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Talking Point: What Are Your Fondest Memories Of The Original Xbox?


Did You Own An Original Xbox Back In The Early Days?

  • Yes, I had one during that era

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I didn't own one back then, but I've owned one since

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • No, I've never had one

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Staff member

It's amazing to think that the original Xbox is almost 23 years old! We have loads of amazing memories of that console, but realistically we'll also have plenty of readers who weren't even born when it came out in 2001!

So, to finish off the week, we're interested to know what memories you have of the original Xbox. Obviously some people will have plenty to share if they've owned one, but others may only have come across the console once or twice.

We're willing to bet that Halo will be mentioned in the comments quite a few times!

Of course, the original Xbox also continues to live on in 2024 thanks to services such as Insignia, and companies are even still making new hardware for it - such as the XBHD adapter that was first released last year.

Let's hear what you've got to share with us, then! What are your fondest memories of the original Xbox, and have you got any favourite games or features to share? How do you think that era stacks up alongside all the others we've seen?

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