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Hacking [RELEASE] Trails in the Sky the 3rd Evolution English Patch



Staff member
Jan 25, 2024

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 3rd is a role-playing video game developed by Nihon Falcom, serving as the final entry of a trilogy: the Trails in the Sky series of games. The game is also a part of Falcom's overarching The Legend of Heroes series, taking place in the same fictional universe as other titles in the Trails subseries. The game was first released in Japan on Microsoft Windows in 2007, and later for the PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation Vita. The game saw an English release in 2017, localized by Xseed Games and released for Windows.

It has received an HD Evolution remake for PlayStation Vita on July 14, 2016.
Evolution renovated the old designs and user interface and incorporated several new features such as voice acting and animation in scenes, additional illustrations, and enhanced battle tactics.​

Note: This game is the final entry in the Trails in the Sky trilogy. Please do not play this game without playing the first two games, Trails in the Sky FC and Trails in the Sky SC

This patch provides a full English patch for Trails in the Sky the 3rd Evolution (known as Sora no Kiseki the 3rd Evolution in Japan). It applies the XSEED translation from the PC version of Trails in the Sky the 3rd (with Evolution-exclusive content translated by our team). This patch would not exist without XSEED's translation; please buy the original game to support them: [Steam] [GOG] [Humble]. Compared to the original Trails in the Sky the 3rd, the Evolution version includes the following changes:
  • Fully voiced story, with over 20,000 voiced lines
  • Redone artwork with more character portraits and event images
  • Arranged soundtrack (with option to use the original soundtrack)
  • Text backlog by pressing Down on the D-pad
  • Hold X to speed up battles animations, cutscenes by 4x
  • UI improvements
Sample Video:

the database
—Project lead, programming, translating, graphics, testing
Snigs—Programming, editing, testing lead
daijanaikedo—commissioned artwork

Known Issues
  • In rare occasions, text will overflow slightly past the text box (but it should never go off screen and be unreadable).
If you find any other bugs, please email them to Snigs at snkfcevo (dot) eng (at) gmail (dot) com, and we will probably update the patch as we work on the other games.

System Requirements
To run this translation patch, you need:
  • A PlayStation Vita or PlayStation TV running firmware version 3.68 or lower. For Vitas, buying from eBay is a good way to ensure that the version is 3.68 or lower and capable of running Henkaku, although they can be more expensive. For PSTVs, buying new on US Amazon seems to guarantee a firmware version below 3.68 and they are quite cheap at the moment.
  • A Japanese copy of Sora no Kiseki the 3rd Evolution; physical or digital will work. It must be the Japanese version of the game, and it must be updated to the latest patch, version 1.01.
Installation (with rePatch)
Three files need to be patched: eboot.bin (System/menu text), data.psarc (Scenario script, graphics, most other content), data0.psarc (Subtitles for the movie that appears before the title screen). Please ensure that your Japanese copy of Trails in the Sky the 3rd Evolution is patched to v1.01, the latest version. The translation patch only supports the latest version.
  1. Install and enable the latest version of rePatch (3.0 or later) if you do not have it already (instructions here). The link in the instructions goes to an older version of rePatch, make sure you get the latest version instead.
  2. Download the translation patch from the link below.
  3. If you have the physical version of the game, you may optionally use NoNpDrm to rip the game to your Vita so that the game card isn't needed to play the game (instructions here).
  4. Use FAGDec (download here) and do the following steps to generate a decrypted eboot.bin:
    Now run FAG Dec, select the desided game using X button and then press X button again on DECRYPT ALL(DONE). Press O to get back to main menu and press START button and select START DECRYPT(SELF) to start decrypting.
  5. In VitaShell, copy the following files to your computer:
    ux:0/FAGDec/patch/PCSG00490/eboot.bin (if you are missing this file, make sure you installed the latest game patch, v1.01, from PSN before running FAGDec)
  6. You will need to obtain a decrypted copy of the data.psarc and data0.psarc files. Browse to ux0:app/PCSG00490 (for digital) or gro0:app/PCSG00490 (for physical).
  7. Press triangle, select Open decrypted. Press SELECT to open FTP server (switch it under START key if you have USB connection chosen). You must transfer over FTP, I've confirmed transferring over USB doesn't work and still gets the encrypted file.
  8. Using FTP client on PC, connect to vita, then copy either ux0:/app/PCSG00490/gamedata/data.psarc (for digital) or gro0:/app/PCSG00490/gamedata/data.psarc (for physical) to your PC.
  9. Also copy data0.psarc, which is in the same location as data.psarc, to your PC.
  10. If you've followed every step correctly so far, you should now have a decrypted eboot.bin, data.psarc, and data0.psarc on your PC, ready to patch.
  11. Use xdelta to patch eboot.bin. Use the following settings under Apply Patch:
    Patch: eboot.bin from the downloaded patch.
    Source File: eboot.bin copied from your Vita.
    Output File: anywhere, use eboot.bin for the filename.
  12. Use xdelta to patch data.psarc. Use the following settings under Apply Patch:
    Patch: data.psarc.xdelta from the downloaded patch.
    Source File: data.psarc copied from your Vita.
    Output File: anywhere, use data.psarc for the filename.
  13. Use xdelta to patch data0.psarc. Use the following settings under Apply Patch:
    Patch: data0.psarc.xdelta from the downloaded patch.
    Source File: data0.psarc copied from your Vita.
    Output File: anywhere, use data0.psarc for the filename.
  14. Optional: Use xdelta to patch data0.psarc again, if you want to use the original BGM. If you already have the original BGM DLC, this step is unnecessary. See the FAQ below for more information. Use the following settings under Apply Patch:
    Patch: data0.psarc.xdelta from the downloaded BGM patch.
    Source File: data0.psarc that you created in step 13.
    Output File: anywhere, use data0.psarc for the filename.
  15. Copy the newly patched data.psarc, data0.psarc, and eboot.bin to the following locations:
  16. Close VitaShell and run the game.
  • I get an error when trying to launch the game!
    Make sure that your original game is the Japanese version of Trails in the Sky the 3rd Evolution, and that it's updated to version 1.01.
  • Should I use the Original soundtrack or the Evolution soundtrack?
    I believe that the original soundtrack is superior overall, based on what I've heard myself and from what I've read online. For those playing this game for the first time, I recommend using the original BGM patch. For those that have played the PSP or PC version before, the Evolution version is worth trying if you want a fresh take on the soundtrack; some people do prefer it, and there are some Evolution tracks that I prefer over the originals myself. You can apply the patched data0.psarc at any time to switch the game soundtrack, or if you have the original BGM DLC, you can toggle from within the options menu, so feel free to experiment.
  • My save files disappeared and I can't save the game.
    This is a known issue with dumped games on the Vita, where you can't save after leaving the Vita on sleep for a while and then resuming. Follow these steps in order to fix.
  • Can I swap the X and O buttons (X to confirm, O to cancel)?
    Try this homebrew: https://gbatemp.net/threads/release-button-swap-plugin-for-taihen.453829/
  • How do I carry over my clear data from Trails in the Sky SC Evolution?
    If your copy of SC Evolution is patched with rePatch, it should be possible to carry over savedata without any issues. If your copy of SC Evolution was dumped with MaiDumpTool, follow these instructions to transfer your save.
    Spoiler: Legacy save workaround for MaiDumpTool

When reading clear data, the 3rd Evolution won't read save data from decrypted games such as those installed using MaiDumpTool. Therefore, it's a bit of a hassle, but you will need to backup your save files using vita-savemgr, delete the MaiDump copy of SC Evolution, reinstall a legitimate copy of SC Evolution, and then restore your save files to the legitimate copy of SC Evolution using vita-savemgr. Please follow these steps carefully, as it's possible to accidentally delete your all of your save data if you do something wrong.
  1. Open Vita Save Manager. Select PCSG00489: 空の軌跡 SC Evolution and press X to confirm when prompted to start save dumper. Wait 10-15 seconds until the save slot manager appears.
  2. Highlight any slot, such as Slot 0, press X to see some options, and then press X again to export your existing saves. Wait until this is done. The more save files you have, the longer this takes. Once this is done, you have successfully backed up your save files.
  3. Press O to close the prompt. Press O again to exit the slot manager. Press O again to close Vita Save Manager.
  4. Optionally, you can open Vita Shell and copy ux0:/data/savegames/PCSG00489/ to somewhere safe on your PC. This way, your backup is truly safe. This is recommended in case you accidentally delete your saves in a later step.
  5. Long press on the bubble for Trails in the Sky SC Evolution (Named 空の軌跡 SC Evolution). Then click the three dots next to the bubble and select the Delete option. You will be warned that the game and all related data (including save data) will be deleted. If you have successfully backed up your save data by following steps 1-3, go ahead and press OK to confirm deletion.
  6. Install a legitimate copy of Trails in the Sky SC Evolution. If you have the physical version, insert the cartridge and let it install. If you have the digital version, redownload it from PSN.
  7. Open Vita Save Manager, select PCSG00489: 空の軌跡 SC Evolution and press X to confirm when prompted to start save dumper again. This time you will see the save data you exported in Slot 0 (or whatever slot you chose before).
  8. Press X on Slot 0 and then press △ to import your save data into the legitimate copy of the game. Warning: DO NOT press X to export save data here. If you do, you will overwrite the save data you backed up before, with no way to restore it unless you copied the backup to your PC.
  9. Press O to close the prompt. Press O again to exit the slot manager. Press O again to close Vita Save Manager.
  10. Now you can boot up Trails in the Sky the 3rd Evolution and start a new game. This time it should be able to read your clear data for SC.

Version History
The version of the translation patch you are currently running is shown when you first load the game (it looks like this). Please make sure you are running the latest version of the translation patch.

VersionDate ReleasedRelease Notes
1.0February 12, 2019Initial release.


Optional original BGM patch:

Again: This patch would not exist without XSEED's translation. Please buy the original game to support them: [Steam] [GOG] [Humble]


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