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Nintendo SWITCH Cheat Codes Download

Rogue Glitch Ultra 2.3.549 TID: 0100C3701C19A000 BID: 6217CC99805A4701



Staff member


here is my theory about this game's values.
They store the value in a dictionary/database this dictionary is access by key and by observation read don't change the memory location of the node but a write will create a new node. The game gather the values on events. This gathered values are stored nicely in a very orderly fashion and that is what we can easily find when performing a search. These gathered value I would call it value in a cache. Cached value is used by the game except those integers. When we hack the cache it don't change the display but the effect can be felt with the floats. The integer on the other hand is used directly from the source ( value stored in the dictionary ). If I hack the cache I only change the display for the integers.

I am amazed that you are able to find those integer values in the dictionary node by searching memory. I suppose they are in an orderly arrangement in memory only at the very start.


get_Item fetch and return X0 that points to the value. Hack X0+0x10 change the game value.
SetValue write it to the cache. Useless for game hacking. If I hack it then the display will change.

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