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Hacking Gaming Xenoblade Chronicles X - Lifeline and Enhancement Mod



Staff member
Jan 25, 2024
As many of you know, Nintendo will shut down the online server for the WiiU on April 8. For games like Xenoblade Chronicles X (XCX) it does not only mean that it's online
capabilities will be hampered, but also parts of single player. To remedy the effects of the later I've decided to mod the game a little bit.

What does this mod do?

1. Preserving online missions and enhancing support and time attack missions

- A selection of the online missions from squad tasks have been transferred to the support category, which is still available offline. That means that you can still earn tickets for those missions.
- The global nemesis missions have been transferred to the time attack category. (still tweaking them)
- You can now use skells in all time attack missions.
- Due to space limits, the old support missions have been kicked except for one (the last miranium money mission). All their benefits have been incorporated into several other missions. Now all missions, support and time attack, yield affinity (about 20 missions yielded one heart).
- The drop rates of materials are no longer based on luck and quantities have been increased. this should make farming for glyphs easier.
- If some of you know the XCX-Cut-Content-Mod, my mod also restores the cut time attack missions.

2. Casual wear is now really for fashion only
Selling junk in the shop was always a problem in this game because the filters weren't very good. And if casual wear is in between, that you want to keep, it is very difficult to go fast through and sell everything worthless. Casual wear has now been modified to have only 1 defense. This puts it always at the bottom of every category. All of it (except buyable stuff) has a slot so you could put augments in them as a failsafe for accidentally selling. Character name armor is now considered to be casual wear too.

3. Several augments have been tweaked (work in progress)
- Chances for skell melee auto-attack augments have been raised. Any skell auto-attack weapon have been useless compaired to the disklaucher (I'm still trying to figure out how to unglitch that one). Doubling the chances for skell melee auto-attack augments should make them more look like an alternativ.
- Treasure sensors have their chance doubled. They are also easier to get now since one of the new support missions has a Millepod. This should allow more armor setups.

4. Appendages targeting tweaks
- Only Sakuraba and Meredith m-missiles could self-target appendages. Now Granada Galactic and Orphean m-missiles and Sakuraba and Meredith s-missiles can do that too. The
damage attribute of those missiles have been changed to represent their makers more.
SA: thermal GG: beam ME: ether GA: gravity
- I intend to change every other guided-multi-warhead-single-target-system to have this ability.
- From the regular arts only fire carnival could self-target appendages. Now missile volley can do it too.

5. Weapons and Armor tweaks
- Phoenix get nerfed. the Phoenix was overpowered even compared to the superweapon alternatives. Fuel consumption have been raised to 1000 and range
reduced by 25%.
- Work in progress. More nerfs and enhancments will come.

6. Story tweaks
- Several regular missions have been shifted from chapter 9 to chapter 7.
- (still working on) The flight model can no be acquired in chapter 7 because Marcus is clearly using it
during chapter 8 and off the record missions can be finished sooner.
- Phog and Frye can I have their reunion mission in chapter 7. This will give earlier access to their special arts.
- Boze's and HB's missions can now be finished in chapter 7 to get their skells sooner.
- Alexa's skell can now be acquired in chapter 9.
- I intend to make Ares70 available in chapter 9 and the Lvl60 and Ares90 skells in chapter 9 to 11.

7. Probe enhancement.
- Are you also sick of mining more miranium then your storage can take? Storage probes now have a capacity of 10,000 instead of 3000. Booster probe I doubles efficiency. Booster probe II triples efficiency.

Installation instructions
• To install the mod you need a hacked WiiU with the app "FTPiiU everywhere" (can be downloaded with the hb app) and the full game EUR or US with DLCs. For those who have problems with the last I strongly recommend WiiU USBhelper before Nintendo abandons the WiiU completely.
• Download all bdat.parts and extract bdat.cpk.
• Your WiiU needs access to your network.
• Open "FTPiiU everywhere" on the WiiU. You should see an IP address.
• Open an Explorer window in Windows and type into the address bar "ftp://<ip address the WiiU displays>"


• Now navigate to the game directory.
- If it is installed on the WiiU it is in "storage_mlc -> usr -> title -> 0005000e -> 101c4c00 -> content"
- If it is installed on an USB device it is in "storage_usb -> usr -> title -> 0005000e -> 101c4c00 -> content"
• Past the bdat.cpk in their and click yes, when asked to replace.

Many thanks goes to
threethan: Author of the XCX-Cut-Content-Mod and maker of BdatEditor+
Thealexbarney: the maker of the original BdatEditor and xenoblade data index


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