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Staff member
Jan 25, 2024
X-Project (XMB SELF HOST PROJECT) aims to be the AIO customizable payload server for all your payload needs. Something the community can dissect and adapt, improve and contribute to: for the good of everyone!

This project is a joint venture between myself and @Leeful and is the evolution and culmination of my now discontinued 4.55 self host packs and leefuls current exploit hosts bundled into something for 5.05-5.07 which was far more dynamic than anything I had done before.

Screenshots of 1.5.7 / 1.5.8 BETA:
ETftr25XkAQSeVO.jpg ETftr21XgAEuYKl.jpg

+ Material styled "XMB" design
+ D-Pad navigation (as requested)
+ All Payloads up to date as of (19/03/2020)!
+ Distinct app group categories: HEN/LINUX/CHEATS, etc.
+ Page within page loaders where possible by @Leeful.
+ Customizable avatar/icons/wallpaper/name/colours.
+ Firmware and spoof detection.
+ Separate USB PC FILES: all the apps you need PC-side, and all the root hdd configs and db files required by various payloads.
+ Caching from offlinexmb.cache file (NOTE: cache speed depends on the connection between the PS4 and the host)
+ Stringently tried and tested by @Leeful and myself for stability and ease of use.

Left Stick: Mouse.
Left Stick click: Zoom out.
Right Stick: Scroll.
Right Stick Click: Zoom in.
PS button: Minimize browser.
D-Pad Up: Scroll Up.
D-Pad Down: Scroll Down.
D-Pad Left: Scroll Left.
D-Pad Right: Scroll Right.
X: Select Payload.
Square: Fullscreen.
Circle: Back.
Triangle: Browser Search.
R1 + D-Pad Left: HEN v2.1.3 + SPOOF.
R1 + D-Pad Right: FTP + FULL R/W.
R1 + D-Pad Down: FW SPOOFER.
L2: Previous Tab.
R2: Open New Tab.


AlAzif's DNS Server Leeful's 1.0 MOD:

Connect your PS4 and PC to the same network (use update blocker to protect from updates), unzip the release and run "X-Project-DNS-Server_v1.0.exe".
ON PS4: Enter the DNS given into your PS4's internet settings under DNS. Go to Settings > Network > Custom > WIFI-SSID = <YOUR WIFI ROUTER> > Pass: <YOUR WIFI PASSWORD> > IP: Auto > DHCP: Do Not Specify > DNS: <ENTER THE DNS PROVIDED> > MTU: Auto > Proxy: Do Not Use > Press O (no need to test connection).

Visit the USER GUIDE or alternatively enter "x.project" into the WEB BROWSER to load and cache X-Project.

This DNS host also doubles as a HTTP server.

Leeful's HTTP Exploit Host Server:

Connect your PS4 and PC to the same network (using update blocker and alazifs DNS to protect from updates), run "Exploit Host Server.exe" from the same location as the X-Projects index.html, copy the address exactly as it shows (case sensitive and needs index.html on the end to cache successfully) into the PS4 browser (example:, and away you go!

ESP Edition:

Flash the ESP BIN file with the NodeMCU PyFlasher tool: https://github.com/marcelstoer/nodemcu-pyflasher/releases
(We recommend using the max 921600 bitrate setting)
ON PS4: Go to Settings > Network > Custom > WIFI-SSID = X-Project Host > Pass: 12345678 > IP: Auto > DHCP: Do Not Specify > DNS: Auto > MTU: Auto > Proxy: Do Not Use > Press O (no need to test connection).

X-Project it is live hosted and cache-able from these places:






The official X-Project android host:


To update the files on the device/phone plug it into a computer and find the xPloitServer folder and copy paste the new xproject files into that folder overwriting all files.
(Thank you @stooged)

Self hosting must be entered entirely relative, and must include the index.html at the end of the address:
Some payloads occasionally have to spit out an OOM error , that's just how it is. PS button out, go back into browser, and try again.
Once any payload is loaded, you must hit the PS button to close the browser, then you can reopen X-Project main page to load the next payload.
If you get excessive OOM errors, restart your console, then once at XMB restart it again, to clear the memory.
If you get any kernel panic crash, reboot your console, then once at XMB: restart the console again, to avoid another crash when loading the next payload.
Run the MakeCache.bat to make a fresh cache manifest if you edit or add any files.


How do I put this on my ESP: Flash it to your ESP8266 device using NodeMCU PyFlasher: https://github.com/marcelstoer/nodemcu-pyflasher/releases
ON PS4: Go to Settings > Network > Custom > WIFI-SSID = X-Project Host > Pass: 12345678 > IP: Auto > DHCP: Do Not Specify > DNS: Auto > MTU: Auto > Proxy: Do Not Use > Press O (no need to test connection).
TO USE: Open USER GUIDE, or WEB BROWSER and navigate to
CACHING: Cache it in USERGUIDE or WEB BROWSER or BOTH if you want to use in both: takes under 30 seconds!

This release has it's own built in FTP server so that you can modify files on the ESP8266 device.
The ESP8266 FTP settings are:
Connection to the ESP8266 FTP server needs to be passive, maximum 1 connection and and encryption disabled.
You can also go to to edit more settings.

There are too many payloads: Remove the ones you don't want from index.js, and from the payloads folder (re-run makecache.bat too).

I cant load a second payload: Press PS button, and re-enter the web browser between each payload, unless its an AIO where it will load 2 in a row for you. Then press the PS button when loaded. This is a known problem with the web browsers limitations.

I get KP (Kernel Panic): Re-start the console after its crashed by using the power button, when its back to the main UI you should reboot your console, then start again from there.

I get OOM errors: If you get more than 3 there is an issue, hold O to close every open tab, PS button back out the browser, reboot, then start from cold boot.

The system lags: this only happens after large payloads, or multiple payloads, have been successfully run.

Caching takes a while: It's because you're caching every payload of the X-Project: it might take a few mins! You can always remove payloads from the index.js, and edit the cache down to just what you need.

It's not perfect:
Please contribute! Rewrite any parts that can be optimized or adapted and DM or @ mention me to update the main project! I wont be offended, in fact: I want it to be community driven!

I don't like the music:
.. doesn't matter now since I removed the intro page :p

I need an ESP version: .. you really don't. X-Project has out grown the limitations of the average ESP hardware: USE THE SELF HOST & WEB HOSTED VERSIONS INSTEAD.

If you think somethings missing: please @ mention me and let me know, I will add it in the next update or hot fix!

@fenwick67 XMB based on his codepen.io.
@Leeful who is an absolutely legendary contributor tester and coder.


LATEST V1.5.7:

(MD5: 22C4AF539880A0CEDA6C3B21DEA2C927)

BETA V1.5.8:

(MD5: 306FEE5488A0E8DF206E905449648B83)

USB PC FILES: <coming soon>



Hen to v2.1.3 by SiSTR0.
PS4REN to v2.0 by SiSTR0.

v1.5.8 BETA:
New Features:

[+] Added a 'SETTINGS' page so you can fully customize X-Project.
[+] Added the ability to choose which payloads load with the button combos.
[+] Added the ability to choose which payloads appear in the Quick Menu.
[+] Added the ability to Show/Hide the kernel clock in the main menu.
[+] Added the ability to choose from a selection of wallpapers. (you can swap these for your own if you wish)
[+] Added the ability to show/hide the welcome popup.
[+] Added the ability to show/hide the kernel clock.
[+] Added the ability to show/hide the kernel clock by clicking on it in the main menu.
[+] Added the ability to set a Username and IP, Pick a custom colour for the menu item from the Settings page.
[+] Removed the black bar from the top of the menu. Now the background covers the entire page.
[+] Updated Lotus GTA V Mod Menu to v1.03.
[+] Updated the ReactPSPLus payloads to instantly update the displayed kernel date and time when the payloads are run.
[+] Fixed an issue with the ReactPSPLus payloads where the date and time would not be accurate if alternate timezones were used.

If you would like to collaborate, or use X-Project, please remember to credit the authors, and don't plaster your name all over it.....


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