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Palworld private server creation



Staff member
Hello everyone,

We will try to create a Palworld private server on February 2nd at 8pm (EDT/New York Timezone).
If you want to join us in this event, let us know here.

Notice :
1-To acces the server, you need a legit and up-to-date copy of the Steam version of Palworld.
Xbox and Gamepass version have problems when trying to log into servers. Also, cross plateform is not available at the moment.
2-In order to join the event, please reply I'm in below.
2.1-Subscriptions will close on February 2nd 16:00 (EDT(New York timezone))
I will order the server around February 2nd 18:00 and send the login information to subscribers.
3-Following people will be excluded from subscription in order to avoid trolls as much as possible
3.1-People who subscribed to GBAtemp after November 30th 2023
People who have posted less than 50 messages on the forum
4-This Event is purely for fun. We don't plan to do anything special in the server, we just want to have fun.
4.1-The server will be ordered only for a short period of time (I know people look at me like I'm a genius, but my name is not Elon Musk)
4.2-I also do this event to see how many people will subscribe VS how many will actually show up. This will give me a good idea as to what to expect in an eventual future event.

5-The subscription is FREE!!!

Let's hope this will lead somewhere

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