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News 'PS5 Pro Is a Really Good Investment,' Argue Tech Experts After Hands-On



Staff member

Tech experts Digital Foundry have finally gotten hands-on time with the PS5 Pro, and their verdict is overwhelmingly positive – especially if you're the type of player who appreciates blistering frame rates, high fidelity visuals, and ray tracing. In an exhaustive hour-long analysis, which you can watch in full above, the swots conclude that they're impressed with what they've seen – and that the system is looking like a solid purchase.

"If you value fidelity and you like ray tracing and the higher frame rates of performance modes, PS5 Pro's a really good investment," explained Oliver Mackenzie. "There is a conversation to be had between the value of a PS5 Pro and a PC, but for a hassle-free gaming experience delivering high fidelity visuals with no particular issues with updates and incompatibility, PS5 Pro is delivering a really good experience and it's also fairly favorable in terms of cost."

We're not going to breakdown its entire analysis for every single game, but overall our takeaway is that developers are using the hardware in a multitude of different ways, and this results in a variety of outcomes. Some of these are more impressive than others – Digital Foundry appears to be particularly impressed with F1 24 – but the bottom line is that you're getting higher quality visuals at faster frame rates.

A lot of the heavy lifting here appears to be attributed to Sony's upscaling solution PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution (or PSSR), which is able to reconstruct images based on lower resolution sources with very few compromises. There are issues and it's not perfect, but generally the PS5 Pro is able to significantly boost visual quality with minimal computational overhead, meaning you're getting nice clean 4K images with other enhancements sprinkled on top.

It's likely we're seeing the origins of the PS6 here, as the Japanese giant will almost certainly continue iterating on this tech as it moves towards the next generation. That the results are already this impressive, with developers still getting to grips with the technology, is astounding.

So, the PS5 Pro may not be for you, but it's clear Sony has cooked up a system which dramatically improves on the existing experience.

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