Hey there! Could you do us a favor and stick to one of the templates below when posting? It helps keep things nice and organized around here, both for people who need to use the search function and me who has to add the games to the Excel Spreadsheet.
[Console] Game Title [Region] Wathever you want
[Console] Game Title [Region] Wathever you want
- [PS2] Silent Hill 2 - Saigo no Uta [NTSC-J] 75% Completed
- [PSP] Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars [NTSC-U] HD Pack
- [PSX] Final Fantasy VII [PAL] HD UI
- PlayStation DataCenter for NTSC-U, NTSC-J and PAL.
- PlayStation 2 DataCenter for NTSC-U, NTSC-J and PAL.
- PSP DataCenter for NTSC-U, NTSC-J and PAL.
Thanks a bunch!