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Hacking NS-Atmosphere Payload Injector (overview)



Staff member
Jan 25, 2024
So, there are many payload injectors on the market right now but the newest one as of now is named the "NS-Atmosphere" dongle.
You can find it available for purchase here: https://www.aliexpress.com/store/pr...221.html?spm=2114.12010608.0.0.2e5c978eDL6cjl
There are other stores that have started to sell this dongle, however as far as I am aware BitFunx was the first store to stock this injector, and I know many other tempers have also ordered from BitFunx so we know it can be trusted, I just want to say be careful if you decide to order from any other store that stocked this dongle afterwards because you've got less of a guarantee of a good seller. (Oh and delivery was only 6 days to UK, standard shipping)
Anyway, as expected the dongle works for any payload you want. You can swap between Hekate, ReiNX, SX OS and any other payload at will by using the programmer application that lets you flash the given payload to the dongle with just a couple of clicks. You can grab it from the official website here (direct link): http://www.ns-atmosphere.com/media/content/setup_ns-atmosphere_programmer_v03.zip
Manual Driver.PNG

For me the driver did not install automatically (flip power switch then double tap the reset button after connecting to usb), I had to install manually which worked fine after I disabled signature verification. Just reboot afterwards and it will enable verification again.Then I browsed to the latest ReiNX.bin and waited for it to write to the injector.
They do provide a .zip for different firmware versions which contains the files for your switch sd card, but those may be outdated, so I just stuck with the files I already had (latest ReiNX files for github) and flashed the reinx.bin included in those official files (the same .bin I used for tegraRCM).

The LED's change depending on what is going on inside the injector while it's connected to a pc, blue for power, green for full and red for write (payload as well as driver install)

It comes with a separate usb cable to connect it to a pc for injecting or updating the payload. I actually prefer this as it makes the dongle look much neater when compared to the other dongle that has a full usb connector sticking out from the other side that could break off. The jig fits nicely into the slot on the dongle, and glides smoothly into the rail in the switch to short pin 10 with pin 7, it has a solid feel to it and even a little sticker on the back.

Right now, it is the cheapest dongle available on the market at about £12 ($15) but it looks much more professional than some of the other cheap injectors out there.
Another thing I noticed when shopping around and comparing the different injectors, is that this one has a 150mA battery, which BitFunx say will allow for 2000 injections over 60 days before needing a recharge. I know this might not be too much of a concern for some people, but the other cheap injectors only have a 60mA battery in them. So this one is going to last much longer between charges if you're worried about that sort of thing.

I know some people have debated the size of this dongle, saying that it is too big and bulky but it really isn't. If you compare it to the SX injector then yes, this one is bigger, but it's only 7cm long which is about the size of a regular USB stick which makes it very easy to carry in your pocket or in the case with your switch.
And also remember that if you want the SX injector it costs $25, and we've already seen how people have received SX injectors with dead or dying capacitors which have proven annoying to replace. But as the NS-Atmosphere injector has a Li-Ion battery it should be easier to replace if the battery every need it. (not hating on SX, just saying for comparisions sake)

So yeah those are my thoughts of the ns-atmosphere dongle and I gotta say I'm very happy with it. Really glad I went with this one and not the translucent black one that seems quite popular, even if just for the look and feel of it.
Here's what the inside looks like

Thanks for reading the ramblings of this nerd. I hope it was insightful/useful to someone.

You can find the download links for all the software and their own how-to guides at the website: http://www.ns-atmosphere.com/en/

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