow Scarf 400 Feather Hat, Steepled Hat
Glass Buckle 500 Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist
Germinas Boots 900 Desert Boots, Fork
Cachusha 1000 Magus Hat, Rubber Helm
Coral Ring 1200 Lightning Staff, Rod
Gold Choker 1300 Linen Cuirass, Soft
Magician Shoes 1500 Germinas Boots, Bone Wrist
Barette 1800 Needle Fork, Barbut
Power Belt 2000 Glass Buckle, Chain Mail
Mandain's Ring 3000 Bone Wrist, Stardust Rod
Fairy Earrings 3200 Magic Armlet, Soft
Extension 3500 Lamia's Tiara, Multina Racket
Reflect Ring 7000 Anklet, Mandain's Ring
Anklet 4000 Gold Choker, Peridot
Feather Boots 4000 Magician Shoes, Phoenix Pinion
Black Belt 4000 Twist Headband, Survival Vest
Pearl Rouge 5000 Moonstone, Elixer

All of Tantalus has gone to Alexandria to look for Dagger. Even the 'enero's and
Ruby are looking for her. Then we go to Zidane, who is at the docks leading to
the castle. Baku will say that he found "that chick." Zidane will run with him
in a hurry. They will see that it is Beatrix, and that she is at the docks.
Zidane will have a funny sequence, where he won't be able to catch up to
Beatrix. Beatrix will go to Baku and start to talk to him. They have some funny
conversation. Then Zidane will run over to Beatrix. They will finish up the
conversation at the Alexandria docks. It seems that Dagger should be at the
resting place. Beatrix will tell Zidane to tell Dagger some things, then gives
him a "Garnet."

The "resting place" is where Queen Brahne was buried. Zidane will speak to
Dagger and she will respond! It seems she is finally out of her depression!
Zidane will give her the Garnet. Zidane will say what seems to be something he
ripped off from a play. Then Dagger will take Zidane's dagger (wow) and go down
stairs. You would think she is going to kill herself. Seriously, though, she
just cuts her hair. This is a symbol of a new beginning, however. Zidane nods in
agreement. To finish the completeness FMV, Cid already has the Hilda Garde III
up and running! It was easy when he was human again and thought.

Inside the Hilda Garde III, Eiko greets a new Dagger. She thinks that she got a
new haircut because Zidane did something to her, and of course Steiner questions
Zidane the same thing. Dagger makes all the suspicions disappear when she talks!
Erin tells you how to steer the ship and some options that you have with it.
Then we get to choose a party. I suggest Zidane, Vivi, Steiner, and Eiko. Why
not Amarant? You will certainly find out. Then we have control of the Hilda
Garde III. Now you can go almost anywhere and finish up Side Quests. It is
suggestible that you at least get the Coffee quest and such done.

Now, before we go to Ispen's Castle we have to be extra prepared. Before we go
to the next place, it is advisable that you go to all the first places you were
at, like Dali, and buy the worst item for every character. You will find out
why. This is why I never said to sell weapons. We always need the abilities and
the thing that's coming up. When you are ready, it's time to go to a place that
will make you super advanced! Go to the southwestern island on the map. It
should be south of the Forgotten Continent. (Left Continent.) You will see a
waterfall and bridge when you find it. Enter.


5.12 - Daguerreo



Potion 50
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Magic Tag 100
Remedy 300
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Mage Masher 500
Mythril Dagger 950
Gladius 2300
Zorlin Shape 6000
Rune Blade 8900
Obelisk 6000
Tiger Fangs 13500
Mythril Racket 2250
Asura's Rod 3180
Hamelin 5700
Octagon Rod 4500
Rising Sun 500
Bone Wrist 220
Mythril Armlet 500
Magic Armlet 1000
Chimera Armlet 1200
Egoist's Armlet 2000
N-Kai Armlet 3000
Jade Armlet 3400
Venetia Shield 2800
Defense Gloves 6000
Lamia's Tiara 800
Twist Headband 1200
Golden Hairpin 3700
Coronet 4400
Diamond Helm 3000
Gaia Gear 8700
Demon's Vest 10250
Demon's Mail 5900
Diamond Armor 8800

Angel Bless 9000 Mythril Dagger, Gladius
Sargatanas 12000 Gladius, Zorlin Shape
Cotton Robe 1000 Wrist, Steepled Hat
Silk Robe 2000 Silk Shirt, Bandana
Magician Robe 3000 Mage Staff, Magician Cloak
Glutton's Robe 6000 Mythril Fork, Cotton Robe
White Robe 8000 Gaia Gear, Jade Armlet
Black Robe 8000 Gaia Gear, N-Kai Armlet
Cachusha 1000 Magus Hat, Rubber Helm
Coral Ring 1200 Lightning Staff, Rod
Gold Choker 1300 Linen Cuirass, Soft
Magician Shoes 1500 Germinas Boots, Bone Wrist
Barette 1800 Needle Fork, Barbut
Power Belt 2000 Glass Buckle, Chain Mail
Mandain's Ring 3000 Bone Wrist, Stardust Rod
Fairy Earrings 3200 Magic Armlet, Soft
Extension 3500 Lamia's Tiara, Multina Racket
Reflect Ring 7000 Anklet, Mandain's Ring
Anklet 4000 Gold Choker, Peridot
Feather Boots 4000 Magician Shoes, Phoenix Pinion
Black Belt 4000 Twist Headband, Survival Vest
Pearl Rouge 5000 Moonstone, Elixer
Promist Ring 6000 Chimera Armlet, Ruby
Battle Boots 6500 Feather Boots, Wing Edge
Rebirth Ring 7000 Diamond, Anklet
Angel Earrings 8000 Fairy Earrings, Barette
Garnet 350 Ore, Remedy
Amethyst 200 Ore, Annoyntment
Peridot 100 Ore, Soft
Sapphire 200 Ore, Antidote
Opal 100 Ore, Potion
Topaz 100 Ore, Eye Drops
Thief Gloves 50000 Mythril Armlet, Sargatanas

This should be the first time you have been to Daguerro unless you acquired a
Gold Chocobo. This place is a lot of water, and pretty cool. When you enter, if
you have Dagger in your party, and did all the friendly monsters from the Mu to
Nymph, go straight north until you hit the Leviathan statue. This is a machine.
If you put Ores in it, Aquamarines will come out. The more Aquamarines you have,
the more powerful the Leviathan ability is! After you are done with this, go
back to the entrance and take the right path. You will go down to water, but
that never hurt anyone. At the fork in the path, go right. Look around the dead
end to find Capricorn!

Now, go back to the entrance again. This time take the left path. Inside you
will find a Cleyra Oracle. Anyway, there is an item shop up top but you have to
use those three moving platforms to get there. You should see three levers by
the platforms. Move the left one twice, then examine the hole. Afterwards, go
back over to the levers. You should see a metal pole next to it. Press X at the
field icon and Zidane will shove it in. Perfect fit. Now go back over to the
three levers and pull the right one twice. Then go over to that platform. Press
X and Zidane will be able to use this as an elevator to get to the equipment

Talk to the Hippo person and he will thank you for fixing the elevator. Then you
will be able to buy great equipment. You should tons of money by now so stock up
on the equipment completely. If you don't have enough money to get all the
equipment you need, use the cotton robe trick. All you have to do is buy a Wrist
(Dali) and Steepled Hat (Lindblum) and synthesis them at Lindblum. It will cost
1400 to make it, but you can sell it for 2000. When you get enough money, buy 99
Steepled Hates and Wrists, then synthesis them. You should have infinite money
now to buy whatever you want.

Make sure that you get all new equipment for everyone. Remember to get a lot of
Golden Hairpin's, they have the Auto-Regen ability that will make Auto-Potion
even stronger. Before you get to equipping abilities, go back to the entrance.
Take the right path again. At the fork, go left. You will be in another library
room. Talk to the red head. He is called the "Four Armed Man" though he is also
Alleyway Jack and the person that stole from Dagger. He can tell you your
treasure hunting rank. Now go up the elevator to the right. There is a moogle
there to save if you like. Also, there is the second best synthesis shop in the
game! He is the old man near the elevator.

You can get WONDEFUL items there. (Some of the best in the whole game.) Remember
to get the Sargatanas, White Robe, and Black Robe at least. Try to get at least
four of all to add-ons. Now, if you want to explore a little more you can.
Otherwise, go to the entrance and get back on Hilda Garde III.

World Map

Before I continue, I would like you to get one other thing. Get Quina and Vivi
in your party and go to Quan's Dwelling. This is a cave near Treno. When you
enter, go north to a different area. Then go right to the outside of the cave.
Check the clock and you will receive Running Shoes. These are very valuable as
they put up your speed by a lot!

Now that you are back on the airship it is time to continue onward with the
walkthrough. Get to a high altitude. Now, press select and cycle through the
maps. You want the blown up map that fits the entire screen. If you look in the
northern part of the Forgotten Continent, you will see a white dot. Get the
cursor and go over it to find out that this is Ispen's Castle. Now, press X and
the game will automatically take you there. Let this help you throughout the
entire game, it is a very good option. When you arrive, there will be a patch of
grass near the castle. Remember that you cannot land on dirt.


5.13 - Ipsen's Castle


Gargoyle (7000 HP)
Agares (6500 HP)
Cerberus (7000 HP)
Veteran (7000 HP)
Tonberry (8000 HP)
Taharka (Boss)

Mage Masher 500
Iron Sword 660
Mythril Spear 1100
Poison Knuckles 5000
Multina Racket 750
Mythril Rod 560
Lamia's Flute 3800
Oak Staff 2400
Needle Fork 3100
Rising Sun 500
N-Kai Armlet 3000
Jade Armlet 3400
Venetia Shield 2800
Red Hat 3000
Golden Hairpin 3700
Cross Helm 2200
Diamond Helm 3000
Power Vest 7200
Gaia Gear 8700
Shield Armor 4300
Demon's Mail 5900
Potion 50
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Magic Tag 100
Vaccine 100
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

When you arrive, Zidane will comment on the castle looking to be upside down. It
is indeed a strange place. The rest of the team will walk to Zidane and Amarant
will talk. He will say that everyone is dead weight, and he should work alone.
Zidane and Amarant argue for a little bit, and then Steiner argues as well. In
the end, he will challenge you to a little game. If you find the seal first, he
will agree that everyone is not dead weight. If he does, then you have to agree
that everyone is dead weight. Or at least that is the way I saw it. You can't
change Amarant's mind, so agree to play his game. Amarant will go inside, and
you will get to choose your party. I suggest Zidane, Steiner, Vivi, and Eiko
because they are some of the best characters.

Before we continue, I would like to discuss a very strange thing. It seems that
this upside down castle has made weapons be that way, also. The weaker your
weapon is the more damage it will do. This is why I told you to hunt down all of
your weakest weapons at the world map. You will acquire all of these weapons
inside the castle, but it's always nice to have them on hand right now. If you
don't have the worst, then choose the weakest weapon you have for each
character. Please note that everything beside the weapon is still the same. You
will want the strongest armor and add-ons you can find.

Now that we have that cleared up, let us talk about the enemies. Gargoyles and
Agares go together in battles. Gargoyles are stone when the battle begins and it
is the Agares' job to make him able to fight. Throw a soft at the Gargoyle to
kill it. Agares are very easy; all they cast is second level magic. Veterans
tend to cast Doom sometimes, but it misses. They also use Claw. They are no big
deal. Cerberus uses fire magic, but you should be able to kill them fairly
easily. Veterans are fairly tough, but they only come in ones. Lastly, Tonberry
are not very hard to defeat, but have some more HP. Overall, Square wants you to
jump up some levels by fighting these tough enemies. Don't Flee from them,
invite them and fight. That's why they have a save moogle in the middle of the
castle. =)

Okay, back to the guide. Go up the stairs and you will finally enter Ispen's
Castle. In this first room, you should see six pillars - three on each side. If
you look behind the pillar on the left side you will pick up a Dagger. Of
course, equip it. Go over to the right side to find a hidden chest. You will get
Aquarius. Now head through the open door at the northern area of the room. You
should see a moogle at the western part of the room. Talk to him about Mognet
and give him a letter. Afterwards, you can get the second worst weapon at
Mogshop. Then, save your game and continue.

Go to the northern part of this area and you will see a chest. Get the Cat's
Claw in it. Then go over to the eastern part of the room and slide down the
rope. You should be at an area with a chest hanging a weird circular object. Go
down the little path and over to the ladder at the northern part of the room.
Once you reach the top, follow the path that Zidane jumped on to the next area.
This is a small balcony area. Go north and through the door. You will be at a
ledge with a ladder. Jump on the ladder then go up until you get the choices
icon. Choose to go right, then walk to the end of this balcony to get Steiner's
broadsword. Equip it, and then go back to the previous ladder. Jump to the right
this time. Follow the ledge until you reach a chest. Get the Javelin in it, and
then walk back to the ladder again.

Go down the ladder this time. When you reach the bottom, Zidane will jump onto a
ledge. Follow this path until you reach another ladder. Jump onto it, then climb
up to it until you reach your first field icon. Jump off, and then follow the
ledge until you see a treasure chest. Collect the rod, and then go back to the
ladder. Go up the ladder this time. Jump off at the ledge then go inside the
doorway. Afterwards, you will be in a room with red carpet. Take the elevator
that looks like a doorway. It is in the northern part of the room. You will see
Amarant and he thinks he has won. He will leave, saying that he has proved
himself. Now, go up the steps where Amarant was and examine the four mirrors.
Zidane will take them as you examine them. Then run back down the steps and we
will have a boss fight.

Boss Name: Taharka
HP: 30000
Steal: Orichalcon, Elixir, Mythril Claws
Party: Zidane (42), Vivi (42), Steiner (42), Eiko (35)
Difficulty: Easy

Preparation: * All characters must be at least at level 40 with exception to
------------ Eiko, who should be at level 35. (I was at 42 because of the
mistakes I made in the previous areas. I had to fight a lot
of monsters.)
* Every character must have Auto-Potion with Hi-Potions. This
should go without saying.
* Vivi should have the Black Robe so he can use Flare.
* Eiko should have a Phoenix Pinion equipped. (For Phoenix.)
(Because if things get bad you can revive fallen characters.)
* Eiko should have a Ribbon equipped for Madeen.
* Zidane should have Master Thief, Bandit, and Mug equipped.
* You should have your weakest weapons equipped still.
* Ice absorbing/defending equipment will make this fight sad.
* Everyone should be equipped with their weakest weapons and
strongest armor/add-ons.

Overview: This is a pretty easy boss fight. Why? Taharka doesn't have any
--------- attacks in his arsenal that are very good. He doesn't have any good
status effects that kill players, either. Your characters should be
more advanced then he is, so it should be easy. Taharka's defenses
to physical attacks are pretty high, almost like the Ark. You will
still do a good amount of damage with physical attacks, however. He
has a tendency to Curl up. When he does, physical attacks don't do
much damage. It's like you are Mini'd. He usually uses Blizzaga, but
it is really no big deal. Just third level magic. You might want
to equip Ice absorbing/defending equipment before the battle.
There's nothing quite like having him heal you every other turn. You
also might want to consider equipping the Reflect ability. This will
bounce Blizzaga back at him.

Attacks: * Curl is not really an "attack," but yet it is the worst thing he
-------- can do. See, Curl is like being Mini'd with physical damage. Your
attacks do around 40 damage. He might Curl for a couple turns, so
you can either defend, heal up, or fight when he does this. He
cannot attack you while he is Curled. He uses this from time to
time in battle, usually when you abuse his HP a little.

* Chop is his second best attack, and that's for one reason. What's
the reason? Well, even though Chop is physical damage, it will do
a lot of damage. He uses this rarely, however. It only hits one
person, also. If it hit the whole party this battle might be a
little tougher. All in all, Chop is a powerful attack but just not
quite at your level.

* Ram is a physical attack like Chop but it hits for less. This is
his weakest physical attack. It only hits one character for around
500 damage. He uses this every once in a while, but don't fret
if you don't even see it in the fight. Ram is a pretty pathetic
attack. Maybe if they made it so it would hit all the characters
it would be better. It is just nothing right now, though.

* Blizzaga is his only magic spell. It is third level magic, and it
does around 500 damage to one character. If you equipped Ice
absorb armor, it will give you 500 HP when he does this attack!
This is very good, because he uses this attack A LOT. If you get
50% reduction to ice armor then it will only do around 250 damage.
In my fight I had Reflect on two people in the party. Taharka
wanted to hit those two characters with Blizzaga throughout the
entire fight, and every single time it backfired on him!

Character Duties:

Zidane: I think we all know Zidane's role in this battle: Steal, Steal, and
Steal! The Orichalcon is one of Zidane's best weapons in the entire
game. It is worth while to get it now. This item has +71 power but
sadly has the detect ability. It is definitely worth it to get this.
It should be a lot easier with Master Thief, Bandit, and Mug. These
three skills will make stealing it SO much easier. Zidane's sole
purpose in this battle is to steal until you get it. An Elixir is also
very good, and you will probably get that before you get the dagger.
After you have both of those items, Zidane can stick too physically
attacking Taharka. You might now be saying "What!?" and the reason
for this is because even though he has high defenses, Zidane will
still manage to do around 800 damage. When he uses Curl, have Zidane
use his Thievery skill. This will do a lot of damage on him if you
have stolen a lot throughout the game. Also use Thievery if it does
more damage then your physical attacks after he uncurls.

Vivi: Vivi is the all-star of this fight! Have him cast Flare repeatedly on
Taharka. This will do around 5000 damage! Flare is truly a wonderful
attack that will save you from a hard battle. It costs 40 MP for each
usage, so you should be able to use it around 5 times. Flare is a
truly wonderful attack in this fight. If you don't have Flare then use
Firaga, or something else. It won't do as much damage but alas, it is
a substitution! After Vivi runs out of magic, he can defend and what-
not. Have him heal people up and things like that. Also, you might
want to cast Slow on him to slow Taharka's attacks down.

Steiner: I found that when my Steiner attacked he only did 40 damage. This was
with Flare Sword! This might just be a fluke for me or something. If
it is the case for you, then Steiner should stick to physically att-
acking. Even though the enemy has high defense, Steiner will still
manage around 1200 damage. He can be a part time healer, as well. And
no, you should have your weakest weapons in this battle.

Eiko: Eiko is a powerhouse in this battle. She can use Madeen for around
3000 damage! This attack will vary; sometimes it will do 2000-4000
damage. Madeen is a killer skill, but it has a killer MP cost. Use it
wisely. Also, if you have Boost then please do it. It will make Madeen
even stronger! Anyway, onto Eiko's fullblown duty. This duty is
simple; Heal. Cura and Cure are always your best friends. Use Hi-
Potions if you want to use your magic prudently. Eiko can also cast
Reflect and Shell and whatnot on the party if you want to. Reflect is
actually very good because it Reflects Taharka's Blizzaga and it
hurts him instead of him absorbing it. This is pretty good considering
that he uses Blizzaga a lot. Only use this on the characters that do
not have Ice absorbing armor on.

Amarant: Your all-star, Amarant, cannot be in this fight. He left.

Dagger: Dagger has pretty much the same role as Eiko; Heal until your brain
fries. Dagger has the same spells as Eiko to work with. Dagger might
be a little more advanced then Eiko, but not in the skills department.
Even though she has tons of eidolons, they don't compare to Madeen.
The exception, however, is Leviathan. If you have 20 Aquamarines in
your inventory then Leviathan will do a little more damage then Eiko's
Madeen. This is why you might want to trade off Eiko for Dagger. How-
ever, most people still need Ore's, so it can be bad. Also, Dagger has
regained her concentration so she will be able to fight every turn
thus making her pretty reliable.

Freya: Freya... why did you choose her!? If you did, then have her use Lancer
or any better skill until she runs out of MP. Then she can proceed to
Jumping and healing. I advise that you have her be a healer, also,
because your damage output won't be that great with Freya. She has to
have Chemist by now so throw Hi-Potions right and left. Also, use
Reis' Wind if things start to get sticky. This will cast Regen on the
whole party.

Quina: Quina is actually a pretty solid choice. S/he can use Earthquake,
White Wind, 1,000 Needles, and Mighty Guard. Earthquake is a pretty
good attack against Taharka, as it is strong Blue Magic. White
Wind is good if you find yourself in a bad situation. It will recover
the party's health by a lot. 1,000 needles is by far one of s/he's
best attacks, as it will always do 1000 damage. This attack is com-
pletely reliable, never misses, and doesn't cost much Blue Magic.
Mighty Guard will lower his defenses, but it costs a lot of MP for
what it is worth. Also, if you find Quina low on HP use Pumpkin Head
for some quick, reliable damage. You didn't forget about it, did you?
It does Quina's full HP minus Quina's current HP. Only use it if you
are low on HP.


After the fight, Taharka will chant his two last sentences. "All is one, one is
all. You'll never break the seal." Now it's time to go all the way to the
entrance. You should know how to get back there. I won't say so, because it is
mindless backtracking. When you go up the pole Vivi will almost fall in a trap
door. Zidane is happy that Vivi is all right. Continue onward to the exit.
Everyone will go down the stairs to the other three party members. They will
talk about Amarant a little, and it seems that he has never made it out of the
castle. Zidane tells everyone to wait here and that he will get him.

From the get go you will have to mindlessly go back to the pole leading down. Go
north from the entrance and you will be in the pole room. Go to the eastern side
and slide down. Zidane will hear someone say "Uh..." Is this Amarant? Walk down
the paths going south. You will see Amarant lying on the ground! They will talk
a little and Amarant will ask why he came back to get him. Zidane will say that
it "goes against his nature." Then they will make up and he will be back in the
team. From here, go back to the entrance. Up the pole, then to the western side
of the room, and finally south to the outside.

Zidane will gather everyone and tell everyone what he found. He will talk about
the four mirrors, and how they were on four different areas of the map. He will
say their clues. This is somewhat crucial to finding out exactly where they are
so listen to them. Then he says that Taharka's last words are another clue.
Afterwards, they all head onto the airship. They talk for a little bit and
Zidane decides that we should split up in twos and go to every one. Eiko says
that she wants to go with Dagger. A sailor then gives us some information on the
Water Shrine. Then you have control of the ship. Before you continue, make sure
that Quina is at a respectable level. S/he is going with Zidane. If s/he isn't
anywhere near 35, then try to level it up a bit. To get Quina in your party talk
to the sailor that's not Erin at the wheel deck. Then we will go take the
Shrines on. Also make sure you have two Feather Boots handy. Equip them on
Zidane and Quina before you start up the Shrines.

Water Shrine

Crew Member's Tip: "Our next destination is located south of Ispen's Castle.
The hint is, 'My power is protected underwater, surrounded
by the earth.'"

From Ispen's Castle, go directly south until you hit a whirlpool. This is the
Water Shrine. Press O to enter. In the next screen Eiko acts like a little kid
to Zidane. Zidane leaves, and they go down into the tunnel. Choose whomever you
want for a party member.

Fire Shrine

Crew Member's Tip: "Our next destination is located in the mountains northeast
of Esto Gaza. 'My power is protected high atop a fiery
mountain' is the hint!"

This next one is also easy to find. Go over to Esto Gaza. Press Select and cycle
to the biggest map. Find Esto Gaza in the northern continent and press X for the
game to automatically take you there. Once you are there, go around the small
continent until you see lava. It should be in a mountain like a volcano. It's at
the eastern part of the continent. Then we have a funny FMV where the ship'
engine starts to overheat. Amarant is having a fit about going with Freya, but
that quickly subsides when Zidane asks if he wanted to go with Eiko instead.
Then they leave for the shrine.

Wind Shrine

Crew Member's Tip: "Our next destination is located southeast of Oeilvert on
the Forgotten Continent. The hint is, 'My power is
protected behind a tornado.'"

Go to Oeilvert. Southeast of it you will see two big mountains that make a small
cliff in between the two. You will also hear the sound of wind. Go closer and
you will see two vines. Go up to them and press O. Vivi and Steiner will be
shown on the ship. Steiner says that the wind is not bad but when Vivi comes out
he slowly gets blown back. Steiner goes in front of him and he doesn't fall.
Zidane starts to worry about them. Then he decides that he has to deal with his
own problems; Quina.

Earth Shrine

Crew Member's Tip: "Our next destination is located southwest of Desert Palace,
on the Triquai Plains. The hint is, 'My power is protected
under the shaking ground.'"

Before you go, make SURE that you have Quina at least level 30 with good Blue
Magic, like White Wind, Pumpkin Head, and 1,000 needles. 1,000 needles is
probably the most important. Now, go to the Desert Palace. It's on the map, so
you should know exactly where it is. When you arrive, go south of it until you
see three triangular stones. If you go closer to it the ground will start
shaking. Save the game. Then it's time to enter.


5.14 - Earth Shrine


Earth Guardian (Boss)

When you enter, Quina will be happy that Zidane went with s/he. Zidane will say
that he got stuck with the "leftovers" and Quina takes it as a complement. Quina
says that the old saying in s/he's tribe is "Leftovers good." Then Quina hopes
we will find food in the shrine. Go figure. Follow the path down to the next
screen. Quina and Zidane will walk down the ground will start shaking. Then you
have to jump two platforms. Just hit X when you first get the chance. It should
be when the field icon first pops up.

We go back to Eiko and Dagger, who dodge the ice blocks that fall on them. Quina
will say that there is a slot for the mirror. As you walk up to it we will go to
another group. We see Amarant and Freya. Freya comments on how easy it was to
get here. As she is about to put the mirror in, a lizard like creatures pops up.
S/he says that Kuja said to expect visitors. We go back to Zidane and Quina. A
bone type creature will come down. Zidane will question him, then the answer we
will see at Amarant and Freya. Amarant insults the Fire Guardian. Then it's back
to Steiner and Vivi. Vivi will say that he can't target it with his magic.
Steiner runs up to it and grabs it while Vivi fires. Back to Zidane and Quina,
Zidane will talk to the Earth Guardian while all Quina can think about is food.
Then we fight the Earth Guardian!

Boss Name: Earth Guardian
HP: 20000
Steal: Rubber Suit, Avenger
Party: Zidane (42), Quina (31)
Difficulty: Medium

Preparation: * Zidane should be at around level 40 while Quina should be at
------------ at least level 30.
* Every character must have Auto-Potion with Hi-Potions. This
should go without saying. Also have Auto-Regen equipped!
* Quina should have the Glutton's Robe.
* Quina should have the White Wind, Pumpkin Head, and 1,000
needles Blue Magic.
* Zidane should have Master Thief, Bandit, and Mug equipped.
* Ice absorbing/defending equipment will make this fight sad.
* Everyone should have Feather Boots equipped WITHOUT
the Auto-Float ability equipped! Feather Boots absorb earth

Overview: This guardian is actually pretty easy if you met all the prepara-
--------- tions. His 20000 HP might scare you because you only have two party
members, but don't be. If you have Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen, like you
should, then he can't even kill you if he tried. If you got the
Feather Boots like I asked, then his Earth Shake will be absorbed
and you will get HP! You obviously cannot lose in this fight! Earth
Guardian has plenty of attacks, but they all can be healed with
Auto-Potion, not to mention Auto-Regen with it. Overall, this fight
should be pretty easy.

Attacks: * Firaga is a element type damage that does around the same amount
-------- of damage as the other two. It will hit you for around 800 damage,
so it's not a big deal. He abuses these attacks because it is all
he really has to fight with. If you have a Coral Ring or something
else that absorbs this type of damage, he will heal you. This is
absolutely great if you ever get low on HP. Also, Guardian is to
stupid to use magic on himself when fighting, so if he hits a re-
flected character it will go back to him. Some of these attacks he
is Guarded against, however.

* Blizzaga is an element type damage that does around the same amount
of damage as the other two. It will hit you for around 750 damage,
so it's not a big deal. He abuses these attacks because it is all
he really has to fight with. If you have a Coral Ring or something
else that absorbs this type of damage, he will heal you. This is
absolutely great if you ever get low on HP. Also, Guardian is to
stupid to use magic on himself when fighting, so if he hits a re-
flected character it will go back to him. Some of these attacks he
is Guarded against, however.

* Thundaga is a element type damage that does around the same amount
of damage as the other two. It will hit you for around 750 damage,
so it's not a big deal. He abuses these attacks because it is all
he really has to fight with. If you have a Coral Ring or something
else that absorbs this type of damage, he will heal you. This is
absolutely great if you ever get low on HP. Also, Guardian is to
stupid to use magic on himself when fighting, so if he hits a re-
flected character it will go back to him. Some of these attacks he
is Guarded against, however.

* Double Slash is his only physical attack. It will do around 700
damage to one of your characters. Overall it is a pretty weak
attack at your current level. It misses sometimes, but usually it
doesn't. It's sort of the same as his 'ga's but you don't have to
waste 15 seconds looking at the spell being cast.

* Earth Shake can be his most deadly or most friendly attack, de-
pending on how you equipped. I told you to get two Feather Boots
and NOT to equip Auto-Float. If you did that, then this will be
ultra friendly. See, Feather Boots absorb earth damage. Earth
shake is earth damage. So every so often when he uses it, it will
heal you right up! He uses it a lot, too. It's pretty stupid,
because he still uses it a lot even though it heals you. If you
equipped Auto-Float then it will miss you because you are in the
air. If you did not equip the Feather Boots then you are in for
a disaster. This does around 600 damage to each party member. It's
nothing Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen can't fix, however.

Character Duties:

Zidane: Do you see the Rubber Suit and Avenger to steal? Do you know how great
they are? Well, let me tell you... they are! Zidane will want to steal
until he gets BOTH of these items. You should get the Avenger first,
but it might take a while to get the Rubber Suit. Don't worry, how-
ever, as Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen will heal you no matter what! The ab-
ilities that you got, Bandit and Master Thief, should help you a lot
in this stealing battle. When you are done stealing both of these
jewels, then it's time to fight. Zidane should physically attack Earth
Guardian unless he can do more damage with Thievery. Please note that
he might, so there is no point in checking. In my battle, Zidane did
around 1000 damage from the get go. Then that number shrunk to 750,
somehow. So I took out Thievery and it did a strong 970 every time.
This is what you have to do.

Quina: Quina is actually a pretty solid choice. S/he can use Earthquake,
White Wind, 1,000 Needles, and Mighty Guard. Earthquake is a pretty
good attack against Taharka, as it is strong Blue Magic. White
Wind is good if you find yourself in a bad situation. It will recover
the party's health by a lot. 1,000 needles is by far one of s/he's
best attacks, as it will always do 1000 damage. This attack is com-
pletely reliable, never misses, and doesn't cost much Blue Magic.
Mighty Guard will lower his defenses, but it costs a lot of MP for
what it is worth. Also, if you find Quina low on HP use Pumpkin Head
for some quick, reliable damage. You didn't forget about it, did you?
It does Quina's full HP minus Quina's current HP. Only use it if you
are low on HP.

Quina should use 1,000 needles while Zidane is stealing. This will do
1000 every time, no matter what. Keep the numbers tallied in your head
of how much more HP he has. After Zidane has stolen, wait until the
Earth Guardian's HP gets down to 1/8. This should be after you have
taken 17500 HP away from him. Now you can eat the Earth Guardian! I
think that this is a better end to that arrogant guardian. You also
get the Earth Shake ability if you haven't already got it!


After the fight, Zidane will pull a Quina and say "All done!" Then both of them
decide to go back to the airship to get everyone. Meanwhile, Eiko and Dagger
will have just gotten out of the cave. Eiko will be her usual self and deprecate
Zidane. Then Eiko will ask Dagger if she loves Zidane. I think... by golly, I
think Dagger just lost her voice again! Maybe just in front of Eiko. Then Zidane
will come with the airship.

On the airship, Zidane and Amarant will have a little discussion. You get to
choose from three choices. Just choose the one that best suits you, it doesn't
matter which one. It will end in Zidane saying an Amarant-like quote and walking
off. Amarant will finally understand why he lost; He lost against Zidane's mind.
Then we get to choose a party. Choose Zidane, Vivi, Dagger, and Steiner. Why?
Because in Terra, you will have to fight battles with certain people. Vivi's
Flare ability is just to good to pass up, really. He will be doing a lot of
damage. Dagger is better then Eiko because Dagger has more things to summon
verse weakness monsters. Dagger also has pretty much the same cure spells.
Steiner, however, can be changed with Amarant if you like. Steiner is a pretty
solid character, sporting deadly physical attacks, but if Amarant has a good
supply of Rising Suns they will make Steiner's attacks look awful. It all
depends on how you have played. If you got Steiner Shock then you would
obviously go with him. If you got Amarant tons of things to throw then he would
be the obvious choice.

World Map

I highly advise that, before you go to Terra, you do some Side Quests. This is
basically so you can keep balance in the game. Square is aiming the next couple
of battles on the fact that you did Chocobo Hot and Cold a little, and decided
to bid on some things at Treno. If you feel like "just going to Terra", please
first note that you will have some "Lost Forevers" that you will need to pick
up. Notably, you should get Vivi's Octagon Rod at Esto Gaza and give the
observatory man his three coffees.

Also, it is advisable to get Running Shoes. You can get these by going to Quan's
Dwelling (east of Treno) with Vivi and Quina in your party. Inside, go north to
a dining room. Quina will hallucinate and think that food is everywhere. Then
Quan and Quale will show up, and the three of them will talk in the room to the
east. This is pretty much Quina's story. Vivi shows up, and we see a little
about his grandpa. Then you have control. Check the clock to the east of you to
get Running Shoes!

Back to the walkthrough. Now it's time to progress further in the game. Go over
to Esto Gaza. Now, go directly southeast of it. Look for some small ice islands,
you should be able to see them on the map. You will find what looks to be a
multicolor whirlpool in the big one. Go down to it, and you will be able to
enter Shimmering Islands. Do so. Then we will see a lot of talk about Terra.
Finally, you will have the decision to go in or go home. Choose go in, and
Zidane will tell everyone to get out on deck. Then we will see a beautiful FMV
where all the characters get sucked into Terra.


5.15 - Terra


Malboro (11500 HP)
Mover (7500 HP)
Hecteyes (9500 HP)
Ring Leader (9500 HP)

After the FMV, we will be in the stunning Terra. A "Old Man" will greet Zidane.
Doesn't he look familiar, though? He will ask him for his name. When Zidane
tries to answer the Old Man says that he has been corrupted by the blue moon.
Then he will say that Zidane knows nothing, and vanishes. Afterwards, Dagger
runs up to Zidane and you get to choose a party. Just choose the one that I
wanted you too and you will be set. Go down the pathway and right to the next
area. Then Zidane will see someone that looks like him. She starts running away

Terra is a place of many good enemies. Some of them are really difficult and
have high HP. First off, Malboro aren't really a problem. They should be the
least of your worries. Ring Leaders aren't that tough, too, but they tend to
cast Reflect and absorb everyone's MP. That might be good or bad, depending on
what party member's you/they chose. Hecteyes do Viral attacks, so you won't get
any experience or AP after battle. However, this is pretty minor. They should be
easy to defeat. Lastly, we have the Movers. I found these little red buggers to
be quite nasty. Whenever you attack they will counter with Delta Triangle. This
attack will always make that character die, and rarely ever misses. It
completely stinks. You have to focus all of your attacks on one of the three.
After one dies, the other two will stop doing the Death stuff. Instead, they
will do a pretty powerful Firaga spell. At least it isn't instant death...

Now, before we go north and follow this person, go west down the stairs to
another screen. Then hop the rock to the east where a chest is. Pick up the
Coronet, and then go back to the main rock. Hop north until you go to yet
another screen. From here, get the Dragon Wrist, and then go back to where you
saw the Zidane lookalike, two screens back. Now go north, following the person
that should be a mile away by now. You will see s/he in front of you. Before you
advance to the person, get the Elixir in the chest to the left. Then go north
and the girl will run from you again.

Follow her north and to another area. Then go on the bridge like thing and
follow her some more. You will come to a couple web-like nets. You can go down
these. Go down the southern one and walk around to another web leading down. You
will find a chest down there. Collect the Remedy, and then go back up one of the
webs. Now, go to the northwestern part of this platform with a web leading to
the top on it. You should be able to see a glimpse of the person that Zidane is
chasing. Walk up to the small ledge north of here. Choose to jump across to
another platform. Now take the half-hidden chest to get a Mythril Racket. Then
go down the web.

Once down the web, go a little left of it to see a chest in plain view. Take the
Demon's Mail inside the chest, then go west a little more. Zidane will confront
the person, who seems to be a girl. She will tell you to follow her, and then
run off again. Well, you heard the lady, follow her! In the next screen,
converse with her and she will tell you that you will find out. In the next
screen, go over and get the Minerva's Plate in the chest to the left. Then go up
the northern stairs. Then we see the girl tell Zidane welcome home. Zidane
questions her, and we see another FMV. In this FMV we see the ship with the eye
that destroyed Madain Sari. Dagger passes out from the memory. Afterwards,
someone tells Zidane that he completely oblivious to everything. Then we will
finally enter Bran Bal.


5.16 - Bran Bal



Dagger 320
Mage Masher 500
Mythril Dagger 950
Gladius 2300
Zorlin Shape 6000
Orichalcon 17000
Defender 9240
Holy Lance 11000
Avenger 16000
Mythril Racket 2250
Bistro Fork 10300
Rising Sun 500
Dragon Wrist 4800
Defense Gloves 6000
Coronet 4400
Flash Hat 5200
Adaman Hat 6100
Platinum Helm 4600
Demon's Vest 10250
Minerva's Plate 12200
Platina Armor 10500
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Magic Tag 100
Vaccine 100
Remedy 300
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

After Dagger passes out, Zidane runs to find help. Steiner says that he can take
care of Dagger while he finds a place for her to rest. Then you get to choose a
party. Just choose Zidane, Amarant, Vivi, and Eiko for now. Go right and we will
enter Bran Bal. We see tons of monkey people that look like Zidane! From the
entrance, go around the small pond to another area. Now, go down to where the
screen ends. Then go back up and go inside the first house that you see. This
house will have a bed for Dagger to rest. Then we go to Eiko. She tries talking
to the Zidane like people but they show no emotion whatsoever. Finally, Eiko
sees the girl that we chased earlier. She will tell Eiko to say that she will be
waiting in an underground laboratory. Then Eiko will run inside the same house
that Zidane is in.

Inside, Dagger will in the bed and Zidane will talk to Freya and Steiner for a
little bit. Then Dagger will awaken. She seems to have had an epiphany and
remembers what destroyed Madain Sari. It seems it was the eye on that airship
that we saw earlier. You know... that eye that looks EXACTLY like Lord of the
Rings? They will continue to talk about the airship, then Eiko will childishly
run inside. After some more idle chat, Eiko will say to Zidane about the girl
wanting to meet him in an underground laboratory. Zidane will then weirdly

You now have control of Zidane. Go north inside another house. You will see a
weird crystal with people huddling around it. Go east around them and you should
see stairs. Go down to the underground part of this house. You should see the
girl to the southwest. Converse with her and you will find out lots of useful
information. They will start to talk about the people here, who are called
Genomes. They look all zombified, and I think Zidane needs to give them a Magic
Tag or something. She will continue to talk about this, and then Zidane will
question her by asking why he has emotion. She will answer simply by saying that
Zidane is "special" and mumble something about Garland. Then she will go

Now you have control of Zidane again. Look around south of the stairs, next to a
pot, to find an Elixir. Then follow her upstairs. She will talk about Garland's
role, and say that soon he will absorb the people of Gaia. The reason why he
can't take a more forceful method is because he tried and got burned. It seems
that Garland wants the power of the eidolons. Then she will say that you were
supposed to help Garland. Finally, she will tell you that Garland is waiting.
Then we go back to Dagger.

Dagger will sense something is going to happen, and asks Eiko to tell Zidane
about this. Then we have control of Eiko. View the ATE of Quina trying to eat
the crystal. Of course, this theme goes well with the Genomes motionlessly
standing. Quina sees Zidane and talks to him for a little while. They will talk
about race, and then we go back to Eiko. Get the chest next to Steiner for an
Elixir. Go outside and view the ATE of Vivi and Zidane. Vivi will make a very
valid point that the Genomes are similar to the black mages in ways unlike
looks. Zidane will oddly just walk away.

Back to Eiko, walk north to the crystal room. Talk to Quina, and s/he will
decide to join up with you to find Zidane. Then view the ATE of Zidane and the
girl. She will walk into the green light and tell Zidane to follow her. Then
Amarant will come up and "greet" Zidane. The weird part is Zidane is making the
somewhat insulting comments this time around. Zidane asks Amarant if he
remembers his parents and Amarant tells Zidane that the first memory he has is
of someone he had to fight. That sounds like Amarant, doesn't it? Amarant asks
Zidane the same question about parents and Zidane's answer is that he does not
have parents.

Exit through to southeastern part of the crystal room. This will take you back
to the pond. View the ATE of Zidane and the girl talking. The girl will insist
that Zidane meet Garland. We then see another odd conversation from Zidane. In
the end, he goes through the portal to meet Garland. Back to control of Eiko, go
down and east to a house. Inside you will see a moogle pom pom and a chest.
Collect the Wind Edge in the chest, and go over to the basket with the moogle
pom pom. Eiko will free the moogle. Now you should buy equipment from this
moogle, he has the very best. You should have infinite money right now so money
doesn't matter. The equipment is just... unbelievable. You will need it for
upcoming fights.

Also, save your game. This is one of the last save points in disc three so you
might find yourself coming back here. Go back outside and reenter to find
Stiltzkin. Buy the Elixir, Diamond and Ether for 2222 Gil. This is a real steal.
Save your game again, and then walk back outside. Before we leave, I would like
you ask you to have Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen combo equipped. I had to unequip the
level up ability, but that is no big deal since most of the fights in the next
area are boss fights.

When you are ready, go outside and talk to Vivi. He will decide to join your
party. Now equip him with everything you have gotten here. Remember to unequip
level up and ability up for Auto-Regen if necessary. When you are ready, go east
and up the stairs. You will be in the area where Zidane and Amarant talked. Talk
to Amarant, and he will oddly want to go with you. Now equip him with all new
equipment and Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen. Go through the green light north to a
bridge-like area. Follow the bridge and go up the steps to see the girl. Talk
with her, and Eiko will basically confront her. The girl will completely
misquote Zidane, and Eiko will run back to the others.


5.17 - Pandemonium


Malboro (11500 HP)
Mover (7500 HP)
Amdusias (Boss)
Abadon (Boss)
Shell Dragon (Boss)
Silver Dragon (Boss)
Garland (Boss)
Kuja (Boss)

Pandemonium, in case you didn't know, is Garland's castle. Zidane will talk a
little, and then you have control of him. Before we continue, equip everything
that you bought earlier. You should have the Orichalcon, at least, to give him.
Also equip Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen and remember that if you don't have enough
magic stones Level Up can be unequipped. When you are ready, walk further into
Garland's castle.

In this next room, the Old Man that you saw earlier appears magically. He says
that Zidane is his most prized Genome and we find out that the Old Man is
Garland! That's a shocker! Garland will tell you that his intentions are not to
destroy Gaia, but to make Gaia into Terra. Then he says that it was not his
intentions to have you grow up in Gaia. Finally, he says that there is someone
like you, someone that we actually know! Afterwards, Garland will walk up the
steps and into another room, inviting you to join him. Walk up the stairs and we
will see that we have finally entered the inner core of Pandemonium.

In this room, you have to jump across the platforms to Garland. This should be
simple; Jump right, up, then left. Garland will continue to talk about the
Genome just like you, the one that was to powerful. He decided to have this
Genome go disrupt Gaia, a job that you failed to do. Just follow Garland to the
next platform. Zidane will again confront Garland, saying that he has met no one
that looks like him. Garland will say that this Genome is Kuja, and that he
hides is similar appearance. It always has to end like Star Wars, eh? He will
talk a little more about Kuja being Zidane's "brother," and of course Zidane
denies it. Then Garland goes to another platform.

Jump up two platforms and the screen will fade. When it goes back up, we see
Zidane and Garland in a similar room. Garland tells Zidane about Kuja, and how
Kuja's goal was to bring chaos to Gaia. Garland continues by saying that Kuja
did a better job then he would have ever expected. Now jump to the left platform
to Garland. Garland will continue to talk about you. He says that you received
the gift of life, and Kuja could not bear it. He felt threatened that someone
was stronger then him, and "discarded" you to the world of Gaia. This was a
world that he would destroy. Upon its collapse, Kuja would feel like he
destroyed you.

Zidane will question what Garland gets out of disrupting Gaia, and of course
Garland disappears again. Follow him to the next platform. Garland talks about
making Gaia become Terra, and how the mist does it by killing off people. Zidane
says that he stopped the mist but Garland says that it is still there. In the
next room, we will see the planet Gaia and a red light in the center. Garland
will say that all Zidane did was stop the flow of the mist, he didn't stop the
flow of the souls. Zidane will call Kuja merely an "Angel of Death" and it seems
Zidane finally understands. He is supposed to take Kuja's position after he gets
stronger then Kuja. Zidane then tries to get the upper hand of the argument,
saying that his home is in Gaia and not Terra. He will try to fight Garland but
he replies with the cool quote: "...don't you know what it means to meet your
maker?" Then Garland somehow makes Zidane pass out.

Kuja seems to have arrived at Terra as well. He will say some things, then we
see the Invincible go up. Then we go back to Zidane who is on a chair. He has
flashbacks of all the main characters. He denies everything that he has done,
and admits to himself that he is just an empty vessel. Then Eiko and Vivi wake
up Zidane. Zidane walks down the room as Vivi and Eiko argue with him. It ends
with Zidane getting angry. He calls Vivi and Eiko "brats," something we know
that he wouldn't ever do. Then he leaves the room and locks the door so Vivi and
Eiko can't follow him. This is not Zidane-like. Don't you remember that quote:
"You don't need a reason to help people!?" Zidane argues with them a little
more, then we have a boss fight.

Boss Name: Amdusias
HP: 11000
Steal: Tent, Ether
Party: Zidane (44), Amarant (44), Freya (27)
Difficulty: Easy

Preparation: * All characters must be at least at level 42 with exception to
------------ Freya, who should be at level 27.
* Every character must have Auto-Potion with Hi-Potions. This
should go without saying.
* You should also have Auto-Regen on Zidane and Amarant. I don't
blame you if you don't have it on Freya, she is at a low
* You should have a good supply of Rising Suns. (4-5 for this
battle alone.)
* Freya should have the Lancer ability.
* Everyone should have their strongest weapons.
* Auto-Haste is nice on Zidane.

Overview: This boss is pathetically easy. He only uses an attack called Horn,
--------- which does around 1000 damage. This isn't that bad, considering it
is his ONLY attack. He has bad defenses, and one hit by Zidane
should be all that is needed for Freya to come to the fight. Zidane
should be doing around 2500 damage, sadly. Freya should use Lancer
while Zidane sticks to attacking. Amdusias doesn't have anything
other then his physical attack. Freya might get low on HP, so you
might just to have her heal herself instead of attacking. Amdusias
is fairly fast, so Freya might die but that is no big deal. After
you have around half of the HP taken away, Amarant will decide to
join the fight. Then this battle is a walk in the park. With how
high the damage output is compared to the HP, you should be done
with this fight shortly. Try to have ever at high HP when you end
this battle, he will have to fight many others soon.

Attacks: * Horn is his one and only attack. This is a physical attack, so if
-------- you have defense then it shouldn't do much damage. It hits one
party member for 1000 damage. This might seem bad, but with Auto-
Potion it is nothing. It might be bad on Freya, however. This is
his only attack, so he has to abuse it. You might find him to this
attack twice, but it doesn't do anything to anyone except Freya.

Character Duties:

Zidane: Zidane's role, if you didn't know already, is to physically attack.
He should be doing around 2500 damage per turn, which is amazing
considering Amdusias' low HP. If Thievery is better, have him use
that prudently. You might want to save it for the upcoming battles
and stick to attacking. Amdusias doesn't have anything to steal be-
sides a Tent and an Ether, which is laughable. Zidane's damage output
alone should be able to win this fight. He should have Auto-Potion and
Auto-Regen equipped, but if you aren't advanced enough then you just
might have Auto-Potion. That's fine, you can survive a lot of hits
from Amdusias.

Freya: Freya then comes into the fight after Zidane does. Have her use Lancer
or any better skill until she runs out of MP. Then she can proceed to
Jumping and healing. I advise that you have her be a healer, also,
because your damage output won't be that great with Freya. She has to
have Chemist by now so throw Hi-Potions right and left. Also, use
Reis' Wind if things start to get sticky. This will cast Regen on the
whole party. Of course, if everyone has Auto-Regen on then there is
no plausible need to do it. Freya could also cast a better Dragon
Skill if she has it. She might just want to heal herself in this
battle, Amdusias tends to gang up on her. If he does that, then you
might find Freya dead. This doesn't matter much, however.

Amarant: Amarant, yet again, is your all-star. He is turning into a full-time
but not full-blown hero. Have him throw Rising Suns at Amdusias. It
will do around 4000 damage each turn! This is pretty spectacular con-
sidering his regular attacks do around 1500 damage. This is why I told
you to get 5 Rising Suns; 5 will kill Amdusias. If you don't have
have any Rising Suns, then stick to attacking physically.


After this easy battle Freya will call Zidane foolish to go alone. Then Amarant
will even call him a loner. Imagine that, a loner labeling a loner. Zidane will
ignore then, and press onward. In the next screen we will see Quina and Steiner
get thrown back. Steiner will say that he will not be defeated so easily, and
Quina will say that Quina will cook it. Then the two, without Zidane, fight him.

Boss Name: Abadon
HP: 12500
Steal: Garnet, Phoenix Pinion, Vaccine
Party: Zidane (44), Steiner (42), Quina (35)
Difficulty: Medium

Preparation: * All characters must be at least at level 42 with exception to
------------ Quina, who should be around 35.
* Every character must have Auto-Potion with Hi-Potions. This
should go without saying.
* You should also have Auto-Regen on everyone. You might just
have it on Zidane, and that's okay.
* Quina should have 1,000 needles.
* Everyone should have their strongest weapons.
* Auto-Haste is nice on Zidane.

Overview: I found this battle to be about your characters' level. It isn't
--------- nearly as easy as the first battle, but then it isn't very tough,
either. Abadon only has two attacks to begin with. One does minimal
damage to the party while the other does a lot of damage on one
character. The bad part is Abadon is very very very fast. So he
might be able to get two attacks in before you can even heal. This
might make this fight annoying. He tends not to abuse his physical
attacks, however. After you get around a fourth of his HP taken away
Zidane will join the fight. Then it will be really easy to destroy
Abadon. Zidane and Steiner will do around 5000 damage each, taking
away just below half of his HP in a turn! Quina's 1,000 needles will
make it to about half. This fight won't last very long. I give it
a medium because of the beginning. You should be able to take ad-
vantage once Zidane comes in, however.

Attacks: * He has a magic attack (I forgot the name) that does around 500
-------- damage to all characters. This isn't that bad, considering Auto-
Potion can just about heal it up. The bad part is it attacks all
characters, unlike his physical attack. You shouldn't find much
of a problem with this unless you don't have Auto-Potion with
high potions.

* His physical attacks do around 1000 damage to one character. This
is pretty bad, considering Quina should only have around 2000 HP.
He uses this attack often, also. There is no real way to counter
this except to heal, heal, and heal. You might find your charact-
ers dead just because he abuses this attack. He is fast so he
might be able to get two attacks in before Quina or Steiner can
heal up. It only attacks one character, however.

Character Duties:

Zidane: Zidane comes into the battle pretty late. I don't know why he comes
in so late, he must be feeling really bad. Anyway, Zidane's top pri-
ority in this fight is to attack. The items that Abadon has to offer
really aren't that great, you should have all of them by now. The only
one that you might be curios out is the Garnet, but you should already
have that because Beatrix gave it to you. The other two items are
low items that make no sense to steal. Zidane should do around 3000
damage with his attacks in this fight. I don't advise that you use
Thievery unless progressively better then his attacks.

Steiner: Steiner's role, as you all may know by now, is to attack. His attacks
will do a lot of damage, around 2000 to be exact. As you can see, if
you are anywhere near the projected level this fight really is not
that hard. Since Steiner does not have Vivi in the party, he cannot
use his highly acclaimed magic sword abilities. If Steiner gets low
on HP have him use Darkside. As we all know, his health should be up
and running again after he uses it. He should also use any better
ability that you may have picked up in Side Quests.

Quina: Quina is actually a pretty solid character. S/he can use Earthquake,
White Wind, 1,000 needles, and Mighty Guard. Earthquake is a pretty
good attack against Taharka, as it is strong Blue Magic. White
Wind is good if you find yourself in a bad situation. It will recover
the party's health by a lot. 1,000 needles is by far one of s/he's
best attacks, as it will always do 1000 damage. This attack is com-
pletely reliable, never misses, and doesn't cost much Blue Magic.
Mighty Guard will lower his defenses, but it costs a lot of MP for
what it is worth. Also, if you find Quina low on HP use Pumpkin Head
for some quick, reliable damage. You didn't forget about it, did you?
It does Quina's full HP minus Quina's current HP. Only use it if you
are low on HP.


After the fight, Quina and Steiner give Zidane reasons to stay and not confront
Garland. Quina says that Zidane needs to teach him/her more about food, and
Steiner wants to know if Zidane is the right man for Zidane. Zidane tells them
to leave him alone and then walks off. In the next room, Zidane says that they
are all a bunch of babysitting bastards. Then he says that he is the worst
bastard. After this, we encounter another battle.

Boss Name: Shell Dragon
HP: 12500
Steal: Phoenix Pinion, Tent, Hi-Potion, and Vaccine
Party: Zidane (44), Dagger (35)
Difficulty: Semi-Hard

Preparation: * Zidane should be at level 42, while Dagger should be around
------------ level 35.
* Every character must have Auto-Potion with Hi-Potions. This
should go without saying.
* You should also have Auto-Regen on everyone. You might just
have it on Zidane, and that's okay.
* Dagger should have Shiva and/or Bahamut ready.
* Zidane should have his strongest weapons
* Auto-Haste wouldn't hurt anyone besides Shell Dragon.
* Feather Boots help a lot because of they absorb earth damage.
If you have them equipped remember NOT to have the Auto-Float
ability so you can absorb his Earth Shake.

Overview: This fight can be very hard if you don't have Auto-Potion/Auto-
--------- Regen. Shell Dragon has some very mean attacks. Anyway, the battle
starts off with Zidane fighting Shell Dragon alone. Shell Dragon
will use smash on the third turn and bring Zidane's HP down to one.
Out of nowhere, someone will use Curaga on Zidane! This is Dagger!
Even if Dagger didn't have Curaga, she still heals Zidane complete
ly. Now the battle is a lot easier with Dagger to heal everyone.
Shell Dragon might abuse the usage of Smash if you hurt him to much.
This still can be healed with Cura/Curaga. This battle really isn't
that hard if you are on your feet.

Attacks: * Snort is Shell Dragon's most deadly attack. Though you might not
-------- see it, if you do you will be throwing the television out the
window. Snort takes one player from this battle. Whether it be
Zidane or Dagger we know it is bad. You won't be seeing this
character until the end of the battle, which you might not even
get to. He never uses Snort, really, unless you are ultra powerful
and destroy him in a couple hits. Then he might use it, but don't
worry about it if you are at the projected level. There is no way
to "counter" its effect and it only hits one person. (Obviously.)

* Smash would probably be considered more deadly then Snort. Why?
Because it reduces a characters' HP to ONE! This is an insane
attack that he uses a lot more often then Snort. It hits one per-
son and no matter how much HP they have, it will be reduced to
one. Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen will really come in handy here. You
can have most of your HP back before your next turn. Also Dagger
can quickly heal this away. Shell Dragon won't use it at first,
so don't worry about that. Overall this is one deadly attack.

* Earth Shake is a magic spell, which he loves to cast. It will do
earth-type damage on all characters. This should do around 500-
1000 damage, depending on the character and their equipment. It
can be deadly to Dagger, because of her low HP, but Auto-Potion
should heal it right up. You shouldn't really worry about this
attack, but it can be life threatening. You might want to equip
the Feather Boots to absorb Earth damage. That would mean that
the attack that he uses most often would heal you! This would
make the boss such a pushover.

* Charge is the weakest attack in his arsenal, but definitely not
one to be taken lightly. It will do around 700 damage to one
character which isn't that bad. He doesn't use this attack much
but it will be a nice finishing move for him to do after Smash.
Don't take this attack lightly and heal all the damage you lost.
Auto-Potion should be able to take care of it on its own.

Character Duties:

Zidane: First off, you might notice that Shell Dragon has nothing to steal.
Don't waste turns trying to steal stupid stuff like that. The first
three turns will be without Dagger. This is fine, though. Shell Dragon
tends to use Earth Shake and Charge during these turns. These are very
weak attacks that Auto-Potion can suck up. Just attack physically for
three turns. On the third Shell Dragon will use Smash. Then Dagger
will appear and heal all of your health! Now you can proceed to hack-
ing away at Shell Dragon without having to worry about HP. You're at-
tacks should do around 2500 damage. That means that after five attacks
he should be dead. Note that your first three attacks don't count in
his projected HP of 12500.

Dagger: Dagger will appear after the third turn in savior attempt. She will
heal Zidane's HP after that malevolent attack called Smash. Now that
you have her, too, you won't have much trouble with this fight. Dagger
should be a full-time healer when Smash comes around. The other two
attacks are really nothing to worry about. Dagger should be using
Shiva if she can. Shell Dragon is weak verse ice so it will do a lot
of damage. If you don't have that, then have her use Bahamut. You
very well should have one of these. They will do around 2500 damage
each. Of course, if you got tons of Aquamarines then use Leviathan.
Dagger might get ejected, but Zidane can wrap things up.


After the short battle Dagger will try to knock some sense into Zidane. They
will talk for a bit, and then she will say that she wants to protect him. Then
both Steiner and Quina will walk in and say why they want to protect Zidane.
Then everyone wonders about the other four and decide to go back to get them. We
all form up, and now you have to decide which way to go. Go right and through
the doors. Continue right and past another door. You will see the other four
members. They will talk for a bit, and everyone will decide to go get Garland.
Then you get to choose a party. I would highly advise you choose Zidane, Vivi,
Steiner, and Dagger.

Why? Well, you have to have Zidane in your party. Amarant is good if you have a
good supply of Rising Suns. These will do more then Steiner's attacks. However,
Steiner has Flare Sword, which will do a lot of damage. Therefore, it is better
to have Steiner in your party. You might want to substitute Amarant for Dagger
if you want a truly offensive party. This should only be done if you have 99 Hi-
Potions and every has Auto-Regen/Auto-Potion, though. However, Dagger will prove
useful with Silence in the upcoming battles. Now, save at the moogle. You can
also buy stuff at Mognet here, so if you are running short on supplies just ask
him. Note that it is the same stuff as before, so you have a second chance to
get some truly great stuff.

You should have everyone besides Steiner/Freya with the Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen
combo. You can get Auto-Regen from the Golden Hairpin, which any of the other
six characters can equip. Steiner can just use Darkside if he gets low on HP. As
for Freya, you just shouldn't use her because she will probably be at a low
level. Oh, did I tell you that you could save here, as well? This moogle is
truly a jack of all trades! Also: You can use magic all you want. There is a
save moogle right before we fight three powerful bosses! Isn't that too nice of

Okay, let's get back to the walkthrough. Have Zidane go north, up the steps, and
passed the gate-door. This is room where Eiko and Vivi found Zidane. Go up the
throne chair where Zidane was. Collect the Holy Miter and equip it with the
character you desire. Then go back south to where the moogle was, and southwest
to another area. Continue west to see where you fought Shell Dragon. Continue
west to find a pretty annoying puzzle.

Before we start, let me tell you how annoying this enigmatic puzzle really is.
You see those pins all around the floor? Well, you have to get through it in 30
seconds. The catch is that three of the pins will light up. If you get close to
a lit up one then you will be forced to fight a battle. Of course, you won't be
able to defeat the enemy in less then 30 seconds, and you will have to start
over. This completely sucks, and it takes around 5 tries before you can across.
You have to get to the southwestern part of the room. Then you will be in a
bridge area. I do not know if the bridge will disappear if the time runs out.
Just run across the bridge and you will be done with this. So, what's the
strategy to getting passed this? Well, they light up in a certain way every
time. You have to see what ways they light up, and plan a way to get through. I
have _attempted_ to give you a map to get you through. Bare with me, please.

# - Pin not lit up
* - First pins lit up
^ - Second pins lit up
! - Third pins lit up
- - Where you should go when
first pins our lit up
= - Where you should go when
second pins our lit up
+ - Where you should go when
third pins our lit up
# # # # # # # # # # \ Start |
# # # # # # # * # #-# # # |
=======- |
# # # # # ^ #=# # * # # ! # |
++++++++++++== |
E # # # # # ! # ^ # * # # |
n |
d # # ! # ^ # # # # # # # # |
Note: Map not to scale!

Get to down to first trail and wait until the second trio lights up. Then go
down to the second. This is where it gets tricky. You have to advance to the
following trail right after the one blocking you goes down, but before the one
you are at lights up. This is pretty hard. You will want to try to get a "jump"
but if you go in to early then you will have to fight a monster. It is very
annoying but doable. Just keep retrying until you get the lay of the land, I
know that the drawing sucked horrendously; It's just my attempt to make this a
little easier. Please no emails. Oh, and the last trail is very easy once you
get passed the second part.

Follow the lit up bridge east to the next screen. Go west through this screen
until you see a red light on a triangle shaped rock. This is actually a button
that controls the elevator in the next area. This next part is a little tricky,
so I will try to be as clear as possible. Go up to the button and press it. Then
you will be able to choose an altitude. Choose anything you want and go west.
You will see an elevator thing to the west of you. Try to get on but most of the
time a force field will allow you not to. If you are allowed to get on, then
just go up and go back down. Now that you have tried but failed to get on, go
back to the button again. If Freya or Amarant are not there, then continue doing
this until they are. Finally, you will see both of them in the room. They will
say this thing is hopeless unless they control the elevator while you are on it
in the next room. Go west back to the other room and view the ATE.

Before I talk about this ATE, I would like to say that if Amarant is in your
party that someone else would be controlling the elevator. This is just to
clarify any confusion. This ATE is the first one where you control what you do
in the ATE. You will choose numbers and this will realign the elevator. Then you
press O and go back to Zidane. Now you can have Zidane go on the elevator and to
the next platform. You will have to continue this tediously long process until
you get to the top. Now I'll give you the cut-and-dry directions to get to the

In the beginning, press select and have the party change the number to four.
Then press O and choose to go back. Have Zidane go up to the middle area. Now,
take the spiral path up to the middle-top elevators. Then continue on that path
to the top of the elevators. Now go over to the rightmost elevator. Go back to
the party and change the number to three. Have Zidane get on the elevator and
take the Gil in the chest. Go back down and go over to the remaining elevator on
the top level. The party should now change it to five. Then go on the elevator
and you will have gotten out of this annoying puzzle!

You will now be in a circular room with glowing lights all around the sides.
This is another puzzle. This time around you will have to take all the blue/red
teleporters around and get the treasure. Take the right path and follow it until
you reach the end. You will now get a choices icon and have the choice to go up
another floor. Choose to do so and you will be in an area with a moogle. Go left
from where you are and take the blue teleporter. This will bring you down to a
path. Follow this path to the end and get the chest. Afterwards, go back left
and to the teleporter you just took. This will teleport you to the previous

Now go back to the red teleporter in the center of the room but don't take it.
Instead go right and take the blue teleporter there. It will take you down to
another chest. Collect the Elixir then take the teleporter back up. Now take the
red teleporter down to the circular room. Go to the center of the room and take
the southern path. Take the teleporter to the top and follow the path until you
come to a fork. Take the southern part and use the teleporter there. You will
arrive at a platform with two blue teleporters. Take the one that you aren't on
and it will take you to a treasure chest. Collect the battle boots, then get
back on the teleporter on this platform. Go back down to the platform with two
teleporters and take the one you aren't standing on. Go back to the fork and
take the northeastern path. Get on the teleporter, and you will be at another
platform with two teleporters. Take the one that you aren't standing on, and you
will finally be to the moogle.

If you didn't understand this, let's do it in steps also:

1. In the circular room, take the right path and use the teleporter.
2. Go left from the red teleporter and take the blue teleporter.
3. Get the chest in this platform then use the last teleporter.
4. Go right passed the red teleporter and to a blue teleporter.
5. Take this teleporter down and get the chest.
6. Take the teleporter back up and use the red teleporter in the middle.
7. You will now be back in the circular room. Go to the middle and take the
southern path.
8. Use the teleporter and follow the path until you come to a fork.
9. Take the southern path and use the teleporter at the end of it.
10. Take the other teleporter (the one you aren't on now) to a chest platform.
11. Get the chest and take the teleporter down to the platform with two
12. Take the other teleporter (the one you aren't on now) and go back to the
13. Now follow the northern path to a teleporter and use it.
14. Take the teleporter at the other end of the platform and you will be at the

This is annoying as hell and you might get confused. Don't worry, I did too. Go
to the moogle and give him a letter. Now, you should use one or two tents. Why
would you use two? Well, when you use one tent sometimes all of your MP is not
restored. Therefore, you would need to use a tent twice to get all your MP back.
Save your game and make any changes to the party that you want. I advise that
you choose Zidane, Vivi, Dagger, and Steiner, though I will cover the boss
fights with everyone.

Get ready for the fights; be sure to read the preparations for all three of them
before you continue. I would advise that everyone has Auto-Potion, Auto-Regen,
and Auto-Reflect equipped before you go in. Unequip Level Up if you don't have
enough magic stones. This will make your life a lot easier. Auto-Reflect is
"iffy," however. You can have Dagger cast it on characters if necessary.
However, it is advisable that you have it on at least 1-2 characters. If you
need to finish up Bahamut on Dagger then do that now. Afterwards, have her equip
the Reflect Ring. Oh, and if you don't even have a ring (wow, you didn't use
infinite money wisely), then you will have to stick with Dagger casting Reflect.
When you are ready, go right and try to get to the next area. The moogle will
warn you, but don't heed his warning. In this room Garland will say a series of
things that "makes him sleep at night." Then Zidane and the gang will arrive.
They will all say why they live, and Garland will sick his pet dragon on us.

Boss Name: Silver Dragon
HP: 24000
Steal: Kaiser Knucklers, Dragon Mail, Elixir
Party: Zidane (47), Vivi (47), Dagger (42), Steiner (45)
Difficulty: Medium

Preparation: * All characters must be at least at level 45 with exception to
------------ Dagger, who should be around 40.
* Every character must have Auto-Potion with Hi-Potions. This
should go without saying. Also Auto-Regen is a must.
* Vivi should have the Black Robe so he can use Flare.
* Dagger should have Bahamut ready to use.
* Auto-Reflect on all characters is nice, but not necessary. If
your characters are still learning stuff like Bahamut and
such then just have Dagger cast Reflect on everyone.
* Zidane might want to have Master Thief, Bandit, and Mug
equipped. This is only if you think the items are worthwhile.
* Strongest weapon and armor is a must in this fight.
* Wind absorbing/defending equipment will make this fight sad.

Overview: Silver Dragon is no pushover unless you have played this game a ton
--------- of times like me, then it was easy. See, Silver Dragon can be a
pretty easy or pretty tough boss depending how long you let him
live. I say this because some people will use magic up the yin yang
when fighting him while others will preserve it for the other
battles. Since we are late in the game, however, you are allowed to
abuse usage of magic to an extent. You should have acquired enough
Ethers so in the following battles you can just heal your MP right
up. This makes for easy boss fights; Magic completely destroys the
enemy. Anyway, if you decided to use magic Silver Dragon will be
very easy to defeat. He only has around 24000 HP. If you decided to
bring Wind Equipment along then it will be even easier because you
will absorb a couple of his attacks.

Attacks: * Shockwave is probably the best attack in Silver Dragon's arsenal
-------- just because it does a lot of damage. You will see around 1000
damage to the whole party with this attack! It can be very bad if
you didn't take the time to equip your abilities correctly. If
you did, however, equip Auto-Potion and Auto-Regen this fight will
be very easy. After he does this everyone will use Auto-Potion and
gain all there HP back with Auto-Regen while they are all Auto-
Potioning. If you don't have it, then I guess you would say that
you are "up the creek without a paddle." Have Dagger heal the most
important character.

* Aerial Slash is wind elemental type damage so, if you have any
wing absorbing equipment equipped, it will give you HP. This can
be good, especially with Vivi because the Octagon Rod has absorb
versus Wind. For the other characters, this might be a problem.
Aerial Slash is similar to Shockwave, only it does less damage.
It hits the whole party and such. You should know how to counter

* Claw is Silver Dragon's only physical attack. It will do around
750 damage to one character. This attack should be the least of
your worries for the simple reason that 750 damage isn't much.
Have your Auto stuff restore the HP, or have Dagger heal. You
won't be seeing this attack often.

* Twister is a fairly odd attack. The reason for this is because it
is completely random in damage. Sometimes it hits for 200 damage
and sometimes 1000 damage! It's sort of like Quina's weapons, only
it gets more tenacious if you are doing better in the fight. When
I saw this attack two times in the fight. The first was in the
beginning, and it did 500 damage to the party. The second was at
the very end, just after I pulverized him. It did a whopping 1000
damage to the entire party! I would think that the damage has to
do with either how much HP he has left or badly he is getting

Character Duties:

Zidane: Let me first talk about stealing. To steal in this fight depends upon
what abilities you have equipped, and if you are going to play Chocobo
Hot and Cold. See you can get the Kaiser Knucklers, which you are
probably eyeing, at H&C if you progress nicely. Most people don't like
to play the game, though, and want to steal it. In this case, I hope
you have at least Bandit equipped. Master Thief would help a lot,
also. It will take a while to get the Knucklers as they are the most
important item. This could be very bad if you don't have a good heal-
ing defense. Anyway, after you steal, or decided not to, Zidane will
be left with plain attacking. He should be doing at least 2500 damage
each time. If his Thievery skill is better, use it. MP doesn't matter
because you probably have at least 150 right now.

Vivi: I consider Vivi to be a powerful character at this point in the game.
His magic, in short, is wonderful. Flare will do a terrific amount
of damage to Silver Dragon. You can preserve magic if you want, but I
don't think you should. Flare will take away around 1/6 of his HP
very easily. If you are uneasy about using Ethers, then use a weaker
level 3 version spell like Firaga.

Steiner: Steiner will make this battle laughable. Flare Sword does a ton of
damage to Silver Dragon. Around 5000, to be precise. This is a lot,
but then Flare costs a whopping 60 MP to use. I would just use an
Ether, but do whatever you desire. Attack if you really want to save
MP. Also, you might want to have Steiner have Auto-Haste equipped just
for a laugh. You can't get Auto-Regen up to this point so he actually
has some magic stones to be covered. Auto-Haste will make him attack
pretty fast. ^_^

Dagger: Dagger won't have much of a job in this fight. She should really do
the healing, but it seems Auto-Potion and Auto-Regen have taken her
job away from her! She should be on standby, just in case Silver Dra-
gon's Twister does an insane amount of damage or something. Rather
then that, you can have her cast Bahamut or some semi-bad eidolon if
you feel like it. With your offense, though, you might just want her
to waste turns by attacking.

Eiko: Eiko is a powerhouse in this battle. She can use Madeen for around
3000 damage! This attack will vary; sometimes it will do 2000-4000
damage. Madeen is a killer skill, but it has a killer MP cost. Use it
wisely. Also, if you have Boost then please do it. It will make Madeen
even stronger! Anyway, onto Eiko's full-blown duty. This duty is
simple; Heal. Curaga and Cura are always your best friends. Use Hi-
Potions if you want to use your magic prudently. Eiko can also cast
Reflect and Shell and whatnot on the party if you want to. Reflect is
actually very good because it some of Silver Dragon's spells and it
hurts him instead of him absorbing it.

Amarant: Amarant's role is simple; Throw Rising Suns. These little things will
do immense damage to Silver Dragon. I told you to only use Amarant if
you had tons of Rising Suns and the reason for this is all Amarant has
over Steiner is throwing stuff. Steiner does have Flare Sword, though,
which sort of makes up for throwing stuff. If Amarant doesn't have
anything to throw then stick to physically attacking and throwing
(not literally) some skills in there if necessary.

Freya: At this point in time, you should have a skill that's better then
Lancer. I advise that you use it. I'm not updated with Freya so I
wouldn't know. I didn't really use Freya that much. Use Reis' Wind
if everyone doesn't have Auto-Regen. After you run out of MP, stick
to Jumping.

Quina: If you did choose Quina, I hope you substituted s/he for one of the
healers or you really will have a tough fight! Quina should use White
Wind and Hi-Potions to heal people. That is Quina's minor priority.
S/he should also use 1,000 needles because it, yet again, is a re-
liable attack that will always do 1000 damage. At this point in time,
1000 damage might seem like nothing. However, Quina's attacks really
aren't that hot, and vary greatly. Quina should also use Pumpkin Head
if Quina's HP gets low. Finally, Quina might want to use Limit Glove
if you somehow have 1 HP.


After the fight, the Silver Dragon will break into a thousand pieces. Then
Garland will say that he is the controller of Terra, and we will be in a boss
fight versus the one and only Garland.

Boss Name: Garland
HP: 40000
Steal: Dark Gear, Ninja Gear, Battle Boots
Party: Zidane (47), Vivi (47), Dagger (42), Steiner (45)
Difficulty: Medium

Preparation: * All characters must be at least at level 45 with exception to
------------ Dagger, who should be around 40.
* Every character must have Auto-Potion with Hi-Potions. This
should go without saying. Also Auto-Regen is a must.
* Vivi should have the Black Robe so he can use Flare.
* Dagger should have Bahamut ready to use.
* Auto-Reflect on all characters is nice, but not necessary. If
your characters are still learning stuff like Bahamut and
such then just have Dagger cast Reflect on everyone.
* Zidane might want to have Master Thief, Bandit, and Mug
equipped. This is only if you think the items are worthwhile.
* Strongest weapon and armor is a must in this fight.
* Wind absorbing/defending equipment will make this fight sad.
* Dagger should know Silence.

Overview: When the fight starts, heal everyone's MP with Ethers. This should
--------- only take one turn from everyone. Anyway, Garland is probably one of
the most overrated bosses in the entire game, next to the Ark. Sure,
his attacks do a lot of damage, but he has his secrets. See, Garland
can have the Blind and Silence status alignments! This means that
you can disallow him the use of magic, and his physical attacks will
miss all the time. Joy! To bad Blind really isn't that great, be-
cause all Garland has is magic. Silence is the sleeper hit in this
fight, I just wish Garland had a weakness versus Mini, also. Anyway,
your top priority should be using Silence. Dagger should be able to
make it stick on the first try, second if you aren't that lucky.
Once you have this down Garland really isn't that great. He still
has some pretty powerful attacks, but Silence took the guts out of
him. After you cast Silence, you will want to cast Reflect on every
single party member. This is so Garland doesn't Stop anyone, which
stinks. He also won't use Flare so joy. Garland's HP might be a bit
discouraging, but when you see all the damage that your characters
do on Garland you should think otherwise. At the end of the battle,
remember to have everyone at full HP and give them proper Ether
care. The following boss isn't that hard, but he can be if you go
into it weak. Oh, one last thing. Have Vivi cast Slow if you want to
make him attack even slower. You should only use this if you aren't
anywhere near the projected level, however.

Attacks: * Stop is Garland's most deadly attack. He will use it if you give
-------- him a beat down, or if you didn't cast Reflect. See, Stop stops
(look at the name) a character for the rest of the battle. This
is pretty much brutal on all of your characters, since they all
play a key role in this fight. If you casted Reflect on everyone,
you will not see this attack once during the fight. Why? Garland
isn't stupid enough to cast Stop on himself! And don't worry about
him casting Reflect on himself and using magic from there, he
wouldn't dare to do so.

* Flare is another one of those "end all" attacks if everyone does
not have Reflect equipped. If you do, then it will just bounce
back and do damage on Garland. However, he isn't stupid enough to
do this. Anyway, if someone doesn't have Reflect on Garland will
use this deadly attack. Sadly, I do not know how much damage it
does because I had everyone equipped with the Reflect. All I know
is that is should be lethal. It only hits one character, also.
This is the main reason why Reflect is key in this battle.

* Oh, Garland does an attack, I forgot the name of it... It is
"Wave" or "Charge" or something like that. He does his Dragon Ball
Z stance and magically makes an energy ball and throws it at one
character. A complete rip off of Dragon Ball Z, I know. Anyway,
this attack only hits one character for around 1000 damage. It
isn't that bad, considering Dagger can heal it right up. It is
Garland's most deadly attack if you casted Reflect on everyone. I
advise that you look out for this attack. On characters like Vivi
and Dagger it can kill them.

* Psychokinesis is, like the name, a psycho weird attack. It will
pick a character up and throw them down on there head. It sounds
very painful, but it isn't. It will do around 750 damage to one
character. This should almost be pathetic at your point, 750
damage adds up, however. If he does it 7-8 times on one character,
which he does sometimes, you might find yourself in a sticky spot.
You shouldn't worry to much about this attack, all in all, but
look at the characters he does it on. If he keeps doing it on
one character, then obviously you would want to Cure them, or
possibly cast Shell on them.

Character Duties:

Zidane: Look at those items up there. Do they have any value to you? They
might, depending on if you play Side Quests. If they do, then you
should want to steal them. It will be hard without Master Thief or
Bandit equipped, but it might be worth it in the end. Zidane will be
doing around 3000 damage each turn with attacks. If you think that
you can feasibly take the loss and have him steal, then go for it.
However, I didn't bother to steal those items. I knew I could get all
of them later in the game and decided not to. So, onto the duty.
Zidane should steal if necessary, and use physical attacks. Obviously,
use Thievery if it does more damage then his regular attacks. Zidane
has tons of HP, so you don't have to use it wisely.

Dagger: Dagger has a pretty big role in this fight, also. In the beginning of
the fight, she is to cast Reflect on everyone in the party. This is
so Garland's best attacks will be Reflected, and thereby not be used.
Once you have that taken care of, you will also want to cast Silence
and possibly Blind of Garland. These should stick in the first turns
and make your life a lot easier. Now Garland is severely weakened, and
won't be able to use his best attacks. Now it's time to be a full time
healer for the party. Heal them as necessary. You should have both
Cure and Cura, but not Curaga. It doesn't matter, you shouldn't find
your characters needing that much HP. Use Hi-Potions instead of Cure
if you have Chemist equipped. Lastly, Dagger can open a can of worms
and cast Bahamut if you like. This will do a lot of damage to Garland.
You might want to save Dagger's MP for the last battle, however.

Vivi: At first, you might have one minor job before you have Vivi cast Flare
up the yin yang. You might want to cast Slow on Garland. This will
slow him down, and he will attack less often. This might help, but if
you are at the recommended level then I would just stick to casting
Flare. Vivi will do around 5000 damage on him. This is really good.
If you want to be prudent about magic, then switch to Firaga or any
of the better 'ga's. They should do at least 4000 damage. Vivi should
keep casting these attacks unless you get in a sticky situation.

Steiner: Steiner will be sucking all those precious Ethers that you got
throughout the game. Flare Sword will do terrific damage to Garland,
around 5000 to be exact. This is really good. Now you see why Gar-
land's 40000 health really isn't a big deal. You will have to throw
Steiner a Ether ever so often because Flare Sword costs a towering 60
MP. If you want to be prudent magic-wise, then stick with Firaga. It
should do a strong 4000 damage and give you a good bang for your buck.
If you don't want to use magic, then stick to physically attacking.
Steiner will still manage to do some good damage. Also, if he gets
low on HP then have him use Darkside. This will regain all of his HP.

Eiko: Eiko is a powerhouse in this battle. She can use Madeen for around
3000 damage! This attack will vary; sometimes it will do 2000-4000
damage. Madeen is a killer skill, but it has a killer MP cost. Use it
wisely. Also, if you have Boost then please do it. It will make Madeen
even stronger! Anyway, onto Eiko's full-blown duty. This duty is
simple; Heal. Curaga and Cura are always your best friends. Use Hi-
Potions if you want to use your magic prudently. Eiko can also cast
Reflect and Shell and whatnot on the party if you want to. Reflect is
actually very good because it some of Garland's spells and it
hurts him instead of him absorbing it. In fact, Reflect is absolutely
needed and you should cast it at the beginning of the fight.

Amarant: Amarant's role is simple; Throw Rising Suns. These little things will
do immense damage to Silver Dragon. I told you to only use Amarant if
you had tons of Rising Suns and the reason for this is all Amarant has
over Steiner is throwing stuff. Steiner does have Flare Sword, though,
which sort of makes up for throwing stuff. If Amarant doesn't have
anything to throw then stick to physically attacking and throwing
(not literally) some skills in there if necessary.

Freya: At this point in time, you should have a skill that's better then
Lancer. I advise that you use it. I'm not updated with Freya so I
wouldn't know. I didn't really use Freya that much. Use Reis' Wind
if everyone doesn't have Auto-Regen. After you run out of MP, stick
to Jumping.

Quina: If you did choose Quina, I hope you substituted s/he for one of the
healers or you really will have a tough fight! Quina should use White
Wind and Hi-Potions to heal people. That is Quina's minor priority.
S/he should also use 1,000 needles because it, yet again, is a re-
liable attack that will always do 1000 damage. At this point in time,
1000 damage might seem like nothing. However, Quina's attacks really
aren't that hot, and vary greatly. Quina should also use Pumpkin Head
if Quina's HP gets low. Finally, Quina might want to use Limit Glove
if you somehow have 1 HP.


After the fight Garland will collapse. Then we see a small FMV of the Invincible
overhead. Kuja will talk about Garland being beaten by Zidane, and be filled
with happiness. It seems he thinks someone has done his job for him. Then he
will talk about being the new ruler of Terra, and he floats down to everyone. He
will be happy that Zidane did everything for him, then Kuja will fight you. You
heard right, we finally get to kick that cross dresser!

Boss Name: Kuja
HP: 42500
Steal: Light Robe, Carabini Mail, Ether
Party: Zidane (47), Vivi (47), Dagger (42), Steiner (45)
Difficulty: Medium

Preparation: * All characters must be at least at level 45 with exception to
------------ Dagger, who should be around 40.
* Every character must have Auto-Potion with Hi-Potions. This
should go without saying. Also Auto-Regen is a must.
* Vivi should have the Black Robe so he can use Flare.
* Dagger should have Bahamut ready to use.
* Do not have Auto-Reflect!
* Zidane might want to have Master Thief, Bandit, and Mug
equipped. This is only if you think the items are worthwhile.
* Strongest weapon and armor is a must in this fight.
* Wind absorbing/defending equipment will make this fight sad.
* Dagger should know Silence.

Overview: Kuja can be a nuisance if you use magic in this fight. He will cast
--------- Flare Stare over and over and over and over every turn if you use
magic. How do you get around this? Simply put: Don't use magic. You
might be going "WHAT!?" right about now, but it is for a good rea-
son. See, if you abuse the usage of magic, Kuja will abuse the usage
of Flare Stare. Flare Stare, in short, is a very deadly attack. It
will kill off party members if you let it. Read the attack section
for more detail about it. This fight should go right along if you
don't OD on magic. Your characters should get into a trance during
this fight. When they do, I can honestly say that this is the time
to use magic. Rather then that, Kuja is pretty easy. Just to give
you a heads up, don't cast Reflect in this battle. This will leave
Kuja with ONLY being able to cast Flare Stare. This is very, very,
bad. Also, with Reflect you won't be able to heal your characters
properly. If you try to heal them, it will bounce to Kuja. You can
get around this with Hi-Potions and Phoenix Downs, however.

Attacks: * Flare Stare is by far Kuja's mostly deadly attack. It does the
-------- character's level times 35. So, if you had a character at 45 it
would do 45 * 35 which is 1575 damage. This may seem like a lot,
but that's why you have Dagger and Auto-Potion equipped! Some
characters should have Auto-Regen, also. This attack hurts every-
one, and it is by far one of the most annoying attacks on disc
three. (Unless you fought Ozma, then any of his attacks take dibs
over Flare Stare.) You can get around him not abusing the usage
of this attack by not using magic.

* Thundaga is a thunder-based attack that does a hell of a lot less
damage then Flare Stare, I'll tell you that right now! It will do
around 1000 damage to one character, which isn't a lot compared
to his fantastic other attack. You really want to be seeing this
attack in the battle. It can easily be cured by Dagger.

Character Duties:

Zidane: We have somewhat of a dilemma here today, Folks. Kuja has some pretty
good armor, but is it worth stealing? Well, if you are playing the
game with the cotton robe trick then I would say yes. The Light Robe
and Carabini Mail are good items on their own, and can be sold for
a hefty profit. After this, have Zidane attack the cross dresser. He
should do around 3000 damage, which is pretty good. Don't be discour-
aged when Kuja says "Is that all you got?" because he is all talk.
Zidane will undoubtedly get into Trance in this fight. This is very
good, because he will be able to use Grand Lethal. This should do
9999 damage every turn, and make you want to jump up and down with
joy. Oh, and use Grand Lethal because you have enough MP to kill him
without Ether usage.

Vivi: You might be thinking that Vivi is out of the job in this fight, but
he isn't. You will still want him to cast Flare every single turn, as
usual. Just because Kuja will use Flare Stare if everyone casts magic
doesn't mean everyone is going to cast magic. Flare is Vivi's best
option here. He should still be doing a strong 5000 damage. Also, toss
him an Ether if he gets low on MP.

Steiner: Steiner cannot and should not and will not use magic sword attacks in
this battle. The simple reason for this is Kuja will go bonkers and
cast Flare Stare until you want to kill him. Steiner should stick with
physical attacks. You might want him to use Flare Sword at the end of
the fight to quickly expose of Kuja. Also, if Steiner gets low on HP
have him use Darkside. He doesn't have high spirit so Auto-Regnen will
not regenerate as often.

Dagger: Dagger is really the one that was left out in the cold. If you have
Auto-Reflect on, which was an absolute godsend in the previous
battles, it will Reflect magic off of the characters and hit Kuja.
This is very bad. You wouldn't want to heal the boss! Dagger should
use Hi-Potions and Phoenix Downs. She can use Cura/Life on the charac-
ters that don't have Reflect, however. Don't have her use Bahamut and
keep her on hold via triangle so she can be a full time healer. Status
effects don't affect Kuja, so don't waste turns with those.

Eiko: Eiko is a powerhouse in this battle. She can use Madeen for around
3000 damage! This attack will vary; sometimes it will do 2000-4000
damage. Madeen is a killer skill, but it has a killer MP cost. Use it
wisely. Also, if you have Boost then please do it. It will make Madeen
even stronger! Anyway, onto Eiko's full-blown duty. This duty is
simple; Heal. Curaga and Cura are always your best friends. Use Hi-
Potions if you want to use your magic prudently. Eiko can also cast
Reflect and Shell and whatnot on the party if you want to. Reflect is
actually very good because it some of Garland's spells and it
hurts him instead of him absorbing it. In fact, Reflect is absolutely
needed and you should cast it at the beginning of the fight.

Amarant: Amarant's role is simple; Throw Rising Suns. These little things will
do immense damage to Silver Dragon. I told you to only use Amarant if
you had tons of Rising Suns and the reason for this is all Amarant has
over Steiner is throwing stuff. Steiner does have Flare Sword, though,
which sort of makes up for throwing stuff. If Amarant doesn't have
anything to throw then stick to physically attacking and throwing
(not literally) some skills in there if necessary.

Freya: At this point in time, you should have a skill that's better then
Lancer. I advise that you use it. I'm not updated with Freya so I
wouldn't know. I didn't really use Freya that much. Use Reis' Wind
if everyone doesn't have Auto-Regen. After you run out of MP, stick
to Jumping.

Quina: If you did choose Quina, I hope you substituted s/he for one of the
healers or you really will have a tough fight! Quina should use White
Wind and Hi-Potions to heal people. That is Quina's minor priority.
S/he should also use 1,000 needles because it, yet again, is a re-
liable attack that will always do 1000 damage. At this point in time,
1000 damage might seem like nothing. However, Quina's attacks really
aren't that hot, and vary greatly. Quina should also use Pumpkin Head
if Quina's HP gets low. Finally, Quina might want to use Limit Glove
if you somehow have 1 HP.


Kuja will collapse like Garland, but then it seems he has gotten a Trance. His
hair will turn red and he will look stronger. This is almost a complete Dragon
Ball Z rip off! Anyway, Kuja will do Ultima and it will, needless to say, end
the battle. Then Kuja will talk about what he did to get such a powerful Trance.
It seems that, even before the moogle Tranced, he knew about what power it had.
So he got the eye-ball in the sky and took everyone's souls. Then someone used
it to make his Trance more powerful. Afterwards, Kuja will kick Garland off the
cliff in a FF rip off that they did before. He will threaten the party, and then
Garland will somehow speak to him. Garland will infuriate Kuja, saying that he
will die soon because he is a mortal. The ironic part about it is that he is
nothing more then the black mages that he created. Kuja just loses it now, and
we see a terrific FMV where Kuja starts to destroy all of Terra.

We go back to the team who has apparently gotten up and are OK. Eiko will say
that the only way out of here is to get the Invincible. The team will go get the
Invincible while Zidane and Dagger decide to rescue the Genomes. Follow this
path until you get to a teleporter. Eyes will pop up but Dagger decides they
need to press on and save the Genomes. Then you have control of Zidane again.
Just follow her to the teleporter. Then we see one of the most romantic scenes
on disc three. However, before they can kiss, the teleporter beams them up. We
go back to the other party. Everyone will run to the Invincible besides Amarant
and Quina. Amarant will continue being "badass" and walk. Quina, of course as
you might know, will be starving to death and decide to eat an eye. Luckily
Freya comes back and yells at Quina. We just dodged two great scenes. Why must
they mock us!?

Then Zidane and Dagger will teleporter to a familiar place. Follow this path
south until you go into the green light room. Then Zidane and Dagger will decide
to split up so they can evacuate the Genomes easier. We go back to the party,
who is without Quina. S/he arrives at the teleport, and everyone wonders why
s/he was at the bottom of the ship. Then they go up to the bridge. Zidane runs
down to the girl and we find out that her name is Mikoto. More importantly, we
find out that she was a replacement for Zidane and Kuja. Garland finally got his
act together, there is a wonder why he didn't make them all girl specimens...
Uh, anyway, the two will talk about all that life stuff. Then they will all
board the ship.

We see another beautiful FMV of everyone escaping Terra in Kuja's ship. Then we
go inside the Invincible. Amarant will wonder if Kuja will really have perished.
He says it in a way as if he wants him to be alive. Zidane talks about the Iifa
Tree, and how Garland said it was the gateway between Terra and Gaia. Steiner
will run down and everyone will go up to the bridge. Then we see clouds.
Actually, the rest of the party corrects Zidane and tells him that this is
actually mist. We end disc three, knowing that Kuja is still out there.


6. Disc Four Walkthrough


And you thought we would never make it to disc four...


6.1 - Black Mage Village


Nova Dragon (Boss)

Potion 50
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Magic Tag 100
Vaccine 100
Remedy 300
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Wizard Rod 3990
Siren's Flute 7000
High Mage Staff 6000
Thief Hat 7100
Holy Miter 8300
Dark Gear 16300

Butterfly Sword 300 Dagger, Mage Masher
The Ogre 700 Mage Masher, Mage Masher
Exploda 1000 Mage Masher, Mythril Dagger
Rune Tooth 2000 Mythril Dagger, Mythril Dagger
Angel Bless 9000 Mythril Dagger, Gladius
Sargatanas 12000 Gladius, Zorlin Shape
Masamune 16000 Zorlin Shape, Orichalcon
Duel Claws 16000 Dragon's Claws, Tiger Fangs
Priest's Racket 11000 Air Racket, Cachusha
Bracer 24000 Battle Boots, Venetia Shield
Gauntlets 8000 Mythril Gloves, Dragon Wrist
Golden Skullcap 15000 Gold Helm, Golden Hairpin
Circlet 20000 Coronet, Rosetta Ring
Grand Helm 20000 Cross Helm, Power Belt
Rubber Suit 20000 Minerva's Plate, Egoist's Armlet
Brave Suit 26000 Mythril Vest, Mythril Rod
Light Robe 20000 Magician Robe, Glass Armlet
Grand Armlet 45000 Mythril Sword, Mythril Armlet
Desert Boots 300 Leather Hat, Leather Shirt
Yellow Scarf 400 Feather Hat, Steepled Hat
Glass Buckle 500 Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist
Germinas Boots 900 Desert Boots, Fork
Gold Choker 1300 Linen Cuirass, Soft
Running Shoes 12000 Battle Boots, Emerald
Rosetta Ring 24000 Madain's Ring, Holy Lance
Garnet 350 Ore, Remedy
Amethyst 200 Ore, Annoyntment
Peridot 100 Ore, Soft
Sapphire 200 Ore, Antidote
Opal 100 Ore, Potion
Topaz 100 Ore, Eye Drops
Lapis Lazuli 400 Ore, Dead Pepper

After a series of FMVs, you will be back at Black Mage Village. This time,
however, the Genomes are with the black mages. Don't they just go together? Both
are somewhat lifeless. What all the events that take place here. I don't want to
explain all of it. Afterwards, you will be on the Invincible. From here, you
should probably take the time to level up and such. Look at the Level Up section
for more details on where to go. You will also want to get the best equipment
and finish up side quests. It will really help when fighting in the last area.
Also, before you even think about going further into this walkthrough, look at
every preparation for the upcoming boss battles. You will probably want to have
elemental absorbing equipment and such. Overall there are a lot of things to do
now that should be done. Once you are ready, go to the Iifa Tree. You will a
pink light above it. Enter here and we will see a really cool FMV. Then the
Invincible will enter the pink light and you will engage in a boss fight.

Boss Name: Nova Dragon
HP: 55000
Steal: Grand Armor, Remedy
Party: Zidane, Steiner, Freya, Eiko
Difficulty: Medium

Preparation: * Equip any armor that absorbs wind and water during this fight.
------------ If you can't find absorbing equipment, then try to find some
100% reductions.
* Zidane should have good physical attacks.
* Steiner should have Shock.
* Freya should have Dragon's Crest.
* Eiko should have Curaga and Silence.
* Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen is a must. Auto-Haste and Auto-Life are
* Dragon Killer ability will help out a lot in this fight.

Overview: This fight isn't very hard if you are prepared correctly. Nova
--------- Dragon has an arsenal of deadly attacks, but you should be able to
survive it if you have good spirit.

Attacks: * Tidal Wave is Nova Dragon's most deadly attack because it does
-------- great damage. It will do around 1000 damage to every character in
the party. It's pretty bad, but you should be able to survive it
with Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen. If you have water absorbing equipment
on you will absorb the damage!

* Shockwave is another one of Nova Dragon's deadly attacks. It will
do around 1000 damage to every character. Again, with the right
abilities it should be easy.

* Aerial Slash is wind type damage that hits one character. It is
pretty powerful, but not as bad the other two above. Wind absorb-
ing damage will make this a joke.

* Twister does completely random damage, and is wind elemental type.
Its damage is random, but I find that if you are pulverizing Nova
Dragon that he will use it more and it will do bad damage. It's
wind type, again, so absorbing it will make this boss fight easy.

* Psychokinesis is a pretty weak physical attack that will pick
someone up in the air, turn them around, and throw them on the
ground. It is similar to Garland's in that way, and because it
does around the same amount of damage. This is on one character,
mind you.

* Counterattack isn't all that bad. It won't do much damage, but it
still can be a nuisance if you have little HP. I wouldn't worry
about it.

Character Duties:

Zidane: Zidane will want to steal until he gets the Grand Armor. Then he
should physically attack or use Thievery.

Steiner: Steiner's main role in this fight is to use Shock. If you have some-
thing better, or something almost as good, use that.

Freya: Freya should have Dragon Killer on. Her attacks will do a lot of dam-
age. Have her jump or use Dragon's Crest. These will do awesome
amounts of damage.

Eiko: Eiko should be the parties healer. Use Curaga and Life as needed. She
can also use Madeen if she feels like it.

Vivi: Vivi should have Reflect up on himself. With Reflect X2, he should
cast Flare on himself. This will do tons of damage. If you do not have
Reflect X2, then just stick to using Flare on him.

Dagger: Dagger's role is exactly the same as Eiko's. The only difference is
that she should use Bahamut instead of Madeen.

Amarant: Amarant should physically attack, use his best flair, or throw some-
thing powerful. He should also use Chakra and Revive as needed.



6.2 - Memoria


Ash (25500 HP)
Behemoth (24000 HP)
Chimera (22000 HP)
Iron Man (21000 HP)
Stilva (22000 HP)
Malaris (Boss)
Tiamat (Boss)
Kraken (Boss)
Lich (Boss)
Hades (Optional Boss)

When you enter, Garland's ghost will appear and tell you some valuable
information about your situation. Note that he isn't a bad guy anymore, and is
probably rooting for you. Go north and look in the eastern part of this room to
find Freya's ultimate weapon. Equip this on her, if you do not have it already.
It is a great weapon to have. All the enemies here are very powerful, and have a
lot of HP. You might want to level up here until you can take all the enemies
here. This might take a little while, but these enemies give huge amounts of
experience and AP.

Memoria is probably the easiest place to navigate in the entire game. I do not
know if they were tired when making it or what. You can talk to the best card
collector in this room, just try to talk in the air. Afterwards, go to the next
screen. This room should be called "Recollection." You will find Zidane's second
best weapon on the ledge up the stairs in this room. This weapon is called The
Tower, take it if you want. Continue until you reach a room called "Outer Path."
You will want to equip all fire resistant equipment in this room. I suggest that
you equip absorbing fire equipment to make this next battle a lot easier. When
you are ready, go up the slope and you will fight another boss.

Boss Name: Maliris
HP: 60000
Steal: Genji Armor, Ultima Sword, Masamine
Party: Zidane, Steiner, Freya, Eiko
Difficulty: Medium

Preparation: * Equip any armor that absorbs fire magic during this fight.
------------ If you can't find absorbing equipment, then try to find some
100% reductions.
* Zidane should have good physical attacks.
* Steiner should have Shock.
* Freya should have Dragon's Crest.
* Eiko should have Curaga.
* Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen is a must. Auto-Haste and Auto-Life are

Overview: Maliris isn't that tough of a fight either. She has some pretty
--------- nasty attacks but overall she isn't that tough with the preparations
all checked off. She does attack very fast, however.

Attacks: * Flame Slash is a fire type attack that does a lot of damage. It
-------- should kill all the weaker characters like Eiko. It only hits one
person, and that's about the best part. You can absorb it if you
want, but then she will use it less.

* Mustard Bomb will obviously kill a player and render them useless.
She tends not to use this much, however.

* Sword Quicker is an attack which she will use a lot. It doesn't
do much damage, however. The bad part about it is it will not heal
you. Don't you just love equipment...

* Firaga does a medium amount of damage and can kill a player if you
don't have Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen. It shouldn't be feared, how-
ever. This will also heal you if you can absorb fire.

* Esuna will heal her if she gets any unwanted status effects.

* Reflect will reflect magic. You shouldn't be using magic, anyhow.

Character Duties:

Zidane: The items in this fight are pretty good to steal. I recommend that you
get the Genji Armor and then hack away with Zidane. Physical attacks
or Thievery will do just fine.

Steiner: Steiner is to use Shock until he runs out of MP. Then you can either
throw him an ether or have him physically attack.

Freya: Freya's main job in this fight is to use Dragon's Crest. When she runs
out of MP, you can have her Jump.

Eiko: Eiko should heal the party. You might also want to cast Reflect on
everyone so Firaga bounces back. She should also use Madeen in free

Vivi: Vivi should use Blizzaga until he runs out of MP.

Dagger: Dagger will have the exact same role as Eiko.

Amarant: Amarant should throw anything he has, use Flairs, or attack.


Continue up the slope and in the next room you will see Alexandria. This room
will have Pink Clouds in it, also. It should be called "The Past." Look around
of the Gravestone and get the Angel's Flute, one of Eiko's best weapons. Look
around the right of the gravestone to find a hidden save point. Save your game
and follow the path to the right. After the scene you should reach a staircase.
Equip any Wind resistant or absorbing armor again. Proceed further and you will
have another boss fight.

Boss Name: Tiamat
HP: 60000
Steal: Grand Helmet, Blood Sword, Feather Boots
Party: Zidane, Steiner, Freya, Eiko
Difficulty: Semi-Hard

Preparation: * Equip any armor that absorbs wind during this fight. If you
------------ can't find absorbing equipment, then try to find some 100%
* Zidane should have good physical attacks.
* Steiner should have Shock.
* Freya should have Dragon's Crest.
* Eiko should have Curaga and Silence.
* Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen is a must. Auto-Haste and Auto-Life are
* Body Temp is a must.

Overview: This can easily be one of the most annoying bosses in the game. Tia-
--------- mat is like a super smart boss. He will use magic that absorbs your
Strength and Magic. This will render that character almost useless.
He also has Absorb MP, which is bad on virtually any character.

Attacks: * Absorb Strength will render your fighting characters useless. Con-
-------- sider them dead where they stand. It will make their attacks do
little damage.

* Absorb Magic is the same as Absorb Strength, but it will make any
magic users useless.

* Absorb MP is bad on all characters because you lose MP. This can
be "healed" with an Ether, however.

* Snort will eject a character from the fight. It sucks.

* Jet Fire will try to make all characters have the "Heat" status
effect. This is why you have Body Temp equipped. This attack will
be very bad if you don't.

* Silent Claw is a physical attack that will do medium damage. It
shouldn't be that bad. The only problem is it just about always
casts Silence on the character.

* Twister is probably his worst attack. It will do around 1000 da-
mage but you should have wind absorbing equipment on.

* He will cast Float on all characters from time to time so Twister
does even more damage. This might be good or bad.

Character Duties:

Zidane: Zidane has nothing to steal in this battle, so he should stick to att-
acking. Remember to use Thievery if necessary. Absorb Strength will
be bad. You will have to change to Thievery if he does this.

Steiner: Steiner should use Shock until Tiamat casts Silence on him. Then he
should use an Ether and cure Silence, then start up again. If he uses
any of the absorbs, then switch to which one he didn't do.

Freya: Freya should be using Dragon's Crest until she runs out of MP. Then
she has the liberty to Jump.

Eiko: Eiko should cast Curaga on the party to keep them at tiptop shape. You
will also want her to be on hold before Tiamat attacks.

Vivi: He should use Flare on Tiamat or anything else that is better.

Dagger: Dagger has the same role as Eiko.

Amarant: Amarant should be throwing stuff like there is no tomorrow.


After you defeat Tiamat, look around in the western part of the room until you
find Amarant's Rune Claws. Equip these on him. Continue following the paths
until you reach a glowing orb. You should save your game. Keep on the path and
Garland will start talking to Zidane again. That's no big deal. Continue until
you reach a water room. Quina will try to swim, but s/he isn't a very good
swimmer. Quina will also try to catch a fish, but you know she won't be able to
catch it. Now you can look behind the rocks in the northern part of the screen
to find Hades. I don't have a strategy for him currently. Before you continue,
equip any anti-water equipment that you have currently. Then follow the path and
you will have another boss fight.

Boss Name: Kraken
HP: 60000
Steal: N/A
Party: Zidane, Steiner, Freya, Eiko
Difficulty: Semi-Medium

Preparation: * Equip any armor that absorbs water during this fight.
------------ If you can't find absorbing equipment, then try to find some
100% reductions.
* Zidane should have good physical attacks.
* Steiner should have Shock.
* Freya should have Dragon's Crest.
* Eiko should have Curaga and Silence.
* Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen is a must. Auto-Haste and Auto-Life are

Overview: Kraken is the water guardian, but he one of the easiest guardians in
--------- the whole game. His attacks don't do much, either. He consists of
three parts, two of which being tentacles that have around 18000
damage each. Overall he isn't that hard.

Attacks: * Waterga... what a weird name. And no, Vivi never can get this
-------- attack. It will do around 1000 damage to everyone, which is not
that bad if you are at a high enough level.

* Water Gun hits everyone for around 750 damage. It's water elemen-
tal, however. If you have any water equipment then it will either
heal you or the damage will be severely reduced.

* Ink does a small amount of damage and casts Blind on a character.
No big deal here.

* Leg is a weak physical attack. It is very laughable.

* Esuna will heal status alignments if you dare to inflict any.

Character Duties:

Zidane: There isn't that much to still so Zidane should be physically attack-
ing. Of course, he is to use Thievery if it is better. Lastly, I found
myself getting into Trance in this battle. I don't know why, I think
the other bosses made my Trance Gauge go bonkers. Anyway, use Meo
Twister if this happens.

Steiner: Steiner should use Shock or Thundaga Sword if he has Vivi in the
party with him.

Freya: Freya should use Dragon's Crest and Jump.

Eiko: Eiko is the healer of this fight, though I don't think it is needed.
She will use all the basic healing spells. She should also cast Madeen
so we can hack away at all three body parts at once.

Vivi: Vivi should use Thundaga or Flare, whichever you think is better.

Dagger: Dagger has the same job as Eiko, but she should be summoning Ramuh/

Amarant: Amarant has to throw all the Rising Suns he has.


After the fight, continue up the stairs. Go northeast and Zidane will ask
Garland some questions and we see Oeilvert. Go left of here and you will find a
save point. Save your game, then go to the next room. Look around in the western
part of this room to find the Mace of Zeus. Continue to a ladder and go up.
Before we continue, equip Auto-Float or earth absorbing equipment. Then walk
forward to another boss fight.

Boss Name: Lich
HP: 60000
Steal: Genji Gloves, Black Robe
Party: Zidane, Steiner, Freya, Eiko
Difficulty: Semi-Hard

Preparation: * Equip any armor that absorbs earth during this fight.
------------ If you can't find absorbing equipment, then try to find some
100% reductions.
* Zidane should have good physical attacks.
* Steiner should have Shock.
* Freya should have Dragon's Crest.
* Eiko should have Curaga and Silence.
* Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen is a must. Auto-Haste and Auto-Life are
* No one is to be at a level divisible by 5.
* Have Locomotion equipped before you fight.

Overview: When have seen Lich before. Zidane and Quina took him on at the -----
---- Earth place. He was, and still is, the Earth Guardian. This time
around he is a lot more powerful. He is probably one of the toughest
bosses you have fought yet.

Attacks: * Death will instantly kill a party member sometimes. This is a very
-------- bad attack.

* Level 5 Death will kill all party members that have levels divi-
sible by 5. You could find a half-dead party.

* Stop will almost always stop a character. The only way to unstop
them is to have Eiko cast Dispel. This is a very bad attack but
you _should_ have Locomotion equipped.

* Doom didn't do anything to me, sadly.

* His physical attacks are back and better then ever. They will do
around 1200 damage to one character. This is more then plausible.

* All earth elemental attacks that he has are meaningless. You
_should_ be absorbing versus earth or at least have Auto-Float

Character Duties:

Zidane: Zidane will want to hack away at him. Nothing to steal here.

Steiner: Steiner should cast and recast shock until his head spins.

Freya: Freya has the duty of casting Dragon's Crest. She also can Jump.

Eiko: Eiko is the main damage dealer in this fight. She can cast Holy on him
for _a lot_ of damage. Also have her cast Dispel on the characters if
they get Stopped. Oh, and use Curaga as needed.

Vivi: Vivi is to cast his strongest magic. This should be Flare.

Dagger: Dagger has the same role as Eiko, but she can't cast Holy. V_V

Amarant: Amarant has to throw everything he has.


After you defeated Lich, it's finally time to leave Memoria. If, by some rare
chance, you have a save file that is less then 12 hours, look around on the
eastern side of the room to find the Excalibur II. This is the best weapon in
the entire game, and it can be equipped on Steiner. Continue down the path until
you end up in space. Walk to the northeastern part of the room until you see a
green light. Keep running towards it until you reach it. Go inside and follow
this path until you reach the last save orb. You can now leave here if you want
to, or you can continue through the portal. Then we will be in the Crystal


6.3 - Crystal World


Kraken (24000 HP)
Lich (23000 HP)
Malaris (22500 HP)
Tiamat (25000 HP)
Deathguise (Boss)
Trance Kuja (Boss)
Necron (Final Boss)

The enemy list might be pretty intimidating. You will be fighting pumped down
versions of all those guardians. They don't give an experience, so I advise that
you merely run away. Just follow the path until you reach the another save orb.
Save the game and continue to the next room. You will meet your best friend. I
think you know who that is. It seems he got a new pet to fight you, and I am not
just talking about Brahne.

Boss Name: Deathguise
HP: 55000
Steal: Duel Claws, Elixir
Party: Zidane, Steiner, Freya, Eiko
Difficulty: Semi-Medium

Preparation: * Equip the best armor possible.
------------ * Zidane should have good physical attacks.
* Steiner should have Shock.
* Freya should have Dragon's Crest.
* Eiko should have Curaga and Silence.
* Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen is a must. Auto-Haste and Auto-Life are
* No one is to be at a level divisible by 5.
* Have Locomotion equipped before you fight.

Overview: Deathguise really isn't that tough of a boss. He abuses Death rights
--------- but that is about it. You shouldn't have much trouble unless you
completely neglect reviving fallen characters. In the beginning of
the fight he will always use Meteor. This sometimes does 300 damage
and other times it does 2500 damage. It's completely random. If it
does a lot of damage then reset and throw the dice again. After
that, it is pretty much smooth sailing.

Attacks: * Death will instantly kill a party member sometimes. This is a very
-------- bad attack.

* Level 5 Death will kill all party members that have levels divi-
sible by 5. You could find a half-dead party.

* He uses Meteor as an "opening move" at the beginning of the
battle. Basically, the computer throws a die and sees how much
damage will be inflicted upon you. It could be a small amount,
then it could be somewhere in the 2000s. You might want to reset
if it is very high. Overall this attack is just like Twister.

* His physical attacks will do around 750 damage and hit one person.

Character Duties:

Zidane: You might notice the terrible items that you can steal from Death-
guise. You should already have the Duel Claws and plenty of Elixirs
at hand. So you shouldn't steal items during this fight. Instead,
have Zidane physically attack Deathguise. You can also use Thievery
if you like. Don't worry about MP because after this battle you can
go back to a save point and heal it back up. Zidane's main role is
attacking in this fight.

Steiner: Steiner's MP might be low, but I don't care, to be quite frank. His
Shock does _so_ much damage that even if you use 20 Ethers it is worth
it completely. Steiner's role is to cast Shock, or any other good
sword art. If you have a very powerful weapon, like the Excalibur I
or II, then you might want to just attack. However, you should mainly
be using Shock in this fight. If you somehow have Vivi in your group,
don't mind the Magic Sword. It won't do as much damage.

Freya: As we all know, Freya has a simple role. It is to cast Dragon's Crest
on Deathguise. This will do a lot of damage, depending on how many
dragons you killed during the game. This is all she should be doing
during the fight. Use Ethers has necessary. Also, if you somehow don't
have Auto-Regen on all characters cast Reis' Wind please.

Eiko: Eiko can be on offense or defense, depending on how you want to fight.
In most cases, you will want her on offense. This is because Auto-
Potion/Auto-Regen will take up her job of healing. So, it is your job
to cast Holy over and over. This will do around 9999 damage to Death-
guise. She can also heal, but you probably won't need too.

Vivi: Vivi should cast his strongest magic spell.

Dagger: Dagger should be a healer, though she can also use Bahamut or Ark if
you want to.

Amarant: Amarant should be throwing semi-good weapon that you have duplicates
of or no longer need. He should primarily be throwing Rising Suns,
though, because we can use those for the upcoming fights.


After the battle, Kuja will be astonished by your victory. Now you can go back
to the previous room and save your game. Remember to heal everyone's HP and MP
before you go back. The next two fights will be brutal. I suggest that you equip
Auto-Potion and Auto-Regen. I also recommend that you equip Auto-Haste, Auto-
Life and as many anti-status effects as possible. The most important ones out of
the bunch are Antibody, Clear Headed, and Body Temp. Turn off all those useless
abilities like Level Up and Ability Up or anything else that isn't that great.
When you are ready, go back to the previous room.

Boss Name: Trance Kuja
HP: 55000
Steal: Rebirth Ring, White Robe
Party: Zidane, Steiner, Freya, Eiko
Difficulty: Semi-Medium

Preparation: * Zidane should have good physical attacks.
------------ * Steiner should have Shock.
* Freya should have Dragon's Crest.
* Eiko should have Curaga and Silence.
* Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen is a must. Auto-Haste and Auto-Life are
* No one is to be at a level divisible by 5.
* "I suggest that you equip Auto-Potion and Auto-Regen. I also
recommend that you equip Auto-Haste, Auto-Life and as many
anti-status effects as possible. The most important ones out
of the bunch are Antibody, Clear Headed, and Body Temp. Turn
off all those useless abilities like Level Up and Ability Up
or anything else that isn't that great."

Overview: Tranced Kuja is NOTHING like your previous encounter with him. This
--------- time he doesn't do attacks that instantly end battles, or any other
crap that Square should of put in here. This time all Kuja has going
for him is he is fast. Almost all of his other attacks are the
exact same as the last fight you had with him. He isn't very tough,
and a big disappointment.

Attacks: * Flare Stare is by far Kuja's mostly deadly attack. It does the
-------- character's level times 35. So, if you had a character at 45 it
would do 45 * 35 which is 1575 damage. This may seem like a lot,
but that's why you have Dagger and Auto-Potion equipped! Some
characters should have Auto-Regen, also. This attack hurts every-
one, and it is by far one of the most annoying attacks on disc
three. (Unless you fought Ozma, then any of his attacks take dibs
over Flare Stare.)

* Flare is his second deadly attack. It seems that Kuja has learned
from the black mages that black magic rocks. Flare will do around
1500 damage to one character. It is more then feasible if you
have a good healer at hand. Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen will suck it
right up, also. Overall, this is a deadly attack.

* Holy does holy damage on a target. Well, not really. You will find
it doing around 1200 damage. That is not bad, considering the
above two attacks make this attack look like regular Kuja. This
attack is not, in my opinion.

* Reflect just puts up Reflect on him. You can counter it by putting
Reflect on someone in your party. Then have them bounce magic on
that person and it will hit Kuja. Reflect really digs Kuja's
grave, as now he cannot heal himself.

* Lastly, Kuja has Curaga. This will do a pathetic 2400 damage
healed every turn. To make him stop casting Curaga, because he
will keep doing it, cast Reflect on him. He isn't smart enough to
bounce Curaga off of you, either, so don't worry about that.

Character Duties:

Zidane: If you look at the items you can steal, you should see that it is
nothing at all. So, have him attack. He can either use Thievery or
just plain out attack physically. Either one will do. Just do the one
that does the most damage.

Steiner: Steiner's main duty is to cast Shock over and over and over. If he has
better Sword Arts, then please use it. If he does more damage with
regular attacks, then of course you would use those. Don't use Sword
Magic, however. It is a waste of MP.

Freya: If you have been killing dragons throughout this entire game, which
you should have done, then have Freya use Dragon's Crest. This will do
an immense number of damage, depending on how many dragons you have
killed. Also, if Freya runs out of MP then have her use "High Jump."
This should do a lot of damage, also.

Eiko: Eiko is "not yet an attacker, not yet a healer." Her main focus in
this battle is to cast Holy on Kuja. This will do a ton of damage on
him, so don't worry about that. You just have to worry when Kuja casts
Reflect on himself. Then you will want to cast Reflect on yourself
then bounce Holy at him. Also, Eiko is the main healer of this battle.
She is to heal with Curaga ever so often.

Vivi: Flare. Or. Better.

Dagger: Same. As. Eiko.

Amarant: Throw.


We know how this will end. Kuja will cast Ultima and you know the rest. We will
see Zidane at a place called "Hill of Despair." After he wakes up, Zidane hears
a voice that tells him about Kuja and Garland. Zidane gets mad and decides that
he will go to nothing to stop it. Then you will be able to choose four party
members again. Choose whoever is the best of the best. All your HP and MP will
be cured, so don't worry about that. Then we see the other four party members
give energy to the ones you choice. Then we fight the final boss.

Boss Name: Necron (Final Boss)
HP: 55000
Steal: Elixir, Elixir
Party: Zidane, Steiner, Freya, Eiko
Difficulty: Semi-Hard

Preparation: * Zidane should have good physical attacks.
------------ * Steiner should have Shock.
* Freya should have Dragon's Crest.
* Eiko should have Curaga and Silence.
* Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen is a must. Auto-Haste and Auto-Life are
* No one is to be at a level divisible by 5.
* "I suggest that you equip Auto-Potion and Auto-Regen. I also
recommend that you equip Auto-Haste, Auto-Life and as many
anti-status effects as possible. The most important ones out
of the bunch are Antibody, Clear Headed, and Body Temp. Turn
off all those useless abilities like Level Up and Ability Up
or anything else that isn't that great."

Overview: Necron is the final boss of the game! He is actually pretty diffi-
--------- cult, but still doesn't compare to any of the great optional bosses
that Final Fantasy IX has to offer. Necron's best attack is Grand
Cross, which will do random status effects on everyone. This is com-
pletely random. Sometimes you might get all the bad ones, sometimes
the good ones, and sometimes nothing at all! It really is about the
roll of the dice. Anyway, Necron is really fast and he will most
likely follow up Grand Cross with Neutron Ring. This will do 2000
damage to the party and completely sucks. He will do these attacks
at the beginning of battle, so it is almost unavoidable. Also,
Necron has an arsenal of regular attacks along with stuff that will
make the damage on him look funny. The worst part, however, is the
Grand Cross/Neutron Ring spell. Once you get passed that, this fight
is a lot easier. Focus on attack power and hold nothing back. If you
have a Dark Matter or two do not hesitate to throw it at Necron for
an easy 9999 damage. This is the final boss in the game so don't
hold back one bit. Elixir's should be used, and everything that you
have should be thrown. Overall this is one great fight.

Attacks: * Grand Cross is by far the most deadly attack in the game. It also
-------- holds the title as the most random. It will do various status eff-
ects on all characters. Sometimes you get the not-so-bad status
effects, sometimes you get the good ones, and sometimes you don't
get any status effects at all! This is one mean attack, but you
will only see him use this once at the beginning of the fight. You
should be able to dispose of him before he has the chance to use
it again.

* Neutron Ring is the second most deadly attack in this game, not
counting optional boss attacks of course. It will do around 2000
damage to all characters. He uses this right after he uses Grand
Cross, so you will be very weak after he does both of those
spells! This is one very deadly attack that might kill all the
magicians of your party and severely weaken the fighters. It's one
attack that kills all.

* Blue Shockwave is an attack that will reduce one characters HP to
1. This really is not that bad, considering we have had worse done
to us over the course of this game. I remember when Antlion was
using an attack that gave the whole party 1 HP! Blue Shockwave is
still a deadly attack that should not be laughed at, but I still
think it is the third most deadly attack Necron has to offer.

* Meteor does random damage, but in this fight it usually goes to-
wards the higher side of things. You might find this destroying
your party and then barely scratching it. In the final battle it
usually doesn't do 50 damage to all characters, or anything. This
attack is not that bad, overall.

* Flare is one of the best attacks you will see in this fight. It
will do around 1500 damage to one character. This is nothing to
fear and Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen can heal it right back up. It is
still a powerful attack, but nothing considering what they could
of done. Which brings me to my next sentence... Why didn't they
change "Flare" to "Flare Stare." It would have made a lot more
sense, this being the final boss and all. I just don't get it. Re-
flect will knock this one right back at Necron.

* Protect and Shell are attacks that he will cast at the beginning
of the fight. From that point further you won't do as much damage
to him. This is pretty bad, but not unbearable.

* Firaga, Blizzaga, and Thundaga are attacks that you will want to
see all throughout this fight. They don't do as much damage as the
other attacks! Still, they do a copious amount of damage. Of
course, these are elemental type damages, and you might get healed
if you have the proper equipment on. You might find these attacks
healing you every turn if you got all your equipment in order.

Character Duties:

Zidane: Stealing is not an option because Necron doesn't have anything good to
steal. Zidane should either be physically attacking or using Thievery.
Whichever one is better. If you have been stealing "regularly"
throughout the entire game it should do around 3000 damage, which is
not bad. You have to consider Shell and Protect when you physically
attack Necron. Thievery will ALWAYS do the listed amount of damage.
So, play with both attacks and see which one does more damage. Also,
you might want Zidane to be the Dark Matter thrower.

Steiner: Steiner's main job in this fight is to cast Shock, or anything better
he might have up his sleeve. Climhazzard, Stock Break, and Minus
Strike are just to name a few of the other ones. If you find yourself
low on HP with Steiner, you have the option to use Minus Strike or
Darkside. Minus Strike will do Steiner's maximum HP minus his current
HP, while Darkside will restore nearly all of his HP in a physical
attack on Necron. You decide which one is better in the situation. I
would use Minus Strike at the end of the fight and Darkside at the
beginning of the fights.

Freya: Freya's role in this battle is Dragon's Crest. This attack is decided
by how many dragons you have killed thus far in the game. It is a
really good attack that should do around 2500 damage at least. If she
runs out of MP then you can give her an Ether or Elixir. Then she can
proceed to using Dragon's Crest. Optionally, you can have her use the
High Jump ability and see if it does more damage to Necron. In some
cases it will, and in some it won't.

Eiko: Eiko's duty in this fight is simple. She is to heal the whole party
throughout the fight and NEVER ATTACK. This is because Necron will
probably get an attack in before Eiko can attack and thus cause havoc.
You have to keep Eiko on hold until you need her. When Grand Cross and
Neutron Ring roll around she will be almost invaluable with her Dispel
and Esuna abilities. Curaga is also pretty awesome. If you keep track
of Necron's HP, you might want Eiko to finish him off with a Holy or
something to end the fight.

Vivi: Strongest magic please.

Dagger: See: Eiko.

Amarant: Amarant is to throw everything you have. The chairs, the sofa, every-
thing he can get his greedy hands on.

Quina: Only use s/he if you have Frog Drop and it does a decent amount of


You just beat Final Fantasy IX! Congratulations! Watch the perfect ending and
enjoy the show. I will not spoil it for you because I am not like that.
Afterwards, you might want to go Side Quest and Optional Boss crazy, if you
haven't already.


7. Side Quests


In order of appearance.


7.1 - Tetra Master (Card Game)


Lizard Man

Sand Scorpion
Sand Golem

Carrion Worm
Gimme Cat
Hedgehog Pie

Blazer Beetle
Grand Dragon
Feather Circle


Iron Man
Nova Dragon



Excalibur II
Ultima Weapon
Dark Matter
Tiger Racket
Save The Queen
Mythril Sword

Blue Narciss
Hilda Garde 3
Cargo Ship
Hilda Garde 1
Red Rose
Theater Ship

Fat Chocobo



Two Moons


7.2 - Jump Rope


It's all about timing.

20 Jumps: 10 Gil
50 Jumps: Cactus Card
100 Jumps: Genji Card
200 Jumps: Alexandria Card
300 Jumps: Tiger Racket Card
1000 Jumps: King of Jump Rope


7.3 - Sword Fight



7.4 - Nine Lost Knights



7.5 - Friendly Monsters


Look around these places and you should encounter a creature. Give it what it
wants and you will receive AP and an item. If you give items to all nine of
them your fight with Ozma will be a lot easier.

Name: Brown Mu
Location: Forest between Ice Cavern and Dali
Request: 1 Ore
What You Receive: 10 AP, 1 Potion

Name: White Ghost
Location: Plains of Treno
Request: 1 Ore
What You Receive: 10 AP, 1 Hi-Potion

Name: Color Ladybug
Location: Forest outside Black Mage Village
Request: 2 Ores
What You Receive: 20 AP, Ether

Name: Green Yeti
Location: Large forest outside Madain Sari
Request: 2 Ores
What You Receive: 20 AP, Elixir

Name: Green Nymph
Location: Forest outside Iifa Tree
Request: 3 Ores
What You Receive: 30 AP, Emerald

Name: Purple Jabblewock
Location: Forest east of Oeilvert
Request: Emerald
What You Receive: 40 AP, Moonstone

Name: Green Feather Circle
Location: Lost Continent, near Chocobo Tracks
Request: Moonstone
What You Receive: 30 AP, Lapis Lazuli

Name: Rainbow Garuda
Location: Forest east of Gizalmuke's Grotto
Request: Lapis Lazuli
What You Receive: 40 AP, Diamond

Name: Friendly Yan
Location: Forest on the island southwest of Iifa Tree
Request: Diamond
What You Receive: 50 AP, Rosetta Ring


7.6 - Coffee


You have to give Mr. Morrid all three coffees before you go to Terra.

Mocha Coffee: Go to South gate, which is near Chocobo's Forest. (It should be
on your world map.) Once there, look in the southeastern part
of this area and you should find it.

Kirman Coffee: In Madain Sari, go to Eiko's Kitchen. This should be right
passed her Dining Room area. You should see a stove in her
kitchen, and it will be on the outside. Now, search the picnic
table on the left side of this area. You should be able to find
it. This area is also called Eiko's Porch.

Burman Coffee: This has to be done in disc three, when Zidane is at the card
tournament. Now, before you enter you have to go to Dali. Get
out of Treno and go west until you hit South Gate. Walk around
South Gate and take the left path to Dali's Gate. Go through
and go over to Dali. Once inside the town, go to the mayor's
house that you could not go to before. This is right below the
windmill. Once inside you will notice that the mayor is gone and
has left his child. Move the stove and check the mayor's desk
three times to get the Mayor's Key. Go to the windmill and look
around the right side of the Chocobo Pen until you find the

Now go over to the old man's hill near Dali. Give them to him.


7.7 - Stellazios


These Stellazios are in order of when you should get them in the game. If you
are playing through, you might want to check back here once in a while to find
out where the next Stellazio is.


Stellazio: Aries
Location: Dali
Area: Windmill, First Floor
Where!?: Aries is behind the Windmill in the middle of the room. Look
behind the windmill until you find a field icon (!).


Stellazio: Cancer
Location: Burmecia
Area: Second area going inside
Where!?: Cancer is in the second area when you first enter Burmecia. You
will see a overturned cart on the ground. Look to the right of it
to find Cancer.


Stellazio: Gemini
Location: Treno
Area: Treno Gates, Entrance
Where!?: Gemini is at the entrance of Treno, in the gate area. To the right
of the entrance is a fountain. Throw ten gil into the fountain
thirteen times and Gemini will appear.


Stellazio: Taurus
Location: Treno
Area: Item Shop area, right path at entrance
Where!?: Taurus is at the Item Shop area. From the entrance of Treno, take
the right stairs. Then, walk down the path north about halfway and
to the right you will see a ladder. Go down and you will be at a
small Item Shop. If you go around to the northeast part of the
little shop you will find Taurus.


Stellazio: Scorpio
Location: Quan's Dwelling (Near Treno)
Area: Entrance Area
Where!?: From the entrance of Quan's Dwelling, go over to the ladder and go
down to the lower level. Then, go down the hot springs, hugging
the perimeter of them as you go along. You should get a field icon
around there to pick up Scorpio.


Stellazio: Virgo
Location: Black Mage Village
Area: Guest Room, Inn
Where!?: From the entrance, head on over to the inn. Then go inside the
Guest Room. Look around inside there to find Virgo.


Stellazio: Libra
Location: Madain Sari
Area: Fountain Area
Where!?: At the entrance, head north and you will be at the fountain area.
Look around behind the fountain to pick up Libra.


Stellazio: Leo
Location: Alexandria Castle
Area: Left Tower
Where!?: From the entrance to the castle, move left. Then, go inside the
left tower. Afterwards, look around in the upper right corner to
find it.


Stellazio: Sagittatius
Location: Lindblum
Area: Before Shopping Area, Business District
Where!?: Note that you can only find this after Lindblum is rebuilt. From
the Gysahl Pickle stand, go left and up the small slope. Look
around the cart to find it.


Stellazio: Capricorn
Location: Daguerreo
Area: Entrance Area
Where!?: At the entrance, go down the walkway and take the first right.
Then go down into the water.


Stellazio: Aquarius
Location: Ispen's Castle
Area: Entry Hall
Where!?: From the entrance, check around the right pillar.


Stellazio: Pisces
Location: Invincible
Area: Core Area
Where!?: In the core area, check the left side of the ship.


Stellazio: Ophiuchus
Location: Treno/Quan's Dwelling
Area: Entrance Area
Where!?: You must have all given all 12 Stellazios to Queen Stella before
you can do this. Say that their is another Stellazio, and she will
ask you to find it. Go back to Quan's Dwelling and look around
where Scorpio was. It should be in the same spot.


When you give Queen Stella a Stellazio, she will give you a reward for giving it
to her. These are the rewards that you get when you bring any of the Stellazio's
in to her:

1. 1000 Gil
2. Phoenix Pinion
3. 2000 Gil
4. Blood Sword
5. 5000 Gil
6. Elixir
7. 10000 Gil
8. Black Belt
9. 20000 Gil
10. Rosetta Ring
11. 30000 Gil
12. Robe of Lords
13. Hammer


7.8 - Frog Catching



7.9 - Chocobos


Now it's time for Square's biggest time spender; Chocobo Hot & Cold.

How to Play Chocobo Hot & Cold
D-Pad : Move Choco
Square : Dig

When you dig with Square,
Choco lets you know how close you are
to the treasure. When he finds it,
just dig, dig, dig, kupo!

Choco's Cries
'Kweh' means there's nothing.
'Kweh!?' means it's far away.
'Kwehhh!?' means you're close.
'K-KWEHHH!!!' means you've found something!
Rare treasures are buried deep.
Once you find something, dig with Square!
until Depth reaches 0.

That's basically all their is to it. You will learn everything you need to know
as you keep playing H&C.

Chocograph Guide

All of this material has been created and compiled by me with the exception
of the "location" which was taken from Expert Gamer. (Miller & Pierre Page 87)
The format is:

| # in order - Name of Chocograph |
| Ability Required: | What ability is required. |
| Dug In: | Where was it dug at? |
| Treasures: | What did I find in the treasure chest? |
| Tip: | The tip in-game by the Chocograph. |
| Help: | The in-game help you get when you press select. |
| How?: | How I found out where it was from the tip. |
| Location: | When you press start, what is the location on the |
| | bottom right hand corner of the screen? |
| Detailed Location: | Where is it exactly at? |

| 1 - Streamside |
| Ability Required: | Field |
| Dug In: | Chocobo's Forest |
| Treasures: | Elixir (2), Hi-Potion (3), Ether (4), |
| | Germinas Boots (2) |
| Tip: | Go check where the river meets the ocean, Kupo! |
| Help: | You're hopeless if you can't find this, Kupo! |
| How?: | River Meets Ocean = River/Ocean next to Forest |
| Location: | Normarina Beach - Eunorus Plains - Near Chocobo Forest|
| Detailed Location: | From Chocobo's Forest, cross the bridge and look on |
| | the beach. It should be close to the river. |

| 2 - Between Mountains |
| Ability Required: | Field |
| Dug In: | Chocobo's Forest |
| Treasures: | Potion (5), Hi-Potion (5), Tent (2), Cotton Robe (2) |
| Tip: | Go look near the mountains facing the ocean on the |
| | southwest side of the Mist Continent. |
| Help: | Try going somewhere you don't usually go, Kupo. |
| How?: | |
| Location: | Eunorus Plains - West of Lindblum's Dragon Gate |
| Detailed Location: | |

| 3 - Uncultivated Land |
| Ability Required: | Field |
| Dug In: | Chocobo's Forest |
| Treasures: | Antidote (10), Jade Armlet (1), Wind Edge (3), Cargo |
| | Cargo Ship Card (1) |
| Tip: | The treasure is buried near a river, Kupo. I don't |
| | think it'll be easy to find. |
| Help: | Maybe you should leave it alone for now, Kupo. |
| How?: | |
| Location: | Zamo Basin - Southeast of Alexandria |
| Detailed Location: | |

| 4 - Healing Shore |
| Ability Required: | Field |
| Dug In: | Chocobo's Forest |
| Treasures: | Choco Evolves to Reef Ability (Light Blue) |
| Tip: | I've seen a beach that looks like this near a city |
| | with high winds, kupo. |
| Help: | Kupo! You already know how to call a Chocobo, right? |
| How?: | |
| Location: | Eastern Coast - Near Cleyra |
| Detailed Location: | |


7.10 - Quotes


"You don't need a reason to help people."

"You don't need a reason to grab people."

"To understand something is interesting,
but what's already understood is boring."

"The victor lives, and the defeated die.
You know the rules."

"His only constant is his unpredictability."

"'He who hesitates is lost.'
You'd best remember that."

"Ah-ah, I know what your thinking, 'Did he throw six Wind Edges or only five?'
Well, to tell you the truth, I've kind of lost track myself in all this
excitement. But being as these are Rune Claws, the most powerful claws in the
world, and would slice your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one
question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, punk?"

"The weak lose their freedom to the strong.
Such is the way of the strong.
And it is the providence of nature that only
the strong survive. That is why I needed strength.
I learned of power that would daunt even him...
over ten years ago."

"Peace is but a show of death,
Desperate to forget its painful past...
Though we hope for promising years
After shedding a thousand tears,
Yesterday's sorrow constantly nears.
And while the moon still shines blue,
By dawn, it will turn to scarlet hue."

"...don't you know what it means to meet your maker?"
"To live is to give life meaning, yet
one must take others' lives to survive..."


Once upon a time, 33 small countries fought together against an empire. One day,
a rebel troop visited a man named Joseph, who lived with his daughter. Owing a
debt to the troop, he gladly accepted their plea for help. They headed for a
cavern in the snow field.

With Joseph's help, the troop defeated the adamantoise in the snow field cavern
and acquired the Goddess Bell they needed to enter the empire's castle.

On their way home, they fell into a trap set by a traitor. Joseph gave his life
to save the troop. The troop left without telling Joseph's daughter, Nelly,
about the tradegy.

Historian's explanation:
The fact that they didn't report Joseph's death to his daughter was indicative
of their guilt for failing to protect him. In the end, heroes are also human.

Historian's explanation:
Although Joseph's death was not reported to his daughter, the manner of his
death speaks for itself. This is the story of a true hero.

Full Explanation
Zidane: Heroic? Human?
Those are just things people say after the fact.
Zidane: Why try to give meaning to what the main character of the story
Vivi: ...I think the old man would've been her eidolon either way.
Ramuh: Your exactly right...
Ramuh: It's not what the people say afterward... What's important is being
true to oneself.

"Why did you come with me?"
"Only because I wanted to go with you."


7.11 - Ragtime Mouse


When you go look for the Friendly Monsters, you might encounter the Ragtime
Mouse. He will give you a random series of questions. If you get them right,
you get money. If you answer all 16 questions he asks correctly, he will give
you around 20,000 experience and a Protect Ring. Oh, by the way, Circle repre-
sents true while X represents false. This is a switch from the game controll-
ers, oddly. That's basically it. In my opinion, The best place to find him is
at the forest closest to Dali. Walk around in the center there and you should
encounter him.

Question: "I Want To Be Your Canary" was written by Lord Afon.
Answer: False

Question: The 15th Lindblum War started in 1600.
Answer: False

Question: The theater ship Prima Vista was built in Artania Shipyards.
Answer: False

Question: Lindblum Castle is larger than Alexandria Castle.
Answer: True

Question: Some Mu's are friendly and won't attack.
Answer: True

Question: Burkmea Cable Cars have been running for eight years.
Answer: True

Question: Only one desert exists in the entire world.
Answer: False

Question: Conde Petie is a village of Goblins.
Answer: False

Question: Prima Vista means love at first sight.
Answer: False

Question: Treno's cafe, Card Carta, is members only.
Answer: True

Question: Bobo bird is a bird that brings you fortune.
Answer: False

Question: You can defeat Ragtimer.
Answer: True

Question: Chocobo Forest is located between Lindblum and South Gate.
Answer: True

Question: The theater ship uses Mist as its energy.
Answer: True

Question: The Lindblum War started in 1500.
Answer: True


7.12 - Gambling Game (Neros)



7.13 - Hippaul's Racing Game


In Alexandria, talk to Hippaul's mother. She will tell you that her son is not
in shape, and needs someone to race. Agree to racing and she will start the
race. Tap the two buttons as fast and accurate as you can to win the race. If
you win by a long margin, you will advance 5 times. If you won by a short mar-
gin, you will advance one time. This is a good way to get some pretty good
cards in the game. After around 50 is gets really hard, however. I recommend
that you take a break after every 20 or so times. I think the best way to do
this might be a turbo button, or a macro that hits both of the buttons fast.
Here is what you will win:

10 Times: Wyerd Card
20 Times: Carrion Worm Card
30 Times: Tantarian Card
40 Times: Armstrong Card
50 Times: Ribbon Card
60 Times: Nova Dragon Card
70 Times: Genji Card
80 Times: Athlete Queen Card


7.14 - Treno Equipment Shop Monsters


In the Treno Equipment shop, you will have the option to fight the monster
that is down under you in the cage. There will be one monster in each of the
discs besides one. If you defeat the monster, you will win this:

Disc Two -- Griffin -- Tonberry Card
Disc Three -- Catoblepas -- 15,000 Gil
Disc Three -- Amdusias -- Running Shoes
Disc Four -- Behemoth -- Circlet

The two monsters in disc three can be fought when you go to Treno for the card
tournament, and when you acquire the Hilda Garde III. All the monsters here are
very easy and you should find no trouble beating them. Behemoth can be affected
by the Mini status effect, making him very easy.


7.15 - Four Figures


Mini-Prima Vista: Give all coffees to Mr. Morrid before disc four.
Mini-Burmecia: Tantalus' hideout in Lindblum.
Mini-Brahne: Mayor's desk at Dali. Open it three times and move stove.
Mini-Cid: Purchased at Treno's auction house.


7.16 - S Class



7.17 - Blackjack


At the end of the game, press these buttons when it says "The End" to be able
to play a Blackjack game. R2, R1, L2, R2, UP, X, Right, Circle, Down, Triangle,
L2, R1, R2, L1, Square, and Square. When you a ding, press X and you will be
able to play a game of Blackjack.


7.18 - Excaliburs


Excalibur: In disc four, go to Daguerreo and talk to the Old Man near the inn.
He will say that he wants an item called "Magical Fingertips." Go to
the Treno Auction House and bid/buy it. Then go back to Daguerreo
and give them to him. He will exchange it for the Excalibur.

Excalibur II: You have to get to the end of Memoria in 12 hours or less. Then
it will appear. See walkthrough for more details on where to get


8. Equipment


Everything is in alphabetically by type.


8.1 - Weapons



Item Name: Avenger
Buy/Sell: 16000/8000
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +70
Added Status: Death Blow
Abilities Learned: Demi Shock (50), Counter (240)
Description: Powerful claws that can kill opponents with one hit.

Item Name: Cat's Claws
Buy/Sell: 4000/2000
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +23
Added Status: Not Available
Abilities Learned: Chakra (30), Counter (240)
Description: Ordinary claws used for combat.

Item Name: Dragon's Claws
Buy/Sell: Not Available/5180
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +53
Added Status: Water
Abilities Learned: No Mercy (25), Counter (240)
Description: Weapon made from a dragon's claw.

Item Name: Duel Claws
Buy/Sell: 16000/9000
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +75
Added Status: Berserk
Abilities Learned: Aura (25), No Mercy (25), Counter (240)
Description: Weapon once used by a lengendary hero.

Item Name: Kaiser Knuckles
Buy/Sell: 18000/9000
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +75
Added Status: Wind, Trouble
Abilities Learned: Countdown (40), Curse (40), Counter (240)
Description: Claws with a wind spirit dwelling inside.

Item Name: Mythril Claws
Buy/Sell: 6500/3250
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +39
Added Status: None
Abilities Learned: Curse (20), Counter (240)
Description: Claws made of mythril.

Item Name: Poison Knuckles
Buy/Sell: 5000/2500
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +33
Added Status: Poison
Abilities Learned: Spare Change (90), Counter (240)
Description: Combat knuckles.

Item Name: Rune Claws
Buy/Sell: Not Available/14400
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +83
Added Status: Darkness
Abilities Learned: Spare Change (90), Demi Shock (50), Revive (35)
Description: Legendary combat claws that use the power of darkness to unless a
destructive force beyond imagination.

Item Name: Scissor Fangs
Buy/Sell: 8000/4000
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +45
Added Status: Venom
Abilities Learned: Aura (25), Counter (240)
Description: Weapon with deadly venom on the tip.

Item Name: Tiger Fangs
Buy/Sell: 13500/6750
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +62
Added Status: Not Available
Abilities Learned: Revive (35), Counter (240)
Description: Long, sharp claws.


Item Name: Angel Flute
Buy/Sell: Not Available/4150
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +33
Added Status: None
Abilities Learned: Holy (110), Esuna (80), Curaga (80)
Description: Legendary flute that is said to enchant anyone who hears its tune.

Item Name: Fairy Flute
Buy/Sell: 4500/2250
Statistic Bonuses: None
Added Status: Not Available
Abilities Learned: Esuna (80), Regen (35), Haste (25)
Description: Flute with an angel's power dwelling inside.

Item Name: Golem's Flute
Buy/Sell: 2700/1350
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +21
Added Status: Not Available
Abilities Learned: Auto-Regend (35), Cura (40), Life (35)
Description: Flute with a golem's power dwelling inside.

Item Name: Hamelin
Buy/Sell: 5700/2850
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +27
Added Status: Not Available
Abilities Learned: Curaga (80), Might (25), Jewel (30)
Description: Flute that holds magic powers.

Item Name: Lamia's Flute
Buy/Sell: 4500/2250
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +21
Added Status: Not Available
Abilities Learned: Float (25), Stona (25), Silence (25)
Description: Flute with Lamia's power dwelling inside.

Item Name: Siren's Flute
Buy/Sell: 7000/3500
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +30
Added Status: Not Available
Abilities Learned: Full-Life (90), Disepl (25), Esuna (80)
Description: Flute with a siren's power dwelling inside.


Item Name: Bistro Fork
Buy/Sell: 10300/5150
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +68
Added Status: Sleep
Abilities Learned: High Tide (250)
Description: Popular fork among gourmands.

Item Name: Fork
Buy/Sell: 1100/550
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +21
Added Status: None
Abilities Learned: High Tide (250)
Description: Combat fork used by the Qu Clan.

Item Name: Gastro Fork
Buy/Sell: Not Available/6650
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +77
Added Status: Stop
Abilities Learned: High Tide (250)
Description: Legendary fork known for its ability to crush anything.

Item Name: Mythril Fork
Buy/Sell: 4700/2350
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +42
Added Status: Not Available
Abilities Learned: High Tide (250)
Description: Fork made of mythril.

Item Name: Needle Fork
Buy/Sell: 3100/1550
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +34
Added Status: Petrify
Abilities Learned: High Tide (250)
Description: Mysterious fork that causes the opposite effect of "Soft".

Item Name: Silver Fork
Buy/Sell: 7400/3700
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +53
Added Status: Slow
Abilities Learned: High Tide (250)
Description: Fork made of silver.


Item Name: Dragon's Hair
Buy/Sell: Not Available/11750
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +77
Added Status: Not Available
Abilities Learned: Dragon Breath (205)
Description: Legendary spear made from a dragon king's hair.

Item Name: Heavy Lance
Buy/Sell: 4700/2350
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +42
Added Status: Stop
Abilities Learned: Six Dragons (25)
Description: Heavy weapon that can deal massive damage.

Item Name: Holy Lance
Buy/Sell: 11000/5500
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +62
Added Status: Holy
Abilities Learned: Dragon's Crest (45), Rei's Wind (40)
Description: Holy spear.

Item Name: Ice Lance
Buy/Sell: 2430/1215
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +31
Added Status: Ice, Freeze
Abilities Learned: White Draw (90)
Description: Spear made of ice.

Item Name: Javelin
Buy/Sell: 880/440
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +18
Added Status: None
Abilities Learned: Dragon Killer (75)
Description: Spear used by dragon knights.

Item Name: Kain's Lance
Buy/Sell: Not Available/7500
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +71
Added Status: Confuse
Abilities Learned: Dragon's Crest (45), Cherry Blossom (40), White Draw (90)
Description: Spear made from the distant past.

Item Name: Mythril Spear
Buy/Sell: 1100/550
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +20
Added Status: None
Abilities Learned: Rei's Wind (40)
Description: Spear made of mythril.

Item Name: Obelisk
Buy/Sell: Not Available/3000
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +52
Added Status: Holy
Abilities Learned: Dragon's Crest (45), Rei's Wind (40)
Description: Spear made from magic stone.

Item Name: Partisan
Buy/Sell: 1600/800
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +25
Added Status: None
Abilities Learned: Lancer (20), High Tide (20)
Description: Spear adorned with brilliant gems.

Item Name: Trident
Buy/Sell: 3580/1790
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +37
Added Status: Darkness
Abilities Learned: Luna (30)
Description: Also known as the "Spear of Enchantment".


Item Name: Air Racket
Buy/Sell: 400/200
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +13
Added Status: Wind
Abilities Learned: Scan (25), Panacea (15)
Description: Long-range combat racket.

Item Name: Magic Racket
Buy/Sell: 1350/675
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +23
Added Status: Wind
Abilities Learned: Berserk (30), Mini (40), Cure (30)
Description: Long-range weapon that holds magic powers.

Item Name: Multina Racket
Buy/Sell: 750/375
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +17
Added Status: Wind
Abilities Learned: Blind (40), Stona (25), Shell (35)
Description: Long-range weapon that holds mysterious powers.

Item Name: Mythril Racket
Buy/Sell: 2250/1125
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +27
Added Status: Wind
Abilities Learned: Reflect (20), Shell (35), Protect (30)
Description: Long-range weapon made of mythril.

Item Name: Priest's Racket
Buy/Sell: 11000/4000
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +35
Added Status: Wind
Abilities Learned: Dispel (25)
Description: Long-range holy racket.

Item Name: Tiger Racket
Buy/Sell: Not Available/2900
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +45
Added Status: Wind
Abilities Learned: Dispel (25)
Description: The most powerful long-range racket.


Item Name: Asura's Rod
Buy/Sell: 3180/1590
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +27
Added Status: Holy
Abilities Learned: Mini (40), Confuse (35), Silence (30)
Description: Holy Rod.

Item Name: Healing Rod
Buy/Sell: 1770/885
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +23
Added Status: None
Abilities Learned: Healer (30), Cura (50), Life (30)
Description: Weapon that can restore target's HP.

Item Name: Mythril Rod
Buy/Sell: 760/380
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +14
Added Status: Not Available
Abilities Learned: Life (30), Silence (30), Shell (35)
Description: Rod made of mythril.

Item Name: Rod
Buy/Sell: 260/130
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +11
Added Status: Not Available
Abilities Learned: Cure (55), Panacea (15), Protect (30)
Description: Combat Rod.

Item Name: Stardust Rod
Buy/Sell: 760/380
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +16
Added Status: Shadow
Abilities Learned: Ability Up (60), Reflect (20), Float (20)
Description: Rod adorned with beautiful stars.

Item Name: Whale Whisker
Buy/Sell: Not Available/5140
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +36
Added Status: None
Abilities Learned: Curaga (155), Life (30), Break (35)
Description: Legendary weapon that holds powerful magic.

Item Name: Wizard Rod
Buy/Sell: 4000/1995
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +31
Added Status: None
Abilities Learned: Curaga (155), Protect (30), Shell (35)
Description: Rods used by mages.


Item Name: Cypress Pile
Buy/Sell: 3200/1600
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +27
Added Status: Confuse
Abilities Learned: Demi (30), Break (30), Comet (55)
Description: Weapon that radiates a mysterious light.

Item Name: Flame Staff
Buy/Sell: 1100/550
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +16
Added Status: Fire
Abilities Learned: Fire (50), Sleep (20)
Description: Staff with a fivine fire power dwelling inside.

Item Name: High Mage Staff
Buy/Sell: 6000/3000
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +32
Added Status: Silence
Abilities Learned: Meteor (95), Osmose (70)
Description: Staff that holds powerful magic.

Item Name: Ice Staff
Buy/Sell: 980/490
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +16
Added Status: Ice
Abilities Learned: Blizzara (50), Slow (20)
Description: Staff with a divine ice power dwelling inside.

Item Name: Lightning Staff
Buy/Sell: 1200/600
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +16
Added Status: Thunder
Abilities Learned: Thundara (50), Poison (35)
Description: Staff with a divine thunder power dwelling inside.

Item Name: Mace of Zeus
Buy/Sell: Not Available/5000
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +35
Added Status: Mini
Abilities Learned: Doomsday (150)
Description: Legendary staff that once belonged to a grand magician.

Item Name: Mage Staff
Buy/Sell: 320/160
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +12
Added Status: Not Available
Abilities Learned: Fire (25)
Description: Staff used by black mages

Item Name: Oak Staff
Buy/Sell: 2400/1200
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +23
Added Status: Slow
Abilities Learned: Stop (25), Bio (40), Drain (60)
Description: Staff made from a legendary tree.

Item Name: Octagon Rod
Buy/Sell: 4500/2250
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +29
Added Status: Water, Wind, Trouble
Abilities Learned: Firaga (75), Blizzaga (85), Thundara (80)
Description: Staff with water god dwelling inside.


Item Name: Blood Sword
Buy/Sell: Not Available/950
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +24
Added Status: Not Available
Abilities Learned: Darkside (30)
Description: Sword varnished with blood.

Item Name: Broadsword
Buy/Sell: 330/165
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +12
Added Status: Not Available
Abilities Learned: Beast Killer (55)
Description: Ordinary sword used in combat.

Item Name: Coral Sword
Buy/Sell: 4000/2000
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +38
Added Status: Thunder
Abilities Learned: Charge! (30)
Description: Sword made of coral.

Item Name: Defender
Buy/Sell: 9340/4670
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +65
Added Status: Ice/Thunder
Abilities Learned: Thunder Slash (30)
Description: Sword possessing a guardian angel.

Item Name: Diamond Sword
Buy/Sell: 4700/2350
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +42
Added Status: Not Available
Abilities Learned: Power Break (40)
Description: Sword made of diamond.

Item Name: Excalibur
Buy/Sell: Not Available/9500
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +77
Added Status: Holy
Abilities Learned: Climhazzard (70)
Description: Light sword used by holy knights.

Item Name: Excalibur 2
Buy/Sell: Not Available/19500
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +108
Added Status: Not Available
Abilities Learned: Minus Strike (35), Climhazzard (70), Stock Break (35)
Description: Holy sword used by legendary knights.

Item Name: Flame Saber
Buy/Sell: 5190/2595
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +46
Added Status: Heat, Fire
Abilities Learned: Magic Break (25)
Description: Weapon with a fire spirit dwelling inside.

Item Name: Ice Brand
Buy/Sell: 3780/1890
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +35
Added Status: Freeze, Ice
Abilities Learned: Mental Break (45)
Description: Weapon with an ice spirit dwelling inside.

Item Name: Iron Sword
Buy/Sell: 660/330
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +16
Added Status: Not Available
Abilities Learned: Minus Strike (35)
Description: Sword made of iron.

Item Name: Mythril Sword
Buy/Sell: 1300/650
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +20
Added Status: Not Available
Abilities Learned: Armor Break (30)
Description: Sword made of mythril.

Item Name: Ragnarok
Buy/Sell: Not Available/14500
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +87
Added Status: Slow
Abilities Learned: Shock (60), Thunder Slash (30)
Description: Knight sword bearing divine inscriptions.

Item Name: Rune Blade
Buy/Sell: Not Available/4450
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +57
Added Status: Darkness
Abilities Learned: Iai Strike (40)
Description: Weapon that has rune inscriptions.

Item Name: Ultima Sword
Buy/Sell: 14000/7000
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +74
Added Status: Sleep
Abilities Learned: Stock Break (35)
Description: Sword that can only be used by chosen knights.


Item Name: Angel Bless
Buy/Sell: 9000/3500
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +44
Added Status: Confuse
Abilities Learned: Thievery (100)
Description: Weapon with an angel's spirit dwelling inside.

Item Name: Butterfly Sword
Buy/Sell: 300/150
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +21
Added Status: Silence
Abilities Learned: What's That?!? (30), Protect Girls (35)
Description: Standard thief's sword.

Item Name: Dagger
Buy/Sell: 320/160
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +12
Added Status: Not Available
Abilities Learned: Flee (40)
Description: Weapon used by thieves.

Item Name: Exploda
Buy/Sell: 1000/500
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +31
Added Status: Trouble
Abilities Learned: Sacrifice (55), Lucky Seven (85)
Description: Sword made by processing trouble knife.

Item Name: Gladius
Buy/Sell: 2300/1150
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +30
Added Status: Slow
Abilities Learned: Annoy (50), Lucky Seven (85)
Description: Light dagger that is easy to handle.

Item Name: Mage Masher
Buy/Sell: 500/250
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +14
Added Status: Not Available
Abilities Learned: Flee (40)
Description: Weapon used by thieves.

Item Name: Masamune
Buy/Sell: 16500/6500
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +62
Added Status: Doom
Abilities Learned: Sacrifice (55)
Description: Sword from a foreign land.

Item Name: Mythril Dagger
Buy/Sell: 950/475
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +18
Added Status: Not Available
Abilities Learned: Bandit (40)
Description: Thief's dagger made of mythril.

Item Name: Orichalcon
Buy/Sell: 17000/8500
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +71
Added Status: Not Available
Abilities Learned: Detect (40)
Description: The most powerful thief's dagger.

Item Name: Rune Tooth
Buy/Sell: 2000/1900
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +37
Added Status: Poison
Abilities Learned: Lucky Seven (85)
Description: Also known as "The Viper".

Item Name: Sargatanas
Buy/Sell: 12000/4750
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +53
Added Status: Petrify
Abilities Learned: Annoy (50)
Description: Sword made by processing "Epitaph's Fragment."

Item Name: The Ogre
Buy/Sell: 700/650
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +24
Added Status: Darkness
Abilities Learned: Soul Blade (35)
Description: Standard thief's sword.

Item Name: The Tower
Buy/Sell: Not Available/15000
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +86
Added Status: Mini
Abilities Learned: Lucky Seven (85), Thievery (100)
Description: Weapon that defines a great thief.

Item Name: Ultima Weapon
Buy/Sell: Not Available/20000
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +100
Added Status: Sleep
Abilities Learned: Flee (40)
Description: Considered the most powerful weapon in the world.

Item Name: Zorlin Shape
Buy/Sell: 6000/3000
Statistic Bonuses: Attack Power +42
Added Status: Not Available
Abilities Learned: Flee (40)
Description: Popular weapon among thieves.


8.2 - Armor


Item Name: Adaman Vest
Buy/Sell: 1600/800
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +14, Magic Defense +2, Spirit +0
Description: Very durable vest. Elemental Defense: Fire damage reduced by 50

Item Name: Aloha T-Shirt
Buy/Sell: Not Available/9500
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +0, Magic Defense +0, Spirit +0
Description: Provides a southern, tropical feel.

Item Name: Black Robe
Buy/Sell: 8000/14500
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +43, Magic Defense +2, Spirit +0, Magic +2
Description: Robe made for black mages. Raises Shadow Elemental Attack.

Item Name: Brave Suit
Buy/Sell: 26000/11250
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +42, Magic Defense +0, Spirit +1
Description: Extremely durable suit. Raises Fire Elemental Attack.

Item Name: Brigandine
Buy/Sell: 4300/2150
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +20, Magic Defense +0, Spirit +0, Strength +1
Description: Clothes that raise Strength.

Item Name: Bronze Armor
Buy/Sell: 650/325
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +9, Magic Defense +0, Spirit +0
Description: Armor made of bronze. Elemental Defense: Wind damage reduced by 50

Item Name: Bronze Vest
Buy/Sell: 670/335
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +9, Magic Defense +1, Spirit +1
Description: Plate made of bronze.

Item Name: Carabini Mail
Buy/Sell: 12300/6150
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +39, Magic Defense +1, Spirit +1, Speed +1
Description: Armor protected by extraordinary powers.

Item Name: Chain Mail
Buy/Sell: 1200/600
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +12, Magic Defense +0, Spirit +0
Description: Armor made with chains. Elemental Defense: Earth damage reduced by
50 percent.

Item Name: Chain Plate
Buy/Sell: 810/405
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +10, Magic Defense +0, Spirit +0, Strength +1
Description: Plate that provides brimming strength.

Item Name: Cotton Robe
Buy/Sell: 2000/1000
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +10, Magic Defense +2, Spirit +0, Strength +1,
Magic +1
Description: Ordinary robe.

Item Name: Dark Gear
Buy/Sell: 16300/8150
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +37, Magic Defense +0, Spirit +3
Description: Gear that raises Spirit.

Item Name: Demon's Mail
Buy/Sell: 5900/2950
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +27, Magic Defense +0, Spirit +0
Description: Armor made in the dark world. Absorbs Shadow Elemental Attack.
Raises Shadow Elemental Attack.

Item Name: Demon's Vest
Buy/Sell: 10250/3600
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +31, Magic Defense +0, Spirit +0, Magic +1
Description: Supposedly, a vest that belonged to a demon. Elemental Defense:
Shadow damage reduced by 50 percent.

Item Name: Diamond Armor
Buy/Sell: 8800/4400
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +33, Magic Defense +2, Spirit +0, Magic +1,
Strength +1
Description: Armor made of diamond.

Item Name: Dragon Mail
Buy/Sell: 14000/7000
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +41, Magic Defense +0, Spirit +0, Magic +1,
Strength +1
Description: Armor made from a dragon's scales.

Item Name: Gaia Gear
Buy/Sell: 8700/4350
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +25, Magic Defense +2, Spirit +0
Description: Robe blessed by the earth god. Absorbs Earth Elemental Attack.
Raises Earth Elemental Attack.

Item Name: Genji Armor
Buy/Sell: Not Available/1
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +45, Magic Defense +1, Spirit +0, Magic +2
Description: Very famous brand of armor.

Item Name: Glutton's Robe
Buy/Sell: 6000/8000
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +41, Magic Defense +4, Spirit +1, Magic +1,
Strength +1
Description: Robe worn by Qus.

Item Name: Gold Armor
Buy/Sell: 2950/1475
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +19, Magic Defense +0, Spirit +0, Magic +1
Description: Armor made of gold.

Item Name: Grand Armor
Buy/Sell: 45000/14000
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +59, Magic Defense +0, Spirit +0, Strength +1
Description: The greatest armor. Elemental Defense: Shadow damage reduced by 50

Item Name: Judo Uniform
Buy/Sell: 5000/2500
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +23, Magic Defense +0, Spirit +1, Strength +1
Description: Clothes from a foreign land.

Item Name: Leather Plate
Buy/Sell: 530/265
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +8, Magic Defense +0, Spirit +0
Description: Plate worn for combat. Elemental Defense: Ice damage reduced by 50

Item Name: Leather Shirt
Buy/Sell: 270/135
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +6, Magic Defense +0, Spirit +0
Description: Clothes made of leather.

Item Name: Light Robe
Buy/Sell: 20000/20000
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +1, Magic Defense +6, Spirit +1, Magic +1,
Strength +1
Description: Robe possessed by the spirit of light. Raises Holy/Shadow
Elemental Attack.

Item Name: Linen Curiass
Buy/Sell: 800/400
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +10, Magic Defense +0, Spirit +0, Magic +1
Description: Armor packed with magic.

Item Name: Magician Cloak
Buy/Sell: 1850/925
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +15, Magic Defense +2, Spirit +0, Magic +1
Description: Cloak that holds magic powers. Raises Ice Elemental Attack.

Item Name: Magician Robe
Buy/Sell: 3000/4000
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +21, Magic Defense +3, Spirit +0, Magic +2
Description: Robe made for mages.

Item Name: Maximillan
Buy/Sell: Not Available/11300
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +54, Magic Defense +0, Spirit +3
Description: Armor worn excusively by knights.

Item Name: Minerva's Plate
Buy/Sell: 12200/6100
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +34, Magic Defense +1, Spirit +0, Magic +2,
Strength +1
Description: Plate worn by women.

Item Name: Mythril Armor
Buy/Sell: 1830/915
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +15, Magic Defense +0, Spirit +0
Description: Armor made of mythril. Elemental Defense: Water damage reduced by
50 percent.

Item Name: Mythril Vest
Buy/Sell: 1180/590
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +12, Magic Defense +0, Spirit +0
Description: Vest braided with mythril. Elemental Defense: Water damage reduced
by 50 percent.

Item Name: Ninja Gear
Buy/Sell: 14000/7000
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +35, Magic Defense +0, Spirit +0, Speed +1
Description: Gear that makes you light footed. Absorbs Shadow Elemental Attack.

Item Name: Plate Mail
Buy/Sell: 2320/1160
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +17, Magic Defense +1, Spirit +1
Description: Armor that raises Spirit.

Item Name: Platina Armor
Buy/Sell: 10500/5250
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +36, Magic Defense +0, Spirit +0
Description: Armor made of platinum. Elemental Defense: Ice damage reduced by
100 percent.

Item Name: Power Vest
Buy/Sell: 7200/3600
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +27, Magic Defense +0, Spirit +0, Strength +2
Description: Raises Strength.

Item Name: Robe of Lords
Buy/Sell: 30000/26000
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +46, Magic Defense +5, Spirit +1, Magic +1,
Strength +1, Speed +1
Description: The greatest robe. Elemental Defense: Wind damage reduced by 100

Item Name: Rubber Suit
Buy/Sell: 20000/10000
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +39, Magic Defense +1, Spirit +0, Evade +2,
Magic Evade +3
Description: Suit worn by women. Elemental Defense: Thunder damage reduced by
100 percent.

Item Name: Shield Armor
Buy/Sell: 4300/2150
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +23, Magic Defense +5, Spirit +0
Description: Armor that provides excellent protection. Elemental Defense:
Fire/Ice/Thunder damage reduced by 50 percent.

Item Name: Silk Robe
Buy/Sell: 2000/2900
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +16, Magic Defense +2, Spirit +0, Strength +1,
Magic +1
Description: Robe made of silk.

Item Name: Silk Shirt
Buy/Sell: 400/200
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +7, Magic Defense +0, Spirit +0
Description: Silk burns easily. Elemental Defense: Thunder damage reduced by 50

Item Name: Survival Vest
Buy/Sell: 2900/1450
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +17, Magic Defense +0, Spirit +2
Description: Vest that raises Spirit.

Item Name: Tin Armor
Buy/Sell: 50000/10
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +62, Magic Defense +17, Spirit +0, Evade +32,
Magic Evade +17
Description: Tin armor that looks like a toy.

Item Name: White Robe
Buy/Sell: 8000/14500
Statistic Bonuses: Defense Power +42, Magic Defense +4, Spirit +0, Magic +2
Description: Robe made for white mages. Raises Holy Elemental Attack.


8.3 - Helmets


Item Name: Adaman Hat
Buy/Sell: 6100/3050
Statistic Bonuses: Defense +3, Magic Defense +33
Description: Extremely durable hat. Elemental Defense: Ice damage reduced by
100 percent.

Item Name: Bandana
Buy/Sell: 500/250
Statistic Bonuses: Speed +1, Spirit +1, Evade +2, Magic Defense +12
Description: Mysterious bandana that makes you light footed.

Item Name: Barbut
Buy/Sell: 600/300
Statistic Bonuses: Spirit +1, Magic Defense +9
Description: Headgear that raises spirit.

Item Name: Black Hood
Buy/Sell: 2550/1275
Statistic Bonuses: Magic Defense +27
Description: Hood from a foreign land. Elemental Defense: Fire/Thunder/Water
damage reduced by 50 percent.

Item Name: Bronze Helm
Buy/Sell: 330/165
Statistic Bonuses: Magic Defense +6
Description: Helmet made out of bronze. Elemental Defense: Water damage reduced
by 50 percent.

Item Name: Circlet
Buy/Sell: 20000/6500
Statistic Bonuses: Magic Defense +51
Description: Circlet protected by magic. Elemental Defense: Earth damage
reduced by 100 percent.

Item Name: Coronet
Buy/Sell: 4400/2200
Statistic Bonuses: Defense +1, Magic Defense +35
Description: Coronet that radiates a mysterious light.

Item Name: Cross Helm
Buy/Sell: 2200/1100
Statistic Bonuses: Strength +1, Magic +16
Description: Helm that raises strength.

Item Name: Dark Hat
Buy/Sell: 1800/900
Statistic Bonuses: Magic Defense +21
Description: Old hat, steeped in legend. Elemental Defense: Ice Damage reduced
by 100 percent.

Item Name: Diamond Helm
Buy/Sell: 3000/1500
Statistic Bonuses: Spirit +1, Magic Defense +20
Description: Helmets made of diamonds.

Item Name: Feather Hat
Buy/Sell: 200/100
Statistic Bonuses: Spirit +1, Magic Defense +7
Description: Hat that raises Spirit. Raises Wind Elemental Attack.

Item Name: Flash Hat
Buy/Sell: 5200/2600
Statistic Bonuses: Speed +1, Evade +2, Magic Defense +37
Description: Holy hat. Raises Thunder/Holy Elemental Attack.

Item Name: Genji Helmet
Buy/Sell: N/A / 1
Statistic Bonuses: Magic +2, Defense +2, Magic Defense +29
Description: Very famous brand of helmet.

Item Name: Gold Helm
Buy/Sell: 1800/900
Statistic Bonuses: Magic +1, Magic Defense +13
Description: Helmets made of gold.

Item Name: Golden Hairpin
Buy/Sell: 3700/1850
Statistic Bonuses: Magic +1, Magic Defense +32, Magic Evade +2
Description: Hairpin that holds magic powers. Raises Water Elemental Attack.

Item Name: Golden Skullcap
Buy/Sell: 15000/6000
Statistic Bonuses: Defense +2, Magic Defense +47
Description: Known for providing great defense. Elemental Defense: Earth damage
reduced by 50 percent. Raises Water Elemental Attack.

Item Name: Grand Helm
Buy/Sell: 20000/7000
Statistic Bonuses: Speed +1, Magic Defense +33
Description: The greatest helmet.

Item Name: Green Beret
Buy/Sell: 2180/1090
Statistic Bonuses: Speed +1, Strength +1, Magic Defense +23
Description: Improves movement.

Item Name: Headgear
Buy/Sell: 330/165
Statistic Bonuses: None
Description: Wearing it will make you popular. Elemental Defense: Water damage
reduced by 50 percent.

Item Name: Holy Miter
Buy/Sell: 8300/4150
Statistic Bonuses: Magic +1, Spirit +2, Magic Defense +39
Description: Holy hat.

Item Name: Iron Helm
Buy/Sell: 450/225
Statistic Bonuses: Spirit +1, Magic Defense +7
Description: Helmets made of iron.

Item Name: Kaiser Helm
Buy/Sell: 7120/3560
Statistic Bonuses: Strength +1, Magic +1. Magic Defense +26
Description: Helmet that raises Strength and Magic.

Item Name: Lamia's Tiara
Buy/Sell: 800/400
Statistic Bonuses: Magic +1, Spirit +1, Magic Defense +17
Description: Tiara worn by Lamia. Elemental Defense: Wind damage reduced by 50

Item Name: Leather Hat
Buy/Sell: 150/75
Statistic Bonuses: Magic Defense +6
Description: Not a suitable item to wear in combat.

Item Name: Mage's Hat
Buy/Sell: 600/300
Statistic Bonuses: Magic +1, Magic Defense +14
Description: Hat that holds magic powers. Raises Holy/Shadow Elemental Attack.

Item Name: Magus Hat
Buy/Sell: 400/200
Statistic Bonuses: Magic Defense +10
Description: Hat suited for mages. Raises Ice Elemental Attack.

Item Name: Mantra Band
Buy/Sell: 1500/750
Statistic Bonuses: Magic +1, Spirit +1, Defense +1, Magic Defense +19
Description: Draws on hidden strength.

Item Name: Mythril Helm
Buy/Sell: 1000/500
Statistic Bonuses: Spirit +1, Magic Defense +11
Description: Helmets made of mythril. Raises Holy Elemental Attack.

Item Name: Platinum Helm
Buy/Sell: 4600/2300
Statistic Bonuses: Magic Defense +23
Description: Helmet made of platinum. Elemental Defense: Ice Damage reduced by
50 percent.

Item Name: Red Hat
Buy/Sell: 3000/1500
Statistic Bonuses: Defense +1, Magic Defense +26
Description: Dark-red hat. Raises Fire elemental attack.

Item Name: Ritual Hat
Buy/Sell: 1000/500
Statistic Bonuses: Strength +1, Defense +1, Magic Defense +16
Description: Hat worn for ceremonies and festivals in Conde Petie.

Item Name: Rubber Helm
Buy/Sell: 250/125
Statistic Bonuses: Magic Defense +5
Description: Helmet worn by solider trainees. Elemental Defense: Thunder damage
reduced by 50 percent.

Item Name: Steepled Hat
Buy/Sell: 260/130
Statistic Bonuses: Strength +1, Magic Defense +9
Description: Hat worn by mages.

Item Name: Straw Hat
Buy/Sell: N/A / 750
Statistic Bonuses: None
Description: Provides a southern, tropical feel.

Item Name: Thief Hat
Buy/Sell: 7100/3550
Statistic Bonuses: Speed +2, Evade +3, Magic Defense +38
Description: Hat for thieves.

Item Name: Twist Headband
Buy/Sell: 1200/600
Statistic Bonuses: Strength +1, Magic Defense +17
Description: Headband that raises strength. Raises Earth Elemental Attack.


8.4 - Armgear


Item Name: Aegis Gloves
Buy: 7000
Sell: 3500
Statistic Bonuses: Defense +1, Evade +30, Magic Evade +10
Description: Gloves worn exclusively by knights. Nulls fire damage.

Item Name: Bone Wrist
Buy: 330
Sell: 165
Statistic Bonuses: Strength +1, Evade +13, Magic Evade +9
Description: Wristlet made from bones. Raises Earth Elemental Attack.

Item Name: Bracer
Buy: 24000
Sell: 4000
Statistic Bonuses: Strength +1, Evade +35, Magic Evade +18
Description: Bracer used by gamblers. Raises Wind Elemental Attack.

Item Name: Bronze Gloves
Buy: 480
Sell: 240
Statistic Bonuses: Spirit +1, Evade +8, Magic Evade +2
Description: Gloves made of bronze.

Item Name: Chimera Armlet
Buy: 1200
Sell: 600
Statistic Bonuses: Evade +22, Magic Evade +14
Description: Armlet adorned with chimera wings. Elemental Defense: Holy damage
reduced by 100 percent.

Item Name: Defense Gloves
Buy: 6000
Sell: 3000
Statistic Bonuses: Defense +1, Evade +25, Magic Defense +1, Magic Evade +20
Description: Protects you from various attacks. Elemental Defense:
Fire/Ice/Thunder damage reduced by 50 percent.

Item Name: Diamond Gloves
Buy: 2000
Sell: 1000
Statistic Bonuses: Evade +19, Magic Evade +13
Description: Gloves made of diamond. Elemental Defense: Water damage reduced by
100 percent.

Item Name: Dragon Wrist
Buy: 4800
Sell: 2400
Statistic Bonuses: Spirit +1, Evade +28, Magic Defense +1, Magic Evade +12
Description: Wristlet made from dragon bones. Elemental Defense: Shadow Damage
reduced by 50 percent.

Item Name: Egoist's Armlet
Buy: 2000
Sell: 1000
Statistic Bonuses: Evade +20, Magic Evade +20
Description: Armlet made in the dark world. Elemental Defense: Shadow damage
reduced by 100 percent.

Item Name: Gauntlets
Buy: 8000
Sell: 4000
Statistic Bonuses: Speed +1, Evade +36, Magic Evade +7
Description: Gloves worn by swordsmen. Elemental Defense: Fire/Earth/Water/Wind
damage reduced by 50 percent.

Item Name: Genji Gloves
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1
Statistic Bonuses: Magic +2, Evade +27, Magic Evade +17
Description: Very famous brand of gloves.

Item Name: Glass Armlet
Buy: 250
Sell: 125
Statistic Bonuses: Evade +10, Magic Evade +7
Description: Armlet made of glass. Elemental Defense: Water damage reduced by
50 percent.

Item Name: Jade Armlet
Buy: 3400
Sell: 1700
Statistic Bonuses: Magic Defense +2, Magic Defense +27
Description: Armlet made of jade. Raises Holy Elemental Attack.

Item Name: Leather Wrist
Buy: 200
Sell: 100
Statistic Bonuses: Spirit +1, Evade +7, Magic Evade +5
Description: Wristlet that raises spirit when equipped.

Item Name: Magic Armlet
Buy: 1000
Sell: 500
Statistic Bonuses: Magic +2, Evade +16, Magic Defense +1, Magic Evade +16
Description: Armlet packed with magic.

Item Name: Mythril Armlet
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Statistic Bonuses: Spirit +1, Evade +17, Magic Evade +17
Description: Armlet made of mythril.

Item Name: Mythril Gloves
Buy: 980
Sell: 490
Statistic Bonuses: Spirit +1, Evade +13, Magic Evade +7
Description: Gloves made of mythril.

Item Name: N-Kai Armlet
Buy: 3000
Sell: 1500
Statistic Bonuses: Spirit +2, Defense +2, Evade +27
Description: Armlet formerly worn by a ninja.

Item Name: Pearl Armlet
Buy: N/A
Sell: 490
Statistic Bonuses: None
Description: Provides a southern, tropical feel.

Item Name: Power Wrist
Buy: 5100
Sell: 2550
Statistic Bonuses: Strength +2, Evade +30, Magic Evade +10
Description: Wristlet guard that raises Strength when equipped.

Item Name: Silver Gloves
Buy: 720
Sell: 360
Statistic Bonuses: Evade +10, Magic Evade +5
Description: Combat gloves. Elemental Defense: Ice damage reduced by 50

Item Name: Thief Gloves
Buy: 50000
Sell: 25000
Statistic Bonuses: Speed +1, Evade +26, Magic Evade +13
Description: Gloves used by thieves.

Item Name: Thunder Gloves
Buy: 1200
Sell: 600
Statistic Bonuses: Evade +16, Magic Evade +10
Description: Gloves with a thunder gods power dwelling inside. Elemental
Defense: Thunder damage reduced by 50 percent. Raises Thunder Elemental Attack.

Item Name: Wrist
Buy: 130
Sell: 65
Statistic Bonuses: Evade +5, Magic Evade +3
Description: Regular wristlet.

Item Name: Venetia Shield
Buy: 2800
Sell: 1400
Statistic Bonuses: Strength +1, Magic +1, Evade +17, Magic Defense +1, Magic
Evade +26
Description: Popular shield among soliders.


8.5 - Add ons


Item Name: Amethyst
Buy/Sell: 200/1
Statistic Bonuses: None
Description: Restores HP. It cannot be used in the field.

Item Name: Ancient Aroma
Buy/Sell: N/A / 1
Statistic Bonuses: Strength +2, Evade +4
Description: Item that radiates a mysterious light. Raises Shadow Elemental

Item Name: Angel Earrings
Buy/Sell: 8000/10000
Statistic Bonuses: Strength +2, Defense +2
Description: Holy earrings worn by women. Raises Holy Elemental Attack.

Item Name: Anklet
Buy/Sell: 4000/1600
Statistic Bonuses: Magic +3, Spirit +1, Evade +5
Description: Anklet adorned with a four-leaf clover that raises spirit.

Item Name: Aquamarine
Buy/Sell: N/A / 1
Statistic Bonuses: None
Description: Restores HP. It cannot be used in the field.

Item Name: Barette
Buy/Sell: 1800/3500
Statistic Bonuses: Strength +3, Magic +1, Spirit +1, Magic Defense +1
Description: Hair ornament enchanted with various powers, worn by women. Raises
Ice Elemental Attack.

Item Name: Battle Boots
Buy/Sell: 6500/10500
Statistic Bonuses: Strength +2, Defense +2, Magic Defense +1
Description: Combat boots.

Item Name: Black Belt
Buy/Sell: 4000/5500
Statistic Bonuses: Strength +2, Spirit +2, Defense +1
Description: Belt that raises strength. Raises Wind Elemental Attack.

Item Name: Cachusha
Buy/Sell: 1000/1500
Statistic Bonuses: Speed +1, Magic +2, Spirit +1, Magic Defense +1
Description: Hair ornament enchanted with various powers, worn by women. Raises
Fire Elemental Attack.

Item Name: Coral Ring
Buy/Sell: 1200/2000
Statistic Bonuses: Spirit +2, Magic Evade +3
Description: Ring adorned by corals. Absorbs Thunder Elemental Attack.

Item Name: Dark Matter
Buy/Sell: N/A / 1
Statistic Bonuses: Strength +3, Magic +2
Description: Deals damage to the target. Equip as an add-on.

Item Name: Desert Boots
Buy/Sell: 300/750
Statistic Bonuses: Magic +1, Spirit +1, Evade +2
Description: Boots with good traction. Elemental Defense: Earth damage reduced
by 50-percent.

Item Name: Diamond
Buy/Sell: N/A /1
Statistic Bonuses: None
Description: Restores HP. It cannot be used in the field.

Item Name: Emerald
Buy/Sell: N/A / 1
Statistic Bonuses: None
Description: Restores HP. It cannot be used in the field.

Item Name: Extension
Buy/Sell: 3500/5000
Statistic Bonuses: Strength +1, Spirit +1, Defense +1, Magic +2, Magic Defense
Description: Hair ornament enchanted with various powers, worn by women. Raises
Thunder Elemental Attack.

Item Name: Fairy Earrings
Buy/Sell: 3200/3000
Statistic Bonuses: Evade +4, Magic Evade +2, Spirit +2
Description: Earrings that raise Spirit. Raises Wind Elemental Attack.

Item Name: Feather Boots
Buy/Sell: 4000/3000
Statistic Bonuses: Evade +3
Description: Boots that are as light as a feather. Absorbs Earth-Elemental

Item Name: Garnet
Buy/Sell: 350/1
Statistic Bonuses: None
Description: Restores HP. It cannot be used in the field.

Item Name: Germinas Boots
Buy/Sell: 900/2000
Statistic Bonuses: Strength +1, Evade +2
Description: Boots that raise strength. Raises Earth Elemental Attack.

Item Name: Glass Buckle
Buy/Sell: 500/800
Statistic Bonuses: Magic Evade +5, Strength +1, Magic +1, Spirit +2
Description: Buckle protected by mysterious powers.

Item Name: Gold Choker
Buy/Sell: 1300/2000
Statistic Bonuses: Evade +2, Magic +2, Magic Defense +1
Description: Magic choker. Elemental Defense: Wind damage reduced by 50
percent. Raises Shadow elemental attack.

Item Name: Madain's Ring
Buy/Sell: 3000/3750
Statistic Bonuses: Spirit +2, Magic Defense +2
Description: Ring used as a charm since ancient times. Absorbs Ice Elemental

Item Name: Magician Shoes
Buy/Sell: 1500/3750
Statistic Bonuses: Magic +2, Magic Evade +6
Description: Shoes packed with magic.

Item Name: Maiden Prayer
Buy/Sell: N/A / 1
Statistic Bonuses: Magic +1, Magic Defense +1, Magic Evade +3
Description: Item that has a nice fragrance. Raises Holy Elemental Attack.

Item Name: Moonstone
Buy/Sell: N/A / 1
Statistic Bonuses: None
Description: Restores HP. It cannot be used in the field.

Item Name: Opal
Buy/Sell: 100/1
Statistic Bonuses: None
Description: Restores HP. It cannot be used in the field.

Item Name: Pearl Rouge
Buy/Sell: 5000/2000
Statistic Bonuses: Magic Evade +4, Spirit +4, Magic +2
Description: Rouge worn by women, that draws out holy power. Elemental Defense:
Holy damage reduced by 50 percent. Raises Water Elemental Attack.

Item Name: Peridot
Buy/Sell: 100/1
Statistic Bonuses: None
Description: Restores HP. It cannot be used in the field.

Item Name: Phoenix Pinion
Buy/Sell: 300/1000
Statistic Bonuses: None
Description: Cures KO. It cannot be used in the field.

Item Name: Power Belt
Buy/Sell: 2000/3500
Statistic Bonuses: Defense +2, Strength +3
Description: Belt that raises strength.

Item Name: Promist Ring
Buy/Sell: 6000/4500
Statistic Bonuses: Strength +2, Evade +3
Description: Ring that raises Strength

Item Name: Protect Ring
Buy/Sell: 40000/20000
Statistic Bonuses: Spirit +1, Defense +2, Evade +4, Magic Defense +3, Magic
Evade +6
Description: Protects you from various attacks.

Item Name: Pumice
Buy/Sell: 50000/1
Statistic Bonuses: Speed +1, Magic +1, Defense +1, Magic Defense +2
Description: "Summon the beast from the dark."

Item Name: Pumice Piece
Buy/Sell: 25000/1
Statistic Bonuses: Evade +5, Magic +2, Magic Defense +1, Strength +2
Description: "Put it together with the other piece." Absorbs Holy/Shadow
Elemental Attack.

Item Name: Rebirth Ring
Buy/Sell: 7000/5000
Statistic Bonuses: Spirit +4, Magic Defense +2
Description: Ring with a phoenixs power dwelling inside. Raises Holy Elemental

Item Name: Reflect Ring
Buy/Sell: 7000/3500
Statistic Bonuses: Spirit +1, Strength +1, Magic Defense +1
Description: Ring enchanted with the spell ¸reflect·.

Item Name: Ribbon
Buy/Sell: N/A / 1
Statistic Bonuses: Strength +1, Spirit +1, Defense +1, Evade +5, Magic +3,
Magic Defense +1, Magic Evade +4
Description: Item that always keeps Mog besides you. Absorbs Water/Wind
Elemental Attack. Elemental Defense: Fire/Ice/Thunder/Holy damage reduced by

Item Name: Rosetta Ring
Buy/Sell: 24000/18000
Statistic Bonuses: Defense +1, Evade +2, Magic +1, Magic Defense +3, Magic
Evade +2
Description: Ring with a fire gods spirit dwelling inside. Absorbs Fire
Elemental Attack.

Item Name: Ruby
Buy/Sell: N/A / 1
Statistic Bonuses: None
Description: Restores HP. It cannot be used in the field.

Item Name: Running Shoes
Buy/Sell: 12000/16500
Statistic Bonuses: Speed +2, Evade +4, Magic Evade +4
Description: Shoes that enable you to walk with light steps.

Item Name: Sandals
Buy/Sell: N/A / 600
Statistic Bonuses: None
Description: Provides a southern, tropical feel.

Item Name: Sapphire
Buy/Sell: 200/1
Statistic Bonuses: None
Description: Restores HP. It cannot be used in the field.

Item Name: Topaz
Buy/Sell: 100/1
Statistic Bonuses: None
Description: Restores HP. It cannot be used in the field.

Item Name: Yellow Scarf
Buy/Sell: 400/900
Statistic Bonuses: Strength +2, Magic Defense +1
Description: Scarf that raises Strength.


9. Bestiary


Bosses are in order of appearance.
Monsters and Optionals are in alphabetical order.


9.1 - Bosses


Boss Name: Masked Man
HP: 160
Steal: Mage Masher, Wrist, Potion
Party: Zidane (1), Cinna (1), Marcus (1), Blank (1)
Difficulty: Very Easy

This is one of the easiest boss fights in the game. The Masked Man only
attacks for around 20 damage to one character. Sometimes he trips up when he
is attacking and doesn't hit anyone for any damage at all! He tries to bounce
around when hitting, and doesn't go after any one character. This is good,
because no one (including the main character) should get even close to dying.
Your part has a pretty basic role in this battle. Since he does such little
damage, have everyone steal until you get all three items. There is no threat in
this battle, besides Cinna getting knocked out, but we can live with that. After
you get the items, start attacking him. You might notice that Zidane, Blank, and
Marcus do around 40 damage each, so he should be history in just a couple hits.


Boss Name: King Leo
HP: 200
Steal: N/A
Party: Zidane (1), Cinna (1), Marcus (1), Blank (1)
Difficulty: Very Easy

And you thought the first boss fight was easy! This fight is even easier! Steal
is replaced with SFX, which is stage magic that doesn't do any damage. Don't use
it unless you really want to see it. You don't need to take out King Leo's two
henchmen; they are insignificant in this battle. Just hack away on King Leo's
200 health, it should go down quiet fast. Don't worry if Cinna dies, that's the
only character that they can hit for more then 10 damage. This fight should only
last around 5 hits. King Leo and his two men often just use magic, so you might
find yourself unscratched at the end of this duel.


Boss Name: Steiner I
HP: 175
Steal: Leather Hat, Silk Shirt
Party: Zidane (1), Cinna (1), Blank (1)
Difficulty: Easy

Another (very) easy boss! He is almost as easy as Baku. His attacks do around
the twenties in damage. He might focus on one character, but for the most part
he attacks everyone evenly. Have all three of them steal from Steiner until you
get the Silk Shirt and Leather Hat. They can be used a little further in the
game, and sold after that. Once you have both of the items, hack away on
Steiner. If Zidane's life gets low (20 HP left), have Cinna throw a potion his
way to heal him. Blank and Cinna are not permanent characters, so we don't care
as much about them. They both can die for all we care! After you have taken 175
damage off of him, he will use Armor Break (you actually get to use this useless
sword art later in the game) and breaks Blank's armor. Oglop's will fly out and
on to the ground.


Boss Name: Steiner II
HP: 160
Steal: N/A
Party: Zidane (1), Vivi (1), Garnet (1), Marcus (1)
Difficulty: Easy

This is another very easy boss fight. This time Steiner has a little less HP,
but he has two of his Knights with him. Take the Knights out first. They have
around 50 HP, so they should be one hit kills for Zidane, since he should be
doing around 80 damage now. (With the Mage Masher, of course.) Marcus, on the
other hand, might need Garnet to give the other Knight a "love tap" to finish
him off. After that, have Vivi cast fire on Steiner. This will severely weaken
him, as Vivi does around 100 damage. Then have Zidane, or Marcus, or whoever you
can first finish off Steiner.


Boss Name: Steiner III
Steal: N/A
Party: Zidane (1), Vivi (1), Garnet (1), Marcus (1)
Difficulty: N/A

You might be wondering "Why doesn't Steiner have any HP?" Simple answer: In this
boss fight, all you have to do is survive three turns of the bomb growing. After
that the fight will end. Everyone will tell Steiner that there is a bomb right
behind him, but Steiner just thinks it's a trick. He's very right, that is
something that Zidane would do. (You'll see later in the game...) Just have
everyone do physical attacks on Steiner. You can't steal because SFX is still
there (Why!?) and there is no point in doing fancy magic or anything. After it
grows three times, this "fight" is over.


Boss Name: Prison Cage
HP: 500
Steal: N/A
Party: Zidane (3), Steiner (1)
Difficulty: Semi-Medium

Prison Cage can be a rather annoying boss if you let him be. He absorbs HP from
Garnet to heal himself. If he absorbs all of her HP then it's Game Over. So you
have to keep Garnet alive throughout the entire fight. He also uses Right and
Left Stem, but that damage is minimal on Zidane and Steiner. Now, you might
notice that Zidane has Tranced. This is very good because he can use Free Energy
on the Prison Cage for massive damage. So Zidane's role in this battle is to use
Free Energy until he loses Trance. At that time, he will assume the role of
hitting the Prison Cage and giving Garnet Potions when she has one third (1/3)
life left. Steiner's role in this battle is to attack and throw potions to
Garnet when needed. Once Zidane gets out of Trance, all Steiner needs to do is
hack away. Use Potions and Phoenix Downs as needed, but Right and Left Stem are
so pathetic you most likely won't even have to.


Boss Name: Prison Cage II
HP: 500
Steal: Broadsword, Leather Wrist
Party: Zidane (3), Steiner (1)
Difficulty: Semi-Medium

Now he has Vivi in his cage! You might think this fight will be harder, because
Zidane is not in Trance, but it isn't. Vivi uses Fire on the Prison Cage for
around 75 damage per hit every turn. This more then makes up for not being in
Trance. Have both Steiner and Zidane hack away with attacks. You also must
remember, though, that the Prison Cage can kill Vivi and give you a Game Over!
You have to keep him alive, just like Garnet. Throw potions with Zidane when
needed. The reason not to have Steiner do it is because Steiner does more damage
then Zidane.


Boss Name: Baku
HP: 200
Steal: Iron Sword, Hi-Potion
Party: Zidane (3)
Difficulty: Easy

Baku is almost as easy as Steiner, and that's saying a lot! His attacks do
around 25 damage on Zidane. This is next to nothing. On top of that, he trips up
sometimes and doesn't do any damage on Zidane! You want to start off by stealing
until you get both the Iron Sword and Hi-Potion. The Iron Sword is better then
the Broadsword Steiner has equipped and the Hi-Potion can be sold or used when
you get to higher levels. Overall, both items are more then worth a little
punishment with Baku. After you get both items, hack away with Zidane. He only
has 200 HP, so it won't take very long.


Boss Name: Plant Brain
HP: 900
Steal: Iron Helm, Eye Drops
Party: Zidane (4), Steiner (3), Vivi (3), Blank (3)
Difficulty: Semi-Medium

The Plant Brain is a pretty easy boss battle if you use your skills correctly.
All his HP makes him seem like he will be very hard, but he isn't because of
that. He is because he is the first enemy you will fight that does "party"
damage. His Thunder will attack everyone. His physical attacks aren't too
shabby, either. However, Plant Brain has a weakness to fire. Vivi can cast Fire
and Steiner can do his Fire Sword for massive damage. You will get around 400
damage with Steiner, and 120 damage with Vivi. So why even give it a Semi-
medium? The reason for this is because you will want to steal the Iron Helm from
him, so you might have to survive a lot of attacks. Blank will come in after a
lot of his HP is gone and help out. From here, Plant Brain is almost dead. Have
both Zidane and Blank steal if you haven't gotten the Iron Helm already. If you
have, or when you do, give Steiner and Vivi the green light to finish the Plant
Brain off. A big note here is that Plant Brain will often put darkness on you.
This blinds you when you attack. I would like to say that this is only when you
attack him PHYSICALLY, not MAGICALLY. Magic is not affected by darkness. So,
have Steiner and Vivi weaken the Plant Brain for Blank to come. Then Blank and
Zidane steal until they get the Iron Helm, while Steiner and Vivi defend (press
left) or heal. After that, have Vivi or Steiner finish him off. Pretty easy,


Boss Name: Black Waltz #1 & Sealion
HP: 250 (Black Waltz #1), 500 (Sealion)
Steal: Silk Shirt, (Black Waltz #1), Ether, Mythril Dagger (Sealion)
Party: Zidane (7)
Difficulty: Semi-Medium

At first, this seems like a hell of a battle, because you are only controlling
Zidane, but it really isn't. Zidane will trance in this battle; his gauge goes
bonkers when he gets hit by an attack. When he does, this battle will be easy.
But first, let me explain the enemy. Black Waltz #1 heals the Sealion with his
Blizzard spell when you try to attack it. He also fires Blizzard at you for
around 75 damage. The Sealion uses Tsunami, which does around 75 damage also.
This may seem like too much, but it really isn't. When the battle starts, just
have Zidane steal from the Sealion. The Ether and Mythril Dagger are very
valuable to your party. Heal when you get low on health. When he trances, it is
finally time to kill. If you haven't gotten the Mythril Dagger yet, then reset.
Have Zidane use Free Energy on the SEALION. It will do around 350 damage. Now
you might be asking "What? It will get healed with Blizzard!" Simple answer is
that the Black Waltz will only be able to heal 150 HP back. This means that you
make 200 HP in the process. And how much HP does the Sealion have? Just 500 HP.
Three Free Energies and he is toast (or frozen). Black Waltz is really easy to
defeat with him out of the picture. Just use regular attacks. Now, if you hadn't
done that little trick and ended up killing Black Walts first, Sealion will go
bonkers and do crazy attacks on you. So, the only real easy way to make this
battle cake is to take out Sealion first.


Boss Name: Black Waltz #2
HP: 1,000
Steal: Leather Plate, Steepled Hat
Party: Zidane (7), Vivi (7), Dagger (7), Steiner (7)
Difficulty: Semi-Medium

The second Black Waltz is a lot more powerful then the first, but not as smart.
He doesn't summon anything and make life miserable for you. All he does is
attack. But boy does he attack! He does three spells, them obviously being Fire,
Thunder, and Blizzard. After you take enough of his HP away they will turn into
the 'ra forms, Fira, Thundara, and Blizzara. He also uses Osmoses to drain MP
from someone at this time. The good thing about this fight is that, unlike the
previous battle, you have a full party with you. He has some good stuff to
steal, so have Zidane steal until he has at least the Leather Plate. Then he can
start hacking away. Steiner should use Fire Sword until the Black Waltz says
uncle, or until he runs out of MP. At which case, he should just hack away with
Zidane. Dagger will take the role of a healer, since she is suppose to be a
healer, and has Cure. Use Cure as needed. Lastly, Vivi needs to attack and heal.
But DO NOT use magic on him. Why? If he does, the Black Waltz will counterattack
with the same magic on the entire party. This is very bad and not worth it. So,
Vivi is a healer and attacker. With Zidane and Steiner hacking away, and Dagger
Curing, this battle should be pretty easy.


Boss Name: Black Waltz #3
HP: 1,150
Steal: Linen Cuirass, Silver Gloves, Steepled Hat
Party: Zidane (7), Vivi (7), Steiner (7)
Difficulty: Easy

There's only three, so there won't be another one of these things. The last one
is always the most powerful. Doesn't matter much, as Vivi will trance. Now he
has double black magic, he will throw out two spells in one turn! Oh right, back
to the boss. This Black Waltz uses Fira, Blizzara, and Thundara at while, unlike
the other two. He also does physical attacks sometimes. Overall though, they do
around 100-150 damage each. Back to the fighters. You will see that the Black
Waltz has some pretty good stuff to steal. Have Zidane stick to stealing and
healing (as needed). Steiner should use Fire Sword, not Blizzard Sword, as the
first does more damage to him. Vivi should stick with Fire all the way. Steiner
will do around 280 damage and Vivi should do around 115 damage. Add up those
numbers to the total, and you will see that he should be toast in no time. I got
both the Linen Cuirass and Silver Gloves, but that was just a combination of
luck and my bandit skill, the latter being less useful.


Boss Name: Gizamaluke
HP: 3,200
Steal: Ice Staff, Magus Hat, Elixir
Party: Zidane (11), Vivi (11), Freya (11), Quina (11)
Difficulty: Hard

This is the hardest boss fight on disc one! Gizamaluke has three deadly attacks.
Crash, which does around 100 damage to one character. Water, which will hit
Freya and Zidane in the area of 100 damage. It will hit Vivi and Quina for
around 200 damage! When he gets low on HP he will use water on the whole party
for the same damage! Like I said, he's tough. He also has Silent Voice, which
will make a character unable to use magic! Okay, now onto the fight. I really
hope that you did what I said and got The Ogre, or this is going to be a lot
tougher. If you did, which you should have done, have Zidane use Soul Blade on
the beast and he will be blind him. Now when he uses crash he will miss a
majority of the time! Now that we got one attack out of the way, let's get the
others. Have Vivi use Slow on Gizamaluke. If it doesn't stick the first time, do
it a couple times and it will. Now he attacks a lot slower! Okay, now onto
Freya. Freya should use Lancer on Gizamaluke until she runs out of MP, or until
he silences her. At which case, you will want to her to jump. Lastly, we have a
small role for Quina. If you stole the Needle Fork, then it has a chance to do a
lot of damage (around 600). Physically attack with Quina, and when Quina's HP
gets low have s/he use Pumpkin Head for a couple hundred damage! Vivi should use
Thunder on Gizamaluke until he silences him. This should happen after he first
time he does it. Then his role will be to heal everyone with potions. Back to
Zidane, after he casts Soul Blade on Gizamaluke he can either steal the Ice
Staff (which you will get a little further), an Elixir (which are valuable), or
he can attack him. Now we have to talk about the damage YOU will do to
Gizamaluke. He will be blinded and slow, so he will go a lot slower in his
attacks and he will use crash (stupidly) occasionally and miss. You will do
around 275 damage with Freya's Lancer every turn and the same amount of damage
with her Jump every other turn. Zidane will do around 400, but he might not even
get a chance if he is stealing. Quina is pretty random; her needle fork will do
anywhere from 120 to 600 damage. Vivi will only do 120 damage on Gizamaluke with
Thunder before he gets silenced, but we will need him to heal anyway. Overall,
this is one tough boss fight!


Boss Name: Beatrix
HP: 3,000
Steal: Mythril Sword, Chain Plate, Phoenix Down
Party: Zidane (12), Vivi (12), Freya (12), Quina (12)
Difficulty: Medium

We finally get to fight the best swordsman in the land! Yay! Beatrix is a lot
easier then this, however. She's actually pretty easy. She uses four attacks in
this fight. Shock, which will do around 750 damage to one character. This attack
will kill any character in your party unless you are at a high level. Thunder
Slash, which is magic and does about damage. Her regular attack, which does the
same as Thunder Slash. And last, but definitely not least, Stock Break. She will
only use this at the end of the fight, and everyone's HP will go to 1. It's sort
of ironic, though, how everyone's HP will go to 1 but in actuality Quina can use
Limit Glove for 9999 damage. Weird. Anyway, this battle is pretty tough if you
let it be. Sometimes Beatrix abuses Shock and overuses it. I had to use around
four phoenix downs in this fight because she would keep using it! Since she
doesn't really have anything good to steal, I don't advise it. You should have
Zidane attack all the way. He should take off around 400 HP every hit. Vivi's
job is to cast Slow on Beatrix. This will make her attack a lot less often, and
it usually sticks on the first try. Then have him cast Thundara until the cows
come home. It should do around 500 damage every time! Freya should be using
Lancer until she runs out of MP, and then Jump. This should do around 300
damage. She also should take the role as a healer if Beatrix tries to abuse
Shock. Lastly, Quina should be a full time healer. S/he should be throwing
Phoenix Downs, Potions, Hi-Potions, whatever. Throw in some attacks and Pumpkin
Head if Quina's HP gets low. This fight really shouldn't last that long unless
Beatrix keeps taking out Zidane and Vivi and you have to throw Phoenix Downs a
lot. You do not have to take off all of Beatrix's HP, all you have to do is last
around 7-10 turns. She will use Stock Break after that, and bring everyone's HP
to 1.


Boss Name: Black Waltz #3 II
HP: 1,250
Steal: Flame Staff, Lightning Staff, Steepled Hat
Party: Dagger (7), Steiner (7), Marcus (7)
Difficulty: Easy

Hey hey... don't blame me. I didn't know that this demon was going to survive
the explosion and magically end up here! Anyway, this fight is really easy. The
Black Waltz is persistent, but this time you cannot lose. Trust me, I tried. The
first time I fought him I had Marcus kill Steiner and then had Dagger beat up on
Marcus. Then, when Dagger is left, the Black Waltz will crack his back every
turn for 250 damage on him. Basically, you cannot lose. I then booted up the
last save and tried this fight over. This time I actually fought. Steiner and
Marcus should physically attack. Since Vivi's not in the party, Steiner can't do
Fire Sword. Marcus is a lot worse of a stealer then Zidane, so don't have him
steal. You can get those items at Treno, anyway. Have Dagger heal with Cure and
this fight should be easy. The Black Waltz has the same attacks as the time
before, but he also has Freeze. This will stop a character. Pathetically, most
of the time he uses Fire on the character afterwards and unfreezes them. His
attacks do little damage, and with Dagger healing, you shouldn't have a problem.


Boss Name: Ralvurahva
HP: 2500
Steal: Mythril Fork, Bone Wrist
Party: Dagger (14), Steiner (14), Marcus (10)
Difficulty: Medium

This battle can be pretty tough if Ralvurahva makes it be. He usually is a
pansy, though. He has a handful of attacks. The most deadly of these is Mini, it
will turn a character into that status. This is far by the worst status in the
game, it makes a character completely useless. They will do A LOT less damage.
He only does this sometimes, though. He has an attack called String, which will
put a character with the Slow ability. This isn't anywhere near as bad as Mini,
but he uses String a lot. He also has an attack called Devil's Kiss, which will
rarely inflict poison on you. And then he has what he attacks with the most;
Blizzara. You will be happy when he casts this, it only does around 100 damage!
You will want Steiner to attack, and he will heal himself with the Blood Sword.
Marcus should stick to attacking, stealing is way too rare with him. Dagger
should heal Marcus and herself if need be. Ralvurahva is guarded verse silence
so don't even try it! You should be doing around 500 damage with Steiner and 300
damage with Marcus. Dagger should only do around 50, but it will be her job to
heal. Overall this battle gets a medium, it can be painful if he abuses Slow and


Boss Name: Antlion
HP: 4000
Steal: Gold Helm, Mythril Vest
Party: Zidane (15), Vivi (15), Freya (15), Quina (15)
Difficulty: Semi-Medium

This boss fight isn't very tough. The Antlion has three attacks. The first one,
which we should all be familiar with, is called Fira. This will do around 200
damage on one person. It's not to bad, it can be healed. Then we have Counter
Horn, which is Antlion's counterattack. He will use this often, but it normally
misses. In my fight it missed 5 times. It's not a reliable counterattack. When
it does hit, though, it does around 200 damage. The last attack that Antlion
uses is one that you should be doesn't abuse. He rarely uses Sandstorm. This is
an attack that hits everyone's HP to the critical stage. This is the yellow
stage in HP, it will bring everyone's HP down to around 50-70. This attack is
similar to Beatrix's Shock Break, but you can fight back this time. When Antlion
uses this, you should quickly counter with Quina's White Wind. This will restore
200 HP to everyone in the party and give you time to heal more. He shouldn't
abuse Sandstorm, I only saw it once in the whole fight. I say "Whole Fight" as
if the fight was long. This was a very short fight. Zidane should be physically
attacking and not stealing. You can get most of those items a little later in
the game. Vivi, who will be your god of the fight, should abuse the usage of
Blizzara. Since Antlion uses Fira, we know that he's weak to Blizzara! This
should do a huge 1000 damage to Antlion. Now you know why this fight doesn't
last very long. Freya should use Lancer like theirs no tomorrow. This should do
around 300 damage. Also, when Antlion uses Sandstorm, have Freya use Reis' Wind.
This will restore everyone's HP 1/16 every turn. It is extremely good when
Antlion uses Sandstorm, as it almost completely counters it. Lastly, Quina
should be the healer of the fight. Quina's job should be throwing both Potions
and Hi-Potions as needed. If Quina has any free turns to attack, please do so.
The Needle Fork is a gamble, sometimes it will do 200 damage and sometimes 600
damage. Obviously, when Antlion uses Sandstorm have Quina use White Wind. If,
however, you have kept track of how much damage you have inflicted on Antlion
throughout the fight, and see how much HP Quina has and s/he's maximum, you can
finish Antlion off with Pumpkin Head. Remember that Pumpkin Head does your
maximum HP minus the HP you have currently, always. When you get down to
critical stage, this might be the end of the fight!


Boss Name: Beatrix II
HP: 5,000
Steal: Ice Brand, Thunder Gloves
Party: Zidane (16), Vivi (16), Freya (16), Quina (16)
Difficulty: Medium

Beatrix is back. The same outcome will occur, just as last time. It all ends
with a Stock Break, which brings everyone's HP down to 1. Anyway, you don't have
to take all 5,000 HP off, just wait until she uses Stock Break on you. Beatrix
has a couple attacks, but it's all the same stuff from last time. Shock on a
character will do around 800 damage. She might choose to abuse this, and in the
battle I fought she used it 3 times. That means three deaths. Shock is far by
her worst attack. She uses Thunder Slash again, for around 450 damage. This
attack isn't that bad, at least compared to Shock. Of course, she also has her
regular physical attacks. You will be praying for these, as they do around 200-
300 damage. Oh, and it seems that the developers decided to give Beatrix Cure in
this battle. It will cure her 750 damage, but she doesn't use it much. Now, onto
are characters. Zidane should be attacking, as usual. Beatrix doesn't have
anything really good to steal, you can get most of it now or a little later in
the game. Vivi should be casting Thundara, or any other 'ra spell he has. The
order of how much damage they will do on Beatrix is: Thundara, Blizzara, and
Fira. So if you have one or two, or all three, just spam Thundara. Freya should
be using Lancer like she always does. This should continue to do around 500
damage. When she runs out of MP, have her Jump and heal. Quina is going to be
the healer if this fight. S/he should be throwing Phoenix Downs and Potions
right and left. Have Quina use White Wind if things get ugly on all the
characters. Rather then that, just wait until Beatrix uses Stock Break.


Boss Name: Tantarian (Disc 2)
HP: 20000
Steal: Silver Fork, Demon's Mail, Elixir, Ether
Party: Zidane (16), Vivi (16), Freya (16), Steiner (20)
Difficulty: Very Hard

Please read this whole strategy before fighting! You can fight the Tantarian at
Disc Two and Three. This strategy will cover disc two. Before we start, I would
like to say that fighting him in disc two is a MAJOR MISTAKE UNLESS YOU HAVE THE
PROPER EQUIPMENT. You should at least have Bio with Vivi, and everyone has to
have Auto-Potion. If you don't have Bio, then substitute one of the 'ra's for
it. Why do you need Auto-Potion? When Tantarian attacks, he usually does Paper
Storm. This is a horrible attack that will do around 500 damage to everyone in
the party! So if you wanted to heal you would have to blow all your turns. So,
Auto-Potion is a must for this fight. He also has Edge. This is a good attack
because it will only hit one character for 800 damage. If Steiner gets hit with
this then use Minus Strike on him for great damage. Okay, now before we continue
Tantarian has two forms: Book Form and Cute Form. In Book Form he wreaks havoc
on the party with all of his attacks. He also wastes turns looking for his cute
form. He will keep going to pages until he finds it. You have to inflict a lot
of HP off of him before he finds cute form. You will do little damage to him in
this form, so just keep attacking him. When he changes to cute form, DO NOT
PHYSICALLY ATTACK HIM! He will close his book and go back to Book Form again!
However, you can attack him with magic. Have Vivi use his best spell and Steiner
use Magic Sword. Freya should use Lancer and Zidane should steal and heal the
party. This is at Cute Form, however. At Book Form, have everyone hack away with
Magic and Physical attacks to get him to book form. Zidane should attack and
steal. Vivi should use his best magic. Steiner should use Magic Sword/Attack.
Lastly, Freya should heal and attack. Don't worry if you run low on magic, just
use ethers. This battle should take a very long time, so try to get here as fast
as possible for your time limit. I hope that you have a lot of Hi-Potions,
Potions, and Phoenix Downs, or you will fall. Chemist on Freya is also needed so
she can be a better healer.


Boss Name: Zorn
HP: 5000
Steal: Stardust Rod, Partisan
Party: Zidane (17), Vivi (17), Freya (17), Steiner (20)
Difficulty: Very Easy

Boss Name: Thorn
HP: 3000
Steal: Mythril Armor
Party: Zidane (17), Vivi (17), Freya (17), Steiner (20)
Difficulty: Very Easy

At first, all the HP both of them have might discourage you. Don't, this battle
is pretty easy. You must be glad you finally get to fight your comic relief.
Anyway, neither Zorn nor Thorn attacks regularly. They have to give power to
each other. In the next turn, they will unleash this power upon you. It can be
pretty devastating if you let it be. However, if you have someone attack one of
them, and the other three attack the other, their power is neutralized! This
means no attacks on you! You will only need to kill one of them before they give
up. So, focus your power on Thorn, because he has less HP. Then have one other
character hit Zorn so he doesn't use any attacks. Have Zidane, Vivi, and Steiner
attack Thorn and Freya attack Zorn. This will make it so neither of them can use
their powers. Okay, let's start out with Freya. Freya will attack Zorn
physically to neutralize his power. That's it. Don't have her jump or use
Lancer. Her job is to neutralize his power. Got it? Good. Okay, now onto Thorn.
Have Zidane attack, Vivi use Thundara, and Steiner use Thundara Sword. This
fight won't last long. Zidane will do around 600 damage, Vivi will do 700
damage, and Steiner will do 1700 damage! This is a pathetically easy fight! Zorn
and Thorn will jump to the back row, and this fight will be over.


Boss Name: Beatrix III
HP: 6000
Steal: Ice Brand, Survival Vest
Party: Zidane (17), Vivi (17), Freya (17), Steiner (20)
Difficulty: Semi-Medium

Beatrix again. Sigh. This is getting boring. She has the same old moves as last
time. Shock is not the all end attack anymore, however. It should only do around
500 damage. That's more then curable. Thunder Slash is almost pathetic now, it
does a mere 250 damage. They replaced Stock Break with Climhazzard, it's the
same move but it looks cooler. You might notice that Beatrix is a lot easier in
this fight. Her attacks do a lot less and she doesn't abuse Shock. Zidane should
stick to attacking because she has nothing worth stealing. The Ice Brand isn't
all that exciting and the Survival Vest is old. He should do around 500 damage
per hit. Vivi should use Thundara exclusively, it will do the most out of the
three 'ra's. This will do around 700 damage. Steiner, who will be your valiant
knight, should use Thundara Sword. This will do around 1,500 damage. Freya is
the healer as always. You should have Auto-Potion by now on all characters,
however. If Freya isn't healing, she should do her usual Lancer move. This will
do around 500 damage. As you can see, the party has grown a lot stronger, but
Beatrix hasn't. This makes this fight pretty boring. She might use Cure; but it
is a useless move. She will only cure herself 800 damage, while the party will
be taking around 3,000 damage off of her per group turn. If the game had not
ended it with Climhazzard, you would have been able to defeat her.


Boss Name: Ralvuimago
HP: 3500
Steal: Oak Staff, Adaman Vest
Difficulty: Very Easy
Party: Zidane (17), Vivi (17), Dagger (14)

This battle is ridiculously easy. Ralvuimago is not the other snake you
encountered, he is a little stronger and has better attacks. When you attack him
physically, he will become compact. This will give him huge defense. Your
attacks will be like you have the mini status effect. If you attack him
physically while he is compact, he will use a move called Power of the Land. It
does a lot of damage to everyone, including himself. However, it is earth type
damage, so it will heal him. Don't attack him while he is compact! Ralvuimago
has a move called Ultra Sound Wave. These will mini a character, and render them
useless. You cannot cure this status effect yet, so it's time to fret. He has
Thundara, which will do around 150 damage to each party member. Lastly,
Ralvuimago has Stab, his physical attack. This will only do around 200 damage to
one character, so it's no big deal. Okay, so why give this guy a Very Easy, you
might be asking? Well, I just stumbled over something to abuse in this fight.
Ralvuimago has to use a turn to become compact, and he can't attack unless you
hit him while he is compact. So what is there to abuse? Well, what I did was
have Zidane attack physically. He would become compact and waste a turn. Then I
had everyone defend, and he uncompacted. After that, I had Zidane hit him
physically again and he became compacted again. You see where I am going here?
He can't touch you if he has to waste a move to compact and uncompact, so this
battle can even be done slowly with Zidane attacking like that. However, most of
you don't want to do that because it would be a yawnathon. So, have Vivi cast
Slow and Dagger cast Blind on the snake. This makes him go a lot slower and his
physical attacks will miss often. Now, have Vivi spam Thundara until the cows
come home. This will do around 750 damage each time. Dagger can be the healer
with Cura. Lastly, Zidane can steal the stuff he has and heal. If Ralvuimago
uses Ultra Power Wave on Vivi, then use the above tactic with Zidane. It might
take a little while, but you will have no chance of losing.


Boss Name: Lani
HP: 6000
Steal: Coral Sword, Gladius, Ether
Party: Zidane (18), Vivi (18), Dagger (18), Quina (18)
Difficulty: Medium

Lani really isn't that hard of a boss. The simple reason why I give her a medium
is because of her arsenal of attacks. She has every single one of the 'ra
spells, which will do around 300 damage to one character. She sometimes wastes a
turn to scan someone to find his or her weakness, and then uses the appropriate
spell. That's a big waste of two turns, in my opinion. You also might find her
use Aera if the character's weakness is Wind. No big deal there either. Her big
attack in this fight is Water. Water is pretty devastating. It does 300 damage
to every character. That's really bad. However, she doesn't abuse this power.
You might see her use it once or twice in the fight, but that's it. Oh, and she
has physical attacks, but they are just like a spell. I want you to watch out
for Dagger and Vivi. They have low health, so 300 damage here and 300 damage
there and they are goners. If you are the recommended level, then you should
have around 550 HP with Dagger and 650 HP with Vivi. These two characters are
key to this battle, so keep them in tip top shape, capiche? Anyway, onto
character duties. Zidane should be physically attacking Lani, he should be doing
around 1000 damage each hit. Vivi's job is to cast any of the 'ra spells or Bio.
All the 'ra spells will do the same damage, Lani is a pretty steady character in
the weaknesses department. Dagger should cast Blind on Lani the first turn; this
will make her physical attacks laughable. Afterwards, she should cure people
with spells and medical items as needed. Abuse Cure, it is still a good
restoration ability. Quina's role in this fight is to be on standby when Lani
does Water. When she does, Quina should Counter with White Wind. This will make
her Water attack pretty useless. Quina should stick to attacking and healing as
needed. When I attacked with Quina I only did around 50 damage. I didn't know
what gived, but throughout the entire fight Quina would only do 50 damage. So
Quina can also heal. With Zidane and Vivi attacking, while Dagger and Quina are
healing, there is almost no way you can lose. Lani gets a medium because even
though she has some great attacks, your party is so medically strong that it
wouldn't make a difference. She isn't like Beatrix; She doesn't have any 800
damage attack that will completely kill you.


Boss Name: Hilgigars
HP: 8000
Steal: Mythril Fork, Phoenix Down
Party: Zidane (23), Dagger (23), Vivi (23), Eiko (23)
Difficulty: Easy

This is a very easy fight if you are at the recommended levels. Hilgigars' is
very easy because your party is a lot more advanced then him; Zidane will take
on someone with 8000 HP ALONE just a little later in this game. Hilgigars' is
lucky enough to have four attacks. First off, he has Knock Down. This is
basically a physical attack; Hilgigars hits one person for around 400 damage.
Dagger or Eiko can easily heal this will Cura, and you should have Auto-Potion
equipped. So, this can be completely countered with healing. Second off, he has
Hishop. This is an attack where he jumps up in the air and falls on someone. It
might sound painful, but it only does around 400 damage, also. Again, it can be
easily countered with Dagger/Eiko or Auto-Potion. Third off, he has Earthquake.
This is the most powerful attack he has. It will do around 300 damage to all
party members. Luckily, everyone should have Auto-Potion equipped, so it will
effectively be countered on its own. Heal whoever gets hit by a single attack on
the following turn. Finally, he has Curaga. This may not seem like an attack,
but Hilgigars' does have a tendency of abusing Curage. It heals 2250 damage,
which is really good. It's 1/4 of his HP. He wastes a turn to use this, so you
should inflict just as much or more damage with his wasted turn. Okay, let's go
to character duties. Zidane should not be a thief here, so don't have him steal.
Neither are worth it, you can buy both at your local store. So, he should be
attacking. He should be doing around 1200 damage each hit. This is pretty good.
Next, we have young Vivi. His role is to cast Bio repeatedly. This should do
around 1400 damage each time. Hilgigars' has pretty low HP for your level. If
you weren't anywhere near the recommended level, then I would suggest you have
Vivi cast Slow first. Dagger should heal as necessary (see above) and use Ramuh.
Again, if you are at a lot lower level you can have her cast Silence. This will
make this battle really easy, as it takes away Earthquake from Hilgigars. Please
note that you cannot blind him, he has a guard to that. Eiko should be right
next to Dagger in this battle. I mean this in more ways then one. Eiko should
heal with Dagger, and use Fenrir. Also have her Silence if you want to. This
battle is very easy; Even if you are at an extremely low level you can win. It's
just so... easy.


Boss Name: Soulcage
HP: 10000 // 1
Steal: Brigandine, Oak Staff
Party: Zidane (26), Vivi (26), Dagger (25), Eiko (25)
Difficulty: Very Easy

This is the easiest boss fight in disc two by far. Soulcage has some pretty mean
attacks, but he won't even get to use them! Why? Well, Soulcage is undead! This
means that if you throw a Phoenix Down or cast Life on him, all he will need is
one hit to die! This makes this fight EXTREMELY easy! Merely have someone throw
a Phoenix Down, and the next character physically attack Soulcage. Even if you
do 2 damage, Soulcage will fall! There is no need to steal any of his items; you
can get them at the next shop. So, finish him off without any mercy!


Boss Name: Scarlet Hair
HP: 9000
Steal: Poison Knuckles, Ether
Party: Zidane (26)
Difficulty: Easy

Despite what some people say, Scarlet Hair is an absolute PUSHOVER if you fight
him correctly. See, Scarlet Hair is extremely fast and will move all over the
place. When he moves, your attacks on him will be severely weakened. However, he
can't attack you when he moves, either. So it's actually more beneficial for you
because while he jumping around you can throw a Hi-Potion on yourself. When he
says, "Here I go!" he will go in and attack you. This is your cue to attack him
now. Take 2-3 hacks at him, then he will move around again. Do not attack him
while he is moving because one, the damage will be weakened, and two, he will
counterattack. I highly advise that you have Auto-Potion and Counter equipped,
it will make this fight a lot easier. See, Scarlet Hair only moves and attacks,
he does not do any throw, Flairs, heals, or anything. All he does is move and
attack. You know that you can find a strategy when we have a one-minded opponent
such as him. The big secret strategy is counterattack! This will counter nearly
every time he attacks you, giving you twice as many attacks. Auto-Potion with
Hi-Potions will make this battle pathetically easy, even if he hits you for a
couple hundred damage you will just cure it back. Now, the first time I fought
him I had the bright idea to use "The Ogre." Why? Well, with Soul Blade and The
Ogre's Darkness status effect, I thought I could blind him and it would be even
easier. This, however, will not work as he is guarded to darkness. So don't even
try it. So, what's your plan of attack now that I have rambled on about him?
Simple. When he moves around, heal/defend/wait. He wastes turns while he moves
around, but since he is so fast his next turn will come momentarily. When he
says, "Here I go!" he will go in and attack you. He should attack you 2-3 times
before he moves around again. This is your attacking period, also. Just remember
that, since both of you have counter, you should get some nasty counterattacks.
Auto-Potion with Hi-Potion will make this fight insanely easy.


Boss Name: Catoblepas (Treno Equipment Shop Monster -- Disc Three)
HP: 4000
Steal: N/A
Party: Zidane (28)
Difficulty: Semi-Hard
Reward: 15,000 Gil

You will be fighting Catoblepas as a regular enemy soon in the game, so I think
that you should be able to defeat him. The tough part is he has Devil's Kiss,
which will freeze you every time. You have to equip the ability called Body Temp
before the battle starts. If you don't, more then likely his first attack will
be Devil's Kiss. Catoblepas doesn't have more then that, though. He has
Thundara, which is a semi-deadly attack. It does around 500 damage to you. This
is why I told you to equip Auto-Potion; you can quickly heal this in a matter of
seconds. Catoblepas also has Earthquake. This is an earth-based attack that does
around 300 damage each time. If you don't have Auto-Potion, buy a Feather Boot
add on. This absorbs earth damage. Catoblepas uses Earthquake around 50% of the
time so he will you! Absorb = Heal. Auto-Potion and Feather Boots make this
fight pathetically easy. Catoblepas didn't stand a chance against me, besides
Devil's Kiss. Just hack away with attacks on him, you should be doing around
1,000 damage each time. This makes the battle pathetically easy as Catoblepas
only has 4,000 HP. It's a very easy 15,000 Gil, if you ask me.


Boss Name: Tantarian (Disc 3)
HP: 20000
Steal: Elixir, Silver Fork
Party: Zidane (28), Vivi (28), Freya (18), Amarant (27)
Difficulty: Semi-Medium

Please read this whole strategy before fighting! You can fight the Tantarian at
Disc Two and Three. This strategy will cover disc three. Fighting Tantarian in
disc three is where you are supposed to fight him. I will cover all the aspects
of him and this fight, but let us take a look at preparation first.

Preparation: * All characters must be at recommended levels.
------------ * Zidane must have stolen normally throughout the entire game.
This doesn't mean you went bonkers when stealing; it just means
you stole items occasionally. This is for Thievery.
* Everyone must have Auto-Potion equipped, and you must have a
strong supply of Hi-Potions.
* Amarant must be in the process of learning Chakra. If he isn't,
then equip the Cat's Claw.
* Vivi must have an Oak Staff to cast Bio. (Substitution: 'ra's)
* Everyone must have the best equipment they can get this far in
the game. This is so they survive attacks.
* Freya should know, or have her learn, the chemist ability.

Overview: Tantarian has two forms: Book Form and Cute Form. In Book Form,
--------- which is the form that you will start the battle with, Tantarian
will almost be unmatched in all attacks. You will only do around 50
damage to him per attack. It is almost like being Mini'd.
Tantarian will use two attacks in this form: Edge and Paper Storm.
You will be happy when he does Edge on you; it will do around 600
damage to one character. When he does Paper Storm, however, it will
do 400 damage to the whole party! This is why it is imperative that
everyone knows Auto-Potion and you have 40-50 Hi-Potions in stock.
This will effectively counter both attacks. Now, besides this, Tan-
tarian will look for his cute form. He will waste turns sometimes
and try to find Cute Form in his book. He won't find it until you
have inflicted enough damage on him. When he turns to Cute Form, DO
NOT PHYSICALLY ATTACK HIM! He will close his book and you will be
back to Book Form. All you can do is use magic here. Tantarian will
use Poison in this stage only. After you have inflicted enough
damage on him again, he will return to Book Form. This is a pattern
which you must go through a couple times before he is defeated.

Attacks: Book Form
-------- ---------
* Edge is a physical attack that he does normally in Book Form. It
will do around 600 damage to one character. This can easily be
countered with Auto-Potion or Freya healing.
* Paper Storm is a magic attack that he does in Book Form. It will
do around 400 damage to every character. Auto-Potion can comple-
letely counter this attack. However, you will have to run out of
Hi-Potions some day...
* This is not an attack, but he normally looks for Cute Form in
his book. This doesn't do any damage to you, and actually gives
you a turn to attack more often. Overall, you want to see this.

Cute Form
* Poison is the only attack that he will use in Cute Form. It will
inflict damage and the Poison Status on a character. You will
need a character to throw an Antidote to counter this.

Character Duties:
Zidane: Zidane is going to be the "star" of your fight. He is the all star
in your team. With his Thievery Skill, he will be able to inflict
around 750 damage on Tantarian EVEN WHEN HE IS IN BOOK FORM! This
is absolutely amazing and a real lifesaver. The damage that is done
with Thievery is calculated with this formula: Number of items
stolen in game * Half of your current speed. This means that if you
stole 50 times in the game and had 20 speed, you would do 500
damage. The reason for this is because 50 * 20/2 = 500. Your
Thievery skill will vary with your current statistics. This is why
it is ABSOLUTELY VITAL that you stole normally in the game. Fifty
times might seem like a lot, but it really isn't. You have gone
through three discs, and you probably stole a lot in disc one.
Your current speed should be around 24, so you will be inflicting a
lot of damage on Tantarian. This is almost a bug in the game,
because you should only be able to inflict around 50 damage on
Tantarian every turn. With this, you will be able to do around 750
damage every turn! When you run low on MP, have Amarant use the
Chakra skill on you (See: Amarant's Duty). This is basically all
Zidane is going to do in this fight.

Amarant: Amarant should have the Chakra ability equipped. This will be used
to heal Zidane's MP during this battle. Amarant's duty is to do
this, and to heal the party. This is his main role. He also can phy-
sically attack if he has an open turn. However, you might want to
just put him on standby with triangle.

Vivi: Vivi is to also heal. This is only in Book Form, however. In Cute
Form, he is to use Bio until the cows come home. This will to a ton
of damage on Tantarian. It makes the fight go by a lot quicker once
Tantarian goes into Cute Form. Besides this, if Vivi has an open
slot in Book Form, you can have him defend, or waste MP by using
Magic on him.

Freya: Freya is also a full time healer in this battle. However, when an
open turn in Book Form arrives, you can have her use Jump or Lancer.
In Cute Form, she is to abuse Lancer until her MP runs out. Then
Amarant is to use Chakra to heal her MP right back up.


Boss Name: Ark
HP: 20000
Steal: Power Vest, Holy Lance
Party: Zidane (34), Steiner (34), Amarant (34), Quina (30)
Difficulty: Medium

Preparation: * All characters must be at least at level 30. (I was at 34.)
------------ * All characters must have the Clear Headed ability equipped.
This will make this fight a lot easier.
* All characters must have the Auto-Potion ability equipped.
* Zidane should have the Bandit and Mug abilities equipped.
* You should have a healthy supply of Hi-Potions and Pinwheels
at hand in this fight.

Overview: People say Ark is the best, but he isn't. Sure, he is pretty tough
--------- if you are asleep, but if you aren't, this battle should be easy.
Ark has around 20000 HP, and when you physically attack him you will
do a lot less damage then you would do to a regular enemy. This
might be because he is in the back row, or because he has high def-
ense. I do not know. What I do know is that he is somewhat a push-
over. Since you can't use magic, all magician characters are use-
less. Well, let me tell Square this: We don't need no stinkin'
magic! We will do fine with just physical attacks. The Ark doesn't
have anything up his sleeves besides four attacks, and one will
be completely useless. If you prepared right, this will be a fun
and easy fight.

Attacks: * Photon is his most powerful attack in this fight. It will bring
-------- any characters HP to 1. This is a crucial attack. Even if you have
someone with 2500 HP or 500 HP it will always bring it down to 1.
The good thing is he doesn't tend to abuse this often. You might
find it 1-2 times in the whole battle. Auto-Potion and a healer
should almost make a opposite effect. Of course, this only hits
one character.

* Whirlwind is another deadly attack if you don't have everyone with
Auto-Potion and Hi-Potion. It will do around 350 damage to every-
one in the party. This can be devastating or easy. If you have
what I said, then it will be healed up before he can even attack
again. If not, you might find yourself kicking the TV.

* Boomerang might wreak havoc on a party member if you don't heal.
It will do in the vicinity of 450 damage to one character. This
can be bad if he does it on a weak character, or a character with-
out Auto-Potion. It also can be bad if he uses it after he uses
Photon. Overall, though, you will want to get hit by this attack
as a Hi-Potion will recover all the lost damage.

* Propeller Wind is probably one of the most annoying attacks in the
whole game. It inflicts the Confusion status upon all party
members. This is very bad. You will see your powerhouse characters
hitting and killing each other. It's sad to watch your party kill
each other. With all the power your team has, one hit should KO
one of your party members. This is why you have to have Clear
Headed equipped. It will put a Guard up against this and render
this attack useless. If everyone has Clear Headed, you will want
to see this attack. It doesn't do any damage, all it does is try
to inflict the confusion status. If you don't have Clear Headed,
this can be a potentially game destroying attack. Like I said, it
will make everyone attack each other. The only way to counter it
is if someone doesn't get hit with it and heals everyone. This
will take it's toll with all the turns wasted, though.

Character Duties:
Zidane: As you might have noticed, Ark has some of the best items to steal in
the entire game. Well, just one item. (Holy Lance.) This is a powerful
lance for Freya that has +62 attack. That's not the only thing, how-
ever, it also has Dragon Crest. Dragon Crest is a very powerful abili-
ty for Freya that will make your life a lot easier. The only thing is
you have a "next to none" chance of stealing it. Make sure you have
Bandit and Mug on, so you have a better chance of getting it. You will
also hit for some damage with Mug. It really is a hard item to get,
but worth it. If you don't want to steal, then have Zidane stick to
physically attacking. You will do less damage to the Ark then a
regular enemy. If your Thievery skill does more damage then have him
do that. Zidane is a pure attacker/stealer.

Amarant: Amarant is the "star" and all-star of this battle. Even though his
physical attacks might not do much damage, his throws sure will! Throw
the Rising Sun you collected before the fight. You will be amazed by
how much damage it will do. Then, stick to throwing Pinwheels or any
powerful weapon that you might have more then two of. The better the
power on the weapon, the more damage it will do when thrown. I would,
however, just stick to Pinwheels as they are somewhat inexpensive and
are what Amarant should really be throwing. If you run out of throwing
items, then Amarant should be a pure attacker. If you have an extra
turn with him and don't want to attack, use the Chakra flair. It will
restore some of a party members HP and MP. An all-star, he is.

Steiner: Steiner's brutal physical attacks are what is going to make this fight
go by fast. Even though the Ark has some major defense, Steiner still
pulls through in the clutch and does some major damage. You will find
out that all of his Sword Arts suck, so do not bother to use them.
Stick to attacking all the way. However, if he uses Photon on you, you
might want to use the Darkside ability. This will restore all the HP
you hit the Ark with. Darkside will make the Ark hitting Steiner a
complete and utter joke.

Quina: This is the last person you _should_ have in this battle. Quina is
basically the healer of the battle. S/he is responsible for the
healing of every character. Hi-Potions are a must, even though s/he
doesn't have Chemist. I also advise that you give at least Quina Clear
Headed, so s/he can heal everyone. If you find a open slot for Quina
to attack, you will find out that you cannot use Blue Magic. (Even
though you can use Flairs.) I would advise you would just pass Quina's
turn and wait until someone gets some damage inflicted on them. If you
do not want to wait, then just physically attack Ark.

Freya: This is the last person you _should_ have in this battle. Freya is
basically the healer of the battle. She is responsible for the healing
of every character. Hi-Potions are a must, and she really should
have Chemist. I also advise that you give at least Freya Clear Headed,
so she can heal everyone. If you find a open slot for Freya to
attack, you will find out that you cannot use Dragon Skills. (Even
though you can use Flairs.) I would advise you would just pass Freya's
turn and wait until someone gets some damage inflicted on them. If you
do not want to wait, then just physically attack Ark. Do not, I
repeat: Do not Jump in this battle. You will have to waste a turn with
no healing. That bad.

Vivi: All magician characters in this battle are very useless. They cannot
use their powerful magic to destroy the Ark. It is highly unadvisable
to bring them into battle. However, if you decide to, then they should
stick to healing all the other party members. If you really wanted to
bring a magician character then make sure they have the Chemist abil-
ity so they do double the potency of magic.

Dagger: All magician characters in this battle are very useless. They cannot
use their powerful magic to destroy the Ark. It is highly unadvisable
to bring them into battle. However, if you decide to, then they should
stick to healing all the other party members. If you really wanted to
bring a magician character then make sure they have the Chemist abil-
ity so they do double the potency of magic. I recommend Dagger because
she can learn/has the Chemist ability. However, she might screw up and
not heal. So she isn't the best bet.

Eiko: All magician characters in this battle are very useless. They cannot
use their powerful magic to destroy the Ark. It is highly unadvisable
to bring them into battle. However, if you decide to, then they should
stick to healing all the other party members. If you really wanted to
bring a magician character then make sure they have the Chemist abil-
ity so they do double the potency of magic.


Boss Name: Valia Pira
HP: 12000
Steal: N/A
Party: Eiko (33), Vivi (33), Freya (30), Quina (33)
Difficulty: Semi-Medium

Preparation: * All characters must be at least at level 30. (I was higher.)
------------ * Every character must have Auto-Potion with Hi-Potions.
* If any of your characters are all ability'd out, meaning they
don't have anything to learn, throw a Coral Ring on them.
* Dagger must have Aquamarine equipped. (For Leviathan.)
* Vivi must have the N-Kai Armlet equipped. (For Water.)
* Eiko should have a Phoenix Pinion equipped. (For Phoenix.)
* Dagger/Eiko should have Reflect.
* If you, by accident, have Amarant in your party, get a healthy
supply of Rising Suns and Pinwheels.

Overview: This is one easy battle if you were smart and disabled all the Blood
--------- Stones like I did in this walkthrough. All his enhancements will be
gone, meaning he will be a lot easier. Instead of having high stats
he will have normal, easy stats. This makes the battle a lot easier,
as instead of hitting him for 1000 damage you will hit him for 2500
damage. In the beginning of the battle he will undoubtedly cast
reflect on himself. This means that if you use Magic (not Skills or
Eidolons) on him he will reflect them back to you. How do you stop
this? Cast reflect on one of the party members. My Vivi had Auto-
Reflect, so I didn't need to waste a turn to cast it. Now, when you
want to attack him with magic, target the person that has reflect
on. You think I might be crazy but I am not. It will reflect off of
that person and hit Valia Pira. It will not reflect back! This is
a small loophole in this fight. Now that you have a way to use
magic, this battle should be pretty simple.

Attacks: * Firaga is a element type damage that does around the same amount
-------- of damage as the other two. It will hit you for around 750 damage,
so it's not a big deal. He abuses these attacks because it is all
he really has to fight with. If you have a Coral Ring or something
else that absorbs this type of damage, he will heal you. This is
absolutely great if you ever get low on HP. Also, Valia Pira is to
stupid to use magic on himself when fighting, so if he hits a re-
flected character it will go back to him. Some of these attacks he
is Guarded against, however.

* Blizzaga is a element type damage that does around the same amount
of damage as the other two. It will hit you for around 750 damage,
so it's not a big deal. He abuses these attacks because it is all
he really has to fight with. If you have a Coral Ring or something
else that absorbs this type of damage, he will heal you. This is
absolutely great if you ever get low on HP. Also, Valia Pira is to
stupid to use magic on himself when fighting, so if he hits a re-
flected character it will go back to him. Some of these attacks he
is Guarded against, however.

* Thundaga is a element type damage that does around the same amount
of damage as the other two. It will hit you for around 750 damage,
so it's not a big deal. He abuses these attacks because it is all
he really has to fight with. If you have a Coral Ring or something
else that absorbs this type of damage, he will heal you. This is
absolutely great if you ever get low on HP. Also, Valia Pira is to
stupid to use magic on himself when fighting, so if he hits a re-
flected character it will go back to him. Some of these attacks he
is Guarded against, however.

* Reflect is magic that will do no damage to you at first. He will
cast it on himself. Now, if you use magic on him it will bounce
back to you. This can be very bad if you let it be. Have someone
cast Reflect on one of your party members, then have them bounce
magic off of that party member to attack him.

Character Duties:

Eiko: Eiko's main duty is what she does best; Healing. You should have Cure/
Cura/Life currently, so use them prudently. (Wisely.) Her Cure spells
heal A LOT of damage. Cure does around 600 while Cura does around
1200. Try to use Cure on the small stuff and Cura if Valia Pira's at-
tacks build up. If you lose some party members but Eiko is still
standing, have her cast Phoenix. This will do Fire bases damage on
Valia Pira but more importantly it will revive any fallen characters.
Lastly, have Eiko use Reflect at the beginning of the battle on one
character. If she has any free moves try to cast reflect on every
person in your party. Then any attack that he throws at you will be
thrown back!

Vivi: Vivi has one of the most important roles in this party. He is the main
attacker. After someone has Reflect up, have him cast Water on him.
It will bounce off of them and hit Valia Pira. Water does major dam-
age; Even more then the 'ra's. You will find out that Vivi can take
a serious chunk of his HP away in one blow. Just remember not to
use Magic on Valia Pira directly if he has Reflect up. If he runs out
of MP don't hesitate to use a Ether. (You shouldn't.)

Freya: Freya is really the wildcard of this battle; She has no real thing
that she will stick to. She should be using Lancer until she runs out
of MP. This should be after 6-7 turns of Lancer; he should be dead
by then. Remember that Lancer is a skill, not magic, so you don't have
to do the Reflect trick. When she runs out of MP, have her Jump like
crazy. She is a good backup healer, also. Have her throw Hi-Potions
with her Chemist ability for 900 damage healed!

Dagger: Dagger's role in this fight is simple. Her main focus in the beginning
is to actually cast Reflect on everyone in the party. Then, have her
be summoning Leviathan. This will do major damage to Valia Pira! She
should recast it until her MP runs out. Leviathan rarely misses so
don't worry about that. Dagger is also a parttime healer when the
party gets on E. Oh, and before we continue, let us address her con-
centration failure. Sometimes, she will not attack because of the
tragedies that have happened in her life. (Obviously.) So she really
is not a dependable character at this point. If she doesn't attack it
is really no big deal.

Zidane: You cannot have Zidane in this fight, even if you wanted him to. He
has to go to Oeilvert.

Amarant: Amarant's role in this battle is similar to what it will be in any
other boss fight you might have him in. This role is to throw Rising
Suns and Pinwheels until the cows come home. You will be amazed by the
damage that he will do with these. Even if you didn't get the Blood
Stones it will do a lot of damage. If you are out of them, then have
him attack physically.

Steiner: You should of had Steiner go with you to Oeilvert! If you didn't, then
I'll tell you his role. It's very simple. Attack. He does major damage
every hit. If he gets low on HP have him use Darkside to restore his
HP. All the damage he does to the enemy will absorb into his health
and thus make him very healthy.

Quina: You didn't really leave Quina... did you? If you did, then s/he will
have to heal during this fight. You won't have 1,000 needles so s/he
s/he won't have any real attack in this fight. All s/he will do is
heal everyone. Attack with Quina if you have a free turn.


Boss Name: Meltigemini
HP: 25000
Steal: Golden Hairpin, Demon's Mail, Vaccine
Party: Zidane (40), Amarant (40), Steiner (40), Eiko (33)
Difficulty: Semi-Hard

Preparation: * All characters must be at least at level 37 with exception to
------------ Eiko, who should be at level 33. (I was at 40 because of the
mistakes I made in the previous areas. I had to fight a lot
of monsters.)
* Every character must have Auto-Potion with Hi-Potions. This
should go without saying.
* Amarant should have a healthy supply of Rising Suns on hand.
I want you to have at least 10.
* Eiko should have a Phoenix Pinion equipped. (For Phoenix.)
(Because if things get bad you can revive fallen characters.)
* Zidane should have Bandit and Mug equipped.
* Have a healthy supply of Antidotes if you are not at the
recommended level.
* Have a strong supply of Remedies even if you are 10 levels
past the recommended level. This is because of Venom Powder.

Overview: This fight can actually be pretty tough! Zorn and Thorn's single
--------- form is something not to be taken lightly. They do a lot of damage
and look hideous doing it. When you begin, you will notice that Vivi
has been replaced with Eiko. This is not good, since Vivi's attacks
are a lot better then Eiko's. However, Eiko will keep your party
in tip top shape with Cura so it's not a very bad tradeoff. In the
beginning of the fight, Meltigemini tends to cast Venom on everyone.
This is awful because it will take away around 200 damage every
single turn. These turns include when you attack, he attacks, and
Auto-Potion turns. So, you could find some of your characters dead
just because of Auto-Potion! This is why you have to have a good
supply of Antidotes. Eiko can cure this poison with them. If you
have the recommended party then this fight will go by a lot easier
because they should have tons of HP. Meltigemini was a medium boss
for me, mainly because I was at a healthy level 40. I don't expect
you to be here; It took me a lot of fights to scout the past couple
of areas. This fight should go by fairly quickly if you have ten
Rising Suns. However, if he abuses Venom Power you might find your-
self restarting the game.

Attacks: * Venom Powder is the toughest attack in his arsenal. It will do
-------- around 500 damage to one character and inflict the Venom status
upon that character. This might not seem bad, the 500 damage, that
is, but it is more about the Venom status. See, Venom is a very
strong poison that will not only take down your HP and MP abusive-
ly but will also disallow the character to attack. This means that
you cannot control the character for the rest of the battle. This
completely sucks. He tends not to abuse this, but I saw it twice
in the battle. It is very, very, VERY bad to have Venom. It never
misses, either. Overall, this is Meltigemini's worst and most
powerful attack.

* Viral Smoke takes the second spot in Meltigemini's bag of tricks.
The reason why it takes the second spot is because it is a party
attack. It will hit the whole party for around 500 damage each.
This really is not that bad if you have Auto-Potion with Hi-
Potions but I know that most of you still probably don't. If you
do not, it can be bad because 500 damage is A LOT of damage for
Eiko to take. Also, it gives you a virus. This virus will allow
you not to get the 11 AP at the end of the fight. This is really
no big deal because you can get the AP some other less crucial
time. Lastly, he does this attack a lot.

* Bio takes the third spot and it is actually a pretty good spell.
It will do around 500 damage to one character and give them the
Poison status. This will tick away around 200 damage per turn.
By turn, I mean every time you take a turn and the enemy takes a
turn. This includes Auto-Potion time. So every time the party does
Auto-Potion from Viral Smoke it will take away 800 damage. That
is just awful so have someone throw a Antidote to heal this very
bad status effect. If you don't have any, then just have Eiko use
her turns to heal you.

* Wing is probably the worst attack in Multigemini's arsenal. It
doesn't inflict any status effects or anything, which is a major
plus. It also doesn't hit the party! You might be jumping up and
down now. I would also. It does around 600 damage to Dagger, Eiko,
or Quina and 500 damage to Zidane, Amarant, Freya, or Steiner.
This is the attack that you will want to see during battle. Even
if it hits Eiko, it is a lot worse then the other three attack he
has. It can easily be healed by Cura or Auto-Potion. The sad part
is that in my fight I only saw this attack twice.

Character Duties:

Zidane: Zidane's not an all-star in this fight, just a stealing advocate. If
you care to take a look at the items that Multigemini has, you will
see that they are very good items. Demon's Mail is an advanced armor
piece for Steiner/Freya. The Golden Hairpin is an advanced head armor
piece for everyone except Steiner and Freya. The Golden Hairpin is
extremely valuable because it has Auto-Regen. You will use Auto-Regen
throughout the entire game so it is very good to learn it when you
don't have that many abilities to learn. Whereas if you learn it
before you fight the last battle, you will have 10-20 other abilities
that you will need. Auto-Regen will keep you in a lot of battles, and
is probably the best combo in the game when combined with Auto-Potion.
I'm babbling way too much about Auto-Regen. Anyway, Zidane shouldn't
have that hard of a time stealing all of the items Multigemini has to
offer unless you don't have Bandit equipped. You very well should by
now! You could of learned it at the beginning of the game and in the
last equipment shop. It had a piece of equipment that had the Bandit
ability. At any rate, after you are done stealing all the items stick
to physically attacking the beast.

Amarant: Amarant, yet again, is your all-star. He is turning into a full-time
but not full-blown hero. Have him throw Rising Suns at Multigemini. It
will do around 2500 damage each turn! This is pretty spectacular con-
sidering his regular attacks do around 1000 damage. This is why I told
you to get 10 Rising Suns; 10 will kill Multigemini's health. If you
do not have any Rising Suns, use the Wind Edge you got. Afterwards,
stick to physically attacking.

Steiner: Steiner's role, as you all may know by now, is to attack. His attacks
will do a lot of damage, around 2000 to be exact. As you can see, if
you are anywhere near the projected level this fight really is not
that hard. Since Steiner does not have Vivi in the party, he cannot
use his highly acclaimed magic sword abilities. If Steiner gets low
on HP have him use Darkside. As we all know, his health should be up
and running again after he uses it.

Eiko: Eiko, who you actually have to have in the party, is actually pretty
good. You won't be able to use Madeen in this fight because you have
not had a chance to equip it. This doesn't mean Phoenix or Fenrir
won't do some damage. They will both do around 1000 damage. I highly
advise that you have Phoenix. It is good to have this eidolon because
it heals everyone in your party. Anyway, onto Eiko's fullblown duty.
This duty is simple; Heal. Cura and Cure are always your best friends.
Use Hi-Potions if you want to use your magic prudently. Eiko can also
cast Reflect and Shell and whatnot on the party if you want to. Last,
it is Eiko's job to throw a Antidote and Remedy at the people who
have Venom/Poison. These are two very powerful attacks, so don't take
Eiko's job lightly. You would probably want to have Eiko hold by
pressing triangle until someone gets inflicted with these status eff-
ects. Also, if you by-happen to chance have Mini keep trying to
inflict it on Mutligemini until it sticks. This will make him
laughable. However, I do not expect that you have it. You will not
have had time to equip it beforehand. This is Eiko's role.

Vivi: Vivi cannot be in this fight. He ran after Kuja.

Dagger: Dagger's role is exactly the same as Eiko's. The only thing is that
she loses concentration, so you might find yourself not getting healed
and dying. This is why I strongly disprove of having Dagger at this
time in the game. She is not reliable in the least. Also, Dagger can
can Reflect to bounce back some of Multigemini's attacks. Multigemini
has a weakness to Mini. This is extraordinary, considering that most
bosses (especially good ones) have Guards towards all of the status
effects. It is Dagger's job to put Mini on him.

Freya: Freya... why did you choose her!? If you did, then have her use Lancer
or any better skill until she runs out of MP. Then she can proceed to
Jumping and healing. I advise that you have her be a healer, also,
because your damage output won't be that great with Freya. She has to
have Chemist by now so throw Hi-Potions right and left. Also, use
Reis' Wind if things start to get sticky. This will cast Regen on the
whole party.

Quina: Quina is actually a pretty solid choice. S/he can use Earthquake,
White Wind, 1,000 needles, and Mighty Guard. Earthquake is a pretty
good attack against Multigemini, as it is strong Blue Magic. White
Wind is good if you find yourself in a bad situation. It will recover
the party's health by a lot. 1,000 needles is by far one of s/he's
best attacks, as it will always do 1000 damage. This attack is com-
pletely reliable, never misses, and doesn't cost much Blue Magic.
Mighty Guard will lower his defenses, but it costs a lot of MP for
what it is worth. Also, if you find Quina low on HP use Pumpkin Head
for some quick, reliable damage. You didn't forget about it, did you?
It does Quina's full HP minus Quina's current HP. Only use it if you
are low on HP.


Boss Name: Taharka
HP: 30000
Steal: Orichalcon, Elixir, Mythril Claws
Party: Zidane (42), Vivi (42), Steiner (42), Eiko (35)
Difficulty: Easy

Preparation: * All characters must be at least at level 40 with exception to
------------ Eiko, who should be at level 35. (I was at 42 because of the
mistakes I made in the previous areas. I had to fight a lot
of monsters.)
* Every character must have Auto-Potion with Hi-Potions. This
should go without saying.
* Vivi should have the Black Robe so he can use Flare.
* Eiko should have a Phoenix Pinion equipped. (For Phoenix.)
(Because if things get bad you can revive fallen characters.)
* Eiko should have a Ribbon equipped for Madeen.
* Zidane should have Master Thief, Bandit, and Mug equipped.
* You should have your weakest weapons equipped still.
* Ice absorbing/defending equipment will make this fight sad.
* Everyone should be equipped with their weakest weapons and
strongest armor/add-ons.

Overview: This is a pretty easy boss fight. Why? Taharka doesn't have any
--------- attacks in his arsenal that are very good. He doesn't have any good
status effects that kill players, either. Your characters should be
more advanced then he is, so it should be easy. Taharka's defenses
to physical attacks are pretty high, almost like the Ark. You will
still do a good amount of damage with physical attacks, however. He
has a tendency to Curl up. When he does, physical attacks don't do
much damage. It's like you are Mini'd. He usually uses Blizzaga, but
it is really no big deal. Just third level magic. You might want
to equip Ice absorbing/defending equipment before the battle.
There's nothing quite like having him heal you every other turn. You
also might want to consider equipping the Reflect ability. This will
bounce Blizzaga back at him.

Attacks: * Curl is not really an "attack," but yet it is the worst thing he
-------- can do. See, Curl is like being Mini'd with physical damage. Your
attacks do around 40 damage. He might Curl for a couple turns, so
you can either defend, heal up, or fight when he does this. He
cannot attack you while he is Curled. He uses this from time to
time in battle, usually when you abuse his HP a little.

* Chop is his second best attack, and that's for one reason. What's
the reason? Well, even though Chop is physical damage, it will do
a lot of damage. He uses this rarely, however. It only hits one
person, also. If it hit the whole party this battle might be a
little tougher. All in all, Chop is a powerful attack but just not
quite at your level.

* Ram is a physical attack like Chop but it hits for less. This is
his weakest physical attack. It only hits one character for around
500 damage. He uses this every once in a while, but don't fret
if you don't even see it in the fight. Ram is a pretty pathetic
attack. Maybe if they made it so it would hit all the characters
it would be better. It is just nothing right now, though.

* Blizzaga is his only magic spell. It is third level magic, and it
does around 500 damage to one character. If you equipped Ice
absorb armor, it will give you 500 HP when he does this attack!
This is very good, because he uses this attack A LOT. If you get
50% reduction to ice armor then it will only do around 250 damage.
In my fight I had Reflect on two people in the party. Taharka
wanted to hit those two characters with Blizzaga throughout the
entire fight, and every single time it backfired on him!

Character Duties:

Zidane: I think we all know Zidane's role in this battle: Steal, Steal, and
Steal! The Orichalcon is one of Zidane's best weapons in the entire
game. It is worth while to get it now. This item has +71 power but
sadly has the detect ability. It is definitely worth it to get this.
It should be a lot easier with Master Thief, Bandit, and Mug. These
three skills will make stealing it SO much easier. Zidane's sole
purpose in this battle is to steal until you get it. An Elixir is also
very good, and you will probably get that before you get the dagger.
After you have both of those items, Zidane can stick too physically
attacking Taharka. You might now be saying "What!?" and the reason
for this is because even though he has high defenses, Zidane will
still manage to do around 800 damage. When he uses Curl, have Zidane
use his Thievery skill. This will do a lot of damage on him if you
have stolen a lot throughout the game. Also use Thievery if it does
more damage then your physical attacks after he uncurls.

Vivi: Vivi is the all-star of this fight! Have him cast Flare repeatedly on
Taharka. This will do around 5000 damage! Flare is truly a wonderful
attack that will save you from a hard battle. It costs 40 MP for each
usage, so you should be able to use it around 5 times. Flare is a
truly wonderful attack in this fight. If you don't have Flare then use
Firaga, or something else. It won't do as much damage but alas, it is
a substitution! After Vivi runs out of magic, he can defend and what-
not. Have him heal people up and things like that. Also, you might
want to cast Slow on him to slow Taharka's attacks down.

Steiner: I found that when my Steiner attacked he only did 40 damage. This was
with Flare Sword! This might just be a fluke for me or something. If
it is the case for you, then Steiner should stick to physically att-
acking. Even though the enemy has high defense, Steiner will still
manage around 1200 damage. He can be a part time healer, as well. And
no, you should have your weakest weapons in this battle.

Eiko: Eiko is a powerhouse in this battle. She can use Madeen for around
3000 damage! This attack will vary; sometimes it will do 2000-4000
damage. Madeen is a killer skill, but it has a killer MP cost. Use it
wisely. Also, if you have Boost then please do it. It will make Madeen
even stronger! Anyway, onto Eiko's fullblown duty. This duty is
simple; Heal. Cura and Cure are always your best friends. Use Hi-
Potions if you want to use your magic prudently. Eiko can also cast
Reflect and Shell and whatnot on the party if you want to. Reflect is
actually very good because it Reflects Taharka's Blizzaga and it
hurts him instead of him absorbing it. This is pretty good considering
that he uses Blizzaga a lot. Only use this on the characters that do
not have Ice absorbing armor on.

Amarant: Your all-star, Amarant, cannot be in this fight. He left.

Dagger: Dagger has pretty much the same role as Eiko; Heal until your brain
fries. Dagger has the same spells as Eiko to work with. Dagger might
be a little more advanced then Eiko, but not in the skills department.
Even though she has tons of eidolons, they don't compare to Madeen.
The exception, however, is Leviathan. If you have 20 Aquamarines in
your inventory then Leviathan will do a little more damage then Eiko's
Madeen. This is why you might want to trade off Eiko for Dagger. How-
ever, most people still need Ore's, so it can be bad. Also, Dagger has
regained her concentration so she will be able to fight every turn
thus making her pretty reliable.

Freya: Freya... why did you choose her!? If you did, then have her use Lancer
or any better skill until she runs out of MP. Then she can proceed to
Jumping and healing. I advise that you have her be a healer, also,
because your damage output won't be that great with Freya. She has to
have Chemist by now so throw Hi-Potions right and left. Also, use
Reis' Wind if things start to get sticky. This will cast Regen on the
whole party.

Quina: Quina is actually a pretty solid choice. S/he can use Earthquake,
White Wind, 1,000 Needles, and Mighty Guard. Earthquake is a pretty
good attack against Taharka, as it is strong Blue Magic. White
Wind is good if you find yourself in a bad situation. It will recover
the party's health by a lot. 1,000 needles is by far one of s/he's
best attacks, as it will always do 1000 damage. This attack is com-
pletely reliable, never misses, and doesn't cost much Blue Magic.
Mighty Guard will lower his defenses, but it costs a lot of MP for
what it is worth. Also, if you find Quina low on HP use Pumpkin Head
for some quick, reliable damage. You didn't forget about it, did you?
It does Quina's full HP minus Quina's current HP. Only use it if you
are low on HP.


Boss Name: Earth Guardian
HP: 20000
Steal: Rubber Suit, Avenger
Party: Zidane (42), Quina (31)
Difficulty: Medium

Preparation: * Zidane should be at around level 40 while Quina should be at
------------ at least level 30.
* Every character must have Auto-Potion with Hi-Potions. This
should go without saying. Also have Auto-Regen equipped!
* Quina should have the Glutton's Robe.
* Quina should have the White Wind, Pumpkin Head, and 1,000
needles Blue Magic.
* Zidane should have Master Thief, Bandit, and Mug equipped.
* Ice absorbing/defending equipment will make this fight sad.
* Everyone should have Feather Boots equipped WITHOUT
the Auto-Float ability equipped! Feather Boots absorb earth

Overview: This guardian is actually pretty easy if you met all the prepara-
--------- tions. His 20000 HP might scare you because you only have two party
members, but don't be. If you have Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen, like you
should, then he can't even kill you if he tried. If you got the
Feather Boots like I asked, then his Earth Shake will be absorbed
and you will get HP! You obviously cannot lose in this fight! Earth
Guardian has plenty of attacks, but they all can be healed with
Auto-Potion, not to mention Auto-Regen with it. Overall, this fight
should be pretty easy.

Attacks: * Firaga is a element type damage that does around the same amount
-------- of damage as the other two. It will hit you for around 800 damage,
so it's not a big deal. He abuses these attacks because it is all
he really has to fight with. If you have a Coral Ring or something
else that absorbs this type of damage, he will heal you. This is
absolutely great if you ever get low on HP. Also, Guardian is to
stupid to use magic on himself when fighting, so if he hits a re-
flected character it will go back to him. Some of these attacks he
is Guarded against, however.

* Blizzaga is an element type damage that does around the same amount
of damage as the other two. It will hit you for around 750 damage,
so it's not a big deal. He abuses these attacks because it is all
he really has to fight with. If you have a Coral Ring or something
else that absorbs this type of damage, he will heal you. This is
absolutely great if you ever get low on HP. Also, Guardian is to
stupid to use magic on himself when fighting, so if he hits a re-
flected character it will go back to him. Some of these attacks he
is Guarded against, however.

* Thundaga is a element type damage that does around the same amount
of damage as the other two. It will hit you for around 750 damage,
so it's not a big deal. He abuses these attacks because it is all
he really has to fight with. If you have a Coral Ring or something
else that absorbs this type of damage, he will heal you. This is
absolutely great if you ever get low on HP. Also, Guardian is to
stupid to use magic on himself when fighting, so if he hits a re-
flected character it will go back to him. Some of these attacks he
is Guarded against, however.

* Double Slash is his only physical attack. It will do around 700
damage to one of your characters. Overall it is a pretty weak
attack at your current level. It misses sometimes, but usually it
doesn't. It's sort of the same as his 'ga's but you don't have to
waste 15 seconds looking at the spell being cast.

* Earth Shake can be his most deadly or most friendly attack, de-
pending on how you equipped. I told you to get two Feather Boots
and NOT to equip Auto-Float. If you did that, then this will be
ultra friendly. See, Feather Boots absorb earth damage. Earth
shake is earth damage. So every so often when he uses it, it will
heal you right up! He uses it a lot, too. It's pretty stupid,
because he still uses it a lot even though it heals you. If you
equipped Auto-Float then it will miss you because you are in the
air. If you did not equip the Feather Boots then you are in for
a disaster. This does around 600 damage to each party member. It's
nothing Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen can't fix, however.

Character Duties:

Zidane: Do you see the Rubber Suit and Avenger to steal? Do you know how great
they are? Well, let me tell you... they are! Zidane will want to steal
until he gets BOTH of these items. You should get the Avenger first,
but it might take a while to get the Rubber Suit. Don't worry, how-
ever, as Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen will heal you no matter what! The ab-
ilities that you got, Bandit and Master Thief, should help you a lot
in this stealing battle. When you are done stealing both of these
jewels, then it's time to fight. Zidane should physically attack Earth
Guardian unless he can do more damage with Thievery. Please note that
he might, so there is no point in checking. In my battle, Zidane did
around 1000 damage from the get go. Then that number shrunk to 750,
somehow. So I took out Thievery and it did a strong 970 every time.
This is what you have to do.

Quina: Quina is actually a pretty solid choice. S/he can use Earthquake,
White Wind, 1,000 Needles, and Mighty Guard. Earthquake is a pretty
good attack against Taharka, as it is strong Blue Magic. White
Wind is good if you find yourself in a bad situation. It will recover
the party's health by a lot. 1,000 needles is by far one of s/he's
best attacks, as it will always do 1000 damage. This attack is com-
pletely reliable, never misses, and doesn't cost much Blue Magic.
Mighty Guard will lower his defenses, but it costs a lot of MP for
what it is worth. Also, if you find Quina low on HP use Pumpkin Head
for some quick, reliable damage. You didn't forget about it, did you?
It does Quina's full HP minus Quina's current HP. Only use it if you
are low on HP.

Quina should use 1,000 needles while Zidane is stealing. This will do
1000 every time, no matter what. Keep the numbers tallied in your head
of how much more HP he has. After Zidane has stolen, wait until the
Earth Guardian's HP gets down to 1/8. This should be after you have
taken 17500 HP away from him. Now you can eat the Earth Guardian! I
think that this is a better end to that arrogant guardian. You also
get the Earth Shake ability if you haven't already got it!


Boss Name: Amdusias
HP: 11000
Steal: Tent, Ether
Party: Zidane (44), Amarant (44), Freya (27)
Difficulty: Easy

Preparation: * All characters must be at least at level 42 with exception to
------------ Freya, who should be at level 27.
* Every character must have Auto-Potion with Hi-Potions. This
should go without saying.
* You should also have Auto-Regen on Zidane and Amarant. I don't
blame you if you don't have it on Freya, she is at a low
* You should have a good supply of Rising Suns. (4-5 for this
battle alone.)
* Freya should have the Lancer ability.
* Everyone should have their strongest weapons.
* Auto-Haste is nice on Zidane.

Overview: This boss is pathetically easy. He only uses an attack called Horn,
--------- which does around 1000 damage. This isn't that bad, considering it
is his ONLY attack. He has bad defenses, and one hit by Zidane
should be all that is needed for Freya to come to the fight. Zidane
should be doing around 2500 damage, sadly. Freya should use Lancer
while Zidane sticks to attacking. Amdusias doesn't have anything
other then his physical attack. Freya might get low on HP, so you
might just to have her heal herself instead of attacking. Amdusias
is fairly fast, so Freya might die but that is no big deal. After
you have around half of the HP taken away, Amarant will decide to
join the fight. Then this battle is a walk in the park. With how
high the damage output is compared to the HP, you should be done
with this fight shortly. Try to have ever at high HP when you end
this battle, he will have to fight many others soon.

Attacks: * Horn is his one and only attack. This is a physical attack, so if
-------- you have defense then it shouldn't do much damage. It hits one
party member for 1000 damage. This might seem bad, but with Auto-
Potion it is nothing. It might be bad on Freya, however. This is
his only attack, so he has to abuse it. You might find him to this
attack twice, but it doesn't do anything to anyone except Freya.

Character Duties:

Zidane: Zidane's role, if you didn't know already, is to physically attack.
He should be doing around 2500 damage per turn, which is amazing
considering Amdusias' low HP. If Thievery is better, have him use
that prudently. You might want to save it for the upcoming battles
and stick to attacking. Amdusias doesn't have anything to steal be-
sides a Tent and an Ether, which is laughable. Zidane's damage output
alone should be able to win this fight. He should have Auto-Potion and
Auto-Regen equipped, but if you aren't advanced enough then you just
might have Auto-Potion. That's fine, you can survive a lot of hits
from Amdusias.

Freya: Freya then comes into the fight after Zidane does. Have her use Lancer
or any better skill until she runs out of MP. Then she can proceed to
Jumping and healing. I advise that you have her be a healer, also,
because your damage output won't be that great with Freya. She has to
have Chemist by now so throw Hi-Potions right and left. Also, use
Reis' Wind if things start to get sticky. This will cast Regen on the
whole party. Of course, if everyone has Auto-Regen on then there is
no plausible need to do it. Freya could also cast a better Dragon
Skill if she has it. She might just want to heal herself in this
battle, Amdusias tends to gang up on her. If he does that, then you
might find Freya dead. This doesn't matter much, however.

Amarant: Amarant, yet again, is your all-star. He is turning into a full-time
but not full-blown hero. Have him throw Rising Suns at Amdusias. It
will do around 4000 damage each turn! This is pretty spectacular con-
sidering his regular attacks do around 1500 damage. This is why I told
you to get 5 Rising Suns; 5 will kill Amdusias. If you don't have
have any Rising Suns, then stick to attacking physically.


Boss Name: Abadon
HP: 12500
Steal: Garnet, Phoenix Pinion, Vaccine
Party: Zidane (44), Steiner (42), Quina (35)
Difficulty: Medium

Preparation: * All characters must be at least at level 42 with exception to
------------ Quina, who should be around 35.
* Every character must have Auto-Potion with Hi-Potions. This
should go without saying.
* You should also have Auto-Regen on everyone. You might just
have it on Zidane, and that's okay.
* Quina should have 1,000 needles.
* Everyone should have their strongest weapons.
* Auto-Haste is nice on Zidane.

Overview: I found this battle to be about your characters' level. It isn't
--------- nearly as easy as the first battle, but then it isn't very tough,
either. Abadon only has two attacks to begin with. One does minimal
damage to the party while the other does a lot of damage on one
character. The bad part is Abadon is very very very fast. So he
might be able to get two attacks in before you can even heal. This
might make this fight annoying. He tends not to abuse his physical
attacks, however. After you get around a fourth of his HP taken away
Zidane will join the fight. Then it will be really easy to destroy
Abadon. Zidane and Steiner will do around 5000 damage each, taking
away just below half of his HP in a turn! Quina's 1,000 needles will
make it to about half. This fight won't last very long. I give it
a medium because of the beginning. You should be able to take ad-
vantage once Zidane comes in, however.

Attacks: * He has a magic attack (I forgot the name) that does around 500
-------- damage to all characters. This isn't that bad, considering Auto-
Potion can just about heal it up. The bad part is it attacks all
characters, unlike his physical attack. You shouldn't find much
of a problem with this unless you don't have Auto-Potion with
high potions.

* His physical attacks do around 1000 damage to one character. This
is pretty bad, considering Quina should only have around 2000 HP.
He uses this attack often, also. There is no real way to counter
this except to heal, heal, and heal. You might find your charact-
ers dead just because he abuses this attack. He is fast so he
might be able to get two attacks in before Quina or Steiner can
heal up. It only attacks one character, however.

Character Duties:

Zidane: Zidane comes into the battle pretty late. I don't know why he comes
in so late, he must be feeling really bad. Anyway, Zidane's top pri-
ority in this fight is to attack. The items that Abadon has to offer
really aren't that great, you should have all of them by now. The only
one that you might be curios out is the Garnet, but you should already
have that because Beatrix gave it to you. The other two items are
low items that make no sense to steal. Zidane should do around 3000
damage with his attacks in this fight. I don't advise that you use
Thievery unless progressively better then his attacks.

Steiner: Steiner's role, as you all may know by now, is to attack. His attacks
will do a lot of damage, around 2000 to be exact. As you can see, if
you are anywhere near the projected level this fight really is not
that hard. Since Steiner does not have Vivi in the party, he cannot
use his highly acclaimed magic sword abilities. If Steiner gets low
on HP have him use Darkside. As we all know, his health should be up
and running again after he uses it. He should also use any better
ability that you may have picked up in Side Quests.

Quina: Quina is actually a pretty solid character. S/he can use Earthquake,
White Wind, 1,000 needles, and Mighty Guard. Earthquake is a pretty
good attack against Taharka, as it is strong Blue Magic. White
Wind is good if you find yourself in a bad situation. It will recover
the party's health by a lot. 1,000 needles is by far one of s/he's
best attacks, as it will always do 1000 damage. This attack is com-
pletely reliable, never misses, and doesn't cost much Blue Magic.
Mighty Guard will lower his defenses, but it costs a lot of MP for
what it is worth. Also, if you find Quina low on HP use Pumpkin Head
for some quick, reliable damage. You didn't forget about it, did you?
It does Quina's full HP minus Quina's current HP. Only use it if you
are low on HP.


Boss Name: Shell Dragon
HP: 12500
Steal: Phoenix Pinion, Tent, Hi-Potion, and Vaccine
Party: Zidane (44), Dagger (35)
Difficulty: Semi-Hard

Preparation: * Zidane should be at level 42, while Dagger should be around
------------ level 35.
* Every character must have Auto-Potion with Hi-Potions. This
should go without saying.
* You should also have Auto-Regen on everyone. You might just
have it on Zidane, and that's okay.
* Dagger should have Shiva and/or Bahamut ready.
* Zidane should have his strongest weapons
* Auto-Haste wouldn't hurt anyone besides Shell Dragon.
* Feather Boots help a lot because of they absorb earth damage.
If you have them equipped remember NOT to have the Auto-Float
ability so you can absorb his Earth Shake.

Overview: This fight can be very hard if you don't have Auto-Potion/Auto-
--------- Regen. Shell Dragon has some very mean attacks. Anyway, the battle
starts off with Zidane fighting Shell Dragon alone. Shell Dragon
will use smash on the third turn and bring Zidane's HP down to one.
Out of nowhere, someone will use Curaga on Zidane! This is Dagger!
Even if Dagger didn't have Curaga, she still heals Zidane complete
ly. Now the battle is a lot easier with Dagger to heal everyone.
Shell Dragon might abuse the usage of Smash if you hurt him to much.
This still can be healed with Cura/Curaga. This battle really isn't
that hard if you are on your feet.

Attacks: * Snort is Shell Dragon's most deadly attack. Though you might not
-------- see it, if you do you will be throwing the television out the
window. Snort takes one player from this battle. Whether it be
Zidane or Dagger we know it is bad. You won't be seeing this
character until the end of the battle, which you might not even
get to. He never uses Snort, really, unless you are ultra powerful
and destroy him in a couple hits. Then he might use it, but don't
worry about it if you are at the projected level. There is no way
to "counter" its effect and it only hits one person. (Obviously.)

* Smash would probably be considered more deadly then Snort. Why?
Because it reduces a characters' HP to ONE! This is an insane
attack that he uses a lot more often then Snort. It hits one per-
son and no matter how much HP they have, it will be reduced to
one. Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen will really come in handy here. You
can have most of your HP back before your next turn. Also Dagger
can quickly heal this away. Shell Dragon won't use it at first,
so don't worry about that. Overall this is one deadly attack.

* Earth Shake is a magic spell, which he loves to cast. It will do
earth-type damage on all characters. This should do around 500-
1000 damage, depending on the character and their equipment. It
can be deadly to Dagger, because of her low HP, but Auto-Potion
should heal it right up. You shouldn't really worry about this
attack, but it can be life threatening. You might want to equip
the Feather Boots to absorb Earth damage. That would mean that
the attack that he uses most often would heal you! This would
make the boss such a pushover.

* Charge is the weakest attack in his arsenal, but definitely not
one to be taken lightly. It will do around 700 damage to one
character which isn't that bad. He doesn't use this attack much
but it will be a nice finishing move for him to do after Smash.
Don't take this attack lightly and heal all the damage you lost.
Auto-Potion should be able to take care of it on its own.

Character Duties:

Zidane: First off, you might notice that Shell Dragon has nothing to steal.
Don't waste turns trying to steal stupid stuff like that. The first
three turns will be without Dagger. This is fine, though. Shell Dragon
tends to use Earth Shake and Charge during these turns. These are very
weak attacks that Auto-Potion can suck up. Just attack physically for
three turns. On the third Shell Dragon will use Smash. Then Dagger
will appear and heal all of your health! Now you can proceed to hack-
ing away at Shell Dragon without having to worry about HP. You're at-
tacks should do around 2500 damage. That means that after five attacks
he should be dead. Note that your first three attacks don't count in
his projected HP of 12500.

Dagger: Dagger will appear after the third turn in savior attempt. She will
heal Zidane's HP after that malevolent attack called Smash. Now that
you have her, too, you won't have much trouble with this fight. Dagger
should be a full-time healer when Smash comes around. The other two
attacks are really nothing to worry about. Dagger should be using
Shiva if she can. Shell Dragon is weak verse ice so it will do a lot
of damage. If you don't have that, then have her use Bahamut. You
very well should have one of these. They will do around 2500 damage
each. Of course, if you got tons of Aquamarines then use Leviathan.
Dagger might get ejected, but Zidane can wrap things up.


Boss Name: Silver Dragon
HP: 24000
Steal: Kaiser Knucklers, Dragon Mail, Elixir
Party: Zidane (47), Vivi (47), Dagger (42), Steiner (45)
Difficulty: Medium

Preparation: * All characters must be at least at level 45 with exception to
------------ Dagger, who should be around 40.
* Every character must have Auto-Potion with Hi-Potions. This
should go without saying. Also Auto-Regen is a must.
* Vivi should have the Black Robe so he can use Flare.
* Dagger should have Bahamut ready to use.
* Auto-Reflect on all characters is nice, but not necessary. If
your characters are still learning stuff like Bahamut and
such then just have Dagger cast Reflect on everyone.
* Zidane might want to have Master Thief, Bandit, and Mug
equipped. This is only if you think the items are worthwhile.
* Strongest weapon and armor is a must in this fight.
* Wind absorbing/defending equipment will make this fight sad.

Overview: Silver Dragon is no pushover unless you have played this game a ton
--------- of times like me, then it was easy. See, Silver Dragon can be a
pretty easy or pretty tough boss depending how long you let him
live. I say this because some people will use magic up the yin yang
when fighting him while others will preserve it for the other
battles. Since we are late in the game, however, you are allowed to
abuse usage of magic to an extent. You should have acquired enough
Ethers so in the following battles you can just heal your MP right
up. This makes for easy boss fights; Magic completely destroys the
enemy. Anyway, if you decided to use magic Silver Dragon will be
very easy to defeat. He only has around 24000 HP. If you decided to
bring Wind Equipment along then it will be even easier because you
will absorb a couple of his attacks.

Attacks: * Shockwave is probably the best attack in Silver Dragon's arsenal
-------- just because it does a lot of damage. You will see around 1000
damage to the whole party with this attack! It can be very bad if
you didn't take the time to equip your abilities correctly. If
you did, however, equip Auto-Potion and Auto-Regen this fight will
be very easy. After he does this everyone will use Auto-Potion and
gain all there HP back with Auto-Regen while they are all Auto-
Potioning. If you don't have it, then I guess you would say that
you are "up the creek without a paddle." Have Dagger heal the most
important character.

* Aerial Slash is wind elemental type damage so, if you have any
wing absorbing equipment equipped, it will give you HP. This can
be good, especially with Vivi because the Octagon Rod has absorb
versus Wind. For the other characters, this might be a problem.
Aerial Slash is similar to Shockwave, only it does less damage.
It hits the whole party and such. You should know how to counter

* Claw is Silver Dragon's only physical attack. It will do around
750 damage to one character. This attack should be the least of
your worries for the simple reason that 750 damage isn't much.
Have your Auto stuff restore the HP, or have Dagger heal. You
won't be seeing this attack often.

* Twister is a fairly odd attack. The reason for this is because it
is completely random in damage. Sometimes it hits for 200 damage
and sometimes 1000 damage! It's sort of like Quina's weapons, only
it gets more tenacious if you are doing better in the fight. When
I saw this attack two times in the fight. The first was in the
beginning, and it did 500 damage to the party. The second was at
the very end, just after I pulverized him. It did a whopping 1000
damage to the entire party! I would think that the damage has to
do with either how much HP he has left or badly he is getting

Character Duties:

Zidane: Let me first talk about stealing. To steal in this fight depends upon
what abilities you have equipped, and if you are going to play Chocobo
Hot and Cold. See you can get the Kaiser Knucklers, which you are
probably eyeing, at H&C if you progress nicely. Most people don't like
to play the game, though, and want to steal it. In this case, I hope
you have at least Bandit equipped. Master Thief would help a lot,
also. It will take a while to get the Knucklers as they are the most
important item. This could be very bad if you don't have a good heal-
ing defense. Anyway, after you steal, or decided not to, Zidane will
be left with plain attacking. He should be doing at least 2500 damage
each time. If his Thievery skill is better, use it. MP doesn't matter
because you probably have at least 150 right now.

Vivi: I consider Vivi to be a powerful character at this point in the game.
His magic, in short, is wonderful. Flare will do a terrific amount
of damage to Silver Dragon. You can preserve magic if you want, but I
don't think you should. Flare will take away around 1/6 of his HP
very easily. If you are uneasy about using Ethers, then use a weaker
level 3 version spell like Firaga.

Steiner: Steiner will make this battle laughable. Flare Sword does a ton of
damage to Silver Dragon. Around 5000, to be precise. This is a lot,
but then Flare costs a whopping 60 MP to use. I would just use an
Ether, but do whatever you desire. Attack if you really want to save
MP. Also, you might want to have Steiner have Auto-Haste equipped just
for a laugh. You can't get Auto-Regen up to this point so he actually
has some magic stones to be covered. Auto-Haste will make him attack
pretty fast. ^_^

Dagger: Dagger won't have much of a job in this fight. She should really do
the healing, but it seems Auto-Potion and Auto-Regen have taken her
job away from her! She should be on standby, just in case Silver Dra-
gon's Twister does an insane amount of damage or something. Rather
then that, you can have her cast Bahamut or some semi-bad eidolon if
you feel like it. With your offense, though, you might just want her
to waste turns by attacking.

Eiko: Eiko is a powerhouse in this battle. She can use Madeen for around
3000 damage! This attack will vary; sometimes it will do 2000-4000
damage. Madeen is a killer skill, but it has a killer MP cost. Use it
wisely. Also, if you have Boost then please do it. It will make Madeen
even stronger! Anyway, onto Eiko's full-blown duty. This duty is
simple; Heal. Curaga and Cura are always your best friends. Use Hi-
Potions if you want to use your magic prudently. Eiko can also cast
Reflect and Shell and whatnot on the party if you want to. Reflect is
actually very good because it some of Silver Dragon's spells and it
hurts him instead of him absorbing it.

Amarant: Amarant's role is simple; Throw Rising Suns. These little things will
do immense damage to Silver Dragon. I told you to only use Amarant if
you had tons of Rising Suns and the reason for this is all Amarant has
over Steiner is throwing stuff. Steiner does have Flare Sword, though,
which sort of makes up for throwing stuff. If Amarant doesn't have
anything to throw then stick to physically attacking and throwing
(not literally) some skills in there if necessary.

Freya: At this point in time, you should have a skill that's better then
Lancer. I advise that you use it. I'm not updated with Freya so I
wouldn't know. I didn't really use Freya that much. Use Reis' Wind
if everyone doesn't have Auto-Regen. After you run out of MP, stick
to Jumping.

Quina: If you did choose Quina, I hope you substituted s/he for one of the
healers or you really will have a tough fight! Quina should use White
Wind and Hi-Potions to heal people. That is Quina's minor priority.
S/he should also use 1,000 needles because it, yet again, is a re-
liable attack that will always do 1000 damage. At this point in time,
1000 damage might seem like nothing. However, Quina's attacks really
aren't that hot, and vary greatly. Quina should also use Pumpkin Head
if Quina's HP gets low. Finally, Quina might want to use Limit Glove
if you somehow have 1 HP.


Boss Name: Garland
HP: 40000
Steal: Dark Gear, Ninja Gear, Battle Boots
Party: Zidane (47), Vivi (47), Dagger (42), Steiner (45)
Difficulty: Medium

Preparation: * All characters must be at least at level 45 with exception to
------------ Dagger, who should be around 40.
* Every character must have Auto-Potion with Hi-Potions. This
should go without saying. Also Auto-Regen is a must.
* Vivi should have the Black Robe so he can use Flare.
* Dagger should have Bahamut ready to use.
* Auto-Reflect on all characters is nice, but not necessary. If
your characters are still learning stuff like Bahamut and
such then just have Dagger cast Reflect on everyone.
* Zidane might want to have Master Thief, Bandit, and Mug
equipped. This is only if you think the items are worthwhile.
* Strongest weapon and armor is a must in this fight.
* Wind absorbing/defending equipment will make this fight sad.
* Dagger should know Silence.

Overview: When the fight starts, heal everyone's MP with Ethers. This should
--------- only take one turn from everyone. Anyway, Garland is probably one of
the most overrated bosses in the entire game, next to the Ark. Sure,
his attacks do a lot of damage, but he has his secrets. See, Garland
can have the Blind and Silence status alignments! This means that
you can disallow him the use of magic, and his physical attacks will
miss all the time. Joy! To bad Blind really isn't that great, be-
cause all Garland has is magic. Silence is the sleeper hit in this
fight, I just wish Garland had a weakness versus Mini, also. Anyway,
your top priority should be using Silence. Dagger should be able to
make it stick on the first try, second if you aren't that lucky.
Once you have this down Garland really isn't that great. He still
has some pretty powerful attacks, but Silence took the guts out of
him. After you cast Silence, you will want to cast Reflect on every
single party member. This is so Garland doesn't Stop anyone, which
stinks. He also won't use Flare so joy. Garland's HP might be a bit
discouraging, but when you see all the damage that your characters
do on Garland you should think otherwise. At the end of the battle,
remember to have everyone at full HP and give them proper Ether
care. The following boss isn't that hard, but he can be if you go
into it weak. Oh, one last thing. Have Vivi cast Slow if you want to
make him attack even slower. You should only use this if you aren't
anywhere near the projected level, however.

Attacks: * Stop is Garland's most deadly attack. He will use it if you give
-------- him a beat down, or if you didn't cast Reflect. See, Stop stops
(look at the name) a character for the rest of the battle. This
is pretty much brutal on all of your characters, since they all
play a key role in this fight. If you casted Reflect on everyone,
you will not see this attack once during the fight. Why? Garland
isn't stupid enough to cast Stop on himself! And don't worry about
him casting Reflect on himself and using magic from there, he
wouldn't dare to do so.

* Flare is another one of those "end all" attacks if everyone does
not have Reflect equipped. If you do, then it will just bounce
back and do damage on Garland. However, he isn't stupid enough to
do this. Anyway, if someone doesn't have Reflect on Garland will
use this deadly attack. Sadly, I do not know how much damage it
does because I had everyone equipped with the Reflect. All I know
is that is should be lethal. It only hits one character, also.
This is the main reason why Reflect is key in this battle.

* Oh, Garland does an attack, I forgot the name of it... It is
"Wave" or "Charge" or something like that. He does his Dragon Ball
Z stance and magically makes an energy ball and throws it at one
character. A complete rip off of Dragon Ball Z, I know. Anyway,
this attack only hits one character for around 1000 damage. It
isn't that bad, considering Dagger can heal it right up. It is
Garland's most deadly attack if you casted Reflect on everyone. I
advise that you look out for this attack. On characters like Vivi
and Dagger it can kill them.

* Psychokinesis is, like the name, a psycho weird attack. It will
pick a character up and throw them down on there head. It sounds
very painful, but it isn't. It will do around 750 damage to one
character. This should almost be pathetic at your point, 750
damage adds up, however. If he does it 7-8 times on one character,
which he does sometimes, you might find yourself in a sticky spot.
You shouldn't worry to much about this attack, all in all, but
look at the characters he does it on. If he keeps doing it on
one character, then obviously you would want to Cure them, or
possibly cast Shell on them.

Character Duties:

Zidane: Look at those items up there. Do they have any value to you? They
might, depending on if you play Side Quests. If they do, then you
should want to steal them. It will be hard without Master Thief or
Bandit equipped, but it might be worth it in the end. Zidane will be
doing around 3000 damage each turn with attacks. If you think that
you can feasibly take the loss and have him steal, then go for it.
However, I didn't bother to steal those items. I knew I could get all
of them later in the game and decided not to. So, onto the duty.
Zidane should steal if necessary, and use physical attacks. Obviously,
use Thievery if it does more damage then his regular attacks. Zidane
has tons of HP, so you don't have to use it wisely.

Dagger: Dagger has a pretty big role in this fight, also. In the beginning of
the fight, she is to cast Reflect on everyone in the party. This is
so Garland's best attacks will be Reflected, and thereby not be used.
Once you have that taken care of, you will also want to cast Silence
and possibly Blind of Garland. These should stick in the first turns
and make your life a lot easier. Now Garland is severely weakened, and
won't be able to use his best attacks. Now it's time to be a full time
healer for the party. Heal them as necessary. You should have both
Cure and Cura, but not Curaga. It doesn't matter, you shouldn't find
your characters needing that much HP. Use Hi-Potions instead of Cure
if you have Chemist equipped. Lastly, Dagger can open a can of worms
and cast Bahamut if you like. This will do a lot of damage to Garland.
You might want to save Dagger's MP for the last battle, however.

Vivi: At first, you might have one minor job before you have Vivi cast Flare
up the yin yang. You might want to cast Slow on Garland. This will
slow him down, and he will attack less often. This might help, but if
you are at the recommended level then I would just stick to casting
Flare. Vivi will do around 5000 damage on him. This is really good.
If you want to be prudent about magic, then switch to Firaga or any
of the better 'ga's. They should do at least 4000 damage. Vivi should
keep casting these attacks unless you get in a sticky situation.

Steiner: Steiner will be sucking all those precious Ethers that you got
throughout the game. Flare Sword will do terrific damage to Garland,
around 5000 to be exact. This is really good. Now you see why Gar-
land's 40000 health really isn't a big deal. You will have to throw
Steiner a Ether ever so often because Flare Sword costs a towering 60
MP. If you want to be prudent magic-wise, then stick with Firaga. It
should do a strong 4000 damage and give you a good bang for your buck.
If you don't want to use magic, then stick to physically attacking.
Steiner will still manage to do some good damage. Also, if he gets
low on HP then have him use Darkside. This will regain all of his HP.

Eiko: Eiko is a powerhouse in this battle. She can use Madeen for around
3000 damage! This attack will vary; sometimes it will do 2000-4000
damage. Madeen is a killer skill, but it has a killer MP cost. Use it
wisely. Also, if you have Boost then please do it. It will make Madeen
even stronger! Anyway, onto Eiko's full-blown duty. This duty is
simple; Heal. Curaga and Cura are always your best friends. Use Hi-
Potions if you want to use your magic prudently. Eiko can also cast
Reflect and Shell and whatnot on the party if you want to. Reflect is
actually very good because it some of Garland's spells and it
hurts him instead of him absorbing it. In fact, Reflect is absolutely
needed and you should cast it at the beginning of the fight.

Amarant: Amarant's role is simple; Throw Rising Suns. These little things will
do immense damage to Silver Dragon. I told you to only use Amarant if
you had tons of Rising Suns and the reason for this is all Amarant has
over Steiner is throwing stuff. Steiner does have Flare Sword, though,
which sort of makes up for throwing stuff. If Amarant doesn't have
anything to throw then stick to physically attacking and throwing
(not literally) some skills in there if necessary.

Freya: At this point in time, you should have a skill that's better then
Lancer. I advise that you use it. I'm not updated with Freya so I
wouldn't know. I didn't really use Freya that much. Use Reis' Wind
if everyone doesn't have Auto-Regen. After you run out of MP, stick
to Jumping.

Quina: If you did choose Quina, I hope you substituted s/he for one of the
healers or you really will have a tough fight! Quina should use White
Wind and Hi-Potions to heal people. That is Quina's minor priority.
S/he should also use 1,000 needles because it, yet again, is a re-
liable attack that will always do 1000 damage. At this point in time,
1000 damage might seem like nothing. However, Quina's attacks really
aren't that hot, and vary greatly. Quina should also use Pumpkin Head
if Quina's HP gets low. Finally, Quina might want to use Limit Glove
if you somehow have 1 HP.


Boss Name: Kuja
HP: 42500
Steal: Light Robe, Carabini Mail, Ether
Party: Zidane (47), Vivi (47), Dagger (42), Steiner (45)
Difficulty: Medium

Preparation: * All characters must be at least at level 45 with exception to
------------ Dagger, who should be around 40.
* Every character must have Auto-Potion with Hi-Potions. This
should go without saying. Also Auto-Regen is a must.
* Vivi should have the Black Robe so he can use Flare.
* Dagger should have Bahamut ready to use.
* Do not have Auto-Reflect!
* Zidane might want to have Master Thief, Bandit, and Mug
equipped. This is only if you think the items are worthwhile.
* Strongest weapon and armor is a must in this fight.
* Wind absorbing/defending equipment will make this fight sad.
* Dagger should know Silence.

Overview: Kuja can be a nuisance if you use magic in this fight. He will cast
--------- Flare Stare over and over and over and over every turn if you use
magic. How do you get around this? Simply put: Don't use magic. You
might be going "WHAT!?" right about now, but it is for a good rea-
son. See, if you abuse the usage of magic, Kuja will abuse the usage
of Flare Stare. Flare Stare, in short, is a very deadly attack. It
will kill off party members if you let it. Read the attack section
for more detail about it. This fight should go right along if you
don't OD on magic. Your characters should get into a trance during
this fight. When they do, I can honestly say that this is the time
to use magic. Rather then that, Kuja is pretty easy. Just to give
you a heads up, don't cast Reflect in this battle. This will leave
Kuja with ONLY being able to cast Flare Stare. This is very, very,
bad. Also, with Reflect you won't be able to heal your characters
properly. If you try to heal them, it will bounce to Kuja. You can
get around this with Hi-Potions and Phoenix Downs, however.

Attacks: * Flare Stare is by far Kuja's mostly deadly attack. It does the
-------- character's level times 35. So, if you had a character at 45 it
would do 45 * 35 which is 1575 damage. This may seem like a lot,
but that's why you have Dagger and Auto-Potion equipped! Some
characters should have Auto-Regen, also. This attack hurts every-
one, and it is by far one of the most annoying attacks on disc
three. (Unless you fought Ozma, then any of his attacks take dibs
over Flare Stare.) You can get around him not abusing the usage
of this attack by not using magic.

* Thundaga is a thunder-based attack that does a hell of a lot less
damage then Flare Stare, I'll tell you that right now! It will do
around 1000 damage to one character, which isn't a lot compared
to his fantastic other attack. You really want to be seeing this
attack in the battle. It can easily be cured by Dagger.

Character Duties:

Zidane: We have somewhat of a dilemma here today, Folks. Kuja has some pretty
good armor, but is it worth stealing? Well, if you are playing the
game with the cotton robe trick then I would say yes. The Light Robe
and Carabini Mail are good items on their own, and can be sold for
a hefty profit. After this, have Zidane attack the cross dresser. He
should do around 3000 damage, which is pretty good. Don't be discour-
aged when Kuja says "Is that all you got?" because he is all talk.
Zidane will undoubtedly get into Trance in this fight. This is very
good, because he will be able to use Grand Lethal. This should do
9999 damage every turn, and make you want to jump up and down with
joy. Oh, and use Grand Lethal because you have enough MP to kill him
without Ether usage.

Vivi: You might be thinking that Vivi is out of the job in this fight, but
he isn't. You will still want him to cast Flare every single turn, as
usual. Just because Kuja will use Flare Stare if everyone casts magic
doesn't mean everyone is going to cast magic. Flare is Vivi's best
option here. He should still be doing a strong 5000 damage. Also, toss
him an Ether if he gets low on MP.

Steiner: Steiner cannot and should not and will not use magic sword attacks in
this battle. The simple reason for this is Kuja will go bonkers and
cast Flare Stare until you want to kill him. Steiner should stick with
physical attacks. You might want him to use Flare Sword at the end of
the fight to quickly expose of Kuja. Also, if Steiner gets low on HP
have him use Darkside. He doesn't have high spirit so Auto-Regnen will
not regenerate as often.

Dagger: Dagger is really the one that was left out in the cold. If you have
Auto-Reflect on, which was an absolute godsend in the previous
battles, it will Reflect magic off of the characters and hit Kuja.
This is very bad. You wouldn't want to heal the boss! Dagger should
use Hi-Potions and Phoenix Downs. She can use Cura/Life on the charac-
ters that don't have Reflect, however. Don't have her use Bahamut and
keep her on hold via triangle so she can be a full time healer. Status
effects don't affect Kuja, so don't waste turns with those.

Eiko: Eiko is a powerhouse in this battle. She can use Madeen for around
3000 damage! This attack will vary; sometimes it will do 2000-4000
damage. Madeen is a killer skill, but it has a killer MP cost. Use it
wisely. Also, if you have Boost then please do it. It will make Madeen
even stronger! Anyway, onto Eiko's full-blown duty. This duty is
simple; Heal. Curaga and Cura are always your best friends. Use Hi-
Potions if you want to use your magic prudently. Eiko can also cast
Reflect and Shell and whatnot on the party if you want to. Reflect is
actually very good because it some of Garland's spells and it
hurts him instead of him absorbing it. In fact, Reflect is absolutely
needed and you should cast it at the beginning of the fight.

Amarant: Amarant's role is simple; Throw Rising Suns. These little things will
do immense damage to Silver Dragon. I told you to only use Amarant if
you had tons of Rising Suns and the reason for this is all Amarant has
over Steiner is throwing stuff. Steiner does have Flare Sword, though,
which sort of makes up for throwing stuff. If Amarant doesn't have
anything to throw then stick to physically attacking and throwing
(not literally) some skills in there if necessary.

Freya: At this point in time, you should have a skill that's better then
Lancer. I advise that you use it. I'm not updated with Freya so I
wouldn't know. I didn't really use Freya that much. Use Reis' Wind
if everyone doesn't have Auto-Regen. After you run out of MP, stick
to Jumping.

Quina: If you did choose Quina, I hope you substituted s/he for one of the
healers or you really will have a tough fight! Quina should use White
Wind and Hi-Potions to heal people. That is Quina's minor priority.
S/he should also use 1,000 needles because it, yet again, is a re-
liable attack that will always do 1000 damage. At this point in time,
1000 damage might seem like nothing. However, Quina's attacks really
aren't that hot, and vary greatly. Quina should also use Pumpkin Head
if Quina's HP gets low. Finally, Quina might want to use Limit Glove
if you somehow have 1 HP.


Boss Name: Nova Dragon
HP: 55000
Steal: Grand Armor, Remedy
Party: Zidane, Steiner, Freya, Eiko
Difficulty: Medium

Preparation: * Equip any armor that absorbs wind and water during this fight.
------------ If you can't find absorbing equipment, then try to find some
100% reductions.
* Zidane should have good physical attacks.
* Steiner should have Shock.
* Freya should have Dragon's Crest.
* Eiko should have Curaga and Silence.
* Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen is a must. Auto-Haste and Auto-Life are
* Dragon Killer ability will help out a lot in this fight.

Overview: This fight isn't very hard if you are prepared correctly. Nova
--------- Dragon has an arsenal of deadly attacks, but you should be able to
survive it if you have good spirit.

Attacks: * Tidal Wave is Nova Dragon's most deadly attack because it does
-------- great damage. It will do around 1000 damage to every character in
the party. It's pretty bad, but you should be able to survive it
with Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen. If you have water absorbing equipment
on you will absorb the damage!

* Shockwave is another one of Nova Dragon's deadly attacks. It will
do around 1000 damage to every character. Again, with the right
abilities it should be easy.

* Aerial Slash is wind type damage that hits one character. It is
pretty powerful, but not as bad the other two above. Wind absorb-
ing damage will make this a joke.

* Twister does completely random damage, and is wind elemental type.
Its damage is random, but I find that if you are pulverizing Nova
Dragon that he will use it more and it will do bad damage. It's
wind type, again, so absorbing it will make this boss fight easy.

* Psychokinesis is a pretty weak physical attack that will pick
someone up in the air, turn them around, and throw them on the
ground. It is similar to Garland's in that way, and because it
does around the same amount of damage. This is on one character,
mind you.

* Counterattack isn't all that bad. It won't do much damage, but it
still can be a nuisance if you have little HP. I wouldn't worry
about it.

Character Duties:

Zidane: Zidane will want to steal until he gets the Grand Armor. Then he
should physically attack or use Thievery.

Steiner: Steiner's main role in this fight is to use Shock. If you have some-
thing better, or something almost as good, use that.

Freya: Freya should have Dragon Killer on. Her attacks will do a lot of dam-
age. Have her jump or use Dragon's Crest. These will do awesome
amounts of damage.

Eiko: Eiko should be the parties healer. Use Curaga and Life as needed. She
can also use Madeen if she feels like it.

Vivi: Vivi should have Reflect up on himself. With Reflect X2, he should
cast Flare on himself. This will do tons of damage. If you do not have
Reflect X2, then just stick to using Flare on him.

Dagger: Dagger's role is exactly the same as Eiko's. The only difference is
that she should use Bahamut instead of Madeen.

Amarant: Amarant should physically attack, use his best flair, or throw some-
thing powerful. He should also use Chakra and Revive as needed.


Boss Name: Maliris
HP: 60000
Steal: Genji Armor, Ultima Sword, Masamine
Party: Zidane, Steiner, Freya, Eiko
Difficulty: Medium

Preparation: * Equip any armor that absorbs fire magic during this fight.
------------ If you can't find absorbing equipment, then try to find some
100% reductions.
* Zidane should have good physical attacks.
* Steiner should have Shock.
* Freya should have Dragon's Crest.
* Eiko should have Curaga.
* Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen is a must. Auto-Haste and Auto-Life are

Overview: Maliris isn't that tough of a fight either. She has some pretty
--------- nasty attacks but overall she isn't that tough with the preparations
all checked off. She does attack very fast, however.

Attacks: * Flame Slash is a fire type attack that does a lot of damage. It
-------- should kill all the weaker characters like Eiko. It only hits one
person, and that's about the best part. You can absorb it if you
want, but then she will use it less.

* Mustard Bomb will obviously kill a player and render them useless.
She tends not to use this much, however.

* Sword Quicker is an attack which she will use a lot. It doesn't
do much damage, however. The bad part about it is it will not heal
you. Don't you just love equipment...

* Firaga does a medium amount of damage and can kill a player if you
don't have Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen. It shouldn't be feared, how-
ever. This will also heal you if you can absorb fire.

* Esuna will heal her if she gets any unwanted status effects.

* Reflect will reflect magic. You shouldn't be using magic, anyhow.

Character Duties:

Zidane: The items in this fight are pretty good to steal. I recommend that you
get the Genji Armor and then hack away with Zidane. Physical attacks
or Thievery will do just fine.

Steiner: Steiner is to use Shock until he runs out of MP. Then you can either
throw him an ether or have him physically attack.

Freya: Freya's main job in this fight is to use Dragon's Crest. When she runs
out of MP, you can have her Jump.

Eiko: Eiko should heal the party. You might also want to cast Reflect on
everyone so Firaga bounces back. She should also use Madeen in free

Vivi: Vivi should use Blizzaga until he runs out of MP.

Dagger: Dagger will have the exact same role as Eiko.

Amarant: Amarant should throw anything he has, use Flairs, or attack.


Boss Name: Tiamat
HP: 60000
Steal: Grand Helmet, Blood Sword, Feather Boots
Party: Zidane, Steiner, Freya, Eiko
Difficulty: Semi-Hard

Preparation: * Equip any armor that absorbs wind during this fight. If you
------------ can't find absorbing equipment, then try to find some 100%
* Zidane should have good physical attacks.
* Steiner should have Shock.
* Freya should have Dragon's Crest.
* Eiko should have Curaga and Silence.
* Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen is a must. Auto-Haste and Auto-Life are
* Body Temp is a must.

Overview: This can easily be one of the most annoying bosses in the game. Tia-
--------- mat is like a super smart boss. He will use magic that absorbs your
Strength and Magic. This will render that character almost useless.
He also has Absorb MP, which is bad on virtually any character.

Attacks: * Absorb Strength will render your fighting characters useless. Con-
-------- sider them dead where they stand. It will make their attacks do
little damage.

* Absorb Magic is the same as Absorb Strength, but it will make any
magic users useless.

* Absorb MP is bad on all characters because you lose MP. This can
be "healed" with an Ether, however.

* Snort will eject a character from the fight. It sucks.

* Jet Fire will try to make all characters have the "Heat" status
effect. This is why you have Body Temp equipped. This attack will
be very bad if you don't.

* Silent Claw is a physical attack that will do medium damage. It
shouldn't be that bad. The only problem is it just about always
casts Silence on the character.

* Twister is probably his worst attack. It will do around 1000 da-
mage but you should have wind absorbing equipment on.

* He will cast Float on all characters from time to time so Twister
does even more damage. This might be good or bad.

Character Duties:

Zidane: Zidane has nothing to steal in this battle, so he should stick to att-
acking. Remember to use Thievery if necessary. Absorb Strength will
be bad. You will have to change to Thievery if he does this.

Steiner: Steiner should use Shock until Tiamat casts Silence on him. Then he
should use an Ether and cure Silence, then start up again. If he uses
any of the absorbs, then switch to which one he didn't do.

Freya: Freya should be using Dragon's Crest until she runs out of MP. Then
she has the liberty to Jump.

Eiko: Eiko should cast Curaga on the party to keep them at tiptop shape. You
will also want her to be on hold before Tiamat attacks.

Vivi: He should use Flare on Tiamat or anything else that is better.

Dagger: Dagger has the same role as Eiko.

Amarant: Amarant should be throwing stuff like there is no tomorrow.


Boss Name: Kraken
HP: 60000
Steal: N/A
Party: Zidane, Steiner, Freya, Eiko
Difficulty: Semi-Medium

Preparation: * Equip any armor that absorbs water during this fight.
------------ If you can't find absorbing equipment, then try to find some
100% reductions.
* Zidane should have good physical attacks.
* Steiner should have Shock.
* Freya should have Dragon's Crest.
* Eiko should have Curaga and Silence.
* Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen is a must. Auto-Haste and Auto-Life are

Overview: Kraken is the water guardian, but he one of the easiest guardians in
--------- the whole game. His attacks don't do much, either. He consists of
three parts, two of which being tentacles that have around 18000
damage each. Overall he isn't that hard.

Attacks: * Waterga... what a weird name. And no, Vivi never can get this
-------- attack. It will do around 1000 damage to everyone, which is not
that bad if you are at a high enough level.

* Water Gun hits everyone for around 750 damage. It's water elemen-
tal, however. If you have any water equipment then it will either
heal you or the damage will be severely reduced.

* Ink does a small amount of damage and casts Blind on a character.
No big deal here.

* Leg is a weak physical attack. It is very laughable.

* Esuna will heal status alignments if you dare to inflict any.

Character Duties:

Zidane: There isn't that much to still so Zidane should be physically attack-
ing. Of course, he is to use Thievery if it is better. Lastly, I found
myself getting into Trance in this battle. I don't know why, I think
the other bosses made my Trance Gauge go bonkers. Anyway, use Meo
Twister if this happens.

Steiner: Steiner should use Shock or Thundaga Sword if he has Vivi in the
party with him.

Freya: Freya should use Dragon's Crest and Jump.

Eiko: Eiko is the healer of this fight, though I don't think it is needed.
She will use all the basic healing spells. She should also cast Madeen
so we can hack away at all three body parts at once.

Vivi: Vivi should use Thundaga or Flare, whichever you think is better.

Dagger: Dagger has the same job as Eiko, but she should be summoning Ramuh/

Amarant: Amarant has to throw all the Rising Suns he has.


Boss Name: Lich
HP: 60000
Steal: Genji Gloves, Black Robe
Party: Zidane, Steiner, Freya, Eiko
Difficulty: Semi-Hard

Preparation: * Equip any armor that absorbs earth during this fight.
------------ If you can't find absorbing equipment, then try to find some
100% reductions.
* Zidane should have good physical attacks.
* Steiner should have Shock.
* Freya should have Dragon's Crest.
* Eiko should have Curaga and Silence.
* Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen is a must. Auto-Haste and Auto-Life are
* No one is to be at a level divisible by 5.
* Have Locomotion equipped before you fight.

Overview: When have seen Lich before. Zidane and Quina took him on at the -----
---- Earth place. He was, and still is, the Earth Guardian. This time
around he is a lot more powerful. He is probably one of the toughest
bosses you have foughten yet.

Attacks: * Death will instantly kill a party member sometimes. This is a very
-------- bad attack.

* Level 5 Death will kill all party members that have levels divi-
sible by 5. You could find a half-dead party.

* Stop will almost always stop a character. The only way to unstop
them is to have Eiko cast Dispel. This is a very bad attack but
you _should_ have Locomotion equipped.

* Doom didn't do anything to me, sadly.

* His physical attacks are back and better then ever. They will do
around 1200 damage to one character. This is more then plausible.

* All earth elemental attacks that he has are meaningless. You
_should_ be absorbing versus earth or at least have Auto-Float

Character Duties:

Zidane: Zidane will want to hack away at him. Nothing to steal here.

Steiner: Steiner should cast and recast shock until his head spins.

Freya: Freya has the duty of casting Dragon's Crest. She also can Jump.

Eiko: Eiko is the main damage dealer in this fight. She can cast Holy on him
for _a lot_ of damage. Also have her cast Dispel on the characters if
they get Stopped. Oh, and use Curaga as needed.

Vivi: Vivi is to cast his strongest magic. This should be Flare.

Dagger: Dagger has the same role as Eiko, but she can't cast Holy. V_V

Amarant: Amarant has to throw everything he has.


Boss Name: Deathguise
HP: 55000
Steal: Duel Claws, Elixir
Party: Zidane, Steiner, Freya, Eiko
Difficulty: Semi-Medium

Preparation: * Equip the best armor possible.
------------ * Zidane should have good physical attacks.
* Steiner should have Shock.
* Freya should have Dragon's Crest.
* Eiko should have Curaga and Silence.
* Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen is a must. Auto-Haste and Auto-Life are
* No one is to be at a level divisible by 5.
* Have Locomotion equipped before you fight.

Overview: Deathguise really isn't that tough of a boss. He abuses Death rights
--------- but that is about it. You shouldn't have much trouble unless you
completely neglect reviving fallen characters. In the beginning of
the fight he will always use Meteor. This sometimes does 300 damage
and other times it does 2500 damage. It's completely random. If it
does a lot of damage then reset and throw the dice again. After
that, it is pretty much smooth sailing.

Attacks: * Death will instantly kill a party member sometimes. This is a very
-------- bad attack.

* Level 5 Death will kill all party members that have levels divi-
sible by 5. You could find a half-dead party.

* He uses Meteor as an "opening move" at the beginning of the
battle. Basically, the computer throws a die and sees how much
damage will be inflicted upon you. It could be a small amount,
then it could be somewhere in the 2000s. You might want to reset
if it is very high. Overall this attack is just like Twister.

* His physical attacks will do around 750 damage and hit one person.

Character Duties:

Zidane: You might notice the terrible items that you can steal from Death-
guise. You should already have the Duel Claws and plenty of Elixirs
at hand. So you shouldn't steal items during this fight. Instead,
have Zidane physically attack Deathguise. You can also use Thievery
if you like. Don't worry about MP because after this battle you can
go back to a save point and heal it back up. Zidane's main role is
attacking in this fight.

Steiner: Steiner's MP might be low, but I don't care, to be quite frank. His
Shock does _so_ much damage that even if you use 20 Ethers it is worth
it completely. Steiner's role is to cast Shock, or any other good
sword art. If you have a very powerful weapon, like the Excalibur I
or II, then you might want to just attack. However, you should mainly
be using Shock in this fight. If you somehow have Vivi in your group,
don't mind the Magic Sword. It won't do as much damage.

Freya: As we all know, Freya has a simple role. It is to cast Dragon's Crest
on Deathguise. This will do a lot of damage, depending on how many
dragons you killed during the game. This is all she should be doing
during the fight. Use Ethers has necessary. Also, if you somehow don't
have Auto-Regen on all characters cast Reis' Wind please.

Eiko: Eiko can be on offense or defense, depending on how you want to fight.
In most cases, you will want her on offense. This is because Auto-
Potion/Auto-Regen will take up her job of healing. So, it is your job
to cast Holy over and over. This will do around 9999 damage to Death-
guise. She can also heal, but you probably won't need too.

Vivi: Vivi should cast his strongest magic spell.

Dagger: Dagger should be a healer, though she can also use Bahamut or Ark if
you want to.

Amarant: Amarant should be throwing semi-good weapon that you have duplicates
of or no longer need. He should primarily be throwing Rising Suns,
though, because we can use those for the upcoming fights.


Boss Name: Trance Kuja
HP: 55000
Steal: Rebirth Ring, White Robe
Party: Zidane, Steiner, Freya, Eiko
Difficulty: Semi-Medium

Preparation: * Zidane should have good physical attacks.
------------ * Steiner should have Shock.
* Freya should have Dragon's Crest.
* Eiko should have Curaga and Silence.
* Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen is a must. Auto-Haste and Auto-Life are
* No one is to be at a level divisible by 5.
* "I suggest that you equip Auto-Potion and Auto-Regen. I also
recommend that you equip Auto-Haste, Auto-Life and as many
anti-status effects as possible. The most important ones out
of the bunch are Antibody, Clear Headed, and Body Temp. Turn
off all those useless abilities like Level Up and Ability Up
or anything else that isn't that great."

Overview: Tranced Kuja is NOTHING like your previous encounter with him. This
--------- time he doesn't do attacks that instantly end battles, or any other
crap that Square should of put in here. This time all Kuja has going
for him is he is fast. Almost all of his other attacks are the
exact same as the last fight you had with him. He isn't very tough,
and a big disappointment.

Attacks: * Flare Stare is by far Kuja's mostly deadly attack. It does the
-------- character's level times 35. So, if you had a character at 45 it
would do 45 * 35 which is 1575 damage. This may seem like a lot,
but that's why you have Dagger and Auto-Potion equipped! Some
characters should have Auto-Regen, also. This attack hurts every-
one, and it is by far one of the most annoying attacks on disc
three. (Unless you fought Ozma, then any of his attacks take dibs
over Flare Stare.)

* Flare is his second deadly attack. It seems that Kuja has learned
from the black mages that black magic rocks. Flare will do around
1500 damage to one character. It is more then feasible if you
have a good healer at hand. Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen will suck it
right up, also. Overall, this is a deadly attack.

* Holy does holy damage on a target. Well, not really. You will find
it doing around 1200 damage. That is not bad, considering the
above two attacks make this attack look like regular Kuja. This
attack is not, in my opinion.

* Reflect just puts up Reflect on him. You can counter it by putting
Reflect on someone in your party. Then have them bounce magic on
that person and it will hit Kuja. Reflect really digs Kuja's
grave, as now he cannot heal himself.

* Lastly, Kuja has Curaga. This will do a pathetic 2400 damage
healed every turn. To make him stop casting Curaga, because he
will keep doing it, cast Reflect on him. He isn't smart enough to
bounce Curaga off of you, either, so don't worry about that.

Character Duties:

Zidane: If you look at the items you can steal, you should see that it is
nothing at all. So, have him attack. He can either use Thievery or
just plain out attack physically. Either one will do. Just do the one
that does the most damage.

Steiner: Steiner's main duty is to cast Shock over and over and over. If he has
better Sword Arts, then please use it. If he does more damage with
regular attacks, then of course you would use those. Don't use Sword
Magic, however. It is a waste of MP.

Freya: If you have been killing dragons throughout this entire game, which
you should have done, then have Freya use Dragon's Crest. This will do
an immense number of damage, depending on how many dragons you have
killed. Also, if Freya runs out of MP then have her use "High Jump."
This should do a lot of damage, also.

Eiko: Eiko is "not yet an attacker, not yet a healer." Her main focus in
this battle is to cast Holy on Kuja. This will do a ton of damage on
him, so don't worry about that. You just have to worry when Kuja casts
Reflect on himself. Then you will want to cast Reflect on yourself
then bounce Holy at him. Also, Eiko is the main healer of this battle.
She is to heal with Curaga ever so often.

Vivi: Flare. Or. Better.

Dagger: Same. As. Eiko.

Amarant: Throw.


Boss Name: Necron (Final Boss)
HP: 55000
Steal: Elixir, Elixir
Party: Zidane, Steiner, Freya, Eiko
Difficulty: Semi-Hard

Preparation: * Zidane should have good physical attacks.
------------ * Steiner should have Shock.
* Freya should have Dragon's Crest.
* Eiko should have Curaga and Silence.
* Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen is a must. Auto-Haste and Auto-Life are
* No one is to be at a level divisible by 5.
* "I suggest that you equip Auto-Potion and Auto-Regen. I also
recommend that you equip Auto-Haste, Auto-Life and as many
anti-status effects as possible. The most important ones out
of the bunch are Antibody, Clear Headed, and Body Temp. Turn
off all those useless abilities like Level Up and Ability Up
or anything else that isn't that great."

Overview: Necron is the final boss of the game! He is actually pretty diffi-
--------- cult, but still doesn't compare to any of the great optional bosses
that Final Fantasy IX has to offer. Necron's best attack is Grand
Cross, which will do random status effects on everyone. This is com-
pletely random. Sometimes you might get all the bad ones, sometimes
the good ones, and sometimes nothing at all! It really is about the
roll of the dice. Anyway, Necron is really fast and he will most
likely follow up Grand Cross with Neutron Ring. This will do 2000
damage to the party and completely sucks. He will do these attacks
at the beginning of battle, so it is almost unavoidable. Also,
Necron has an arsenal of regular attacks along with stuff that will
make the damage on him look funny. The worst part, however, is the
Grand Cross/Neutron Ring spell. Once you get passed that, this fight
is a lot easier. Focus on attack power and hold nothing back. If you
have a Dark Matter or two do not hesitate to throw it at Necron for
an easy 9999 damage. This is the final boss in the game so don't
hold back one bit. Elixir's should be used, and everything that you
have should be thrown. Overall this is one great fight.

Attacks: * Grand Cross is by far the most deadly attack in the game. It also
-------- holds the title as the most random. It will do various status eff-
ects on all characters. Sometimes you get the not-so-bad status
effects, sometimes you get the good ones, and sometimes you don't
get any status effects at all! This is one mean attack, but you
will only see him use this once at the beginning of the fight. You
should be able to dispose of him before he has the chance to use
it again.

* Neutron Ring is the second most deadly attack in this game, not
counting optional boss attacks of course. It will do around 2000
damage to all characters. He uses this right after he uses Grand
Cross, so you will be very weak after he does both of those
spells! This is one very deadly attack that might kill all the
magicians of your party and severely weaken the fighters. It's one
attack that kills all.

* Blue Shockwave is an attack that will reduce one characters HP to
1. This really is not that bad, considering we have had worse done
to us over the course of this game. I remember when Antlion was
using an attack that gave the whole party 1 HP! Blue Shockwave is
still a deadly attack that should not be laughed at, but I still
think it is the third most deadly attack Necron has to offer.

* Meteor does random damage, but in this fight it usually goes to-
wards the higher side of things. You might find this destroying
your party and then barely scratching it. In the final battle it
usually doesn't do 50 damage to all characters, or anything. This
attack is not that bad, overall.

* Flare is one of the best attacks you will see in this fight. It
will do around 1500 damage to one character. This is nothing to
fear and Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen can heal it right back up. It is
still a powerful attack, but nothing considering what they could
of done. Which brings me to my next sentence... Why didn't they
change "Flare" to "Flare Stare." It would have made a lot more
sense, this being the final boss and all. I just don't get it. Re-
flect will knock this one right back at Necron.

* Protect and Shell are attacks that he will cast at the beginning
of the fight. From that point further you won't do as much damage
to him. This is pretty bad, but not unbearable.

* Firaga, Blizzaga, and Thundaga are attacks that you will want to
see all throughout this fight. They don't do as much damage as the
other attacks! Still, they do a copious amount of damage. Of
course, these are elemental type damages, and you might get healed
if you have the proper equipment on. You might find these attacks
healing you every turn if you got all your equipment in order.

Character Duties:

Zidane: Stealing is not an option because Necron doesn't have anything good to
steal. Zidane should either be physically attacking or using Thievery.
Whichever one is better. If you have been stealing "regularly"
throughout the entire game it should do around 3000 damage, which is
not bad. You have to consider Shell and Protect when you physically
attack Necron. Thievery will ALWAYS do the listed amount of damage.
So, play with both attacks and see which one does more damage. Also,
you might want Zidane to be the Dark Matter thrower.

Steiner: Steiner's main job in this fight is to cast Shock, or anything better
he might have up his sleeve. Climhazzard, Stock Break, and Minus
Strike are just to name a few of the other ones. If you find yourself
low on HP with Steiner, you have the option to use Minus Strike or
Darkside. Minus Strike will do Steiner's maximum HP minus his current
HP, while Darkside will restore nearly all of his HP in a physical
attack on Necron. You decide which one is better in the situation. I
would use Minus Strike at the end of the fight and Darkside at the
beginning of the fights.

Freya: Freya's role in this battle is Dragon's Crest. This attack is decided
by how many dragons you have killed thus far in the game. It is a
really good attack that should do around 2500 damage at least. If she
runs out of MP then you can give her an Ether or Elixir. Then she can
proceed to using Dragon's Crest. Optionally, you can have her use the
High Jump ability and see if it does more damage to Necron. In some
cases it will, and in some it won't.

Eiko: Eiko's duty in this fight is simple. She is to heal the whole party
throughout the fight and NEVER ATTACK. This is because Necron will
probably get an attack in before Eiko can attack and thus cause havoc.
You have to keep Eiko on hold until you need her. When Grand Cross and
Neutron Ring roll around she will be almost invaluable with her Dispel
and Esuna abilities. Curaga is also pretty awesome. If you keep track
of Necron's HP, you might want Eiko to finish him off with a Holy or
something to end the fight.

Vivi: Strongest magic please.

Dagger: See: Eiko.

Amarant: Amarant is to throw everything you have. The chairs, the sofa, every-
thing he can get his greedy hands on.

Quina: Only use s/he if you have Frog Drop and it does a decent amount of



9.2 - Optional Bosses


Boss Name: Tantarian (Disc 2)
HP: 20000
Steal: Silver Fork, Demon's Mail, Elixir, Ether
Party: Zidane (16), Vivi (16), Freya (16), Steiner (20)
Difficulty: Very Hard

Please read this whole strategy before fighting! You can fight the Tantarian at
Disc Two and Three. This strategy will cover disc two. Before we start, I would
like to say that fighting him in disc two is a MAJOR MISTAKE UNLESS YOU HAVE THE
PROPER EQUIPMENT. You should at least have Bio with Vivi, and everyone has to
have Auto-Potion. If you don't have Bio, then substitute one of the 'ra's for
it. Why do you need Auto-Potion? When Tantarian attacks, he usually does Paper
Storm. This is a horrible attack that will do around 500 damage to everyone in
the party! So if you wanted to heal you would have to blow all your turns. So,
Auto-Potion is a must for this fight. He also has Edge. This is a good attack
because it will only hit one character for 800 damage. If Steiner gets hit with
this then use Minus Strike on him for great damage. Okay, now before we continue
Tantarian has two forms: Book Form and Cute Form. In Book Form he wreaks havoc
on the party with all of his attacks. He also wastes turns looking for his cute
form. He will keep going to pages until he finds it. You have to inflict a lot
of HP off of him before he finds cute form. You will do little damage to him in
this form, so just keep attacking him. When he changes to cute form, DO NOT
PHYSICALLY ATTACK HIM! He will close his book and go back to Book Form again!
However, you can attack him with magic. Have Vivi use his best spell and Steiner
use Magic Sword. Freya should use Lancer and Zidane should steal and heal the
party. This is at Cute Form, however. At Book Form, have everyone hack away with
Magic and Physical attacks to get him to book form. Zidane should attack and
steal. Vivi should use his best magic. Steiner should use Magic Sword/Attack.
Lastly, Freya should heal and attack. Don't worry if you run low on magic, just
use ethers. This battle should take a very long time, so try to get here as fast
as possible for your time limit. I hope that you have a lot of Hi-Potions,
Potions, and Phoenix Downs, or you will fall. Chemist on Freya is also needed so
she can be a better healer.


Boss Name: Catoblepas (Treno Equipment Shop Monster -- Disc Three)
HP: 4000
Steal: N/A
Party: Zidane (28)
Difficulty: Semi-Hard
Reward: 15,000 Gil

You will be fighting Catoblepas as a regular enemy soon in the game, so I think
that you should be able to defeat him. The tough part is he has Devil's Kiss,
which will freeze you every time. You have to equip the ability called Body Temp
before the battle starts. If you don't, more then likely his first attack will
be Devil's Kiss. Catoblepas doesn't have more then that, though. He has
Thundara, which is a semi-deadly attack. It does around 500 damage to you. This
is why I told you to equip Auto-Potion; you can quickly heal this in a matter of
seconds. Catoblepas also has Earthquake. This is an earth-based attack that does
around 300 damage each time. If you don't have Auto-Potion, buy a Feather Boot
add on. This absorbs earth damage. Catoblepas uses Earthquake around 50% of the
time so he will you! Absorb = Heal. Auto-Potion and Feather Boots make this
fight pathetically easy. Catoblepas didn't stand a chance against me, besides
Devil's Kiss. Just hack away with attacks on him, you should be doing around
1,000 damage each time. This makes the battle pathetically easy as Catoblepas
only has 4,000 HP. It's a very easy 15,000 Gil, if you ask me.


Boss Name: Tantarian (Disc 3)
HP: 20000
Steal: Elixir, Silver Fork
Party: Zidane (28), Vivi (28), Freya (18), Amarant (27)
Difficulty: Semi-Medium

Please read this whole strategy before fighting! You can fight the Tantarian at
Disc Two and Three. This strategy will cover disc three. Fighting Tantarian in
disc three is where you are supposed to fight him. I will cover all the aspects
of him and this fight, but let us take a look at preparation first.

Preparation: * All characters must be at recommended levels.
------------ * Zidane must have stolen normally throughout the entire game.
This doesn't mean you went bonkers when stealing; it just means
you stole items occasionally. This is for Thievery.
* Everyone must have Auto-Potion equipped, and you must have a
strong supply of Hi-Potions.
* Amarant must be in the process of learning Chakra. If he isn't,
then equip the Cat's Claw.
* Vivi must have an Oak Staff to cast Bio. (Substitution: 'ra's)
* Everyone must have the best equipment they can get this far in
the game. This is so they survive attacks.
* Freya should know, or have her learn, the chemist ability.

Overview: Tantarian has two forms: Book Form and Cute Form. In Book Form,
--------- which is the form that you will start the battle with, Tantarian
will almost be unmatched in all attacks. You will only do around 50
damage to him per attack. It is almost like being Mini'd.
Tantarian will use two attacks in this form: Edge and Paper Storm.
You will be happy when he does Edge on you; it will do around 600
damage to one character. When he does Paper Storm, however, it will
do 400 damage to the whole party! This is why it is imperative that
everyone knows Auto-Potion and you have 40-50 Hi-Potions in stock.
This will effectively counter both attacks. Now, besides this, Tan-
tarian will look for his cute form. He will waste turns sometimes
and try to find Cute Form in his book. He won't find it until you
have inflicted enough damage on him. When he turns to Cute Form, DO
NOT PHYSICALLY ATTACK HIM! He will close his book and you will be
back to Book Form. All you can do is use magic here. Tantarian will
use Poison in this stage only. After you have inflicted enough
damage on him again, he will return to Book Form. This is a pattern
which you must go through a couple times before he is defeated.

Attacks: Book Form
-------- ---------
* Edge is a physical attack that he does normally in Book Form. It
will do around 600 damage to one character. This can easily be
countered with Auto-Potion or Freya healing.
* Paper Storm is a magic attack that he does in Book Form. It will
do around 400 damage to every character. Auto-Potion can comple-
letely counter this attack. However, you will have to run out of
Hi-Potions some day...
* This is not an attack, but he normally looks for Cute Form in
his book. This doesn't do any damage to you, and actually gives
you a turn to attack more often. Overall, you want to see this.

Cute Form
* Poison is the only attack that he will use in Cute Form. It will
inflict damage and the Poison Status on a character. You will
need a character to throw an Antidote to counter this.

Character Duties:
Zidane: Zidane is going to be the "star" of your fight. He is the all star
in your team. With his Thievery Skill, he will be able to inflict
around 750 damage on Tantarian EVEN WHEN HE IS IN BOOK FORM! This
is absolutely amazing and a real lifesaver. The damage that is done
with Thievery is calculated with this formula: Number of items
stolen in game * Half of your current speed. This means that if you
stole 50 times in the game and had 20 speed, you would do 500
damage. The reason for this is because 50 * 20/2 = 500. Your
Thievery skill will vary with your current statistics. This is why
it is ABSOLUTELY VITAL that you stole normally in the game. Fifty
times might seem like a lot, but it really isn't. You have gone
through three discs, and you probably stole a lot in disc one.
Your current speed should be around 24, so you will be inflicting a
lot of damage on Tantarian. This is almost a bug in the game,
because you should only be able to inflict around 50 damage on
Tantarian every turn. With this, you will be able to do around 750
damage every turn! When you run low on MP, have Amarant use the
Chakra skill on you (See: Amarant's Duty). This is basically all
Zidane is going to do in this fight.

Amarant: Amarant should have the Chakra ability equipped. This will be used
to heal Zidane's MP during this battle. Amarant's duty is to do
this, and to heal the party. This is his main role. He also can phy-
sically attack if he has an open turn. However, you might want to
just put him on standby with triangle.

Vivi: Vivi is to also heal. This is only in Book Form, however. In Cute
Form, he is to use Bio until the cows come home. This will to a ton
of damage on Tantarian. It makes the fight go by a lot quicker once
Tantarian goes into Cute Form. Besides this, if Vivi has an open
slot in Book Form, you can have him defend, or waste MP by using
Magic on him.

Freya: Freya is also a full time healer in this battle. However, when an
open turn in Book Form arrives, you can have her use Jump or Lancer.
In Cute Form, she is to abuse Lancer until her MP runs out. Then
Amarant is to use Chakra to heal her MP right back up.



9.3 - Enemies


=====================================[ A ]=====================================

Name of Monster: Abadon
Level: 58
Hit Points: 12,658
Magic Points: 2,479
Gil: 2,604
Experience: 32,073
Steal: Garnet, Vaccine, Pheonix Pinion
Type: Bug/Flying

Name of Monster: Abomination
Level: 15
Hit Points: 879
Magic Points: 482
Gil: 388
Experience: 913
Steal: Ore, Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: Not Available

Name of Monster: Adamantoise
Level: 31
Hit Points: 3,587
Magic Points: 1,043
Gil: 4,433
Experience: 5,096
Steal: Tent, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down
Type: Turtle

Name of Monster: Agares
Level: 43
Hit Points: 6,775
Magic Points: 1,596
Gil: 1,945
Experience: 14,279
Steal: Tent, Soft, Ore
Type: Demon

Name of Monster: Amdusias
Level: 42
Hit Points: 6,578
Magic Points: 1,568
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Hi-Potion, Antidote, Phoenix Pinion
Type: Demon/Flying

Name of Monster: Amdusias(Pandemonium)
Level: 52
Hit Points: 10,926
Magic Points: 9,282
Gil: 2,316
Experience: 26,376
Steal: Tent, Ether
Type: Demon/Flying

Name of Monster: Anemone
Level: 31
Hit Points: 3,586
Magic Points: 1,045
Gil: 1,137
Experience: 5,080
Steal: Ore, Tent
Type: Not Available

Name of Monster: Antlion
Level: 16
Hit Points: 3,983
Magic Points: 3,950
Gil: 1,616
Experience: 0
Steal: Annoyntment, Mythril Vest, Gold Helmet
Type: Bug

Name of Monster: Armodullahan
Level: 13
Hit Points: 818
Magic Points: 4,598
Gil: 474
Experience: 809
Steal: Ore, Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: Not Available

Name of Monster: Armstrong
Level: 33
Hit Points: 4,204
Magic Points: 1,165
Gil: 1,456
Experience: 7,150
Steal: Ore, Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: Flying

Name of Monster: Ark
Level: 38
Hit Points: 20,002
Magic Points: 1,374
Gil: 5,964
Experience: 0
Steal: Elixir, Power Vest, Holy Lance
Type: Flying

Name of Monster: Ash
Level: 66
Hit Points: 25,591
Magic Points: 3,014
Gil: 2,748
Experience: 40,329
Steal: Tent
Type: Demon/Flying

Name of Monster: Axe Beak
Level: 6
Hit Points: 241
Magic Points: 267
Gil: 224
Experience: 123
Steal: Ore, Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: Beast

Name of Monster: Axolotl
Level: 6
Hit Points: 211
Magic Points: 266
Gil: 236
Experience: 106
Steal: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion
Type: Not Available

=====================================[ B ]=====================================

Name of Monster: Baku
Level: 2
Hit Points: 202
Magic Points: 1285
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Hi-Potion, Iron Sword
Type: Human

Name of Monster: Bandersnatch
Level: 14
Hit Points: 899
Magic Points: 464
Gil: 347
Experience: 787
Steal: Potion, Tent
Type: Beast

Name of Monster: Basilisk
Level: 6
Hit Points: 346
Magic Points: 247
Gil: 233
Experience: 167
Steal: Soft, Hi-Potion
Type: Bug

Name of Monster: Beatrix (1st)
Level: 14
Hit Points: 3,630
Magic Points: 3,467
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Phoenix Down, Chain Plate, Mythril Sword
Type: Human

Name of Monster: Beatrix (2nd)
Level: 17
Hit Points: 4,736
Magic Points: 3,964
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Phoenix Down, Thunder Gloves, Ice Brand
Type: Human

Name of Monster: Beatrix (3rd)
Level: 19
Hit Points: 5,709
Magic Points: 4,203
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Phoenix Down, Ice Brand, Survival Vest
Type: Human

Name of Monster: Behemoth(Memoria)
Level: 71
Hit Points: 24,123
Magic Points: 3,338
Gil: 2,764
Experience: 53,168
Steal: Phoenix Pinion
Type: Beast

Name of Monster: Benero
Level: 1
Hit Points: 28
Magic Points: 149
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Nothing
Type: Human

Name of Monster: Black Waltz No. 1
Level: 2
Hit Points: 229
Magic Points: 9,999
Gil: 134
Experience: 0
Steal: Steepled Hat, Lighting Staff, Flame Staff
Type: Human

Name of Monster: Black Waltz No. 2
Level: 6
Hit Points: 1,030
Magic Points: 3,017
Gil: 441
Experience: 0
Steal: Steepled Hat, Leather Plate
Type: Human/Flying

Name of Monster: Black Waltz No. 3 (Cargo Ship)
Level: 7
Hit Points: 1,128
Magic Points: 2,080
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Steepled Hat, Linen Cuirass, Silver Gloves
Type: Human/Flying

Name of Monster: Black Waltz No. 3 (South Gate)
Level: 9
Hit Points: 1,274
Magic Points: 344
Gil: 864
Experience: 0
Steal: Steepled Hat, Lightning Staff, Flame Staff
Type: Human

Name of Monster: Blazer Beetle
Level: 19
Hit Points: 1,468
Magic Points: 603
Gil: 740
Experience: 1,548
Steal: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion, Ether
Type: Bug

Name of Monster: Bomb
Level: 10
Hit Points: 526
Magic Points: 359
Gil: 235
Experience: 178
Steal: Ore, Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: Flying

=====================================[ C ]=====================================

Name of Monster: Cactaur
Level: 30
Hit Points: 1,939
Magic Points: 1,018
Gil: 1,021
Experience: 4,208
Steal: Phoenix Down, Tent, Ether
Type: Plant

Name of Monster: Carrion Worm
Level: 9
Hit Points: 259
Magic Points: 345
Gil: 319
Experience: 329
Steal: Annoyntment, Tent
Type: Bug

Name of Monster: Carve Spider
Level: 3
Hit Points: 123
Magic Points: 199
Gil: 124
Experience: 48
Steal: Potion, Tent, Ore
Type: Bug

Name of Monster: Catoblepas/Shoat
Level: 32
Hit Points: 3,727
Magic Points: 1,069
Gil: 1,421
Experience: 6,609
Steal: Soft, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion, Ether
Type: Beast

Name of Monster: Cave Imp
Level: 2
Hit Points: 74
Magic Points: 186
Gil: 118
Experience: 35
Steal: Potion, Phoenix Down
Type: Not Available

Name of Monster: Cerberus
Level: 44
Hit Points: 6,977
Magic Points: 1,625
Gil: 1,984
Experience: 15,181
Steal: Ore, Tent, Ether
Type: Beast

Name of Monster: Chimera
Level: 67
Hit Points: 21,901
Magic Points: 3,053
Gil: 2,732
Experience: 42,785
Steal: Vaccine, Garnet, Remedy
Type: Demon

Name of Monster: Clipper
Level: 7
Hit Points: 294
Magic Points: 278
Gil: 190
Experience: 80
Steal: Ore, Hi-Potion
Type: Not Available

Name of Monster: Crawler
Level: 10
Hit Points: 625
Magic Points: 358
Gil: 323
Experience: 480
Steal: Antidote, Phoenix Down, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion
Type: Bug

=====================================[ D ]=====================================

Name of Monster: Deathguise
Level: 74
Hit Points: 55,535
Magic Points: 9,999
Gil: 8,916
Experience: 0
Steal: Elixir, Black Belt, Duel Claws
Type: Demon/Bug/Flying

Name of Monster: Dendrobium
Level: 2
Hit Points: 174
Magic Points: 186
Gil: 99
Experience: 39
Steal: Eye Drops, Tent, Ore
Type: Flying

Name of Monster: Dracozombie
Level: 24
Hit Points: 2,179
Magic Points: 760
Gil: 941
Experience: 3,229
Steal: Magic Tag, Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: Dragon/Undead

Name of Monster: Drakan
Level: 30
Hit Points: 3,292
Magic Points: 1,018
Gil: 1,118
Experience: 5,675
Steal: Antidote
Type: Demon/Flying

Name of Monster: Dragonfly
Level: 8
Hit Points: 348
Magic Points: 295
Gil: 307
Experience: 249
Steal: Eye Drops, Tent
Type: Bug/Flying

=====================================[ E ]=====================================

Name of Monster: Earth Guardian
Level: 54
Hit Points: 20,756
Magic Points: 2,234
Gil: 4,512
Experience: 0
Steal: Avenger, Rubber Suit
Type: Demon

Name of Monster: Epitaph
Level: 32
Hit Points: 3,732
Magic Points: 300
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Phoenix Down, Soft
Type: Stone

=====================================[ F ]=====================================

Name of Monster: False
Level: 11
Hit Points: 594
Magic Points: 376
Gil: 0
Experience: 23,852
Steal: Not Available
Type: Flying

Name of Monster: Fang (Evil Forest)
Level: 1
Hit Points: 68
Magic Points: 170
Gil: 90
Experience: 23
Steal: Potion, Phoenix down, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion
Type: Beast

Name of Monster: Fang (Hunt)
Level: 5
Hit Points: 216
Magic Points: 253
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Nothing
Type: Beast

Name of Monster: Feather Circle (1)
Level: 13
Hit Points: 619
Magic Points: 448
Gil: 378
Experience: 629
Steal: Ore, Annoyntment, Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: Flying

Name of Monster: Feather Circle (2)
Level: 29
Hit Points: 3,298
Magic Points: 994
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Not Available
Type: Flying/Friendly

Name of Monster: Flan
Level: 2
Hit Points: 75
Magic Points: 183
Gil: 110
Experience: 41
Steal: Potion, Ore
Type: Not Available

=====================================[ G ]=====================================

Name of Monster: Gargoyle
Level: 44
Hit Points: 6,977
Magic Points: 1,628
Gil: 1,958
Experience: 15,181
Steal: Hi-Potion, Tent, Phoenix Down, Ether
Type: Stone/Flying

Name of Monster: Garland
Level: 62
Hit Points: 40,728
Magic Points: 9,999
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Battle Boots, Ninja Gear, Dark Gear
Type: Human

Name of Monster: Garuda (1)
Level: 35
Hit Points: 3,521
Magic Points: 1,216
Gil: 1,279
Experience: 6,933
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion, Ether, Phoenix down
Type: | Flying

Name of Monster: Garuda (2)
Level: 42
Hit Points: 6,583
Magic Points: 1,570
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Not Available
Type: Flying/Friendly

Name of Monster: Ghost (1)
Level: 4
Hit Points: 118
Magic Points: 9,999
Gil: 126
Experience: 48
Steal: Potion, Ore, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down
Type: Undead/Flying

Name of Monster: Ghost (2)
Level: 8
Hit Points: 347
Magic Points: 293
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Not Available
Type: Flying/Friendly

Name of Monster: Gigan Octopus
Level: 31
Hit Points: 3,584
Magic Points: 1,044
Gil: 1,840
Experience: 6,096
Steal: | Eye Drops, Phoenix Down, Ether
Type: | Flying

Name of Monster: Gigan Toad
Level: 7
Hit Points: 297
Magic Points: 280
Gil: 288
Experience: 178
Steal: Ore
Type: Not Available

Name of Monster: Gimme Cat
Level: 36
Hit Points: 4,683
Magic Points: 1,240
Gil: 5,000
Experience: 4
Steal: Echo Screen, Tent, Ether
Type: Not Available

Name of Monster: Gizamaluke
Level: 16
Hit Points: 3,175
Magic Points: 502
Gil: 800
Experience: 0
Steal: Elixir, Magus Hat, Ice Staff
Type: Flying

Name of Monster: Gnoll
Level: 18
Hit Points: 1,375
Magic Points: 586
Gil: 691
Experience: 1,368
Steal: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion, Ether
Type: Not Available

Name of Monster: Goblin
Level: 5
Hit Points: 33
Magic Points: 172
Gil: 88
Experience: 23
Steal: Potion
Type: Not Available

Name of Monster: Goblin Mage
Level: 15
Hit Points: 983
Magic Points: 485
Gil: 568
Experience: 913
Steal: Potion, Ore
Type: Not Available

Name of Monster: Grand Dragon
Level: 60
Hit Points: 13,206
Magic Points: 2250
Gil: 2,604
Experience: 35,208
Steal: Tent, Ether, Rising Sun
Type: Dragon

Name of Monster: Grenade
Level: 36
Hit Points: 4,685
Magic Points: 1,240
Gil: 1,336
Experience: 7,459
Steal: Ore, Tent, Ether
Type: Flying

Name of Monster: Griffin
Level: 16
Hit Points: 1,470
Magic Points: 602
Gil: 602
Experience: 1,858
Steal: Ore
Type: Flying

Name of Monster: Grimlock (Pink Head)
Level: 30
Hit Points: 3,292
Magic Points: 1,018
Gil: 1,363
Experience: 6,610
Steal: Ore, Tent, Ether
Type: Not Available

Name of Monster: Grimlock (Blue Head)
Level: 30
Hit Points: 3,292
Magic Points: 1,018
Gil: 1,363
Experience: 6,610
Steal: Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: Not Available

=====================================[ H ]=====================================

Name of Monster: Hades
Level: 92
Hit Points: 55,535
Magic Points: 9,999
Gil: 9,638
Experience: 65,535
Steal: Reflect Ring, Running Shoes, Battle Boots, Robe of Lords
Type: Demon/Flying

Name of Monster: Hagen
Level: 1
Hit Points: 33
Magic Points: 673
Gil: 72
Experience 0
Steal: Not Available
Type: Human

Name of Monster: Hecteyes
Level: 51
Hit Points: 9,567
Magic Points: 2,033
Gil: 2,049
Experience: 17,096
Steal: Hi-Potion, Vaccine, Phoenix Pinion
Type: Demon/Undead

Name of Monster: Hedgehog Pie
Level: 7
Hit Points: 295
Magic Points: 281
Gil: 187
Experience: 119
Steal: Ore, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down
Type: Not Available

Name of Monster: Hilgigars
Level: 28
Hit Points: 8,106
Magic Points: 908
Gil: 2,136
Experience: 0
Steal: Phoenix Down, Mythril Fork, Fairy Flute
Type: Human

Name of Monster: Hornet
Level: 7
Hit Points: 293
Magic Points: 281
Gil: 194
Experience: 89
Steal: Potion
Type: Bug/Flying

=====================================[ I ]=====================================

Name of Monster: Ironite
Level: 11
Hit Points: 889
Magic Points: 374
Gil: 269
Experience: 577
Steal: Hi-Potion, Soft
Type: Dragon/Flying

Name of Monster: Iron Man
Level: 68
Hit Points: 21,217
Magic Points: 3,091
Gil: 2,796
Experience: 42,996
Steal: Phoenix Down
Type: Human/Demon

=====================================[ J ]=====================================

Name of Monster: Jaberwock (1)
Level: 30
Hit Points: 3,442
Magic Points: 1,019
Gil: 1,156
Experience: 4,675
Steal: Ore, Hi-Potion
Type: Not Available

Name of Monster: Jabberwock (2)
Level: 31
Hit Points: 3,582
Magic Points: 1,042
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Not Available
Type: Friendly

=====================================[ K ]=====================================

Name of Monster: King Leo
Level: 1
Hit Points: 186
Magic Points: 373
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Not Available
Type: Human

Name of Monster: Kraken
Level: 72
Hit Points: 59,496
Magic Points: 3,380
Gil: 8,628
Experience: 0
Steal: Genji Helmet, Wizard Rob, Glutton's Robe
Type: Demon

Name of Monster: Kraken
Level: 72
Hit Points: 23,354
Magic Points: 3,381
Gil: 4,338
Experience: 0
Steal: Annoyntment, Eye Drops
Type: Memoria

Name of Monster: Kraken - Right Tentacle
Level: 71
Hit Points: 18,168
Magic Points: 3,338
Gil: 4,362
Experience: 0
Steal: Wing Edge
Type: Demon

Name of Monster: Kraken - Left Tentacle
Level: 71
Hit Points: 18,169
Magic Points: 3,339
Gil: 4,386
Experience: 0
Steal: Elixir
Type: Demon

Name of Monster: Kuja
Level: 64
Hit Points: 42,382
Magic Points: 9,999
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Ether, Carabini Mail, Light Robe
Type: Human

=====================================[ L ]=====================================

Name of Monster: Ladybug (1)
Level: 6
Hit Points: 244
Magic Points: 266
Gil: 193
Experience: 89
Steal: Eye Drops, Tent, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion
Type: Bug/Flying

Name of Monster: Ladybug
Level: 6
Hit Points: 244
Magic Points: 267
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Not Available
Type: Bug/Flying/Friendly

Name of Monster: Lamia
Level: 10
Hit Points: 994
Magic Points: 358
Gil: 494
Experience: 204
Steal: Ore, Phoenix Down
Type: Not Available

Name of Monster: Land Worm
Level: 29
Hit Points: 5,296
Magic Points: 997
Gil: 1,316
Experience: 5,151
Steal: Ore, Hi-Potion
Type: Bug

Name of Monster: Lani
Level: 19
Hit Points: 5,708
Magic Points: 4,802
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Ether, Gladius, Coral Sword
Type: Human

Name of Monster: Lich (1)
Level: 71
Hit Points: 58,544
Magic Points: 9,999
Gil: 8,436
Experience: 0
Steal: Genji Gloves, Siren's Flute, Black Robe
Type: Demon

Name of Monster: Lich (2)
Level: 68
Hit Points: 22,218
Magic Points: 3,091
Gil: 2,828
Experience: 0
Steal: Ore
Type: Demon

Name of Monster: Lizard Man
Level: 10
Hit Points: 589
Magic Points: 359
Gil: 218
Experience: 173
Steal: Ore, Tent
Type: Dragon

=====================================[ M ]=====================================

Name of Monster: Magic Vice
Level: 7
Hit Points: 297
Magic Points: 278
Gil: 239
Experience: 213
Steal: Echo Screen, Ether
Type: Not Available

Name of Monster: Malboro
Level: 57
Hit Points: 11,687
Magic Points: 2,334
Gil: 2,572
Experience: 30,579
Steal: Ore, Vaccine
Type: Plant

Name of Monster: Malaris (1)
Level: 72
Hit Points: 59,497
Magic Points: 3,381
Gil: 8,532
Experience: 0
Steal: Genji Armor, Ultima Sword, Masamune
Type: Demon

Name of Monster: Malaris (2)
Level: 69
Hit Points: 22,535
Magic Points: 3,127
Gil: 2,860
Experience 0
Steal: Phoenix Down
Type: Demon

Name of Monster: Mandragora
Level: 9
Hit Points: 662
Magic Points: 344
Gil: 595
Experience: 307
Steal: Echo Screen, Tent, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion
Type: Not Available

Name of Monster: Masked Man
Level: 1
Hit Points: 188
Magic Points: 223
Gil: 805
Experience: 0
Steal: Potion, Wrist, Mage Masher
Type: Human

Name of Monster: Meltigemini
Level: 42
Hit Points: 24,348
Magic Points: 1,570
Gil: 6,428
Experience: 0
Steal: Vaccine, Golden Hairpin, Demon's Vest
Type: Demon

Name of Monster: Mimic
Level: 8
Hit Points: 346
Magic Points: 295
Gil: 777
Experience: 320
Steal: Hi-Potion, Antidote
Type: Box

Name of Monster: Mistodon
Level: 19
Hit Points: 1,473
Magic Points: 602
Gil: 747
Experience: 2,548
Steal: Ore, Hi-Potion
Type: Undead

Name of Monster: Mover
Level: 52
Hit Points: 7,532
Magic Points: 2,064
Gil: 2,300
Experience: 23,801
Steal: Opal, Vaccine, Tent
Type: Flying

Name of Monster: Mu (Evil Forest)
Level: 2
Hit Points: 277
Magic Points: 183
Gil: 104
Experience: 34
Steal: Potion
Type: Not Available

Name of Monster: Mu (Hunt)
Level: 5
Hit Points: 201
Magic Points: 253
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Not Available
Type: Not Available

Name of Monster: Mu
Level: 2
Hit Points: 78
Magic Points: 186
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Not Available
Type: Friendly

Name of Monster: Myconid
Level: 20
Hit Points: 1,372
Magic Points: 584
Gil: 726
Experience: 1,368
Steal: Eye Drops, Tent
Type: Flying

=====================================[ N ]=====================================

Name of Monster: Necron
Level: 69
Hit Points: 54,100
Magic Points: 9,999
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Elixir
Type: Flying

Name of Monster: Nova Dragon
Level: 67
Hit Points: 54,940
Magic Points: 9,999
Gil: 9,506
Experience: 0
Steal: Remedy, Dragon Wrist, Grand Armor
Type: Dragon/Flying

Name of Monster: Nymph
Level: 9
Hit Points: 458
Magic Points: 345
Gil: 303
Experience: 329
Steal: Echo Screen, Ore, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down
Type: Not Available

Name of Monster: Nymph (Friendly)
Level: 9
Hit Points: 463
Magic Points: 344
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Not Available
Type: Friendly

=====================================[ O ]=====================================

Name of Monster: Ochu
Level: 16
Hit Points: 3,568
Magic Points: 622
Gil: 845
Experience: 2,093
Steal: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion, Ether
Type: Plant

Name of Monster: Ogre
Level: 32
Hit Points: 3,727
Magic Points: 1,067
Gil: 1,204
Experience: 5,507
Steal: Annoyntment, Phoenix Pinion, Ether
Type: Not Available

Name of Monster: Ozma
Level: 99
Hit Points: 5,535
Magic Points: 9,999
Gil: 18,312
Experience: 65,535
Steal: Elixir, Robe of Lords, Dark Matter, Pumice Piece
Type: Flying

=====================================[ P ]=====================================

Name of Monster: Plant Brain
Level: 7
Hit Points: 916
Magic Points: 1,431
Gil: 468
Experience: 0
Steal: Eye Drops, Iron Helm
Type: Plant

Name of Monster: Plant Spider
Level: 1
Hit Points: 33
Magic Points: 173
Gil: 91
Experience: 22
Steal: Potion, Ore, Hi-Potion
Type: Bug

Name of Monster: Prison Cage
Level: 2
Hit Points: 533
Magic Points: 1,186
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Broad Sword, Leather Wrist
Type: Plant

Name of Monster: Python
Level: 2
Hit Points: 75
Magic Points: 184
Gil: 106
Experience: 40
Steal: Potion, Ore, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion
Type: Not Available

=====================================[ Q ]=====================================

Name of Monster: Quale
Level: 76
Hit Points: 65,535
Magic Points: 3,680
Gil: 10,800
Experience: 65,535
Steal: Elixir, Ninja Gear, Glutton's Robe, Robe of Lords
Type: Human

=====================================[ R ]=====================================

Name of Monster: Ragtime Mouse
Level: 31
Hit Points: 3,584
Magic Points: 1,045
Gil: 59,630
Experience: 22,520
Steal: Not Available
Type: Friendly

Name of Monster: Ralvuimago
Level: 18
Hit Points: 3352
Magic Points: 584
Gil: 1,404
Experience: 0
Steal: Phoenix Down, Adamn Vest, Oak Staff
Type: Not Available

Name of Monster: Ralvurahva
Level: 13
Hit Points: 2,296
Magic Points: 3,649
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Bone Wrist, Mythril Fork
Type: Dragon

Name of Monster: Red Dragon
Level: 36
Hit Points: 8,000
Magic Points: 1,242
Gil: 5,156
Experience: 22,377
Steal: Tent, Ether, Elixir
Type: Dragon/Flying

Name of Monster: Ring Leader
Level: 51
Hit Points: 9,569
Magic Points: 2,030
Gil: 1,868
Experience: 18,816
Steal: Echo Screen, Vaccine
Type: Demon/Flying

=====================================[ S ]=====================================

Name of Monster: Sahagin
Level: 18
Hit Points: 1,375
Magic Points: 585
Gil: 684
Experience: 1368
Steal: Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: Not Available

Name of Monster: Sand Golem
Level: 11
Hit Points: 342
Magic Points: 376
Gil: 589
Experience: 677
Steal: Hi-Potion, Eye Drops
Type: Not Available

Name of Monster: Sand Golem (Core)
Level: 11
Hit Points: 1,091
Magic Points: 377
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Ore, Hi-Potion
Type: Not Available

Name of Monster: Sand Scorpion
Level: 10
Hit Points: 526
Magic Points: 360
Gil: 315
Experience: 400
Steal: Ore, Antidote, Ether
Type: Not Available

Name of Monster: Scarlet Hair
Level: 22
Hit Points: 8,985
Magic Points: 5,865
Gil: 4,790
Experience: 0
Steal: Ether, Poison Knuckles
Type: Human

Name of Monster: Sealion
Level: 3
Hit Points: 472
Magic Points: 9,999
Gil: 205
Experience: 0
Steal: Ether, Mythril Daggar
Type: Flying

Name of Monster: Seeker Bat
Level: 12
Hit Points: 594
Magic Points: 377
Gil: 366
Experience: 449
Steal: Eye Drops, Tent
Type: Flying

Name of Monster: Serpion
Level: 8
Hit Points: 397
Magic Points: 295
Gil: 184
Experience: 139
Steal: Antidote
Type: Dragon

Name of Monster: Shell Dragon
Level: 58
Hit Points: 12,661
Magic Points: 2,482
Gil: 2,588
Experience: 32,073
Steal: Hi-Potion, Vaccine, Tent, Phoenix Pinion
Type: Dragon

Name of Monster: Shell Dragon (Pandemonium)
Level: 54
Hit Points: 10,921
Magic Points: 9335
Gil: 2,332
Experience: 26,376
Steal: Phoenix Down, Elixir
Type: Dragon

Name of Monster: Silver Dragon
Level: 58
Hit Points: 24,055
Magic Points: 9,999
Gil: 5,240
Experience: 0
Steal: Elixir, Dragon Mail, Kaiser Knuckles
Type: Dragon/Flying

Name of Monster: Skeleton
Level: 8
Hit Points: 400
Magic Points: 293
Gil: 209
Experience: 104
Steal: Ore, Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: Undead

Name of Monster: Soldier (Cleyra)
Level: 10
Hit Points: 523
Magic Points: 358
Gil: 311
Experience: 400
Steal: Potion, Phoneix Down, Echo Screen, Phoenix Pinion
Type: Human

Name of Monster: Soldier (Alexandria Castle)
Level: 9
Hit Points: 459
Magic Points: 342
Gil: 292
Experience: 357
Steal: Potion, Phoenix Down, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion
Type: Human

Name of Monster: Soulcage
Level: 26
Hit Points: 9,765
Magic Points: 862
Gil: 3,800
Experience: 0
Steal: Oak Staff, Magician Cloak, Brigandine
Type: Undead

Name of Monster: Steiner (1st Battle)
Level: 1
Hit Points: 169
Magic Points: 523
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Leather Hat, Silk Shirt
Type: Human

Name of Monster: Steiner (2nd Battle)
Level: 1
Hit Points: 167
Magic Points: 620
Gil: 355
Experience: 0
Steal: Not Available
Type: Human

Name of Monster: Steiner (3rd battle)
Level: 1
Hit Points: 162
Magic Points: 770
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Not Available
Type: Human

Name of Monster: Stilva
Level: 67
Hit Points: 21,906
Magic Points: 3053
Gil: 2,780
Experience: 42,785
Steal: Ether
Type: Demon

Name of Monster: Stroper
Level: 21
Hit Points: 1,840
Magic Points: 697
Gil: 915
Experience: 2,346
Steal: Soft, Peridot, Phoenix Down, Phoenix Pinion
Type: Stone

=====================================[ T ]=====================================

Name of Monster: Taharka
Level: 46
Hit Points: 29,186
Magic Points: 1,776
Gil: 8,092
Experience: 0
Steal: Elixir, Myhtril Claws, Orichalcon
Type: Flying

Name of Monster: Tantarian
Level: 41
Hit Points: 21,997
Magic Points: 1,456
Gil: 4,472
Experience: 12,585
Steal: Ether, Elixir, Silver Fork, Demon's Mail
Type: Demon

Name of Monster: Thorn
Level: 16
Hit Points: 2,984
Magic Points: 9999
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Mythril Armor, Mythril Armlet
Type: Human

Name of Monster: Tiamat
Level: 72
Hit Points: 59,494
Magic Points: 3,381
Gil: 8,820
Experience: 0
Steal: Blood Sword, Feather Boots, Grand Helmet
Type: Dragon

Name of Monster: Tiamat (Memoria)
Level: 71
Hit Points: 24,127
Magic Points: 3,338
Gil: 2,956
Experience: 0
Steal: Ether, Wing Edge
Type: Dragon

Name of Monster: Tonberry
Level: 46
Hit Points: 7,886
Magic Points: 1,779
Gil: 1,513
Experience: 13,297
Steal: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down, Phoenix Pinion, Ether
Type: Not Available

Name of Monster: Torama
Level: 30
Hit Points: 3,292
Magic Points: 1,018
Gil: 1,118
Experience: 5,675
Steal: Antidote, Phoenix Pinion
Type: Beast/Demon

Name of Monster: Trance Kuja
Level: 76
Hit Points: 55,535
Magic Points: 9,999
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Ether, White Robe, Rebirth Ring
Type: Human/Flying

Name of Monster: Trick Sparrow
Level: 5
Hit Points: 191
Magic Points: 250
Gil: 198
Experience: 65
Steal: Ore
Type: Flying

Name of Monster: Troll
Level: 20
Hit Points: 1,469
Magic Points: 623
Gil: 854
Experience: 2,093
Steal: Ore, Tent
Type: Not Available

Name of Monster: True
Level: 11
Hit Points: 589
Magic Points: 377
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Not Available
Type: Flying

Name of Monster: Type A
Level: 8
Hit Points: 398
Magic Points: 293
Gil: 199
Experience: 115
Steal: Phoenix Down, Tent
Type: Human

Name of Monster: Type B
Level: 10
Hit Points: 526
Magic Points: 361
Gil: 321
Experience: 373
Steal: Ore, Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: Human

Name of Monster: Type C
Level: 13
Hit Points: 623
Magic Points: 447
Gil: 336
Experience: 629
Steal: Potion, Tent
Type: Human

=====================================[ V ]=====================================

Name of Monster: Verpal (Green)
Level: 34
Hit Points: 4,363
Magic Points: 1,188
Gil: 1,270
Experience: 6,434
Steal: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down, Ether
Type: Flying

Name of Monster: Verpal (Red)
Level: 35
Hit Points: 4,022
Magic Points: 1,214
Gil: 1,326
Experience: 6,933
Steal: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion, Ether
Type: Flying
Name of Monster: Veteran
Level: 44
Hit Points: 6,972
Magic Points: 1,627
Gil: 1,971
Experience: 15,181
Steal: Hi-Potion, Ether, Phoenix Pinion
Type: Demon/Flying

Name of Monster: Vice
Level: 4
Hit Points: 129
Magic Points: 209
Gil: 128
Experience: 48
Steal: Echo Screen, Potion
Type: Not Available

Name of Monster: Vulia Pira
Level: 36
Hit Points: 12,119
Magic Points: 9,999
Gil: 4,089
Experience: 0
Steal: Not Available
Type: Flying

=====================================[ W ]=====================================

Name of Monster: Weimar
Level: 1
Hit Points: 38
Magic Points: 721
Gil: 73
Experience: 0
Steal: Not Available
Type: Human

Name of Monster: Whale Zombie
Level: 32
Hit Points: 3,730
Magic Points: 1,066
Gil: 1,528
Experience: 6,609
Steal:Antidote, Magic Tag
Type: Undead/Flying

Name of Monster: Worm Hydra
Level: 37
Hit Points: 4,846
Magic Points: 1,268
Gil: 1,345
Experience: 8,010
Steal: Hi-Potion, Antidote
Type: Dragon

Name of Monster: Wraith (Blue)
Level: 36
Hit Points: 4,686
Magic Points: 1,239
Gil: 1,654
Experience: 8,950
Steal: Ore, Hi-Potion
Type: Undead/Flying

Name of Monster: Wraith (Red)
Level: 37
Hit Points: 4,686
Magic Points: 1,268
Gil: 1,345
Experience: 8,010
Steal: Topaz, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion
Type: Flying/Undead

Name of Monster: Wyerd
Level: 2
Hit Points: 129
Magic Points: 183
Gil: 116
Experience: 45
Steal: Potion, Tent, Phoenix Down
Type: Beast

=====================================[ Y ]=====================================

Name of Monster: Yan
Level: 72
Hit Points: 19,465
Magic Points: 3,378
Gil: 2,218
Experience: 42,673
Steal: Ore, Elixir
Type: Not Available

Name of Monster: Yan
Level: 61
Hit Points: 13,486
Magic Points: 2,588
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Not Available
Type: Friendly

Name of Monster: Yeti
Level: 9
Hit Points: 463
Magic Points: 342
Gil: 221
Experience: 133
Steal: Eye Drops, Ore, Hi-Potion
Type: Flying

Name of Monster: Yeti
Level: 6
Hit Points: 246
Magic Points: 265
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Not Available
Type: Flying/Friendly

=====================================[ Z ]=====================================

Name of Monster: Zaghnol (Hunt)
Level: 9
Hit Points: 1,574
Magic Points: 2,342
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Mythril Gloves, Needle Fork
Type: Beast

Name of Monster: Zaghnol (Pinnacle Rocks)
Level: 16
Hit Points: 1,189
Magic Points: 499
Gil: 546
Experience: 1,261
Steal: Ore, Tent, Ether
Type: Beast

Name of Monster: Zemzelett
Level: 20
Hit Points: 1,571
Magic Points: 625
Gil: 889
Experience: 2,093
Steal: Ore, Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: Flying

Name of Monster: Zenero
Level: 1
Hit Points: 32
Magic Points: 149
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Not Available
Type: Human

Name of Monster: Zombie
Level: 19
Hit Points: 973
Magic Points: 603
Gil: 708
Experience: 1,445
Steal: Magic Tab, Tent, Ether
Type: Undead

Name of Monster: Zorn
Level: 16
Hit Points: 4,896
Magic Points: 9,999
Gil: 0
Experience: 0
Steal: Partisan, Stardust Rod
Type: Human

Name of Monster: Zuu
Level: 8
Hit Points: 1,149
Magic Points: 293
Gil: 384
Experience: 320
Steal: Potion, Ore, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion
Type: Flying


9.4 - Level Up Spots


Location: Alexandria Castle
When?: Disc Two - Only at Castle
Who?: Steiner
How?: This is one of the best places in the entire game to level up Steiner.
Why? Because if you stand somewhere, Alexandrian Soldiers will continue
to run up to you and attack you, making it easy to fight. Alexandrian
Soldiers are really easy to defeat. Steiner can take them out in one hit
with his Blood Sword. He will also get HP when he hits them, making it so
that you cannot lose. Have Marcus kill himself, since we won't have him
for much longer. Have Steiner stand in one position and the Alexandrian
Soldiers run up and attack.

Alexandrian Soldiers also give GREAT experience! No doubt that Steiner is
a lot of levels behind, so use this chance to fly up levels! I advise
that you go to at least level 20. This will get Steiner around 3-4 levels
passed everyone else, but it will be worth it. Getting 700 experience per
fight is amazing! Try to equip something with counter to make the levels
go up even faster.


Location: Oeilvert
When?: Disc Three - All Game
Who?: Everyone
How?: "Make sure all four party members have the Jelly ability on before you
begin, as the Epitaph's only attack is Petrify. (Have Zidane attempt to
steal; you'll often steal a Phoenix Down that makes this method much
easier.) You can take advantage of the Epitaph's Mirror spell, which
creates a clone of one of your characters, by letting it clone up to
three of your party members. Now if the Epitaph clones a character
currently in your party, that character will die. Don't worry about the
dead character, though, just concentrate on attacking the clone - not
the Epitaph itself - until you've killed it. Next, if Zidane is still
alive, use steal again. If he was killed by the clone, however, use the
next weakest attack you have to hit the Epitaph and make it cast Mirror
again. After the third clone has been killed, revive any dead
characters, then kill the Epitaph once and for all. Each clone you kill
contributes up to a total of 7,434 EXP per person. This method also
helps build up the strength of Zidane's Thievery skill with every
successful steal. We recommend spending quite some time here to build up
levels easily."

(Page 86 of Expert Gamer, Kenneth Miller and Henry LaPierre)


Location: Pandemonium
When?: Disc Three - Only at castle
Who?: Everyone
How?: In the room with all the pins and lights, flip the switch so the 30
second timer goes up. Now just hit a blue light and you will get into a
battle. It really is that simple. Most of the enemies here are very
tough, also, so you will get awesome experience.


10. Abilities


In order of appearance.


10.1 - Zidane





Name: Flee
MP Cost: 0
Effect: Escape from battle with high probability

Name: Detect
MP Cost: 0
Effect: See the enemy's items

Name: What's That!?
MP Cost: 2
Effect: Allows back attack

Name: Soul Blade
MP Cost: 6
Effect: Draws out the hidden power of thief swords (inflicts status)

Name: Annoy
MP Cost: 4
Effect: Inflicts Trouble on the Target

Name: Sacrifice
MP Cost: 32
Effect: Sacrifice yourself to restore HP and MP to other members

Name: Lucky Seven
MP Cost: 6
Effect: Deals physical damage by luck

Name: Thievery
MP Cost: 8
Effect: Deals physical damage to the target




Name: Free Energy
MP Cost: 10
Effect: Deals physical damage to the enemy

Name: Tidal Flame
MP Cost: 12
Effect: Deals physical damage to all enemies

Name: Scoop Art
MP Cost: 14
Effect: Deals physical damage to the enemy

Name: Shift Break
MP Cost: 16
Effect: Deals physical damage to all enemies

Name: Stellar Circle 5
MP Cost: 24
Effect: Deals physical damage to all enemies

Name: Meo Twister
MP Cost: 32
Effect: Deals physical damage to all enemies

Name: Solution 9
MP Cost: 48
Effect: Deals physical damage to the enemy

Name: Grand Lethal
MP Cost: 60
Effect: Deals physical damage to all enemies




Name: Flee
AP: 40
Learned from: Dagger, Mage Masher, Zorlin Shape, Ultima Weapon, Germinas Boots

Name: Detect
AP: 40
Learned from: Mage Masher, Orichalcon

Name: What's That?!
AP: 40
Learned from: Butterfly Sword

Name: Soul Blade
AP: 35
Learned from: The Ogre

Name: Annoy
AP: 50
Learned from: Gladius, Sargatanas

Name: Sacrifice
AP: 55
Learned from: Exploda, Masamune

Name: Lucky Seven
AP: 55
Learned from: Gladius, Exploda, Rune Tooth, The Tower, Thief Hat

Name: Thievery
AP: 100
Learned from: Angel Bless, The Tower

Name: Auto-Reflect
AP: 95
Learned from: Reflect Ring

Name: Auto-Float
AP: 20
Learned from: Feather Boots

Name: Auto-Haste
AP: 55
Learned from: Running Shoes

Name: Auto-Regen
AP: 25
Learned from: Golden Hairpin, Brave Suit

Name: Auto-Life
AP: 130
Learned from: Rebirth Ring

Name: HP + 20%
AP: 40
Learned from: Mantra Band, Adaman Hat, Black Belt, Battle Boots

Name: Accuracy +
AP: 30
Learned from: Power Wrist, Black Hoons, Lapiz Lazuli

Name: Distract
AP: 30
Learned from: Judo Uniform, Reflect Ring, Diamond

Name: Long Reach
AP: 170
Learned from: Thief Hat, Protect Ring

Name: MP Attack
AP: 45
Learned from: Red Hat, Battle Boots, Power Belt

Name: Bird Killer
AP: 20
Learned from: Adaman Vest, Yellow Scarf

Name: Bug Killer
AP: 35
Learned from: Mythril Armlet

Name: Stone Killer
AP: 30
Learned from: Adaman Vest, Power Vest

Name: Undead Killer
AP: 20
Learned from: N-Kai Armlet, Headgear, Ritual Hat

Name: Devil Killer
AP: 25
Learned from: Chain Plate, Demon's Vest

Name: Beast Killer
AP: 30
Learned from: Leather Wrist, Egoist's Armlet, Flash Hat, Black Belt, Moonstone

Name: Man Eater
AP: 25
Learned from: Bandana, Coronet, Coral Ring

Name: Master Thief
AP: 50
Learned from: Thief Gloves

Name: Steal Gil
AP: 40
Learned from: Glass Armlet, Yellow Scarf

Name: Add Status
AP: 35
Learned from: Bone Wrist, Chimera Armlet, Bracer, Feathered Hat, Twist
Headband, Glass Buckle

Name: Gamble Defense
AP: 20
Learned from: Twist Headband, Adamant Hat, Power Vest

Name: High Tide
AP: 35
Learned from: Jade Armlet, Dark Hat, Gaia Gear, Sapphire

Name: Counter
AP: 70
Learned from: Ritual Hat, Power Vest, Power Belt

Name: Protect Girls
AP: 35
Learned from: Butterfly Sword, Leather Shirt

Name: Eye 4 Eye
AP: 60
Learned from: Flash Hat, Ninja Gear

Name: Body Temp
AP: 25
Learned from: Jade Armlet, Madain's Ring, Fairy Earrings, Diamond

Name: Alert
AP: 40
Learned from: Ninja Gear, Germinas Boots

Name: Level Up
AP: 50
Learned from: Egoist's Armlet, Rosetta Ring, Fairy Earrings

Name: Ability Up
AP: 80
Learned from: Green Beret, Brigandine, Ribbon, Lapis Lazuli

Name: Flee-Gil
AP: 45
Learned from: Wrist, Desert Boots, Gold Choker

Name: Insomniac
AP: 30
Learned from: Bandana, Gaia Gear, Coral Ring

Name: Antibody
AP: 20
Learned from: Glass Armlet, Mantra Band, Survival Vest, Glass Buckle

Name: Bright Eyes
AP: 35
Learned from: Feather Hat, Ritual Hat

Name: Restore HP
AP: 85
Learned from: Brave Suit, Promist Ring

Name: Jelly
AP: 35
Learned from: Dragon Wrist, Dark Hat, Circlet, Bronze Vest, Dragon Gear

Name: Auto-Potion
AP: 30
Learned from: Mythril Vest, Demon's Vest, Running Shoes, Gold Choker

Name: Locomotion
AP: 30
Learned from: Black Hood, Golden Skullcap, Survival Vest, Demon's Vest, Ninja

Name: Clear Headed
AP: 25
Learned from: Green Beret, Circlet, Dragon's Gear, Magician Shoes

Name: Mug
AP: 65
Learned from: Chimera Armlet, Thief Hat, Survival Vest

Name: Bandit
AP: 40
Learned from: Mythril Dagger, N-Kai Armlet


10.2 - Vivi





Spell: Fire
MP Cost: 6
Effect: Causes Fire damage to single/multiple targets

Spell: Fira
MP Cost: 12
Effect: Causes a lot of Fire damage to single/multiple targets

Spell: Firaga
MP Cost: 24
Effect: Causes big time Fire damage to single/multiple targets

Spell: Sleep
MP Cost: 10
Effect: Puts single/multiple targets to sleep

Spell: Blizzard
MP Cost: 6
Effect: Causes Ice damage to single/multiple targets

Spell: Blizzara
MP Cost: 12
Effect: Causes a lot of Ice damage to single/multiple targets

Spell: Blizzaga
MP Cost: 24
Effect: Causes big time Ice damage to single/multiple targets

Spell: Slow
MP Cost: 6
Effect: Slows down ATB Gauge

Spell: Thunder
MP Cost: 6
Effect: Causes thunder damage to single/multiple targets

Spell: Thundara
MP Cost: 12
Effect: Causes a lot of Thunder damage to single/multiple targets

Spell: Thundaga
MP Cost: 24
Effect: Causes big time Thunder damage to single/multiple targets

Spell: Stop
MP Cost: 8
Effect: Stops targets from taking any actions

Spell: Poison
MP Cost: 8
Effect: Causes poison to single/multiple targets

Spell: Bio
MP Cost: 18
Effect: Causes non-elemental damage and Poison to single/multiple enemies

Spell: Osmose
MP Cost: 2
Effect: Absorbs MP from the target and transfers it to the spell caster

Spell: Drain
MP Cost: 14
Effect: Drains HP from the target and transfers it to the spell caster

Spell: Demi
MP Cost: 18
Effect: Amount of damage depends on the targets HP

Spell: Comet
MP Cost: 16
Effect: Causes non-elemental damage

Spell: Death
MP Cost: 20
Effect: KO's the target

Spell: Break
MP Cost: 18
Effect: Causes petrify

Spell: Water
MP Cost: 22
Effect: Causes water damage to single/multiple targets

Spell: Meteor
MP Cost: 42
Effect: Causes non-elemental damage to single/multiple targets

Spell: Flare
MP Cost: 40
Effect: Causes on-elemental damage

Spell: Doomsday
MP Cost: 72
Effect: Causes Shadow damage to all targets




Name: Fire
AP: 25
Learned from: Mage Staff, Leather Hat

Name: Fira
AP: 50
Learned from: Flame Staff, Mages Hat, Power Belt

Name: Firaga
AP: 75
Learned from: Octagon Rod

Name: Sleep
AP: 20
Learned from: Flame Staff

Name: Blizzard
AP: 25
Learned from: Leather Wrist

Name: Blizzara
AP: 50
Learned from: Ice Staff, Opal

Name: Blizzaga
AP: 85
Learned from: Octagon Rod

Name: Slow
AP: 20
Learned from: Ice Staff, Magus Hat

Name: Thunder
AP: 25
Learned from: Silk Shirt, Glass Buckle

Name: Thundara
AP: 50
Learned from: Lightning Staff, Peridot

Name: Thundaga
AP: 80
Learned from: Octagon Rod

Name: Stop
AP: 25
Learned from: Oak Staff

Name: Poison
AP: 35
Learned from: Lightning Staff

Name: Bio
AP: 40
Learned from: Oak Staff

Name: Osmose
AP: 70
Learned from: High Mage Staff, Gaia Gear

Name: Drain
AP: 60
Learned from: Oak Staff

Name: Demi
AP: 30
Learned from: Cypress Pile, Black Belt, Amethyst

Name: Comet
AP: 55
Learned from: Cypress Pile

Name: Death
AP: 45
Learned from: Black Hood

Name: Break
AP: 30
Learned from: Cypress Pile

Name: Water
AP: 55
Learned from: N-Kai Armlet

Name: Meteor
AP: 95
Learned from: High Mage Staff

Name: Flare
AP: 95
Learned from: Black Robe

Name: Doomsday
AP: 150
Learned from: Mace of Zeus

Name: Auto-Reflect
AP: 70
Learned from: Reflect Ring

Name: Auto-Float
AP: 20
Learned from: Feather Boots

Name: Auto-Regen
AP: 30
Learned from: Golden Hairpin, Light Robe

Name: Auto-Life
AP: 70
Learned from: Rebirth Ring

Name: MP + 20%
AP: 30
Learned from: Black Robe

Name: Healer
AP: 20
Learned from: Garnet

Name: Add Status
AP: 25
Learned from: Bone Wrist, Chimera Armlet, Bracer, Feather Hat, Twist Armband,
Glass Buckle

Name: Reflect-Null
AP: 30
Learned from: Robe of Lords

Name: Reflect x2
AP: 110
Learned from: Black Robe, Rosetta Ring

Name: Mag Elem Null
AP: 85
Learned from: Protect Ring, Promist Ring

Name: Half MP
AP: 140
Learned from: Light Robe, Protect Ring

Name: High Tide
AP: 25
Learned from: Jade Armlet, Dark Hat, Gaia Gear

Name: Body Temp
AP: 15
Learned from: Jade Armlet, Holy Miter, Madains Ring, Fairy Earrings, Diamond

Name: Level Up
AP: 30
Learned from: Egoists Armlet, Rosetta Ring, Fairy Earrings

Name: Ability Up
AP: 55
Learned from: Green Beret, Silk Robe, Ribbon, Lapis Lazuli

Name: Insomniac
AP: 25
Learned from: Bandana, Holy Miter, Magician Clothes, Coral Ring, Gaia Gear

Name: Antibody
AP: 30
Learned from: Glass Armlet

Name: Loudmouth
AP: 40
Learned from: Mages Hat, Golden Hairpin, Silk Robe

Name: Jelly
AP: 25
Learned from: Dragon Wrist, Dark Hat, Circlet, Bronze Vest, Dark Gear

Name: Return Magic
AP: 90
Learned from: Coronet

Name: Auto-Potion
AP: 10
Learned from: Mythril Vest, Demons Vest, Magician Robe, Running Shoes, Gold

Name: Locomotion
AP: 35
Learned from: Black Hood, Golden Skullcap, Survival Vest, Demon's Vest

Name: Clear Headed
AP: 15
Learned from: Magic Armlet, Green Beret, Circlet, Dark Gear, Magician Shoes


10.3 - Steiner



Sword Arts


Name: Darkside
MP Cost: Not Available
Learned from: Blood Sword

Name: Minus Strike
MP Cost: 8
Learned from: Iron Sword, Excalibur II

Name: Iai Strike
MP Cost: 16
Learned from: Rune Blade

Name: Power Strike
MP Cost: 8
Learned from: Dia Sword

Name: Armor Break
MP Cost: 3
Learned from: Mythril Sword

Name: Mental Break
MP Cost: 4
Learned from: Gold Helm

Name: Magic Break
MP Cost: 4
Learned from: Flame Tongue

Name: Charge!
MP Cost: 10
Learned from: Coral Sword

Name: Thunder Slash
MP Cost: 24
Learned from: Ragnarok

Name: Stock Break
MP Cost: 26
Learned from: Ultima Sword, Excalibur II

Name: Climhazzard
MP Cost: 32
Learned from: Excalibur, Excalibur II

Name: Shock
MP Cost: 46
Learned from: Ragnarok




Name: Darkside
AP: 30
Learned from: Blood Sword

Name: Minus Strike
AP: 35
Learned from: Iron Sword, Excalibur II, Rubber Helm

Name: Iai Strike
AP: 40
Learned from: Rune Blade

Name: Power Strike
AP: 40
Learned from: Dia Sword

Name: Armor Break
AP: 30
Learned from: Mythril Sword

Name: Mental Break
AP: 30
Learned from: Gold Helm, Ice Brand

Name: Magic Break
AP: 25
Learned from: Flame Tongue

Name: Charge!
AP: 30
Learned from: Coral Sword, Aegis Gloves

Name: Thunder Slash
AP: 30
Learned from: Ragnarok, Defender

Name: Stock Break
AP: 35
Learned from: Ultima Sword, Excalibur II

Name: Climhazzard
AP: 70
Learned from: Excalibur, Excalibur II

Name: Shock
AP: 60
Learned from: Ragnarok

Name: Auto Reflect
AP: 95
Learned from: Reflect Ring

Name: Auto Float
AP: 20
Learned from: Feather Boots, Venetia Shield

Name: Auto Haste
AP: 65
Learned from: Hermes's Shoes

Name: Auto Regen
AP: 75
Learned from: Brave Suit, Carabini Mail

Name: Auto Life
AP: 155
Learned from: Rebirth Ring

Name: HP 10% Up
AP: 20
Learned from: Chain Mail, Germinas Boots, Aquamarine

Name: HP 20% Up
AP: 60
Learned from: Defense Glove, Black Belt, Genji Helmet, Maximillian

Name: Accuracy +
AP: 40
Learned from: Diamond Helm, Genji Armor, Lapis Lazuli

Name: Distract
AP: 30
Learned from: Shield Armor, Reflect Ring, Diamond

Name: Long Reach
AP: Not Available
Learned from: Protect Ring

Name: MP Attack
AP: 50
Learned from: Cross Helm, Battle Boots, Power Belt

Name: Bird Killer
AP: 25
Learned from: Bronze Armor, Chain Mail, Yellow Scarf

Name: Bug Killer
AP: 50
Learned from: Mythril Gloves, Bronze Helm

Name: Stone Killer
AP: 20
Learned from: Platinum Helm, Gold Armor

Name: Undead Killer
AP: 30
Learned from: Silver Gloves, Plate Mail

Name: Devil Killer
AP: 30
Learned from: Thunder Gloves, Cross Helm

Name: Beast Killer
AP: 55
Learned from: Broad Sword, Platina Armor, Black Belt, Moonstone

Name: Man Eater
AP: 20
Learned from: Mythril Gloves, Coral Ring

Name: Add Status
AP: 50
Learned from: Thunder Gloves, Glass Buckle

Name: Chemist
AP: 20
Learned from: Grand Armor, Madain's Ring

Name: High Tide
AP: 35
Learned from: Genji Gloves, Grand Helm, Demon's Mail, Sapphire

Name: Counter
AP: 100
Learned from: Venetia Shield, Black Belt

Name: Protect
AP: 20
Learned from: Gauntlet, Linen Curiass, Mythril Armor

Name: Eye 4 Eye
AP: 35
Learned from: Kaiser Helm

Name: Body Temp
AP: 35
Learned from: Genji Armor, Madain's Ring, Fairy Earrings, Diamond

Name: Alert
AP: 60
Learned from: Barbut, Germinas Boots

Name: Level Up
AP: 25
Learned from: Iron Helm, Rosetta Ring, Fairy Earrings

Name: Insomniac
AP: 30
Learned from: Bandana, Gaia Gear, Coral Ring

Name: Antibody
AP: 20
Learned from: Glass Armlet, Mantra Band, Survival Vest, Glass Buckle

Name: Bright Eyes
AP: 35
Learned from: Feather Hat, Ritual Hat

Name: Restore HP
AP: 85
Learned from: Brave Suit, Promist Ring

Name: Jelly
AP: 35
Learned from: Dragon Wrist, Dark Hat, Circlet, Bronze Vest, Dragon Gear

Name: Auto-Potion
AP: 30
Learned from: Mythril Vest, Demon's Vest, Running Shoes, Gold Choker

Name: Locomotion
AP: 30
Learned from: Black Hood, Golden Skullcap, Survival Vest, Demon's Vest, Ninja

Name: Clear Headed
AP: 25
Learned from: Green Beret, Circlet, Dragon's Gear, Magician Shoes


10.4 - Dagger





Name: Cure
MP Cost: 6
Learned from: Magic Racket, Rod, Silk Shirt

Name: Cura
MP Cost: 10
Learned from: Healing Rod, Barette

Name: Curaga
MP Cost: 22
Learned from: Wizard Rod, Whale Whisker

Name: Life
MP Cost: 8
Learned from: Mythril Rod, Healing Rod, Whale Whisker, Rebirth Ring, Cachusha

Name: Scan
MP Cost: 4
Learned from: Air Racket, Desert Boots

Name: Panacea
MP Cost: 4
Learned from: Air Racket, Rod

Name: Stona
MP Cost: 8
Learned from: Multina Racket

Name: Shell
MP Cost: 6
Learned from: Multina Racket, Mythril Racket, Mythril Rod, Wizard Rod, Cotton
Robe, Gold Choker, Moonstone

Name: Protect
MP Cost: 8
Learned from: Mythril Racket, Rod, Wizard Rod, Steepled Hat, Desert Boots

Name: Silence
MP Cost: 8
Learned from: Priest's Racket, Mythril Rod, Asura's Rod, Mythril Armlet

Name: Mini
MP Cost: 8
Learned from: Magic Racket, Asura's Rod, Feather Boots

Name: Reflect
MP Cost: 6
Learned from: Mythril Racket, Stardust Rod, Reflect Ring, Ruby

Name: Confuse
MP Cost: 8
Learned from: Asura's Rod, Lamia's Tiara

Name: Berserk
MP Cost: 6
Learned from: Magic Racket

Name: Blind
MP Cost: 6
Learned from: Multina Racket, Magician Shoes

Name: Float
MP Cost: 6
Learned from: Stardust Rod, Feather Boots

Name: Shiva
MP Cost: 24
Learned from: Opal

Name: Ifrit
MP Cost: 26
Learned from: Topaz

Name: Ramuh
MP Cost: 22
Learned from: Peridot

Name: Atomos
MP Cost: 32
Learned from: Amethyst

Name: Odin
MP Cost: 28
Learned from: Dark Matter

Name: Leviathan
MP Cost: 42
Learned from: Aquamarine

Name: Bahamut
MP Cost: 56
Learned from: Garnet

Name: Ark
MP Cost: 80
Learned from: Pumice




Name: Cure
AP: 25
Learned from: Magic Racket, Rod, Silk Shirt

Name: Cura
AP: 50
Learned from: Healing Rod, Barette

Name: Curaga
AP: 75
Learned from: Wizard Rod, Whale Whisker

Name: Life
AP: 35
Learned from: Mythril Rod, Healing Rod, Whale Whisker, Rebirth Ring, Cachusha

Name: Scan
AP: 30
Learned from: Air Racket, Desert Boots

Name: Panacea
AP: 30
Learned from: Air Racket, Rod

Name: Stona
AP: 30
Learned from: Multina Racket

Name: Shell
AP: 25
Learned from: Multina Racket, Mythril Racket, Mythril Rod, Wizard Rod, Cotton
Robe, Gold Choker, Moonstone

Name: Protect
AP: 35
Learned from: Mythril Racket, Rod, Wizard Rod, Steepled Hat, Desert Boots

Name: Silence
AP: 35
Learned from: Priest's Racket, Mythril Rod, Asura's Rod, Mythril Armlet

Name: Mini
AP: 30
Learned from: Magic Racket, Asura's Rod, Feather Boots

Name: Reflect
AP: 35
Learned from: Mythril Racket, Stardust Rod, Reflect Ring, Ruby

Name: Confuse
AP: 35
Learned from: Asura's Rod, Lamia's Tiara

Name: Berserk
AP: 35
Learned from: Magic Racket

Name: Blind
AP: 35
Learned from: Multina Racket, Magician Shoes

Name: Float
AP: 35
Learned from: Stardust Rod, Feather Boots

Name: Shiva
AP: 30
Learned from: Opal

Name: Ifrit
AP: 40
Learned from: Topaz

Name: Ramuh
AP: 50
Learned from: Peridot

Name: Atomos
AP: 60
Learned from: Amethyst

Name: Odin
AP: 70
Learned from: Dark Matter

Name: Leviathan
AP: 80
Learned from: Aquamarine

Name: Bahamut
AP: 90
Learned from: Garnet

Name: Ark
AP: 100
Learned from: Pumice

Name: Auto-Reflect
AP: 15
Learned from: Reflect Ring

Name: Auto-Float
AP: 6
Learned from: Feather Boots

Name: Auto-Haste
AP: 9
Learned from: Running Shoes

Name: Auto-Regen
AP: 10
Learned from: Golden Hairpin, Light Robe, Angel Earrings, Maiden Prayer

Name: Auto-Life
AP: 12
Learned from: Rebirth Ring

Name: MP +20%
AP: 8
Learned from: Angel Earrings

Name: Healer
AP: 2
Learned from: Healing Rod, Anklet, Garnet

Name: Chemist
AP: 4
Learned from: Cotton Robe, Madain's Ring, Barette

Name: Reflect-Null
AP: 7
Learned from: Robe of Lords, Pearl Rouge

Name: Concentrate
AP: 10
Learned from: Robe of Lords, Rosetta Ring

Name: Half MP
AP: 11
Learned from: Light Robe, Protect Ring

Name: High Tide
AP: 8
Learned from: Jade Armlet, Dark Hat, Gaia Gear, Minerva's Plate, Sapphire

Name: Body Temp
AP: 4
Learned from: Jade Armlet, Holy Miter, Madain's Ring, Fairy Earrings, Diamond

Name: Level Up
AP: 7
Learned from: Egoist's Armlet, Rosetta Ring, Fairy Earrings, Pearl Rouge,

Name: Ability Up
AP: 3
Learned from: Stardust Rod, Green Beret, Silk Robe, Cachusha, Ribbon, Lapis

Name: Insomniac
AP: 5
Learned from: Bandana, Holy Miter, Magician Cloak, Gaia Gear, Coral Ring

Name: Antibody
AP: 4
Learned from: Glass Armlet, Mantra Band, Survival Vest, Glass Buckle

Name: Loudmouth
AP: 4
Learned from: Mage's Hat, Golden Hairpin, Silk Robe, White Robe, Pearl Rogue

Name: Jelly
AP: 4
Learned from: Dragon Wrist, Circlet, Bronze Vest, Dark Gear

Name: Auto-Potion
AP: 3
Learned from: Mythril Vest, Demon's Vest, Magician's Robe, White Robe, Running
Shoes, Gold Choker, Extension

Name: Locomotion
AP: 4
Learned from: Black Hood, Golden Skullcap, Survival Vest, Demon's Vest, Anklet

Name: Clear Headed
AP: 5
Learned from: Magic Armlet, Lamia's Tiara, Green Beret, Circlet, Dark Gear,
Magician Shoes

Name: Boost
AP: 12
Learned from: Pumice Piece

Name: Odin's Sword
AP: 5
Learned from: Ancient Aroma


10.5 - Freya





Name: Lancer
MP Cost: 10
Learned from: Partisan, Dragon Wrist, Coral Ring

Name: Rei's Wind
MP Cost: 12
Learned from: Mythril Spear, Holy Lance, Gold Helm, Angel Earrings

Name: Dragon Breath
MP Cost: 78
Learned from: Dragon's Hair

Name: White Draw
MP Cost: 36
Learned from: Ice Lance, Kain's Lance, Emerald

Name: Luna
MP Cost: 12
Learned from: Trident

Name: Six Dragons
MP Cost: 28
Learned from: Heavy Lance

Name: Cherry Blossom
MP Cost: 46
Learned from: Obelisk, Kain's Lance

Name: Dragon Crest
MP Cost: 16
Learned from: Holy Lance, Kain's Lance




Name: Lancer
AP: 20
Learned from: Partisan, Dragon Wrist, Coral Ring

Name: Rei's Wind
AP: 40
Learned from: Mythril Spear, Holy Lance, Gold Helm, Angel Earrings

Name: Dragon Breath
AP: 205
Learned from: Dragon's Hair

Name: White Draw
AP: 90
Learned from: Ice Lance, Kain's Lance, Emerald

Name: Luna
AP: 30
Learned from: Trident

Name: Six Dragons
AP: 25
Learned from: Heavy Lance

Name: Cherry Blossom
AP: 40
Learned from: Obelisk, Kain's Lance

Name: Dragon Crest
AP: 45
Learned from: Holy Lance, Kain's Lance

Name: Auto Reflect
AP: 95
Learned from: Reflect Ring

Name: Auto Float
AP: 20
Learned from: Feather Boots, Venetia Shield

Name: Auto Haste
AP: 65
Learned from: Hermes's Shoes

Name: Auto Regen
AP: 75
Learned from: Brave Suit, Carabini Mail

Name: Auto Life
AP: 155
Learned from: Rebirth Ring

Name: HP 10% Up
AP: 20
Learned from: Chain Mail, Germinas Boots, Aquamarine

Name: HP 20% Up
AP: 60
Learned from: Defense Glove, Black Belt, Genji Helmet, Maximillian

Name: MP 10% Up
AP: 35
Learned from: Magician Shoes, Extension, Emerald

Name: Accuracy +
AP: 40
Learned from: Diamond Helm, Genji Armor, Lapis Lazuli

Name: Distract
AP: 30
Learned from: Shield Armor, Reflect Ring, Diamond

Name: Long Reach
AP: Not Available
Learned from: Protect Ring

Name: MP Attack
AP: 50
Learned from: Cross Helm, Battle Boots, Power Belt

Name: Bird Killer
AP: 25
Learned from: Bronze Armor, Chain Mail, Yellow Scarf

Name: Bug Killer
AP: 50
Learned from: Mythril Gloves, Bronze Helm

Name: Stone Killer
AP: 20
Learned from: Platinum Helm, Gold Armor

Name: Undead Killer
AP: 30
Learned from: Silver Gloves, Plate Mail

Name: Devil Killer
AP: 30
Learned from: Thunder Gloves, Cross Helm

Name: Beast Killer
AP: 55
Learned from: Broad Sword, Platina Armor, Black Belt, Moonstone

Name: Man Eater
AP: 20
Learned from: Mythril Gloves, Coral Ring

Name: High Jump
AP: 75
Learned from: Dragon Mail

Name: Add Status
AP: 50
Learned from: Thunder Gloves, Glass Buckle

Name: Gamble Defense
AP: 20
Learned from: Barette

Name: Chemist
AP: 20
Learned from: Grand Armor, Madain's Ring

Name: High Tide
AP: 35
Learned from: Genji Gloves, Grand Helm, Demon's Mail, Sapphire

Name: Counter
AP: 100
Learned from: Venetia Shield, Black Belt

Name: Protect
AP: 20
Learned from: Gauntlet, Linen Curiass, Mythril Armor

Name: Eye 4 Eye
AP: 35
Learned from: Kaiser Helm

Name: Body Temp
AP: 35
Learned from: Genji Armor, Madain's Ring, Fairy Earrings, Diamond

Name: Initiative
AP: 95
Learned from: Obelisk, Battle Boots

Name: Level Up
AP: 25
Learned from: Iron Helm, Rosetta Ring, Fairy Earrings

Name: Insomniac
AP: 30
Learned from: Bandana, Gaia Gear, Coral Ring

Name: Antibody
AP: 20
Learned from: Glass Armlet, Mantra Band, Survival Vest, Glass Buckle

Name: Bright Eyes
AP: 35
Learned from: Feather Hat, Ritual Hat

Name: Restore HP
AP: 85
Learned from: Brave Suit, Promist Ring

Name: Jelly
AP: 35
Learned from: Dragon Wrist, Dark Hat, Circlet, Bronze Vest, Dragon Gear

Name: Auto-Potion
AP: 30
Learned from: Mythril Vest, Demon's Vest, Running Shoes, Gold Choker

Name: Locomotion
AP: 30
Learned from: Black Hood, Golden Skullcap, Survival Vest, Demon's Vest, Ninja

Name: Clear Headed
AP: 25
Learned from: Green Beret, Circlet, Dragon's Gear, Magician Shoes


10.6 - Quina



Blue Magic





Name: Auto Reflect
AP: 95
Learned from: Reflect Ring

Name: Auto Float
AP: 20
Learned from: Feather Boots, Venetia Shield

Name: Auto Haste
AP: 65
Learned from: Hermes's Shoes

Name: Auto Regen
AP: 75
Learned from: Brave Suit, Carabini Mail

Name: Auto Life
AP: 155
Learned from: Rebirth Ring

Name: MP 10% Up
AP: 50
Learned from: Magician Cloak, Magician Robe, Magician Shoes, Emerald

Name: Healer
AP: 60
Learned from: Garnet

Name: Add Status
AP: 50
Learned from: Thunder Gloves, Glass Buckle

Name: Gamble Defense
AP: 40
Learned from: Twist Headband, Adaman Hat, Power Vest

Name: Half MP
AP: 90
Learned from: Light Robe, Protect Ring

Name: High Tide
AP: 35
Learned from: Genji Gloves, Grand Helm, Demon's Mail, Sapphire

Name: Counter
AP: 100
Learned from: Venetia Shield, Black Belt

Name: Body Temp
AP: 20
Learned from: Jade Armlet, Holy Miter, Glutton's Robe, Madain's Ring, Fairy
Earring, Diamond

Name: Level Up
AP: 25
Learned from: Iron Helm, Rosetta Ring, Fairy Earrings

Name: Ability Up
AP: 40
Learned from: Green Beret, Silk Robe, Ribbon, Lapiz Lazuli

Name: Gil Up
AP: 100
Learned from: Yellow Scarf

Name: Insomniac
AP: 30
Learned from: Bandana, Gaia Gear, Coral Ring

Name: Antibody
AP: 20
Learned from: Glass Armlet, Mantra Band, Survival Vest, Glass Buckle

Name: Loud Mouth
AP: 30
Learned from: Mage's Hat, Golden Hairpin, Silk Robe

Name: Jelly
AP: 35
Learned from: Dragon Wrist, Dark Hat, Circlet, Bronze Vest, Dragon Gear

Name: Absorb MP
AP: 80
Learned from: Promist Ring

Name: Auto-Potion
AP: 30
Learned from: Mythril Vest, Demon's Vest, Running Shoes, Gold Choker

Name: Locomotion
AP: 30
Learned from: Black Hood, Golden Skullcap, Survival Vest, Demon's Vest, Ninja

Name: Clear Headed
AP: 25
Learned from: Green Beret, Circlet, Dragon's Gear, Magician Shoes


10.7 - Eiko





Name: Carbuncle
MP Cost: 24
Learned from: Ruby

Name: Fenrir
MP Cost: 30
Learned from: Sapphire

Name: Phoenix
MP Cost: 32
Learned from: Phoenix Pinion

Name: Madeen
MP Cost: 54
Learned from: Ribbon

Name: Cure
MP Cost: 6
Learned from: Magic Racket, Silk Shirt

Name: Cura
MP Cost: 10
Learned from: Golem's Flute, Barette

Name: Curaga
MP Cost: 22
Learned from: Hamelin, Angel Flute

Name: Life
MP Cost: 8
Learned from: Golem's Flute, Rebirth Ring, Cachusha

Name: Full Life
MP Cost: 24
Learned from: Siren's Flute, Light Robe

Name: Scan
MP Cost: 4
Learned from: Air Racket, Desert Boots

Name: Stona
MP Cost: 8
Learned from: Air Racket

Name: Esuna
MP Cost: 20
Learned from: Fairy Flute, Siren's Flute, Angel Flute, Rubber Suit

Name: Shell
MP Cost: 6
Learned from: Multina Racket, Mythril Racket, Cotton Robe, Gold Choker,

Name: Protect
MP Cost: 6
Learned from: Mythril Racket, Steepled Hat, Desert Boots

Name: Haste
MP Cost: 8
Learned from: Fairy Flute, Running Shoes, Emerald

Name: Silence
MP Cost: 8
Learned from: Priest's Racket, Lamia's Flute, Magic Armlet

Name: Mini
MP Cost: 8
Learned from: Magic Racket, Feather Boots

Name: Reflect
MP Cost: 6
Learned from: Mythril Racket, Stardust Rod, Reflect Ring, Ruby

Name: Float
MP Cost: 6
Learned from: Stardust Rod, Feather Boots

Name: Dispel
MP Cost: 14
Learned from: Tiger Racket, Siren's Flute

Name: Might
MP Cost: 14
Learned from: Priest's Racket, Hamelin

Name: Jewel
MP Cost: 4
Learned from: Hamelin

Name: Holy
MP Cost: 36
Learned from: Angel Flute, White Robe




Name: Carbuncle
AP: 35
Learned from: Ruby

Name: Fenrir
AP: 55
Learned from: Sapphire

Name: Phoenix
AP: 40
Learned from: Phoenix Pinion

Name: Madeen
AP: 120
Learned from: Ribbon

Name: Cure
AP: 20
Learned from: Magic Racket, Silk Shirt

Name: Cura
AP: 40
Learned from: Golem's Flute, Barette

Name: Curaga
AP: 80
Learned from: Hamelin, Angel Flute

Name: Life
AP: 25
Learned from: Golem's Flute, Rebirth Ring, Cachusha

Name: Full Life
AP: 35
Learned from: Siren's Flute, Light Robe

Name: Stona
AP: 25
Learned from: Air Racket

Name: Esuna
AP: 80
Learned from: Fairy Flute, Siren's Flute, Angel Flute, Rubber Suit

Name: Shell
AP: 20
Learned from: Multina Racket, Mythril Racket, Cotton Robe, Gold Choker,

Name: Protect
AP: 20
Learned from: Mythril Racket, Steepled Hat, Desert Boots

Name: Haste
AP: 30
Learned from: Fairy Flute, Running Shoes, Emerald

Name: Silence
AP: 25
Learned from: Priest's Racket, Lamia's Flute, Magic Armlet

Name: Mini
AP: 35
Learned from: Magic Racket, Feather Boots

Name: Reflect
AP: 25
Learned from: Mythril Racket, Stardust Rod, Reflect Ring, Ruby

Name: Float
AP: 25
Learned from: Stardust Rod, Feather Boots

Name: Dispel
AP: 25
Learned from: Tiger Racket, Siren's Flute

Name: Might
AP: 25
Learned from: Priest's Racket, Hamelin

Name: Jewel
AP: 50
Learned from: Hamelin

Name: Holy
AP: 110
Learned from: Angel Flute, White Robe

Name: Auto Reflect
AP: 95
Learned from: Reflect Ring

Name: Auto Float
AP: 20
Learned from: Feather Boots, Venetia Shield

Name: Auto Haste
AP: 65
Learned from: Running Shoes

Name: Auto Regen
AP: 75
Learned from: Golem's Flute, Golden Hairpin, Light Robe, Angel Earrings, Maiden

Name: Auto Life
AP: 155
Learned from: Rebirth Ring

Name: MP 10% Up
AP: 20
Learned from: Magician Cloak, Magician Robe, Magician Shoes, Extension, Emerald

Name: MP 20% Up
AP: 60
Learned from: Angel Earrings

Name: Healer
AP: 60
Learned from: Anklet, Garnet

Name: Reflect Null
AP: 55
Learned from: Robe of Lords, Pearl Rouge

Name: Concentrate
AP: 90
Learned from: Robe of Lords, Rosetta Ring

Name: Half MP
AP: 120
Learned from: Light Robe, Protect Ring

Name: High Tide
AP: 35
Learned from: Jade Armlet, Dark Hat, Gaia Gear, Minerva's Plate, Sapphire

Name: Body Temp
AP: 35
Learned from: Jade Armlet, Holy Miter, Madain's Ring, Fairy Earrings, Diamond

Name: Level Up
AP: 25
Learned from: Egoist's Armlet, Rosetta Ring, Fairy Earrings, Pearl Rouge,

Name: Ability Up
AP: 60
Learned from: Green Beret, Silk Robe, Caschucha, Ribbon, Lapis Lazuli

Name: Mog's Protect
AP: 30
Learned from: Madain's Ring, Ribbon

Name: Insomniac
AP: 30
Learned from: Bandana, Holy Miter, Magician Cloak, Gaia Gear, Coral Ring

Name: Antibody
AP: 20
Learned from: Glass Armlet, Mantra Band, Survival Vest, Glass Buckle

Name: Loudmouth
AP: 15
Learned from: Mage's Hat, Golden Hairpin, Silk Robe, White Robe, Pearl Rouge

Name: Jelly
AP: 35
Learned from: Dragon Wrist, Dark Hat, Circlet, Bronze Vest, Dark Gear

Name: Auto-Potion
AP: 30
Learned from: Mythril Vest, Demon's Vest, Magician's Robe, White Robe, Running
Shoes, Gold Choker, Extension

Name: Locomotion
AP: 30
Learned from: Black Hood, Golden Skullcap, Survival Vest, Demon's Vest, Anklet

Name: Clear Headed
AP: 25
Learned from: Magic Armlet, Lamia's Tiara, Green Beret, Circlet, Dark Gear,
Magician Shoes

Name: Boost
AP: 150
Learned from: Pumice Piece


10.8 - Amarant





Name: Aura
MP Cost: 12
Learned from: Scissor Fangs, Duel Claws

Name: Chakra
MP Cost: 4
Learned from: Cat's Claws, Leather Plate

Name: Countdown
MP Cost: 16
Learned from: Kaiser Knuckles

Name: Curse
MP Cost: 12
Learned from: Mythril Claws, Kaiser Knuckles

Name: Demi Shock
MP Cost: 20
Learned from: Avenger, Rune Claws

Name: No Mercy
MP Cost: 12
Learned from: Dragon's Claws, Duel Claws

Name: Spare Change
MP Cost: Not Available
Learned from: Poison Knuckles, Rune Claws

Name: Revive
MP Cost: 20
Learned from: Tiger Fangs, Rune Claws, Rebirth Ring




Name: Aura
AP: 25
Learned from: Scissor Fangs, Duel Claws

Name: Chakra
AP: 30
Learned from: Cat's Claws, Leather Plate

Name: Countdown
AP: 40
Learned from: Kaiser Knuckles

Name: Curse
AP: 20
Learned from: Mythril Claws, Kaiser Knuckles

Name: Demi Shock
AP: 50
Learned from: Avenger, Rune Claws

Name: No Mercy
AP: 25
Learned from: Dragon's Claws, Duel Claws

Name: Spare Change
AP: 90
Learned from: Poison Knuckles, Rune Claws

Name: Revive
AP: 35
Learned from: Tiger Fangs, Rune Claws, Rebirth Ring

Name: Auto Reflect
AP: 95
Learned from: Reflect Ring

Name: Auto Float
AP: 20
Learned from: Feather Boots, Venetia Shield

Name: Auto Haste
AP: 65
Learned from: Hermes's Shoes

Name: Auto Regen
AP: 75
Learned from: Brave Suit, Carabini Mail

Name: Auto Life
AP: 155
Learned from: Rebirth Ring

Name: HP 10% Up
AP: 20
Learned from: Judo Uniform, Germinas Boots, Aquamarine

Name: HP 20% Up
AP: 60
Learned from: Mantra Band, Adaman Hat, Black Belt

Name: Accuracy +
AP: 40
Learned from: Power Wrist, Lapis Lazuli

Name: Long Reach
AP: Not Available
Learned from: Protect Ring

Name: MP Attack
AP: 50
Learned from: Red Hat, Battle Boots, Power Belt

Name: Bird Killer
AP: 25
Learned from: Adaman Hat, Yellow Scarf

Name: Bug Killer
AP: 50
Learned from: Mythril Armlet

Name: Stone Killer
AP: 20
Learned from: Adaman Vest, Power Vest

Name: Undead Killer
AP: 30
Learned from: N-Kai Armlet, Headgear, Ritual Hat

Name: Devil Killer
AP: 30
Learned from: Chain Plate, Demon's Vest

Name: Beast Killer
AP: 55
Learned from: Leather Wrist, Egoist's Armlet, Flash Hat, Black Belt, Moonstone

Name: Man Eater
AP: 20
Learned from: Bandana, Coronet, Coral Ring

Name: Healer
AP: 40
Learned from: Anklet, Garnet

Name: Add Status
AP: 50
Learned from: Bone Wrist, Chimera Armlet, Bracer, Twist Headband, Glass Buckle

Name: Gamble Defense
AP: 35
Learned from: Twist Headband, Adaman Hat, Power Vest

Name: Power Throw
AP: 125
Learned from: Bracer

Name: Power Up
AP: 30
Learned from: Golden Skullcap

Name: High Tide
AP: 35
Learned from: Jade Armlet, Dark Hat, Gaia Gear, Sapphire

Name: Counter
AP: 100
Learned from: Cat's Claws, Poison Knuckles, Mythril Claws, Scissor Fangs,
Dragon's Claws, Tiger Fangs. Avenger, Kaiser Knuckles, Duel Claws, Ritual Hat,
Power Vest, Anklet, Power Belt

Name: Protect
AP: 20
Learned from: Red Hat

Name: Eye 4 Eye
AP: 35
Learned from: Flash Hat, Ninja Gear

Name: Body Temp
AP: 35
Learned from: Jade Armlet, Madain's Ring, Fairy Earrings, Diamond

Name: Alert
AP: 60
Learned from: Ninja Gear, Germinas Boots

Name: Level Up
AP: 25
Learned from: Egoist's Armlet, Rosetta Ring, Fairy Earrings

Name: Ability Up
AP: 80
Learned from: Green Beret, Brigandine, Ribbon, Lapis Lazuli

Name: Flee-Gil
AP: 30
Learned from: Wrist, Desert Boots, Gold Choker

Name: Insomniac
AP: 30
Learned from: Bandana, Gaia Gear, Coral Ring

Name: Antibody
AP: 20
Learned from: Glass Armlet, Mantra Band, Survival Vest, Glass Buckle

Name: Bright Eyes
AP: 35
Learned from: Ritual Hat

Name: Restore HP
AP: 85
Learned from: Brave Suit, Promist Ring

Name: Jelly
AP: 35
Learned from: Dragon Wrist, Dark Hat, Circlet, Bronze Vest, Dragon Gear

Name: Return Magic
AP: 170
Learned from: Coronet, Brigandine

Name: Auto-Potion
AP: 30
Learned from: Mythril Vest, Demon's Vest, Running Shoes, Gold Choker

Name: Locomotion
AP: 30
Learned from: Anklet, Golden Skullcap, Survival Vest, Demon's Vest, Ninja

Name: Clear Headed
AP: 25
Learned from: Green Beret, Circlet, Dark Gear, Magician Shoes


11. Shops



Dagger 320
Mage Masher 500
Broadsword 330
Iron Sword 660
Rod 260
Mage Staff 320
Wrist 130
Leather Wrist 200
Bronze Gloves 480
Leather Hat 150
Feather Hat 200
Rubber Helm 250
Bronze Helm 330
Leather Shirt 270
Silk Shirt 400
Bronze Armor 650

Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Tent 800


Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Tent 800

Dagger 320
Mage Masher 500
Mythril Dagger 950
Iron Sword 660
Javelin 880
Rod 260
Fork 1100
Leather Wrist 200
Glass Armlet 250
Bronze Gloves 480
Silver Gloves 720
Steepled Hat 260
Headgear 330
Iron Helm 450
Leather Plate 530
Linen Cuirass 800

Butterfly Sword 300 Dagger, Mage Masher
The Ogre 700 Mage Masher, Mage Masher
Cotton Robe 1000 Wrist, Steepled Hat
Desert Boots 300 Leather Hat, Leather Shirt
Yellow Scarf 400 Feather Hat, Steepled Hat
Glass Buckle 500 Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist


Needle Fork 3100
Glass Armlet 250
Mythril Gloves 980
Steepled Hat 260
Headgear 330
Magus Hat 400
Linen Cuirass 800
Barbut 600
Bronze Vest 670
Linen Cuirass 800
Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Tent 800

Summit Station

Air Racket 400
Mythril Rod 560
Glass Armlet 250
Silver Gloves 720
Mythril Gloves 980
Steepled Hat 260
Headgear 330
Magus Hat 400
Rubber Helm 250
Iron Helm 450
Barbut 600
Bronze Vest 670
Linen Cuirass 800
Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Tent 800


Dagger 320
Mage Masher 500
Mythril Dagger 950
Mythril Sword 1300
Mythril Spear 1100
Air Racket 400
Mythril Rod 560
Flame Staff 1100
Ice Staff 980
Lightning Staff 1200
Fork 1100
Needle Fork 3100
Leather Wrist 200
Glass Armlet 250
Bone Wrist 330
Mythril Gloves 980
Bandana 500
Barbut 600
Silk Shirt 400
Leather Plate 530
Bronze Vest 670
Chain Plate 810
Linen Cuirass 800
Chain Mail 1200

Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Tent 800

Butterfly Sword 300 Dagger, Mage Masher
The Ogre 700 Mage Masher, Mage Masher
Cotton Robe 1000 Wrist, Steepled Hat
Desert Boots 300 Leather Hat, Leather Shirt
Yellow Scarf 400 Feather Hat, Steepled Hat
Glass Buckle 500 Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist
Germinas Boots 900 Desert Boots, Fork
Cachusha 1000 Magus Hat, Rubber Helm
Coral Ring 1200 Lightning Staff, Rod
Gold Choker 1300 Linen Cuirass, Soft


Partisan 1600
Air Racket 400
Mythril Rod 560
Flame Staff 1100
Ice Staff 980
Needle Fork 3100
Bone Wrist 330
Mythril Armlet 500
Mythril Gloves 980
Thunder Gloves 1200
Magus Hat 400
Bandana 500
Mage's Hat 600
Mythril Helm 1000
Chain Plate 810
Mythril Vest 1180
Chain Mail 1200
Mythril Armor 1830

Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Lindblum II

Dagger 320
Mage Masher 500
Mythril Dagger 950
Ice Brand 3780
Partisan 1600
Multina Racket 750
Stardust Rod 760
Flame Staff 1100
Ice Staff 980
Lightning Staff 1200
Leather Wrist 200
Glass Armlet 250
Bone Wrist 330
Mythril Armlet 500
Mythril Gloves 980
Thunder Gloves 1200
Headgear 330
Magus Hat 400
Bandana 500
Mage's Hat 600
Mythril Helm 1000
Silk Shirt 400
Leather Plate 530
Bronze Vest 670
Chain Plate 810
Linen Cuirass 800
Chain Mail 1200
Mythril Armor 1830

Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Butterfly Sword 300 Dagger, Mage Masher
The Ogre 700 Mage Masher, Mage Masher
Cotton Robe 1000 Wrist, Steepled Hat
Desert Boots 300 Leather Hat, Leather Shirt
Yellow Scarf 400 Feather Hat, Steepled Hat
Glass Buckle 500 Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist
Germinas Boots 900 Desert Boots, Fork
Cachusha 1000 Magus Hat, Rubber Helm
Coral Ring 1200 Lightning Staff, Rod
Gold Choker 1300 Linen Cuirass, Soft
Magician Shoes 1500 Germinas Boots, Bone Wrist
Barette 1800 Needle Fork, Barbut
Power Belt 2000 Glass Buckle, Chain Mail

Fossil Roo

Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Ice Brand 3780
Partisan 1600
Multina Racket 750
Stardust Rod 760
Mythril Armlet 500
Mythril Gloves 980
Thunder Gloves 1200
Bandana 500
Mage's Hat 600
Mythril Helm 1000
Chain Plate 810
Mythril Vest 1180
Adaman Vest 1600
Mythril Armor 1830
Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Conde Petie

Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Poison Knuckles 5000
Multina Racket 750
Stardust Rod 760
Flame Staff 1100
Ice Staff 980
Lightning Staff 1200
Oak Staff 2400
Mythril Fork 4700
Mythril Armlet 500
Lamia's Tiara 800
Ritual Hat 1000
Adaman Vest 1600
Magician Cloak 1850

Black Mage Village

Potion 50
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Remedy 300
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Mage Masher 500
Mythril Dagger 950
Gladius 2300
Stardust Rod 760
Mage Staff 320
Flame Staff 1100
Ice Staff 980
Lightning Staff 1200
Oak Staff 2400
Mythril Fork 4700
Leather Wrist 200
Glass Armlet 250
Bone Wrist 330
Mythril Armlet 500
Magic Armlet 1000
Leather Hat 150
Feather Hat 200
Steepled Hat 260
Headgear 330
Magus Hat 400
Bandana 500
Mage's Hat 600
Lamia's Tiara 800
Ritual Hat 1000
Silk Shirt 400
Leather Plate 530
Bronze Vest 670
Chain Plate 810
Mythril Vest 1180
Adaman Vest 1600
Magician Cloak 1850
Survival Vest 2900

Butterfly Sword 300 Dagger, Mage Masher
The Ogre 700 Mage Masher, Mage Masher
Exploda 1000 Mage Masher, Mythril Dagger
Rune Tooth 2000 Mythril Dagger, Mythril Dagger
Cotton Robe 1000 Wrist, Steepled Hat
Silk Robe 2000 Silk Shirt, Bandana
Desert Boots 300 Leather Hat, Leather Shirt
Yellow Scarf 400 Feather Hat, Steepled Hat
Glass Buckle 500 Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist
Germinas Boots 900 Desert Boots, Fork
Cachusha 1000 Magus Hat, Rubber Helm
Coral Ring 1200 Lightning Staff, Rod
Gold Choker 1300 Linen Cuirass, Soft
Magician Shoes 1500 Germinas Boots, Bone Wrist
Barette 1800 Needle Fork, Barbut
Power Belt 2000 Glass Buckle, Chain Mail
Mandain's Ring 3000 Bone Wrist, Stardust Rod
Fairy Earrings 3200 Magic Armlet, Soft
Extension 3500 Lamia's Tiara, Multina Racket
Reflect Ring 7000 Anklet, Mandain's Ring

Madain Sari

Dagger 320
Mage Masher 500
Mythril Dagger 950
Gladius 2300
Poison Knuckles 5000
Multina Racket 750
Golem's Flute 2700
Pinwheel 200
Magic Armlet 1000
Lamia's Tiara 800
Ritual Hat 1000
Adaman Vest 1600
Survival Vest 2900
Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Magic Tag 150
Annoynment 150
Tent 800


Potion 50
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Remedy 300
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Mythril Dagger 950
Gladius 2300
Ice Brand 3780
Partisan 1600
Ice Lance 2430
Cat's Claws 4000
Poison Knuckles 5000
Stardust Rod 760
Healing Rod 1770
Lamia's Flute 3800
Flame Staff 1100
Ice Staff 980
Lightning Staff 1200
Oak Staff 240
Pinwheel 2000
Glass Armlet 250
Bone Wrist 330
Mythril Armlet 500
Magic Armlet 1000
Mythril Gloves 980
Thunder Gloves 1200
Lamia's Tiara 800
Ritual Hat 100
Twist Headband 1200
Barbut 600
Mythril Helm 1000
Gold Helm 1800
Magician Cloak 1850
Survival Vest 2900
Brigandine 4399
Mythril Armor 1830
Plate Mail 2320

The Ogre 700 Mage Masher, Mage Masher
Exploda 1000 Mage Masher, Mythril Dagger
Rune Tooth 2000 Mythril Dagger, Mythril Dagger
Angel Bless 9000 Mythril Dagger, Gladius
Cotton Robe 1000 Wrist, Steepled Hat
Silk Robe 2000 Silk Shirt, Bandana
Magician Robe 3000 Mage Staff, Magician Cloak
Glass Buckle 500 Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist
Germinas Boots 900 Desert Boots, Fork
Cachusha 1000 Magus Hat, Rubber Helm
Coral Ring 1200 Lightning Staff, Rod
Gold Choker 1300 Linen Cuirass, Soft
Magician Shoes 1500 Germinas Boots, Bone Wrist
Barette 1800 Needle Fork, Barbut
Fairy Earrings 3200 Magic Armlet, Soft
Extension 3500 Lamia's Tiara, Multina Racket
Reflect Ring 7000 Anklet, Mandain's Ring
Anklet 4000 Gold Choker, Peridot
Feather Boots 4000 Magician Shoes, Phoenix Pinion
Black Belt 4000 Twist Headband, Survival Vest
Pearl Rouge 5000 Moonstone, Elixer

Treno II

Potion 50
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Remedy 300
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Dagger 320
Mage Masher 500
Mythril Dagger 950
Gladius 2300
Ice Brand 3780
Coral Sword 4000
Partisan 1600
Ice Lance 2430
Cat's Claws 5000
Poison Knuckles 5000
Multina Racket 750
Stardust Rod 760
Healing Rod 1770
Lamia's Flute 3800
Oak Staff 240
Magic Armlet 1000
Mythril Gloves 980
Thunder Gloves 1200
Lamia's Tiara 800
Ritual Hat 100
Twist Headband 1200
Mythril Helm 1000
Gold Helm 1800
Magician Cloak 1850
Survival Vest 2900
Brigandine 4399
Linen Cuirass 800
Mythril Armor 1830
Plate Mail 2320

The Ogre 700 Mage Masher, Mage Masher
Exploda 1000 Mage Masher, Mythril Dagger
Rune Tooth 2000 Mythril Dagger, Mythril Dagger
Angel Bless 9000 Mythril Dagger, Gladius
Cotton Robe 1000 Wrist, Steepled Hat
Silk Robe 2000 Silk Shirt, Bandana
Magician Robe 3000 Mage Staff, Magician Cloak
Desert Boots 300 Leather Hat, Leather Shirt
Yellow Scarf 400 Feather Hat, Steepled Hat
Glass Buckle 500 Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist
Germinas Boots 900 Desert Boots, Fork
Cachusha 1000 Magus Hat, Rubber Helm
Coral Ring 1200 Lightning Staff, Rod
Gold Choker 1300 Linen Cuirass, Soft
Magician Shoes 1500 Germinas Boots, Bone Wrist
Barette 1800 Needle Fork, Barbut
Power Belt 2000 Glass Buckle, Chain Mail
Mandain's Ring 3000 Bone Wrist, Stardust Rod
Fairy Earrings 3200 Magic Armlet, Soft
Extension 3500 Lamia's Tiara, Multina Racket
Reflect Ring 7000 Anklet, Mandain's Ring
Anklet 4000 Gold Choker, Peridot
Feather Boots 4000 Magician Shoes, Phoenix Pinion
Black Belt 4000 Twist Headband, Survival Vest
Pearl Rouge 5000 Moonstone, Elixer

Lindblum III

Coral Sword 4000
Partisan 1600
Ice Lance 2430
Poison Knuckles 5000
Magic Racket 1350
Healing Rod 1770
Lamia's Flute 3800
Cypress Pile 3200
Mythril Fork 4700
Pinwheel 200
Chimera Armlet 1200
Thunder Gloves 1200
Twist Headband 1200
Mantra Band 1500
Dark Hat 1800
Gold Helm 1800
Magician Cloak 1850
Survival Vest 2900
Brigandine 4399
Mythril Armor 1830
Plate Mail 2320
Potion 50
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Magic Tag 100
Remedy 300
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

The Ogre 700 Mage Masher, Mage Masher
Exploda 1000 Mage Masher, Mythril Dagger
Rune Tooth 2000 Mythril Dagger, Mythril Dagger
Angel Bless 9000 Mythril Dagger, Gladius
Cotton Robe 1000 Wrist, Steepled Hat
Silk Robe 2000 Silk Shirt, Bandana
Magician Robe 3000 Mage Staff, Magician Cloak
Desert Boots 300 Leather Hat, Leather Shirt
Yellow Scarf 400 Feather Hat, Steepled Hat
Glass Buckle 500 Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist
Germinas Boots 900 Desert Boots, Fork
Cachusha 1000 Magus Hat, Rubber Helm
Coral Ring 1200 Lightning Staff, Rod
Gold Choker 1300 Linen Cuirass, Soft
Magician Shoes 1500 Germinas Boots, Bone Wrist
Barette 1800 Needle Fork, Barbut
Power Belt 2000 Glass Buckle, Chain Mail
Mandain's Ring 3000 Bone Wrist, Stardust Rod
Fairy Earrings 3200 Magic Armlet, Soft
Extension 3500 Lamia's Tiara, Multina Racket
Reflect Ring 7000 Anklet, Mandain's Ring
Anklet 4000 Gold Choker, Peridot
Feather Boots 4000 Magician Shoes, Phoenix Pinion
Black Belt 4000 Twist Headband, Survival Vest
Pearl Rouge 5000 Moonstone, Elixer


Diamond Sword 4700
Trident 3580
Mythril Claws 6500
Magic Racket 1350
Healing Rod 1770
Fairy Flute 4500
Cypress Pile 3200
Silver Fork 7400
Pinwheel 200
Chimera Armlet 1200
Egoist's Armlet 2000
Thunder Gloves 1200
Diamond Gloves 2000
Mantra Band 1500
Dark Hat 1800
Green Beret 2180
Gold Helm 1800
Cross Helm 2200
Brigandine 4300
Judo Uniform 5000
Plate Mail 2320
Gold Armor 2950
Potion 50
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Magic Tag 100
Remedy 300
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Desert Palace

Diamond Sword 4700
Trident 3580
Mythril Claws 6500
Magic Racket 1350
Healing Rod 1770
Fairy Flute 4500
Cypress Pile 3200
Silver Fork 7400
Rising Sun 500
Chimera Armlet 1200
Egoist's Armlet 2000
Thunder Gloves 1200
Diamond Gloves 2000
Mantra Band 1500
Dark Hat 1800
Green Beret 2180
Cross Helm 2200
Brigandine 4300
Judo Uniform 5000
Gold Armor 2950
Potion 50
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Magic Tag 100
Remedy 300
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Esto Gaza

Gladius 2300
Zorlin Shape 6000
Diamond Sword 4700
Flame Saber 5190
Heavy Lance 4700
Scissor Fangs 8000
Magic Racket 1350
Asura's Rod 3180
Hamelin 5700
Cypress Pile 3200
Octagon Rod 4500
Silver Fork 7400
Rising Sun 500
Egoist's Armlet 2000
N-Kai Armlet 3000
Jade Armlet 3400
Diamond Gloves 2000
Venetia Shield 2800
Black Hood 2550
Red Cap 3000
Cross Helm 2200
Judo Uniform 5000
Power Vest 7200
Gold Armor 2950
Shield Armor 4300
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Magic Tag 100
Vaccine 100
Remedy 300
Annoyntment 150
Tent 800

Mount Gulug

Potion 50
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Magic Tag 100
Remedy 300
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Alexandria II

Mythril Dagger 950
Gladius 2300
Ice Brand 3780
Partisan 1600
Ice Lance 2430
Cat's Claws 4000
Poison Knuckles 5000
Stardust Rod 760
Healing Rod 1770
Lamia's Flute 3800
Flame Staff 1100
Ice Staff 980
Lightning Staff 1200
Oak Staff 240
Pinwheel 2000
Glass Armlet 250
Bone Wrist 330
Mythril Armlet 500
Magic Armlet 1000
Mythril Gloves 980
Thunder Gloves 1200
Lamia's Tiara 800
Ritual Hat 100
Twist Headband 1200
Barbut 600
Mythril Helm 1000
Gold Helm 1800
Magician Cloak 1850
Survival Vest 2900
Brigandine 4399
Mythril Armor 1830
Plate Mail 2320

The Ogre 700 Mage Masher, Mage Masher
Exploda 1000 Mage Masher, Mythril Dagger
Rune Tooth 2000 Mythril Dagger, Mythril Dagger
Angel Bless 9000 Mythril Dagger, Gladius
Cotton Robe 1000 Wrist, Steepled Hat
Silk Robe 2000 Silk Shirt, Bandana
Magician Robe 3000 Mage Staff, Magician Cloak
Desert Boots 300 Leather Hat, Leather Shirt
Yellow Scarf 400 Feather Hat, Steepled Hat
Glass Buckle 500 Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist
Germinas Boots 900 Desert Boots, Fork
Cachusha 1000 Magus Hat, Rubber Helm
Coral Ring 1200 Lightning Staff, Rod
Gold Choker 1300 Linen Cuirass, Soft
Magician Shoes 1500 Germinas Boots, Bone Wrist
Barette 1800 Needle Fork, Barbut
Power Belt 2000 Glass Buckle, Chain Mail
Mandain's Ring 3000 Bone Wrist, Stardust Rod
Fairy Earrings 3200 Magic Armlet, Soft
Extension 3500 Lamia's Tiara, Multina Racket
Reflect Ring 7000 Anklet, Mandain's Ring
Anklet 4000 Gold Choker, Peridot
Feather Boots 4000 Magician Shoes, Phoenix Pinion
Black Belt 4000 Twist Headband, Survival Vest
Pearl Rouge 5000 Moonstone, Elixer


Potion 50
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Magic Tag 100
Remedy 300
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Mage Masher 500
Mythril Dagger 950
Gladius 2300
Zorlin Shape 6000
Rune Blade 8900
Obelisk 6000
Tiger Fangs 13500
Mythril Racket 2250
Asura's Rod 3180
Hamelin 5700
Octagon Rod 4500
Rising Sun 500
Bone Wrist 220
Mythril Armlet 500
Magic Armlet 1000
Chimera Armlet 1200
Egoist's Armlet 2000
N-Kai Armlet 3000
Jade Armlet 3400
Venetia Shield 2800
Defense Gloves 6000
Lamia's Tiara 800
Twist Headband 1200
Golden Hairpin 3700
Coronet 4400
Diamond Helm 3000
Gaia Gear 8700
Demon's Vest 10250
Demon's Mail 5900
Diamond Armor 8800

Angel Bless 9000 Mythril Dagger, Gladius
Sargatanas 12000 Gladius, Zorlin Shape
Cotton Robe 1000 Wrist, Steepled Hat
Silk Robe 2000 Silk Shirt, Bandana
Magician Robe 3000 Mage Staff, Magician Cloak
Glutton's Robe 6000 Mythril Fork, Cotton Robe
White Robe 8000 Gaia Gear, Jade Armlet
Black Robe 8000 Gaia Gear, N-Kai Armlet
Cachusha 1000 Magus Hat, Rubber Helm
Coral Ring 1200 Lightning Staff, Rod
Gold Choker 1300 Linen Cuirass, Soft
Magician Shoes 1500 Germinas Boots, Bone Wrist
Barette 1800 Needle Fork, Barbut
Power Belt 2000 Glass Buckle, Chain Mail
Mandain's Ring 3000 Bone Wrist, Stardust Rod
Fairy Earrings 3200 Magic Armlet, Soft
Extension 3500 Lamia's Tiara, Multina Racket
Reflect Ring 7000 Anklet, Mandain's Ring
Anklet 4000 Gold Choker, Peridot
Feather Boots 4000 Magician Shoes, Phoenix Pinion
Black Belt 4000 Twist Headband, Survival Vest
Pearl Rouge 5000 Moonstone, Elixer
Promist Ring 6000 Chimera Armlet, Ruby
Battle Boots 6500 Feather Boots, Wing Edge
Rebirth Ring 7000 Diamond, Anklet
Angel Earrings 8000 Fairy Earrings, Barette
Garnet 350 Ore, Remedy
Amethyst 200 Ore, Annoyntment
Peridot 100 Ore, Soft
Sapphire 200 Ore, Antidote
Opal 100 Ore, Potion
Topaz 100 Ore, Eye Drops
Thief Gloves 50000 Mythril Armlet, Sargatanas

Ipsen's Castle

Mage Masher 500
Iron Sword 660
Mythril Spear 1100
Poison Knuckles 5000
Multina Racket 750
Mythril Rod 560
Lamia's Flute 3800
Oak Staff 2400
Needle Fork 3100
Rising Sun 500
N-Kai Armlet 3000
Jade Armlet 3400
Venetia Shield 2800
Red Hat 3000
Golden Hairpin 3700
Cross Helm 2200
Diamond Helm 3000
Power Vest 7200
Gaia Gear 8700
Shield Armor 4300
Demon's Mail 5900
Potion 50
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Magic Tag 100
Vaccine 100
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Bran Bal

Dagger 320
Mage Masher 500
Mythril Dagger 950
Gladius 2300
Zorlin Shape 6000
Orichalcon 17000
Defender 9240
Holy Lance 11000
Avenger 16000
Mythril Racket 2250
Bistro Fork 10300
Rising Sun 500
Dragon Wrist 4800
Defense Gloves 6000
Coronet 4400
Flash Hat 5200
Adaman Hat 6100
Platinum Helm 4600
Demon's Vest 10250
Minerva's Plate 12200
Platina Armor 10500
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Magic Tag 100
Vaccine 100
Remedy 300
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Black Mage Village II

Potion 50
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Magic Tag 100
Vaccine 100
Remedy 300
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Wizard Rod 3990
Siren's Flute 7000
High Mage Staff 6000
Thief Hat 7100
Holy Miter 8300
Dark Gear 16300

Butterfly Sword 300 Dagger, Mage Masher
The Ogre 700 Mage Masher, Mage Masher
Exploda 1000 Mage Masher, Mythril Dagger
Rune Tooth 2000 Mythril Dagger, Mythril Dagger
Angel Bless 9000 Mythril Dagger, Gladius
Sargatanas 12000 Gladius, Zorlin Shape
Masamune 16000 Zorlin Shape, Orichalcon
Duel Claws 16000 Dragon's Claws, Tiger Fangs
Priest's Racket 11000 Air Racket, Cachusha
Bracer 24000 Battle Boots, Venetia Shield
Gauntlets 8000 Mythril Gloves, Dragon Wrist
Golden Skullcap 15000 Gold Helm, Golden Hairpin
Circlet 20000 Coronet, Rosetta Ring
Grand Helm 20000 Cross Helm, Power Belt
Rubber Suit 20000 Minerva's Plate, Egoist's Armlet
Brave Suit 26000 Mythril Vest, Mythril Rod
Light Robe 20000 Magician Robe, Glass Armlet
Grand Armlet 45000 Mythril Sword, Mythril Armlet
Desert Boots 300 Leather Hat, Leather Shirt
Yellow Scarf 400 Feather Hat, Steepled Hat
Glass Buckle 500 Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist
Germinas Boots 900 Desert Boots, Fork
Gold Choker 1300 Linen Cuirass, Soft
Running Shoes 12000 Battle Boots, Emerald
Rosetta Ring 24000 Madain's Ring, Holy Lance
Garnet 350 Ore, Remedy
Amethyst 200 Ore, Annoyntment
Peridot 100 Ore, Soft
Sapphire 200 Ore, Antidote
Opal 100 Ore, Potion
Topaz 100 Ore, Eye Drops
Lapis Lazuli 400 Ore, Dead Pepper


12. Items


Item Name: Annoytment
Buy/Sell: 150/75
Description: Cures trouble.

Item Name: Antidote
Buy/Sell: 50/25
Description: Cures Venom and Poison.

Item Name: Dead Pepper
Buy/Sell: -/-
Description: Deals damage to the target. If you give it to a chocobo...

Item Name: Echo Screen
Buy/Sell: 50/25
Description: Cures Silence.

Item Name: Elixir
Buy/Sell: -/-
Description: Fully restores HP and MP.

Item Name: Ether
Buy/Sell: -/-
Description: Restores 150 Mp. The effect decreases if used in the field.

Item Name: Eye Drops
Buy/Sell: 50/25
Description: Cures Darkness.

Item Name: Gysahl Greens
Buy/Sell: -/-
Description: Cures Berserk. Item has no effect in the field. Chocobo's favorite

Item Name: Hammer
Buy/Sell: -/-
Description: Cinna's hammer.

Item Name: Hi-Potion
Buy/Sell: 200/100
Description: Restores 450 HP. The effect decreases if used in the field.

Item Name: Magic Tag
Buy/Sell: 100/50
Description: Cures Zombie.

Item Name: Ore
Buy/Sell: -/-
Description: Restores HP.

Item Name: Phoenix Down
Buy/Sell: 150/75
Description: Cures KO.

Item Name: Pinwheel
Buy/Sell: 200/100
Description: Throwing weapon used with the command Throw. It cannot be equipped.

Item Name: Potion
Buy/Sell: 50/25
Description: Restores 150 HP. The effect decreases if used in the field.

Item Name: Remedy
Buy/Sell: 300/150
Description: Cures various status abnormalities.

Item Name: Rising Sun
Buy/Sell: 500/250
Description: Throwing weapon, more powerful than the Pinwheel. It is used with
the command Throw and cannot be equipped.

Item Name: Soft
Buy/Sell: 100/50
Description: Cures Petrify and Gradual Petrify.

Item Name: Tent
Buy/Sell: 800/400
Description: Restores HP and MP. If you ask a moogle, he will restore
everyone's HP and MP.

Item Name: Vaccine
Buy/Sell: 100/50
Description: Cures Virus.

Item Name: Wing Edge
Buy/Sell: -/-
Description: Throwing weapon more powerful than the Rising Sun. It is used with
the command Throw and cannot be equipped.


13. Footer


Just the stuff that you never (should) read.


13.1 - Credits


* Psycho Pengiun helped me immensely with allowing me to use most of his

* I would like to thank Gbness. His guide on Final Fantasy IX is the closest
to perfection that this game will get. Some of his strategies and format, for
being so great, were added in this document. For that, I will give him all the
credit he wants. =)

* Kenneth Miller and Henry LaPierre for the experience trick at Oeilvert.
This information is from page 86 of Expert Gamer.

* Manual of the game for the basics.


13.2 - Version History


-- Before Released Version --
Version .95 -- 04/23/04 -- Some Side Quests complete.
1 Hours -- 10 KB -- 1125 KB
Version .93 -- 04/22/04 -- Walkthrough: Completed!
8 Hours -- 79 KB -- 1115 KB Revision: 6.0, 9.1, 9.2
Version .90 -- 04/22/04 -- Walkthrough: Beginning of Disc Four.
4 Hours -- 41 KB -- 1036 KB Revision: 6.0, 9.1, 9.2
Version .89 -- 04/21/04 -- Walkthrough: Beginning of Disc Four.
4 Hours -- 16 KB -- 995 KB Revision: 4.4
Version .87 -- 04/20/04 -- Walkthrough: Before Garland fight.
4 Hours -- 57 KB -- 979 KB
Version .85 -- 04/19/04 -- Walkthrough: Before Pandemonium.
9 Hours -- 78 KB -- 916 KB Basics done.
Version .75 -- 04/18/04 -- Walkthrough: Before Terra.
8 Hours -- 85 KB -- 838 KB
Version .71 -- 04/17/04 -- Walkthrough: Before Mount Gulug.
2 Hours -- 2 KB -- 753 KB Revision: 3.3.
Version .70 -- 04/16/04 -- Walkthrough: Before Esto Gaza on disc three.
11 Hours -- 76 KB -- 751 KB
Version .67 -- 04/11/04 -- All lists completed. Thanks Steve.
4 Hours -- 297 KB -- 675 KB
Version .26 -- 04/10/04 -- Walkthrough: Before Black Mage Village.
6 Hours -- 63 KB -- 378 KB
Version .20 -- 04/09/04 -- Walkthrough: Beginning of Disc Three.
5 Hours -- 40 KB -- 315 KB
Version .18 -- 04/08/04 -- Walkthrough: Before Madain Sari.
4 Hours -- 32 KB -- 275 KB
Version .16 -- 04/05/04 -- Walkthrough: Beginning of Fossil Roo.
10 Hours -- 67 KB -- 243 KB
Version .11 -- 04/04/04 -- Walkthrough: Middle of Cleyra.
8 Hours -- 52 KB -- 176 KB
Version .08 -- 04/03/04 -- Walkthrough: Middle of Summit Station.
4 Hours -- 60 KB -- 124 KB
Version .04 -- 04/02/04 -- Walkthrough: Middle of Lindblum.
9 Hours -- 64 KB -- 64 KB
Percentage Completed: 95% \\ Total Hours: 95 Hours (15 days) \\ Total KB: 1125


13.3 - Contact Information


If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, inquiries, spam, additions,
grievances, hate mail, and general overall concerns, please email me at:

"andrew.c.testa(at)gmail(dot)com" <andrew.c.testa@gmail.com>

All I ask is that you put "Final Fantasy 9" or "FF9" or "FFIX" in the
subject line so I know what the email is about. I don't mind if u talk liek
dis 2 me or whatever, so long as I can understand you.


13.4 - Legal Disclaimer


This document is copyright © 2015 Andrew Testa. All rights reserved. This
document may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be sold, altered, or published in any way without the
advanced permission of the author. It may not be placed on any website or
otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of
this guide on any other website or as a part of any public display is
strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by
their respective trademark and copyright holders. All sources which have
contributed to this document are cited and/or credited in some form.

The only sites that I allow this document to be viewed at are GameFAQs
<http://www.gamefaqs.com>, IGN <http://www.ign.com>, and Neoseeker
<http://www.neoseeker.com>. If this document is found on another website,
please contact me and I will promptly DMCA the host of the website on the
legal grounds of copyright infringement. Under 512(c) of the U.S. Copyright
Law, it is illegal to host this document without advanced permission.


Thanks for reading this guide! :) You can see some of my other work at:


Copyright © 2015 Andrew Testa
About author
Avid gamer.


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Chad Waliser
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