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Homebrew WUP Installer - Title installer + Firmware spoofing [3.x - 5.4.0]



Staff member
Jan 25, 2024
Install public titles and spoof your firmware version to the latest (5.5.1) with Crediar's title installer!

~~ 5.4 USERS! ~~
Along with the GC to VPAD app, this file includes a version of NUS installer that supposedly helps with 5.4 install/success rate, give it a try!
:arrow: https://gbatemp.net/attachments/wup-gcvpad-rar.37610/
(You must self-host it with ZWAMP/XAMPP)

UPDATE: NUSGrabber.exe has been updated on December 2nd 2015.
If you are still using the old version it will not download any files from nintendo's servers. Please go to the website below and download it again.

Error Codes:
0xFFFFFFFF - Tried to install a title that's not a version title or game update
0xFFFBF049 - No SD card found
0xFFFBF3E2 - No /install/ folder found
0xFFFCFFE9 - No SD card found


- Currently runs on 5.3.2 and 5.4.0
- Does not work on 4.x or lower at the moment
- Will allow Online play
- Stops games and system from nagging you to update
- Install ANY Titles (Game updates, channel updates, etc.) that don't require private signing
- Safety List prevents you from installing Titles that could brick your console
- EShop access with - https://gameparadise.org/threads/nnu-patcher-a-patcher-to-temporarily-use-the-eshop.956/

~~ There is no good reason to stay on 4.x firmware, you will be missing many of the new system libraries from 5.x, so you won't be able to play newer games. ~~

** Donations! **
Please consider a BitCoin donation to Crediar for all his hard work! They can be sent to BTC 15Xj7Adn9JPic18Bg7fgePTVSdoUEKqj5S

Pre-Setup Tips:

SD Cards: Make sure you have a FAT32 formatted SD (MicroSD to SD Adapters work fine) ready to use in your WiiU. Since Crediar's WUP Installer gives no output when it's running, if you have never used an SD card in your WiiU before, you will want to test compatibility and make sure the WiiU actually sees your SD card. You can do this by launching the Mii Channel and exporting one of your Miis to a QR code or just taking a picture of your Mii, both of which save a file to your SD card that you can view on your PC.

NUS Grabber: You will need a special version of NUS Grabber that generates a title.cert and downloads your Titles you want to install. To run it, you will need to first have installed a copy of VCC Redist 2015 (32-bit/x86). Grab the NUS Grabber and save then extract it anywhere on your PC for use.

Browser Bookmarks: Since you'll be needing to visit the installation website with your WiiU Browser a lot, it's important to bookmark the URL. Since you can't bookmark it normally, it's easier just to Edit one of the existing stock bookmarks and change the Name to "WUP Installer" and the URL to " http://www.wupinstaller.com/wi ". If you've deleted those, just visit a site like Google, bookmark that, then edit it.

Downloading Titles:

Method 1: Use the standard NUS Grabber with command line options (See "Pre-Setup Tips" for system requirements)

Find latest Titles version:

Method 1: https://jsfiddle.net/bkr8v63L/2/embedded/result/ (recommended)
Method 2: Download the latest tmd from the full Title and check the hex value at 0x1DC

Using the WUP Installer:

Step 1: Copy the contents of the title folder to the Install folder on your SD card ( SD:\install\ ) and put it in your WiiU.


Step 2: Open up Homebrew Launcher and select WUP installer.

Step 3: Depending on the size of the title, installation should take anywhere from a few seconds (Firmware Spoofer) up to 15 minutes (Mario Kart 8 Update ~700MB) to install.

Keep in mind: game updates do not show up as separate icons if you bought the E-Shop version of the game.

If you see Corrupt Data, delete it then try your installation again. The most likely cause is that you didn't wait long enough for the installation to complete before rebooting.

Spoofing to 5.5.1 (Permanent):

Step 1: Grab the appropriate pack for YOUR REGION (DO NOT TRY TO CROSS-INSTALL, YOU WILL PROBABLY BRICK YOUR CONSOLE) and extract the files to your SD:\install\ folder:

USA [Download]
EUR [Download]
JAP [Download]

Step 2: Follow the steps from the "Using the WUP Installer" section to install the Title. This particular title only takes about 30 seconds or less to install, so set a timer for 2 minutes just to be safe, then reboot your console.

Update Safely from Disc (to 5.3.2):

Step 1: Obtain a copy of Mario Party 10 (or any game that contains 5.3.2 for YOUR region). See the list here-- http://gbatemp.net/threads/wiiu-list-of-system-updates-on-disc.372041/

Step 2: Delete ALL the WiFi profiles from your connection settings:


Step 3: From the main menu, the Disc Slot channel should show "System Update". Choose this now.

** For the SUPER paranoid, while it is "preparing" immediately after choosing the disc (Don't try it during any other steps), you can eject the disc and it will cause an error. You can use this to verify that it is indeed using the disc to install the update and not a pre-downloaded update that may be on your system already. **


Step 4: Let it run for a while and you should see something similar to this, stating not to eject this disc during the update.


Step 5: Once the update is complete, you will have to go through some new feature showcases and a new EULA, when it gives you the option to enable the Quick Start Menu, be sure to Disable it to prevent auto-updates!


Step 6:
Check the top right corner of your System Settings and Welcome to 5.3.2 !!!

Common Problems:

"Exploit failed, please try again." Error: You'll be seeing this a lot. Just hold down the power button on your WiiU console until it shuts off completely, then start it back up.

Crash after running exploit 2 times and returning to Home Menu: There was a Fatal Error and the system halted. Either you are trying to install a non-public or unsafe Title or your SD card is incompatible, not formatted correctly, or doesn't have the appropriate files in the install folder. You may also be trying to install an existing or older version of an existing Title, which will not work.

Black Screen/No Error/Artifacts/Crashes on Browser Mii: There seems to be an issue with the current Webkit exploits if you do a major system update or choose the option to do a full Browser Data Reset (or have just never used the Browser before). To resolve this, follow these steps:

1. Open Multiple tabs with heavy content sites (Youtube, Facebook, etc.)
2. Press Home then return to the main dashboard
3. Power off your WiiU properly from the controller
4. Turn it back on and test the WUP Installer again

** This may also be an issue with your SD card, try launching the first stage without an SD card inserted to see if it works.

If you do not exit the browser properly then reboot the console and just try to launch the WUP Installer, the Browser cache file doesn't seem to write out properly and you'll just get a black screen again. You may need to do this several times, it can take up to 2 hours, but once the exploit starts working, however, you will typically never have to do it again.

Update Remover (Gets rid of pre-downloaded update file) - http://wiiutools.com/RU/index.html

Have fun! :D

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