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Decrypt XCI to RomFS and ExeFS for Atmosphere/FSRedirect/Backup Loading/Ryujinx/Yuzu in 1 click


    1. Download hactool: https://github.com/SciresM/hactool/releases/
    2. Extract the following next to hactool.exe: https://gameparadise.org/attachments/decrypt-xci-v2-1-zip.3851/
    3. Make sure your keys are in keys.ini filename and format and is next to hactool.exe aswell

    1. Put the .XCI you want to decrypt next to hactool.exe (Important)
    2. Drag the .XCI onto the Decrypt-XCI.bat
    3. Let it do its thing, it could take a while
    4. Once you see "DONE!" your done!

  • The new folder xciDecrypted next to hactool.exe is now the romfs and exefs of the xci decrypted.
    romfs in xciDecrypted/romfs.bin and exefs in xciDecrypted/exefs
    The structure is 100% ready to copy and paste into sd:/atmosphere/titles/{titleid}/ for Backup Loading/LayeredFS Mods.
    (but you still need to rename the folder to the titleid and edit the main.npdm)
    To use this with Ryujinx, drag the xciDecrypted/exefs folder onto Ryujinx.exe (No idea about Yuzu).

    • If you want the Batch file to close once its done, remove the last line (pause >nul) and save.
  • Decrypt-XCI-v2.1.zip
    772 bytes · Views: 78
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Chad Waliser
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