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Project Hacking [Release] Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition Save Editor (Switch) v1.0



Staff member
Hello, everyone. I am here today to post version 1.0 of my project, a save editor for the Nintendo Switch version of Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition. This project was originally started by @Green Mii, who at one point abandoned the project, but with their blessing, I picked up where they left off, and now it is ready for an initial release! Here is a list of supported features, with more on the way:

  • Full party editing, including skills, stats, and the like. You could set every Digimon in your party to use 0 Party Memory if you wanted. Stats are limited to the displayable maximum for the base values, but more can be added using the bonus stats feature for each stay.
  • Editing certain character data, like the character name, gender (Cyber sleuth only), money, rank, and CSP/Hacker Points. Inventory editing is planned for last, but I will desire a helper to implement it once the time comes.
  • Coming in v2.0 - Editing DigiFarm Digimon and character Party Memory.
  • Coming in v3.0 - Editing inventory, and fixing the pesky bug regarding equippable items (more on that below).
  • Requestable but not currently planned - DigiBank editing, and an option to allow setting all Digimon's scan data to max on save.
Known bugs:

  • When giving an equipment item or accessory to a Digimon, it is impossible to remove it in-game due to their integration with the inventory data. This will be fixed in v3.0, and a temporary workaround is to remove or change it in the save editor every time.

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  • DigimonStorySaveEditor.zip
    5.3 MB · Views: 80

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