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Homebrew [WIP] Reunion - A Furry VN Game!



Staff member
Jan 25, 2024
Reunion - A Furry VN Game!
(Working Title)​

Version A0.4:

+ Finished intro sequence
+ Explore the house!
+ Scene trigger system in place for special events

Version A0.3:
+ Huge code re-work (See details below)
+ Fixed a tiny memory leak (There should be no more in the engine!)

I wasn't happy with how my menu system worked so I redid the whole thing, now I can have multi/nested menus and I modularized a bunch of functions so scripting scenes is now a ton easier, but in doing so I had to go back and re-script existing scenes. I fleshed out all the menus in the player's bedroom. If you want to skip the opening sequence and check it out, you can hit X at any time to jump to that scene. I'm really happy with the state of the engine now and can work on fleshing out the story and adding actual gameplay.

Version A0.2:
+ Half of intro sequence complete (Must walk home alone)
+ Fixed memory leak (Please help me test this!!!)
+ Can explore the town a bit
+ Day of the week

Please keep in mind:
Every sprite is a temporary placeholder, so if you see a character from another game, that means I haven't paid the artist to do the preliminary sketches for them yet. The background art isn't likely to change, it just real photos with a colorful filter added over to make them blend better with the cartoony style art!

A - Advance Text/Select
Y - Hide Text Box
DPad - ...duh

After a bad break-up, you return to your hometown for a week to try and get your life back together. It's been 10 years since you've seen any of your old friends and step-mother, who lives widowed in your father's old house. Features a relationship system and multiple-endings, two main characters to choose from (a male wolf and a female fox) and original character sprites and art by Oli-Snowpaw!

This game will run on any 3DS through HBL and can also be played on PC through Citra!

Here is some stuff:


Sprites by: Oli_Snowpaws

Oli was kind enough to give me some quick sketch/flat colors as place-holder art. I will continue to code/write the game and release it and the updates for free and any donations will go directly to the artist to buy more arts. More arts = more special scenes! There will be 2 version of the game, a PG version and an Adult version! The game is also les/gay friendly, all relationships (except for 2) can occur with either the male or female main character, and will have separate scenes for both occurrences!

Download Link! (Alpha 0.4)

...but I don't have a 3DS! ;_;
It's ok! Use this to play on PC! https://citra-emu.org/
(Be sure to turn on Hardware Graphics in the settings!)
If you get errors about missing files, install this too!

Help me pay for more arts!

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