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Castlevania: Symphony of the Night – Guide and Walkthrough


* Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Walkthrough/FAQ *
* Version 5.0 - Last Updated 11 December 2002 *
* By: Zach Keene (zjkeene@bellsouth.net) *

Table of Contents . . . . . . [TOC]
1) Introduction . . . . . . [INT]
2) What's New? . . . . . . . [NEW]
3) Legal Crap . . . . . . . [LGL]
4) Frequently Asked Questions . . . . . [FAQ]

Part I: Alucard
5) Introduction to Alucard . . . . . [ALC]
6) Alucard's Special Weapons . . . . .
7) Alucard's Special Moves . . . . . [SPL]
8) Alucard's Familiars . . . . . . [FAM]
9) Walkthrough - First Castle . . . . . [WL1]
10) Walkthrough - Second Castle . . . . . [WL2]
11) Why Don't I Have 200.6%? . . . . . [200]
12) Miscellaneous Alucard Tips . . . . . [MSC]

Part II: Richter Belmont
13) Introduction to Richter Belmont . . . . [RIC]
14) Richter's Special Weapons . . . . . [RSB]
15) Richter's Special Moves . . . . . [RMV]
16) Richter Tips . . . . . . [RTP]

17) Introduction to Maria Renard. . . . . [MAR]
18) Maria's Special Weapons . . . . . [MSB]
19) Maria's Methods of Unholy Mass Destruction . . . [MMV]
20) Maria Tips . . . . . . [MTP]

Part IV: Glitches for Fun and Profit
21) Miscellaneous Glitches . . . . . [GCH]
22) The Great Percentage Race . . . . . [GPR]
23) Hidden Worlds . . . . . . [HDN]

Part IV: Mechanics
24) Combat Handbook . . . . . . [MEC]
25) Levels and Experience . . . . . [LVL]

Part V: Equipment Lists
26) Equipment - Hands . . . . . . [HND]
27) Equipment - Head . . . . . . [HED]
28) Equipment - Body . . . . . . [BDY]
29) Equipment - Cloak . . . . . . [CLK]
30) Equipment - Accessories . . . . . [ACC]
31) Equipment - Relics . . . . . . [REL]

Part VI: Enemy Lists
32) Enemy List . . . . . . . [NME]
33) Enemy Index . . . . . . . [IDX]

Part VII: Miscellaneous
34) PSX vs Saturn . . . . . . [PVS]
35) Audio Info . . . . . . . [AUD]

35) Credits . . . . . . . [CRE]
36) The End . . . . . . . [END]

::: Introduction :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [INT] :::

"Oh bloody hell, Konami's screwed up again!" Or so I thought, as I first
read about the new Castlevania game. It was supposed to be more
Metroid-ish than Castlevania-ish. Now, Metroid is pretty cool and all, but
I remembered what happened _last_ time Konami brought one of its classic
series to the Playstation, and screwed with its formula. The result can
easily be found in the used bins at any EB or Software, Etc.
However, the reviews were overwhelmingly positive, so I figured, "what
the hell?"
I got my copy for Christmas in 1997, and my previous skepticism proved
to be completely unfounded. Far from being another Legacy of Bore, this
was, and is, probably the best Playstation game ever made.

This FAQ was originally written for the North American PSX version. It has
since been expanded to cover the Japanese PSX version as well as the Sega
Saturn version (which was only released in Japan). However, you may still
come across a few items here and there which assume you are using the NA
PSX version (like the Audio Info section).

This FAQ was originally written using the almighty MS-DOS edit, but since
then I have found an even greater power, and henceforth all updates will be
conducted using Emacs, The One True Editor. For best results, view with a
monospace font, 8 spaces per tab, 76 characters per line.

Where to get the latest version of this FAQ
[This version is always current.]

GameFaqs - http://www.gamefaqs.com/

The Castlevania Dungeon - http://classicgaming.com/castlevania/dungeon.htm

::: What's New? ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [NEW] :::

Version 5.0 - (11 December 2002)
- A great number of minor corrections have been made throughout the
FAQ. (Spellcheck - what a concept. :)
- Some new additions to the Mechanics section as well.
- Redesigned the Enemy List (now with even more useless
information! :)
- Yes, the names of the Japanese-only familiars have been changing
with every revision lately. Long story; don't ask. The current
names are the "official" US version names. (No, you can't normally
get them in the US version, but their names and descriptions were
translated before they got disabled.)
- New "Glitches for Fun and Profit" section added, with some new
and interesting bugs. (I'm not kidding about the "profit" part
- Saturn players may now join the percentage glitching party! Check
out the new glitching section for details.
- Saturn players can also get ATT boosts by equipping jewels along
with the Jewel Sword.

::: Legal Crap :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [LGL] :::

This Castlevania: Symphony of the Night FAQ is (C) 1998, 1999 Zach Keene.
As Grand Poo-bah of Copyrightedness, I grant upon thee the following

1) Thou mayst give this FAQ to whomever you so choose. The key word here is
"give". If anybody gets paid for this, it darn well better be me. :)

2) Thou mayst put this FAQ up on thine website, so long as it remains
completely intact. And I do mean completely.

Castlevania (R), Symphony of the Night (TM) are registered trademarks of
Konami Co., Ltd. (C) 1997 Konami Co., Ltd.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to sue myself for copying from my
Einhander FAQ. :)

::: Frequently Asked Questions :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [FAQ] :::

Here's a quick list of questions that I get asked quite a bit. If your
question is listed here please don't e-mail me about it, since I'll
probably just tell you to read this section.

Q) I'm missing enemy number 61 (the Mudman)! Where is it?
A) It is in the Long Library, but the only time you can find one is when
you fight the Lesser Demon there as a boss. If you can leave it alive
long enough it will periodically summon one of three enemies: a
Skeleton, an Ectoplasm, or a Mudman. Unfortunately the Lesser Demons in
the inverted castle only replicate themselves and don't summon enemies.

Q) I just got hit by a Medusa Head/Stone Rose and I could have sworn I saw
Alucard turn into a giant gargoyle statue! Was I hallucinating?
A) No. Alucard will randomly be turned into a large gargoyle statue when
hit with a petrifying attack. You will not take any damage from enemies
in this gargoyle form, but otherwise it is functionally identical to the
regular petrified status.

Q) What does the Shield Rod's B, F + Attack move do?
A) It creates a shield (straight out of the Gradius games, no less) that
blocks projectile attacks.

Q) What's the best way to power up the Muramasa?
A) Equip the Muramasa (of course) and the Blood Cloak, then equip whatever
else you can to lower your INT score as much as possible (ideally the
Sunglasses, Walk Armor, and two Duplicators, but just do the best you
can with what you have.) Grab the Dagger subweapon as well.

With all that, head for the room in the Reverse Caverns that is
overflowing with Dark Octopi. All you need to do now is throw daggers at
one of them (and make sure you're standing in the right spot to absorb
the blood). Since your INT score will be low, the daggers will do very
little damage, meaning you can get a ton of blood from one Dark Octopus
before actually killing it.

The beauty of this setup is once you run of hearts, you can just run
into a Dark Octopus and let the Blood Cloak restore your hearts. Then
once you start throwing daggers again you'll get your HP back from the
Muramasa's permanent Dark Metamorphosis.

Q) Help! I used a Library Card and now I'm stuck in the first castle!! How
do I get back to the second castle?
A) The same way you got there in the first place. Head to where you fought
Richter, keep heading left, and notice the teleporter at the "dead end"
there. Press Up to teleport to the second castle.

Q) I can't get any of the spells to work! What's going on?
A) When most people have trouble with them, it's usually because they're
usually trying to tap out each direction one after another, when the
moves should be done in one continuous motion when possible.

For example, Alucard's Hellfire move is Up, Down, Down-Forward,
Forward + Attack. What you should do is tap up, then quickly press down,
down-forward, then forward in one continuous motion and hit the attack
button at the same time you reach Forward.

(There are some spells, like Tetra Spirit, where you can get away with
tapping each individual direction. Generally whenever diagonal directions
are involved you should be doing a "rolling" motion as described above.)

Q) Where is the Jewel Sword/Beryl Circlet?
Q) How do I get to the room to the left of the room with the large rock in
the Entrance?
A) In the Entrance there is a large room with a rock in the middle (and
mermen leaping around below). Break through the rock, then fly through
it one way in Bat form and then return in Wolf form. This will open up
the bottom left wall, which leads to a small room with the Jewel Sword.

You can also get a Jewel Sword as a rare drop from the Discus Lord in the

Doing the same rock trick in the inverted castle will get you the Beryl

Q) Where is the Sword Card?
A) I assume you are playing a Western version of the game if you are asking
this, since it lying in plain sight in the Japanese versions. :)

Anyway, find that large open area in Olrox's Quarters with a
fountain at the very bottom, and four exits. The top left
heads to Olrox, the top right leads to a Save Point, bottom right leads
to some minor treasure, and the bottom left leads to the Royal Chapel?
Once you're there, take the bottom left exit, and keep heading left
until you come to an area where the bricks change color from dark grey
to a more whitish color. This area is about a screen or so wide, and is
a sort of "bridge". Once you're here, slash at the ceiling toward the
left of this area. Or, just use the Soul Steal spell to find the
breakable area. Once you break the hole in the ceiling, fly up the hole.
You'll now be in a small room with the Sword Card.

Q) Where is the Soul of Bat?
A) In the Long Library. You'll first need to have the Leap Stone (found in
the Castle Keep) and the Form of Mist (found in the Colosseum). Then,
go to the Long Library, and find the large "stairway" that leads down
to the Master Librarian's room. As you go down you should be able to see
a ledge on the left side of the screen. Double jump to that ledge. It
will lead to another section of the Library that contains the Soul of
Bat. (The Soul of Bat is tucked away behind a grate, which is why you
must have the Form of Mist to get it.)

Q) I've been trying to get a Ring of Varda from a Paranthropus but all I'm
getting are Gauntlets and Turquoises. Help!
A) Short answer: beat Dracula. See the "Getting a Ring of Varda" header
under the "Misc. Alucard Tips: section for more details.

Q) There's this gate in the Clock Tower. How do I open it?
A) Scattered in two rooms of the Clock Tower are four gears. To open the
gate, go to a gear and keep hitting it until it makes a "click" sound,
instead of the clanking sound it usually makes. Then move on to another
gear. Once all four gears are "clicked" into place, the gate will open.

For the PSX version, you can use these crude maps to see how many hits
each gear needs (G represents the gate):

First Castle: Second Castle:
| 2|14 | | | G|
|8 | 3| |3 | 8|
|G | | | 14|2 |

For the Saturn version, you'll need to double each of the numbers above:

First Castle: Second Castle:
| 4|28 | | | G|
|16 | 6| |6 | 16|
|G | | | 28|4 |

Q) How do I get the right statue of the giant clock room in the Marble
Gallery to open?
A) Use the Stopwatch subweapon.

Q) You said that the Ring of Arcana/Dracula Tunic/AxeLord Armor is dropped
by the Master Librarian. How?
A) See the "Master Librarian Trick" heading under the "Misc. Alucard Tips"

Q) My familiars aren't gaining any experience!
A) Almost all of the time I get an e-mail like this, it's from someone who
is using a GameShark. I don't know what codes they were using, and even
if I did I couldn't confirm that they were the source of the problem
since I don't own a GameShark. But I am unaware of any other reason that
would cause the familiars not to gain experience, other than not having
one active (duh.)

[Note: it has since been suggested to me that people with this problem
were probably using a maximum experience code, and that familiars won't
gain experience when Alucard is at level 99.]

Q) I'm playing the Saturn version and I can't get the wolf to swim! How
do I fill in those missing blanks in my map of the Reverse Caverns?
A) Yep, for some unknown reason, the powers that be at KCEN removed the
wolf's ability to swim. Fortunately, Alucard's super jump is much
better at filling in map squares in this area than it was in the PSX
version, but there are still a few stubborn squares.

The easiest way, albeit a little tricky, to fill in the water areas in
the Saturn version is a method I call "turbobombing", and anyone
familiar with the Metroid games will probably soon see why. Find the
place in the block you need filled in with the highest ceiling, and
then position Alucard beneath it. Do a Super Jump, then immediately
after you hit the ceiling keep transforming into a wolf and back as
quickly as possible. You may be able to gain just enough altitude
doing this to fill in the block. (If not, just try again.)

Q) What's up with the "Final Stage: Bloodlines" in the intro?
A) OK, I'll admit it; very few people have actually asked me this. But I
want to rant about this. Kurt Kalata of the Castlevania Dungeon has
put up his own explanation of this on his site, and he may be right,
but even so I argue that this was incredibly stupid.

In the original Japanese version, it read "Final Stage: Chi no Rondo",
which makes a heck of a lot more sense. (Chi no Rondo = Rondo of Blood,
the PC Engine CD/Turbo Duo game that CSOTN is the sequel to, and that the
SNES game Castlevania: Dracula X is loosely based upon.) Seeing as this
level was a recreation of the final level of Rondo, what else should the
title of this level be?

So what possessed the translators to render this "Final Stage:
Bloodlines"? I have no clue whatsoever. It's incredibly misleading, since
this game has little to do with the Sega Genesis Castlevania game.
Maybe the translators didn't want to use "Rondo of Blood", since it was
never released in the US and perhaps they felt very few people would be
familiar with the title. If that's the case, they probably should have
called it "Final Stage: Dracula X", referring (for better or worse :) to
the SNES title that did make it over.

-----------------------------Part I: Alucard-------------------------------

::: Introduction to Alucard ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [ALC] :::

Unlike previous Castlevania games, where you played as a member of clan
Belmont, you now play as Dracula's half-human, half-vampire son Alucard.
Alucard was previously seen fighting alongside Trever Belmont in
Castlevania III.
Instead of relying on a whip for the whole game, Alucard can use many
different kinds of weapons and armor that can be found or bought during the
course of the game. Also, Alucard has all sorts of special moves he can
pull off, and he can shapeshift into a mist, bat, or wolf form. Also,
Alucard gains experience as he fights enemies, which makes him stronger
as the game progresses.
[If you want to play the game as Richter Belmont, see the Richter part of
the FAQ below.]

::: Alucard's Special Weapons ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::

Like the Belmonts, Alucard can make use of the traditional Castlevania
special weapons. These special weapons are powered by Hearts, which can
be collected from defeated enemies or Candles. The maximum number of Hearts
Alucard can be increased by gaining levels or collecting Heart Max Up

1) Knife: Throws knife straight ahead. Travels quickly, but weak. (1 Heart)
2) Axe: Hurls axe in an arc. Strong, but low range and hard to aim. (4
3) Holy Water: Lobs in a small arc, which creates a small flame on impact.
Good power, but very low range. (3 Hearts)
4) Stopwatch: Freezes on screen enemies for a short period of time. Does not
work on most bosses and some enemies. (20 Hearts)
5) Cross: Large crosses rotate around a beam of light, which expands to
envelop the whole screen. Does massive damage to all on-screen enemies.
(100 hearts)
6) Holy Book: Holy Book revolves around Alucard and does damage to all
enemies it contacts. (5 Hearts)
7) Rebound Stone: Alucard throws the stone at an angle and it bounces off
everything it hits. (3 Hearts)
8) Agunea: Fires a shot straight ahead. If it hits an enemy, a bolt of
lightning is fired directly at it. If you hold down the Attack button,
Alucard will continue firing lightning bolts until the target is dead or
Alucard drops below 5 Hearts. (5 Hearts per bolt)
9) Bibuti: Throws ashes directly ahead. (3 Hearts)

::: Alucard's Special Moves ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [SPL] :::

Alucard also has a number of special moves at his disposal. First, there
are the eight "spells" that can be viewed on the "Spells" menu on the
status screen. The Master Librarian will sell items that will put these
spells on the spell list, but this is not necessary. They will be added
as you do them.
Also, various weapons or Relics may allow additional special moves. These
will be discussed in the Items lists.

U = Up D = Down F = Forward B = Back
Charge (button) = Hold (button) for two seconds, then do whatever.

1) Dark Metamorphosis: B, UB, U, UF, F + Attack
Whenever Alucard attacks an enemy that bleeds and touches the blood,
Alucard heals some HP. (10 MP)

2) Hellfire: U, D, DF, F + Attack
Just like Dracula. After you teleport out, press left or right to
determine where you teleport in. Then, you'll do Dracula's 3-Fireball
attack. Or, hold U as you teleport in to do Dracula's large fireball
attack. Hold D to cancel the fireball period and just have a teleport.
(15 MP)

3) Summon Spirit: B, F, U, D + Attack
Summons spirit which homes in on one enemy. (5 MP)

4) Tetra Spirit: Charge U, UF, F, DF, D + Attack
Like above, but summons four spirits at once. (20 MP)

5) Soul Steal: B, F, DF, D, BF, B, F + Attack
Steals life from enemies and Candles. (50 MP)

6) Wolf Charge: D, DF, F + Attack
Swift charge attack. (Must be in wolf form. Requires Skill of Wolf and
Soul of Wolf Relics. 10 MP)

7) Wing Smash: Hold X (U, UB, B, DB, D, DF, F) Release X
Swift charging attack. (Must be in Bat form. Requires Soul of Bat
Relic. 8 MP)

8) Sword Brothers: D, DF, F, UF, Charge U, D + Attack
Sword Familiar does an attack which damages all on screen enemies.
(Requires Sword Card relic. Sword Familiar must be active as a Familiar.
30 MP)

::: Alucard's Familiars ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [FAM] :::

As you progress through the game, you will pick up various relics that
will summon Familiars. As you fight enemies, Familiars will gain experience
independently of Alucard. (Most enemies are only worth 1 point of Familiar
experience, but some are worth more.) For every 100 points a familiar gets,
it will gain a level. Note that a Familiar has to be active to gain
experience. Note also that the Familiar does not have to do the killing to
get experience.

1) Faerie Familiar: When she's active, she will administer potions and
medicine to Alucard as needed. For example, if you get cursed and have
an Uncurse in your inventory, the Faerie will instantly use it. She is
the only one who can use the Hammer and Life Apple items. She will also
point out breakable walls ("There's something funny about this
wall") and give out other tips.

1a) Sprite Familiar (Japanese versions only): Basically identical to
the normal Faerie, but in some versions you can get her to sing a song.
If you're playing the Saturn or Japanese "PlayStation the Best" version,
activate the Sprite and sit in a chair somewhere, and wait a few
minutes. (You'll also need the Lyric Card equipped if you're playing the
Saturn version.)

2) Demon Familiar: The demon's most practical use is to press the switches
in the Abandoned Mine and the Cave. Otherwise it will use different
elemental attacks, depending on its level.

2a) Nosedevil Familiar (Japanese versions only): Just a funky looking
version of the Demon.

3) Bat Familiar: Occasionally swoops on enemies. At its level rises, so
does the damage it causes. Also, if Alucard morphs into a Bat, the
familiar will summon other bats to fly alongside Alucard. These extra
bats function like Options in Gradius: if you fire, so will they. The
number of "Options" you get depends on the level of the Bat Familiar.

4) Ghost Familiar: It homes in on enemies and does a weak attack. When it
gets to a high enough level, it will Soul Steal enemies.

5) Sword Familiar: Probably the most powerful Familiar. It will do various
swooping and slashing attacks which increase in both frequency and
power as the Familiar gains levels. It also allows you to do the Sword
Brothers spell. When it gets to level 50, you will have the option of
using it as either a sword or a Familiar. The higher the level of the
Familiar, the more powerful the sword will be. However, you can not
raise the Familiar's levels if you are using it as a sword.

Here are some tips for leveling up your familiars. Most of these have
been floating around for so long that I'm not even sure who to credit for
them anymore, unfortunately.

1) The enemies in the Forbidden Library are almost always worth several
points of familiar experience, and are easy to kill.
2) Similarly, the Spectral Sword in the Anti-Chapel. I don't think the
individual parts are worth as much as the Forbidden Library enemies,
but you can kill a lot of them quickly.
3) If you have a Duplicator, find a spot where you can switch screens
quickly to regenerate a lot of enemies (the room in the Reverse Caverns
with the four zillion Dark Octopi is good for this, as is the
above-mentioned Spectral Sword), and use a weapon like the Pentagram
to kill them all.

::: Walkthrough - First Castle :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [WL1] :::

And now, the part you've all been waiting for: the complete Alucard game
walkthrough. First off, I make no claims that the walkthrough below is the
fastest, easiest, best, or the only possible way through the game. But, it
will get you through the game, so want more do you want? :)
If you've already played through the game once and don't have 200.6%, but
would like to get there without starting a new game, see the "Why Don't I
Have 200.6%?" section for some hints.

Facts About: Final Stage: Bloodlines
Music Track: Prologue
Enemies Found: None
Bosses Found: Dracula
Items Found: Badelaire, Dark Shield, Firebrand, Heart Refresh, Moon Rod,
Shield Rod, Sunglasses, Power of Sire

Journey back to 1792 and the Transylvanian countryside of Romania...

When you reach the top of the stairs, whip the entranceway to hit a
switch. This switch will lower another stairway that you can go up. This
leads to an area where you can pick up various weapons from the "real"
game. I'm not sure what effect this has on anything, since they don't
carry over into the Alucard game.
Continue to the left to encounter Dracula.

Dracula Tactics Boss Music Track: Dance of Illusions

The game begins with a flashback to the last battle between Dracula and a
Belmont. You play this level as Richter Belmont. Richter has a variety of
cool special moves, but the only ones you need to know right now are the
Super Jump (D, U + Jump) and the Air Dash (U, D, DF, F + Attack).
Why are these necessary? Really, they're not. But, how powerful you are
when you start the "real" game depends on your performance here. Generally
speaking, the quicker you beat Dracula (and the less hits you take), the
higher Alucard's initial stats will be.
Alucard's starting MP is affected by which Special Weapon you are
holding when Dracula dies. No weapon is worth 20 MP, a Holy Water is worth
25 MP, and a Cross is worth 30 MP.
As for the rest of your stats, they seem to mostly be based on how
quickly you blow through this battle, although taking damage will lower
your stats. Basically, you want to beat Dracula in under a minute with no
damage for the best stats, which should be (assuming you didn't get hit:)

80 HP/25 MP/60 Hearts/13 STR/12 CON/13 INT/12 LCK (finish w/ Holy Water)
80 HP/30 MP/60 Hearts/13 STR/12 CON/12 CON/12 LCK (finish w/ Cross)

If this is your first time playing, you will not be able to skip the
dialogue, and therefore it will take you several minutes, and you won't be
able to get the very best stats out of this battle. What you _can_ do, is
try not to get hit and grab a Cross to make the best you can out of the
situation. (If I'm interpreting Jacka1's data correctly, it seems that you
can get a Luck score of 14 if you can beat Dracula perfectly without the
aid of a special weapon.)
Some other things: if you finish the battle with Dracula with no hearts
remaining, Alucard will start with a Heart Refresh. If you collected over
40 Hearts with Richter, Alucard will start with a Neutron Bomb, lose one
STR point, and gain one INT point. If you "die", Alucard starts with a
Monster Vial of some sort and a High Potion instead of whatever else
you otherwise would have got.

Here's a strategy that while not necessarily the quickest, allows you to
get the overall best outcome relatively easily. When the level starts, grab
the Cross and enough hearts to get you to 30. Once the battle starts, grab
the Holy Water just before Dracula first teleports in and activate Hydro
Storm. If you timed this right, this should defeat his first form (you can
help the process by smacking him once or twice yourself. :) Be sure to grab
your Cross again to keep it from disappearing.
Now, this part may take some practice. Run back to the Holy Water, set
off another Hydro Storm, then grab the Cross again. Run back to where
Dracula is transforming, then walk to where his legs will be and duck. If
you do this right, you should take no damage from the transforming
Most of that second Hydro Storm will be wasted, but it will get you a few
hits in. From underneath Drac's legs, hold the Attack button and wiggle
your whip around to damage him. The only way Drac can hit you from this
position is when he jumps; you'll need to reposition yourself underneath
where he's going to land. Otherwise you can smack him around with

If you want to fight this battle out the hard way, here are some tips:
Remember the Air Dash I told you to learn earlier? Here's what you do.
Dracula fights using his standard teleport and fireball attack. When he
starts to teleport in, get within a few steps of him. When he solidifies,
jump up and Air Dash him. After you land, try to whip him before he
teleports out. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. However, if he teleports to either
edge of the screen, don't try to do this, or you'll get hit. Instead, avoid
his attack. How? Just Super Jump repeatedly and stay at the top of the
screen until the fireball attack passes. 6 or 7 Air Dash hits will kill his
first form. And if you're really smooth, you can Air Dash him twice before
he vanishes. Be careful with this, because if Dracula does the meteor
attack, a second Air Dash will most likely hurt you.
First form? Yep, after you kill his first form, Dracula transforms into a
large bluish-green demon. Get just close enough to whip it, and do so
repeatedly until you see it's mouth glow, which means it's about to spew
fire. When you see the glow, Super Jump repeatedly until it stops. Drop
back and whip it a few more times. Better yet, Air Dash it, and attack it
from behind while it continues to spew fireballs to the wrong side of the
When it jumps, Air Dash (on the ground) to get out of it's way. You'll
get a few free licks in as it turns around to face you.

Intermission Music Track: Moonlight Nocturne

Read the words and enjoy the music. If you've already beaten the game,
push start to get on with it.

Facts About: Entrance
Music Track: Dracula's Castle (Alucard, Richter PSX)
Vampire Killer (Remix 2) (Maria game, Saturn version only)
Bloody Tears Remix ? (Richter game, Saturn version only)
Enemies Found: Bat, Blade, Bloody Zombie, Bone Scimitar, Gurkha, Merman,
Owl, Owl Knight, Warg, Zombie
Bosses Found: Gaibon and Slogra (Optional)
Items Found: Cube of Zoe, Heart Max Up x2, Holy Mail, Jewel Sword, Life
Apple, Life Max Up x3, Pot Roast, Power of Wolf, Shield
Potion, Turkey

You start out the game pretty well equipped, but you'll soon lose your
cool stuff, so enjoy it while it lasts. Your sword comes with a teleport
move. Push D, DF, F + Attack to try it out.
There is not much you can do outside the castle, so head to the right to
enter the castle itself. You'll make short work of the Wargs and Zombies
that oppose you.
The second room you enter contains a hole in the ceiling and a huge rock
formation. You can destroy part of the rock to make a tunnel through it,
and find a Pot Roast in the process. You can't do much else with it just
yet, though. If you want, you can drop to the lower floor of this room and
fight the Merman for a while to gain a few levels. If you get hurt too
badly, try out the Dark Metamorphosis spell. Push B, UB, U, UF, F + Attack.
If done correctly, you'll hear Alucard shout "Dark Metamorphosis!" and
he'll glow red. For a limited time, any enemy you kill that bleeds will
give you 8 HP, if you touch the blood. Also, you'll learn one of the basic
facts about CSOTN: The higher your level, the less experience points the
enemies will give you. After you gain a few levels, the Mermen will only
give you about 1 point apiece. When you are ready to move on, climb back up
and continue to the right.
The third room contains a few more Wargs. Before you leave, though, slash
the bottom of the staircase to collect a Turkey.
You'll meet Death in the next room. He'll steal your cool equipment and
Now what do you do? All you have is a Turkey and a Pot Roast, and they're
not going to help you at all. You need to find some weapons, and fast!
Continue to the right, and climb up the stairs, and exit left. Notice
the crack in the ground here. If you jump down this crack and hold Left,
you'll land on a ledge that leads to a Heart Max Up. Once you get it, drop
off this ledge back to where you met Death, exit right, climb the stairs
again, and continue left this time.
You'll soon enter a room with Bone Scimitars. Punch them out and they'll
gladly donate a Red Rust and a Short Sword to your cause. Equip the Short
The bottom left exit from this room leads to a wooden barrier with a
Heart Max Up behind it. You can't get it now.
The middle left exit is a Save Point. Walk in front of the rotating
thing and push Up to save.
Head to the top, and collect the Cube of Zoe. Now, slashing Candles will
earn you minor items such as Hearts or Money Bags. Take the door to the
left, which leads to the Alchemy Laboratory.

Optional Bosses: Gaibon and Slogra

After you enter the Alchemy Lab, immediately turn around. The room you
were in should now be inhabited by Bloody Zombies. Save your game, and
backtrack to the room where you met Death. You'll find Gaibon and Slogra
waiting for you. Ignore Gaibon, duck and slash Slogra like crazy. When you
knock away Slogra's spear, Gaibon will swoop down, pick up Slogra, and fly
off. You'll meet them again later, whether or not you fought them here.
Return to the Alchemy Lab.

Facts About: Alchemy Laboratory
Music Track: Dance of Gold
Enemies Found: Axe Knight, Blood Skeleton, Bloody Zombie, Bone Scimitar,
Skeleton, Spittle Bone
Bosses Found: Gaibon and Slogra (Not optional, this time)
Items Found: Basilard, Bat Card, Cloth Cape, Heart Max Up, Hide Cuirass,
Leather Shield, Life Max Up, Potion, Resist Thunder, Skill
of Wolf, Sunglasses

Head to the far left of the room, jump up on the far left pillar, and
jump on the switch on the pillar to the right. This lowers the spikes in
front of the globe on the far left wall. Slash it for a Hide Cuirass.
Continue right on the pillars and jump through the hole in the ceiling.
Again, head left, and jump the spikes. The switch will lower them. The
burning thingy on the table can be slashed for a Leather Shield. At this
point you can either climb up the ledges or backtrack. Backtracking will
allow you to map out the room and find a Save Point, but either way you'll
end up at the top left door. Near the Save Point you'll find an elevator.
There are two ways to use it. First, you can kill one of the Blood
Skeletons so that its bones push down the nearby switch, raising the
elevator all the way up. Once the Blood Skeleton revives and walks off
the switch, the elevator will drop. Quickly jump onto the elevator, and
quickly jump from there to the ledge to the right.
A slightly easier method is to find an Axe, stand on the elevator, and
chuck an Axe at the Blood Skeleton when it walks on the switch. Either
way, you'll quickly find a dead end and a Basiliard, which is quite
useful at this point in the game. Head back to the room with the elevator
and head for the top left door.
That door leads to a long vertical corridor. Head for the very bottom
and slash out the floor. This leads to a secret passage that contains a
Life Max Up at the very bottom. Grab it and return to the first corridor.
Then, head to the far left wall and slash it out. Another secret passage!
The globe here contains a Heart Max Up. Grab it and return.
Climb up the corridor and head to the left. You find yourself in another
corridor. Take out the skeleton and grab the Resist Thunder. Climb up and
exit stage left.
In this room, you can use the two switches on the floor to lower the
spikes on either side of a block. Lower both sets, and push the block to
the right where the spikes used to be. Then, switch the right set of spikes
back on, lifting up the block. You can use this to jump up to the ledge
where the Spittle Bone is, and climb up to the right exit. This exit
eventually leads to a Cloth Cape.
Return to the room with the block and spikes, head to the bottom left of
this room and climb up, taking out the Axe Knights on the way up. Exit
left. You're now in yet _another_ vertical corridor! Head down, then back
up. Take care not to get hit by the Spittle Bones, since they can poison
you, and at this point the only way to cure poison is to wait it out. The
first exit on the left is a Save Point. Save and continue up. Grab the Axe
at the top. Don't bother dropping down to take the top left exit; you won't
get far. Take the top right exit instead.
And a stone block just closed you in. That's not a good sign. Head right
to meet once again with...

Gaibon and Slogra Tactics Boss Music Track: Festival of Servants
If you hit Slogra, Gaibon will lift him into the air and try to drop him
on you. This is a good time to use that Axe you just picked up. Also, it'll
keep Gaibon from blasting fire at you. If he does start blasting fire at
you, use the Hellfire spell (U, D, DF, F + Attack) to teleport out of the
path of the fireballs. They're not very hard to take out at all, so have
fun. After their defeat, grab the Life Max Up they leave behind.

Continue on to the right until you reach a vertical corridor. Ignore the
bottom right exit for now, and climb up and take the middle right exit for
a Save Point. Drop down and take the bottom right exit. Continue to the
right until you reach the elevator shaft. Step on the switch and take the
elevator down. It's first stop takes you to a small room where you find
some Sunglasses. Continue the trip down. The next stop leads to a giant
cannon and a wooden barrier. Slash the switch to fire the cannon and take
out the barrier. Pick up the Basilard on the way out if you didn't get it
earlier. Equip it; it's slightly less powerful than your Short Sword, but
a lot quicker. Continuing left takes you back to the room where you found
the Leather Shield and a Save Point. However, there's no point in continuing
here, so turn around, go back up the elevator, and return to the vertical
corridor you reached after you fought Gaibon and Slogra. Save again if you
like, and take the top right exit.
Continue right through a hallway with Bloody Zombies. When you get to a
large room, chose to go up or down. It doesn't really matter, but be sure
to explore the entire room. The globe at the bottom left contains a Potion.
When you're done here, exit to the right.

Facts About: Marble Gallery
Music Track: Marble Gallery
Enemies Found: Axe Knight, Ctulhu, Diplocephalus, Flea Man, Marionette,
Ouija Table, Plate Lord, Slinger, Skelerang, Skeleton,
Stone Rose
Bosses Found: None
Items Found: Alucart Mail, Alucart Shield, Alucart Sword, Attack Potion,
Hammer, Heart Max Up x2, Holy Glasses, Library Card, Life
Apple, Life Max Up x2, Potion, Spirit Orb

Heading to the right past the Axe Knights, you'll soon find a giant gap.
Dive down, and on the next screen you'll find stairs that lead back up,
an exit to the right, and stairs leading down. Take the right exit for a
Save Point, then head down. On the next screen, exit left.
In this room, head down past the Slingers and Marionettes. There will be
items on high ledges that you can't reach... yet. Ignore them for now. The
bottom left corner of this room contains the Spirit Orb. Now you'll be able
to see how much damage you're doing to enemies. Exit to the right, jump
down to the bottom of the next screen, and exit left. Continue left past
the Plate Lord, down past the Skelerangs, right past the Ghosts, and down
again. (Saturn players will note the door to the right. It leads to the
Cursed Prison, but you won't be able to get very far from this direction.
All the same, you may want to stop by, since the Will o' Wisps there
are a) regenerating, b) easy to kill, and c) give quite a bit of experience
for this point in the game.) Continue left past Ctulhu and take the door.
You're now back in the Entrance. Step on the switch to lower the barrier,
and collect the Shield Potion. While you're here, drop down to the ledge
below, backslide off the ledge, then quickly jump to the right. If done
correctly, you'll make it over to the middle right exit and can pick up
a Life Max Up.
Now, head back to the crossroads area in the Marble Gallery (where you
went right for a Save Point, down to the Spirit Orb, or up to the big gap.)
This time, head up the stairs to the right. Continue right until you reach
the room with the large clock. You'll meet Maria here. After the
conversation, continue right.
The path onward is pretty straightforward until you reach an area that
splits into four directions. You've come from the upper left; the lower
left is a dead end. The upper right path leads to a locked door that you
can't open yet. So take the lower right path.
That path exits to a long corridor. Head right past the Diplocephaluses
and Stone Roses. The Roses can petrify you. If they do, simply wiggle the
controller to break free.

Facts about: Outer Wall
Music Track: Tower of Mist
Enemies Found: Armor Lord, Axe Knight, Bone Archer, Bone Musket, Medusa
Head, Skeleton, Skeleton Ape, Spear Guard, Sword Lord
Bosses Found: Doppleganger10
Items Found: Garnet, Heart Max Up, Jewel Knuckles, Life Max Up, Mirror
Cuirass, Pot Roast, Soul of Wolf, Zircon

When you first enter the Outer Wall, slash the trophy directly to your
right for a Zircon. Then head down, then left to the Armor Lord (big guy
with big sword.) Don't bother trying to fight him; Hellfire your way past
him and enter the small room on the left. Break the left wall for a Pot
Roast. Then, stand in the gap you made by slashing the wall and wait for
about 30 seconds. You'll suddenly drop through the floor to the room below.
Pick up the Jewel Knuckles and the Mirror Cuirass here. Equip both, then
hop back on the elevator and push Up (exiting right will only lead to a
grate you cannot yet pass.) Hellfire past the Armor Lord again and head
down. Explore the entire room, and exit down.
The lower room contains a telescope. You can look through it if you wish,
but there's really no point in it. If you leave and come back a few times,
you can watch a bird lay eggs and have babies. No point in that either.
When you're done here, head up past the door that lead to the Outer Wall
in the first place, and continue. The next screen up contains an out of
reach trophy. Ignore it for now and head left past the Axe Knights.
Continue past a vertical corridor for a Save Point. Then, head up the
vertical corridor, exit right, and prepare for a boss battle.

Doppleganger10 Tactics Boss Music Track: Festival of Servants
Prepare for battle with... yourself? Yep. The fake Alucard will toss
daggers at you, then jump in the air and slash or toss more daggers.
The Doppleganger can be afflicted with many status ailments, but the only
one you can probably dish out this early in the game is Curse; hit him
once with the Red Rust, and he'll be unable to attack. :) (Beware, he
can still use his dagger though.) The Stopwatch also works pretty well.
Wait until he jumps, then jump up yourself and punch him with your Jewel
Knuckles. This will knock him back, so try to land as close as you can to
where he lands, duck and punch him again. This knocks him back some more,
so quickly jump, land, duck and punch. Repeat until dead. Collect Life Max

Moving on to the right, the next small room contains a Gladius, your
first real sword. It has a relatively long range, but your Knuckles are
more powerful. Choose your weapon wisely, then continue right. Jump the
gap, slash the Trophy to collect another Life Max Up.
Continue upward, ignoring the elevator (for now) and the exit doors on
the left. You'll eventually reach a weird contraption with a switch. Slash
or punch the switch to activate the elevator. Ignore the trophy for now.
Continue upward, ignoring the exit door, until you reach the very top.
Exit left for a Save Point.
Return to the exit door just below the Sword Lord. This leads to a Portal
room, which teleports you to other Portal rooms located throughout the
castle. Trick is, you have to find the Portal rooms before you can teleport
there. However, this one will take you to the Portal room in the Entrance.
Try it out, and exit left. Remember the room with the wooden barrier and
the Heart Max Up? Well, collect the Heart Max Up, step on the switch, and
take the Portal back to the Outer Wall.
Now, enter the elevator shaft and collect the Soul of Wolf. You can now
turn into a wolf by pushing R2. Take the elevator down. It will leave you
right in front of the exit door to the Long Library.

Facts About: Long Library
Music Track: Wood Carving Partita
Enemies Found: Corpseweed, Dhuron, Ectoplasm, Flea Armor, Flea Man, Magic
Tome, Mudman, Spellbook, Thornweed
Bosses Found: Lesser Demon
Items Found: Antivenom, Bronze Cuirass, Faerie Card, Faerie Scroll,
Frankfurter, Holy Rod, Jewel of Open, Onyx, Potion, Soul of
Bat, Stone Mask, Takemitsu, Topaz Circlet, Uncurse

Fight your way past the Dhurons to the left. Continue left past the
stairway to battle Flea Men and more Dhurons. Go as far left as you can to
pick up a Bronze Cuirass. It's no better than the Mirror Cuirass you
already have, however. Just notice the hole in the ceiling and remember
this room, since there's a trick you can do here later.
For now, return to that staircase and head up. Continue right, past the
Ectoplasm, then up and to the left. Then you can choose to go either left
or up/right. Go up and right. At the end of this section some Magic Tomes
are guarding the Faerie Scroll. Collect it, and you'll now see the names of
the enemies as you smack them around.
Return to the crossroads and head left again. You'll pass some ledges
that you can't jump to. Ignore them for now. Exit left to talk to the
Master Librarian.
After a little chitchat, you can talk to the Librarian to get a menu:

1) Buy Item: You can buy various weapons and items from the Librarian.
Before you even look at anything, buy the Jewel of Open for $500, and if
you need it, the Castle Map for $103. If this is your first time through
the game, the Map is a pretty good buy.
[Note: Joesph's Cloak and the Reversible Cloak open up two options on
the System menu, but those options only change the color of the cloak
you're wearing, and only if you're wearing one of the above.]
2) Sell Gem: You can sell various gems (like the Zircon you got earlier)
for some cash.
3) Tactics: For a fee, you can watch demonstrations of how to beat each
boss. Thing is, you have to have already faced the boss before you can
view its movie.
4) Enemy List: Shows a list of all enemies and their stats. I've reproduced
this list in the Enemy List section at the end of this FAQ.
5) Sound Test: If you've beaten the game, this option will appear, and let
you listen to all the songs in the game.
6) Exit: Lets you move on.

After you get the Jewel of Open and anything else you want (try to pick
up an Elven Cloak, if you've got enough money), there's nothing to do here.
Exit the Library, take the Elevator back up to the Portal, and return to
the Entrance. From there, return to the Alchemy Lab, and head to the
vertical corridor that lead to the battle with Gaibon and Slogra. Instead
of taking the top right exit, take the top left one instead. (Don't forget
to save on your way up!) You can now open the blue door, so do so and
continue left. Say hi to Maria again, and continue on to the Royal Chapel.

Facts About: Royal Chapel
Music Track: Requiem for the Gods
Enemies Found: Bat, Black Crow, Blue Raven, Bone Halberd, Bone Pillar,
Corner Guard, Hunting Girl, Skelerang, Spectral Sword,
Winged Guard
Bosses Found: Hippogryph
Items Found: Ankh of Life, Aquamarine, Boomerang, Cutlass, Goggles,
Grape Juice, Life Max Up, Magic Missile, Morningstar,
Mystic Pendant, Potion, Shuriken, Silver Plate, Silver
Ring, Str. Potion, TNT, Zircon

The first exit to the left as you enter the Royal Chapel is a Save Point.
Save your game and go up. On the next screen, heading left will net you an
Aquamarine. Collect it and head right. As you climb the stairs, you'll
notices several ledges you can't reach. Make note of them and move on.
Toward the top of the stairs, you'll come across a Bone Pillar with a
Spiked Ball. For a laugh you can defeat the Bone Pillar to send the ball
rolling down the stairs, demolishing anything in its path. But a better
use for the ball is that it gives a pretty good amount of experience; equip
a Fist weapon like the Jewel Knuckles, walk up behind it, get _very_ close,
crouch, and hold the attack button, and wait. You can easily gain 10 or so
levels here if you want, but it's not necessary.
Continue on until you find the room with the Spectral Sword. Climb the
steps on the left wall, and exit left. Jump up on the ledge, and jump to
collect the Goggles. Equip them and return to the Spectral Sword room.
Take the lower right exit. This leads to the Colosseum, but you won't get
far due to a wooden barrier. Collect the Knight Shield here and return to
the chapel.
Finally, take the upper right exit. Continue right until you reach the
Confession Room. You can sit in the chair, and a ghostly figure will hear
your confession. If you get the blue-robed figure, it'll sometimes drop
some Grape juice when it disappears. If you get the greyish-robed figure
that draws the curtains, watch out! It'll send a few spears your way.
When you're done there, continue up the bell tower. Be sure to whack the
Skelerangs on both sides of the tower, for this will help fill in your
map. The first right exit is blocked by a large statue that you can't move
from this end, so ignore it for now. Keep climbing until you reach the
top left exit. This leads to a room full of spikes. Note its location, and
return to climbing.
Ignore the top right exit until you've reached the top of the tower and
collected the Life Max Up, Str. Potion, and Silver Plate. Equip the plate,
then head right, through a narrow corridor. This leads to another bell
tower. Climb to the top, grab the Zircon, then exit right. Another narrow
corridor, but when you exit this one, you face..

Hippogryph Tactics Boss Music Track: Death Ballad
Switch to your Jewel Knuckles, if you're not wearing them, and wait for
it to land. When it does, beat the snot out of it. If you hear an electric
sound, jump back before it starts spewing flames. Jump over it if it rushes
at you, and you can punch it out of the air when it flies.

After you fight the Hippogryph, you'll talk to Maria again. After the
conversation, continue on your way. Go right until you reach the save
point, then climb up the third and final bell tower. Grab the Cutlass and
Potion at the top, then exit right.

Facts About: Castle Keep
Music Track: Heavenly Doorway
Enemies Found: Axe Knight, Flea Rider
Bosses Found: Richter Belmont, Shaft
Items Found: Falchion, Fire Mail, Frankfurter, Ghost Card, Heart Max Up
x2, Leap Stone, Life Max Up x2, Pot Roast, Power of Mist,
Resist Dark, Resist Holy, Resist Stone, Sirloin, Turkey,
Turquoise, Tyrfing

Continue to the right, past the Axe Knights. You'll see the Leap Stone
above you, and you'll get it in just a minute. Head right until you get
to the elevators and the exit door. Take the door quickly to activate the
Portal here, then head up the elevators. Take the right exit to get the
Tyrfing, a sword that really sucks. Take the left exit and walk over to the
Leap Stone. Now that you can double jump (Jump, then Jump again in
mid-air), use your new ability to collect the Turquoise right above the
Leap Stone. Once there, break the wall to the left to grab the Turkey.
Head back to the large clock in the Marble Gallery where you first met
Maria. Now, you'll notice two large statues in the upper corners
of the room. Every other minute, the one on the left will slide out,
allowing you access to the corner. Double jump to the corner and exit up.
This will lead to a Life Max Up and an exit door. It leads to Olrox's
Quarters, but don't go there just yet.
What about the right statue? It only slides out if you have a Clock. Head
to the right of the clock room until you find one in the Candles, then
return and use it. Exit up, and you'll find a Heart Max Up and some
counterfeit "Alucart" equipment. At first glance all the pieces of Alucart
equipment appear to suck, but when you equip them all together, you get a
LCK +30 bonus. Not bad at all when you want to hunt for rare items.
Now head for Olrox's Quarters.

Facts About: Olrox's Quarters
Music Track: Dance of Pales
Enemies Found: Blade, Hammer, Skelerang, Spectral Sword
Bosses Found: Olrox (Who were you expecting? Akmodan II?)
Items Found: Broadsword, Cheese, Echo of Bat, Estoc, Garnet (NA/EU
only), Heart Max Up, Iron Ball, Luck Potion, Manna Prism,
Resist Fire, Sprite Card (JP only), Sword Card

Head up the corridors until you enter the large room with the Spectral
Sword. This room has many exits:

1) Lower Right: Dead end? Nope, slash the wall. Enter the room behind it
for some Cheese, an Onyx, and a Broadsword. Equip the Broadsword and
return to the large room.
2) Upper Right: Heads right past Blade and Hammer, to a Portal. Note the
hole in the ceiling just before the Portal, since this leads to Olrox
himself. You can't get there now, though.
3) Left: Leads to the Colosseum, your next destination.

Facts About: Colosseum
Music Track: Wandering Ghosts
Enemies Found: Armor Lord, Blade Soldier, Blade Master, Bone Musket, Bone
Scimitar, Hunting Girl, Owl, Owl Knight, Paranthropus,
Plate Lord, Valhalla Knight
Bosses Found: Minotaurus and Werewolf
Items Found: Blood Cloak, Form of Mist, Green Tea, Heart Max Up, Holy
Sword (NA/EU only), Knight Shield, Library Card, Nosedevil
Card (JP only), Shield Rod

As you enter the Colosseum, take the first pit down, and take the first
right exit. This leads to a Save Point. Continue down, and take the next
right exit. This room contains a Heart Max Up.
Head left. You'll soon encounter a Paranthropus. "So what?" I hear you
asking. Well, I'll tell you what. These buggers sometimes drop a Ring of
Varda when defeated. The Ring of Varda gives massive bonuses to all of your
stats, and the only thing in this game sicker than one Ring of Varda is
two. However, this probably isn't the best place to pick one up, since
later on in the game is an area with more of them in a smaller room,
allowing you to kill more of them quickly.
The room on the far left contains a Blood Cloak. Pick it up and equip
it if you didn't buy the Elven Cloak (or something better) at the Library.
Head back to the rightmost corridor and take the passageway to the left of
the save point. Pass the elevator, and head left. Get past the next room,
which is full of Axe and Valhalla Knights. Don't bother fighting, just jump
over them as best you can. Head left, past a vertical corridor and an
Armor Lord, until you reach the other Save Point. Then, drop down and take
the bottom left exit.
Use your stomp attack (Double Jump, then press Down+Jump) to get over
the hordes here and make your way to the Shield Rod. Equip it, and a shield
if you don't have one equipped, and use it to beat the hell out of those
Armor Lords and such that are strong against swords but don't take a good
clubbing very well. Also, if you press both attack buttons at once, you'll
do a Shield Rod Combo, the effects of which depend on what shield is
equipped. (See the Shield list, later in the FAQ, for more details).
Save again, if you wish, then head down and all the way to the right,
where you'll find some Green Tea. Then, head back to the leftmost vertical
corridor, and head all the way up.
If you head to the left after the corridor, you can step on a switch that
removes the barrier to the Royal Chapel. Do that, then head to the right.
When the path splits, take the upper route. When you get to the room with
the Blade Masters, you can find a secret passageway in the ceiling. Smash
or Soul Steal the ceiling after the second pillar (from the left). However,
you can't yet get up there, so move on. If you drop down after this room,
you'll see a Relic behind a grate. How do you get it? First, you save your
game. Then return to where the path split and take the lower route. You'll
find a library card, and then go to the next room to find Richter Belmont.
After the conversation, you'll fight...

Minotaurus and Werewolf Tactics Boss Music Track: Festival of Servants
When the two of them are alive, watch out for their nasty combo attacks.
When the Minotaurus tosses his axe, watch out, since both of them are about
to rush you. Jump between them before the Minotaur does his upper cut.
Also, watch out for the Werewolf's spinning attacks, and the Minotaurus'
jumping Axe attack.

Head right after the battle, and step on the switch to open the floor.
Jump down to the elevator, and bring it back up to get the Form of Mist.
Use it to pass the grate. Head back toward Olrox's Quarters, and save the
game on your way, if you wish.
Head back to the Long Library. On your way, slash the large trophy you
couldn't reach earlier for a Garnet. Head toward the Master Librarian, but
instead double jump onto the lower of the two ledges you couldn't reach
before. Continue left past a Save Point, a room full of Dhurons and Flea
Armors, and when you get to the large room, head all the way down, and left
to do battle with...

Lesser Demon Tactics Boss Music Track: Death Ballad
The Lesser Demon's tricks include launching a blue energy ball at you,
and flying up into the air and summoning enemies. If you want a full Enemy
List, you'll have to wait until it summons a Mudman before you kill it.
No special tactics are required here; just jump up and smack it if it's in
the air and kill whatever it summons.

After you defeat the Lesser Demon, continue to the left, head down and
back to the right. Collect the Takemitsu, Onyx, and Frankfurter. Then use
your newfound Mist ability to pass through the grate and continue to the
right. Collect the Soul of Bat. Then return to the entrance of the large
room. However, instead of leaving, double jump to the ledge above. Then,
transform into a Bat and fly to either of the ledges above that. The left
ledge leads nowhere, while the right ledge leads to a small room. Slash
the candle on the table for a Stone Mask. Then push on the bookshelf to
find another small room which contains the Topaz Circlet and the Holy Rod.
Head back to the main part of the Library (the "yellow" area, if you
will.) Transform into a Bat, and fly to the top left hand corner of the
Library. You'll find an Antivenom, a Potion, and the Faerie Card.
Activate your Faerie Familiar, and leave the Library. Take the nearby
Portal to the Olrox's Quarters and head for the Giant Clock (again.) Once
there, transform into the Bat and fly straight up the middle of the
ceiling. The long hallway you'll reach contains a Potion, Hammer, and Life
Apple to the left. To the right you'll find the Gravity boots, which give
you the ability to Super Jump (D, U + Jump).
Return to Olrox's and head to the Colosseum. Remember the hidden passage
in the ceiling you couldn't reach before? Either fly or Super Jump there
now to collect a Holy Sword. Depending on your STR you may find this sword
weaker than the Shield Rod at this point, but it is quicker. If you are
playing the Japanese version, you'll find the Nose Demon here instead.
Now to fill in some other holes. Head back to the Portal in Olrox's and
return to the Entrance. Now, head to the Alchemy Lab, and fly up the hole
in the top left ceiling of the first large room. Head to the right to
receive the Skill of Wolf. Then, return to the room where you battled
Gaibon and Slogra. Fly up to the top right exit to receive the Bat Card.
Return now to the Royal Chapel, and fly up to the Trophies you couldn't
reach before. You'll obtain a Mystic Pendant, a Magic Missile, a Shuriken,
an Ankh of Life, some TNT, a Boomerang, and a Morningstar. For maximum
percentage, be sure to fly into every corner of the room, even if it
doesn't have a Trophy.
Now head back to the very beginning of the game. Yep, all the way back.
However, on your way, stop to pick up a few items. Before you leave the
Bloody Zombie room, fly up the right wall to find a room with a Life Max
Up if you didn't get it earlier. In the area where you met Death, fly up
the left wall to find a room with a Heart Max Up if you didn't get it
earlier. When you reach the Merman room with the giant rock, run through
the rock one way as the Wolf, and fly through it the other way as the Bat.
This will open the bottom left wall, revealing a room containing a Life
Apple and a Jewel Sword. Before you leave the room with the rock, fly
through the hole in the ceiling. Head left past Gurkha and Blade, to a
vertical stairway. The first exit on the left is a Save Point, and the next
is a small room with the Holy Mail.
Once you finally make it back to where you first started your journey,
fly up to find a small area containing a Life Max Up and the Power of Wolf.
Now that you've done all that, let's serve Olrox with an eviction notice,
shall we? Portal back to Olrox's Quarters. This time, Super Jump up the
gap in the ceiling outside the Portal, stopping to collect the Manna Prism,
Resist Fire, and Luck Potion in the Trophies on the way up. After the
corridor, head left, collect the Estoc in the Trophy, and drop down into
the main area of Olrox's Quarters.
This main area is very large and has several exits. Stay out of the top
left exit for now, since that leads to Olrox himself. Instead, drop to the
very bottom, take the lower left exit, and continue left. Grab the Heart
Max Up. When you get to a "bridge" of sorts made up of light-colored
bricks, slash the ceiling before toward the end of said "bridge". This
passage leads up to the Sword Card in the NA/EU versions or the Sprite Card
in the Japanese version. Return to the "bridge" and continue left. The door
leads back to the large statue in the Royal Chapel. Destroy the little
statue to open the way, and return to the main area of Olrox's Quarters.
The right wall has two exits. The lower one leads to a Garnet (NA/EU) or
the Sword Card (Japanese). The upper is a save point. Before you save,
though, transform into a Bat and fly around the center of the area to fill
in your map.
OK, head for that top left exit. Pick up the Iron Ball on your way to the
left, and transform into a Bat to fly through the narrow section of the
hallway. The door here leads to...

Olrox Tactics Boss Music Track: Death Ballad
Olrox will teleport around the room, summoning Bats and Skulls to attack
you. These can be easily defeated. Attack Olrox directly. He'll easily
Except he'll then turn into a huge green monster that will shoot lasers
from its mouth and spew fire. Get out of the path of the laser and swipe
the fireballs. Aim for its head, since that's its weakest point.
After you finally kill it, notice the Super Metroid-ish way in which it
dies: It's skeleton will still lunge for you, although it won't do any

Now that you've done Olrox in, take the top left exit from his room to
find the Echo of Bat.
Our next destination is the Underground Caverns. To get there, head back
to the four-way crossing in the Marble Gallery right before the loooong
hallway that leads to the Outer Wall. Remember the upper right path that
was blocked by a blue door? Go back there now and go past the blue door
to find a switch. Step on it, and then take the lower right path. You'll
notice a new hole in the floor. Dive in to collect an Attack Potion and
a Library Card.
Now, take the upper left route until you find a similar hole in the
floor. Drop down, and exit right, drop down again, and exit left.

Facts About: Underground Caverns
Music Track: Crystal Teardrop
Enemies Found: Bone Archer, Fishhead, Frog, Frozen Shade, Killer Fish,
Scylla Wyrm, Skeleton Ape, Spear Guard, Toad
Bosses Found: Scylla, Succubus
Items Found: $2000, Antivenom, Bandanna, Claymore, Crystal Cloak,
Elixir, Gold Ring, Heart Max Up x2, Herald Shield, Holy
Symbol, Knuckle Duster, Life Max Up x5, Meal Ticket x4,
Merman Statue, Moonstone, Nunchaku, Onyx, Pentagram, Pot
Roast, Resist Ice, Scimitar, Secret Boots, Shiitake x4,
Toadstool x2, Zircon

Right off the bat, break the Trophy for a Zircon. Then drop down. You'll
soon find exits to the right and left. Take the right for a Save Point. The
left exit leads to a Heart Max Up. After you collect it, break the left
wall to find another room with a Bandanna. Right before the exit to the
Heart Max Up is a gap in the floor. Drop down it, exit right, and continue
downward through a different vertical corridor parallel to the one you were
just in. Take the left exit, and climb up the stairs to find a Life Max Up.
Saturn players will find an exit to the Cursed Prison nearby, and should
take the time to explore. PSX players should just skip down a few

------------------------* Begin Saturn Version Only *---------------------
Facts About: Cursed Prison
Music Track: Chaconne c.moll
Enemies Found: Bone Archer, Gargoyle, Slinger, Spear Guard, Spectre,
Will o' Wisp
Bosses Found: None
Items Found: Astral Dagger, Karma Coin, Rotten Meal

Another Saturn exclusive area, but just as straightforward as the
Underground Garden. Just wind your way down to the bottom of this room.
The top left exit is a Save Point. The large vase looking things in this
room can be broken for items; from the top down, you'll get a Karma Coin,
the Astral Dagger, and a Rotten Meal (yum!). The Astral Dagger is pretty
neat; press D, DF, F + Attack and it will home in on an enemy.
The second room heads straight to the left, but watch out for the
enemies! The Will o' Wisps like to pop out of nowhere and use an
electric attack on you. The Spectres absorb or are strong against
almost every attack; special weapons will work pretty well against them,
The left exit takes you to the Marble Gallery. Backtrack to where we
left the Underground Caverns for this little excursion.

------------------------* End Saturn Version Only *--------------------------

Head back to the corridor you were in and continue down, picking up the
Drop down the gap in the floor, collect the Toadstool, and exit right.
Continue right for a Save Point. Leaving the Save Point, you can choose to
go up or down. Head back up, which is the original vertical corridor you
were in before you went for the Heart Max Up. Take the first exit to the
right you come upon. Head right, pick up the Claymore in the Trophy, and
head down. Exit right, then down again, picking up the Meal Tickets and the
Moonstone which are in the Trophies. Finally, at the bottom of this
corridor, are exits to the left and right. The left exit is a Save Point.
The right exit is... a pink save point?

Succubus Tactics Boss Music Track: Enchanted Banquet
Jump up and smack her. If she duplicates herself, just slash at
the duplicates until you find the real one. When she closes her wings, she
is about to send some sort of projections out at you, so watch out.

When you break free of the Nightmare, the Gold Ring will appear in the
Fake Save Point room. Grab it and return to the vertical corridor, and drop
all the way down.
When you get outside of the Save Point at the bottom of the corridor,
drop down further and take the right exit. You'll fight a quick battle
with a Scylla Wyrm, which is easily taken out by slashing its head. Then
continue right. Hop across the pillars here quickly, before the water rises.
Exit up, then head right to pick up a Pot Roast.
Head left to face Scylla.

Scylla Tactics Boss Music Track: Festival of Servants
Hang back a bit and take out the three Scylla Wyrms. Then leap on the
left most pillar and slash at Scylla itself. An easy victory shall be

The room behind Scylla contains a Crystal Cloak. Grab it then return to
the room where the water was rising. It's gone now, so head right to find
a Scimitar, and on your way out collect the Resist Ice.
Exit the room where you fought the first Scylla Wyrm, and note that the
floor in the main corridor can be broken. No need to do so just yet,
though. Head back up to the Save Point, save if you wish, then head left.
Push the block you find over to the left to stop the waterfall and kill
a few Spear Guards. Collect the Shiitake up and to the right, then continue
left. Stay out of the water for now.
Ignore the Life and Heart Max Ups under the wooden bridge, since there's
nothing you can do about them yet. Continue left. Eventually you'll get to
a giant waterfall. There are four exits out of this area, and you just came
from the top right. Fly over to the top left to find a switch. A Skeleton
Ape will drop down and destroy the wooden bridge with a barrel. That was
a clue, folks. Also, you'll receive the message that "something has
appeared near to the wooden bridge." Collect the Herald Shield, then return
to the waterfall room and take the bottom left exit, collecting the
Shiitake and Toadstool on the way down.
Head to the left until you can head either up or left. Go up, collect
the Shiitake, and continue left. Take the door back to the Entrance,
collect the Life Max Up, step on the switch to open the way back to the
Merman room. Saturn players may wish to head on to the Underground Gardens

-----------------------* Begin Saturn Version Only *-----------------------
Facts About: Underground Garden
Music Track: Vampire Killer (Remix 1)
Enemies Found: Corpseweed, Gardener, Gargoyle, Hitotorusou, Jinnunja,
Skeleton Beast, Skeleton Breeder, Slinger, Weed
Bosses Found: Skeleton Leader
Items Found: Sain Irishitajiki

To get here, continue through the Castle Entrance waaay back to where you
first entered the castle. You'll find an open hatch that leads to the
Underground Gardens. (You can enter this area anytime after you enter the
Alchemy Laboratory, if you would like to go here earlier.)
One of the new areas added to the Saturn version, the Underground Garden
is actually a pretty straightforward area. When you first enter, drop down
and take the left exit to reach a Portal. Unless you really want to go
somewhere else, leave the Portal and continue to the right. You'll probably
want to Super Jump or fly to map out the higher elevations of this room;
one of the candles up here will give up the Sain Irishitajiki, a completely
useless item.
At the far right of this room, the lower exit is a Save Point. Take it
and move on to the upper exit. The next two rooms are very straightforward;
watch out for the dripping pipes, though, as they'll poison you.
Finally, you'll reach a small room with...

Skeleton Leader Tactics Boss Music Track: Bloody Tears (Remix ?)
This guy can be pretty annoying. Its attacks include rushing at you then
jumping backward. Jump over him, but stay low. It also likes to throw
various objects at you, and to emit this wide laser from its sword. Duck
to dodge that, or better yet get behind it. Oftentimes when you hit it,
it will release a volley of various explosives, so be prepared for that.

After that, you can leave the Gardens and continue on your way back to the
Underground Caverns.

------------------------* End Saturn Version Only *------------------------

Back where we left off in the Underground Caverns, head left, and talk to
the Ferryman. On your boat trip, a Candle up high contains a $2000 money bag.
There is another place in the game with a $2000 bag, so don't bother trying
to get this one.
When the Ferryman stops, head left to get the Merman Statue. Now return
to the place where I said you could break the floor (just outside the room
where you fought the Scylla Wyrm.) On your way, jump through the large
waterfall for the lower right exit, which leads to a Life Max Up. Also,
on your way back up, look out for the Secret Boots on the right wall. Note
also the Skeleton Ape that appeared in the room with the wooden bridge.
When you finally get to the breakable floor, break it, then drop down and
take the Ferry. (If you came here before you found the Merman Statue, the
Ferryman wouldn't be here.) When he docks, head right to find the Holy
Snorkel... er, Symbol. You can now safely walk in water, so take a swim.
Altogether, your scuba expeditions should net you an Elixir, two more Life
Max Ups, a Knuckle Duster, Nunchaku, an Antivenom, and a Pentagram.
When you're done swimming, enter the room with the wooden bridge from the
right side. Walk slowly to the left until you see the Skeleton Ape. Keep
as far away from the ape as possible, walk slowly back to the bridge. When
you are standing on the bridge, let the Ape close in on you and wait for
him to toss his barrel, destroying the bridge. Collect the Heart and Life
Max Ups, then drop down.

Facts About: Abandoned Mine
Music Track: Abandoned Pit
Enemies Found: Corpseweed, Gremlin, Salem Witch, Thornweed, Venus Weed
Bosses Found: Cerberos
Items Found: Combat Knife, Demon Card, Karma Coin, Peanuts x4, Power of
Sire, Ring of Ares, Shiitake x2, Turkey

When you first enter the Mine, drop all the way to the bottom and exit
right for a Save Point. Then, take the upper exit and prepare to do battle
with the dog from hell.

Cerberos Tactics Boss Music Track: Festival of Servants
No tactics are really necessary, just walk up to it and slash it. Its
attacks include jumping you, shooting rapid-fire fireballs (just jump up
onto the pillars or just duck to avoid this) and spewing flame in a
diagonal direction, which is easily avoided.

Continue to the right. Note the switch in the upper right corner of the
next screen, and continue downward. When you get to the four-way
crossroads, go left for the Demon Card. Go back up to the switch and
activate the Devil Familiar to push it. After the block slides out, head
right, pass the various Weeds, and drop down to find the Ring of Ares.
It gives a massive strength boost, but also gives an equal defense penalty,
so be careful when you use it. Slash the left wall for a Turkey and a
passageway to a small room with four Peanuts, some Barley Tea and a
Power of Sire.
Back at the four-way crossroad, the right route leads to a Portal. Ignore
it for the time being and continue down. Collect the Shiitakes on your way.
At the bottom, there are two exits, to the left and right. Take the left
for a Combat Knife and a Karma Coin. Take the right to find...

Facts About: Catacombs
Music Track: Rainbow Cemetery
Enemies Found: Bloody Skeleton, Bone Ark, Discus Lord, Grave Keeper,
Hellfire Beast, Large Slime, Lossoth, Slime, Thornweed,
Bosses Found: Granfaloon
Items Found: Ballroom Mask, Bloodstone, Cat-eye Circlet, Cross Shuriken
x2, Heart Max Up x2, Icebrand, Karma Coin x2, Library Card,
Life Max Up, Lyric Card (Saturn only), Monster Vial 3 x3,
Mormegil, Pork bun, Spike Breaker, Walk Armor

Head down, then take the left exit for a Save Point, and head left to
find the Bloodstone, then slash the wall for the Cat-eye Circlet. Then
head right to the first large room, then take the lower right exit.
The second large room (with the slimes) has an upper right exit to a
dark room. Watch out! This dark room is full of spikes. How do you get
past? Transform into a Bat, and use your radar (push Triangle) to see
the spikes. Once you've made it, continue right. Slash the Trophies for
two Cross Shurikens and two Karma Coins. Drop down, make a quick right for
a Pork Bun, and then head left to find the Spike Breaker armor. Slash the
wall behind it for a Library Card. Don the Spike Breaker, and head back to
the slime room.
Head left until you reach a room full of coffins. Some contain Bloody
Skeletons; others contain Monster Vials. Collect them and move on left to
find a Heart and Life Max Up. Grab them and continue left until you meet
the Discus Lord. Fight him if you want, but fly up the hole in the ceiling,
slash the Trophies on the right for a Ballroom Mask and another Heart Max
Up. Then, head left, slash the wall to find a small room with the Icebrand.
Head back down where the Discus Lord is and continue to the left.
Your path soon splits again: up or left. Continue left. The room there
contains nothing (unless you're playing the Saturn version, in which case
you'll find the Lyric Card), but it adds to your percentage. Go up now, and
you can choose left or right. Go right for a Save Point, and continue right
for the Walk Armor. It's not so hot right now, but will become the most
powerful armor in the game, so keep checking on it as you progress.
Head left and continue on to fight...

Granfaloon Tactics Boss Music Track: Death Ballad
Swarms of bodies continually fall of the Granfaloon, so take them out
quickly before they overwhelm you. Destroy enough of its shell so you can
attack its nucleus. Watch out for the lasers its arms will fire after you
have uncovered them. Using the Axe or the Cross will help you out.

After that's done, take the left exit out of Granfaloon's chamber to find
the dark sword Mormegil.

Optional: Ending #1

There are four endings to the Alucard game, and now is as good as time
as any to see the first one. First, save your game NOW so you don't lose
any of your progress after you "beat" the game. Then, take the Portal in
the Abandoned Mine to the Castle Keep. Once there, take the elevators up,
then fly through the hole in the ceiling. Then, either fly or take the
elevator up to the colored carpet. Head left. Look familiar?
You've been here before as Richter Belmont. The switch to the secret
stairwell is still there, so switch it and head up to grab some items if
you wish, but it isn't necessary. Continue left to find Richter Belmont.

Richter Belmont Tactics Boss Music Track: Blood Relations
Before the battle, equip yourself with the Holy Mail and the Mormegil.
The Ring of Ares will allow you to pound Richter harder, but you'll take
more damage yourself. Still, it just might be worth it.
Richter fights, well, like a Belmont. He'll whip you, and use the
various Special Weapons. You can't avoid his Cross Item Crash, which is why
you should equip the Holy Mail.
After you do enough damage, he'll start to fight harder and use more
Item Crashes. However, with the Mormegil and Ring of Ares, you should make
short work of him.

However, this isn't how the game is supposed to end, so reset back to the
Catacombs after viewing the ending.


Head back to the Portal in the Abandoned Mines and teleport back to
Olrox's. Make your way back to the spike room in the first bell tower of
the Royal Chapel. Once there, make sure you have your Spike Breaker
equipped and head to the left. After a chitchat with Maria, continue left
to find the Silver Ring.
Now, head back to the Giant Clock in the Marble Gallery (for the 1000th
time.) Once there, equip both the Gold and Silver Rings to open the floor.
Ignore the elevator for now, and take the right exit for a Heart and Life
Max Up. Then, take the Left for a Save Point. Now, the elevator down and
explore the large room. You'll meet Maria again, and she'll give you the
Holy Glasses.

----------------------* Begin Saturn Version Only *----------------------
Maria Renard Tactics Boss Music Track: Guardian
Unless you're playing the Saturn version, where Maria will fight you
for them instead. Equipping the dark sword Mormegil would be a good idea,
since Maria is weak against Dark. Try to stay away from her when you
aren't attacking; her fireball and flameburst attacks are very powerful
and have pretty good range.
After you've done enough damage, she'll cast some spell which creates
four spinning orbs around her. Soul Steal works very well at this point,
as you can recover a ton of HP just from the indestructible orbs. :)
Otherwise, the orbs are weak and serve only to make Maria harder to hit.
-----------------------* End Saturn Version Only *-----------------------

Now, head for the top of the Outer Wall. You can Portal there if you
wish, or just walk from the Marble Gallery. At any rate, head for the left
exit below the Save Point. If you haven't already gotten the Heart Max Up
in the Trophy next to the elevator switch, do so now on the way.

Facts About: Clock Tower
Music Track: The Tragic Prince
Enemies Found: Cloaked Knight, Flail Guard, Flea Armor, Harpy, Medusa
Head, Phantom Skull, Skull Lord, Sword Lord, Vandal Sword
Bosses Found: Karasuman
Items Found: Bekatowa, Bwaka Knife, Gold Plate, Fire of Bat, Healing
Mail, Heart Max Up, Ice Mail, Life Max Up, Magic Missile,
Pentagram, Pot Roast, Rainbow Colored Robe (Saturn only),
Shaman Shield, Shuriken, Star Flail, Steel Helm, TNT

You're immediately given the choice: top left or bottom left. Doesn't
matter, since both lead to a huge room that you need to explore completely
to fill in your map. In this room, you'll find the Bekatowa, Ice mail, and
the Shaman Shield. You'll also find a Pentagram and a Magic Missile.
Fly up to the top right exit to find the Fire of Bat.
Fly around all the empty space in the huge room to fill in the map, then
take the lower left exit. Climb up the corridor and take the left exit (if
you completely explored the previous room, you shouldn't need to take the
right exit.) Take it and head back down.
See those gears in the wall? Smack them and listen to the sounds they
make. If they make a deeper clicking sound instead of their normal ka-chink
sound, stop smacking them. There's two in this room. After you're done with
the gears, take the left exit.
There's two more gears in this corridor too, so do the same to them. If
you've correctly done all four gears, a lower left exit should open up.
Enter it to find a Steel Helm, Gold Plate, and a Star Flail.
Climb up the third corridor and slash at the top right wall to open a
secret passageway. Completely explore the area for a Heart and Life Max Up.
(There's also a Rainbow Colored Robe here if you're playing the Saturn
version.) After you're done here, return to the third corridor and head left.
In this long hallway, keep on the bottom and head left. When you get to
the end (and the Statue pointing to the right), slash the wall to find a
room with the Healing Mail. Also, one of the walls in the hallway can be
broken to find a Pot Roast. Note also the Vandal Swords that appear when
you defeat any of the Sword Lords here. They can drop two weapons: the
decent Holy Sword (US and European players can just pick one up later, but
this is the only way to get one in the Japanese versions), and the awesome
Take the top left exit. In this room, many of the walls can be broken for
items. You can collect some TNT, a Bwaka Knife, and a Shuriken.
Continue left to fight Karasuman. I'm not going to bother with a tactics
section. Just equip anything but the Mormegil and smack him to death. The
music track is Festival of Servants. Beat him and move on.
Welcome back to the Castle Keep. When you exit the Clock Tower, take the
elevator or fly up. Take the right exit for a Save Point, then fly through
the hole in the ceiling to find the Falchion. Then head back and take the
left exit. You end up in the main area of the Keep. Fly straight up, and
take the upper right exit. You'll find two Heart Max Ups and two Life Max
Ups, and the Ghost Card in the bottom right corner. For max percentage, be
sure to fly up to the ceiling of this room.
The carpeted path leads to where you fought Dracula as Richter, but
ignore that for now. Instead, fly around the rest of the area to fill in
your map. You'll obtain the Power of Mist in the top left corner, and break
the wall behind it for a Fire Mail.
Once you're done with that, head back up the carpeted path. The switch
to the bonus area is still here. Hit it, and go up the stairway to collect
the Frankfurter, Pot Roast, Turkey, Sirloin, Resist Stone, Resist Dark,
Resist Holy, and the Platinum Mail. Return to the main hall and head left.
The Trophy contains a Heart Max Up.

Optional: Ending #2

Save your game. After getting the Holy Glasses from Maria, do not equip
them and kill Richter Belmont as described in the Ending #1 section. This
still isn't how the game is supposed to end.

When you enter the chamber where Dracula was, Richter Belmont will attack
you. Equip the Holy Glasses; you should see a green orb floating around.
Equip the Holy Sword (so if you accidentally hit Richter you won't hurt
him) and attack the green orb. Destroy it to break Richter free of Shaft's

Intermission Music Track: Metamorphosis 2

After the FMV and conversation between Alucard, Richter, and Maria,
you'll find yourself in the second castle. The second castle is
structurally identical to the first, except for the fact that it's upside
down. You can return to the first castle via the Library Card, or returning
to where you're standing now and pushing up.
The first castle is worth an even 100%, not counting the one little area
you get just for having been in the second castle.

::: Walkthrough - Second Castle ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [WL2] :::

Once you've made it here, you're free to roam the castle as you see fit.
You can follow the below or not, since it doesn't really matter. Your goals
here are to collect the five Vlad relics (the Eye, Heart, Ring, Rib, and
Tooth) and take them to the Giant Clock in the Black Marble Gallery. Once
there, you'll be able to face Shaft and Dracula to beat the game. Beating
it with a percentage of less than 200% will get you the third ending, and
having a percentage over 200% will get you the fourth.
You'll notice that I have apparently misspelled "reverse" several times
for the rest of the FAQ. I've done so intentionally because the game does
as well. To see what I mean, go save a game at the "Reverce" Caverns, Keep,
or Colosseum, then reset, and check your save game. (I'm told this was
corrected in the European version of the game.)

Facts About: Reverce Keep
Music Track: Heavenly Doorway
Enemies Found: Skull Lord, Tombstone, Yorick
Bosses Found: None
Items Found: Bastard Sword, Heart Max Up x3, Garnet, High Potion, Iron
Ball, Library Card, Life Max Up x3, Lightning Mail, Resist
Fire, Resist Ice, Resist Stone, Resist Thunder, Royal
Cloak, Sword of Dawn, Zircon

Make your way to the left, slashing the Trophy for another Zircon. Drop
down the gap in the floor past the staircase to collect a bunch of Life
and Heart Max Ups, the Royal Cloak, and the Bastard Sword.
Return to the carpeted stairway (which is now a carpeted ceiling of
sorts) and drop down. Take the lower left exit to find a variety of
Explore the main room of the Reverce Keep. The bottom right wall can be
broken for an Iron Ball, and a Garnet can be found where the Leap Stone
was in the first castle. Just below that, you can break the wall to find
the Sword of Dawn, an odd two-handed sword that can summon all sorts
of odd troops. When you're done there, take the upper left exit. Then, take
the left exit for the Lightning Mail. Then, fly up and take the upper left
exit door to find a Portal. You can't Portal anywhere yet, so return to the
Keep. Drop down, ignore the left exit door and continue down for a Library
Card. Then, take the lower left exit for a Save Point.
At this point you have two choices. You can either head for the
Anti-Chapel or the Clock Towers. The Chapel probably the easier route, but
the Clock Tower leads quickly to the inverted Outer Wall and Library, were
you can pick up some really sick equipment if you're patient enough.
So, for the sake of the walkthrough, let's head for the Clock Tower.
First though, take the exit to the right of the Portal for the sake of
completing your map. If you want to go for the Anti-Chapel, continue on
this way. Otherwise, turn around and take the exit door above the Save

Facts About: Reverse Clock Tower
Music Track: Finale Toccata
Enemies Found: Bomb Knight, Cloaked Knight, Medusa Head (yellow only),
Valhalla Knight
Bosses Found: Darkwing Bat
Items Found: Bwaka Knife, Diamond, Dragon Helm, Heart Max Up, Karma
Coin, Magic Missile, Life Apple, Life Max Up, Luminus, Moon
Rod, Pot Roast, Ring of Vlad, Shuriken, Smart Potion, Str.
Potion, Sunstone, TNT

As you enter the Reverse Clock Tower, the first thing you'll find is the
Darkwing Bat.

Darkwing Bat Tactics Boss Music Track: Festival of Servants
All it does is fly around, so jump and smack it. It's wing attack will
knock you against the edge of the screen if you jump, but it won't do much
damage anyway. You'll win the Ring of Vlad after this battle.

Continue left. In the next room, just like it's right-side-up
counterpart, many of the walls can be broken for items. Grab them and go.
As you enter the long hallway with the Bomb Knights, take out the upper
right wall for a secret room with a Moon Rod. As you make your way to the
left, one of the walls can be broken for a Pot Roast.
As you enter the first vertical corridor, break the lower left wall.
This leads to a secret area containing a Heart and Life Max Up.
The Cloaked Knights in this area drop Heaven Swords, which are pretty
neat throwing swords, if you want to take the time to get them.
Make your way through the vertical corridors just like in the normal
Clock Tower. The gears in the walls are still here, and they work just
like they do in the first castle. The hidden room here contains a Diamond,
a Life Apple and a Sunstone.
When you make your way back to the main area of the Clock Tower, take
the lower left exit to find the Dragon Helm that Death stole from you
back at the beginning of the game. Fly around the main area to find the
Luminus, Smart Potion, Str. Potion, Magic Missile and Karma Coin.
When you're done, head left to exit to the Reverse Outer Wall.

Facts About: Reverse Outer Wall
Music Track: Finale Toccata
Enemies Found: Jack O' Bones, Nova Skeleton, Paranthropus, Stone Skull
Bosses Found: The Creature
Items Found: Dim Sum Set, Garnet, Hammer, Heart Max Up, High Potion,
Life Max Up, Luck Potion, Shield Potion, Shotel, Tooth
of Vlad

Immediately drop down to find a Save Point, then head back up, collecting
items. After the exit to the Reverse Clock Tower, the first right exit is
a Portal. Go there and return. Continue up. The elevator here doesn't work,
so you're going to have to go up manually. The next right exit leads to the
Forbidden Library, so ignore it for now. Ignore the next two left exits
after that and continue up. Collect the High Potion in the Trophy, and the
Luck Potion in the Trophy in the above room. Continue upward. Collect the
Life Max Up, and ignore the right exit to the Black Marble Gallery.
Now, head up again, then take the lower right exit to find a small room.
Break the wall to find a Dim Sum Set. There's no magic elevator here like
there was in the first castle, so return to the larger room and mist
through the grate to find a Hammer and a Shotel. The Shotel has a neat
throwing special move (D, DF, F + Attack). Continue upward to find a Heart
Max Up. Head to the room above for a few extra percentage points.
Depending on your current level, the Nova Skeletons in here may be worth
1000 exp or more, so hang around and gain a few levels if you wish. Then
head back down again, ignoring the Black Marble Gallery exit but taking
the one after that.
This leads to a chamber with three Paranthropuses. A Paranthropus, if
you'll recall from the Colosseum section, sometimes drops a Ring of Varda.
This chamber is the best place to get one, but it may take a while. Having
a Ring of Arcana and/or a Lapus Lazuli helps, but you likely don't have
one either just yet. (WARNING: Using one (or two) Rings of Varda is
somewhat akin to cheating, especially if used in conjunction with the
Crissaegrim. If you want to retain any challenge in this game whatsoever,
you may want to leave the Paranthropi alone.)
Continue right for a Save Point, then drop down the corridor, exit left,
and prepare for a boss battle.

The Creature Tactics Boss Music Track: Festival of Servants
Most of the time all the Creature does is roll around the room, where he
is easily jumped over. Do so and slash him from behind. When he stops,
he'll try to bop you with his hammer, which is also easily avoided. You'll
acquire the Tooth of Vlad for your troubles.

Now, take the left exit, collect the Shield Potion, and continue on to
the Forbidden Library.

Facts About: Forbidden Library
Music Track: Lost Painting
Enemies Found: Lion, Scarecrow, Schmoo, Tin Man
Bosses Found: None
Items Found: Badelaire, Library Card, Neutron Bomb, Opal, Resist Fire,
Resist Ice, Resist Stone, Staurolite, Turquoise

Continue straight to the right as you enter. When you get to the far
right room, drop down, collect the items, and continue to the left, and
drop down. Head right for a Save Point. Continue right to the large room.
Take the lower left exit for a Neutron Bomb, then continue left for a
a Badelaire. Go back to the main room, and explore the rest of the room,
making sure to grab the Staurolite. Once done, head back to the Save Point
and exit left. Continue left until you can drop down, do so, then head
right to collect some Resist potions.
Head left until you can take a high or low route. Go low for some
percentage points, then take the high road. You should end up near the
Now, before you leave, you might want to take the time to hunt down the
Schmoos here. Why? Because they rarely drop what is most likely the most
powerful sword in the game, the Crissaegrim. Swords with higher attack
power than the Crissaegrim can be found, but 'Grim smacks enemies several
times with one slash, and it has a long range to boot. However, this weapon
falls under the sick category along with the Ring of Varda, since it
effectively removes all challenge from the game.
At any rate, once you're done here, head into the Black Marble Gallery.

Facts About: Black Marble Gallery
Music Track: Finale Toccata
Enemies Found: Blade, Corpseweed, Guardian, Jack O'Bones, Thornweed
Bosses Found: Dracula, Shaft
Items Found: Antivenom, Heart Max Up, Heart Refresh, Iron Ball, Library
Card, Life Max Up, Meal Ticket, Potion, Resist Dark, Resist
Fire, Resist Holy, Resist Thunder

Yes, it's that loooong hallway again. Head right. When you finally get
past the hallway, fly up into a hole in the ceiling to get an Iron Ball.
Then, continue right. You're now in the reverse version of the four-way
crossroads. The top right and lower left directions are dead-ends, but
are worth percentage points and a Meal Ticket. When you're done, exit to
the lower right. Ignore the hole in the ceiling for now, and continue
The path to the clock hall is straightforward, and when you get there,
look out for the Guardians. These guys are extremely powerful, have a
lot of HP, strong against practically everything. For now, you may just
want to Mist by them. Later, you'll want to fight them, because they
give a lot of experience points.
Yep, it's the Giant Clock again. Drop down the center, head left for a
Heart Max Up, and right for a Life Max Up. Use a Clock to slide the left
statue, then drop down and collect the Resist potions. Wait for the right
clock to slide, then head for Death Wing's Lair.

Facts About: Death Wing's Lair
Music Track: Finale Tocatta (again)
Enemies Found: Azaghal, Ctulhu, Flying Zombie, Ghost Dancer, Karasuman,
Malachi, Medusa Head
Bosses Found: Akmodan II
Items Found: Alucard Mail, Aquamarine, Heart Max Up, Heart Refresh, High
Potion, Life Max Up, Luck Potion, Manna Prism, Opal, Rib of
Vlad, Shield Potion, Shuriken, Sword of Hador

Drop down, then exit right and drop down again for the first large room.
Take the upper left route, then smash the wall for a secret area containing
a High Potion, Opal and the Sword of Hador.
Take the lower left exit, head right until you reach the Portal. Then,
drop down the gap, taking the time to collect the Luck and Shield Potions
and the Manna Prism.
Head to the right, either flying over the spikes or using the Spike
Breaker to walk through them. The Trophy to the far right has an
Aquamarine. Grab it, then fly through the hole in the ceiling to enter the
main chamber of Death Wing's Lair.
The Karasumen are no more difficult now than when they were the boss of
the Clock Tower. Stay out of the lower right exit for now. The lower left
exit is a Save Point. The upper left exit contains the Alucard Mail. The
upper right exit leads to a hallway that contains a Life Max Up and
eventually leads to the Anti-Chapel. Remember the ceiling you broke in
Olrox's Quarters to get the Sword Card? Well, the floor can be broken
in the same spot, and it leads to a Heart Refresh.
Now, save your game if you wish, and go take the lower right exit of the
main chamber. On your way to the right, grab the Shuriken. Enter the door
to find the lair of Akmodan II.

Akmodan II Tactics Boss Music Track: Festival of Servants
Equip the Holy Sword and the Topaz Circlet before the battle, and you
can practically ignore anything Akmodan does. You'll receive the Rib of
Vlad after his defeat.

Head right to find a Heart Max Up, then head for the Anti-Chapel.

Facts About: Anti-Chapel
Music Track: Lost Painting
Enemies Found: Archer, Balloon Pod, Black Panther, Imp, Sniper of Goth
Bosses Found: Medusa
Items Found: Boomerang, Diamond, Fire Boomerang, Heart of Vlad, Heart
Max Up x2, Javelin, Life Max Up, Manna Prism, Shuriken,
Talwar, TNT, Twilight Cloak, Zircon

The exit from Death Wing's takes you midway through the first bell tower
of the Anti-Chapel. For now, let's head back toward the Reverce Keep. Go
down. Before you take the right exit, make sure you're wearing the Spike
Breaker armor. Collect the Twilight Cloak, then drop down to the bottom
of the bell tower to collect a Smart Potion, a Life Max Up, and a Manna
Take the left exit, and continue through the hallway. When you get to the
second bell tower, drop down to collect the Talwar, then continue left.
You'll soon run into Medusa.

Medusa Tactics Boss Music Track: Enchanted Banquet
Stay close, duck, and slash. If you're close enough, her petrifying gaze
won't touch you, but her slash might. It doesn't really matter, since you
will be doing more damage than she will. You'll win the Heart of Vlad.

Continue left. The upper left exit of the third bell tower is a Save
Point. Drop down to collect a Magic Missile and a Bwaka Knife. Take the
lower left exit back to the Reverce Keep. Then, continue heading left and
Portal back to Death Wing's Lair. Head back to the reverse Giant Clock and
head left. Continue on your way until you reach the hole in the ceiling.
Fly up, and exit left. Head upward, then exit right to reach the Reverce

Facts About: Reverce Caverns
Music Track: Lost Painting
Enemies Found: Balloon Pod, Blue Venus Weed, Cave Troll, Dark Octopus,
Killer Fish, Imp, Jack O'Bones, Nova Skeleton, Rock Knight
Bosses Found: Doppleganger40
Items Found: $2000, Alucard Shield, Bat Pentagram, Dark Blade, Diamond,
Elixir, Force of Echo, Garnet, Heart Max Up x2, Life Max Up
x2, Manna Prism, Meal Ticket x5, Opal, Osafune Katana,
Peanuts xInfinity, Potion, Pot Roast, Shiitake x4,
Toadstool, Zircon x2

When you first enter the Reverce Caverns, break the Trophy for a Zircon.
Then climb up. Take the first left exit for a Save Point (ignore the right
exits.) Continue up. Take the next left exit. Continue left until you
reach the Trophy with the Heart Max Up. Grab it, then climb up and exit
left. The Trophies in the next room all contain Meal Tickets. The top right
exit is a Save Point and the top left exit is empty save for a Peanut. If
you grab it, leave this room, and come back, the Peanut will return.
Return to the vertical corridor and fly up. The first left exit is
another Save Point. Take it, because the next left exit is a boss...

Doppleganger40 Tactics Boss Music Track: Festival of Servants
Equip the Topaz Circlet beforehand, because this fake's slash causes
poison damage. And the D40 loves to slash. He jumps around the room
slashing, so jump and slash him out of the air. He also throws Rebound
Stones 3 at a time, but they cause little damage. He also likes to
change into a bat and charge across the room. Like the last Doppelganger,
this one is vunerable to the Clock subweapon. It's also vunerable to any
status-inflicting weapons you may have picked up, like the Stone Sword,
Terminus Est, or the unholy Muramasa.

Head left. You'll find another Zircon. Pass the hole in the floor and
go all the way to the left. There's nothing there, but it's worth some
percentage. Head down, and then left for a Pot Roast. Head right to find
a small room with the Dark Blade. This "Octopi Room" makes an excellent
place to level up your Muramasa if you took the time to get one. Just grab
a Dagger special weapon, your Muramasa, a Blood Cloak, and equip whatever
you have that will lower (yes, lower) your INT the most. Then just get in
some Dark Octopus's face and chuck daggers as fast as you can. If you run
out of hearts, just run into an Octopus a few times to reload.
Remember the breakable floor in the Underground Caverns? Well, now it's
a breakable ceiling, so break it and go up. Head left. For maximum
percentage, you're going to have to swim with the wolf. Jump into the
water, transform into the wolf, and hold Up and Triangle, and stick to the
ceiling. (This doesn't work in the Saturn version. Check the Frequently
Asked Questions sections to find out what to do.)
On your way to the left, be sure to pick up the Manna Prism, Elixir, and
the Force of Echo.
Now, head back to the Save Point below the Doppleganger battle room, and
go to the right. Collect the Shiitake, and drop down the hole in the floor.
Continue down, take the right exit, and go down some more to find an Opal.
Saturn players will find the Reverse Cursed Prison nearby, and ought to
take a look.

-----------------------* Begin Saturn Version Only *-----------------------
Facts About: Reverse Cursed Prison
Music Track: Chaconne c.moll
Enemies Found: Flying Zombie, Gargoyle, Nova Skeleton, Wight, Wraith
Bosses Found: None
Items Found: Delicious Meal, Meal Ticket, Opal

Like the Cursed Prison, this place is very straightforward. The Gargoyles
at the bottom of the first screen drop the Double Blade Axe, which is a
decent but unremarkable weapon. However, it is Saturn exclusive.
The Wraiths at the end drop Muramasas, if you haven't picked one up from
the Vandal Swords or Scarecrows by now. The exit nearby leads to the Black
Marble Gallery, but instead backtrack to the Reverce Caverns.

------------------------* End Saturn Version Only *------------------------

Return to the vertical corridor and continue down and take the right exit.
Drop down, and go right. Pick up the Life Max Up, then take down the right
wall to find a Diamond. Now head left back to the very first vertical
corridor of this area, climb back up to the Save Point, and head right
again, this time skipping the hole in the floor.
Head right, collecting the Shiitake on the way. Jump up into the first
water area you see, and head left to find a Heart Max Up. Continue right.
The second water area contains nothing but percentage points. The third
contains a Potion and a Life Max Up.
The hole in the ceiling of the next screen leads to the Cave, but let's
continue exploring the Caverns for now. Continue right, collecting the
Bat Pentagram on the way (use the wolf to swim against the current).
At the waterfall, walk on right to find a Garnet. Then, fly up, collect
the Shiitake and the Toadstool, and take the top left exit. Grab the
Osafune Katana, then head right. Take the first hole in the floor, then
continue right (grabbing the Shiitake). Take the door to the Reverse
Entrance. You'll wind up in the room with the large rock. Open the secret
passage by flying through the rock as a bat one way and running through it
as a wolf the other way (collecting a Pot Roast in the process.) Take the
newly opened top right exit for an Opal, a Zircon, and the Beryl Circlet.
Then, return to the Reverce Caverns.
From the hole in the floor that lead to the Reverse Entrance, head right.
Be sure to use the wolf in all the water areas for maximum percentage. The
room at the far right contains the Alucard Shield.
Remember the $2000 bag Candle in the Underground Caverns that was a pain
to get? Well, over here, it's just off the ground where it can easily be
slashed. Leave the room, and it's back again. If you need money, this is
the place.
Head back to the waterfall, take the lower left exit, and head left until
you see the hole in the ceiling. Fly up to reach the Cave.

Facts About: Cave
Music Track: Abandoned Pit
Enemies Found: Bat, Corpseweed, Gaibon, Slogra, Thornweed
Bosses Found: Death
Items Found: Alucard Sword, Eye of Vlad, Green Tea, Life Apple, Power of
Sire x2, Shiitake x2

Take the topmost exit for a Save Point, then take the middle exit. Head
left, and you'll soon run up against...

Death Tactics Boss Music Track: Death Ballad
Equip the Holy Sword and you'll probably beat his first form before he
does any damage to you. Aim for the head of his second form and you'll
probably beat him before he does any damage to you. How's that for
tactics? :) You now have the Eye of Vlad.

Optional: Ending #3

Save your game here so you can return later. Head back to the Giant Clock
in the Black Marble Gallery with the five treasures of Vlad. The ceiling
will open, allowing you access to a Save Point, a Heart Refresh and an
elevator that leads to the final confrontation with both Shaft and Dracula.
I'll write a tactics for them later on, but if you get in trouble just
equip the Shield Rod and Alucard Shield, do the Shield Rod Combo and you'll
make short work of them. Or, if you got the Crissaegrim and Ring of Varda
earlier, you'll not get in trouble in the first place. :)
Finally, you'll get a good ending, but there's still one more ending you
can receive if you have a percentage greater than or equal to 196%, so play

After you beat Death, continue left. Activate your Demon familiar to push
the switch, and continue left. Head up the corridor, slash the right wall
for some Green Tea, and head right to collect a Power of Sire and a Life
Apple. Return to the corridor with the switch and head up.
At the four-way crossroad, head right to collect the Alucard Sword. Head
left for a Portal, and go up to continue on. On your climb up, pick the
Shiitakes. At the top, head right for a Power of Sire and head left to
move on to the...

Facts About: Floating Catacombs
Music Track: Curse Zone
Enemies Found: Bat, Blood Skeleton, Frozen Half, Salome, Skeleton
Bosses Found: Galamoth
Items Found: Attack Potion, Buffalo Star, Diamond, Elixir, Gas Cloud,
Heart Max Up x2, Karma Coin x2, Library Card, Life Max Up
x2, Magic Missile, Necklace of J, Red Bean Bun, Resist
Fire, Resist Thunder, Shield Potion

Head up, then right for a Save Point, then continue right for a Magic
Missile. Slash the wall behind it for a Buffalo Star. Head back to the
The Salome enemies are very annoying. They create magic shields which
prevent damage, so what can you do? Use a long range weapon and hit them
before they see you is one option. The other is to equip the Cat-Eye
Circlet and fight it out. When they throw cats at you, touch one for a
large HP boost. When you defeat a Salome and it turns into a cat, touch
it for a large HP boost.
Continue left until you reach the first large room, then take the upper
left exit. This leads into another large room with only one exit. Take
it to find a spike room. Don your Spike Breaker and plow on through.
Continue to the left to find two Karma Coins, and two Resist potions.
Head up, collect the Red Bean Bun to the left, and head right. You'll
discover an Elixir, and the wall behind it conceals a Library Card.
Return to the second large room and head right. Continue past the Heart
and Life Max Ups until you find the hole in the floor. Drop down to collect
Attack and Shield Potions, then head right, slash the wall, and continue
to collect the Necklace of J. Go back up through the gap and continue
right. The far right room has nothing but a fraction of a percent, so
double back and drop down the vertical corridor. Take the lower left exit
for a Save Point and continue left for a Diamond. Take the lower right
exit to fight Galamoth.

Galamoth Tactics Boss Battle Music: Death Ballad
Fighting Galamoth with the Beryl Circlet equipped just wouldn't be fair,
now would it? Whether you use it or not, those black spheres he sends out
still damage, so avoid them as best as possible. Slashing his legs just
doesn't have the effect of slashing his head, but that's easier said than
done. Unless you do something really drastic (Crissaegrim, Shield Rod),
Galamoth will still put up quite a fight even if you've got the Beryl
Circlet equipped, so it's not totally cheating.

After that, take the upper right exit from Galamoth's chamber to find
a Heart and Life Max Up. Continue right to find a Ruby Circlet and the
Gas Cloud. Now, head back to the Reverse Entrance via the Reverce Caverns.

Facts About: Reverse Entrance
Music Track: Finale Toccata (the official theme song of the second
castle, apparently)
Enemies Found: Blue Venus Weed, Dodo Bird, Dragon Rider, Fire Warg, Jack
O'Bones, Nova Skeleton, Orobourous, Warg Rider
Bosses Found: None
Items Found: Antivenom, Beryl Circlet, Fire Boomerang, Hammer, Heart
Max Up, High Potion, Life Max Up, Opal, Pot Roast,
Talisman, Zircon

You'll exit the Reverce Caverns to the room with the large rock. You've
been here before to collect the Beryl Circlet and such. Now head right and
take the hole in the floor. Continue far to the right for a Save Point,
then drop down the vertical corridor and take the bottom right exit for a
Fire Boomerang. Return to the rock room and head right.
The Orobourouses in this room rarely drop the Lapus Lazuli, an Accessory
that gives a +20 LCK bonus. Having higher luck means that monsters drop
rare items more often. For more Orobourous fun, knock the rider off their
back and they'll follow you around the rest of this room, and will damage
any enemy they touch.
The large room at the far right contains a Hammer and an Antivenom. Once
you collect these, head back to the left if you are playing the PSX version.
Saturn players will want to make a quick trip through the Hell Garden.

-----------------------* Begin Saturn Version Only *-----------------------
Facts About: Hell Garden
Music Track: Begining Remix 1
Enemies Found: Bitterfly, Blue Venus Weed, Cave Troll, Copper Armor,
Cloaked Knight, Ifreet, Skeleton Guardian
Bosses Found: None
Items Found: Alucard Spear

Not much of interest here. If you need a place to hunt for Heaven Swords,
this is probably it. Otherwise, just blow through here, grab the Alucard
Spear, then return to the Reverse Entrance.

------------------------* End Saturn Version Only *------------------------

Head back to the large rock and continue left. The room past the Rock room
contains a Dodo Bird. They rarely drop the Runesword, which is a really
neat throwing weapon. Also, slash the staircase suspended in the air at the
far left of the room for a High Potion.
At the vertical corridor, drop down and take the middle right exit to
find a Life Max Up. Then, continue down, take the left exit, climb back up,
exit right, drop down again, and take the lower right exit.
When you reach this large room, take the middle left exit for a Talisman,
and take the top right exit for a Portal. The middle right exit is a Save
Point. Grab the Heart Max Up at the bottom, and take the lower left exit
back to the Black Marble Gallery.
The route back to the Giant Clock is pretty straightforward, and be sure
to pick up the Library Card along the way. Be sure to explore the first
large room for a Potion and an Antivenom. Exit to the left, drop down one
screen, then take the left exit of the next for a save point. Drop down
one more screen, then take the left exit for back toward the Giant Clock.
There's no need just yet to actually go back to the Giant Clock itself, so
once you've explored the hallway, turn around and head right, all the way
to the Necromancy Laboratory.

Facts About: Necromancy Laboratory
Music Track: Finale Toccata (did the music people go on strike during
the development of this game?)
Enemies Found: Bitterfly, Ctulhu, Fire Demon, Gremlin, Imp, Lesser Demon,
Salem Witch
Bosses Found: Beezelbub, Lord of the Flies
Items Found: Goddess Shield, Heart Max Up, High Potion, Katana, Life Max
Up, Manna Prism, Resist Dark, Ring of Arcana, Turquoise

Circle around the first room you find, collect the Turquoise, and exit
left. Continue left until you reach the vertical corridor. The first left
exit is a Save Point. Take the top left exit, then fly up and take the
middle right exit to find the Goddess Shield. Then, continue up and exit
Explore the large room you end up in. The top left exit is a Save Point.
Take the hole in the bottom right floor, then continue right for a High
Potion. Collect the Manna Prism in the top right, then take the hole in
the ceiling in the top left corner.
Head right to find a Resist Dark, then go to the left. You'll end up back
at the Reverce Entrance. Save if you wish, then head back to the first
large room. This time, take the bottom right entrance.
When you get to the vertical corridor, take out the ceiling for a Katana,
and the top right wall for a Heart Max Up. Continue on to the second large
room. The bottom left exit leads to a Life Max Up. Grab it, then take the
bottom right exit.
It leads to another vertical corridor. Take the top right exit for a Save
Point, then take the lower left exit to battle Beezelbub.

Beezelbub Tactics Boss Music Track: Death Ballad
Beezelbub doesn't attack directly, but some very large insects will be
bugging you the whole time. Also, some maggots will be swarming the floors,
so equip a Topaz Circlet and you won't have to worry about them. (If you
happen to have a Dark Armor, which is dropped by Malachi, equip it and you
don't have to worry about anything else either. :) Just keep hacking off
Beezelbub's various limbs until dead. You can use an Axe or the Cross to
make this a little easier. You won't win the Conch Shell of Vlad, however.

Take the lower left exit to find the Ring of Arcana, which makes enemies
drop rare items more often. The top left exit leads back to where you've
already been, so head back to the last vertical corridor and take the
bottom right exit to head back to the Anti-Chapel.
Grab the Heart Max Up on your way to the Save Point, then drop down. Head
right for a Zircon, then continue left. On your way, you can collect a
Heart Max Up, a Shuriken, some TNT, a Diamond, a Boomerang, a Javelin, and
finally, a Fire Boomerang.
In the next room, drop down to the bottom for mapping purposes, then take
either exit. Then take the lower left exit of the Spectral Sword room. That
leads back to the first bell tower. Take the upper left exit for an extra
percentage point, then explore whatever part of the bell tower that wasn't
explored when you fought Medusa. That done, return to the Spectral Sword
room and take the top left exit, which leads to the Reverce Colosseum.

Facts About: Reverce Colosseum
Music Track: Door of Holy Spirits
Enemies Found: Azaghal, Minotaur, Stone Skull, Werewolf, White Dragon
Bosses Found: Fake Grant, Fake Sypha, and Fake Trevor
Items Found: Aquamarine, Buffalo Star, Fury Plate, Gram, Heart Max Up
x2, Life Max Up, Zircon

Well, there's only about 6 percent of the castle left to go. At your
first opportunity, go up and take the first right exit for a save point,
then the top right exit for a Zircon. Climb to the top, then head all the
way to the left for a Buffalo Star. Walk back to the vertical corridor,
drop down a level, then head back to wards the Save Point to add to your
map. Then, turn around and go all the way left, collecting the Heart and
Life Max Ups on the way to the other Save Point. Then, climb up to the
top, and exit left to find an Aquamarine. Head to the right to find Gram.
Drop down the elevator shaft, then head left past the grate, and drop
down again. On your way to the right, slash the floor near the first pillar
to find a secret passage that leads to the Fury Plate. Continue to the
right, head up, then take the top left route to encounter...

Fake Trevor, Grant, and Sypha Tactics Music: Festival of Servants
Grant crawls on the ceiling tossing daggers downward at you, Trevor
tosses Crosses at you Belmont-style, and Sypha casts elemental storms at
you. If you hit Grant, he'll fall down, allowing you to hit him a few free
times. Watch out also for Trevor's whip. Slash them all to death and move

Ending #4

Exit left, and continue left straight on to Death Wing's Lair. Head back
to the Giant Clock. The ceiling will open, so fly upward. Head left for a
Heart Refresh, then right for a Save Point, then take the elevator up.
Head upward, then drop into the center room to face...

Shaft Tactics Boss Music Track: Death Ballad
Avoid the orbs that Shaft sends flying all over the place. If when you
see an elemental attack coming, quickly equip the appropriate Circlet to
absorb it.
Dracula Tactics Boss Music Track: Black Banquet
When you first meet Dracula, hit him once or twice, then use the Library
Card to escape the battle. Why? This allows you to save the last .1% of
the game, and to put Dracula in the Master Librarian's Enemy List. Do
that, then come back and face Dracula again.
Dracula's two giant claws will grab for you from either side, but you
should be doing tons more damage to him than he is to you. From time to
time, he'll fly off the screen, and cast some sort of spell at you that is
easily avoided. Dracula's three heads will also pop out at you. When you
see all three pop out, transform into a Mist to avoid the spell they will
cast. After Dracula's defeat, you'll see the best ending of the game.

::: Why Don't I Have 200.6%? :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [200] :::

So you've played through the game and don't have 200.6%, and you don't
really want to read through that long walkthrough that I just wrote to find
out what you're missing? I don't blame you; so here are a few tips that may
help you ferret out those last remaining percentage points.
Want to know just how much you're missing? If you hit Start and look in
the bottom right corner of the screen, you'll see the "Rooms" counter.
It counts the number of little blue squares you have on your map. (Each
blue square is roughly equivalent to one screen.) The highest number you
can achieve (without the Sword Familiar glitch above) is 1890.
An obvious source of missing points are "gaps", or areas of larger rooms
that you have been in, but failed to explore each and every corner. These
are generally pretty easy to pick out. Also, notice that the entire map
should be outlined in white. If you see an area not outlined in white, that
an indication of a gap.
Still don't have 200.6%? Here is a list of some of the less obvious
secret areas. Remember that any secret area that exists in one castle
exists in the other as well.

[Note: A few people have reported an odd glitch that seems to let them
get 200.8% without using the Sword Brothers glitch (or playing the Saturn
version). I've gotten a save file from one such person (and they do
indeed have 200.8%), but they don't seem to have any obvious extra areas
on their map. In any case this is very rare and no one seems to know how
to reproduce this. I've never had it actually happen to me.]

[Note: Saturn players have a maximum of 1990 rooms for a max percentage
of 211.2%. Your save file will have a flashing "ALL" indicator once you
reach this percentage. Neither the Cursed Prison nor the Underground Gardens
have any secret rooms.]

Abandoned Mine/Cave
1) Use the Devil Familiar to push the switch in the wall.
2) In the corridor after the switch, the wall at the bottom left (top
right) can be broken for another secret room.

Castle Keep/Reverce Keep
1) At the end of the carpeted stairway but before you enter the hallway
that leads to Richter, slash the top of the entranceway to uncover the
switch that lowers a secret staircase. If you hit the switch in the
first castle, the staircase will also be raised in the second castle.

Colosseum/Reverce Colosseum
1) The topmost (bottommost) room with the Blade Masters (Azaghals) has a
part of the ceiling (floor) that can be destroyed.

Clock Tower/Reverse Clock Tower
1) In the vertical towers, there are four gears in the walls which can be
hit. Listen carefully to the sound they make when you hit them. If
they make a clicking sound, stop hitting it and move on to another one.
If done correctly, another secret room will open up.
2) At the bottom left (top right) of the long hallway after the gear
towers, slash the wall for another secret room.

Entrance/Reverse Entrance
1) Tunnel through the large rock, then fly through it one way as a Bat and
run through it the other way as a Wolf. This will open up a secret room
at the bottom left (top right) corner of the room.

Long Library/Forbidden Library
1) When you enter a room with a bookcase that is apparently blocking your
path, keep walking against it to push it out of your way.

Marble Gallery/Black Marble Gallery
1) At the Giant Clock, one of the stone statues can only be moved by using
a Clock in the room.
2) The switch beyond the Blue Door opens two holes: one leads to the
Abandoned Mine, the other leads to a small room.
3) When you get to the fight with Dracula, don't fight him but use a
Library Card. This will allow you to save the small room you fight him

Olrox's Quarters/Death Wing's Lair
1) When you first enter the first large chamber with the Spectral Sword
(Azaghal), take out the lower right (upper left) wall to find a secret
2) Take the hallway that leads to the Royal Chapel (Anti-Chapel). When you
come to an area that's a different color than the rest of the hallway,
there's a portion of the ceiling (floor) that can be destroyed.

Underground Caverns/Reverce Caverns
1) Go to the left (right) of the room where you fought the Scylla Wyrm
(Doppleganger40). Drop down (head up) and take out the floor (ceiling).
2) In the Reverce Caverns, be sure to use the Wolf and stick to the ceiling
of the water areas. [Note: The Wolf form is unable to swim in the Saturn
version. Saturn players should check the Frequently Asked Questions
section to find out how to get around this.]

::: Miscellaneous Alucard Tips :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [MSC] :::

* Quick Alucard Ending Conditions Recap *

Ending #1: Don't get the Holy Glasses and kill Richter.
Ending #2: Get the Holy Glasses, kill Richter
Ending #3: Beat Dracula with less than 1847 rooms (less than 196.0%).
Ending #4: Beat Dracula with 1847 rooms or more (196.0% or higher).

As far as I'm aware, the requirements for the Saturn version have not

* OK, I've beaten the game. Now what? *

Once you've gotten a "Clear" save file by beating Dracula, you'll be able
to do all sorts of things. (Contrary to popular belief and earlier versions
of this FAQ, percentage is irrelevant to this.) First, the Master Librarian
will add the Sound Test to his menu. Also, he'll start selling the
Duplicator for the low, low price of $500000.
The Time Attack option should show up on your System menu, detailing how
long it took you to reach various points in the game.
Any new game you start will have all of the above from the start, as long
as your memory card has the beaten game still saved on it.
Speaking of starting new games, try using the following names:

1) RICHTER - Play the game as Richter Belmont. (see Part II)
2) AXEARMOR - You start the Alucard game with the Axe Lord Armor.
3) X-X!V''Q - Alucard starts with 99 Luck and a Lapus Lazuli, but his other
stats are extremely low.

* Master Librarian Trick *

By doing this trick, you can get the Master Librarian to drop a few items,
one of which cannot be obtained anywhere else. You can do this anytime in
the game, but since it requires a lot of MP and having a high LCK stat seems
to help, I'd recommend waiting until later before trying this. (A Mystic
Pendant will help too.)
Go to the Long Library, and go to the room just under the Master
Librarian (where you found the Bronze Cuirass). Now, Super Jump up the
narrow gap. (Keep in mind that the Super Jump can be repeated in mid-air as
long as you have the MP to perform the Super Jump.) What you want to do is
Super Jump high enough that you lift the Librarian off the ground, but not
so high that he hits the ceiling. Having done so, fall down just enough so
that the Librarian returns to the ground, but not so far that you fall all
the way back down the gap and hit the ground yourself. Then Super Jump
again, fall again, etc. You'll get a Life Max Up right off the bat, but it
will take many, many more consecutive jumps without Alucard touching the
ground to get the other items the Librarian drops: Ring of Arcana, Dracula
Tunic, and AxeLord Armor.
Contrary to what my FAQ said previously, it is possible to try again if
you have screwed up. That said, I find it works best if you get them all in
one go.

* Get The Silver Ring Without the Spike Breaker *

First, go to the spike room in the Royal Chapel, and simply fly in Bat
form until you reach the mist grate. Turn into mist and go through, then
return to bat form and fly until you reach the door. (If your MP is low
you may wish to stop at one of the areas where there are no spikes on the
floor and recharge.)
Once you are at the door, equip a potion of some sort, then return to
Alucard form. Use the potion immediately after getting hit by the spikes,
and you should be able to use the resulting window of invincibility to
walk up to and through the door.
(A variation on this is to get a Life Apple, then lower Alucard's HP so
that one spike hit will kill him, then activate the Faerie familiar before
doing this. You may need to use up any potions before hand, since the Faerie
will tend to use them while you're trying to get a low HP. Anyway, when you
get to the door, turn back into Alucard, then press and hold left. You'll
die, the Faerie will revive you, and you should be able to make it to the
door before you lose your invincibility.)

* Rare Items *

Most of the enemies in CSOTN can drop two "rare" items, i.e., items other
than Hearts or Money Bags. This happens rarely though, so if an enemy drops
an item you've really got to have, here are a few ways to make that happen.
First, find and equip the Ring of Arcana and/or a Lapus Lazuli. The
former increases the appearance of rare items, and the latter increases luck
(which has the same effect, in addition to increasing critical hits.) For
an extra luck bonus, equip all of the Alucart equipment. This gives you
an extra +30 Luck boost.
Second, if possible, try to find a place where the target enemy is near a
doorway, so you can kill it, leave, come back, kill it again, etc.
And to answer the ages-old question: the Ring of Arcana is usually more
effective than the +20 LCK boost of the Lapus Lazuli.

* 200 Luck *

For best results in rare item hunting, you need a large Luck rating. The
highest you can theoretically get without a GameShark is 198. Here's how.
Start a game with the 99 Luck code. That gives you 99 Luck (duh) and a
Lapus Lazuli (Luck +20 = 119). Now collect and use/equip the following:

Alucart Mail, Alucart Shield, Alucart Sword (Luck +30 = 149)
A extra Lapus Lazuli (Luck +20 = 169)
Eye of Vlad (Luck +10 = 179)

To get the last 19 points, use a Luck Potion. (Yes, the Luck potion
should give you 20 points, but stat bonuses cannot exceed 99.)

* Getting a Ring of Varda *

I got an E-mail not too long ago from LordHeresy@aol.com, who had claimed
to have gotten a Cat-Eye Circlet from a Salem Witch. At first I didn't
believe it, until the save game I was playing refused to give me a single
Ring of Varda. I was fighting Paranthropuses, and they were giving me
Gauntlets by the boatload. They weren't, however, giving me Rings of Varda.
Weirder still, they were dropping Turquoises. I didn't have the Jewel Sword
equipped, and I have never seen a Paranthropus drop a Turquoise. I tried
one of my earlier saves, and I couldn't get the Paranthropuses there to
drop a Turquoise (but I got a number of Rings of Varda.)
While I'm not sure what happened in the Cat-Eye Circlet case, here is the
deal with the Ring of Varda. It has been suggested to me several times that
this "bug" was put in the game intentionally, so that you could not get the
Ring of Varda without beating the game first. I initially did not believe
this, because thought I remembered getting a Ring of Varda without beating
the game once before. However, I have since been unable to reproduce this,
so apparently I was wrong.
Anyway, the point is this: this "bug" seems to only affect saves that are
made before you beat the game. "Clear" and "Replay" saves do not seem to be
affected, so if you get hit with the bug (and you almost certainly will the
very first time you play), just beat Dracula and all should be well.
This bug also appears in the Saturn version, which might suggest it was
done intentionally.

* Which Portal? *

You may have noticed that each portal has a different animal in the
background directly above the portal itself. You can use these to quickly
identify which portal you are at. (If you are wondering, "why don't you just
push select?", then you've never had the "pleasure" of using these portals
in the Saturn version. Push up, push start, wait 5 seconds for pause menu,
push L, see where you are, exit map, exit pause menu, push up, push start,
wait 5 seconds for pause menu...)

Horse: Entrance/Reverce Entrance
Viper: Abandoned Mine/Cave
Crab: Outer Wall/Reverce Outer Wall
Lion: Castle Keep/Reverce Castle Keep
Ram: Olrox's Quarters/Death Wing's Lair
Bear: Underground Gardens/Hell Garden (Saturn version only)

* Infinite Peanuts *

Remember the room in the Underground Caverns with the fake Save Point and
the battle with the Succubus? Make your way to the same room in the second
castle, and there is a Peanut on the ground, hidden by the floor. However,
if you leave and come back, the Peanut will return. You can collect as
many as you like!

* Healing Tips *

Are you running low on HP and there's no Save Point nearby? Don't want to
waste those Elixirs? Eaten all your food and still low? Well, if you happen
to have some of the various Circlets handy, you can heal up easily. If you
have the Topaz Circlet, you can walk into the little thingies that the
Balloon Pods release, collecting some HP in the process. Have a Ruby
Circlet? Then let some Gremlins fill up the room with flame, then absorb
them for 24 HP each. Also, since Stone Skulls are indestructible, you can
Soul Steal from them until you run out of MP.

* Fight Evasion *

Turning into a Mist is a very good defensive strategy, especially if you
have the Power of Mist relic. Don't want to fight something? Turn into the
Mist and fly by. Need to avoid some boss attack? Turn into a Mist.

* Teleport Attacks *

Some of Alucard's weapons come with a Teleporting special ability. So
what, you might ask? Well, since you're invincible during the teleport, and
you can teleport again before you've finished teleporting the first time,
this can be quite useful.

* Hidden Audio Track *

Well, this one's pretty obvious actually, but Justin Sison thought I
should mention it in the FAQ. Place your CSOTN CD in a regular CD player,
and select track 2. You'll hear Alucard give a little speech, then a
neat remix of Castle Dracula will play.

* Fifth Ending? *

I received an E-mail from Mike Chenoweth, who had found some utility to
rip sound files from Playstation CD's, and found several unused pieces of
dialogue that seemed to be a fifth ending where Maria turns into a demon.
He sent along an MP3 of the dialogue in question, which I shall attempt
to transcribe here:

1. Maria: "Wait! Don't hurt Richter any more!"
Richter: "Ma.. Maria?"
Maria: "Richter!"
Richter: "You saved me!"

2. (Male voice, perhaps Shaft?): "If not for you, I would have lost to this
Female Demon (Maria?): "EEYAAAHH! Uh! Hahaha! Four Demons I hold you to
your oath. Defend your master who commands you!"

3. Female Demon: "Oh! Such power in such a little girl. Hahahaha!"

4. Female Demon: "EEYAAAHHH! It won't end like this! You should be
destroyed along with this castle. Hahaha!"

5. Alucard: "It's over, but the sacrifice was great. Maria, Richter... I
did not wish for you to die. Such is the fate of mortals. I'm certain
that some dark force was behind Maria's transformation, but it doesn't
matter now."

If you're running Windows, you can listen for yourself by obtaining
XAPlay or PSMPlay. See the Audio Info section for more details.

Now, the question remains: how do you get it? You don't. If you check the
data files on the CSOTN CD, under the various subdirectories of the /ST
directory, you can find the scripts for all of the spoken dialogues in the
game. In none of them will you find the above scripts for the fifth ending.
So, either the fifth ending exists and it does not have a text
accompaniment (unlikely), or it was planned but for some reason never
implemented. Given that no working method, legit or GameShark, has
surfaced to obtain this ending, it most likely cannot be gotten. It's still
a neat curiosity though.

* Alternate "Game Over" Voices... *

This is kind of weird. Occasionally in the Japanese version, when you get
killed, instead of the usual "Gaammee Oovverr... mwahahaha!" clip, you'll
hear a female voice say something in Japanese. (I don't know what, since
I don't speak Japanese.) I was told that this would happen sometimes when
you got killed by a Venus Weed, but the only times it has happened to me
was when I was fighting Dracula and Galamoth.

Also, you can hear yet another clip if you lose to the Succubus. This
may also work in the US version, but the one time I tried it didn't.

-------------------------Part II: Richter Belmont--------------------------

::: Introduction to Richter Belmont ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [RIC] :::

After you've played through the Alucard game, and you want to play a more
traditional Castlevania game, you can choose to play the game as Richter
Belmont. To do so, after beating the Alucard game with a percentage around
180 or higher, enter "RICHTER" as your name, and viola. You'll know if you
can play as Richter when the message at the top of the File Select screen
reads "Input 'RICHTER' to play as Richter Belmont." Also, your Alucard save
game will say "Clear".

[Note for Saturn players: as you probably have already noticed, you can
start a Richter game at any time without having beaten (or even played)
the Alucard game.]

The Richter game varies significantly from the Alucard game. Richter
cannot collect relics or rare items, and he does not gain levels. Richter
is armed only with the Vampire Killer, which cannot be powered up. (Two
exceptions: the Vampire Killer does twice as much damage in the inverted
castle, and doing an Item Crash [see below] with no item causes your whip
to become a flame whip.) Richter can only collect up to 99 hearts; the
Heart Max Up items award you about 30 hearts, but do not increase your
heart maximum.
And yes, Richter's max HP _does_ increase when you pick up a Life Max Up.
He starts with 50 HP, and gains 10 HP for every Life Max Up he picks up.
He should end up with 540 HP (550 if you're playing the Saturn version.)

::: Richter's Special Weapons ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [RSB] :::

As stated above, Richter's main weapon is the Vampire Killer whip.
He can't use (or collect) the swords and such that Alucard can use, but
Richter wouldn't be much of a Belmont if he couldn't use the ol' Special
Weapons that have been around since the first Castlevania game. In
addition, pushing Triangle will allow you to do an Item Crash, a special
attack that depends on the Special Item Richter has equipped.

1) No Item
Use: Nothing (duh)
Crash: Turns your whip into a Flame Whip.
- Once you've collected a special weapon, you will be unable to use this
crash for the remainder of the game.

2) Holy Water
Use: Lobs at floor, then creates a flame which travels in the direction
you're facing. (1 Heart)
Crash: "Hydro Storm" - Creates a rainstorm which does massive damage to
all enemies on screen. This attack is incredibly sick. (15 Hearts)

3) Cross
Use: Throws straight ahead, then returns. Good power, good range. (1
Crash: Identical to Alucard's normal use of the Cross. A large cross
rotates around a beam of light that expands to take up the whole
screen, doing damage to all enemies on screen. (20 Hearts)

4) Clock
Use: Freezes all on-screen enemies for 5 seconds. (10 Hearts)
Crash: Freezes all on-screen enemies for a longer period of time, then
does a Thunder-elemental lightning attack. (20 Hearts.)

5) Axe
Use: Identical to Alucard. Hurls a slow, but powerful Axe in an arc.
(1 Heart)
Crash: Leaps up in the air, and sends out a circle of Axes in all
directions. (10 Hearts)

6) Knife
Use: Identical to Alucard. Fast, but weak. (1 Heart)
Crash: Richter throws an almost endless stream of daggers. (10 Hearts)

7) Holy Book
Use: Holy Book revolves around Richter and does damage to any enemy it
contacts. You can have two active at once. (5 Hearts)
Crash: Fires a large laser blast forward. (15 Hearts)

8) Rebound Stone
Use: Throws a stone which bounces off walls. (1 Heart)
Crash: Creates a flash of light which damages all on-screen enemies (10

9) Agunea
Use: Sends out lightning. If it hits a target, hold Up + Attack to keep
the juice flowing. This uses up more hearts, though. (10 Hearts)
Crash: Sends lightning out in all directions. (20 Hearts)

10) Bibuti
Use: Tosses holy ashes ahead. (1 Heart)
Crash: Creates ash storm directly overhead. (10 Hearts)

::: Richter's Special Moves ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [RMV] :::

In addition to the above, Richter has a number of special moves. These
are important to playing a Richter game, so try to master these.

1) Super Jump: D, U + Jump * LEARN THIS *
This is Richter's most important move. Not unlike Alucard with Gravity
boots. Also, if you hit an enemy during the jump, you will do more
damage to it than a normal whip crack. However, be sure you will kill
it, or else you'll take some damage yourself. This move can be repeated

2) Air Dash: U, D, DF, F + Attack * LEARN THIS *
This is Richter's second most important move. This also can be repeated
indefinitely, or used after the Super Jump. This attack does about
double the damage of a normal whip attack. Use this move to pass through
larger enemies that don't easily die, since you are invincible during
this move. If you do this in mid-air, you can do a mid-air backflip by
jamming on the Jump button as this move ends.

3) Dash: F, hold F
Runs. Allows for longer regular jumps.

4) Slide: Hold Down and press Jump
Slides a la Mega Man.

5) Air Slide: Hold Down and press Jump twice
Lifts your slide off the ground. Use this to get past a narrow corridor
that leads to Olrox. (Even Alucard has to transform to pass this area.)

Richter will backflip off anything he slides into under the following
conditions that depend on what version of the game you're playing:

PSX: Press and hold the Attack button after the second Jump.

Saturn: Press the second Jump quickly and Richter will backflip off
anything he hits; holding Jump will make him slide through whatever is
in his path.

6) Backflip: Press Jump twice quickly.
Jumps backward.

7) Brandish Whip: Hold Attack + any direction
Stands in place and swings whip around, a la Simon Belmont in Super
Castlevania IV. Unlike Simon's attack, Richter does normal damage with
this move.

::: Richter Tips :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [RTP] :::

Since Richter does not have the shapeshifting abilities that Alucard has,
there are several places that Richter cannot go:

1) Grates: Richter can not pass through grates. This closes off a small
part of the Library. Exception: The grate in the lower room of the
Outer Wall can be circumvented. The room behind the Armor Lord (who is
above said grate) has a secret elevator. Enter this room, break open the
left wall, and stand in the gap for about a minute. An elevator will
appear, allowing you access to the room below. This does not work in the
inverted castle, though.

2) Center of Marble Gallery: Richter cannot collect the Gold and Silver
Rings. Although he can enter the center of the Black Marble Gallery
to fight Shaft, he can't Library Card his way out to save that .1% like
Alucard can.

3) Spike Rooms in the Royal and Anti-Chapels: Even if he could survive the
spikes, he couldn't pass the grate. However, he can make it _to_ the
grate and back to grab an extra .1% per castle.

4) Wall in Underground Caverns: In the bottom right area of the Underground
Caverns is a wall that the Ferryman opens in the Alucard game. No such
luck here.

5) Water areas in the Reverce Caverns: There are a few points here that
Alucard needs to be in Wolf form to reach. Richter can't reach them, no
matter how many Super Jumps and Air Dashes you perform. [Note: This isn't
true in the Saturn version.]

6) Large Rock in Entrance/Reverse Entrance: Richter can go through the rock
well enough, but he can't open up the secret room that Alucard opens by
using the Bat and Wolf forms.

7) Switch in Abandoned Mines/Cave: Richter can't trigger this switch, no
matter what he hits it with.

However, there are a few areas that only Richter can enter. Immediately
after starting a new Richter game:

1) Dash to the left. You will fall into a hole (if you get stuck, just
wiggle the controller and mash some buttons until you get un-stuck).
This hole leads to a small cave with a Save Point. You'll get an
extra .3% for this cave. This area is obviously where KCET started to
add the Underground Garden but aborted it for some reason.

2) Slide to the left. You'll exit the castle entirely, and can run back
to the forest where the Alucard game starts. There's no point to doing
this, however, since you can't reenter the castle.

[Note: Neither of these tricks work on the Saturn version. This isn't a
great loss since you can just enter the Underground Gardens at your
leisure anyway. :)]

* How to Obtain Maximum Percentage Using Richter *

The maximum percentage you can achieve with Richter is 195% (205.6% in the
Saturn version.) To get that high, be sure to get the hidden cave at the
beginning (see above). You're also going to have to get through those Catacomb
spike rooms.
Impossible, you say? It's actually quite easy once you get the hang of
it. The key is using Item Crashes to gain short windows of invincibility.
The Rebound Stone gives you the best bang for your buck. At 10 Hearts a
crash, you get 9 shots of invincibility. Conveniently, one is located not too
far from the spike rooms themselves. (The Knife and the Bibuti also only
crash for 10 Hearts. However, the Knife crash ties you up for too long to
be of any use. I've not tried the Bibuti.)
Here are some tips from Toykeeper to help you along:

" I think I've also figured out some general guidelines for staying
invincible, since certain things seem to "void" the protection

- Don't walk off ledges. You'll get hurt.
- Instead, jump off them.
- Don't try to run. It usually doesn't work.
- Jump, slide, or spin-dash instead.
- Use the special weapon frequently. You have 9 shots, so use one
every time you land on the ground. "

Also, when you pass through the spike room, make sure you refill your
hearts before you try to return.

* Boss Battles, or How to Beat Galamoth Without Getting Your Rear Kicked *

Boss fights in the Richter game aren't really difficult. If you get into
trouble, just Hydro Storm a few times and the boss will die. It's that
easy. However, using Hydro Storm exclusively in boss fights really is not
too fun (or fair). Fear not, because the Air Dash will allow you to do
massive damage while taking little yourself.
Except for Galamoth, that is. Hydro Storm is almost useless; Galamoth
simply has too many HP, and you don't have enough Hearts to Storm him
to death. Galamoth would probably kick your butt before you could pull off
a whole 99 Hearts worth of storms anyway. The Cross isn't much better, and
Galamoth is too big for the Air Dash to take you too far out of harm's way.
So how are you supposed to beat this guy? It turns out you can cheese the
heck out of Galamoth if you have a Knife and 99 hearts handy. Just get up
on the top ledge of the right wall, and send Knife crashes Galamoth's way.
He won't be able to take much of this.
But what if you don't have a Knife handy? Well, on the Saturn version
you are pretty much screwed, but on the PSX version there is another method,
albeit slower, boring, and probably not too good for your thumb.
What you want to do is get up on the top ledge on the right wall of
Galamoth's chamber. Super Jump and Air Dash your way there. Then avoid his
attacks as best you can until Galamoth is in range of your normal Whip
attack. Then, jam on the Attack button like a complete madman. If done
correctly, Galamoth's head will snap backward with every hit and he won't
be able to do any attacks. Don't bother trying to Hydro Storm or anything
fancy, for this will just screw up the rhythm. If your thumb gets tired,
and it will, hit Pause and take a breather.

---------------Part III: Maria Renard * Saturn Version Only *--------------

::: Introduction to Maria Renard :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [MAR] :::

First off: if right now you're wondering "How do I play as Maria?", then
you don't own a version of CSOTN where Maria is playable. :)
Maria's game is pretty similar to Richter's, in that Maria cannot collect
items (other than Subweapons and hearts), cannot explore some parts of the
castle, and does not have any dialogue. The boss fights that are missing
from the Richter game are also missing from the Maria game.
As I'm told occurred in Rondo of Blood, Maria is far more powerful than
Richter. That invincibility spell of hers tends to put an end to boss
battles faster than Richter can say "hydro storm." :) She is unable to
use item crashes, but it's not like she actually needs them anyway...
Maria starts with 200 HP and gains 10 HP from Life Max Ups. Unlike
Richter, she can carry up to 999 hearts, and also has a magic bar (like
Alucard's) that is depleted whenever she uses any magic abilities, and
slowly recharges with time.

::: Maria's Subweapons :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [MSB] :::

Basically like Richter's, but she uses a few things differently:

1) Holy Water
Use: Lobs at floor, then creates a flame which travels in the direction
you're facing. (1 Heart)

2) Holy Cross
Use: Throws straight ahead, then returns. Good power, good range. (1

3) Stopwatch
Use: Freezes all on-screen enemies for 5 seconds. (10 Hearts)

4) Axe
Use: Like Alucard and Richter, except she throws three at once. (4

5) Knife
Use: Again, like Alucard and Richter, except she throws three at once.
(3 Hearts.)

6) Holy Book
Use: Holy Book revolves around Maria and does damage to any enemy it
contacts. You can have two active at once. (5 Hearts)

7) Rebound Stone
Use: Throws a stone which bounces off walls. (1 Heart)

8) Agunea
Use: Sends out lightning. If it hits a target, hold Up + Attack to keep
the juice flowing. This uses up more hearts, though. (10 Hearts)

9) Bibuti
Use: Tosses holy ashes ahead. (1 Heart)

::: Maria's Methods of Unholy Mass Destruction :::::::::::::::::: [MMV] :::

No, really. I'm serious. (By default, Fire is the A button and Kick is the
C button.)

1) Triple Jump: Jump, Jump, Jump
Just like the Leap Stone, only better.

2) Leap Stone Stomp: Jump, Jump, Jump, D + Jump
Just like the Leap Stone, only better. Is there an echo in here?

3) Super Jump: D, U + Jump (Can be repeated in mid-air) * LEARN THIS *
A la Richter; Maria causes damage to any enemy she plows through with
this move. (2 MP)

4) Dash: F, F
Again, just like Richter.

5) Slide: D + Jump.
Nothing to say here...

6) Dash Kick: F, F + Kick
Pretty self-explanatory. Press Kick quickly for Maria to flip off
anything she hits, or hold Kick to kick through whatever is in her

7) Fireball: Fire
Launches a fireball. The fireball can be charged to up to four levels
(kind of like Mega Man) by holding the Fire button down. Can be done
in mid-air. (2 MP/3 MP/8 MP/18 MP)

8) Guardian Knuckle: D, DF, F + Fire
Maria does a dashing punch with an electric fist. (12 MP)

9) Flameburst: U, D, DF, F + Fire
Maria unleashes a powerful flameburst. (30 MP)

10) Turtle Healing: D, DB, B, UB, U, UF, F, DF, D + Fire
Maria will recover some life. (23 MP)

11) Owl Summon: Charge U, UF, F, DF, D + Fire
Maria will summon an Owl companion, which acts sort of like Alucard's
Bat familiar. (18 MP)

12) Dragon Summon: F, B, DB, D, DF, F, B + Fire
Summons a Dragon (looks like it came right out of Salamander :) that
you will be in direct control of until the spell expires. (35 MP)

13) Invincibility: U, UF, F, DF, D, DB, B, UB, Charge U, D + Fire
Maria will be fully invincible for about 40 seconds or so. In addition,
some of her physical attacks will increase in power and become Holy
elemental. (43 MP)

::: Maria Tips :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [MTP] :::

Well, this was going to be the Maria Tips section, but there's really
nothing to say. For a list of places Maria can't go, check the Richter
section above. If you're losing a boss battle, cast the invincibility spell.
(Or at least the healing spell.) Spike rooms? You guessed it: cast the
invincibility spell. Um, not much else to say, so here's Nemo Incognito's
Galamoth strategy:

"More a war of attrition than a slugfest - Maria can heal herself but
cannot do any serious damage to Galamoth. The whole essence of the fight is
if Maria can conserve her magic energy. For this I have something I have
dubbed (drumroll) the loopholes:

a) Galamoth should be on the far right of the area, so that [Galamoth] cannot
be seen when the screen is on the far left. Get Galamoth to start the
black-energy-balls attack, and when it finishes super-jump onto the ledge
above the entrance door. G should now use the big lightning-wave attack,
so dodge it by dropping down and standing next to the entrance door. If
the conditions are right, G will repeat the black-balls. This can be
repeated infinitely and can be used to stall while the magic gauge

b) same position as a), but when the black-balls attack is on walk slowly
towards G. The balls will angle down until they stop just above Maria's
head. Merely stand in this position to make Galamoth repeat the attack
again and again.

And when you have a full gauge, just turn invincible and super-jump
repeatedly through G, preferably hovering around the head area and jumping
again when you reach the body."

-------------------Part IV: Glitches for Fun and Profit--------------------

::: Miscellaneous Glitches :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [GCH] :::

Since the last time I updated a number of new bugs have been discovered,
prompting me to reserve a whole section for them. Some of these will be
familiar, as I've just moved them down from the Miscellaneous Alucard Tips
section above. Others will be new; percentage hunters who haven't been
following the GameFAQs board will be interested in the new Clock Tower,
Wolf, and Double Heart Refresh glitches in the next section. And let's not
even mention the infinite money glitch...

Unless otherwise noted, these tricks don't work on the Saturn version.

* Infinite Money Trick * (Also works on Saturn!)

OK, let's mention it after all. :)

All good glitches in this game seem to involve the Sword Brothers spell,
and this is no exception. Make sure you have at least one jewel of some
sort (Diamonds obviously work the best), then head for the Master
Librarian's room. Cast the Sword Brothers spell, then talk to the Librarian
during the spell's animation. Select the option to sell jewels. If
necessary, sell all but one of one kind of jewel. Then, push Start to
enter the equipment menu (this doesn't normally work; that's what the SB
spell was for.)
Equip your remaining jewel, then exit the equipment menu (Saturn players:
you MUST use the Start button to exit the pause menu, not the B button.)
Choose to sell your last jewel, then exit the Librarian's menus.
You will now find that you have 255 of that jewel. I don't think I need
to tell you what you can do with 255 diamonds...

* Wolf Bounce * (Also works on Saturn!)

Here's a neat trick you can use to get to a few areas before you were
meant to. When Alucard (in Wolf form) returns to human form in mid-air,
pushing D + Jump will allow you to do the Leap Stone Stomp... even if you
don't have the Leap Stone!
If you bounce off of the candles in the Giant Clock Room, you can get to
the Alucart equipment and Olrox's Quarters without having gotten the Leap
Stone first.

* Keep Your Alucard Equipment *

Well, I finally got this to work. Start a game with the 99 Luck code (see
above). Then, when you get to the room with the 3 Wargs (before the room
with Death), kill them all. Then, unequip everything but the Alucard Sword,
the Necklace of J, and the Twilight Cloak, leaving you with a DEF rating of
12. Turn around, exit left, and return to this room. Kill the first Warg,
then jump over the second. If you got hit (and you most likely will), use
either a Pot Roast or a Turkey to heal so this next part won't kill you.
After you jump the second Warg, stand there and let it lunge at you. It
should send you flying out of the room and past Death.
You will be unable to go to the Menu screen until you save the game, so
head to the nearest Save Point and save. Also, if you ever enter the room
with Death again, he'll steal your equipment anyway unless you undertake
the optional battle with Gaibon and Slogra (see the walkthrough for more

* Invisibility *

Go to one of the Portals, and use a Library Card. After Alucard does his
animation, but before the pillar of light appears, press Up to teleport.
When you come out of the teleport, you'll be invisible. After a while,
you'll be able to control Alucard, but only his sword and shield will be
visible. This will last until you leave the CD hallway adjacent to the

* Outer Wall CD Load Room Glitch * (Sort of works on Saturn)

This is kind of tricky to pull off. Enter the CD load hallway connecting
the Outer Wall and the Portal there, then turn into a Wolf. Get as close as
you possibly can to the right exit without changing screens. Then, jump
straight up, and push right at the height of the jump to change
screens. Immediately after pushing right, hold down and left.
If done correctly, instead of ending up on the platform next to the door
that leads to the CD load room, you'll end up on the slope directly
underneath the CD load room. (Saturn players will find themselves warped
back to the middle of the CD load room.)

This also works in the Reverse Outer Wall

* The Bat Glitch * (Untested on Saturn)

Immediately when collecting a Relic or a Life/Heart Max Up, morph into
bat form. Uh... just try this for yourself.

When you're done laughing, try this. Walk up to a Relic or Max Up in
Wolf form, then turn into Bat form as above. Um... again, just see this
for yourself.

* The battle will never end! * (Untested on Saturn)

Save before you get into the battle with Richter and Shaft. Once there,
see how many hits it will take you to defeat Shaft's orb. Then, reload and
get into the battle again. This time, knock both Shaft and Richter down
until one hit will kill them. Then equip a Bomb-type weapon (a Pentagram
will do nicely), then activate it to kill both of them at once.
Despite Richter's bloody death, the game will continue normally as if
you had simply defeated Shaft. That is, until you decide to re-enter
Richter's chamber (coming from the direction of the broken stairway).
You'll find Richter waiting for you again!
At that point, you can either take out Richter or Shaft (or both).
Either way, after you beat them, nothing will happen and you'll be stuck
in Richter's room. Use a Library Card to exit.
I was told that you need to save after fighting the second Richter
battle to clear out this glitch, but I didn't check what exactly happens
if you go back to Richter's chamber without saving. I suppose you'd get
to fight Richter again, but I'll find out for the next update.

* Beat the game with only four Vlad relics? * (Original Japanese PSX only)

I have been told that on the original Japanese PSX version, you do not
need to collect the Eye of Vlad to get into Dracula's chamber. (You still
need to defeat Death, however.) This does not work on any of the later

* Extra Life/Heart Max Ups * (Saturn Version Only)

Here's a neat trick for Saturn players. Start a Richter or Maria game,
and collect the two Life Max Ups in the Entrance (and the Heart Max Up too,
if you like.) Then, go to the Alchemy Laboratory, then return to the
Entrance to find that all three of the Max Ups have returned!

* Muramasa Glitch *

Equip the Muramasa, then unequip it using the Empty Hand. You'll still be
in permanent Dark Metamorphosis, although you won't be able to get enemies
to bleed with your fists. You can use cutting subweapons like the Dagger or
the Axe though, and any blood you absorb this way will still count for
powering up your Muramasa.

::: The Great Percentage Race :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

This section is devoted to the amazingly popular pastime of filling up
the map screen with white squares. While some of these tricks seem on the
surface to be similar to the various "hidden worlds" tricks in the original
Metroid, in CSOTN you will very rarely find any actual new areas to explore.
But there are a few minor exceptions...
Note that these sections are not intended to be the complete guide to
percentage glitching. For more information you should visit the following
sites (warning: these links may change long before I update the FAQ again,
and in fact PaleDim's site was down as this update "went to press.")

Machinegun's Glitch Site - http://www.geocities.com/machinegunsg/
PaleDim's Maps and Glitch FAQ - http://home.golden.net/~maggi/map.html

Once again, unless otherwise noted, these glitches will only work on PSX
versions of the game.

* Sword Familiar Glitch *

While the Sword Familiar Glitch is probably the least important of the
percentage hunting glitches, it is the classic one, and probably a good
start for those who have just begun the art of glitching.

Head back to the Royal Chapel. At the very bottom of the first bell tower,
walk up to the left exit (but don't enter.) Activate the Sword Familiar, and
cast the Sword Brothers spell. Any time after the Sword begins its circling
animation, you can walk left, and instead of switching screens, you'll
simply waltz right out of the castle. (Contrary to previous versions of
this FAQ, it is not necessary for you to be in Bat form for this trick to
work.) If you did in fact switch screens, either your Sword Familiar's
level is too low (it must be 90 or higher), or you walked too soon. Quickly
change screens and wait a while longer, then try again. This trick also
works at this same spot in the inverted castle.
You can get up to 210.2% this way, but that's just where the fun begins.
By using the Shield Rod or Mablung Sword along with the Alucard Shield, you
can trigger even more rooms on the map. Just about anywhere you're "falling"
at the bottom of the screen, or you can gravity jump against the side of
the screen, triggering the Shield Rod Combo will give you an extra room.
(For more details, check out n3m3s1s's Sword Brothers Glitch FAQ at
www.gamefaqs.com; he explains this better than I have.)
You can rack up a fair bit more percentage that way, but the fun is still
not over. Anyplace you can double jump off the top of the screen, you can
trigger the Shield Rod combo for an extra room... but this often requires
incredible pixel-perfect timing. You need to hit the combo at the height
of Alucard's second Leap Stone jump. If done correctly, Alucard should be
completely invisible, but even that doesn't necessarily mean you were high
enough. If you have the patience, you can get up to 226.0% this way.
Or you can just cheat. The Heart Refresh works as well as the Alucard
Shield combo, and with a Duplicator and two of them, you can always get your
room. Immediately after the double jump, activate a Heart Refresh. While
the first one is going off, press and hold the other attack button. That
way, the second one will fire off almost immediately after the first one
ends (Alucard will go through a frame of animation in the meantime.) Then,
while the second one is going off, press and hold the first attack
button. Keep alternating in this way until Alucard slowly begins to come
down from the double jump. Since you set of a Heart Refresh at every frame
of animation (if you did this right), you will get the room.

* The Clock Tower Glitch *

Head for the Clock Tower and open the grate there (see the Frequently
Asked Questions section if you don't know how to do this.) Then, stand in
the area where the grate used to be, then using either the Axe subweapon
or a Bomb-type weapon (Power of Sire, etc.) hit the gear above the doorway.
This will cause the grate to close again, pushing you through the floor.

You can do a similar trick in the Inverted Castle. This time, click all
three gears except the one closest to the grate. Now, walk up to the grate
and hold right while continuously firing off the Power of Sire (Axe,
whatever). If you do this right, you'll enter the next room, but the grate
will be closed again when you try to return, and you'll get forced into the
ceiling. (You can also do this with Richter.)

* The Wolf Glitch *

This is an extremely difficult glitch to pull off, so fortunately in most
where the Wolf Glitch comes in handy you can use the slower but easier
Double Heart Refresh glitch instead. :)
Anyway, here's how this works. Any place you can find a stairway,
transform into Wolf form, then dash at the stairway. Right before you reach
it, tap the jump button and transform back into Alucard. If you timed it
right, you'll find yourself stuck under the floor. From here you can use
Heart Refreshes to grab some white rooms on your map underneath whatever
room you're actually in.
This is very difficult to explain, so I recommend checking out
Machinegun's website for a better explanation (with pictures! :)

What makes the Wolf Glitch somewhat more interesting is that you can use
to do some interesting things (like get Alucard into that little space
underneath the grate at the beginning of the game, or skip Richter and go
directly to the second castle, etc.) I'll explain these in more detail

* The Double Heart Refresh Glitch * (Also works on Saturn!)

While the slowness of this trick makes it almost as annoying to pull off
as the extremely difficult to time Wolf Glitch, this one is much easier to
do. We've already seen the Double Heart Refresh trick earlier, but here's
how to use it as a "replacement" for the Wolf Glitch:
First, equip two Heart Refreshes and a Duplicator. Find a doorway, then
jump toward it as if you wanted to jump into the next screen. Before you
switch screens though, activate a Heart Refresh. While that one is going
off, press and hold down the other attack button. When the second Heart
Refresh goes off, press and hold down the first attack button. Continue
doing this, but be sure you hold the directional pad toward the doorway.
You'll notice between Heart Refreshes that Alucard will get in a frame of
animation. However, the next screen will never load if you do it right, and
once Alucard starts his landing animation he'll continue to sink down into
the floor. Once he gets to the bottom of the screen, you can stop Heart

This will also if you start using the Heart Refreshes as you're falling
off the bottom of the screen. If you do enough, you'll end up at the bottom
of the screen below once you stop Heart Refreshing. Use too many and...

* The White Waterfall * (Also works on Saturn!)

This is usually considered cheating by most percentage glitchers. Start a
Double Heart Refresh as described above, but this time keep on using
them. For about every 35 or so Heart Refreshes you use before stopping, a
new room will get highlighted on the map. Basically, given any room in the
castle, you can create a "white waterfall" underneath it all the way down
to the bottom of the map if you're persistent enough.

* The Elevator Glitch * (Original Japanese Version Only)

Equip a weapon like the Estoc that has a dash move (either by default or
by a B, F + Attack motion.) Then head for the Outer Wall elevator. Trigger
the dash attack so that you'll dash across the elevator, but hold down as
you do so. The elevator will head downward, and so will Alucard... but
Alucard won't be in the elevator! He'll end up outside the Outer Wall.
This won't work on any of the newer versions of the game, but the rooms
you can get from this trick can still be obtained via the Wolf Glitch.

* The Wolf Dash Trick * (Saturn Version Only)

If you compare the map of the Inverted Caverns on the Saturn version to
the maps of the PSX version, you'll notice that three rooms are missing in
the Saturn version. Two of them are in the long hallway that leads to the
Force of Echo. They're easy to pick out on the automap, since they're the
two rooms missing on the top row. The other is early on in the hallway with
the $2000 bag. (I haven't been able to get the one there, however.)

To get them, you'll need to do a wolf super-jump, which works something
like this. Find a steep slope (it doesn't need to be large, just fairly
steep.) Then, from about half-screen away (it may try some trial and error
to find the right spot), do the D, DF, F + Attack Wolf Smash. Jump _just_
before you hit the slope and your Wolf should go flying into the
ceiling. :)

* The Sword Brothers Save Glitch *

This was found on a Japanese site somewhere, and since I can't read
Japanese all I have to go on is a Babelfish translation. Apparently the point
of this trick was to get an Alucard with exceptionally high stats. However
nobody has reported having this happen. What usually _does_ happen is that
your map screen will get scrambled (mine was completely scrambled, although
partial scrambling seems to be more common), and you can re-explore any
"lost" areas to increase your percentage. On occasion, you may also find
that any items you've collected will be reset, so you can collect them
again. (Note that since you can get practically infinite percentage without
actually finding any new rooms using this glitch, it is usually not
considered to be a "legitimate" percentage glitch.)

THIS ON! This trick _is guaranteed_ to make a mess of your save, and there's
no guarantee that it will be a good mess. You might want to back up any
other saves on the memory card you don't want to lose as well.
With that out of the way, it goes something like this:

0) MAKE A BACKUP! (You have been warned!)
1) Head for a save room.
2) Cast the Sword Brothers spell. Like the Infinite Money trick, this allows
you to enter the pause menu during times when you normally couldn't.
3) Start a save.
4) While the save is in progress, enter the equipment menu and change your
equipment around. (What exactly you're supposed to do here is unclear
at the moment. Try switching stuff around, leaving the pause menu
entirely, coming back, switching more stuff around, etc.) Equipping the
AxeLord Armor somewhere along the way seems to be the best way to get
something interesting to happen.
5) When you're tired of fooling with the equipment menu, exit the pause
menu and let the save finish.
6) Restart the game, and attempt to reload.

While you can do this on the Saturn version, it doesn't actually seem to
affect your save in any way.

::: Hidden Worlds ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [HDN] :::

As I noted earlier there isn't much outside of the castle walls to
actually explore like you could in Metroid. And when all is said and done,
filling your map with white space nets you only bragging rights and a
really powerful Walk Armor. :) With that in mind, here are the few hidden
worlds" as well as some of the more bizarre uses of the percentage glitches
described above.
As usual, assume these do not work on the Saturn version unless otherwise

* Corridor to the Underground Gardens *

Richter players have long been familiar with this; underneath the slab
at the beginning of the game lurks a small two-room vertical cavern and a
save point. This is where a corridor to the Underground Gardens was
supposed to have been placed, but the Gardens were never finished in the
PSX version, and therefore this grate never opens.
The Richter section describes how to get there with Richter. Saturn
players don't need any special tricks, as the slab opens upon visiting the
Alchemy Laboratory. PSX Alucard players, however, have to resort to either
the Wolf Glitch or the Double Heart Refresh to get there.
Choose your poison, then head for the very first room in the castle
itself (the room immediately to the right of the beginning of the game.)
Either Wolf Glitch the leftmost slope or Double Heart Refresh the left
doorway, then Wing Smash over to the left once you're under the
floor. You'll end up under the floor in the beginning of the game, and if
you head left enough, you'll be rather suddenly pulled into a glitched Save
Point. (Why this Save Point is glitched in the Alucard game and not in the
Richter game is one of life's greatest mysteries. :)
Not really much to do here though, since, well, it's just a two-room
cavern and a Save Point.

* Third Outer Wall *

In the inverted castle, Double Heart Refresh the doorway that leads left
into where the Nightmare room would be in the first castle. (The Peanut
room in the Reverse Caverns, in other words.) Once you've gotten underneath
the Peanut room, exit left (you'll have to change forms to exit), and
you'll find yourself in a CD load room clear across the map. Simply exit to
the right to find yourself in... a really glitchy Outer Wall.
Yep, for some reason there's a duplicate regular castle Outer Wall in the
inverted castle. The two Save Points are functional; if you save and
restart the game you'll find that you've saved in a place with no
name. (That, and the graphic glitches will clear up.)
This Outer Wall overlaps a bit with the Reverse Entrance on the automap,
but you'll get white rooms for the places that don't. The doorways exit to
where you'd expect them to... sort of. Taking the door to the Long Library
will land you in the Forbidden Library instead.

* Nightmare * (Untested on Saturn)

Normally the only way to get here is the fake Save Point in the
Underground Caverns, and you can only do it once. But if you wish to
return, well, go back to the doorway that leads to the fake Save Point and
Double Heart Refresh to the right. Again, underneath the fake Save Point,
head all the way to the right and switch forms to exit. You'll emerge in
Nightmare, where the Succubus will be waiting for you again.
After defeating her again, you will return to the fake Save
Point. There's really not much point in doing this though, since Nightmare
isn't on the map and therefore doesn't give you any rooms.

----------------------------Part V: Mechanics------------------------------

::: Combat Handbook ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [MEC] :::

This, dear CSOTN fans, is where I shall describe how the CSOTN combat
engine determines how much butt you are kicking (or how much of your butt is
being kicked) at any given moment. Unlike previous versions of the FAQ, this
section is pretty complete now, but there are still a few unanswered
Some quick notes about notation (if you're familiar with the works of Ben
Siron you can skip this part):

(a..b) - This means to pick a random integer between a and b. Therefore,
(0..1) means to randomly pick 0 or 1. Flip a coin or something. :)

[x] - This means the greatest integer less than or equal to x. For the
purposes of this FAQ, that means to truncate the decimal. (Ex:
[4.5] = 4, [10.999999] = 10. But: [-1.5] = -2, but this game tends
to replace negative numbers with 0 long before you need to worry
about the greatest integer function.)

* Know Your Stats *

A fairly oft asked question: "what does <insert stat here> do?" Find out

STR - This one is pretty straightforward. This affects how much damage you
do with physical attacks, special weapon attacks, and some Shield Rod

CON - (Which stands for "constitution". Stop asking now please. :) CON's job
is mostly to give Alucard a slight DEF boost, which is calculated in a
really bizarre fashion.

You'll notice, that the CON stat (like any other) is given in a
x + y format, where x is your natural CON and y is the bonus given
by equipment. However, the x and y CON values have vastly different
effects on your DEF:

CON bonus = [(x + (8 * y))^(0.5) - 2]

In other words, take the y value and multiply it by 8, then add the
x value. (If the result of this is negative, replace it with 0.) Take
the square root, then subtract 2 and truncate the decimal. The result
is the amount of DEF Alucard has due to his CON score.

CON also affects the amount of time the Poison and Curse ailments
last. The following formulas estimate the time in seconds these
ailments last (again, x is natural CON and y is bonus CON.):

Poison Duration = 81.92 - (x * 0.32 + y * 2.56) or 5.12, whichever is larger.
Curse Duration = 20.48 - (x * 0.08 + y * 0.64) or 1.28, whichever is larger.

INT - Affects the damage subweapons, familiars, and some spells do. These
calculations will be explained in greater detail later, but they all
involve the INT bonus shown below. Like the CON bonus, Alucard's natural
and bonus INT affect the INT bonus differently. Given an INT score in
the form x + y, where x is Alucard's natural INT and y is the INT bonus
given by equipment or potions:

INT bonus = [(0.2 * x) + (0.8 * y)]

INT also affects the duration of Dark Metamorphosis effects.

LCK - Luck affects your chances of doing critical hits (sometimes it even
affects the amount of damage the critical hit does) and getting rare drop
items from enemies. It also affects the chances of the Talisman
preventing damage.

ATT - The ATT stats listed on the pause menu detail how much damage Alucard
will do with a simple swing of whatever weapon Alucard has equipped.
It is calculated as follows. All weapons (including the Dark and Medusa
shields, but _not_ including the Sword Familiar, Badelaire, and
Muramasa) have a maximum attack stat. These are listed in the equipment
listings following the Mechanics section. Given this, your ATT rating
will be:

ATT = STR + [Max ATT - (STR / 2)] (if STR < Max ATT)
ATT = STR + Max ATT (if STR >= Max ATT)

The STR above includes your natural STR as well as any bonuses from
potions, Rings of Varda, or other items. This ATT may be further
augmented by bonuses from a Ring of Varda, Attack potions, etc.

Special weapon attacks and some Shield Rod combos work in a similar
fashion. Their Max ATT values will be listed in the equipment section;
just plug them into whichever formula above applies.

The Sword Familiar, Badelaire, and Muramasa work differently. Check the
equipment section to determine how their attack values are calculated,
then simply add your STR (and Ring of Varda or potion ATT bonuses) to

DEF - How much damage a target can absorb. Alucard's DEF is equal to:

DEF = CON bonus + (Sum of DEF bonuses from armor/items/potions/etc)

If the result of this calculation is less than zero, then DEF is set
equal to zero.

* Dual-Element Attacks *

Richter's Vampire Killer and most subweapons are capable of doing two
different kinds of elemental damage. (For example, the Vampire Killer can
do either Holy or Hit damage, depending on the circumstances.) Here's how
this works.
The above-mention attacks have two elements: a dominant and recessive
element. (For example, the Vampire Killer's dominant element is Holy, and
recessive element is Hit.) If the target of the attack has any reaction
(weak, strong, immune, absorb) to the dominant element, then the dominant
element will be used. (Thus, the Vampire Killer does double damage to any
enemy weak vs. Holy, and half damage to any enemy strong vs. Holy, etc.)
However, if the enemy has no reaction to the dominant element _and_ is
weak vs. the recessive element, then the recessive element will be used.
(Try the Vampire Killer against green Axe Knights. They have no reaction
to Holy but are weak against Hit; therefore the Vampire Killer will do
double damage to the Axe Knight.)
Note that if the enemy has no reaction to the dominant element but is
strong, immune, or absorbs the recessive one, there will be no change in
The dual elements of Alucard's subweapon attacks were listed in the
Spells, Subweapons, and Familiars heading further down. I'll eventually
stick Richter and Maria's dual element properties into the chart with
their other attacks, but for now:

- Vampire Killer - Holy/Hit
- Flame Whip - still Holy/Hit (Fire/Hit in Japanese PSX the Best re-release.)
- Holy Cross - Holy/Hit
- All other Subweapons: Same as Alucard's
- Axe Crash: Holy/Cut
- Agunea Crash: Holy/Hit
- Bibuti Crash: Holy/Hit
- Dagger Crash: Holy/Cut
- Holy Book Crash: Holy/Hit
- Holy Cross Crash: Unlike Alucard, both cross and light are Holy/Hit
- Hydro Storm: Holy/Hit
- Stopwatch Crash: Thunder/Hit

(This may be a possible explanation for the Stone Rose's weakness against
the Flame Star or any sword weapon that has an elemental property other than
Cut. Or it could be that the Stone Rose is just buggy. Since it's the only
enemy in the game weak against Cut, it's hard to say for sure.)

* Battle Mechanics *

Unlike other RPG battle engines that love to include all sorts of random
factors, CSOTN's damage formula is pretty straightforward:

Damage done = (AM * ATT) - Target's DEF

AM is the attack multiplier. This is usually 1, except in the following

Attacker is poisoned: AM = 0.5
Target is strong vs. attack: AM = 0.5
Target is strong vs. attack, attacker poisoned: AM = 0.25
Target is weak vs. attack: AM = 2
Target is weak vs. attack, attacker poisoned: AM = 1

Note that weapons can only do one kind of damage at a time. Most swords
do Cut damage, but the Terminus Est does Poison (and not Cut) damage.
Similarly, most clubs do Hit damage, but the Holy Rod will do Holy (and not
Hit) damage. Richter's whip and some subweapons may do different kinds of
damage under different circumstances, and this will be explained later.

If the attacker is Alucard, see the discussion above about ATT. If the
attacker is an enemy, you can look up the ATT value of their attacks in
the enemy list. With Richter, use the following values for ATT (double these
if you are in the second castle.) For now only dominant elemental attributes
are listed for subweapon attacks.

- Whip: 32 Holy - Agunea: 20 Holy - Agunea Crash: 80 Holy
- Flame Whip: 32 Holy - Axe: 50 Holy - Axe Crash: 50 Holy
- Slide: 20 Hit - Bibuti: 40 Holy - Bibuti Crash: 20 Holy
- Air Slide: 60 Hit - Dagger: 20 Holy - Dagger Crash: 20 Holy
- Air Dash: 80 Hit - Holy Book: 5 Holy - Book Crash: 80 Hit
- Super Jump: 80 Hit - Holy Cross: 40 Holy -+Cross Crash: 60/40 Holy
- Holy Water*: 5/8 Holy - Hydro Storm: 80 Holy
- Rebound Stone: 40 Holy -!Rebound Crash:20/10 Hit
- Stopwatch Crash: 15 Thun

* - The Holy Water bottle hits for 5 Hit, the flame attack is 8 Holy/Fire.
+ - The crosses hit for 60 Holy/Hit, the beam of light is 40 Holy/Hit
! - The stones do 20 Hit; the beam does 10 Hit.

In the US PSX, European PSX, and Saturn versions, Richter's Flame Whip
does absolutely nothing. This is most likely a bug, since in the Japanese
"PlayStation the Best" re-release version, the Flame Whip has an ATT of
64 Fire/Hit. (I'd assume the original Japanese PSX is identical to the US
PSX, et al, in this regard.)
Saturn players playing Maria shall find the following values useful
(again, double these in the inverted castle.) Again, the subweapon
attacks only have their dominant elemental attribute listed.

- Kick: 30 Hit - Agunea: 20 Holy - Guardian Knuckle: 50 Holy
- Dash Kick: 45 Hit - Axe 20 Holy - Flameburst: 20 Fire
- Slide: 20 Hit - Bibuti 20 Holy - Owl Summon: 30 Holy
- Fireball Lv1: 15 Hit - Dagger: 10 Holy - Dragon Summon: 25 Holy
- Fireball Lv2: 30 Fire - Holy Book 15 Holy Invincibility
- Fireball Lv3: 40 Hit - Holy Cross: 40 Holy - Touch: 20 Holy
- Fireball Lv4: 45 Hit - Holy Water*: 5/8 Holy - Dash Kick: 45 Holy
- Super Jump: 80 Hit - Rebound Stone: 40 Holy - Super Jump: 160 Hit
- Stomp: 30 Hit - Slide: 20 Holy

* - Like Richter, the bottle is 5 Hit, the flame is 8 Holy/Fire.

Occasionally, you will do a Critical Hit, in which seems to work as

If ATT >= LCK, a critical hit will do a random amount of damage between
ATT and 2 * ATT.

If ATT < LCK, a critical hit will do a random amount of damage between
ATT and ATT + LCK.

For values of ATT and LCK you're likely to encounter in a real game
(i.e., you didn't boost your LCK to something outrageous via a GameShark
or save hacking), these "random amounts of damage" tend not to be very
random. I've yet to determine if this is the result of a poor random number
generator or some other pattern I've not noticed.

Enemy's DEF is also pretty self-explanatory. Check the Enemy List section
to find the defense rating of a particular enemy.

After doing the calculation, truncate any decimals, if any. If the damage
calculation results in a number less than one, the damage will be equal to
one. If the enemy absorbs the particular attack you are doing, the damage
is added to the enemy's HP instead of subtracted.

* Spells, Subweapons, and Familiars *

I shall start with Spells and Subweapons, since they are a bit simpler.
The ATT of a spell or subweapon attack is calculated by:

ATT = INT bonus + SP + (0..1)

Where SP (Spell/Subweapon Power) is a constant that depends on what you're

- Agunea: 10 Holy/Thunder
- Axe: 10 Holy/Cut
- Bibuti: 8 Holy
- Dagger: 5 Holy/Cut
- Holy Book: 8 Holy
- Holy Cross: 40 Holy/Hit (cross), 5 Holy/Hit (light)
- Cross w/ 1 Staurolite: 80 Holy/Hit (cross), 10 Holy/Hit (light)
- Cross w/ 2 Staurolites: 120 Holy/Hit (cross), 15 Holy/Hit (light)*
- Holy Water: 1 Hit (bottle), 5 Holy/Fire (flame)
- Rebound Stone: 8 Holy/Hit

- Fire of Bat: 10 Fire
- Force of Echo: 10 Hit
- Gas Cloud: 20 Poison
- Hellfire (either version): 30 Fire
- Soul Steal: 15 Hit
- Summon Spirit: 15 Hit
- Tetra Spirit: 15 Hit
- Wing Smash: 50 Hit
- Wolf Bite: 10 Cut
- Wolf Charge: 30 Cut (without Power of Wolf relic)
- Swift Wolf Charge: 50 Hit (with Power of Wolf relic)
- AxeLord Armor attack: 30 Cut (Mojo Mail bonus cannot apply,
obviously. :)

* - This is not possible without resorting to some cheating method
(GameShark, save hacking, or save glitching.)

Add an additional 10 to the ATT if you are using a subweapon and you
have the Brilliant mail equipped. Similarly, if you are using a spell
and have the Mojo mail equipped, multiply the ATT by 1.5.

Familiar attacks (including the Sword Brothers spell) are a bit more

ATT = [(INT Bonus + FA + (0..1)) * Mojo] * FPWR

Where Mojo is 1.5 if the Mojo Mail is equipped, and 1 otherwise. FA is a
constant that depends on the particular attack a familiar is doing, and FPWR
is the power level of the familiar. This is based on its level as follows:

Familiar Level | FPWR
1-23 | 1
24-47 | 2
48-71 | 3
71-94 | 4
95-99 | 5

The FA values are as follows:

- Bat swoop: 5 Hit
- Ghost suck: 5 Hit (begins to Soul Steal at level 70)
- Demon stab: 5 Cut
- Demon swipe: 10 Cut
- Demon fire spear: 30 Fire (becomes available at level 20)
- Demon ice spear: 30 Ice (becomes available at level 40)
- Demon thunder spear: 30 Thunder (becomes available at level 60)
- Demon lightning spear: 45 Thunder (becomes available at level 80)
- Sword: 5 Cut
- Sword homing attack: 10 Cut (after level 70).
- Sword Brothers spell: 20 Cut

At level 99 the Demon's fire, ice, and thunder attacks occasionally have
an FA of 45 instead of 30 (and the lightning spear sometimes has an FA of
30 instead of 45.) I do not know if this can happen before level 99, or if
this happens for any reason other than pure chance.

* Example Calculations *

Here are some example calculations:

Let's say Alucard is fighting a Tombstone (def 100, strong vs. cut, weak
vs. hit) with a STR of 50. Then:

With the Alucart Sword (MAT 2, Cut):
- AM = 0.5, because the Tombstone is strong vs. cut.
- ATT = 52, Alucard's attack stat with the Alucart sword equipped.
- DEF = 100, the Tombstone's DEF rating.
- Damage = (.5 * 52) - 100. Since this comes up to be -74, which is less
than 1, the damage done will be 1. Let's try a different weapon. :)

With the Marsil (MAT 33, Fire):
- AM = 1, because the Tombstone has neither weakness nor strength to fire.
- ATT = 83, Alucard's attack stat with the Marsil equipped.
- DEF = 100, Tombstone's DEF rating.
- Damage = (1 * 83) - 100. Since this will be -17, Alucard will still only
do 1 damage to the Tombstone. Let's try something else.

With the Fist of Tulkas (MAT 36, Hit):
- AM = 2, because the Tombstone is weak vs. Hit.
- ATT = 86, Alucard's attack stat with the Fist of Tulkas equipped.
- DEF still is 100.
- Damage = (2 * 86) - 100 = 72. That's much better.

With the Bat Pentagram (MAT 99, Hit)
- AM = 2, because the Tombstone is weak vs. Hit.
- Since Alucard's STR is less than the MAT of the Bat Pentagram, the Bat
Pentagram gives a ATT bonus of 99 - [50 / 2] = 74. Alucard's ATT is
then equal to 50 + 74 = 124.
- DEF is still 100.
- Damage = (2 * 124) - 100 = 148. That's even better still. :)

With this is mind, one can begin to appreciate the Dragon Helm, which
cuts an enemy's DEF in half. This would give Alucard an extra 50 points
of damage on the Tombstone in each of these cases.

Alucard has a natural INT score of 50 and has equipped two Rings of Varda,
a Silver Crown, the Alucard Mail, and has activated the Ring of Vlad, for a
total INT score of 50 + 82. He is fighting Zombies (DEF = 0).
- INT bonus = [(0.2 * 50) + (0.8 * 82)] = 75

Alucard attacks with a dagger:
- SP = 5, the subweapon power of a dagger.
- ATT = [INT Bonus + SP + (0..1)] = 80 or 81.
- AM = 2, since Zombies are weak vs. Holy.
- Damage = (2 * 80) - 0 = 160, or (2 * 81) - 0 = 162.

A Level 80 Demon Familiar hits a zombie with his flame spear.
- FPWR = 4, the power level of a level 80 familiar.
- FA = 30, the attack power of a demon's flame spear.
- Mojo = 1, since Alucard is not wearing the Mojo Mail.
- ATT = [(INT Bonus + FA + (0..1)) * Mojo] * FPWR
= 105 * 4 or 106 * 4
= 420 or 424.
- AM = 2, since Zombies are weak vs. Fire
- Damage = (2 * 420) - 0 = 840, or (2 * 424) - 0 = 848

* Color by Elemental *

Here's a quick way to tell what sort of damage your weapon is doing.
Some enemies will flash when you hit them, and what color they flash is
determined by what type of damage your weapon does. Here's a quick list,
but those of you with Japanese versions (PSX or Saturn) may want to refer
to your manual, since the pictures there will no doubt be better than my
descriptions here. (For some reason this information was removed from the
US manual; probably the fact that the US manual was in black and white had
something to do with it. :)
Unfortunately some of the elemental attacks cause similarly colored
flashes. (I can't tell the difference between Poison and Curse, myself.)
Also, some attacks just do not use the right color. (See the Holy Water
for a good example... red flash, holy damage. D'oh!)

Curse - Green + Purple Holy - Green
Cut - Red Ice - Blue
Dark - Dark Green Poison - Purple + Green
Fire - Orange-Red Stone - Grey
Hit - Rainbow Thunder - Yellow

* Map Coverage and Percentage *

Not really sure where this should go... The percentage reported on the
save select screen is equal to the number of rooms you have divided by
9.42, then truncated past the tenths place. For example, if you have 1000
rooms, you will have 1000 / 9.42 = ~106.157112527 = 106.1%.
Note that percentage is _not_ affected by things like items found,
completion of the enemy list, etc.

::: Levels and Experience ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [LVL] :::

* Experience Calculation *

You have probably noticed that the EXP value listed for any given enemy
bears little resemblance to the amount you get when you actually kill an
enemy. You've probably also noticed that as you level up, an enemy that was
giving you tons of experience suddenly is not giving you jack.
So, shamelessly ripped off from Brian Kern's CSOTN FAQ, here's the deal
with gaining experience. If your level is equal to the level of the enemy
you just defeated, you will get the experience amount listed in the Master
Librarian's list. If your level is one below that of the enemy, you get the
listed EXP * 1.25 (truncate decimals, as usual). If you're two levels below
the enemy, you get the "one below" EXP * 1.25 (again, truncate any decimals).
If you're three below, you get the "two below" EXP * 1.25, and so on.
However, the experience you get at five below is the most you can get, so
if you are six or more levels below the enemy, you will still only receive
the "five below" experience amount.
Of course, the flip side of this is that you gain less than the listed
amount if your level is above that of an enemy. This works the same way as
being below the enemy, with two exceptions. First, the magic number to
multiply by in this situation is 2/3 (better still, just divide by 1.5 :).
Secondly, the experience can (and will) drop all the way to 1. Annoying,
Here's an example. Brian Kern worked out the details for a Guardian, so
I'll choose a different enemy. Let's go with Galamoth (LV 50, EXP 9999).
The [stuff] notation means to take the greatest integer less than or equal
to (stuff)... or in these situations it's safe to say just truncate the
decimal from (stuff).

Your Level Experience Gained The Math
---------- ----------------- --------
45 or less 30510 [24408 * 1.25]
46 24408 [19527 * 1.25]
47 19527 [15622 * 1.25]
48 15622 [12498 * 1.25]
49 12498 [9999 * 1.25]
50 9999 This is the listed EXP.
51 6666 [9999 / 1.5]
52 4444 [6666 / 1.5]
53 2962 [4444 / 1.5]
54 1947 [2962 / 1.5]
55 1316 [1947 / 1.5]
56 877 [1316 / 1.5]
... ... ...
70 2 [4 / 1.5]
71 1 [2 / 1.5]
72 or more 1 Awarded EXP cannot be less than 1.

For the mathematically minded, a rough estimate of the level at which an
enemy will only give 1 experience is...

Enemy LV + ( log(2/Listed EXP) / log(2/3) )

...give or take one level. You may instead wish to look up the new LOW
(Level of Worthlessness) stat I added to the Enemy List. :)

* Familiar Experience *

The amount of experience an active Familiar gains depends on the enemy's
listed EXP and the Familiar's current level as per the following formula:

Familiar EXP = [log ((2 * Listed EXP)/(Fam. LV)) / log 2]

If you don't have a calculator with a log function handy, you can find
Familiar EXP as follows. Divide the listed EXP by the Familiar's current
level, then repeatedly divide by 2 until you end up with a number less than
1. The number of times you divided by 2 will be the number of experience
points your Familiar will receive.

* The Art of Leveling Up *

Contrary to popular belief, the amount of max HP, and max Hearts you gain
per level up is pre-determined. You always gain 2 Hearts per level up. Max MP
randomly gains 4 or 5 points per level. HP gains are slightly less
predictable, but they are predetermined, and the HP values you gain per
level up are listed on the experience chart below.
Of more interest is what happens to your four other stats (STR, CON, INT,
and LCK) when you level up. Here's the deal: there are 19 possible level-ups
you can get, and one is chosen randomly when you level up. The choices are:

- Any one stat +1 (4 possibilities)
- Any one stat +2 (4 possibilities)
- Any two stats +1 (6 possibilities)
- Any three stats +1 (4 possibilities)
- All four stats +1 (1 possibility)

If you save right before you level up, you can "re-roll" if you don't like
what you got for a level up. Just reload any try again. (Theoretically, you
could go for the all +1 option every level up. However, there's only about a
5.26% chance of this happening. Opting to keep any "three +1's" or better is
a more reasonable option, in my opinion.)

* Experience/HP Gains Chart *

(Note: HP gains from level 69-99 are currently unconfirmed, but I'm fairly
certain the listed values are correct. It gets you the right total in the
end, at least. :)

LV Exp Needed +HP LV Exp Needed +HP
-- ---------- --- -- ---------- ---
1 0 * 51 222000 30
2 100 1 52 234000 30
3 250 1 53 246000 30
4 450 1 54 258000 30
5 700 1 55 270000 30
6 1000 1 56 282000 30
7 1350 1 57 294000 30
8 1750 1 58 306000 30
9 2200 1 59 318000 30
10 2700 3 60 330000 40
11 3250 3 61 344000 40
12 3850 3 62 358000 40
13 4500 3 63 372000 40
14 5200 3 64 386000 40
15 5950 3 65 400000 40
16 6750 3 66 414000 40
17 7600 3 67 428000 40
18 8500 3 68 442000 40
19 9450 3 69 456000 40
20 10450 6 70 470000 50
21 11700 6 71 486000 50
22 13200 6 72 502000 50
23 15100 6 73 518000 50
24 17500 6 74 534000 50
25 20400 6 75 550000 50
26 23700 6 76 566000 50
27 27200 6 77 582000 50
28 30900 6 78 598000 50
29 35000 6 79 614000 50
30 39500 10 80 630000 100
31 44500 10 81 648000 100
32 50000 10 82 666000 100
33 56000 10 83 684000 100
34 61500 10 84 702000 100
35 68500 10 85 720000 100
36 76000 10 86 738000 100
37 84000 10 87 756000 100
38 92500 10 88 774000 100
39 101500 10 89 792000 100
40 110000 20 90 810000 200
41 120000 20 91 830000 200
42 130000 20 92 850000 200
43 140000 20 93 870000 200
44 150000 20 94 890000 200
45 160000 20 95 910000 200
46 170000 20 96 930000 200
47 180000 20 97 950000 200
48 190000 20 98 970000 200
49 200000 20 99 999999 200
50 210000 30

* - The HP, MP, and Hearts you start with are determined by your performance
in the intro Richter/Dracula battle. See the beginning of the
Walkthrough for details.

------------------Part V: Equipment, Item, and Enemy Lists-----------------

::: Equipment - Hands ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [HND] :::

The Hand equipment is the largest category of items in the game. It
contains such important items as weapons, shields, medicine, and food. Your
Hand list will fill up quickly; but there is a sort feature that the manual
neglects to mention. When you first enter the Equip screen, highlight
either the left or right hand and push Triangle. A list of item types will
appear on the right side of the screen. Choose one. Your entire inventory
will be sorted by category, and the category you chose will appear first.
The MAT stat listed for weapons is that weapon's maximum attack value.
Instead of simply adding a constant ATT bonus, most weapons will change
their ATT bonuses depending on Alucard's STR stat and the MAT. Consult
the Mechanics section for more details.
(Note that the ATT bonuses from the Badelaire, Muramasa, and Sword
Familiar are handled differently. Look them up below for more
Unless otherwise noted, special weapon attacks have the same elemental
attribute as their parent weapon.

* Bomb *

Bombs have a nasty effect on all onscreen enemies.

Bat Pentagram Type: Bomb
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 99 Hit DEF +0
Damages all enemies [use]
Drop: Ctulhu
Find: Reverce Caverns
Karma Coin Type: Bomb
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 50 Hit DEF +0
Coin with 2 effects [use]
- Heads: Angel appears for a limited time and Soul Steals all on-screen
enemies or Candles.
- Tails: Lightning blast hits directly where the coin lands.
Drop: Fire Warg, Orobourous
Find: Catacombs, Floating Catacombs, Reverse Clock Tower
Neutron Bomb Type: Bomb
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 30 Hit DEF +0
Damages all enemies [use]
Drop: Cave Troll, Plate Lord
Find: Forbidden Library
Pentagram Type: Bomb
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 50 Hit DEF +0
Damages all enemies [use]
Drop: Ctulhu, Diplocephalus, Spellbook, Wraith [Saturn version only]
Find: Clock Tower, Underground Caverns
Power of Sire Type: Bomb
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 40 Hit DEF +0
Damages all enemies [use]
- The picture appears to be of the real Vlad Tepes, upon whom Bram Stoker
based his character of Dracula.
Find: Abandoned Mine, Cave

* Club *

Clubs are good against enemies that are strong vs. Cut, such as the
various Lords. I believe Clubs do Hit type damage. Check out the Shield
Rod for some really sick attacks.

Holy rod Type: Club
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 12 Holy DEF +0
Anointed rod
- B, F + Attack: Does slightly more damage. (MAT 27)
Find: Long Library
Mace Type: Club
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 9 Hit DEF +0
Iron cudgel
Buy: Long Library ($2000)
Moon rod Type: Club
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 17 Hit DEF +0
Rod with lunar markings
- D, DF, F + Attack: Creates four crescent blades which rush forward.
(MAT 35; 4 MP)
Find: Reverse Clock Tower
Morningstar Type: Club
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 11 Hit DEF +0
Spiked iron club
Drop: Flail Guard
Find: Royal Chapel
Shield Rod Type: Club
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 11 Hit DEF +2
Extra effective with shield.
- MAT 16 if shield equipped.
- Shields add an extra DEF +2 when Shield Rod is equipped (in addition to
the DEF+2 the rod itself gives).
- B, F + Attack: Creates shield (from Gradius, no less) that blocks enemy
- Square + Circle: Does attack based on shield equipped. See Shields for
Find: Colosseum
Star Flail Type: Club
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 15 Hit DEF +0
Flail with spiked balls
- B, F + Attack: Does slightly more damage. (MAT 35)
Find: Clock Tower

* Fist *

Fists do short-ranged Hit type damage. All fist weapons have the
following special attack:

- Jump, DB or DF + Attack: Kick (same MAT as equipped weapon)

All fist weapons except the Blue knuckles have the following special attack:

- Hold Attack: Alucard's elbow will cause rapid, multiple hits to anything
at extremely close range. (Note: the Empty Hand will only do two hits in
this manner.) (Same MAT as equipped weapon)

Blue knuckles Type: Fist
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 8 Hit DEF +0
Knuckles for uppercut-use
Drop: Toad
Empty Hand (unarmed) Type: Fist
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 Hit DEF +0
- Do you have the MAD SKILLZ necessary to beat the game using only this
weapon? :)
Fist of Tulkas Type: Fist
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 38 Hit DEF +5
Blessed by Tulkas the Valar
- D, DF, F + Attack: Fireball (MAT 40 Fire)
- B, F + Attack: Punching flurry (MAT 70; can be done in mid-air; push any
direction except the direction you are facing to cancel)
Drop: Lion
Iron Fist Type: Fist
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 26 Hit DEF +0
Owned by Karate master
- D, DF, F + Attack: Alucard goes into a punching flurry. (MAT 40)
Drop: Werewolf
Jewel knuckles Type: Fist
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 21 Hit DEF +0
Jewel reinforced knuckles
Drop: Rock Knight
Find: Outer Wall
Knuckle duster Type: Fist
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 1 Hit DEF +0
Iron studded brass knuckles
Drop: Frog
Find: Underground Caverns

* Food *

The various Food items restore HP. When you find them, they go into your
inventory for later use. Warning: Playing Symphony of the Night for
extended periods of time can make one very hungry. I wonder if Konami has
the recipe for a Castlevania Pot Roast. :)

Apple Type: Food
Crunchy delicious apple [use]
- Heals 9 HP.
Drop: Harpy, Jinnunja [Saturn version only]
Banana Type: Food
Best when nearly rotten [use]
- Heals 7 HP.
Drop: Hitotorisou [Saturn version only], Skeleton Ape
Barley tea Type: Food
Cool barley tea [use]
- Heals 15 HP.
Drop: Ouija Table
Find: Abandoned Mine
Cheese Type: Food
Delicious cheese [use]
- Heals 18 HP.
Drop: Flea Man
Find: Olrox's Quarters
Cheesecake Type: Food
With chocolate chips [use]
- Heals 14 HP.
Drop: Hunting Girl
Chinese Bun Type: Food
Vegetable steamed bun [use]
- Heals 10 HP. Meal ticket only.
Curry rice Type: Food
Cooked with coconut milk [use]
- Heals 28 HP. Meal ticket only.
Delicious Meal Type: Food
Full Course (5 [insert Japanese I can't read here]) [use]
- Heals 75 HP.
Found: Reverse Cursed Prison (Saturn version only)
Dim Sum set Type: Food
3 Dim Sum dishes [use]
- Heals 30 HP.
Find: Reverse Outer Wall
Frankfurter Type: Food
Local favorite [use]
- Heals 19 HP.
Drop: Flying Zombie
Find: Castle Keep, Long Library
Grape juice Type: Food
Sparkling juice [use]
- Heals 20 HP.
Find: Royal Chapel
Grapes Type: Food
Juicy seedless grapes [use]
- Heals 5 HP.
Drop: Thornweed
Green tea Type: Food
Japanese green tea [use]
- Heals 10 HP.
Drop: Dark Octopus, Tombstone
Find: Cave, Colosseum
Gyros plate Type: Food
With fries [use]
- Heals 29 HP. Meal ticket only.
Ham and eggs Type: Food
Increases cholesterol [use]
- Heals 22 HP.
Drop: Bone Halberd, Flea Rider
Hamburger Type: Food
100% US Grade A [use]
- Heals 20 HP. Meal ticket only. (Of course, since this game takes place in
1796, the US has only existed for 20 years. I don't think the USDA
existed in 1796. Oh, never mind.)
Ice Cream Type: Food
3-layer ice cream [use]
- Heals 15 HP.
Drop: Frozen Shade
Lunch A Type: Food
Lunch set A [use]
- Heals 25 HP.
Drop: Tin man
Lunch B Type: Food
Lunch set B [use]
- Heals 26 HP. Meal ticket only.
Meal ticket Type: Food (sorta)
Mystery food ticket [use]
- Causes a random food item to appear. Some foods only appear by using
Buy: Long Library ($2000)
Drop: Black Panther, Stone Rose
Find: Black Marble Gallery, Reverce Caverns, Underground Caverns
Miso soup Type: Food
Japanese miso soup [use]
- Heals 20 HP.
Drop: Grave Keeper
Morning set Type: Food
Eggs, toast and coffee [use]
- Heals 24 HP.
Drop: Ouija Table
Natou Type: Food
Smelly fermented soybean [use]
- Heals 32 HP.
Drop: Grave Keeper
Omelette Type: Food
Western omelette [use]
- Heals 23 HP. Meal ticket only.
Orange Type: Food
Japanese tangerine [use]
- Heals 6 HP. Meal ticket only in PSX versions.
Drop: Gardener [Saturn version only]
Parfait Type: Food
With whipped cream [use]
- Heals 16 HP. Meal ticket only.
Peanuts Type: Food
Difficult to eat [use]
- Heals 50 HP. When used, peanut is thrown high into air. Get under it and
hold Up to eat. (Who says you shouldn't play with your food?)
Drop: Gardener [Saturn version only]
Find: Abandoned Mine, Reverce Caverns
Pineapple Type: Food
Tart southern fruit [use]
- Heals 8 HP. Meal ticket only.
Pizza Type: Food
New York style! [use]
- Heals 21 HP.
Drop: Frog, Toad
Pork bun Type: Food
Chinese pork bun [use]
- Heals 17 HP.
Drop: Blue Raven
Find: Catacombs
Pot Roast Type: Food
Castlevania pot roast [use]
- Heals 50 HP.
Drop: Flail Guard
Find: Castle Keep, Clock Tower, Entrance, Outer Wall, Reverce Caverns,
Reverse Clock Tower, Underground Caverns
Pudding Type: Food
A la mode [use]
- Heals 17 HP. Meal ticket only.
Ramen Type: Food
Chinese ramen noodles [use]
- Heals 30 HP.
Drop: Schmoo
Red bean bun Type: Food
Chinese red bean bun [use]
- Heals 12 HP.
Drop: Black Crow
Find: Floating Catacombs
Rotten Meal Type: Food
- Causes poison. Heals 1 HP if Topaz Circlet equipped.
Find: Cursed Prison (Saturn version only)
Shiitake Type: Food
Japanese mushroom [use]
- Heals 30 HP
Find: Abandoned Mine, Cave, Reverce Caverns, Underground Caverns
Shortcake Type: Food
Strawberry shortcake [use]
-Heals 11 HP.
Drop: Salem Witch
Sirloin Type: Food
Sirloin steak [use]
- Heals 100 HP.
Drop: Lossoth, Minotaur
Find: Castle Keep
Spaghetti Type: Food
Spaghetti Carbonara [use]
- Heals 27 HP. Meal ticket only.
Strawberry Type: Food
Ripe red strawberry [use]
- Heals 10 HP.
Drop: Thornweed
Sushi Type: Food
Toro, ebi, tamago [use]
- Heals 100 HP.
Drop: Dark Octopus, Killer Fish
Tart Type: Food
Strawberry tart [use]
- Heals 12 HP.
Drop: Diplocephalus
Toadstool Type: Food
Poisonous mushroom [use]
- Causes Poison. Heals 1 HP if Topaz Circlet equipped.
Find: Reverce Caverns, Underground Caverns
Turkey Type: Food
Roast turkey [use]
- Heals 80 HP.
Drop: Flea Rider
Find: Abandoned Mine, Castle Keep, Entrance

* Medicine *

An important type of item in CSOTN. Use medicines when your HP are low,
or you've got a nasty status condition, or if you want to increase your
attributes. Notice that these are all [use] items, which means you have
a limited supply.
The effect of stat-boosting and protection-granting potions lasts for
about 81.92 seconds.

Antivenom Type: Medicine
Cures poisoning [use]
Buy: Long Library ($200)
Drop: Bone Pillar, Corpseweed, Ghost, Jinnunja [Saturn version only],
Spectre [Saturn version only]
Find: Black Marble Gallery, Long Library, Underground Caverns, Reverse
Attack potion Type: Medicine
Temporarily raises ATT [use]
- Gives a ATT +20 bonus.
- Use in conjunction with the Strength Potion to get a +40 attacking bonus.
Find: Floating Catacombs, Marble Gallery
Elixir Type: Medicine
Restores all HP [use]
- Slow.
Buy: Long Library ($8000)
Find: Floating Catacombs, Reverce Caverns, Underground Caverns
Hammer Type: Medicine
Unpetrify [Familiar use only]
- Only the Faerie Familiar can use this.
Buy: Long Library ($200)
Drop: Gargoyle [Reverse Prison; Saturn version only], Gorgon, Hammer
Find: Marble Gallery, Reverse Entrance, Reverse Outer Wall
Heart Refresh Type: Medicine
Restores 500 hearts [use]
Drop: Archer, Blue Venus Weed, Venus Weed
Find: Black Marble Gallery, Death Wing's Lair
High potion Type: Medicine
Restores about half HP [use]
- Heals 100 HP. Slower than food items.
Buy: Long Library ($2000)
Drop: Flea Armor
Find: Death Wing's Lair, Necromancy Laboratory, Reverce Keep, Reverse
Entrance, Reverse Outer Wall
Library Card Type: Medicine (odd, but true)
Enchanted library card [use]
- These teleport you directly outside of the Master Librarian's room. Use
one when you fight Dracula to get an extra .1%
Buy: Long Library
Find: Black Marble Gallery, Catacombs, Colosseum, Floating Catacombs,
Forbidden Library, Marble Gallery, Reverce Keep
Life apple Type: Medicine
Heals [familiar use only]
- If Faerie Familiar is active, these revive you if you die.
Drop: Harpy
Find: Cave, Entrance, Marble Gallery, Reverse Clock Tower
Luck potion Type: Medicine
Temporarily raises LCK [use]
- Gives a LCK +20 bonus.
Drop: Bitterfly, Imp
Find: Death Wing's Lair, Olrox's Quarters, Reverse Outer Wall
Manna prism Type: Medicine
Restores all MP [use]
Buy: Long Library ($4000)
Drop: Ectoplasm, Salome, Spectre [Saturn version only], Will O' Wisp [Saturn
version only]
Find: Anti-Chapel, Death Wing's Lair, Necromancy Laboratory, Olrox's
Quarters, Reverce Caverns
Potion Type: Medicine
Restores some HP [use]
- Restores 50 HP. Slower than Food items, though.
Buy: Long Library ($800)
Drop: Bat, Corpseweed, Will O'Wisp [Saturn version only]
Find: Alchemy Laboratory, Black Marble Gallery, Long Library, Marble
Gallery, Reverce Caverns, Royal Chapel
Resist Dark Type: Medicine
Resistance to darkness [use]
Drop: Karasuman, Phantom Skull
Find: Black Marble Gallery, Castle Keep, Necromancy Laboratory
Resist fire Type: Medicine
Brief resistance to fire [use]
Drop: Gremlin
Find: Floating Catacombs, Forbidden Library, Olrox's Quarters, Reverce Keep
Resist holy Type: Medicine
Resistance to holy [use]
Find: Castle Keep
Resist ice Type: Medicine
Brief resistance to ice [use]
Drop: Fishhead
Find: Forbidden Library, Reverce Keep, Underground Caverns
Resist stone Type: Medicine
Resistance to stone [use]
Drop: Gargoyle [Cursed Prison; Saturn version only], Medusa Head [either
Find: Castle Keep, Forbidden Library, Reverce Keep
Resist thunder Type: Medicine
Resistance to lightning [use]
Find: Alchemy Laboratory, Floating Catacombs, Reverce Keep
Sain Irishitajiki Type: Medicine
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
Getto daze!!
- Goofy picture of Alucard that apparently has no use. Quite why this is in
the "Medicine" category is anyone's guess...
Find: Underground Gardens (Saturn version only)
Shield potion Type: Medicine
Temporarily raises DEF [use]
- Gives a DEF +20 bonus.
Drop: Skeleton
Find: Death Wing's Lair, Floating Catacombs, Reverse Outer Wall
Smart potion Type: Medicine
Temporarily raises INT [use]
- Gives a INT +20 bonus.
Drop: Marionette
Find: Reverse Clock Tower
Str. potion Type: Medicine
Temporarily raises STR [use]
- Gives a STR +20 bonus.
Drop: Wereskeleton
Find: Royal Chapel, Reverse Clock Tower
Uncurse Type: Medicine
Removes curse [use]
Buy: Long Library ($200)
Drop: Ectoplasm
Find: Long Library

* Shields *

Equipping shields can increase your overall defense, and using them can
block some attacks. Some shields can be used as weapons, too.
When equipped with the Shield Rod, all shields have a combo attack that
is activated by pressing both attack buttons at once. The effect that each
shield produces is described in the shield list below. Shield Rod Combo
effects that affect Alucard somehow (like the stat boosters, protection
granters, or the Alucard Shield combo) last for about 81.92 seconds.

Alucard shield Type: Shield
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT =0 DEF +5
Strong vs. all attacks
- Shield Rod Combo: After the "circle of shields" animation, the Alucard
Shield gains the ability to damage enemies a la the Dark or Medusa
Shield. The difference being that the Alucard Shield will have an ATT of
255 Hit, and hitting an enemy will cause Alucard to gain a heart, soul
steal from the enemy (like the Mourneblade), and gain invincibility for 3
seconds. (20 MP)
Find: Reverce Caverns
Alucart shield Type: Shield
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT =0 DEF +0
Resembles family shield
- Equip along with the Alucart mail and Alucart sword for a LCK +30 bonus.
This also puts you in "alucart" status, which has no effects that I know
- Shield Rod Combo: Nothing happens? (10 MP)
Find: Marble Gallery
AxeLord Shield Type: Shield
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT =0 DEF +3
Favorite shield of Axe Lords
- Shield Rod Combo: Summons AxeLord. (MAT 20 Hit; 20 MP)
Drop: Axe Knight
Dark Shield Type: Shield
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 10 Hit DEF +3
Unholy dark shield
- Shield Rod Combo: A Demonic Head appears and the screen darkens. Waves of
meteors will start to rise up to damage enemies. When the screen darkens,
you are totally invincible, yet free to move after a while. Once the
first wave of meteors rise, your invincibility ends. It is hard to gauge
when the invincibility will end. (MAT 30 Hit; 30 MP)
Drop: Malachi, Wight [Saturn version only]
Fire Shield Type: Shield
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT =0 DEF +4 Fire
Shield with fire properties
- Grants immunity to Fire attacks.
- Shield Rod Combo: Summons Gradius-style Fire Dragons that attack for fire
based damage. (MAT 70 Fire; 50 MP)
Drop: Fire Demon
Goddess shield Type: Shield
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT =0 DEF +4
Engraved with goddess image
- Shield Rod Combo: Grants protection from Dark. (40 MP)
Find: Necromancy Laboratory
Herald Shield Type: Shield
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT =0 DEF +4
Shield with heart crest
- Any attack blocked by the Herald Shield gives Alucard 1 heart.
- Shield Rod Combo: Grants protection from Fire and Thunder. (10 MP)
Find: Underground Caverns
Iron Shield Type: Shield
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT =0 DEF +2
Hard iron shield
- Any attack blocked by the Iron Shield gives Alucard about 4 seconds of
- Shield Rod Combo: Summons two giant swords that attack all onscreen
enemies. (MAT 40 Hit; 20 MP)
Buy: Long Library ($3980)
Drop: Winged Guard
Knight Shield Type: Shield
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT =0 DEF +2
Armored knight's shield
- Shield Rod Combo: Gives a temporary ATT +20 bonus. (10 MP)
Drop: Shield (Spectral Sword [Anti-Chapel]), Slinger
Find: Colosseum
Leather Shield Type: Shield
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT =0 DEF +1
Leather shield - low DEF
- Shield Rod Combo: Gives a temporary DEF +20 bonus. (10 MP)
Buy: Long Library ($400)
Drop: Slinger, Stone Rose
Find: Alchemy Laboratory
Medusa Shield Type: Shield
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 13 Stone DEF +1 Stone
Gorgon headed shield
- Shield Rod Combo: Summons Medusa head that fires a homing laser blast.
(MAT 0 Hit; 30 MP)
Drop: Medusa Head (either color)
Shaman Shield Type: Shield
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT =0 DEF +4
Shield used in magic ritual
- Shield Rod Combo: Gives a temporary INT +20 bonus (10 MP)
Find: Clock Tower
Skull Shield Type: Shield
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT =0 DEF +4
Shield with Knight's crest
- Shield Rod Combo: Evil-looking skull thing fires a laser straight ahead.
(MAT 100 Hit; 40 MP)
Drop: Bone Ark, Skull Lord, Wight [Saturn version only], Yorick
Woodland Shield Type: Shield
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT =0 DEF +3
- Shield Rod Combo: Vine appears, then homes in and latches on to random
target, hitting multiple times and briefly immobilizing target.
(MAT 30 Hit; 30 MP)
Drop: Hitotorisou (Saturn version only)

* Short Swords *

Short swords are, well, short. They are generally quicker than their
larger counterparts. They do short ranged Cut type damage.

Astral Dagger Type: Short Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 12 Cut DEF +0
- D, DF, F + Attack: Homes in on random target. (MAT 10)
Find: Cursed Prison (Saturn version only)
Basilard Type: Short Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 1 Cut DEF +0
Basic short sword
- B, F + Attack: Slashes for slightly more damage. Can be done in mid-air
(MAT 5)
Drop: Bloody Zombie
Find: Alchemy Laboratory
Combat knife Type: Short Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 24 Cut DEF +0
Flat combat dagger
- Attack, Attack: Stab and slash combo
- B, F + Attack: Slash attack. (MAT 15)
- Use while holding out a shield and the stab and slash combo won't occur.
This turns the Combat knife into a more powerful version of the Basilard.
Drop: Gurkha
Find: Abandoned Mine
Holbein dagger Type: Short Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 6 Cut DEF +0
Swift upper diagonal attack
- Weak, but equip 2, jam alternatively on both Attack buttons, and you
have a short ranged poor man's Crissaegrim.
Drop: Lesser Demon
Jewel Sword Type: Short Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 15 Cut DEF +0
Transforms enemies into jewels
- Well, the game description should be self-explanatory, but it has been
suggested that I elaborate, so I will. Using this sword make enemies drop
various Jewels, regardless of whether or not they would normally do so.
Usually you'll get Zircons, but more valuable jewels can be obtained. Yes,
you can even get Diamonds, but that does not happen very often.
- D, DF, F + Attack: Creates up to eight $1 coins.
- SATURN VERSION ONLY: You can get an additional ATT bonus by equipping
jewels as well as the Jewel Sword, as follows:

Zircon: ATT +1
Aquamarine: ATT +3
Turquoise: ATT +6
Onyx: ATT +10
Garnet: ATT +16
Opal: ATT +23
Diamond: ATT +32

Drop: Discus Lord
Find: Entrance
Rapier Type: Short Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 7 Cut DEF +0
Long bladed sword
- Actually has good range.
- D, DF, F + Attack: Alucard goes into stabbing flurry. Think Charlotte's
Splash Fount from Samurai Shodown. (MAT 15)
Drop: Armor Lord, Dhuron
Short Sword Type: Short Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 2 Cut DEF +0
Common short sword
Drop: Bone Scimitar
Shotel Type: Short Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 20 Cut DEF +0
Abyssinian curved sword
- D, DF, F + Attack: Throws Shotel as if it were a Throw 1 type weapon.
(MAT 20)
Drop: Blade Master
Find: Reverse Outer Wall
Stone Sword Type: Short Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT +1 Stone DEF +0
May "petrify" enemies...
- If you hit something and it freezes, you've petrified it. Hit it again to
destroy it.
Drop: Gorgon
Were Bane Type: Short Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 18 Cut DEF +0
Effective against werebeasts
- D, DF, F + Attack: More Charlottesque swordplay. (MAT 40)
Drop: Hunting Girl

* Swords *

One-handed swords (Einhaender? Oops, wrong FAQ...) are your standard
weapons in CSOTN. While the two-handed swords are generally more powerful,
the regular swords are quicker. Besides, you can use a shield with a sword
to help improve defense.
Swords are generally medium-to-long ranged, and do Cut type damage.

Alucard sword Type: Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 42 Cut DEF +0
Mother's family heirloom
- D, DF, F + Attack - Teleport forward, slash twice, return to original
position. (MAT 50; 5 MP)
Find: Cave
Alucart sword Type: Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 2 Cut DEF +0
Resembles family sword
- Equip along with the Alucart mail and Alucart shield for a LCK +30
bonus. This also puts you in "alucart" status, which has no effects
that I know of.
Find: Marble Gallery
Badelaire Type: Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +Variant Cut DEF +0
Power increases with game play
- The Badelaire gives one point of ATT for every full hour you have played
the game.
Find: Forbidden Library
Bastard Sword Type: Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 20 Cut DEF +0
Standard sword
Drop: Spectral Sword [Royal Chapel], Spectral Sword [Olrox's Quarters]
Find: Reverce Keep
Bekatowa Type: Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 14 Cut DEF +0
Plain, easy-to-use war sword
Drop: Sword Lord
Find: Clock Tower
Broadsword Type: Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 12 Cut DEF +0
Simple mercenary's sword
Drop: Spectral Sword [Royal Chapel], Spectral Sword [Olrox's Quarters]
Find: Olrox's Quarters
Crissaegrim Type: Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 36 Cut DEF +1
Countless blades dice enemy
- Hits four times with each attack, incredible range, and has no recovery
Drop: Schmoo
Cutlass Type: Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 7 Cut DEF +0
Sword of the English Navy
Drop: Sword Lord, Corner Guard, Owl Knight
Find: Royal Chapel
Damascus sword Type: Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 17 Cut DEF +0
Fine sword honed to razor-edge
Buy: Long Library ($4000)
Drop: Corner Guard
Dark Blade Type: Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 35 Cut DEF +2
Sword forged by elves
Find: Reverce Caverns
Falchion Type: Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 10 Cut DEF +0
Norman curved sword
Find: Castle Keep
Firebrand Type: Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 25 Fire DEF +0
- D, DF, F + Attack: Sword gathers fire energy which damages nearby
enemies, then slashes for slightly more damage. (MAT 40; 5 MP)
Fire sword of Oberon
Buy: Long Library ($10000)
Drop: Lossoth
Gladius Type: Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 3 Cut DEF +0
Sword of ancient Rome
Find: Outer Wall
Gram Type: Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 30 Cut DEF +0
The sword named Gram
Find: Reverce Colosseum
Gurthang Type: Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 25 Cut DEF +1
Gets stronger when bloodied
- Does double damage when Alucard is in Dark Metamorphosis.
- D, DF, F + Attack - A normal slash, except Alucard will be in a temporary
state of Dark Metamorphosis for the duration of the slash. The double
damage bonus mentioned above does not apply to this special move (MAT
Drop: Spectral Sword [Anti-Chapel]
Harper Type: Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 28 Cut DEF +0
The sword named Harper
Buy: Long Library ($12000)
Holy sword Type: Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 26 Holy DEF +0
Cross hilt - strong vs. undead
- D, DF, F + Attack: Flashing attack. (MAT 35; 5 MP)
Drop: Vandal Sword
Find: Colosseum
Hunter sword Type: Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 20 Cut DEF -1
Ivory handled hunting sword
Drop: Blade
Icebrand Type: Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 25 Ice DEF +0
Ice sword of Mim
- D, DF, F + Attack: Sword gathers ice energy, then attacks for slightly
more damage. (MAT 40; 5 MP)
Buy: Long Library ($10000)
Drop: Fishhead
Find: Catacombs
Luminus Type: Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 26 Cut DEF +0
Sword forged by elves
Find: Reverse Clock Tower
Mablung Sword Type: Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 39 Cut DEF +2
Spirit sword - improves DEF
- Circle + Square: Does a Shield Rod Combo. See Shield section for further
Drop: Spectral Sword [Anti-Chapel]
Marsil Type: Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 33 Fire DEF +1
Powerful sword of flame
- D, DF, F + Attack: Massive fire energy causes damage to nearby enemies,
then more powerful slash. (MAT 60; 5 MP)
Drop: Fire Demon, Ifreet [Saturn version only]
Mormegil Type: Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 25 Dark DEF +0
Black sword - strong vs. holy
Find: Catacombs
Mourneblade Type: Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 36 Cut DEF +1
Feeds upon enemy's souls
- Soul Steals on contact with enemies or candles.
Drop: Azaghal
Saber Type: Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 9 Cut DEF +0
Light cavalry sword
Buy: Long Library ($1500)
Drop: Armor Lord, Magic Tome
Scimitar Type: Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 5 Cut DEF +0
Drop: Skull Lord
Find: Underground Caverns
Sword Familiar Type: Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +Variant Cut DEF +0
Sentient sword familiar
- Attack bonus equal to current level of Sword Familiar.
Find: Olrox's Quarters; Sword Familiar becomes usable as weapon at level
Sword of Hador
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 24 Cut DEF +0
House of Hador heirloom
Find: Death Wing's Lair
Talwar Type: Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 22 Cut DEF +0
Curved Indian sword
Find: Anti-Chapel
Terminus Est Type: Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 32 Poison DEF +2
Poisoned executioner's sword
- Name means "It is finished" in Latin.
Drop: Nova Skeleton
Thunderbrand Type: Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT +25 Thunder DEF +0
Lightning sword of Indra
- D, DF, F + Attack: Thunderbrand gathers Lightning energy and slashes for
slightly more damage. (MAT 40; 5 MP)
Buy: Long Library ($10000)
Tyrfing Type: Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT -30 Null DEF +0
Cursed dark sword
- This sword is strange. It seems to do no elemental damage whatsoever,
although it causes the green flash animation of a Dark elemental
weapon. (Saturn players will notice that the Spectres will absorb hits
from the Tyrfing. Spectres absorb Hit, Cut, Dark and Curse elemental
attacks. However, using the Tyrfing against other enemies with
weaknesses or strengths against these attacks will show that it does
none of these kinds of damages. Stranger and stranger...)
Find: Castle Keep
Vorpal blade Type: Sword
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 25 Cut DEF +0
Slices cleanly through enemies
- Similiar to the Crissaegrim, only weaker and hits only once per attack.
Drop: Archer

* Throw 1 *

The Throw 1 category contain long-ranged weapons that can be used over
and over again. These are some pretty cool weapons, so try to pick them
up if you can (and are patient enough.)

Chakram Type: Throw 1
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 15 Cut DEF +0
Sikh steel throwing ring
- Can throw two at a time.
- Hold F and press Attack: Chakram travels farther.
Drop: Discus Lord
Heaven sword Type: Throw 1
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 21 Cut DEF -2
Enchanted throwing sword
- Hold F and press Attack: Heaven sword travels farther.
- Equip two Heaven swords, then press Circle + Square: Creates semi-circle
of swords, which rush forward. It is not necessary to duck while using
this move (as was previously reported), but it is much easier to do
that way. (5 MP; MAT 50)
Drop: Cloaked Knight
Runesword Type: Throw 1
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 40 Cut DEF -4
Flying rune-inscribed sword.
- When used, the sword leaves a trail in which the word "verboten" is
inscribed. This means "forbidden" in German.
Drop: Dodo Bird

* Throw 2 *

Throw 2 weapons are generally very powerful, but can only be used once,
unless you have the Duplicator.

Boomerang Type: Throw 2
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 30 Hit DEF +0
Anti-aerial weapon [use]
Buy: Long Library ($500)
Drop: Skelerang
Find: Anti-Chapel, Royal Chapel
Buffalo Star Type: Throw 2
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 90 Cut DEF +0
Razor-sharp master star [use]
Buy: Long Library ($8000)
Drop: Ghost Dancer
Find: Floating Catacombs, Reverce Colosseum
Bwaka Knife Type: Throw 2
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 30 Cut DEF +0
Bwaka throwing knife [use]
Buy: Long Library ($400)
Drop: Poltergeist (Spectral Sword [Olrox's Quarters])
Find: Anti-Chapel, Clock Tower, Reverse Clock Tower
Cross shuriken Type: Throw 2
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 70 Cut DEF +0
Powerful throwing star [use]
Buy: Long Library ($5000)
Drop: Blade Master
Find: Catacombs
Dynamite Type: Throw 2
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 100 Fire DEF +0
Powerful! Be careful... [use]
- On occasion you'll throw a dud that does a whopping 1 damage if it
manages to hit something.
Drop: Bomb Knight
Fire Boomerang Type: Throw 2
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 50 Fire DEF +0
Flaming boomerang [use]
Buy: Long Library ($1000)
Drop: Skelerang
Find: Anti-Chapel, Reverse Entrance
Flame Star Type: Throw 2
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 100 Fire DEF +0
Flaming throwing star [use]
Buy: Long Library ($15000)
Drop: Jack O'Bones
Iron Ball Type: Throw 2
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 60 Hit DEF +0
Plate Lord's iron ball [use]
Drop: Plate Lord, Skull (Yorick), Spiked Ball (Bone Pillar)
Find: Black Marble Gallery, Olrox's Quarters, Reverce Keep
Javelin Type: Throw 2
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 50 Cut DEF +0
Throwing spear [use]
Buy: Long Library ($800)
Drop: Bone Halberd, Scarecrow, Spear (Spectral Sword [Anti-Chapel]), Spear
Guard, Winged Guard
Find: Anti-Chapel
Magic Missile Type: Throw 2
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 30 Cut DEF +0
Shoots a magic arrow [use]
Buy: Long Library ($300)
Drop: Bone Archer, Bone Musket, Sniper of Goth
Find: Anti-Chapel, Clock Tower, Floating Catacombs, Reverse Clock Tower,
Royal Chapel
Monster vial 1 Type: Throw 2
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 40 Hit DEF +0
Summons merman ally [use]
Drop: Merman
Monster vial 2 Type: Throw 2
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 25 Hit DEF +0
Summons bat ally [use]
Drop: Bat
Monster vial 3 Type: Throw 2
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 30 Hit DEF +0
Summons skeleton ally [use]
Drop: Bone Ark, Nova Skeleton, Skeleton, Yorick
Find: Catacombs
Shuriken Type: Throw 2
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 50 Cut DEF +0
Japanese throwing star [use]
Buy: Long Library ($2400)
Drop: Flying Zombie, Jack O'Bones
Find: Anti-Chapel, Clock Tower, Death Wing's Lair, Royal Chapel, Reverse
Clock Tower
TNT Type: Throw 2
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 60 Fire DEF +0
Creates pillar of flame [use]
Drop: Bomb Knight, Skeleton Ape
Find: Anti-Chapel, Clock Tower, Royal Chapel, Reverse Clock Tower

* Two-handed *

Two-handed equipment are generally slower than their one-handed
counterparts. Also, you can't use a shield when using a two-handed weapon,
so your defense won't be quite as good.

Alucard Spear Type: Two-hand
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 28 Cut DEF +0
- B, F + Attack: Dashing attack. Can be done in mid-air. (MAT 50; 7 MP)
- D, DF, F + Attack: Short range flurry of spear thrusts. (MAT 20; 7 MP)
Find: Hell Garden (Saturn version only)
Claymore Type: Two-hand
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 26 Cut DEF +0
Scotch two-handed sword
- B, F + Attack: Dash Attack. Can be done in mid-air. (MAT 44; 5 MP)
Drop: Valhalla Knight
Find: Underground Caverns
Double Blade Axe Type: Two-hand
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 42 Cut DEF +0
Drop: Gargoyle [Reverse Cursed Prison] (Saturn version only)
Estoc Type: Two-hand
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 39 Cut DEF +0
German thrust sword [2 hand]
- Always does dash attack; cannot attack low.
Drop: Valhalla Knight
Find: Olrox's Quarters
Flamberge Type: Two-hand
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 31 Cut DEF +0
Flame-edged sword [2 hand]
- B, F + Attack: Dash Attack. Can be done in mid-air. (MAT 56; 5 MP)
Drop: Cloaked Knight
Great Sword Type: Two-hand
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 65 Cut DEF +0
Greatsword of Aubec [2]
Drop: Guardian
Katana Type: Two-hand
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 32 Cut DEF +0
Unsigned katana [2 hand]
- D, DF, F + Attack: Does rapid short-ranged slashes not unlike the Holbein
Dagger. Finish the move with DF + Attack instead to aim the slashes
downward. (MAT 50)
Drop: Tombstone
Find: Necromancy Laboratory
Masamune Type: Two-hand
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 90 Cut DEF -30
Legendary Masamune katana [2]
- D, DF, F + Attack: Extremely powerful teleport attack. (MAT 200)
Drop: Black Panther
Muramasa Type: Two-hand
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +/-Variant Curse DEF -4
Bloodthirsty sword [2 hand]
- Puts Alucard into a permanent state of Dark Metamorphosis.
- Attack power increases as Alucard absorbs blood with Muramasa equipped.
I'm not sure of the exact formula for how the Muramasa's ATT increases,
but I do know that as its ATT increases, the number of absorptions
necessary to further strengthen the Muramasa increases. I believe the
formula is (2*Muramasa's current ATT) + 12.
- In other words, absorb twice for an ATT of -4, four additional times for
-3, six additional times for -2, etc.
- Animation and range change when Muramasa can do more than 30 damage
(taking into account its natural power as well as STR and ATT bonuses
from potions, Rings of Varda, or other similar accessories).
- On rare occasions, the Muramasa will hit with Alucard's unarmed ATT.
- Glitch? At high ATT values, the Muramasa seems not to gain a point of
attack power when it should, and instead gets a +2 bonus down the road.
Drop: Scarecrow, Vandal Sword, Wraith [Saturn version only]
Nakamura Type: Two-hand
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT -5 Curse DEF +0
Poorly made sword [2 hand]
Drop: Blade Soldier
Nunchaku Type: Two-hand
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 10 Hit DEF +0
Strikes enemy twice [2 hand]
Find: Underground Caverns
Obsidian sword Type: Two-hand
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 42 Cut DEF +0
Two-handed obsidian sword
- B, F + Attack: Dash attack. Can be done in mid-air. (MAT 68; 5 MP)
Drop: Lesser Demon
Osafune katana Type: Two-hand
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 50 Cut DEF -10
Osafune-made katana
- B, F + Attack: Short-ranged rapid slashes not unlike the Holbein dagger.
Can be done in mid-air. (MAT 100)
- D, DF, F + Attack: Teleport forward and does above. (MAT 130)
Find: Reverce Caverns
Red Rust Type: Two-hand
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT -2 Curse DEF +0
Rusty red sword [2 hand]
- Occasionally "jams", as if Alucard is cursed.
Drop: Bone Scimitar
Sword of Dawn Type: Two-hand
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 27 Cut DEF +0
Summons Dawn Warriors [2]
- D, DF, F + Attack: Summons one of the following randomly (5 MP):
1) Knight: Walks for wards and attacks with long spear.
2) Armored Knight: Above with shield as well.
3) Magician: Creates meteoric fireball not unlike Dracula's.
4) Bone Magician: Hovers; creates arrows from thin air and launches them.
5) Bone Archer: Launches arrows high.
6) Bone Archer: Launches arrows low.
7) All of the above: Creates an entire legion of the above troops.
Find: Reverce Keep
Takemitsu Type: Two-hand
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 1 Hit DEF +0
Bamboo sword [2 hand]
Drop: Flea Man, Puppet Sword (Spectral Sword [chapel])
Find: Long Library
Yasutsuna Type: Two-hand
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 60 Cut DEF -20
Yasutsuna-made katana [2 hand]
- Slashes rapidly
Drop: Werewolf
Zwei hander Type: Two-hand
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
MAT 38 Cut DEF +0
German two-handed sword
- B, F + Attack: Dash Attack. Can be done in mid-air. (MAT 60; 5 MP)
Drop: Blue Venus Weed

::: Equipment - Head :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [HED] :::

The Head category contains helmets, hats, circlets, and so on. These
usually improve intelligence, and add a little defense. Try to collect as
many of the circlets as possible, since many of them absorb damage of
various types.

Ballroom mask Type: Head
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +2
Mask used at a ball
Drop: Bone Pillar
Find: Catacombs
Bandanna Type: Head
STR +0 CON +0 INT +1 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +2
Protects sensitive head parts
Find: Underground Caverns
Beryl circlet Type: Head
STR +0 CON +0 INT +10 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0 Thunder
Heals HP by lightning damage
Find: Reverse Entrance
Cat-eye circlet Type: Head
STR +0 CON +0 INT +8 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
Big HP restore by cat damage.
Find: Catacombs
Circlet Type: Head
STR +0 CON +0 INT +5 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
Buy: Long Library ($4000)
Drop: Marionette
Coral circlet Type: Head
STR +0 CON +0 INT +7 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
Immune to curses
Drop: Venus Weed
Dragon helm Type: Head
STR +4 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +4 DEF +3
Frightens enemy, lowers DEF
- Halves enemy's defense rating.
Find: Reverse Clock Tower
Felt hat Type: Head
STR +0 CON +0 INT +1 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +1
Felt hat
Drop: Phantom Skull
Goggles Type: Head
STR +0 CON +0 INT +4 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +1
Comfortable eye protection
Find: Royal Chapel
Gold circlet Type: Head
STR +0 CON +0 INT +6 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
Restores HP by holy damage
Drop: Salem Witch
Holy glasses Type: Head
STR +0 CON +0 INT +5 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +1
Sees beyond magical curses
Find: Marble Gallery
Leather hat Type: Head
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +2
Tanned leather hat
Buy: Long Library ($1000)
Opal circlet Type: Head
STR +0 CON +0 INT +10 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0 Ice
Restores HP by ice damage
Drop: Frozen Half
Ruby circlet Type: Head
STR +0 CON +0 INT +10 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0 Fire
Restores HP by fire damage
Find: Floating Catacombs
Silver crown Type: Head
STR +0 CON +0 INT +12 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
Increases intelligence
Buy: Long Library ($12000)
Steel helm Type: Head
STR +0 CON +0 INT +1 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +3
Standard adventurer's helm
Find: Clock Tower
Stone mask Type: Head
STR +0 CON +0 INT +4 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +2
Ancient ceremonial stone mask
Drop: Ghost Dancer
Find: Long Library
Sunglasses Type: Head
STR +0 CON +0 INT -1 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +1
Cool looking sunglasses
Find: Alchemy Laboratory
Topaz circlet Type: Head
STR +0 CON +0 INT +10 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0 Poison
Restores HP by poison damage
Find: Long Library
Velvet Hat Type: Head
STR +0 CON +0 INT +2 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +1
Velvet Hat
Buy: Long Library ($400)
Wizard Hat Type: Head
STR +1 CON +1 INT +7 LCK +0
ATT +1 DEF +5
Wide-brimmed for protection
Drop: Salome

::: Equipment - Body :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [BDY] :::

Armor is your main defense in this game. What more needs to be said?

Alucard mail Type: Body
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +20 Fire, Thunder, Ice
Resists fire, lightning, ice
Find: Death Wing's Lair
Alucart mail Type: Body
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +2
Resists fire, lightning, ice?
- I doubt it.
- Equip along with the Alucart sword and Alucart shield for a LCK +30
bonus. This also puts you in "alucart" status, which has no effects
that I know of.
Find: Marble Gallery
Axe Lord Armor Type: Body
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +2 DEF +15
Wearer becomes an Axe Knight
- This armor is good for a laugh, but not much else. Alucard cannot jump
very high in this Armor, and cannot transform or use spells. Attacks made
while Axe Lord Armor is equipped are considered magic attacks.
Drop: Master Librarian, Spiked Ball (Bone Pillar)
Brilliant mail Type: Body
STR +0 CON +0 INT +1 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +12
Increases sub-weapon strength
- +10 to subweapon ATT value. See Mechanics section for more details.
Drop: Sniper of Goth
Bronze cuirass Type: Body
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +3
Bronze cuirass
Drop: Axe Knight [Alchemy Laboratory]
Find: Long Library
Cloth Tunic Type: Body
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +1
Simple cloth tunic
Drop: Bloody Zombie, Zombie
Dark armor Type: Body
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +8 Dark
Impervious to evil attacks
Drop: Malachi
Diamond plate Type: Body
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +15
Diamond breastplate
Buy: Long Library ($12000)
Dracula Tunic Type: Body
STR +1 CON +1 INT +1 LCK +0
ATT +2 DEF +14
Embroidered nobleman's tunic
Drop: Master Librarian
Fire mail Type: Body
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +4 Fire
Strong vs. fire-based attacks
Drop: Gremlin, Hellfire Beast, Ifreet [Saturn version only]
Find: Castle Keep
Fury Plate Type: Body
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +1 DEF +13
DEF goes up when damage taken
- Gives temporary DEF +20 bonus when damage is taken.
Drop: Minotaur
Find: Reverce Colosseum
God's Garb Type: Body
STR +0 CON +2 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +25
Strongest of all armor
Drop: Guardian
Gold plate Type: Body
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +8
Gold breastplate
Drop: Blade, Gurkha, Hammer
Find: Clock Tower
Healing mail Type: Body
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +4
Restores HP while walking
- Restores 1 HP every three seconds, as long as you are walking.
Find: Clock Tower
Hide cuirass Type: Body
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +2
Tanned leather cuirass
Drop: Dhuron
Find: Alchemy Laboratory
Holy mail Type: Body
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +11 Holy
Strong vs. holy attacks
Find: Entrance
Ice mail Type: Body
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +8 Ice
Strong vs. ice-based attacks
Drop: Frozen Shade
Find: Clock Tower
Iron cuirass Type: Body
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +4
Iron cuirass
Buy: Long Library ($1500)
Drop: Flea Armor, Spear Guard
Lightning mail Type: Body
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +8 Thunder
Strong vs. Lightning attacks
Drop: Hellfire Beast
Find: Reverce Keep
Mirror cuirass Type: Body
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +3 Stone
Polished to resist stoning
Find: Outer Wall
Mojo mail Type: Body
STR +0 CON +0 INT +1 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +15
Increases magic attack power
- Multiplies spell and familiar ATT by 1.5. See Mechanics section for more
Drop: Tin man
Platinum mail Type: Body
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +10
Platinum breastplate
Drop: Rock Knight
Find: Castle Keep
Silver plate Type: Body
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +6
Silver breastplate
Find: Royal Chapel
Spike Breaker Type: Body
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +12
Spike-breaking armor
Find: Catacombs
Steel cuirass Type: Body
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +5
Steel cuirass
Buy: Long Library ($4000)
Walk Armor Type: Body
STR +0 CON +0 INT -5 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +Variant
DEF increases with map coverage
- DEF increases by 1 for every 60 rooms (roughly 6.369%) you cover on
your map. At 200.6% this armor will have a DEF rating of 31.
Find: Catacombs

::: Equipment - Cloaks :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [CLK] :::

Cloaks add to constitution, and are there to generally look cool. Cloaks
do not give direct DEF bonuses; the defense increases you get from cloaks
are the result of the way CON bonuses affect DEF. See the mechanics section
for more details.

Blood Cloak Type: Cloak
STR +0 CON +4 INT +0 LCK -1
ATT +0 DEF +0
Converts damage to hearts
- Specifically, when you take damage, you restore a number of hearts equal
to the damage you just took (10 damage gives 10 hearts, for example.)
Yes, you still take the damage, and obviously you cannot end up with more
hearts than your Max Hearts stat.
Find: Colosseum
Cloth Cape Type: Cloak
STR +0 CON +1 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
Well-made but shabby looking
Find: Alchemy Laboratory
Crystal Cloak Type: Cloak
STR +0 CON +6 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
Enchanted semi-invisible cape
Find: Underground Caverns
Elven Cloak Type: Cloak
STR +0 CON +5 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
Perfect for forest camouflage
Buy: Long Library ($3000)
Joesph's Cloak Type: Cloak
STR +0 CON +9 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
Select color [System Menu]
- Unlocks "Cloak color" option under the System Menu.
Buy: Long Library ($30000)
Rainbow Colored Robe
STR +0 CON +7 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
- Randomly changes color.
Find: Clock Tower (Saturn version only)
Reverse Cloak Type: Cloak
STR +0 CON +3 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
Dual colored reversible cape.
- Unlocks "Cloak lining" option under the System Menu
Buy: Long Library ($2000)
Royal Cloak Type: Cloak
STR +0 CON +8 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
Gorgeous blue cape
Find: Reverce Keep
Twilight Cloak Type: Cloak
STR +0 CON +10 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
Black cape for vampires
Find: Anti-Chapel

::: Equipment - Accessories ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [ACC] :::

Accessories have a variety of effects, like the relics in Final Fantasy
6. You can have two equipped.

Ankh of Life Type: Accessory
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
Improves heal item power
- Increases effectiveness of healing items by a factor of 1.5. Apparently
only works with the Potion and High Potion, though. Equipping a second
Ankh has no additional effect (and is not possible anyway without
resorting to GameSharking, save hacking, or save glitching.)
Find: Royal Chapel
Aquamarine Type: Accessory
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
Fairly Valuable ring [salable]
Drop: Black Crow, Killer Fish
Find: Death Wing's Lair, Reverce Colosseum, Royal Chapel
Sell: Long Library ($800)
Bloodstone Type: Accessory
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
Improves blood-healing ability
- Absorbing blood while in Dark Metamorphosis restores 16 HP instead of 8
while this is equipped.
Find: Catacombs
Covenant stone Type: Accessory
STR +15 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
Gemstone buckle STR+15
Drop: Azaghal
Diamond Type: Accessory
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
Highly valuable ring [salable]
Find: Anti-Chapel, Floating Catacombs, Reverce Caverns, Reverse Clock Tower
Sell: Long Library ($20000)
Duplicator Type: Accessory
STR +0 CON -10 INT -10 LCK -10
ATT +0 DEF -20
Duplicates [use] items
- Allows infinite use of throw-away items. You must have a save game marked
"Clear" before the Master Librarian will sell you this.
Buy: Long Library ($500000)
Garnet Type: Accessory
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
Valuable ring [salable]
Drop: Wereskeleton
Find: Olrox's Quarters, Outer Wall, Reverce Caverns, Reverce Keep, Reverse
Outer Wall
Sell: Long Library ($5000)
Gauntlet Type: Accessory
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +5 DEF +0
Buy: Long Library ($8000)
Drop: Paranthropus, Lion
Gold Ring
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
Inscription "Wear...Clock..."
- Equip with Silver Ring at the big clock in the center of the Marble
Gallery. After the clock strikes 13, floor opens up.
Find: Underground Caverns
Heart Broach Type: Accessory
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
Reduces heart consumption
- Subweapons use 1/2 the normal heart usage if 1 Heart Broach is equipped,
or 1/3 normal usage if 2 are equipped.
Drop: Dodo Bird
King's stone Type: Accessory
STR +10 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
Gemstone buckle STR+10
Drop: Imp
Lapus Lazuli Type: Accessory
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +20
ATT +0 DEF +0
Jewel which brings luck
Drop: Orobourous
Lyric Card Type: Accessory
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
- Equip this, activate the Sprite familiar, then sit in a chair. After
some time the Sprite will sing "Nocturne", a song which was unused in
most PSX versions. (The Sprite can do this in the Japanese
"Playstation the Best" re-release, even though the Lyric Card item does
not exist in that version.)
Find: Catacombs (Saturn version only)
Medal Type: Accessory
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +1 DEF +1
Buy: Long Library ($3000)
Drop: Owl Knight
Moonstone Type: Accessory
STR +5 CON +5 INT +5 LCK +5
ATT +0 DEF +0
Improves status after sunset.
- Only gives bonus from 6 PM to 6 AM. (For Saturn players, this will be
based upon your system clock setting. For PSX players, this will be
based upon your total playing time. In any case, the Moonstone improves
stats from 0:00:00 to 5:59:59, from 18:00:00 to 29:59:59, etc.)
Find: Underground Caverns
Mystic pendant Type: Accessory
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
Increases MP restoration rate
- Doubles MP restoration rate. Equipping two has no additional effect.
Drop: Bitterfly
Find: Royal Chapel
Nauglamir Type: Accessory
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +15
Dwarf en necklace DEF+15
Drop: Cave Troll
Necklace of J Type: Accessory
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +5
Drop: Frozen Half
Find: Floating Catacombs
Onyx Type: Accessory
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
Valuable ring [salable]
Find: Long Library, Olrox's Quarters, Underground Caverns
Sell: Long Library ($3000)
Opal Type: Accessory
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
Valuable ring [salable]
Find: Death Wing's Lair, Forbidden Library, Reverce Caverns, Reverse
Sell: Long Library ($8000)
Ring of Arcana Type: Accessory
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
Increases rare item appearance
Drop: Master Librarian
Find: Necromancy Laboratory
Ring of Ares Type: Accessory
STR +24 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF -24
Confers strength of 24 men
Find: Abandoned Mine
Ring of Feanor Type: Accessory
STR +7 CON +7 INT +7 LCK +2
ATT +1 DEF +1
Increases overall strength
Drop: Karasuman
Ring of Pales Type: Accessory
STR +1 CON +1 INT +1 LCK +1
ATT +0 DEF +0
Ring with holy powers
Buy: Long Library ($4000)
Ring of Varda Type: Accessory
STR +30 CON +10 INT +30 LCK +5
ATT +10 DEF +10
Golden ring to rule over all!
- This ring is sick. Two of these plus the Crissaegrim and...
- Apparently only obtainable on "Clear" and "Replay" saves. See the
"Getting a Ring of Varda" heading under the "Misc. Alucard Tips" section
for more details.
Drop: Paranthropus
Secret Boots Type: Accessory
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
Discreetly increases height!
- Actually does increase Alucard's height slightly, but all this really
does is make him a larger target.
Find: Underground Caverns
Silver Ring Type: Accessory
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
Inscription "...in... Tower"
- Equip with Gold Ring at the big clock in the center of the Marble
Gallery. After the clock strikes 13, floor opens up.
Find: Royal Chapel
Staurolite Type: Accessory
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
Strengthens power of cross
- Increases attack power of the cross subweapon as follows: +40 for the
actual crosses, +5 for the beam of light. Equipping a second Staurolite
does grant an additional bonus, but getting a second Staurolite is not
possible without GameSharking, save hacking, or save glitching.
Find: Forbidden Library
Sunstone Type: Accessory
STR +5 CON +5 INT +5 LCK +5
ATT +0 DEF +0
Improves status after sunrise
- Only gives bonus from 6 AM to 6 PM. (For Saturn players, this will be
based upon your system clock setting. For PSX players, this will be
based upon your total playing time. In any case, the Moonstone improves
stats from 6:00:00 to 17:59:59, from 30:00:00 to 41:59:59, etc.)
Find: Reverse Clock Tower
Talisman Type: Accessory
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
May absorb damage taken
Drop: Bone Musket
Find: Reverse Entrance
Turquoise Type: Accessory
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
Fairly Valuable ring [salable]
Drop: Fire Warg, Skull (Yorick)
- If a Paranthropus drops one, good luck getting a Ring of Varda...
See the "Getting a Ring of Varda" heading under the "Misc. Alucard Tips"
section for more details.
Find: Castle Keep, Forbidden Library
Sell: Long Library ($1500)
Zircon Type: Accessory
STR +0 CON +0 INT +0 LCK +0
ATT +0 DEF +0
Sparkling ring [salable]
Drop: Blue Raven, Gargoyle [Underground Gardens; Saturn version only],
Find: Anti-Chapel, Outer Wall, Reverce Caverns, Reverce Colosseum, Reverce
Keep, Reverse Entrance, Royal Chapel, Underground Caverns
Sell: Long Library ($150)

::: Equipment - Relics :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [REL] :::

These Relics give Alucard special powers, such as shapeshifting abilities,
summoning Familiars, and others.

Bat Card Type: Relic
Summons "Bat" Familiar
- Bat Familiar occasionally does swooping attacks. When you shapeshift
into a bat form, the Bat Familiar will summon additional Bats. How many
depends on the level of the Bat Familiar. The additional Bats will follow
you and shoot fire when you do. Think "Options" from Gradius.
Find: Alchemy Laboratory
Cube of Zoe Type: Relic
Causes items to materialize
- Otherwise candles and such give no items.
Find: Entrance
Echo of Bat Type: Relic
Use radar as Bat
Find: Olrox's Quarters
Demon Card Type: Relic
Summons "Devil" Familiar
- The Devil Familiar's main use is to press the button in the Abandoned
Mine and Cave. Otherwise, it does various elemental attacks as it gains
Find: Abandoned Mine
Eye of Vlad Type: Relic
1 of 5 Treasures. LCK +10
- Find this and the Heart, Rib, Ring, and Tooth of Vlad. Bring them to the
huge clock in the center of the Black Marble Gallery. After the clock
strikes 13, the ceiling will open, leading to the final battle.
Find: Cave
Faerie Card Type: Relic
Summons "Faerie" Familiar
- The Faerie Familiar will administer medicines to Alucard as needed. For
example, if you get poisoned, she will use an Antivenom, if you have one.
If your HP gets low, she will use a Potion. Also, she will point out
secret passageways ("There's something funny about this wall...")
Find: Long Library
Faerie Scroll Type: Relic
Displays enemy's name
Find: Long Library
Fire of Bat Type: Relic
Shoot fireballs as Bat
Find: Clock Tower
Force of Echo Type: Relic
Attack with radar waves
Find: Reverce Caverns
Form of Mist Type: Relic
Transform into Mist
Find: Colosseum
Gas Cloud Type: Relic
Transform into poisonous cloud
- When in Mist form, Alucard does Poison type damage. This damage is a
magic attack with a spell power of 20.
Find: Floating Catacombs
Godspeed Boots Type: Relic
- F, F: Dash like Richter.
Find: Castle Keep (Saturn version only)
Ghost Card Type: Relic
Summons "Ghost" Familiar
- Soul Steals at level 70 or above.
- Ghost Familiar becomes confused and vanishes if you transform into a
Bat. He'll return as soon as you return to normal.
Find: Castle Keep
Heart of Vlad Type: Relic
1 of 5 Treasures. Avoid Curse.
- Find this and the Eye, Rib, Ring, and Tooth of Vlad. Bring them to the
huge clock in the center of the Black Marble Gallery. After the clock
strikes 13, the ceiling will open, leading to the final battle.
Find: Anti-Chapel
Gravity Boots Type: Relic
Wearer can jump high
- D, U + Jump: Super Jump. Can be repeated in mid-air. (4 MP)
- Replace U with UL or UR for a diagonal Super Jump. These apparently can
only be performed after a double jump.
Find: Marble Gallery
Holy Symbol Type: Relic
Protection while underwater
- Jokingly referred to as the "Holy Snorkel".
Find: Underground Caverns
Jewel of Open Type: Relic
Can open locked blue doors
Buy: Long Library ($500)
Leap Stone Type: Relic
Wearer can do double jump
- Jump, Jump: Double Jump
- Jump, Jump, D + Jump: Stomp Attack. If it connects with enemy or Candle,
repeat D + Jump to stomp again. (Note that you can replace D with DF or
DB to do a more diagonal Stomp.) The stomp attack has an attack power
equal to your unarmed attack power.
Find: Castle Keep
Merman Statue Type: Relic
Summons the oarsman
Find: Underground Caverns
Nosedevil Card Type: Relic
- Japanese Version Only. The Nosedevil Familiar is apparently functionally
identical to the regular Demon Familiar.
Find: Colosseum (Japanese versions only)
Power of Mist Type: Relic
Extends Mist transform time
Find: Castle Keep
Power of Wolf Type: Relic
Run Swiftly as Wolf
- F, hold F: Run quickly (must be in wolf form)
Find: Entrance
Rib of Vlad Type: Relic
1 of 5 Treasures. CON +10
- Find this and the Eye, Heart, Ring, and Tooth of Vlad. Bring them to the
huge clock in the center of the Black Marble Gallery. After the clock
strikes 13, the ceiling will open, leading to the final battle.
Find: Death Wing's Lair
Ring of Vlad Type: Relic
1 of 5 Treasures. INT +10
- Find this and the Eye, Heart, Rib, and Tooth of Vlad. Bring them to the
huge clock in the center of the Black Marble Gallery. After the clock
strikes 13, the ceiling will open, leading to the final battle.
Find: Reverse Clock Tower
Skill of Wolf Type: Relic
Special move as Wolf
- D, DF, F + Attack: Charge attack (must be in wolf form). Hold F to
continue charging.
- Triangle: Swim (must be in water in wolf form, PSX versions only)
Find: Alchemy Laboratory
Spirit Orb Type: Relic
Shows enemy damage
Find: Marble Gallery
Sprite Card Type: Relic
- Apparently functionally identical to the normal Faerie Familiar.
- Equip the Lyric Card (Saturn Only), activate the Sprite, and sit
down in one of the many chairs throughout the castle. After some time
the Sprite will sing "Nocturne", a song included on the CD of the
PSX versions but never actually used.
- This trick will also work on the Japanese "PlayStation the Best"
re-release, even though the Lyric Card is not available in this version.
Find: Olrox's Quarters (Japanese versions only)
Soul of Bat Type: Relic
Transform into Bat
Find: Long Library
Soul of Wolf Type: Relic
Transform into Wolf
Find: Outer Wall
Sword Card Type: Relic
Summons "Sword" Familiar
- D, DF, F, UF, Charge U, D + Attack: Sword Familiar does attack that
damages all on-screen enemies. (30 MP)
- Sword Familiar does various slashing attacks that increase in power and
frequency as its level increases. At level 50, you will have the option
to use it as either a Familiar or a Weapon. The higher the level of the
Familiar, the higher the power of the weapon.
Find: Olrox's Quarters
Tooth of Vlad Type: Relic
1 of 5 Treasures. STR +10
- Find this and the Eye, Heart, Rib, and Ring of Vlad. Bring them to the
huge clock in the center of the Black Marble Gallery. After the clock
strikes 13, the ceiling will open, leading to the final battle.
Find: Reverse Outer Wall

---------------------------Part VI: Enemy Lists----------------------------

::: Enemy List :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [NME] :::

As you encounter enemies during the game, they'll be added to the Master
Librarian's enemy list. Here, for your perusing pleasure, is that enemy
list. Well, sort of, since the Master Librarian's list contains a goodly
number of errors and omissions which will not (hopefully) be reproduced
Since I've listed them in the same order as the Librarian's list (ie,
more or less in order of level), I'll include an index with the enemies
listed alphabetically. The Saturn-only enemies are listed separately, since
the Saturn version enemy list is ordered differently than the US PSX

Name No. 001
LV: ?? HP: ??? EXP: DEF: LOW:
Part 1 Def: Part 2 Def:
Strong VS: Immune:
Weak VS: Absorb:
Drop: Drop:

Stopwatch Effect:

Attack Data:
Touch: Attack1: Attack2:
Attack 3: Attack4: Attack5:


Name - Name of creature.
No. - Enemy's number in the Master Librarian's List in the NA/EU PSX
versions. (Except for the Saturn only listing, where obviously the
number is taken from the Saturn Librarian list.)
Lv - Creature's level.
HP - Creature's hit points
Exp - Listed Exp for given creature. The actual amount you receive is
dependent on your level as well as this number. (See Experience
section for details.)
Def - Enemy's defense rating.
LOW - Level Of Worthlessness. When you reach this level, the enemy will
only give 1 experience point.
Part x Def: Some enemies (usually bosses) may have several parts or forms
with different defense ratings. In this case, they will be
listed separately like this.
Strong Vs. xxx - Creature takes reduced damage from xxx attack.
Weak Vs. xxx - Creature takes increased damage from xxx attack.
Immune xxx - Creature takes no damage from xxx attack.
Absorb xxx - Creature is healed by xxx attack.
Drop - Rare items dropped by creature after its defeat.
Stopwatch Effect - Whether the enemy is stunned, slowed, or has no reaction
to the Stopwatch subweapon. If two entries are given,
the first refers to the enemy itself and the second
refers to any projectiles, spells, etc. the enemy may use.
Found - Where the enemy can be found.
Attack Data - A listing of the attacks the enemy can perform and their ATT.
Description - Description of creature.

Note that the first item an enemy can drop (assuming it can drop items to
begin with) will be shown in the Librarian's enemy list whether you have
actually earned the drop or not.

Dracula No. 001
LV: ?? HP: 600 EXP: 0 (1st form) LOW: N/A
LV: ?? HP: 1200 EXP: 0 (2nd form)
First Form Defense: ??
Second Form Defense: ??
Strong VS: None Immune: None
Weak VS: None Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Final Stage: Bloodlines

Stopwatch Effect: None (not possible without GameShark anyway. :)

Attack Data (First Form)
Touch: ?? Fireball: ?? Meteor: ??

Attack Data (Second Form)
Touch: ?? Fireball: ??

Destroyed by Richter in 1792. (5 years ago)
Blood Skeleton No. 002
Lv: 0 HP: 9 Exp: 0 Def: 0 LOW: N/A
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Alchemy Laboratory, Catacombs, Floating Catacombs

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 8

Revives due to blood soaked bones.
Bat No. 003
Lv: 1 HP: 1 Exp: 10 Def: 0 LOW: 5
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Potion Drop: Monster vial 2
Found: Cave, Entrance, Floating Catacombs, Royal Chapel, Underground

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 16

Vampire bats. Feared as servants of evil.
Stone Skull No. 004
Lv: 1 HP: ???? Exp: 0 Def: N/A LOW: N/A
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Black Marble Gallery, Reverse Colosseum, Reverse Outer Wall

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 60

Indestructible spinning skull.
Zombie No. 005
Lv: 1 HP: 1 Exp: 5 Def: 0 LOW: 4
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy, Fire Absorb: None
Drop: $100 Drop: Cloth Tunic
Found: Entrance

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 14

Fresh corpses. Magically animated.
Merman No. 006
Lv: 2 HP: 10 Exp: 12 Def: 0 LOW: 7
Strong Vs.: Water Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Fire, Thunder Absorb: None
Drop: Zircon Drop: Monster vial 1
Found: Entrance

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 13 Fireball: 20 Fire

Legendary "creature". Attacks all invaders.
Skeleton No. 007
Lv: 2 HP: 9 Exp: 10 Def: 0 LOW: 6
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: None
Drop: Shield Potion Drop: Monster vial 3
Found: Alchemy Laboratory, Floating Catacombs, Marble Gallery, Outer Wall

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 2 Bone: 8

Magically animated skeleton
Warg No. 008
Lv: 2 HP: 32 Exp: 10 Def: 0 LOW: 6
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Fire Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Entrance (only before entering Alchemy Laboratory)

Stopwatch Data: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 20 Charge: 28

Wolves which guard castle entrance.
Bone Scimitar No. 009
Lv: 3 HP: 18 Exp: 15 Def: 2 LOW: 8
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Short sword Drop: Red Rust
Found: Alchemy Laboratory, Colosseum, Entrance (only before visiting
Alchemy Laboratory)

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 5 Sword: 5

Ferocious skeleton swordsman.
Merman No. 010
Lv: 3 HP: 10 Exp: 12 Def: 0 LOW: 8
Strong Vs.: Water Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Fire, Thunder Absorb: None
Drop: Zircon Drop: Monster vial 1
Found: Entrance

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 14 Fireball: 24 Fire

Fireball-spitting Merman. Largest of merman kind.
Spittle Bone No. 011
Lv: 3 HP: 18 Exp: 20 Def: 3 LOW: 9
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Alchemy Laboratory

Stopwatch Effect: Stop/None

Attack Data:
Touch: 7 Drip: 5 Poison

4-legged skeleton. Drips poison.
Axe Knight No. 012
Lv: 4 HP: 32 Exp: 10 Def: 3 LOW: 8
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Hit Absorb: None
Drop: Axe Drop: Bronze cuirass
Found: Alchemy Laboratory, Marble Gallery

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 6 Axe: 8

Low level axe knight.
Bloody Zombie No. 013
Lv: 4 HP: 24 Exp: 15 Def: 3 LOW: 9
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Cloth tunic Drop: Basilard
Found: Alchemy Laboratory, Entrance, Olrox's Quarters

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 10 Knife: 10

Eastern Church soldiers dispatched 300 years ago.
Slinger No. 014
Lv: 4 HP: 12 Exp: 10 Def: 0 LOW: 8
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: None
Drop: Leather Shield Drop: Knight Shield
Found: Marble Gallery

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 5 Bone: 8

Bone-hurling skeleton.
Ouija Table No. 015
Lv: 5 HP: 20 Exp: 20 Def: 0 LOW: 11
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Barley Tea Drop: Morning Set
Found: Marble Gallery

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 4 Vase: 5

Possessed Ouija table.
Skelerang No. 016
Lv: 5 HP: 18 Exp: 15 Def: 0 LOW: 10
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: None
Drop: Boomerang Drop: Fire Boomerang
Found: Marble Gallery, Olrox's Quarters, Royal Chapel

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 12 Boomerang: 18

Boomerang wielding skeleton.
Thornweed No. 017
Lv: 5 HP: 12 Exp: 20 Def: 0 LOW: 11
Strong Vs.: Hit Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Fire Absorb: None
Drop: Grapes Drop: Strawberry
Found: Abandoned Mine, Black Marble Gallery, Catacombs, Long Library

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 10

Plant with razor-sharp leaves.
Gaibon No. 018
Lv: 6 HP: 200 Exp: 200 Def: 0 LOW: 17
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Alchemy Laboratory, Cave, Entrance (after visiting Alchemy
Laboratory, before defeating Gaibon and Slogra there)

Stopwatch Effect: Slowdown/Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 7 Fire: 8 Fire Large Fire: 12 Fire

Fire-breathing flying demon.
Ghost No. 019
Lv: 6 HP: 11 Exp: 10 Def: 0 LOW: 10
Strong Vs.: Dark Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: None
Drop: $400 Drop: Antivenom
Found: Marble Gallery

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 5

Low level flaming ghosts.
Marionette No. 020
Lv: 6 HP: 20 Exp: 30 Def: 2 LOW: 13
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Fire Absorb: None
Drop: Smart Potion Drop: Circlet
Found: Marble Gallery

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 8

Demonic puppet from Hell.
Slogra No. 021
Lv: 6 HP: 200 Exp: 200 Def: 0 LOW: 17
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Alchemy Laboratory, Cave, Entrance (after visiting Alchemy
Laboratory, before defeating Slogra and Gaibon there.)

Stopwatch Effect: Slowdown/Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 6 Beak: 6 Spear: 9
Magic: 10

Demon with enchanted spear.
Diplocephalus No. 022
Lv: 7 HP: 80 Exp: 50 Def: 0 LOW: 15
Strong Vs.: Water Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy, Fire Absorb: None
Drop: Pentagram Drop: Tart
Found: Marble Gallery

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 6 Fire: 12 Fire

Nauseating two-headed beast. Which is the head?
Flea Man No. 023
Lv: 7 HP: 11 Exp: 17 Def: 0 LOW: 12
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Takemitsu Drop: Cheese
Found: Marble Gallery

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 9

Strange human-like creature.
Medusa Head No. 024
Lv: 7 HP: 12 Exp: 20 Def: 0 LOW: 13
Strong Vs.: None Immune: Stone
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Resist stone Drop: Medusa shield
Found: Black Marble Gallery, Clock Tower, Death Wing's Lair, Outer Wall

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 12

From Medusa's hair.
Blade Soldier No. 025
Lv: 8 HP: 16 Exp: 20 Def: 4 LOW: 14
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: $400 Drop: Nakamura
Found: Colosseum

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 15 Sword: 20

Novice of twin-bladed combat.
Bone Musket No. 026
Lv: 8 HP: 24 Exp: 20 Def: 5 LOW: 14
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: None
Drop: Magic Missile Drop: Talisman
Found: Colosseum, Outer Wall

Stopwatch Effect: Slowdown/None

Attack Data:
Touch: 12 Shot: 45

Skeletons equipped with rifles.
Medusa Head No. 027
Lv: 8 HP: 12 Exp: 30 Def: 0 LOW: 15
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: Stone
Drop: Resist stone Drop: Medusa shield
Found: Black Marble Gallery, Clock Tower, Death Wing's Lair, Reverse Clock
Tower, Outer Wall

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 7 Stone

From Medusa's hair. Can petrify.
Plate Lord No. 028
Lv: 8 HP: 90 Exp: 90 Def: 6 LOW: 17
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Iron Ball Drop: Neutron Bomb
Find: Colosseum, Marble Gallery

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 18 Ground Ball: 1 Air Ball: 18
Ball Attack: 35

Heavily armored knight with iron ball.
Stone Rose No. 029
Lv: 8 HP: 60 Exp: 60 Def: 0 LOW: 16
Strong Vs.: Water Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Cut Absorb: Dark
Drop: Leather Shield Drop: Meal Ticket
Found: Marble Gallery

Stopwatch Effect: Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 12 Seed: 6 Seed: 5 Stone

Mutated plant. Seeds petrify.
- The Stone Rose is inexplicably week against any sword or Flame Star
attack, regardless of the weapon's elemental properties.
Axe Knight No. 030
Lv: 9 HP: 42 Exp: 50 Def: 6 LOW: 17
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Axe Drop: AxeLord Shield
Found: Castle Keep, Colosseum, Outer Wall

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 10 Axe: 14

Well armored axe knight.
Ctulhu No. 031
Lv: 9 HP: 200 Exp: 100 Def: 2 LOW: 19
Strong Vs.: Dark Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: None
Drop: Pentagram Drop: Bat Pentagram
Found: Death Wing's Lair, Marble Gallery, Necromancy Laboratory

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 24 Fire: 38 Fire Wave: 48 Ice

Fire and ice demon. Seems reluctant to fight.
Bone Archer No. 032
Lv: 10 HP: 10 Exp: 50 Def: 4 LOW: 18
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: $400 Drop: Magic Missile
Found: Outer Wall, Underground Caverns

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 12 Arrow: 20

Skeleton archer equipped with bow.
Bone Pillar No. 033
Lv: 10 HP: 64 Exp: 30 Def: 2 LOW: 17
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: None
Drop: Antivenom Drop: Ballroom mask
Found: Royal Chapel

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 12 Fire: 23 Fire

Cannon built of white dragon skulls.

Spiked Ball
Lv: 40 HP: 500 Exp: 100 Def: 28 LOW: 54
Drop: Iron Ball Drop: Axe Lord Armor

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 59
Doppleganger10 No. 034
Lv: 10 HP: 120 Exp: 500 Def: 5 LOW: 24
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Outer Wall

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 7 Knife: 6 Sword: 9
Wing Smash: 15/7

Shape-shifting demon.
Owl No. 035
Lv: 10 HP: 26 Exp: 30 Def: 0 LOW: 17
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Fire Absorb: None
Drop: $400 Drop: Meal Ticket
Found: Colosseum, Entrance

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 20

Local barnyard owl Mutated by castle's influence.
Phantom Skull No. 036
Lv: 10 HP: 15 Exp: 30 Def: 0 LOW: 17
Strong Vs.: Dark Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: None
Drop: Felt hat Drop: Resist Dark
Found: Clock Tower

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 14

Executed soldier's head. Hunting for vengeance.
Scylla Wyrm No. 037
Lv: 10 HP: 130 Exp: 100 Def: 3 LOW: 20
Strong Vs.: None Immune: Water
Weak Vs.: Thunder Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Underground Caverns

Stopwatch Data: Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 14

Snake living off Scylla.
Skeleton Ape No. 038
Lv: 10 HP: 10 Exp: 30 Def: 2 LOW: 17
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: None
Drop: Banana Drop: TNT
Found: Outer Wall, Underground Caverns

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 10 Grab: 12 Barrel: 20 Fire

Animated ape skeleton. Hurls wooden barrels.
Spear Guard No. 039
Lv: 10 HP: 20 Exp: 70 Def: 4 LOW: 19
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: None
Drop: Javelin Drop: Iron cuirass
Found: Outer Wall, Underground Caverns

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 12 Spear Stab: 14 Spear Swipe: 16

Armored warrior with naginata.
Spellbook No. 040
Lv: 10 HP: 26 Exp: 30 Def: 0 LOW: 17
Strong Vs.: Hit Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Fire Absorb: None
Drop: $1000 Drop: Pentagram
Found: Long Library

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 7 Skull: 14

Book of beginner's spells.
Winged Guard No. 041
Lv: 10 HP: 15 Exp: 30 Def: 0 LOW: 17
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Iron Shield Drop: Javelin
Found: Royal Chapel

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 12

Slow-flying skeleton warrior.
Ectoplasm No. 042
Lv: 11 HP: 18 Exp: 70 Def: 0 LOW: 20
Strong Vs.: Cut Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy, Fire Absorb: None
Drop: Uncurse Drop: Manna Prism
Found: Long Library

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 6 Curse

Physical manifestations of bodiless tormented souls.
Sword Lord No. 043
Lv: 11 HP: 61 Exp: 80 Def: 8 LOW: 20
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Cutlass Drop: Bekatowa
Found: Clock Tower, Outer Wall

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 12 Sword: 23

Knight armed with Greatsword.
Toad No. 044
Lv: 11 HP: 10 Exp: 20 Def: 4 LOW: 17
Strong Vs.: Water Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Fire, Thunder Absorb: None
Drop: Blue knuckles Drop: Pizza
Found: Underground Caverns

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 14 Tongue: 14

Toad magically enlarged by demonic baptism.
Armor Lord No. 045
Lv: 12 HP: 84 Exp: 100 Def: 6 LOW: 22
Strong Vs.: Cut Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Rapier Drop: Saber
Found: Colosseum, Outer Wall

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 18 Sword: 24 Shield: 24
Flame: 30 Fire

Heavily armored undead warrior.
Corner Guard No. 046
Lv: 12 HP: 48 Exp: 30 Def: 3 LOW: 19
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Cutlass Drop: Damascus sword
Found: Royal Chapel

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 13 Sword: 16

Armored guard. Strong in perilous areas.
Dhuron No. 047
Lv: 12 HP: 32 Exp: 50 Def: 3 LOW: 20
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: None
Drop: Hide cuirass Drop: Rapier
Found: Long Library

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 7 Sword: 15 Thunder Sword: 30 Thunder

Headless skeleton. Wields a rapier.
Frog No. 048
Lv: 12 HP: 2 Exp: 20 Def: 1 LOW: 18
Strong Vs.: Water Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Fire, Thunder Absorb: None
Drop: Knuckle duster Drop: Pizza
Found: Underground Caverns

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 13 Tongue: 13

Cave-dwelling frog.
Frozen Shade No. 049
Lv: 12 HP: 16 Exp: 40 Def: 0 LOW: 19
Strong Vs.: None Immune: Water
Weak Vs.: Fire Absorb: Ice
Drop: Ice mail Drop: Ice Cream
Found: Underground Caverns

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 16 Spear: 18 Ice Magic: 23 Ice

Ice-wielding female spirit.
Magic Tome No. 050
Lv: 12 HP: 22 Exp: 35 Def: 2 LOW: 19
Strong Vs.: Hit Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Fire Absorb: None
Drop: $2000 Drop: Saber
Found: Long Library

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 12 Swords: 20

Book of ancient weapons.
Skull Lord No. 051
Lv: 12 HP: 80 Exp: 50 Def: 4 LOW: 20
Strong Vs.: Dark Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: None
Drop: Scimitar Drop: Skull shield
Found: Clock Tower, Reverse Keep

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 25

Giant skull spirit.
Black Crow No. 052
Lv: 13 HP: 15 Exp: 50 Def: 0 LOW: 21
Strong Vs.: Thunder Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Aquamarine Drop: Red bean bun
Found: Royal Chapel

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 10

Flesh-eating raven.
Blue Raven No. 053
Lv: 13 HP: 15 Exp: 50 Def: 0 LOW: 21
Strong Vs.: Thunder Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Zircon Drop: Pork bun
Found: Royal Chapel

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 10

Spirit of long-dead blue raven.
Corpseweed No. 054
Lv: 13 HP: 18 Exp: 100 Def: 0 LOW: 23
Strong Vs.: Hit Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Fire Absorb: None
Drop: Antivenom Drop: Potion
Found: Abandoned Mine, Black Marble Gallery, Cave, Long Library

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch (Leaves): 10 Touch (Head): 20 Spit: 28 Poison

Plant with razor-sharp leaves.
Flail Guard No. 055
Lv: 13 HP: 36 Exp: 50 Def: 2 LOW: 21
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: None
Drop: Morningstar Drop: Pot Roast
Found: Clock Tower

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 14 Flail: 24

Skeleton equipped with spiked iron flail.
Flea Rider No. 056
Lv: 13 HP: 17 Exp: 50 Def: 0 LOW: 21
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Turkey Drop: Ham and eggs
Found: Castle Keep

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 18

Flea Man riding on specially trained war-goose.
Spectral Sword [Olrox's Quarters] No. 057
Lv: 13 HP: 90 Exp: 80 Def: 4 LOW: 22
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Broadsword Drop: Bastard sword
Found: Olrox's Quarters

Stopwatch Effect: Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 25

Evil demon-sword. Causes poltergeist phenomena.

Lv: 8 HP: 30 Exp: 10 Def: 2 LOW: 12
Drop: Bwaka Knife Drop: $400
Stopwatch Effect: Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 20
Bone Halberd No. 058
Lv: 14 HP: 30 Exp: 40 Def: 2 LOW: 21
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: None
Drop: Javelin Drop: Ham and Eggs
Found: Royal Chapel

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 12 Halberd: 25

Naginata-wielding skeleton.
Scylla No. 059
Lv: 14 HP: 200 Exp: 500 Def: 0 LOW: 28
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Thunder Absorb: Water
Drop: None
Found: Underground Caverns

Stopwatch Effect: Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 18 Drops: 8 Frisbee: 20
Rock: 12 Wolf Spit: 18 Wyrm: 14

Mythological sea monster.
Hunting Girl No. 060
Lv: 15 HP: 88 Exp: 70 Def: 0 LOW: 24
Strong Vs.: Holy, Hit Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Were Bane Drop: Cheesecake
Found: Colosseum, Royal Chapel

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 18 Sword: 18

Invisible huntress spirit.
Mudman No. 061
Lv: 15 HP: 15 Exp: 50 Def: 0 LOW: 23
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Long Library (see note below)

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 20 Tongue: 30

Animated mud golem.
- These only appear during the boss fight with a Lesser Demon in the Long
Owl Knight No. 062
Lv: 15 HP: 180 Exp: 50 Def: 2 LOW: 23
Strong Vs.: Cut Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Cutlass Drop: Medal
Found: Colosseum, Entrance

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 17 Sword: 25

Heavily armored knight. Attacks with trained owl.
Spectral Sword [chapel] No. 063
Lv: 15 HP: 100 Exp: 100 Def: 6 LOW: 25
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Broadsword Drop: Bastard sword
Evil demon-sword. Causes poltergeist phenomena.
Found: Royal Chapel

Stopwatch Effect: Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 25

Puppet Sword
Lv: 10 HP: 20 Exp: 10 Def: 4 LOW: 14
Drop: Takemitsu Drop: $400

Stopwatch Effect: Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 15
Vandal Sword No. 064
Lv: 15 HP: 32 Exp: 100 Def: 3 LOW: 25
Strong Vs.: Hit Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Holy Sword Drop: Muramasa
Found: Clock Tower

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 30

Sword Lord wields sword even when banished.
Flea Armor No. 065
Lv: 16 HP: 18 Exp: 40 Def: 0 LOW: 23
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: High potion Drop: Iron Cuirass
Found: Clock Tower, Long Library

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 17 Axe: 25

Flea Man armed with axe and shield.
Hippogryph No. 066
Lv: 16 HP: 800 Exp: 800 Def: 0 LOW: 31
Strong Vs.: Thunder Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Royal Chapel

Stopwatch Effect: None/Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 18 Egg: 10 Breath: 28 Fire

Part horse, lion, and eagle.
Paranthropus No. 067
Lv: 16 HP: 100 Exp: 50 Def: 0 LOW: 24
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: None
Drop: Gauntlet Drop: Ring of Varda
Found: Colosseum, Reverse Outer Wall

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch (Body): 24 Touch (Bone): 30 Jump: 24
Bone Smash: 30 Bone Toss: 24

Giant skeleton.
Slime No. 068
Lv: 16 HP: 32 Exp: 50 Def: 10 LOW: 24
Strong Vs.: None Immune: Cut
Weak Vs.: Fire Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Catacombs

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 16

Monster made from gel.
Blade Master No. 069
Lv: 17 HP: 65 Exp: 80 Def: 4 LOW: 26
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Shotel Drop: Cross shuriken
Found: Colosseum

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 20 Sword: 25

Master of twin-bladed combat.
Wereskeleton No. 070
Lv: 17 HP: 33 Exp: 50 Def: 4 LOW: 25
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: None
Drop: Str. potion Drop: Garnet
Found: Catacombs

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 20 Bone: 28 Head: 1

Were panther skeleton.
Grave keeper No. 071
Lv: 18 HP: 123 Exp: 60 Def: 0 LOW: 26
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Fire, Thunder, Ice Absorb: None
Drop: Miso soup Drop: Natou
Found: Catacombs, Colosseum

Stopwatch Effect: Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 20 Attack: 25

Grave keeper. Master of unarmed combat.
Gremlin No. 072
Lv: 18 HP: 100 Exp: 60 Def: 0 LOW: 26
Strong Vs.: Fire Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Ice Absorb: None
Drop: Resist fire Drop: Fire mail
Found: Abandoned Mine, Catacombs, Necromancy Laboratory

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 20 Fire: 24 Fire

Pyromaniacal gremlin.
Harpy No. 073
Lv: 18 HP: 26 Exp: 70 Def: 0 LOW: 27
Strong Vs.: Thunder Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Apple Drop: Life Apple
Found: Clock Tower

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 18 Kick: 24 Knife: 26
Magic: 20

Creature with head of woman and body of bird.
Minotaurus No. 074
Lv: 18 HP: 300 Exp: 400 Def: 3 LOW: 31
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Colosseum

Stopwatch Effect: None/Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 20 Axe: 35 Breath: 15 Poison
Uppercut: 40 Charge: 20

Bull-headed monster.
Werewolf No. 075
Lv: 18 HP: 260 Exp: 300 Def: 1 LOW: 30
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Colosseum

Stopwatch Effect: None/Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 20 Punch: 28 Drop: 40 Fire
Frisbee: 30 Roll: 40 Roll: 15 Poison
Charge: 20 Slide: 20

Shape-shifting lycanthrope.
Bone Ark No. 076
Lv: 19 HP: 250 Exp: 40 Def: 4 LOW: 26
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy, Fire Absorb: None
Drop: Monster Vial 3 Drop: Skull Shield
Found: Catacombs

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 20 Magic: 49

Portable skull shrine carried by skeleton priests.

Bone Ark [Priest]
Lv: 19 HP: 140 Exp: 30 Def: 2 LOW: 26
Drop: Monster Vial 3 Drop: $400
Found: Catacombs

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 20
Valhalla Knight No. 077
Lv: 19 HP: 161 Exp: 100 Def: 0 LOW: 29
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: None
Drop: Estoc Drop: Claymore
Found: Colosseum, Olrox's Quarters, Reverse Clock Tower

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 16 Horse: 21 Lance: 38

Bloodthirsty undead knight who eternally seeks combat.
Cloaked Knight No. 078
Lv: 20 HP: 65 Exp: 80 Def: 3 LOW: 29
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Flamberge Drop: Heaven sword
Found: Clock Tower, Hell Garden (Saturn Version Only), Reverse Clock Tower

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 20 Sword: 30

Mysterious cloaked swordsman.
Fishhead No. 079
Lv: 20 HP: 70 Exp: 50 Def: 2 LOW: 28
Strong Vs.: Fire Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: None
Drop: Resist ice Drop: Icebrand
Found: Underground Caverns

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 15 Fire1: 32 Fire Fire2: 37 Fire

Fish head guardian.
Lesser Demon No. 080
Lv: 20 HP: 400 Exp: 100 Def: 5 LOW: 30
Strong Vs.: None Immune: Dark
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: None
Drop: Obsidian sword Drop: Holbein dagger
Found: Long Library (once), Necromancy Laboratory

Stopwatch Effect: Slowdown/None

Attack Data:
Touch: 20 Punch: 24 Beam: 44
Spit: 36

Short magic-wielding demon. Summons demonic allies.
- Strangely, summoned Lesser Demons do not bleed.
Lossoth No. 081
Lv: 20 HP: 99 Exp: 50 Def: 0 LOW: 28
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Sirloin Drop: Firebrand
Found: Catacombs

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 18 Fire: 29 Fire

Searches among graves and knows much wise lore.
Salem Witch No. 082
Lv: 20 HP: 180 Exp: 80 Def: 0 LOW: 28
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Gold Circlet Drop: Shortcake
Found: Abandoned Mine, Necromancy Laboratory

Stopwatch Effect: Stop/Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 20 Magic1: 35 Magic2: 25 Curse

Ghost witches from Salem.
Blade No. 083
Lv: 21 HP: 380 Exp: 100 Def: 0 LOW: 31
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Hunter Sword Drop: Gold Plate
Found: Black Marble Gallery, Entrance, Olrox's Quarters

Stopwatch Effect: Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 24 Sword: 25 Kick: 28

Eldest Giant brother. Wields two huge daggers.
Gurkha No. 084
Lv: 21 HP: 420 Exp: 120 Def: 0 LOW: 31
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Combat knife Drop: Gold plate
Found: Black Marble Gallery, Entrance

Stopwatch Effect: Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 24 Knife: 30

Giant brother. Wields a gurkha knife.
Hammer No. 085
Lv: 21 HP: 250 Exp: 110 Def: 0 LOW: 31
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Hammer Drop: Gold plate
Found: Olrox's Quarters

Stopwatch Effect: Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 20 Hammer: 40

Giant brother. Uses huge steel hammer.
Discus Lord No. 086
Lv: 22 HP: 450 Exp: 140 Def: 10 LOW: 33
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Chakram Drop: Jewel Sword
Found: Catacombs

Stopwatch Effect: Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 29 Discus: 32

Discus-wielding armored knight.
Karasuman No. 087
Lv: 22 HP: 500 Exp: 1000 Def: 10 LOW: 37
Strong Vs.: Dark Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Resist Dark Drop: Ring of Feanor
Found: Clock Tower, Death Wing's Lair

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 20 Beam: 24 Raven: 32
Magic: 28

Demon Lord of Ravens.
Large Slime No. 088
Lv: 22 HP: 64 Exp: 100 Def: 10 LOW: 32
Strong Vs.: None Immune: Cut
Weak Vs.: Fire Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Catacombs

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 32

Monster created from slimy gel substance.
Hellfire Beast No. 089
Lv: 23 HP: 380 Exp: 150 Def: 8 LOW: 34
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Lightning mail Drop: Fire Mail
Found: Catacombs

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 17 Punch: 25 Flame: 28 Fire
Lightning: 30 Thunder

Thunder-wielding demon. Called "Musician from Hell".
Cerberos No. 090
Lv: 24 HP: 800 Exp: 1500 Def: 0 LOW: 40
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Ice Absorb: Fire
Drop: None
Found: Abandoned Mine

Stopwatch Effect: None/Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 20 Fire: 35 Fire Firestream: 40 Fire

Watchdog of Hell.
Killer Fish No. 091
Lv: 25 HP: 120 Exp: 100 Def: 4 LOW: 35
Strong Vs.: Fire, Water Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Thunder Absorb: None
Drop: Aquamarine Drop: Sushi
Found: Reverse Caverns, Underground Caverns

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 50

Master Fish-head.
Olrox No. 092
Lv: 25 HP: 666 Exp: 500 Def: 8 LOW: 39
Strong Vs.: Dark Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Olrox's Quarters

Stopwatch Effect: None/Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 20 Skull: 23 Bat: 21
Skull Magic: 31 Beam: 43

Olrox (2nd Form)
LV: 26 HP: 800 Exp: 2000 LOW: 43
Head Def: 4
Legs Def: 20
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy (Head only) Absorb: None
Drop: None

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 15 Fire: 20 Fire Laser: 35 Fire
Grab: 23

Magic wielding vampire. Rules upper part of castle.
Succubus No. 093
Lv: 25 HP: 666 Exp: 2000 Def: 0 LOW: 42
Strong Vs.: Dark Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Nightmare (Underground Caverns)

Stopwatch Effect: None/Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 25 Magic: 25 Wing: 30
Spore: 17 Curse Suck: 35

Female demon. Invades men's dreams.
Tombstone No. 094
Lv: 25 HP: 5 Exp: 88 Def: 100 LOW: 35
Strong Vs.: Cut Immune: Stone
Weak Vs.: Hit Absorb: None
Drop: Katana Drop: Green tea
Found: Reverse Keep

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 40 Curse

Gravestones possessed by evil spirits of dead.
Venus Weed No. 095
Lv: 25 HP: 500 Exp: 150 Def: 0 LOW: 36
Strong Vs.: Hit Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Fire Absorb: None
Drop: Coral circlet Drop: Heart Refresh
Found: Abandoned Mine

Stopwatch Effect: None/Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 28 Vine: 36 Rose: 40

Watered with human blood.
- Her petals will eventually turn red if you get hit enough times by her
vines (but not the roses she throws at you.)
Lion No. 096
Lv: 27 HP: 150 Exp: 1000 Def: 25 LOW: 42
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Gauntlet Drop: Fist of Tulkas
Found: Forbidden Library

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 37 Claw: 77

The cowardly lion.
Scarecrow No. 097
Lv: 27 HP: 120 Exp: 1000 Def: 6 LOW: 42
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Javelin Drop: Muramasa
Found: Forbidden Library

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 40

Impaled man looking for brain.
Granfaloon [Core] No. 098
Lv: 28 HP: 400 Exp: 3000 Def: 0 LOW: 46
Strong Vs.: Dark Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Catacombs

Stopwatch Effect: None/Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 30 People: 20 Laser: 55

Granfaloon [Shell]
Lv: ?? HP: 400 Exp: 0 Def: 10 LOW: N/A
Strong Vs.: Dark Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 28

Nightmarish creature. Composed of many.
Schmoo No. 099
Lv: 28 HP: 50 Exp: 1000 Def: 0 LOW: 43
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy, Fire Absorb: None
Drop: Ramen Drop: Crissaegrim
Found: Forbidden Library

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 40 Dark

Monster nicknamed "schmoo".
Tin man No. 100
Lv: 28 HP: 48 Exp: 1000 Def: 36 LOW: 43
Strong Vs.: Cut Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Lunch A Drop: Mojo mail
Found: Forbidden Library

Stopwatch Effect: Stop/Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 32 Axe: 55 Shot: 33

Heartless tin man.
Balloon pod No. 101
Lv: 29 HP: 3 Exp: 88 Def: 0 LOW: 38
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: $400 Drop: Meal Ticket
Found: Anti-Chapel, Reverse Caverns

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 55 Spore: 2 Poison

Holds countless poison seeds.
Yorick No. 102
Lv: 29 HP: 10 Exp: 300 Def: 2 LOW: 41
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Monster vial 3 Drop: Skull Shield
Skeleton eternally chasing his own skull.
Found: Reverse Keep

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 20

LV: ?? HP: 2 Exp: 0 Def: 0
Drop: Iron Ball Drop: Turquoise

Stopwatch Effect: Stop
Bomb Knight No. 103
Lv: 30 HP: 46 Exp: 140 Def: 20 LOW: 41
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: TNT Drop: Dynamite
Found: Reverse Clock Tower

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 37 Bomb: 70 Fire

Bomb-tossing armored knight.
- Bombs can be hit back at the Bomb Knight, and will do 50 damage (70 ATT -
20 DEF)
Flying Zombie No. 104
Lv: 32 HP: 190 Exp: 50 Def: 10 LOW: 40
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy, Fire Absorb: None
Drop: Shuriken Drop: Frankfurter
Found: Death Wing's Lair, Reverse Cursed Prison [Saturn Version only]

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 37

Zombies which attack even when cut in half.
Bitterfly No. 105
Lv: 33 HP: 4 Exp: 128 Def: 0 LOW: 43
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Luck potion Drop: Mystic pendant
Found: Hell Garden [Saturn version only], Necromancy Laboratory

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 55 Dark

Mutated insect. Visible only to magicians.
Jack O'Bones No. 106
Lv: 33 HP: 20 Exp: 150 Def: 4 LOW: 44
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: None
Drop: Shuriken Drop: Flame star
Found: Black Marble Gallery, Reverse Caverns, Reverse Entrance, Reverse
Outer Wall

Stopwatch Effect: Stop/Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 40 Bone: 30

Expert at throwing weapons.
Archer No. 107
Lv: 34 HP: 300 Exp: 140 Def: 8 LOW: 45
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Heart Refresh Drop: Vorpal Blade
Found: Anti-Chapel

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 40 Arrow: 55

Fiendishly accurate archer.
Werewolf No. 108
Lv: 34 HP: 280 Exp: 200 Def: 1 LOW: 45
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Iron Fist Drop: Yasutsuna
Found: Reverse Colosseum

Stopwatch Effect: None/Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 40 Charge/Roll: 40 Punch: 45
Slide: 45 Magic: 72

Half-man, half-wolf.
Black Panther No. 109
Lv: 35 HP: 35 Exp: 600 Def: 0 LOW: 49
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Fire Absorb: None
Drop: Meal Ticket Drop: Masamune
Found: Anti-Chapel

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 45

Liquid Creature. Takes black panther shape.
Darkwing Bat No. 110
Lv: 35 HP: 600 Exp: 1200 Def: 0 LOW: 51
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Reverse Clock Tower

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 35 Suck: 45 Storm: 27/13
Screw: 65

Giant vampire bat.
Dragon Rider No. 111
Lv: 35 HP: 120 Exp: 150 Def: 4 LOW: 46
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: $400 Drop: Meal Ticket
Found: Reverse Entrance

Stopwatch Effect: Slowdown

White dragon ridden by Flea Man.
- Drops are extremely rare and not noted on the Librarian's list.
Minotaur No. 112
Lv: 35 HP: 320 Exp: 250 Def: 4 LOW: 47
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Sirloin Drop: Fury plate
Found: Reverse Colosseum

Stopwatch Effect: None/Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 45 Axe: 65 Breath: 5 Poison

Half-man, half-bull.
Nova Skeleton No. 113
Lv: 35 HP: 20 Exp: 444 Def: 4 LOW: 48
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Monster vial 3 Drop: Terminus Est
Found: Black Marble Gallery, Reverse Caverns, Reverse Entrance, Reverse
Outer Wall

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 20 Beam: 150

Wields fearsome beam weapon.
Orobourous No. 114
Lv: 35 HP: 200 Exp: 150 Def: 4 LOW: 46
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Karma Coin Drop: Lapus Lazuli
Found: Reverse Entrance

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 47

Wyrm controlled by Flea Man.

Oruburous Rider
Lv: 35 HP: 100 Exp: 150 Def: 0 LOW: 46
Drop: None

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 31
White Dragon No. 115
Lv: 35 HP: 260 Exp: 150 Def: 2 LOW: 46
Strong Vs.: Fire Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Reverse Colosseum

Stopwatch Effect: Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 1 Charge: 8 Breath: 67 Fire

Animated skeleton of huge dragon.
Fire Warg No. 116
Lv: 36 HP: 200 Exp: 160 Def: 0 LOW: 47
Strong Vs.: None Immune: Fire
Weak Vs.: Ice Absorb: None
Drop: Turquoise Drop: Karma Coin
Found: Reverse Caverns

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 36 Charge: 48 Fire: 60 Fire

Fireball-spitting wolf.
Rock Knight No. 117
Lv: 36 HP: 160 Exp: 250 Def: 20 LOW: 48
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Jewel knuckles Drop: Platinum mail
Found: Reverse Caverns

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch (Knight): 50 Touch (Rock): 37 Rock Throw: 100

Rock-tossing armored knight.
Sniper of Goth No. 118
Lv: 36 HP: 50 Exp: 200 Def: 10 LOW: 47
Strong Vs.: Holy Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Dark Absorb: None
Drop: Magic Missile Drop: Brilliant mail
Found: Anti-Chapel

Stopwatch Effect: Stop/None

Attack Data:
Touch: 40 Arrow: 65 Arrow Scatter: 55

Angel Archer. Slew Amalaric of the Goths.
Spectral Sword No. 119
Lv: 36 HP: 540 Exp: 400 Def: 4 LOW: 49
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Gurthang Drop: Mablung Sword
Found: Anti-Chapel

Stopwatch Effect: Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 55

Evil demon-sword. Causes poltergeist phenomena.

Lv: 20 HP: 120 Exp: 200 Def: 40 LOW: 31
Drop: Knight Shield Drop: $400

Stopwatch Effect: Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 20

Lv: 20 HP: 10 Exp: 300 Def: 2 LOW: 32
Drop: Javelin Drop: $400

Stopwatch Effect: Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 65
Ghost Dancer No. 120
Lv: 37 HP: 30 Exp: 160 Def: 0 LOW: 48
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: None
Drop: Buffalo star Drop: Stone mask
Found: Death Wing's Lair

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 56

Skeleton with leaping attack.
Warg Rider No. 121
Lv: 37 HP: 120 Exp: 160 Def: 3 LOW: 48
Strong Vs.: Cut Immune: Fire
Weak Vs.: Ice Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Reverse Entrance

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 41 Spear: 55

Skeleton mounted on Warg.
Cave Troll No. 122
Lv: 38 HP: 88 Exp: 333 Def: 5 LOW: 51
Strong Vs.: Water Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Fire Absorb: None
Drop: Neutron Bomb Drop: Nauglamir
Found: Hell Garden [Saturn Version only], Reverse Caverns

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 35 Tongue: 50 Magic: 50

Pre-intelligent bloodsucker with long tongue for sucking.
Dark Octopus No. 123
Lv: 38 HP: 280 Exp: 120 Def: 2 LOW: 48
Strong Vs.: Water Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Fire, Thunder Absorb: None
Drop: Sushi Drop: Green tea
Found: Reverse Caverns

Stopwatch Effect: Stop/Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 45 Ink: 52

Evil mutated octopus.
Fire Demon No. 124
Lv: 38 HP: 320 Exp: 666 Def: 15 LOW: 52
Strong Vs.: None Immune: Fire
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Fire shield Drop: Marsil
Found: Necromancy Laboratory

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 45 Fire: 70 Fire

Flame demon.
Gorgon No. 125
Lv: 38 HP: 240 Exp: 555 LOW: 52
Head Def: 2
Body Def: 40
Strong Vs.: Fire, Stone, Cut, Hit Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Hammer Drop: Stone sword
Found: Black Marble Gallery

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch (Head): 55 Touch (Body): 35 Breath: 27 Stone

Armor plated war-beast.
- The Gorgon's head does not share the elemental resistances of its body.
Malachi No. 126
Lv: 39 HP: 450 Exp: 666 Def: 20 LOW: 53
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: Dark
Drop: Dark Shield Drop: Dark armor
Found: Death Wing's Lair

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 52 Magic: 65 Dark Grab: 85 Poison

Gruesome Demon from Hell.
Akmodan II No. 127
Lv: 40 HP: 1200 Exp: 2500 Def: 0 LOW: 58
Strong Vs.: None Immune: Stone, Poison, Curse
Weak Vs.: Holy, Fire Absorb: Dark
Drop: None
Found: Death Wing's Lair

Stopwatch Effect: None/Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 40 Whirl: 35 x 5 Punch: 66
Cloud: 1 Poison

Ancient egyptian mummy.
Blue Venus Weed No. 128
Lv: 40 HP: 550 Exp: 1000 Def: 1 LOW: 55
Strong Vs.: Hit Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Fire Absorb: None
Drop: Zweihander Drop: Heart Refresh
Found: Reverse Caverns, Reverse Entrance

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 45 Vine: 50 Rose: 70

Advanced Venus Weed. Fed with demon blood.
- Like the Venus Weed, you can turn her petals red by allowing yourself to
get hit by the vines. It takes more "feedings" for the Blue Venus Weed
than the regular one, however.
Doppleganger40 No. 129
Lv: 40 HP: 777 Exp: 2001 Def: 16 LOW: 57
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Reverse Caverns

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 35 Wing Smash: 55/27 Terminus Est: 35 Poison
Stone Sword: 5 Stone Rebound Stone: 12 Holy

Shape-shifting demon.
Medusa No. 130
Lv: 40 HP: 1100 Exp: 2500 Def: 8 LOW: 58
Strong Vs.: Hit Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: Stone
Drop: None
Found: Anti-Chapel

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 35 Flash: 50 Sword: 45
Gaze: 13 Stone

Snake-headed demoness with gaze of stone.
The Creature No. 131
Lv: 40 HP: 1100 Exp: 2500 Def: 15 LOW: 58
Strong Vs.: None Immune: Thunder
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Reverse Outer Wall

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 30 Hammer: 55 Roll: 55

Made from the body parts of powerful warriors.
Fake Grant No. 132
Lv: 41 HP: 800 Exp: 1200 Def: 4 LOW: 57
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Reverse Colosseum

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 38 Dagger: 33 Drop Slash: 58

Zombie impersonating Grant.
Fake Trevor No. 133
Lv: 41 HP: 1200 Exp: 1000 Def: 8 LOW: 56
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Reverse Colosseum

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 38 Cross: 38 Dark Whip: 43
Dagger: 37 Large Cross: 58 Dark Holy Water: 18 Holy
Knife Crash: 37

Zombie impersonating Trevor.
Imp No. 134
Lv: 41 HP: 43 Exp: 66 Def: 0 LOW: 50
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Luck Potion Drop: King's stone
Found: Anti-Chapel, Necromancy Laboratory, Reverse Caverns

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 10

Mischievous little demon.
Fake Sypha No. 135
Lv: 42 HP: 1000 Exp: 1500 Def: 2 LOW: 58
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Reverse Colosseum

Stopwatch Data: None/Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 9 Ice: 35 Ice Fire: 60 Fire
Zombie: 40 Curse ???: 45 Holy

Zombie impersonating Sypha.
Beezelbub No. 136
Lv: 44 HP: 2000 Exp: 4444 Def: 13 LOW: 63
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: Dark
Drop: None
Found: Necromancy Laboratory

Stopwatch Data: None/Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 60 Dark Fly: 66 Dark Maggot: 5 Poison

Beelzebub Lord of Flies.
Azaghal No. 137
Lv: 45 HP: 330 Exp: 700 Def: 22 LOW: 59
Strong Vs.: Dark, Hit Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Covenant stone Drop: Mourneblade
Found: Reverse Colosseum

Stopwatch Data: Slowdown

Attack Data:
Touch: 80 Sword: 80

Executioner of Hell.
Frozen Half No. 138
Lv: 45 HP: 118 Exp: 600 Def: 2 LOW: 59
Strong Vs.: Water Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Fire Absorb: Ice
Drop: Necklace of J Drop: Opal circlet
Found: Floating Catacombs

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 35 Ice Orb: 60 Ice Magic: 75 Ice
Hail: 65 Ice

New-half ice spirit. Servant of Galamoth.
Salome No. 139
Lv: 45 HP: 210 Exp: 450 Def: 2 LOW: 58
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Wizard hat Drop: Manna prism
Found: Floating Catacombs

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 50 Magic: 60 Cat: 60 Cat :)
Skull: 65

Young female witch.
Richter Belmont No. 140
Lv: 48 HP: 400 Exp: 0 Def: 10 LOW: N/A
Strong Vs.: None Immune: Holy, Stone
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Castle Keep

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 25 Axe: 40 Holy Holy Cross Crash: 40/30 Holy
Holy Cross: 35 Holy Slide: 35 Whip: 35 Holy
Holy Water: 30 Holy Holy Water: 35 Fire Hydro Storm: 35 Holy/Fire
Slide Jump: 35 Axe Crash: 40 Holy Flame Whip: 60 Holy/Fire
Air Dash: 55/27 Agunea Crash: 40 Holy Holy Book Crash: 70 Holy

Master Vampire hunter.
Dodo Bird No. 141
Lv: 49 HP: 2 Exp: 111 Def: 0 LOW: 59
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Heart Broach Drop: Runesword
Found: Reverse Entrance

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 1

Rare bird. Runs when sees people.
Galamoth No. 142
Lv: 50 HP: 12000 Exp: 9999 LOW: 71
Head Def: 0
Rest of Body Def: 56
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Floating Catacombs

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 50 Touch (Leg): 56 Staff: 50
Kick: 85 Lightning: 98 Thunder Magic: 92

Magical being with plan to rule the netherworld.
Guardian No. 143
Lv: 60 HP: 500 Exp: 1500 Def: 34 LOW: 76
Strong Vs.: Cut Immune: Fire, Thunder, Ice
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: Dark
Drop: Great Sword Drop: God's Garb
Found: Black Marble Gallery

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 50 Sword: 120 Shield: 120
Flame: 90 Fire

High level Armor Lord
Death No. 144
Lv: 66 HP: 888 Exp: 4444 Def: 17 LOW: 85
Lv: 66 HP: 1200 Exp: 1000 Def: 14 LOW: 81
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: Dark
Drop: None
Found: Cave

Stopwatch Effect: None/Slowdown

Attack Data (1st form):
Touch: 0 Sickle: 55 Magic: 60
Skull: 70 Bone: 80

Attack Data (2nd form):
Touch: 40 Sickle: 75 Slash: 75

Dracula's close friend.
Shaft No. 145
Lv: 88 HP: 1300 Exp: 0 Def: 30 LOW: N/A
Strong Vs.: Poison Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Black Marble Gallery

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 40 Orb: 64 Lightning: 43 Thunder
Fire: 42 Fire

Dark Priest of Dracula.
Dracula No. 146
Lv: 98 HP: 10000 Exp: 0 Def: 18 LOW: N/A
Strong Vs.: Fire, Thunder Immune: Poison
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: Dark
Drop: None
Found: Black Marble Gallery

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 70 Head: 85 Triangle: 95
Magic: 140

Lord of Wallachia. Father of Alucard.

* Saturn Version Only *

Water Leaper No. 010
Lv: 3 HP: 10 Exp: 12 Def: 0 LOW: 8
Strong Vs.: Water Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Fire, Poison Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Underground Gardens

Stopwatch Effect: Stop

Attack Data:
Touch: 14
Skeleton Beast No. 011
Lv: 3 HP: 6 Exp: 8 Def: 0 LOW: 7
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Underground Gardens

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 3 Dash: 3
Skeleton Breeder No. 015
Lv: 4 HP: 12 Exp: 10 Def: 0 LOW: 9
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Underground Gardens

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 5 Whip: 10
Gargoyle No. 065
Lv: 15 HP: 50 Exp: 50 Def: 0 LOW: 23
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: $400 Drop: Zircon
Found: Underground Gardens

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 20 Dark Claw: 20 Dark
Gardener No. 083
Lv: 20 HP: 130 Exp: 120 Def: 10 LOW: 30
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Fire Absorb: None
Drop: Orange Drop: Peanuts
Found: Underground Gardens

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 20 Dash: 24 Shears: 30
Hitotorisou No. 084
Lv: 20 HP: 128 Exp: 100 Def: 5 LOW: 30
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Fire Absorb: None
Drop: Banana Drop: Woodland Shield
Found: Underground Gardens

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 20 Trap: 48
Jinnunja No. 090
Lv: 21 HP: 250 Exp: 125 Def: 11 LOW: 31
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: Dark
Drop: Apple Drop: Antivenom
Found: Underground Gardens

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Fruit: 25
Will O'Wisp No. 097
Lv: 23 HP: 4 Exp: 90 Def: 0 LOW: 32
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Potion Drop: Manna Prism
Found: Cursed Prison

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 8 Dark Lightning: 16 Fire
Gargoyle No. 101
Lv: 25 HP: 80 Exp: 150 Def: 0 LOW: 36
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: $400 Drop: Resist stone
Found: Cursed Prison

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 30 Dark Claw: 30 Dark
Spectre No. 103
Lv: 25 HP: 20 Exp: 120 Def: 0 LOW: 35
Strong Vs.: Fire, Thunder, Ice, Poison Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: Dark, Curse, Cut, Hit
Drop: Antivenom Drop: Manna prism
Found: Cursed Prison

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 10 Dark
Copper Armor No. 113
Lv: 30 HP: 230 Exp: 300 Def: 10 LOW: 42
Strong Vs.: Cut Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Hell Garden

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 45 Slash: 55
Wraith No. 116
Lv: 32 HP: 300 Exp: 200 Def: 5 LOW: 43
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: None
Drop: Pentagram Drop: Muramasa
Found: Reverse Cursed Prison

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 33 Grab: 35
Wight No. 121
Lv: 34 HP: 280 Exp: 210 Def: 10 LOW: 46
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: None
Drop: Dark Shield Drop: Skull shield
Found: Reverse Cursed Prison

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 20 Sword: 40
Gargoyle No. 122
Lv: 35 HP: 110 Exp: 250 Def: 10 LOW: 47
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: None Absorb: None
Drop: Hammer Drop: Double Blade Axe
Found: Reverse Cursed Prison

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 40 Dark Claw: 40 Dark
Skeleton Leader No. 131
Lv: 36 HP: 444 Exp: 250 Def: 20 LOW: 48
Explosive: 25 Fire
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Underground Gardens

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 34 Star: 30 Dash: 60 Poison
Laser: 43
Skeleton Guardian No. 135
Lv: 37 HP: 320 Exp: 500 Def: 0 LOW: 51
Strong Vs.: None Immune: None
Weak Vs.: Holy Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Hell Garden

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 35 Spear: 40
Ifreet No. 156
Lv: 46 HP: 330 Exp: 700 Def: 15 LOW: 60
Strong Vs.: None Immune: Fire
Weak Vs.: Ice Absorb: None
Drop: Fire mail Drop: Marsil
Found: Hell Garden

Stopwatch Effect: None

Attack Data:
Touch: 35 Fire Flame: 67 Fire Energy: 134 Fire
Maria Renard No. 157
Lv: 48 HP: 400 Exp: 0 Def: 15 LOW: N/A
Strong Vs.: None Immune: Holy, Stone
Weak Vs.: Dark Absorb: None
Drop: None
Found: Marble Gallery

Stopwatch Effect: ?

Attack Data:
Touch: 40 Fireball: 60 Fire Knife: 50
Jump Kick: 45 Dash Kick: 50 Flameburst: 70 Fire
Ground Slide: 40 Jump Kick: 45 Red Orb: 25 Fire
Blue Orb: 25 Ice Green Orb: 25 Holy Yellow Orb: 25 Thunder
Guardian Knuckle: 80 Rays: 65

::: Enemy Index ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [IDX] :::

Here is the alphabetical listing of the enemies with their numbers.
(Note: these numbers are taken from the US PSX version. The Japanese PSX
version has the enemies in a different order. The Saturn version basically
retains the ordering of the Japanese PSX, except it has inserted in the
new enemies at various places, which throws the numbering off. I may
include the enemy numbers for all three versions in a future update, but
it seems to me this will just confuse the issue. For now, any enemy with
a "---/xxx" listing is a Saturn exclusive enemy, and should be looked up
in the separate Saturn listing of the Enemy List section above.)

Akmodan II 127 Imp 134
Archer 107 Jack O'Bones 106
Armor Lord 045 Jinnunja ---/090
Axe Knight [green] 012 Karasuman 087
Axe Knight [blue] 030 Killer Fish 091
Azaghal 137 Large Slime 088
Balloon Pod 101 Lesser Demon 080
Bat 003 Lion 096
Beezelbub 136 Lossoth 081
Bitterfly 105 Magic Tome 050
Black Crow 052 Malachi 126
Black Panther 109 Maria Renard ---/157
Blade 083 Marionette 020
Blade Master 069 Medusa 130
Blade Soldier 025 Medusa Head [blue] 024
Blood Skeleton 002 Medusa Head [yellow] 027
Bloody Zombie 013 Merman 006
Blue Raven 053 Merman 010
Blue Venus Weed 128 Minotaur 112
Bomb Knight 103 Minotaurus 074
Bone Archer 032 Mudman 061
Bone Ark 076 Nova Skeleton 113
Bone Halberd 058 Olrox 092
Bone Musket 026 Orobourous 114
Bone Pillar 033 Ouija Table 015
Bone Scimitar 009 Owl 035
Cave Troll 122 Owl Knight 062
Cerberos 090 Paranthropus 067
Cloaked Knight 078 Phantom Skull 036
Copper Armor ---/113 Plate Lord 028
Corner Guard 046 Richter Belmont 140
Corpseweed 054 Rock Knight 117
Creature, The 131 Salem Witch 082
Ctulhu 031 Salome 139
Dark Octopus 123 Scarecrow 097
Darkwing Bat 110 Schmoo 099
Death 144 Scylla 059
Dhuron 047 Scylla Wyrm 037
Diplocephalus 022 Shaft 145
Discus Lord 086 Skelerang 016
Dodo Bird 141 Skeleton 007
Doppleganger10 034 Skeleton Ape 038
Doppleganger40 129 Skeleton Beast ---/011
Dracula [FS: Bldlines] 001 Skeleton Breeder ---/015
Dracula [Blk Mrbl Glry] 146 Skeleton Guardian ---/135
Dragon Rider 111 Skeleton Leader ---/131
Ectoplasm 042 Skull Lord 051
Fake Grant 132 Slime 068
Fake Sypha 135 Slinger 014
Fake Trevor 133 Slogra 021
Fire Demon 124 Sniper of Goth 118
Fire Warg 116 Spear Guard 039
Fishhead 079 Spectral Sword [Olrox] 057
Flail Guard 055 Spectral Sword [RChpl] 063
Flea Armor 065 Spectral Sword [AChpl] 119
Flea Man 023 Spectre ---/103
Flea Rider 056 Spellbook 040
Flying Zombie 104 Spittle Bone 011
Frog 048 Stone Rose 029
Frozen Half 138 Stone Skull 004
Frozen Shade 049 Succubus 093
Gaibon 018 Sword Lord 043
Galamoth 142 Thornweed 017
Gardener ---/083 Tin Man 100
Gargoyle [UGarden] ---/065 Toad 044
Gargoyle [CPrison] ---/101 Tombstone 094
Gargoyle [RPrison] ---/122 Valhalla Knight 077
Ghost 019 Vandal Sword 064
Ghost Dancer 120 Venus Weed 095
Gorgon 125 Warg 008
Granfaloon 098 Warg Rider 121
Grave Keeper 071 Water Leaper ---/011
Gremlin 072 Wereskeleton 070
Guardian 143 Werewolf [Colosseum] 075
Gurkha 084 Werewolf [RColosseum] 108
Hammer 085 White Dragon 115
Harpy 073 Wight ---/121
Hellfire Beast 089 Will O'Wisp ---/097
Hippogryph 066 Winged Guard 041
Hitotorisou ---/084 Wraith ---/116
Hunting Girl 060 Yorick 102
Ifreet ---/156 Zombie 005

--------------------------Part VII: Miscellaneous--------------------------

::: PSX vs Saturn ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [PVS] :::

Well, most of the major differences between the PSX and Saturn version
probably have been covered fairly well by now, but here's a quick rundown
(plus a few minor differences that weren't worth mentioning elsewhere...)

The Good:
- 2 new areas (Cursed Prison, Underground Gardens)
- 16 new enemies and 2 new bosses (well, 14 more enemies really; there are
3 varieties of Gargoyle...)
- Several new weapons and items added (Alucard Spear, Delicious Meal, Double
Blade Axe, Godspeed Boots, Lyric Card, Rainbow Robe, Rotten Meal, Sain
Irishitajiki, and Woodland Shield.)
- Several new music tracks; most are remixes of classic Castlevania tunes
such as Vampire Killer, Begining, and Bloody Tears.
- Maria is playable!
- Alucard, Richter, and Maria are all playable from the start. (No beating
the game or name codes are necessary.)
- A Sound Test is provided from the start. After beating the game, an
additional voice test option is provided on the sound test screen.
- The CD itself contains some Ayami Kojima artwork you can view on a
- Alucard has a "third hand" that you can use to equip Food or Medicine
type items, and use them at any time by pushing L.
- Alucard (and Richter) are better able to use Super Jumps to get at those
Reverse Caverns rooms that required a wolf transformation to get in the
PSX version.
- Holding Up when choosing Richter will give him an alternate costume.
- The Wing Smash now does not end until Alucard either runs out of MP or
hits a wall.
- Equipping the Jewel Sword along with a jewel (or two) grants Alucard some
ATT bonuses.

The Bad:

Unfortunately, despite all the neat additions, the Saturn port really
was not done very well at all. This is a shame, since the Saturn is more
than capable of handling this game.

- Slowdown. Sure, the PSX version would bog down sometimes when a lot was
going on, but the Saturn version seems to be even worse.
- Load times. They're not too bad, but compared to the almost nonexistent
load times on the PSX version, this game takes an eternity to load. Why
does it take 5 seconds to load the pause menu? (This screen comes up
instantly on the PSX.)
- More load times. Some levels don't even load all the way, meaning you'll
hit a "Now Loading" screen as you try to switch to the waterfall screen
in the Underground Caverns or as you approach Dracula's chamber in the
Castle Keep.
- Still more load times. You have to enter the pause menu in order to check
the automap. (See note about 5 second loading time to enter pause menu
- What happened to the forest background of the Royal Chapel?
- Alucard's wolf form is no longer able to swim. (Fortunately the Super
Jump works a lot better in getting those hard-to-reach Reverse Caverns
rooms. Unfortunately, it still won't get them all. See the Frequently
Asked Questions section for more details.)
- The Saturn has no hardware support for transparencies (and it is probably
for the best that KCEN didn't try for software transparencies. :) At any
rate, any graphics effects that required transparencies in the PSX version
were replaced. (Alucard's Mist form looks really stupid in this version,
- You can no longer view boss tactic demos from the Master Librarian.

The Nitpicky:
- The Sword Brothers glitch that has provided so much entertainment on the
GameFAQs boards of late has been removed from this version. However, the
Double Heart Refresh still works, so Saturn players can still join in the
glitching fun.
- The "Keep your Alucard equipment" trick no longer works, either.
- The whiplash method for beating Galamoth with Richter no longer works.
You'll just have to resort to the Knife crash method. :)
- Vandal Swords are sucked towards you when you hit them, instead of being
knocked back as in the PSX version.
- Library cards take you directly to the Librarian's room instead of just
outside it.
- The Darkwing Bat wasn't exactly the most difficult boss in the PSX
version, but it is even easier here. In the PSX version it will usually
do its flapping attack toward the opposite side of the screen (where it
is more likely to hit you). Here, it tends to flap toward the same side
of the screen it is on, leaving itself wide open.
- Several enemies (Marionettes come quickly to mind) have different death
- Many weapons that had flashy animations in the PSX version (like most
Katanas) have different animations here. Worse, I'm fairly sure the range
on some of them has changed. The Muramasa in particular seems to have a
longer reach (that seems good, but this makes absorbing blood more
- Once you clicked a Clock Tower gear into place in the PSX version, after
16 more hits it would be clicked in again. This is useful to know if you
hit it one time too many; just hit it 15 more times and there you go.
For no apparent reason, the magic number seems to have been changed to 31
in the Saturn version.
- In the PSX version, anything that relies on time (like the Marble Gallery
clock, or the Moonstone/Sunstone) was based on your total playing time.
In the Saturn version, these are actually based on the Saturn's system
- Oddly enough, the percentage scale was not adjusted in the Saturn version
to reflect the 100 new rooms added. (I guess that's not technically a
difference then. :)

::: Audio Info :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [AUD] :::

So, you want to listen to the music and voices from the game, huh? Here's
what to do if you're running a Windows machine. Go to www.zophar.net, go
to the PSX Utilities section, and download XAPlay. Once you've got it
running, place your CSOTN CD in your CD-ROM drive, and open the file
Xa_Str1 in the SD directory.
The sound data is divided into 8 channels, which can be selected from
XAPlay's "Channel" pull-down menu. Each channel is 17 minutes 30 seconds
long. Actually, for some reason XAPlay cuts it off at 17.30, but the
actual channels are longer. If you want to hear the full channels, you'll
need to download the "XA2WAV" utility and use it to convert the .XA
channels into .wav files.
You can also try PSMPlay, a utility that's a bit easier to use, but I
can't get it to work well with CSOTN for some reason. It starts skipping
like a broken record after it plays the first song/voice clip on any
channel when I try to use it, but maybe it will work for you.
Anyway, here's the index for the NA version of CSOTN. I'd imagine that
the other versions would mostly be the same, except the Japanese versions
probably don't have the English voices, for obvious reasons. (The Master
Librarian theme for some reason was stored as an .SEQ file, which as I
understand it is a MIDI type file. At any rate, that's why you will not
find it in the indices below.)

* Music *

Channel 0:
0.00 - 2.20 Lost Painting
2.21 - 5.40 Curse Zone
5.41 - 9.37 Requiem for the Gods
9.38 - 14.34 Rainbow Cemetery
14.35 - 19.35 Wood Carving Partita

Channel 1:
0.00 - 5.19 Crystal Teardrop
5.20 - 7.48 Marble Gallery
7.49 - 10.55 Castle Dracula
10.56 - 18.14 The Tragic Prince

Channel 2:
0.00 - 5.05 Tower of Mist
5.06 - 6.48 Door of Holy Spirits
6.49 - 11.23 Dance of Pales
11.24 - 11.48 Abandoned Pit
11.49 - 20.08 Heavenly Doorway

Channel 3:
0.00 - 2.25 Festival of Servants
2.26 - 5.34 Dance of Illusions
5.35 - 7.20 Prologue
7.21 - 11.34 Wandering Ghosts
11.35 - 15.05 Door to the Abyss
15.06 - 16.08 Metamorphosis 1
16.09 - 16.45 Metamorphosis 2
16.46 - 17.30 Metamorphosis 3

Channel 4:
0.00 - 4.00 (Wind noise from beginning of Alucard game, before Castle
Dracula kicks in.)
4.01 - 7.24 Dance of Gold
7.25 - 11.16 Enchanted Banquet
11.17 - 13.11 Prayer
13.12 - 17.36 Death Ballad

Channel 5:
0.00 - 2.51 Blood Relations
2.52 - 11.21 Finale Toccata
11.22 - 15.25 Black Banquet
15.26 - 20.05 I am the Wind

Channel 6:
0.00 - 0.16 Silence (Unused?)
0.17 - 0.33 Land of Benediction
0.34 - 2.51 Nocturne [This track is not used in the game itself. Bloody
shame, that...]
2.52 - 4.37 Moonlight Nocturne

* Voices *

Channel 6:
4.38 - 7.32 Various Japanese voices
7.33 - 7.38 "Konami" sound test. :)
7.39 - 8.16 Dialogue: Richter vs. Dracula flashback
8.17 - 8.25 Dracula: "No! This cannot be! AAAAA!"
8.26 - 8.47 Dialogue: Alucard's first meeting with Death.
8.48 - 9.13 Dialogue: Alucard's first meeting with Maria (Marble
9.14 - 9.35 Dialogue: Alucard + Maria (Alchemy Laboratory)
9.36 - 10.03 Dialogue: Alucard + Maria (Royal Chapel after Hippogryph
10.04 - 10.25 Dialogue: Alucard + Maria (Royal Chapel spike room)
10.26 - 11.45 Dialogue: Alucard + Lisa/Succubus before battle (Nightmare)
11.46 - 12.07 Dialogue: Alucard + Succubus after battle (Nightmare)
12.08 - 12.15 Succubus: "Now you'll be my own personal slave." (Unused?)
12.16 - 12.30 Dialogue: Alucard + Richter (Colosseum) take 1
12.31 - 12.46 Dialogue: Alucard + Richter (Colosseum) take 2
12.47 - 12.51 Monologue: Alucard after Minotaurus and Werewolf battle.
12.52 - 13.10 Dialogue: Alucard + Death before battle (Cave)
13.11 - 13.51 Various voices and dialogues: Alucard + Master Librarian.
13.52 - 14.07 Various Japanese voices
14.08 - 14.13 Librarian: "Oh, Alucard! What can I do for you?"
14.14 - 14.36 Dialogue: Alucard + Maria in center of Marble Gallery.
14.37 - 14.56 Japanese Maria + Alucard.
14.57 - 15.10 Dialogue: Maria gives Alucard the Holy Glasses take 1.
15.11 - 15.28 Japanese Maria + Alucard.
15.29 - 15.54 Dialogue: Maria gives Alucard the Holy Glasses take 2.
15.55 - 16.02 Dialogue: Alucard + Richter take 1
16.03 - 16.23 Dialogue: Alucard + Richter take 2
16.24 - 16.59 Various mostly, if not completely, unused taunts from
17.00 - 17.12 Various Japanese voices
17.13 - 17.17 Richter: "Magnificent! But now feel my unbridled wrath!"
17.18 - 17.30 Dialogue: Maria + Richter's unused "Fifth Ending" dialogue.
17.31 - 17.41 Female Demon Fifth Ending Dialogue (unused)
17.41 - 17.47 Female Demon: "Such power in such a little girl!" (unused)
17.48 - 18.06 Dialogue: Alucard defeats Richter
18.07 - 18.15 Female Demon: "It won't end like this!!" etc. (unused)
18.16 - 18.30 Shaft after the Alucard vs. Richter battle
18.31 - 18.58 Dialogue: Richter, Maria, and Alucard after Richter battle
18.59 - 19.09 Dialogue: Richter, Maria and Alucard take 2 (unused)

Channel 7
0.00 - 0.12 Unused Richter and Maria voices.
0.13 - 3.02 Various Alucard and Shaft dialogues in both English and
3.03 - 3.49 Dialogue: Alucard + Dracula before battle.
3.50 - 4.50 Dialogue: Alucard + Dracula after battle.
4.51 - 5.14 Ending #1
5.14 - 5.43 Ending #2
5.44 - 6.05 Ending #5 (unused)
6.06 - 6.53 Various Japanese voices
6.54 - 7.11 Maria + Richter from Ending #3
7.12 - 7.21 Alucard from endings 3 and 4.
7.22 - 7.30 Various Japanese voices.
7.31 - 8.25 Alucard, Richter and Maria from endings 3 and 4.
8.26 - 9.52 Various Japanese voices.
9.53 - 9.58 Faerie Familiar: "Thank you for giving me life! Your word
is my command!"
9.59 - 10.06 Japanese voices
10.07 Faerie Familiar: "Let's go!"
10.08 - 10.13 Japanese voices
10.14 - 10.16 Faerie Familiar: "I'll follow you anywhere!"
10.17 - 10.20 Faerie Familiar: "There is something funny about this
10.21 - 10.54 Japanese voices
10.55 - 10.58 Faerie Familiar: "This is really suspicious looking."
10.59 - 11.05 Japanese voices
11.06 - 11.09 Faerie Familiar: "If only you could transform into mist!"
11.10 - 11.23 Japanese voices
11.24 - 11.28 Faerie Familiar: "Don't forget that some animals can live
in complete darkness."
11.29 - 15.13 Japanese voices
15.14 - 15.22 Priest: "Rest here. In the name of the Father, the Son,
and the Holy Spirit. Amen." (unused)
15.23 - 15.25 Demon Familiar: "Command me my lord and master!"
15.26 - 15.37 Japanese voices
15.38 - 15.40 Demon Familiar: "I'm ready to serve, master!"
15.41 - 15.45 Demon Familiar: "Hmmm... A switch! Why don't I press it and
15.46 - 15.50 Demon Familiar: "Hmmm... This switch hasn't been pressed
15.51 - 16.15 Japanese voices
16.16 - 16.18 Sword Familiar: "Have you power enough to wield me?"
16.19 - 16.22 Sword Familiar: "I won't let you get in the way!"
16.23 - 16.27 Sword Familiar: "You have grown mighty, my master. I grant
you my power. It's my pleasure."
16.28 - 16.39 Japanese voices
16.40 - 16.45 Ferryman: "I'll take you to a place that might be
interesting to you."
16.46 - 16.49 Ferryman: "I'll guide you to meet your destiny!"
16.50 - 18.51 Japanese voices (various dying sounds, for the most part)

::: Credits ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [CRE] :::

Thanks to (in alphabetical order):

- HUGE thanks to Alex, who has determined how weapon ATT is
calculated, how familiar attacks work, and provided me with
a list of enemy ATT values (which are now cluttering up the
Enemy List. :), found a number of errors in the Librarian's
enemy list, and tons of other stuff.
Daniel Amado
- Sent me a method to glitch the Richter/Shaft battle, as well
as a way to get the Silver Ring without getting the Spike
Breaker first.
- Info about the Yasutsuna oddity and other weapon abilities.
- Some corrections and suggested some item ability clarifications.
An unthinkable DAIS
- Pointed out screw-ups, well, pretty much everywhere...
John Arnone
- Pointed out I had forgotten to mention the bonus artwork on the
Saturn version CD.
Pamient Ash
- Was the first to suggest why GameShark users might not be able
to get their familiars to level up (they were using a Level 99
- Corrected a name mix-up.
Jeremy Beaver
- Got me to look into a way to solve the Clock Tower gear puzzle
without having to listen for the clicks.
- Described all of the possible ways your stats can be affected
by leveling up.
Robert Braddock
- Told me about the Alucart equipment luck bonus, and gave me a
few teleporting weapon tips.
- For the extra Saturn rooms and the Saturn Life Max Up glitch.
The Cardinal
- Told me about the alternative "Game Over" sound clips.
The Castlevania Dungeon [http://classicgaming.com/castlevania/dungeon.htm]
- Where I found out what the Runesword "says."
- For the Moon Rod Invisiblity trick.
John Chambers
- Pointed out a section that was not written clearly.
Mike Chenoweth
- Sent me info about the possible fifth ending.
Dave Connoy
- Told me about the Throw 2 weapon weirdness, as well as some other
tips, Familiar leveling strategies, and other goofups. (And was
the only person three years ago who thought my writing this FAQ
wouldn't be a complete waste of my time. :)
Ben Darlow
- Was the first to suggest to me that beating Dracula would clear
up the Rare Item "Bug".
- Gave some tips for the initial Dracula battle.
- Told me about the trick to go over 200.6%
- Told me about the Red Rust's tendency to jam.
- Info about the Heaven Sword special move.
gargoyle sox
- Lots of tips and corrections, including the infinite peanuts
General MX
- Told me how to get the large fireballs with Alucard's Hellfire.
the guy
- Pointed out some spelling errors, straightened out my left from
my right, and many other tips.
Haoumaru Haoumaru
- Noted that I had misspelled the Castlevania Dungeon's URL.
- For the Bat glitch, noting that Richter's whip dash isn't
actually a real special move, and a number of other corrections
and suggestions.
Shawn K.
- Was the first to point out that you can use the elevator in the
Alchemy Laboratory to get the Basiliard before fighting Gaibon
and Slogra.
Brian Kern
- His FAQ describes how experience is determined.
Nolan Irving
- The Library Card Invisibility trick and some other tips.
- Figured out once and for all how the Drac vs Richter battle
affects Alucard's beginning stats.
Stephen Judkins
- Gave me a working version of the trick to keep Alucard's initial
equipment, and some info on how to get higher stats.
Joshua Kaufman
- Reminded me that you needed a Lv. 99 Sword Familiar to escape the
castle. (It turns out it only needs to be 90, but thanks to
Joshua anyway. :)
Lord Genji
- Pointed out that my walkthrough still said that the Alucart stuff
is useless.
Fernando Lee
- Noticed that the Stone Rose has a few unexpected reactions to
sword attacks, gave me some Doppleganger strategies, and told
me about a glitch in the original Japanese version that allows
you to get to Dracula without getting the Eye of Vlad.
- Found that the in the Saturn version, the you can get ATT boosts
by equipping jewels as well as the Jewel Sword.
Saverio M.
- Pointed out a missing pork bun in the Catacombs.
- Found an extension to hiro1112's bat glitch, among other things.
mech gouki
- A number of corrections, and some better item ability and Shield
Rod Combo descriptions (namely the Dark Shield and Gurthang.)
Morgoth Galaxius
- Finder of many glitches (namely the Double Heart Refresh glitch)
and sent many more my way.
- Pointed out my Clock Tower enemy list had a few omissions. (And a
few other mistakes.)
Nemo Incognito
- Helped me clarify the Master Librarian trick, as well as giving
me some great Maria vs. Galamoth tips I'll have to use if I ever
make a FAQ for the Saturn version.
- A few tips, such as canceling the Hellfire's fireball and Medusa
Shield abilities.
- Noted that my list of places you can't get to with Richter was
missing an area in the Abandoned Mine/Cave.
- Insight on how to affect Alucard's beginning stats.
- Discovered the trick to squeeze more percentage out of the Sword
Brothers glitch by using the Alucard Shield combo.
- Where do you think I learned most of the stuff in the first
Richard Perrin
- Pointed out evidence against the fifth ending, as well as how to
get around XAPlay's 17:30 time limit.
- Also helped to straighten out my left and right.
- For finding that the value of critical hits depends on your LCK
score as well.
- Pointed out that I was missing the Sword of Dawn.
Setzer The Gambler
- For telling me that they put "Nocturne" back into the "PlayStation
the Best" Japanese re-release version.
Dean Siron
- For a Combat Knife tip.
- Pointed out an inaccuracy in my description of the Clock Special
- For revealing the Muramasa's true awesome powers.

- For telling the GameFAQs board about the infinite money trick.
- For pointing out the Tyrfing's elemental oddities.
TorgVega Q
- How not to get the Fifth Alucard ending.
- Told me how to get the Grape juice in the Royal Chapel.
- Some tips on how to take Richter through the Catacomb Spike
- Discovered the Wolf Glitch.
Joe Wisley
- Sent me a revised .XA file index after using XA2WAV to circumvent
XAPlay's 17:30 limit.
Nick Zitzmann
- Lots of various info.

Thanks to the five billion people who wrote in to tell me I had neglected
to add Richter's Brandish Whip move: Rainard Belmont, Lurk, and Robby
Stone. (I think there were a few more, but that's all I could find at the

Thanks also to ArdenLyn, Blair, HolyLancer9, Machinegun, and PaleDim, for
either discovering new rooms with quest64freak's new Sword Brothers glitch
extension or helping me actually get them. :)

Thanks also go to Pijaibros' Castlevania Page and Darkhugh's Den. I used
neither directly in the making of this FAQ, but some of the stuff here I
originally learned from either source. (Yes, I really did hunt down every
blasted enemy and drop item myself, which is what added an extra week on to
the production of this FAQ.)

::: The End ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [END] :::

For those of you who were wondering, yes, I did have a little too much
free time several years ago. But if I didn't, then you wouldn't be reading
this FAQ, would you? :)

Zach Keene
11 December 2002

Other FAQs I've written:

alt.games.video.shooters FAQ
Final Fantasy
G. Darius
Gradius III (SNES)
Mortal Kombat II

About author
Avid gamer.


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Chad Waliser
Article read time
219 min read
Last update

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