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Project Hacking [Release] Wemos S2 Mini - updated mod + modded PS-Phive files



Staff member
Attached are 4 files:
Wemos - S2 Mini flasher for flashing the bin files to a wemos s2 mini board, the firmware files (bootloader/partitions/firmware/boot_app0.bin) all these need to be flashed. Modded PS-Phive (Thanks @Leeful), and lastly source code for those that don't want to use the flasher or firmware files and want to compile themselves.

So what are these files anyway? Well they are upto date files for the PS4, they contain the latest goldhen embedded in the firmware + some mods that are not in the original stooged/poobs PS4 hack.

Guide for flashing: (it's not rocket science)

Put your board into flashing mode by pressing and holding the boot button and press reset, once the board starts it will be in flashing mode....flash the 4 files, it doesn't really matter the order as they are all written to different addresses on the chip. Once flashed, reboot the board and leave for around 30 seconds for the first time so that partitions can be created, after a while on your network you should see a wireless connection called PS4-Hack. Join that (no password needed), and that's all....you can now use this on your PS4 just join the PS4-Hack network and click on userguide in the settings.

For those that want to use PS-PHive files - log into with your web browser and click on the file manager tab - upload the included (modded) PS-Phive files. The wemos only has 4MB flash, and only around 1.2MB for program files because an OTA partion has been created to allow you to update firmware via wifi. Once you upload the files go to the config page and change this redirect check box:


Now when you click on userguide in the PS4 settings - PS-Phive will run instead of the onboard goldhen, if you don't want to use PS-Phve files and want to update goldhen yourself - just upload a new goldhen.bin and to the spiff partition using the file manager and the board will use that instead of the onboard goldhen.

There's also some mods to the board that can be carried out for those that want to put the board in a case - you can use an external led + switch for hard resetting back to default values - these can be wired up like this:



That's all folks - I am releasing this as I could never get PS-Phive bin to work on this board, so I assume other have issues, but this fixes that for you now. Also it makes life easier having the flasher and bin files for those that don't know how to compile but know how to click a mouse button.



  • Source-ESP32_Server_900u-hex.zip
    521.7 KB · Views: 75
  • Wemos-PS_Phive.zip
    676.7 KB · Views: 74
  • firmware.zip
    845.3 KB · Views: 59
  • Wemos-S2-Mini Flasher.zip
    Wemos-S2-Mini Flasher.zip
    8 MB · Views: 61

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