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ROM Hack Romhackers recreate lost media for "BS F-Zero" from scratch


Back in the 90s, Nintendo worked alongside St. Giga in Japan to bring forth exclusive software for their Super Nintendo system at the time, all this through broadcast satellite transmission, which ended up being titled "BS" (which stands for Broadcast Satellaview).

A good number of Nintendo first party franchises were available for to the service, like Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, and also F-Zero.

The BS titles which originally released back then were saved into memory, and it's due to this specific hurdle that many, many titles from the BS era of the Super Nintendo have become increasingly rare to track down and preserve, and the passing of time doesn't help in this regard, since the hardware in whicj the games were saved are rotting away or most likely have their internals failing and erased by now.

While some titles from then have been regained and restored, like the BS Zelda titles, others like F-Zero haven't seen much luck, since a couple entries from the F-Zero broadcasts haven't been found as of yet, with a $5,000 US dlls bounty currently on going for anyone that might have existing copies of said games, or rather, the two missing week broadcasts that remain for F-Zero to have its entire BS catalog preserved.

Given the missing content, in 2018 a Japanese YouTuber by the name of "kukun kun" uploaded the original broadcast from the missing F-Zero media, showcasing the entirety lf the games on his videos. While this didn't include the original dumps of the games, it helped for romhacking enthusiasts to take action int he matter.

In a collaborative effort between romhackers "Guy Perfect"; who made the "e+ Complete" romhack for F-Zero GP Legend on the GBA, FlibidyDibidy, LuigiBlood, Porthor and Power Panda, they managed to recreate from scratch, making frame by frame comparisons Kunlun Kun's videos, the entirety of the BS media for F-Zero that was missing, effectively making 1:1 recreations of each and every track from the original broadcasts back in the mid 90s.

Together with Did You Know Gaming, the incredible work of the romhackers has been made accessible and available for everyone so that players can now experience this lost media from F-Zero's history made from the groundup.

While the original ROM dumps from the BS broadcasts are still missing, the search for them continues, as well as the 5k bounty too, but in the meanwhile, these recreations will make this lost media accessible to the world, in yet another instance of how great and important the romhacking community is when it comes to passionate and impressive endeavours.


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