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ROM Hack [RELEASE] Fantasy Life Save Viewer/Editor



Staff member
Jan 25, 2024
Fantasy Life Save Viewer/Editor

After some tests I've decided to "release" this little tool I'm using for myself.

This is, as the name implies, a Fantasy Life save viewer/editor.
Right now it's in "beta" stage, which means you need to use it carefully (always make a backup of your save before editing).

False positive virus alert:
Since I'm using UPX (http://upx.sourceforge.net/) for "compacting" the executable you may receive a browser or even your antivirus alert saying the file contains virus. It's does not! :)
But please, feel free to not use this software if you still have your suspicions ;)

Features 1.03b:

- Read/write character name
- Read/write mount name*
- Read/write pet 1 name*
- Read/write pet 2 name*
- Read/write pet 3 name*
- Read level value
- Read/write experience
- Read/write experience points
- Read/write money (dosh)
- Read/write bliss
- Read current life stars
- Read/write each life stars in a dedicated window
- Read/write golden coins**
- Read/write silver coins**
- Read/write life(current life individually for each Life)
- Read rank***
- Read/write gender
- Additional Life data for Stars setting (double click in Life icon)
I may have hidden something in cool the program. Can you look for it in case I have forgotten mentioning here? :unsure: easter egg??

Even if you change this name it'll only be available when you get your mount/pet.
** Although you can edit this value it'll be only used/useful if you have the DLC.
*** The Rank cannot be written without properly leveling your Stars.

liomajor - for first teasing us with his Fantasy Life Hex Edit
MrFahrenheit39 - for some hints on offsets
Ivan Garcia - for the initial save editor JAR version

Rurounik99 and latehours101 - for beta testing a bit

1 bug found
1 - when you save the application displays some messages with the following content: "please fill in some data": STATUS: Not sure! I can't reproduce the issue and following the exact steps some users reported do not help either. But since a lot changed under the hood, maybe the issue went away as well. Please, test and report back.

Editing some values with a way big value cause the "feature" to be locked, for instance Bliss. If you make a value too big for bliss, even if you check with Yuelia at you attic, you'll not receive any gift, so edit carefully :p
1) The Bliss is "locked" in 24000 while I'm investigating a better max value for it and how to use it safely.
2) The Exp Point has "room" for value as big as 16777215 but having much more than 250 is useless as the points distribution is "locked" in 50 points for each "attributes"

Dumping your save
Explaining the saves:
Fantasy Life saves are actually "stored" in the folder "extdata\00000000", so copying just the .SAV file will not backup your progress. But when backuping your progress copy both, just in case. :)

Saves version:
EU: 0004000000113100.sav and "extdata\00000000\00001131"
US: 0004000000113200.sav and "extdata\00000000\00001132"
JP: ?? (untested, sorry)

1) Extract your save
1.1) After the extraction is done, there will be a folder called filer in you SD card
1.2) The saves are stored in a folder structure like this: YYYYMMDDhhmmss\00001132
1.3) There are 3 save slots named like this: fl_ext0.fsd, fl_ext1.fsd and fl_ext0.fsd
1.4) And there are 3 backup saves named like this: _fl_ext0.fsd, _fl_ext1.fsd and _fl_ext0.fsd
1.5) The backup saves don't need to be modified!
2) Copy the 6 saves to your computer
3) Open the file corresponding to the slot you want to modify
4) Edit it as you like and save it after you're done
5) Re-import using SaveDataFiler

PS: You can use FLsavetool as hinted by @gamesquest1
**New version from 02-02-2015

Version 1.03b build 36
**minor build compilation to change the Slot3 texto to Slot2 in the "Save as..." feature

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