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News PS5, PS4 Fans Think Something May Be Afoot with Sony's Siren Series



Staff member

A mysterious rating for Sony's underrated survival horror series Siren has emerged in Korea, prompting some PS5 fans to ponder whether the franchise could be making an unexpected comeback. In all likelihood, this pertains to an emulated PS2 version, which is already available in most regions and hasn't launched in Korea yet, so don't set your expectations too high.

Siren was part of PlayStation's original PS2 on PS4 initiative, which was widely criticized for the quality of its emulation. While it was enhanced with Trophies and upscaling, the Japanese giant's new emulator is vastly superior, allowing you to toggle between different regions, rewind gameplay, and more. Perhaps it's updating the game to use this new technology.

Those looking for a Siren-like experience on PS5 and PS4 this year will be well served by Slitterhead, the debut game from Bokeh Studios, led by Japan Studio veteran Keiichiro Toyama. After directing the original Silent Hill, he moved to Sony to create series such as Siren and Gravity Rush, and now he's returning to his roots with his first independent project.

While Slitterhead is its own narrative experience, it does feature similar gameplay elements to Siren, including the franchise's Sightjacking mechanic, which has evolved into more of a possession-style system here.

Personally, as much as we'd like to see a new Siren, it doesn't make sense without Toyama-san at the helm. Slitterhead, while not being published by Sony, is effectively that. But we're not opposed to the original game's emulation getting a much-needed bump on PS5 and PS4, so we hope that's what this Korean rating is all about.

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