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Translation Ni no Kuni Translation [ENG]



Staff member
Project Status - December 9th, 2018
Released! Woo hoo!
Release date: December 9th, 2018

Project Description:
On December 9th, 2010 Level-5 and Studio Ghibli released the first game in the Ni no Kuni franchise, 二ノ国 漆黒の魔導士 (Ni no Kuni: Shikkoku no Madōshi), for the Nintendo DS. The game came with a massive 352 page tome that was required to play the game, which ended up being the reason the game was never brought to audiences outside of Japan.

On December 9th, 2018 a plucky group of fans released the first fan-translated version of that same game, titled "Ni no Kuni: The Jet-Black Mage" in English, following a Spanish translation several years prior. The fan translation comes with an even bigger 372 page book that is required to play the game, and which ended up being the reason that the game was released in December and not in the spring of 2018.

Project started: before 2014.
Project lead: Zkarts
ROM Hacker: Pleonex
Main translator, project reporter and coordinator: Anjiera


Official patch v1.0


Or direct link to the download here:
The link contains the translation patch AND the required translated Magic book in pdf format.

OK7MO prepared a savegame with ALL DLC unlocked at the first save point at the start of the game.

Progress note:
These are for clean new game only.
These savegame files are not useful to you if you already started the game and have any story progress.
If you never played, you are encouraged to first watch the introduction by selecting "new game" and reset the game when you can walk with Oliver in his bedroom, then load the provided savegame to continue from the same place.

It works with the official patch, the restored ARM7 patch, and previous team's spanish translation patch too.
Not tested with retrogameFan patch.

Grab the savegames here : https://gbatemp.net/posts/9042991/
be sure to read the readme about available gazette and the two different save files.

Custom User's patches

- v1.0 restored ARM7 patch
English patch v1.0 with restored unpatched ARM7.bin, to apply on a Japanese clean ROM.

- Icon patch
Translated game icon and title patch, to apply on an already English patched ROM (original or restored arm7).

- RetrogameFan v1.0 patch - New link here
English patch v1.0 for Flashcarts using YSMenu 7.0.6 firmware, apply on a clean japanese ROM. Do not add the icon and title patch. update your flashcart to YSmenu 7.0.6

Unlock the DLCs and gazette Daily news

There are three methods you can use to unlock the DLC and the daily news.
Though, the daily news are untranslated on the English patch (they are on the Spanish patch version) and will crash the game. It's not a big problem, as daily news are not part of the story, but accessed on the main menu, before loading your savegame.

1. You can patch your own savegame yourself using Dielsi, from Pleonex, the main project's hacker:

2. There's also the online spoofing solution if you play on console or your emulator can access internet :

3. Or a cheatcode unlocking solution if you play on emulators (this might work with flashcard too ?).

Bugs, translation errors and issue reports

Anjiera has set up an email address you can send screenshots to, so if you have anything that is easier shown that described, please send it to:

Edit by Cyan in early 2020: nobody ever got any answer from that email, and the project owner never came back since the patch release.
We don't know if the report ever got read or will one day result in a new updated and fixed release.
You can send your screenshot anyway, we never know!

Known issues with Patch v1.0

these are not officially acknowledged by the translation team.
They are some gathered reports from users in this thread gathered here.

General recommendation:
Always keep a backup of your savegames whenever you can, even if you never need to transfer your save (from flashcart to emulator, etc.).
In case the game has an unreported bug and you lose your current progress you won't have to restart the game from the beginning.

1) Sleep mode doesn't work
This is caused by AP (anti piracy) check done by the game.
The game contains multiple flash cart detection which is not fully patched and creates issues with some flashcart.

- use an emulator
- try another flashcart
- wait for next patch release with an AP fix
- try another arm7.bin, Hephaestus made a modified patch with original arm7, you can try it but some flashcart might not work with it either.
-try reformatting your SD card to use a large block size (a Redditor claimed this alone solved it for them)
- don't close the console, always save and exit the game when you want to stop playing.

Anjiera about possible AP encountered issues said:
The three things that we saw caused by AP during testing:
[1] Your game won't even load, you will get a white screen before the main game screen.
[2] If you get past that, you can still have problems about 40 minutes into the game. Your game will hang when you try to fight in any battle. Unfortunately there aren't any nice save points right before the first battle in the game, so even if you have saved often you will lose some game progress before finding out that the AP feature is screwing your file over. The save file will be good to go once the patch is fixed, but we don't really know when that will be yet.
[3] the sleep hang that people are talking about here - this happened so much I forgot it was a problem with the patch and not the flashcard, so... we didn't even try to fix it until people started mentioning it here. Sorry for that, folks! We knew about it, but we got used to it after years and years of dealing with it. :/

No promises on when we will be able to fix the flashcart issues, but hopefully you can enjoy it on another device in the meantime.

2) patching error
Xdelta 3 error, couldn't patch etc....

cause: wrong xdelta version.
solution: Please use xDelta UI v1.1, not xdelta 3. https://www.romhacking.net/utilities/598/

3) Different progress blocking bugs
- In the dream world, you can't give the correct answer. The game is misinterpreting the 0 for an O letter.
- The game freezes when performing the resurrection spell. (note: You don't need it to complete the game)
- The game freezes when exchanging medals for prizes in Casino.

The current workaround for all these 3 progress blocking bugs, until they are addressed into a future patch, is to complete these actions on the Spanish or Japanese ROM, then re-import the savegame to english game.
Another solution you can try is to use an emulator, another flashcart, the other game patch based on the one you are currently using (altered or original arm7 patch, see issue 1 above for links).

4) Whitescreen or Error number with flashcard using Ysmenu
YSmenu header file is outdated, it doesn't have the patched game information.

- Update your YSmenu version to 7.06
- Patch your clean Japanese ROM using the patch specifically created for YSMenu. (link provided in the user's patch section above)

5) Freeze at random location while playing.
The SD card might not be fast enough.

- Use a faster SD card, at least class10.
- Try reformatting your SD card to use a large block size

6) Crash when healing a main character out of battles
Some people experienced this issue. It could also happen with antidote.
Try to heal main character (humans) before the end of the battle, or use items outside of battles.
You can heal your imagens without crashes outside of battles, just don't heal the humans.

Flashcart and media compatibility

Unofficial list.
Please help maintaining a list of compatible flashcarts by reporting yours.
If you have one of the non working card, please test it again with the updated YSmenu version.
Provide as much information as you can : FULL name and version, Manufacturer website URL if present, Current kernel or firmware version.



YouTube video of the translation in action:

Progress update Summer 2018
Patch: Unreleased
Release date: When it is good enough for release (2018, 2019, 2030? when it's done!) It's been many years since this game came out, you can wait a little longer.
Demo Release: No pre-patch or demo will be released, please just wait for the official release announcement.

Current Status: Translation completed, the team is formatting the text to look good on screen and fixing latest bugs before release.
Job wanted: None. Translation is done, graphics are done, hacking is done.
Play testers wanted: None. The team has enough play testers at this point. Thank you for your support.

Progress percentage updated March 10th 2018
Text: 100% of the text translated (excluding the bonus content that amounted to a news digest of tweet-like things accessible before you launch a save file)
Edited: 26% (+13%), Actually it's more than 26%, because some text blocks are already displaying fine in-game and don't need to be edited.
Images: 99.99% (+0%), still one image to go?

Spring 2018 update:
It is still a work in progress - or rather, a work in the seemingly interminable editing and bug fixing stage. BUT. It is still happening, yes. Hahah.
It'll never be perfect, but we keep finding little things that make it tricky to play and some of the technical issues need a delicate hand.
Thanks for your patience and encouragement!

Progress update April 2016
Text: 49% translated
Image: 90% translated

Progress updated June 16th 2016
Text: 51.25% of the text translated, ~12% of that has been edited.
Images: 100% of the images have been translated, and of that 85% have been photoshopped.

Progress updated August 15th 2016
Text: 53.83% of the text translated, 13% edited.
Images: 100% of the images have been translated, and 86.83% have been 'shopped.

Progress updated August 29th 2016
Text: 56.78% of the text translated ( +2.95% in 2 weeks. Woo! That's some sweet progress - things are picking up! :D )
No recent editing or graphics work done, but we've got a couple of new people starting to look at those areas, so we might see some jumps there soon. :)

Progress updated September 12th 2016
Text: 61.42% of the text translated (+4.64% since August 29th)

Progress updated October 18th 2016
Updated stats:
Text: 66.87% of the text translated (+5.45% since Sept. 12th)

Progress updated November 21st 2016
Text: 70.20% of the text translated (+3.33% since last update)

Progress updated December 5th 2016
Text: 72.73% of the text translated (+2.53% since last update)

Progress updated December 20th 2016
Text: 80.02% of the text translated (+7.29% since December 5th)
Edited: 13.47% not really moving much, a lot of editors have seemingly vanished
Graphics: 100% of the images have been translated, 95.59% 'shopped (About ~75 images, not counting any rework as we play the game and see what is broken on screen)

Progress updated January 9th 2017
Text: 95.81% of the text translated (+16% since December 20th! :O)
Edited: 13.49% (+0.02%), not moving noticeably, but we're narrowing our focus to areas that were translated before all the terms were nailed down so the % done is not accurate for what we'll consider a release-ready text
Images: 99.99% (+4.5%), only one tricky image left to go, and then we have to check everything in-game to make sure there are no subtle glitches after image import

Progress updated October 9th 2017
Text: 100%[/B] of the text translated (excluding the bonus content that amounted to a news digest of tweet-like things accessible before you launch a save file)
Edited: 13.49% (+0.02%), not moving noticeably, but we're narrowing our focus to areas that were translated before all the terms were nailed down so the % done is not accurate for what we'll consider a release-ready text
Images: 99.99% (+4.5%), only one tricky image left to go, and then we have to check everything in-game to make sure there are no subtle glitches after image import

100% translation doesn't mean the patch is complete and ready. The text is fully translated, it now needs to be re-inserted into the game.
We are currently working on the quality of the translation, including another pass through the text to edit it to sound more like it was translated by 1 person rather than ~20, identifying and fixing incredibly frustrating string wrapping issues and any translation consistency issues noticed during playtests, and repeated area play throughs to verify bug fixes.

Fall 2017 update : Play testing and editing is making progress, but we're not finding it easy to quantify our work at this point.
No more progress %, last changes will be small and will not change the % a lot.
This part includes last minutes bug fixing and full game replay to be sure everything is consistent (word choice, name consistency, menus and text length, etc.), this can take longer than expected for each new found issue will require spending time and dedication to fix and test again.

Progress percentage updated March 10th 2018
Text: 100% of the text translated (excluding the bonus content that amounted to a news digest of tweet-like things accessible before you launch a save file)
Edited: 26% (+13%), Actually it's more than 26%, because some text blocks are already displaying fine in-game and don't need to be edited.
Images: 99.99% (+0%), still one image to go?

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