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DIY Joycon pin jumper (free to ~1€/$)

What you need:
And unused PC Power Extension cable such as this one.
A cable cutter or a simple scissor.
~5 minutes of time.

  1. Cut off both ends of the cables
  2. cut off around 3-4 cm (1-1.4 inch) of one of the cables
  3. take the cutoff part and remove the a bit of the inuslation on both ends (~0.4cm or ~0,1 inch)
    Either use a cable cutter or use a scissor which you dont fully close, just enough to get through the insulation.
  4. twist the now lose cables on both ends together until they Form a decently solid "string"
  5. bend the cable in a u-form and put it in place, the switch joycon rail should hold the cable for you
  6. adjust the cable by pressing both ends towards the closest side of the rail.
Dont worry if you mess up, you should have a dozen tries before you run out of cables ;)



Pin 10 isn't shorted.
-push the cable closer to the rail sometimes they seems to hit the empty space between them
-try moving around the switch preferably so that gravity pulls the cable closer to the pin.
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