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ROM Hack [Release] [Spider] LeafTools: Animal Crossing New Leaf spiderhax



Staff member
Jan 25, 2024
The browser exploit probably isn't coming back, and I just don't have the time to support it anymore. I will keep the server hosting the exploits online as long as I can for those who want to continue to use it. Additionally, source code is available for those who want to try and make something of it. Best of luck!

Original post follows:

LeafTools: A collection of Animal Crossing: New Leaf town enhancers

LeafTools, at its core, is a framework for creating cheats for Animal Crossing: New Leaf. They work by modifying the game's active memory using the Spider 3DS Tools exploit (https://github.com/yifanlu/Spider3DSTools). As such, they work on all SysNAND 9.x firmwares excepting 9.5.0-23 or higher.

  • Physical or digital retail copy of Animal Crossing: New Leaf (confirmed working on US and EU regions, other regions mileage may vary)
  • 3DS, 3DS XL, or 2DS (no New 3DS model) with a 9.x firmware version BELOW 9.5.0-23x (if you don't know, go to your System Settings, your firmware version will be displayed on the top screen in the lower right hand corner. If you see 9.5.0-23, it won't work)
  • SysNAND (if you don't know what this means, you have SysNAND)
MAY NOT WORK WITH (Can be made to work in certain circumstances, but no support will be provided for these)
  • EmuNAND (Gateway, rxTools, etc.)
  • Backup copies of Animal Crossing: New Leaf
  • New 3DS or New 3DS XL
  • SaveDataFiler save games, PowerSaves, etc. (the saved game part, that is with garden.dat etc... if you've PowerSaved your game before you're safe to use these)
  • System menu version 9.5.0-23x. This is beyond my control and nothing I do will change this, so please stop asking. No, you can't downgrade, please don't ask me how to do that either.
Use of LeafTools modifies your game in ways the developers did not intend possible. As a result you could DESTROY YOUR SAVE FILE if you're not careful!

  • MAKE A SAVE FILE BACKUP!! Use the Save Backup tool to create a mori.bin of your town. Copy it to your computer and store it in a safe place. Give it a label so you know when you made the backup (example: "Haxville 03-12-2015.bin") This way, if something goes wrong and you destroy your train station or the town hall, or end up filling your town with rocks or totem poles, you can restore from a good backup.
  • Read all instructions thoroughly. Some tools are complex in nature and require careful planning or manipulation of bell bags in your inventory. Graphical aids have been presented to assist you.
  • Unless otherwise noted, tools work only for the mayor character.
  • Some tools include an "advanced mode" which bypasses bricked save protection. If you don't know what you're doing, DON'T USE THE ADVANCED MODE.
  • Above all else, DO NOT SAVE YOUR GAME UNTIL YOU ARE CERTAIN YOU GET THE RESULTS YOU WANT! All RAM modification is temporary until the game is saved. If you can't undo something that went wrong, just reset. You may have to get an earful from Resetti; I recommend using the Building Seeder to delete the Reset Center if you're going to be doing a lot of editing.
  • Copy all or some of the lt-*.bin files to the root of your SD card. UPDATE: You no longer need to do this! The QR codes now link to DownloadCode versions of the Leaftools, meaning that they are downloaded through HTTP and do not need to be run off your SD card. Advanced users can still make use of the .bin files though, and they are provided as an alternative to the hosted version.
  • Launch Animal Crossing: New Leaf as your mayor character. Proceed past the initial Isabelle dialog until you are in the game proper.
  • Follow the individual tool's instructions.
  • To launch the tool you want to use, you can either scan a QR code or use the browser to visit the URL directly. Either method is OK, and it is mostly a matter of personal preference. If you will be using a particular tool often, you may want to create a bookmark for it. (Bookmarks for Save Backup and Save Restore are recommended.)
  • After the tool has run, one of the following will happen, followed by an error message:
    • Bottom screen flashes green or becomes solid green. Success! The tool ran with no problems.
    • Bottom screen flashes red or becomes solid red. Failure: LeafTools was unable to identify your save data in RAM. You can help by donating a full RAM dump. Download this ramdump.bin and run it with LoadCode, then attach the RAM dump as a reply to this topic. Make sure to indicate what region your game is.
    • Bottom screen flashes yellow or becomes solid yellow. No changes. LeafTools scanned your RAM and found that there was nothing to do. For example, you tried to run the Villager Unboxer but there were no villagers boxed up, or you ran the PWP Unlocker with all PWPs unlocked already.
    • Bottom screen flashes black or becomes solid black. User error. Double check that you followed the instructions for the LeafTool in question and try again. This happens most often when you run the Item Generator and you don't have your pockets empty first.
    • Screen does not flash a color at all. Unfortunately this is also a common result, I have yet to figure out why the color does not flash on screen consistently. If this happens then any of the above results could have happened. Check in-game to make sure you got the results you want. If you ran Save Backup, run it once more to make sure it worked.

  1. DON'T PANIC. If you read the above steps, you have a backup you can restore from even if you can't load the game without it crashing.
  2. Power off the 3DS completely and power it back on.
  3. Try to launch Animal Crossing with your mayor character. If this succeeds, skip to step 12.
  4. If you are stuck in a crash-and-reset, again, DON'T PANIC. You can recover!
  5. When launching Animal Crossing from the HOME menu, press and hold A, B, X, and Y.
  6. You will be prompted to erase all save data. Say "Yes" at both prompts.
  7. Start a new town and character. It doesn't matter what you name them.
  8. Go through all the new character stuff. When picking a place for your house, pick a spot close to the train station.
  9. Go through the tree planting ceremony.
  10. Save and quit.
  11. Load your game. Skip past the Pete dialog, then go inside the train station. (Do not use any other building - it is possible that you could wind up exiting into a collision box, causing your mayor to faint repeatedly and forcing you to reset)
  12. Use the Save Restore tool to restore your save backup.
  13. Exit the train station.
  14. You may get a short cutscene at the town hall where Isabelle says something like "let's see what this day holds". DON'T PANIC if your town hall is underwater or stuck in a cliff! This is a temporary glitch that will go away.
  15. If the game does not automatically save for you, save and quit now, then reload your mayor character.
  16. Congratulations, you have your town back!
If the ABXY trick does not work (and it is very rare for the game to brick in this fashion), you can still wipe your save data. Some users have reported success in using Save Restore or ACNL Inject to insert a non-corrupt save file during the loading process, before the game errors out. From there you can use ABXY to wipe the data.


Q. I upgraded my console or purchased a New Nintendo 3DS. Will there be a version that supports the new firmware?
A. No. Nintendo patched the browser exploit with version 9.5.0-23. There is no possibility of LeafTools or anything of the sort on an updated console unless a new exploit is found and made available to developers.

Q. Okay, so how do I downgrade to a version that works with LeafTools?
A. You can't.

Q. Will you make a version that works on (emuNAND, backups, New 3DS, or anything else I listed above as "do not ask about these")
A. No. Absolutely no support will be provided for the listed items; you're on your own if you want to make them work.

Q. Where is the "root" folder? All I see are "DCIM" and "Nintendo 3DS". Should I make a folder called "root" and put the LeafTools in there?
A. Most users won't need to put the LeafTools .bin files on their SD cards. The QR codes now download the tool directly to your system.

Q. I didn't get a green or red color screen after I scanned the QR code, the browser just crashed.
A. Sometimes the screen doesn't appear because the browser draws over it immediately. Sometimes you'll see a VERY quick flash of color, and then sometimes the screen will turn one color and stay that way. The reason for this behavior is unknown. Just check in-game to see if you got the desired effect.

Q. I didn't get a color screen and the thing I wanted to happen in game didn't happen.
A. The browser exploit is finicky and can stop working for no apparent reason at random. If this happens your best bet is to reset the browser settings (it's at the very bottom of the settings menu).

Q. The Item Generator is too hard to use! I just want to hack items!
A. Use Marc Max's editor instead. It has a graphic interface and is easier to work with. The Item Generator is for advanced users who want to generate items "on the fly".

Q. How do I use this while online?
A. You don't.

Q. But this means I can't ruin other people's games!
A. Exactly. Also, you're a terrible person for even considering such a thing.

Q. Help! I used LeafTools to give myself lost items but none of my villagers will take them!
A. Restore from a saved backup, or use Marc Max's editor to delete the lost items.

Q. I (restored from a backup/used Building Seeder), and now (I can walk through buildings/there are invisible walls)?
A. This is normal. Take a walk around to make sure everything is where you want it, then save and quit. On the next reload, invisible walls will be gone and buildings will be solid again.

Q. Will there be a tool to (fill the museum/rename my town/inject my own TPC pic/whatever else)?
A. Possibly when I have more time. If you know how to code in C, you can grab the source code and make it yourself!

Without further ado, here are the current LeafTools! They're provided in order of ease-of-use; start with the easy ones first before working your way up to the harder stuff.



SAVE BACKUP (lt-saveout.bin) - Backup your save file (NEW in 2.0: Multiple save slots and saving is more reliable now)


The Save Backup tool backs up your save. It is the first tool you should run.

You can be almost anywhere when backing up a save, but it's recommended you do it first thing after loading your game, to ensure stability.

After running, a file called mori.bin will be created on your SD card. Put it in a safe place. As a bonus, this file is compatible with Marc Max's ACNL Save Editor: http://gbatemp.net/threads/spider-animal-crossing-new-leaf-ram-editor.382965/ You will be told the RAM file is invalid, but you'll be allowed to edit it anyway. You can then save the edits and inject them with Save Restore. EDIT: Currently LeafTools backups are not compatible with Marc Max's editor. You will need to use his dumper instead if you want to use the web-based editor.

You can also use the Save Backup tool to run multiple towns on a single cartridge, if you're daring enough. Simply run the tool to back up your current town, then demolish the town and start a new one. You can switch between the two by backing up your current town, then swapping out the mori.bin for the most recent backup of the alternate town. Be careful when using this though, if you lose track of your saves, you can kiss your town goodbye!

Important: The following data is NOT backed up yet with Save Restore, so if you are going to be hot-swapping towns, take note (especially if you reset your data, as these will be lost forever):
  • StreetPass homes (probably cannot be backed up)
  • Stored letters at the post office
  • Stored patterns at the Sister Shop
All other data, to my knowledge, is backed up, including villagers, town layout, building layout, player data and inventory, houses, etc.

NEW in 2.0: Previously Save Backup would fail under certain circumstances, displaying a black screen. Now Save Backup works properly in most circumstances! No more black screens!

ALSO NEW! You can now have multiple save slots! Use the following QR codes to make use of up to five save slots without needing to swap your SD card.
SAVE RESTORE (lt-savein.bin) - Restore a saved backup (NEW in 2.0: Multiple save slots)


The Save Restore tool restores a backed-up save. Use this when you get into trouble, or if you're juggling multiple towns on one cartridge.

The Train Station is the safest place to run the Save Restore tool, though Main Street or any other building will work in a pinch, but be careful you don't walk out into a collision box, or your mayor will faint and you could end up in an endless fainting cycle, requiring a reset. For this reason I recommend the Train Station, because its position never changes (unless you're using the advanced mode of the Building Seeder, in which case you probably know what you're doing anyway)

The Save Restore tool reads a file called mori.bin from the root of your SD card. If it does not exist or has invalid data, you're gonna have a bad time. Make sure to copy your most recent backup to your SD card and rename it as mori.bin.

After running the tool successfully, exit the Train Station or other building. Walk around town to make sure everything looks correct. If you restored an alternate town, things may look a little "weird" (floating patterns or items, bridges going to nowhere, invisible walls etc.) This is normal - save and quit, then restart as your mayor character, and the town should look normal again.

Note: If you get a black screen when restoring, it could indicate a problem with the save dump. Reset and try again.

NEW! You can now have multiple save slots! Use the following QR codes to make use of up to five save slots without needing to swap your SD card.
DAILY DOSE (lt-daily.bin) - Water flowers, unbury items, pull weeds (NEW in 2.0: Now only unburies gyroids, fossils, and bamboo starts)


The Daily Dose tool automates a lot of boring daily tasks. It waters all flowers, unburies gyroids, fossils, and bamboo starts, and removes all weeds, including the Rafflesia (but not clovers or dandelions).

For best results, run this tool inside your house or any building, then exit back to the town and collect your fossils and gyroids.
BANK BREAKER (lt-bank.bin) - Max out your bank account


Break the bank and max out your bells at 999,999,999!

You can run this tool safely anywhere.
MEDAL MAXER (lt-medals.bin) - Max out your island medals


Maxes out your island medals at 9,999!

You can run this tool safely anywhere, but you'll probably want to be on the island so you can see the results.
GRASS SEEDER (lt-grass.bin) - Fill your town with grass


Is your town looking a little sad? Run this and it'll be filled with solid green grass... well, temporarily, anyway. Unfortunately each town layout has various predefined "bald spots", and the grass there will die at the beginning of the next day. However, it will regrow any grass that was killed by buildings, public work projects, trampling, etc. Note that this tool also grows grass between the concrete tiles of the plaza, train station, etc., this is sadly also temporary.

For best results, run this tool inside your house or any building, then exit to view the results.
DESERTIFIER (lt-desert.bin) - Removes all grass


Tired of that pesky green stuff throughout your town? Run this and you'll soon have the desert wasteland of your wildest dreams. Grass tends to grow back fairly quickly in this game though, so you'll need to run it every couple of weeks or so to keep the town looking drab and dreary.

For best results, run this tool inside your house or any building, then exit to view the results.
MONEYBAGS (lt-money.bin) - Grants lots of 99,000 Bell bags


Do you want a lot of money, but the prospect of a maxed-out bank account is too rich for your blood? Simply run this tool and your locker will be filled with 99k bell bags. Just don't ask where they came from.

You can run this tool anywhere, but for best results you should not be looking at your locker while running it. Furthermore, you'll want some empty space in your locker - if there's no room, no bags will spawn.
PWP UNLOCKER (lt-pwp.bin) - Unlocks all Public Works Projects at Town Hall


Tired of not getting the public work project suggestions you want? Are you sick of your villagers suggesting zen bridges and oil rigs? Are you tired of being eaten alive by jellyfish just to get any suggestions at all in the first place? If so, this is the tool for you.

You can run this tool anywhere, but it's best to not be in the PWP construction menu while doing so.
VILLAGER UNBOXER (lt-unbox.bin)


Ah yes, the boxed-up-and-ready-to-move villager. The thing of nightmares. While the game offers you plenty of opportunities to convince a villager thinking about moving to staying, once they're in boxes, that's it, they're gone forever... or are they? Run this tool and they'll completely forget about moving!

You can run this tool anywhere, but for best results you should be outside the villager's house that's moving.

Note that this only works if the villager has not actually left town yet. Once they've left, that's it.
TURNIP HACK (lt-turnips.bin) - Rigs the stalk market


Are you panicking because it's Saturday night and Reese is offering bupkis for your hard-earned turnips? Or maybe it's Monday and you're looking to make a quick buck. Well, you're in luck, because now you can manipulate the stalk market and become rich! (Assuming you didn't run the Bank Breaker or Moneybags tools, that is.)

Run this tool anywhere, but take note that it doesn't work on Sunday, because the stalk market is closed. The next time you talk to Reese, she should be offering a much higher price for your turnips.

As a bonus, this tool offers an Advanced Mode. If you put a 99,000 Bells bag in the first slot of your inventory before running it, then the turnip price will skyrocket to an amazing 990 Bells per turnip!
(NEW in 2.0) GARDENER (lt-garden.bin) - Waters all flowers


New in 2.0, Gardener simply waters any space in town that has a flower on it. It does not pull weeds or unbury items.

You can safely run this tool anywhere, but spots will not appear to be watered until the town is refreshed by entering and exiting a building.
(NEW in 2.0) BURIAL SERVICE (lt-bury.bin) - Buries items


Got something needs buried? Got a LOT of something needs buried? Whether you're setting up for a giveaway or trying to dispose of the evidence, the Burial Service has you covered. Just drop the items in town and run the Burial Service and they'll all be buried quickly!

For best results, run the tool while inside a building.
(NEW in 2.0) 16 VILLAGER CYCLE-O-MATIC (lt-16vil.bin) - Erases Main Street villagers/resets "16 villager cycle"


So the worst has happened. You've time-traveled too far and lost one of your dream villagers, or maybe they moved out before you had access to LeafTools. You could easily put them back with Marc Max's editor, but it wouldn't be the same. You absolutely want YOUR dreamie back. Don't waste time moving out 16 villagers so you can get them back! Run the 16 Villager Cycle-O-Matic to wipe the so-called "16 villager cycle" data. This also gets rid of all those pesky non-resident villagers clogging up Main Street. With the cycle cleared, you're free to re-invite villagers who have previously moved out.

You can run this tool anywhere, but the villagers roaming Main Street won't go away until a save and reload.

ITEM CLONER (lt-cloner.bin) - Duplicates items


So you've got 1 silver axe and you want 100. Or instead of a silver axe it's one of those rare regional items. Regardless of what it is, you can clone it! To use the Item Cloner, take the item you want to clone, and put it in the first slot of the mayor's locker (that's tab A, page 1). Run the cloner, and any blank spots in your locker will be filled up with the item in question. Magic!
EVICTION NOTICE (lt-evict.bin) - Kick out unwanted villagers


We've all had 'em - villagers with unwanted personality types, or someone who moved in over your paths, or maybe someone sold you a fake painting and you want to exact revenge? Or perhaps you have a villager that a friend wants, and you want them in boxes so you can adopt them out. I won't ask what your reasoning is, but now you have the ability to kick out anyone from your town. Don't bother complaining to Isabelle -- this is the ONLY guaranteed way to get someone to move out, pronto.

Before you begin, you'll need to know the index number of the villager in question. Generally, this can be discovered by looking at the order of villager houses using the slide-out feature of the map. (Insert screenshot.) However, this order can be misleading if villagers move out and you haven't been keeping track - there could be a blank index spot where a villager moved out. Thankfully, if you put the wrong villager in boxes, you can use the Villager Unboxer to get them out, and then try another index number.

Once you know the index number of the villager you want out, you'll want to multiply that number by 1,000, and then put that many Bells in your first pocket slot. So if the villager has index number 5, put 5,000 Bells in the first pocket slot. Index numbers range from 1 to 10, so don't use any Bell values other than that, or an item that isn't a Bell bag, or you'll get an error.

Once you're all set up, get outside the villager's house, or find them in town, and then run the Eviction Notice tool. After you get back, go inside the house or talk to the villager. If they're in boxes or talk about moving out, success! If not, then you got the wrong villager - run Villager Unboxer to unbox that villager, then try adding or subtracting 1 from the index number, then running Eviction Notice again. Repeat until the villager you want out is in boxes or talks about moving out. Even if the villager is out and about, they will still be "in boxes" (saving and reloading will force them back into their home, in boxes.)

Note that this will only put a villager in boxes - so if you're trying to adopt someone out of your campsite and your town is full, you're out of luck. :(

Advanced Mode: Are you just tired of seeing the same old faces every day? Do you feel like you're gonna go crazy with your axe if you have to look at another one of your villagers again? Or maybe you just want to have the entire town to yourself for a few days? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then put a 99,000 Bells bag in your first pocket slot, and run Eviction Notice. EVERY VILLAGER WILL NOW BE IN BOXES TO MOVE OUT. However, they will not all move out immediately - only one villager will move per day, and they will move in villager index order. Isabelle will tell you who's moving out at the beginning of each day. After everyone is gone, you'll have the town to yourself for about a day or two before new villager plots start showing up. It's a great way to shake things up in your town, but it's definitely not for the faint of heart.


You can easily edit rocks with Marc Max's editor, but this program lets you do it "on the fly" without needing to swap out your SD card.

By default, Rock Breaker will remove all rocks in town. There are no negative consequences to doing this, other than the fact that you won't get a daily money rock OR gem rock (for whatever reason the gem rock won't spawn if there are no rocks present). However, if you place 100-500 Bell coins in town, the Rock Breaker also functions as a Rock Seeder, dropping rocks in place of the Bell coins. There are 5 variations of rock you can place, and each Bell coin from 100 to 500 will correspond to a different rock:


Be careful when using this - you could end up blocking a vital building. If you do, simply run Rock Breaker again, and all the rocks will be gone. Also, the game will automatically remove any rocks that are adjacent to a building, the edge of town, etc., basically under the same rules as PWP placement. This change occurs during the new day setup, so if you need to block off Main Street or something, take note that the rocks will disappear the next day.
(NEW in 2.0) TRAIN STATION LOCKER GENERATOR (lt-tslocker.bin)


There aren't very many "unused" items available in New Leaf. A great majority of the decorative items in the various town buildings are simply regular items that can be obtained in game. For the most part, the ones that aren't are part of the interior itself, and the corresponding furniture items are invisible.

...except for the Train Station Locker. Using this tool you can place one or more Train Station lockers in any of your player houses. In addition to serving as storage for the main player, they work just like the locker at the Train Station in that all players can access their storage from them! This can be useful if you want to set up a themed mall area, or a turnip-hosting town, or for any other reason you can think of.

Usage: Place a 1,000 Bells bag in the house or houses where you want the Train Station Locker. (Warning: Do not place the bag on top of a table or other furniture piece or Weird Shit (TM) will occur) Exit the room, then run the Train Station Locker Generator. Come back and you'll have a Train Station Locker where the 1,000 Bells bag was.

Important Caveats:
  • Sometimes, the locker's door will be stuck open and cannot be interacted with. I'm not sure what causes this, but it usually clears up on its own. If it doesn't, simply pick it up and put a new one down.
  • The Train Station Lockers cannot be carried in your pockets. If you pick it up, it will disappear from the game completely, and you'll need to run the generator again to place another.
  • Its effect on your HHA rating is currently unknown. It probably won't hurt it any, but I'm just putting this here to cover my own ass. If you get weird HHA ratings, get rid of the locker until you've unlocked the golden exteriors or whatever you're trying for.


The following tools are too large to use with DownloadCode. Thus, you must follow the old method of copying the respective .bin files to your SD card before launching the browser. Open the attached LeafTools2.0.zip and copy "lt-itemgen.bin" and "lt-seed.bin" to the root of your SD card.

ITEM GENERATOR (lt-itemgen.bin) - Creates items at will


The Item Generator is a powerful tool that can create items from nothing but sacks of Bells. Created items can go directly to your pockets, your locker, or even your island storage bin. In order to use the Item Generator, you will need to know the hexadecimal value of the item you want to create. http://pastebin.com/WvygzRp4 Find the item on this list, and convert the first number after the item name to hexadecimal. If you don't have a calculator capable of hexadecimal conversion, simply go here http://calc.50x.eu/ and put in the value in the "Dec" field. The "Hex" result is the hexadecimal value.

We'll use the silver axe as an example:

silver axe - 12349 - 4157

Converting 12349 to hexadecimal we get 303D.

Once you've done that, you'll need a lot of Bells to start setting up your inventory - if you're broke, run Moneybags, or run Item Generator once with empty pockets and you'll receive a 99k bell bag. First of all, EMPTY YOUR POCKETS - by default items will go into your pockets and OVERWRITE anything there. Plus, the Item Generator will expect certain items in most of your pocket slots, so it's best to just empty them out entirely. The first four slots of your inventory will correspond to the item ID you want to create. This is where things get a bit tricky - for 1-9 you'll need 1,000 to 9,000 Bells respectively. But for hex values A-F, you'll need to use the decimal conversion of that digit, TIMES 1,000. So, in the case of our silver axe, you'll want 3,000 bells in slot 1, a blank in slot 2, 3,000 bells in slot 3, and 13,000 bells in slot 4. Because hexadecimal D equals decimal 13, you'll use a 13,000 Bell bag. Here are the other hex digits:

A = 10,000 Bells
B = 11,000 Bells
C = 12,000 Bells
D = 13,000 Bells
E = 14,000 Bells
F = 15,000 Bells

For a zero, simply leave that slot blank.

If all you want is just one item, then you can run Item Generator now, and the item will go to your first pocket slot. However, you can seed the other slots in your pockets with Bells to do more complex things.

SLOT 5: if you put a bell bag in here greater than 1,000, then you'll get that many of that item. So if you want 10 silver axes, put a 10,000 Bell bag in slot 5.
SLOT 6: If you put a bell bag in Slot 5, putting a bell bag in here turns on "sequential mode". What this means is after generating the first item, the Bell value here is added to the item code, and that item is generated next. So if you put 1,000 Bells here, items will be generated in sequence. Using the examples above for slots 1-5, you'd get the following items in your pockets: silver axe, golden axe, rental net, net, silver net, golden net, rental rod, fishing rod, silver rod, golden rod. If you put 2,000 Bells, it counts every other item: silver axe, rental net, silver net, etc. If you put 3,000 Bells, it counts every third item: silver axe, net, rental rod, etc. And so on. The max you can go is 99,000 Bells, which will add 99 to the item's value each time.
SLOT 7: This one's a bit tricky. It requires sequential mode to be activated, so let's reuse our example from before. The number of Bells you put here will indicate how many items should be generated before it goes back to the beginning. So if you put say, 2,000 Bells here, it would count to two and then reset. Using the earlier example, you'd get a silver axe, then a golden axe, then it would go back to silver axe and repeat that until it runs out of items. The end result would be 5 silver axes and 5 golden axes. Using slots 5, 6, and 7, you can generate a lot of items really quickly - see the examples below if you need help getting started.
SLOT 8: This is the slot you will probably use the most. Putting Bells here will tell Item Generator to put the items in either your pockets (empty or 1,000 Bells), locker (2,000 Bells), or island storage bin (3,000 Bells). MAKE SURE YOU HAVE YOUR DESTINATION EMPTIED OF ANYTHING YOU WANT TO KEEP, BECAUSE ITEM GENERATOR WILL OVERWRITE THEM.

Once you have your pockets set up, run Item Generator. If you've set up everything correctly, you should have the items you want, at the place you want them. If not, check your setup and try again.

If all this looks too complicated for you, just use the map editor and manually place the items you want. It really is a lot simpler, and I wouldn't recommend using the Item Generator unless you want to edit items on the fly.

Here are some examples:

All golden tools, in pockets:

Most 7-11 items, in your locker:

4 full sets of wet suits, in your island storage bin:
BUILDING SEEDER/DESTROYER (lt-seed.bin) - Creates, moves, or destroys buildings at will (WARNING! DANGEROUS!)



Now that the big scary warning is out of the way... introducing the Building Seeder! As the name suggests, this tool allows you to "seed" buildings and public works projects by marking their locations on the map using a 100 Bell coin. Setup is similar to the Item Generator, but only the first three slots of your pockets are used (and possibly the last one.) And before you ask, no, it won't work online. Seeding other towns is impossible.



To get started, you'll need the hex ID of the building you want to place. A list can be found here: http://pastebin.com/WGHYFy88 Placing the bell bags in your inventory is similar, see the Item Generator for instructions on how to do that. These are two-digit IDs, so instead of four slots, only two slots are used. So if you want to place, for example, a flower clock (F7), you'll need 15,000 Bells in your first slot, and 7,000 Bells in your second slot.

Next, find a spot in town to place the building. You won't have Isabelle to preview how things will look or to automatically remove trees and things for you, so you'll have to take a guess. 1x1 PWPs are easy - the PWP goes directly on top of the desired location. Others will vary. Bridges are handled differently (see below for details). Drop a 100 Bell coin in the place you want.

Now, enter the nearest building, set up your inventory, and run Building Seeder. Exit the building and go look at the placement of the PWP or building. (Note that you will be able to walk through it, this is normal.) If you're absolutely certain this is how you want it, save and quit, and then reload. The building or PWP will have solidity now.

Note: Sometimes a placed building will not appear at all, even after saving and quitting, but will still be "solid" in the map. This seems to happen most with bridges, but has been known to affect any kind of PWP or building. There is, unfortunately, no fix for this other than time-traveling a few days to see if the project "appears". Remember, you have a save backup to fall back on if something bad happens. Some users have reported that the size of your town tree may play a role in whether a PWP shows up or not. When in doubt, just place it normally with Isabelle.

That's... pretty much it if all you want to do is place PWPs. If you want to move permanent buildings, mess with bridges, or delete buildings, read on. (POSSIBLE BRICK WARNING)

In order to move permanent buildings, such as the Town Hall, all you have to do is follow the above steps, as if you were placing a PWP. After running Building Seeder, the building will be gone from its old location and into its new location. Note that, again, the building can be walked through. Also, the place where the building used to be will have a big invisible wall, this too is normal, and will go away on a save and quit. Before you actually save and quit though, make sure you can enter and exit the building safely. If you can't, then DO NOT SAVE, ESPECIALLY IF IT'S YOUR HOUSE (if you put your house in a bad place, you can get stuck in a fainting loop when reloading)

Bridges require special placement. Generally, you'll want to be west and/or south of the bridge you want to place. See the below screenshots for reference.

For placing W-E bridges:


For placing N-S bridges:


For placing SW-NE bridges:


For placing NW-SE bridges:


Note that the game isn't designed to accept more than 3 bridges, so additional bridges may not appear at all. This can result in weird "phantom bridges" that appear only when you delete another bridge. For safety reasons I recommend you just build bridges with Isabelle whenever possible. However, if she says a building mile away is interfering with the bridge you want to place, then you have my blessings to plnt one manually. Just watch the 3-bridge limit.

To delete a building, don't place a 100 bell coin. Instead, put a 1,000 Bells bag in the third slot of your pocket. Then make sure your first two pocket slots are set up for the hex ID of the building or PWP you want to delete, then run Building Seeder. If you're going to be messing with this tool a lot, I highly recommend deleting the Reset Center, so you won't be pestered by Resetti any time you screw something up. ;)


One final warning - if you use Building Seeder to go past the 30-PWP limit, unpredictable things can happen. In fact, I haven't tested what happens when you max out the building reservations. Doing so could break a lot of things. So if you're manually placing PWPs, make sure not to go above 30.


Advanced Mode allows you to place duplicates of, or remove, permanent fixtures. This includes vital buildings such as your house, the train station, town hall, and so on. In fact, most people will never, EVER need Advanced Mode. If you want to render your town an unplayable mess, read on.

To enable Advanced Mode, put a 99,000 Bells bag in the last slot of your pocket. Now, you can use any of the above features of Building Seeder, but the restrictions on permanent buildings are removed. You can make duplicates of things you normally can't, delete the train station, or just wipe your town of all buildings entirely. Have fun, and try not to brick your town.

This is the end of the readme! Now go forth and make awesome things happen in your town!

  • Yifan Lu for making the Spider 3DS exploit accessible to us mortals
  • SciresM for his Pokemon hacks, which were the original insipration for my hacking Animal Crossing, and whose source code taught me how to write this stuff
  • Marc Max for his work on the ACNL Save Editor
  • ConanAC whose original post showed just what all was possible
  • Duke for his advances with the tools used to launch browser exploits, including DownloadCode
  • The fine contributors to the ACNL RAM Locations spreadsheet
  • And everyone else who contributed offsets, testing, etc. Sorry if I forgot your name!
SOURCE: https://bitbucket.org/neokamek/leaftools

  • 2.0
    • Daily Dose no longer unburies items that are not a fossil, gyroid, or bamboo start.
    • LeafTools moved to DownloadCode implementation - no more fussing with .BIN files on your SD card!
    • Save Backup and Save Restore now have QR codes for up to five different save slots (six if you include the regular "no-save-slot" version)
    • Burial Service tool: buries all items on the map
    • 16 Villager Cycle-O-Matic tool: wipes the "past villagers" record, aka the "16 villager cycle"
    • Train Station Locker Generator tool: place Train Station Lockers in any player house
  • 1.2 - Villager Unboxer and Eviction Notice updated to use the proper villager move-out flag. (They should properly detect and unbox/evict villagers now.)
  • 1.11 - Villager Unboxer will now REALLY force villagers out of boxes. (Fixed a bug where only half of them were being forced out.)
  • 1.1 - Villager Unboxer will now force villagers out of boxes even if they're not detected to be in boxes (temporary fix until I can nail down the exact flag that determines a villager's boxiness)

  • In version 3.0, many of the LeafTools will be retired in favor of ARCode variants, making use of the more reliable ARCode framework.
  • Tool to max out catalog data.
  • Tool to max out the museum.
  • Make as many LeafTools compatible with all players as possible.

    ATTACHED: LeafTools2.0.zip. Most users will not need this, they can use the QR codes. You only need this if you want to run the binaries yourself using LoadCode.


  • LeafTools2.0.zip
    20.5 KB · Views: 78
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