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News Pneumata Promises To Deliver 'True Survival Horror' On Xbox This Friday



Staff member

We've been keeping an eye on the upcoming survival horror game Pneumata for a while here at GameParadise, and although it's been delayed indefinitely over the last few weeks, it's finally got a release date of this Friday, September 20th.

Why are we so interested? Well, firstly it looks cool, and it also describes itself as "one of the scariest psychological horrors in years". If you're going to make a claim that bold, you're going to get our attention!

In the game, you'll play as a detective who's forced to solve a series of murders while also fighting off the "horrors that lurk in the shadows". It's said to be terrifying enough to scare even the most seasoned of horror game fans, offering up gruesome scenarios around every corner along with an "unending feeling of tension and helplessness".

As mentioned, Pneumata will be available on the Xbox Store this Friday for Series X and Series S, but we don't know what the price will be just yet. It's also strangely listed for Xbox One, even though the publisher is only mentioning Series X|S. It might be worth setting a reminder to check the "new games" section of the Xbox Store later this week!

"Prepare to question what is reality, and what is insanity in one of the scariest psychological horrors in years. The tenants are going missing, screams echo and blood seeps through the walls of Clover Hill. As a detective, unravel the truth that lays within and recover your fragmented memories, or succumb to the horrors that lurk in the shadows within this sinister blend of Survival & Psychological horror. Pneumata will scare even the most seasoned horror players."


Interested in picking up Pneumata for Xbox? Let us know down in the comments section below.

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