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RELEASE ROM Hack Xenoblade: Definitive Edition config files



Staff member
Unlike Xenoblade 2, Xenoblade: DE's romfs is all loose files, making modification much easier. The same settings as can be found in Xenoblade 2 (https://gameparadise.org/threads/xenoblade-chronicles-2-graphics-settings.828/) can be modified, and more. I've compiled all the config files I found into proper LayeredFS format for others to use - the main files of interest are /config/scene.conf and /monolib/shader/lib_nx.ini. Place the 0100FF500E34A000 folder in /atmosphere/contents/ or your CFW's equivalent.

Thanks to @masagrator for the inspiration to look for these files.
No thanks to myself for spending 2 hours trying to figure out why no modifications were working before realizing I hadn't put the files in a romfs folder.


  • 0100FF500E34A000 - Base.7z
    2.2 KB · Views: 79

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