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Super Mario Advance 4 Super Mario Bros. 3 100% Save

Super Mario Advance 4 Super Mario Bros. 3 100% Save
99 Coins, 999 lives, levels complete, one of each item, cape and boomerang active, switches active.



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Super Mario Advance 4 Super Mario Bros. 3 100% Save - 99 Coins, 999 lives, levels complete, one of each item, cape and boomerang active, switches active.

A one hundred percent finished (Except the Mario Bros. Addon) save file.

It contains the following:

The Main game:
-E-Reader Switch Effects: Turnips, Half-Power/Flight Meter, Luigi's Floaty Jump, the Rescue Platform (Never Released Formally but Activated by Code), One Up Moons, Fireballs turn Enemies into Coins, and the Debug Power-Up Block (Releases randomized power-up from the top of the screen Super Mario-World Style when mario gets small; always starts with a mushroom first) are all...

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