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News Yuzo Koshiro Shares New Footage Of Genesis / Mega Drive Shmup Earthion



Staff member

Update [Thu 18th Jul, 2024 16:30 BST]: Yuzo Koshiro's new Genesis / Mega Drive shmup Earthion is set to make a non-playable appearance at Bit Summit this weekend in Kyoto, Japan, as part of the SuperDeluxe Games booth.

So, to kick things off, Koshiro has shared a new sneak peek of more of the title's stages alongside the new YKGGG (Yuzo Koshiro Golden Game Generation) logo sound that will play upon booting the game.

You can watch this latest video below:

Video game legend Yuzo Koshiro has shown off more footage of the eagerly-awaited Genesis / Mega Drive shmup, Earthion.

"A sneak peek of Earthion Stage 2 (Stage 1 is shown in the video due to being under development)," says Koshiro on social media. "Everything in this stage is the real deal, running on a Mega Drive, except for the BGM, which is playing on an MD emulator."

"The music uses authentic FM synthesis (YM2612)," he adds. "Despite having a less advanced system compared to Etrian [Odyssey], which also uses FM emulations, the quality achieves the same level or even better due to superior arrangement and programming. It's not even streaming."

Earthion launches on the Mega Drive this year. It's also coming to modern systems.
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