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RELEASE Homebrew SysDVR - Stream gameplay directly to a pc



Staff member
Stream/record gameplay to a PC via USB or network.

Update: Version 5.0 has been released with low latency streaming, be sure to check it out on github.

This is an experimental sysmodule that allows capturing the running game output on a pc.
As this uses switch's built-in game recording feature it has the same limitations: 720p@30fps and only works on the games that enable it, but by sending the video to another device there's no time limit to the recording.

There are two modes: USB and Network, both work fine but USB is slightly better, at least compared to wifi, didn't try with a LAN adapter.
Players like mpv or vlc can play the stream directly so you can use any screen recording applications but it's also possible to write the stream directly to a file.
To use the USB version you need the UsbStream program you'll find on the github page, it's built using .NET 5 and works on both windows and linux, haven't tried mac but in theory it should work too.

You can see it in action in the two teasers i posted while working on it:

As you can see it's not meant for remote play, but it can work as a basic capture card, audio output is uncompressed so it can be useful for ripping OSTs .

Download and guide on github: https://github.com/exelix11/SysDVR/
To get notified of updates you can follow this thread or join my new discord server (i also have a twitter account where occasionally post development updates).
Please make sure to read the full readme before reporting issues as it explains the most common problems you may encounter.

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