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Hacking [Uncensor] Project Zero: Maiden Of Black Water



Staff member
Jan 25, 2024
Uncensor Patch for:

Project Zero: Maiden of Black Water / Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water


Here's a patcher for Eur disc and Eur/Usa eshop games to change the Zelda and Samus outfits and their menu names! to the original JPN Bikini outfits/names and option to move the Zelda/samus outfits to the White Kimono's slot, plus as an added bonus, an alternate version of the White Kimonos with the girls wearing makeup.
I also changed Miu's Normal Outfit to the original Japanese one (basically different color panties, in the Japanese original they are white, but they were coloured blue in the western releases, maybe to blend it in with the dark blueish sky or something... dunno, crazy censorships!).

Eur Disc and Eur/Usa Eshop

Latest Patch V5 -> Download here, or here, or from the post attachment.

All of the patches are performed using the simple xdelta program which only requires the input of the ORIGINAL game file and the corresponding xdelta file to patch it.

Only 1 or 2 files will ever need to be patched depending on ur choice, the files are:

Archive00.lnk is a big file, and, since some ppl have had problems with installing the patched game, i made the patch for this file to be a one time only patch and it is compatible with all game releases.
Because of that, i chose to edit the label for the White Kimono outfits slot so that it can be used for both the White Kimono and the Zelda or Samus outfits, like that we can easily switch between those outfits without having to patch archive00.lnk again and the names still match.
If you patched archive00.lnk and you are starting a new game but are not sure, or forgot, if the game is patched or not, do this: go into a mission when/where you can take a photo, check the photographs menu and if besides the page number you see the letter "Unc", it means the game is uncensored ^^ (Unc is short for the full unseen text "Uncensored by Elusivo =3" hehe sorry, couldn't help myself and included a little something there :yay:)

Tho i recommend and prefer to patch archive00.lnk, I also created a version of the patch that does not need to patch archive00.lnk, it only needs to patch the lens5_cafe.rpx, but the Costume Selection menu labels won't be renamed and Miu's original Normal Outfit will not be imported from the Japanese game.

Whether you choose to patch archive00.lnk or not, i'm giving you 3 patches;
  • Uncensor the game as close to original as possible, keeping the White Kimono outfit.
  • Uncensor the game and move the Zelda and Samus outfits to the White Kimono's Slot.
  • NOT AVAILABLE IN ANY OFICIAL RELEASE: Uncensor and use an alternate ceremonial Kimono version (only used by the game in a cutscene and not meant to be selectable) in place of the normal White Kimono.
    altkim.png altkim2.png
But don't fret, whether you choose one option or the other doesn't matter much in the end, it is very easy and fast to then change between those 3 options even after the game is installed in the WiiU simply by patching an original lens5_cafe.rpx with a different patch and moving it to the wiiu via ftpiiu for example.

I also edited the German and French outfit names, so if the translation is wrong, well, live with it and blame the scantily clad german girls i asked for help, and google translate ^^.

Steps for patching:
  1. Get you original game files decrypted.
  2. (Skip this step if you choose to not patch Archive00.lnk) This is a one time step; Unpack the files from my 7z and run DeltaPatcherLite.exe, select your original archive00.lnk file, then select the archive00.xdelta file for patching. Before applying the patch i suggest you select the "Backup Original File" in DeltaPatcherLite.exe's settings so you're safe and don't need to decrypt the game files again.
  3. Apply the next patches following the same formula, navigate into your game's region folder and choose if you want the White Kimono or the Zelda/Samus outfits or Alternate Kimono.
    Pay attention to not use the wrong rpx patch depending on if you patched archive00.lnk or not.
  4. Use Nuspacker to repack the game (or simply copy them to sd and play with Loadiine) and enjoy ^^

I know some ppl have issues with installing back the patched game into the wiiu and i don't really have any solution for that. It happened to me once, but after simply deleting the installed game i was able to install the patched game with wup.
If you cannot install the patched game or even the original game, try searching for bad tickets in the wiiu and delete them to see if you have any luck, i think you can do that with the tik2sd app but don't ask me how.
One solution that works depending on the problem is to first install the original game, then use ftpiiu or other app and copy the patched game files from your PC into their corresponding folders in the wiiu. Yes, it takes hours if you choose to patch archive00.lnk!, but you only need to do it once.

Another successful solution found by @MultiKoopa is to use https://github.com/phacoxcll/NUSConverter to do the encryption/decryption, looks like other apps, such as wiiu usb helper might, and can, cause the game to fail to run after installed.

"Unlock" Bikinis - Save Patch:

Bikinis - save file patch

As i'm sure some ppl would like to play the game from scratch, (or for pips like me who din finish the game yet and who dun want to lose or add any progress to the game), but are eager to see some bikini action (or original Samus/Zelda outfits for those who din patch the game), i created a patch for any game save file that will simply change the girl's outfits being used, to the bikinis, and Ren's to the kimono, all without having unlocked any of the outfits yet.

You will not lose any progress you made, and you won't have any progress added to your save with this patch!

The bikinis will remain locked and unselectable, so you can play your own game like normal and still be able to unlock the outfits as any regular playthrough without any cheats or whatever, but despite of that you will be able to play the game with the girls wearing bikinis (if you applied the uncensor patch before that is).
If you change to any other outfit you will then need to extract and patch the save once more to be able to use the bikinis again. I still didn't finish a level to confirm it doesn't revert to the normal outfit, but i think it won't.

  1. Extract your save with saviine/miisave or simply grab your loadiine save.
  2. Don't forget to make a backup of your save 1st to be safe! Then patch the savedata.dat file from the user save folder using the xdelta patcher provided in the 7z.
  3. Inject the save back. Done, u can even continue a level if u saved it midway and the outfit will be changed already.

If i could code anything with check boxes n shit i would create something to choose which outfit and which accessories to apply on the save patch, so for now is only the bikinis.


xml patch

I created these edited xml files that are needed to convert the USA DLC into EUR DLC to use with the EUR NUS trial game, just overwrite the USA DLC xml files with the ones from this patch, repack with Nuspacker and it will install as the EUR DLC.

Rough English Translation:

Rough English patch

This is a patch to switch the official english language to a Rough English translation left in the game files.
This Rough translation is sort of a draft, but it does give more information than the official translation and so i find it more interesting.
Expect some text formatting and layout issues tho.



This patch won't check for any file integrity, that's so it can be compatible with any other previous patch.
Only apply this patch after any other patch (if you want to use any). Always leave this patch for last.
If you apply this patch before the uncensor, or any other patches, they will fail.

1 - You'll need to get the uncompressed game files.
2 - Due to some rpx complications, two files are needed for this patch.

3 - Unpack PZ5_Rough_En_Patch.7z to wherever and place both game files together in the root of the "Official_En" folder. These files won't be deleted.
4 - Launch the "Rough translation patch.bat"
5 - You must pick your correct game version and that's it, the patched files will be in the "Rough_En" folder.
6 - Grab the files from the "Rough_En" folder and paste them over the same name files in the game folder.
7 - As with the other patches, either reencrypt the full game with the patched files and install in WiiU or use emulator to play the game, or, if you already have the game installed in the WiiU, the fastest method is to use ftp to copy the patched files over to the game folders in the WiiU.

You can check if this patch was successfully applied by checking the screens with text before starting any drop, if at the bottom right corner says "A SKIP" then you're indeed using the rough English text. If it says "A NEXT", that's the normal official English.


Don't forget to also copy the bikini video (EV9013_9053.mp4) from the JPN game and overwrite the one with the same name in the EUR game (this still needs confirmation that it doesn't break the game).


For, hm, testing purposes, you can find a save with all outfits unlocked in the saves thread.


- Completely reworked patches.
- Renamed menu labels for the Kimono slots in all 3 languages.
- Added patches to replace the White Kimonos for the Zelda/Samus Outfits.
- Added patch for a new alternate Kimono version in place of the White Kimono.
- Added rpx only patches that don't need archive00 patching.

- Added working NUS patches.

- Removed the failed NUS patches to avoid confusions.

- Replaced Eur/Usa Miu's Normal Outfit with the original Jpn Miu's Normal Outfit.
- Added patches for NUS Eur and Usa versions (which never worked cause of broken rpx compressor).

- Edited menu names for the bikini outfits.

- Replaced Samus and Zelda outfits for Eur disc with the original Jpn game bikini outfits.


  • PZ5_Rough_En_Patch.7z
    197.2 KB · Views: 71
  • XML usa to eur.7z
    22.1 KB · Views: 82
  • PZV_bikinisave.7z
    1.1 MB · Views: 64
  • PZ5-FF5_PatchV5.7z
    6.5 MB · Views: 88

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